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T.e. TARIM VE KOYi~LERi BAKANLIGI TARIMSAL ARA~nRMALAR GENEL MOOORLOGO BiTKi KORUMA ARA~TIRMALARI OAiRE BA~KANLIGI ZiRAi MUCADELE ARA§TIRMA- YILLIGI PLANT PROTECTION RESEARCH ANNUAL NO: 26 - 27 (1991 - 1992) TARIMSAL ARA~TIRMALAR GENEL MUOURLuau Bitki Koruma Ara,tlrmalarl Oaire Ba,kanh{J1 Bagdat Cad. No: 208 PK 78 Yenimahalle-ANKARA, 06172 Tel: 3158880 iCiNDEKiLER CONTENTS Sayfa/Page 1- BiTKi ZARARULARI PLANT PESTS A- HUBUBAT ZARARULARI CEREAL PESTS 1. Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde SOne (Eurygaster integriceps Put.)'nin Oogal DO!?manlan ve Etkinlikleri Uzerinde Ara!?tlrJlmalar ................................. 2 Investigations on the Sunn Pest (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) Natural Enemies and Their Effectiveness in Mediterranean Region ......... 3 2. GOneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi'nde SOne (Eurygaster integriceps Pu1.)'nin Yumurtlama Periyodu ile Parazitlenme Araslndaki ili!?kiler Uzerinde Ara!?tlrmalar ........................................................................................... 4 The Studies on the Relationship Between the Egg Period of the Sunn Pest (Eurygaster integricepsPut) and Its Parasitoid in Southeastern Anatolia ...................................................................................... 5 3. GOneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi Tahll Ekili!? Alanlannda G6rOlen Aphidoidea TOrleri, YaYIIl!? Alanlan, Bula!?ma Oranlan ve Oogal DO!?manlan Uzerinde Ara!?tlrmalar ...................................................................... 6 Studies on Aphidoidea Species in Cereals and Their Distributions, Incidences and Natural Enemies in Southeast Anatolia ............................. 7 4. Akdeniz B6lgesi'nde Mislrda Zarar Yapan Bozkurtlar (Agrotis segetum D.-S., A.ipsilonHufn.)'1n Kimyasal MOcadelesi Uzerinde Ara!?tlrmalar ........ 8 Investigations on the Chemical Control of Cutworms (Agrotis segetum D.-S., A.ipsilon Hufn) Harmfull on Corn in Meditteranean Region ................................................................................................................ 9 5. Orta Anadolu B6lgesi'nde Klmll (Aelia restrata Boh.),ln Populasyon Yogunlugunu Etkileyen Entomopatojen Funguslar Ozerinde Ara!?tlrmalar .. 10 Investigations on the Entomopathogenic Fungi Affecting the Population Density of the Sunn Pest (Aelia restrata Boh.) in the Central Anatolia . 11 8- SEBZE VE YEM 8iTKiLERi ZARARULARI VEGETABLE AND FODDER CROP PESTS 1. Qukurova 86lgesi'nde Sebzelerde Beyazsinek (Bemisia tabaciGenn.)'in Kimyasal MOcadelesi Ozerinde Ara!?tlrmalar ................................................... 14 Investigations on the Chemical Control of the White Fly (Bemisia tabaciGenn.) on Vegetables in Qukurova Region of Turkiye ................. 15 Sayfa/Page 2. GOneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi'nde Mercimek ve Nohutlarda Zararh Mantolubocek (Amicta oberthuriHey. )(Lep.: Psychidae )'nin Biyolojisi ve Kimyasal Sava§lmmIn Ara§tlnlmasl .......... " ................................................ , 16 Investigations on the Biology, Hosts and Chemical Control of (Amicta oberthuriHey.)(Lep.:Psychidae) on Leguminosae in Southeast Anatolia .................................,,,.......................... ,'., ... ,. .......................... ,. ......... 17 C- ENOOSTRi VE sOS BiTKiLERi ZARARLILARI INDUSTRiAL AND ORNAMENTAL PLANT PESTS 1. Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde Pamukta Zararll Pamuk Yaprakbiti (Aphis gossypiiGloov.)'nin Kimyasal MOcadelesi Ozerinde Ara§tlrmalar .............. 20 Studies on Chemical Control of Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glov. Injurious in Cotton Fields in Mediterranean Region ............ " ........... 21 2. Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde Pamukta Zararh Klrmlzlorumcek (Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisd.)'in Kimyasal MOcadelesi Ozerinde Ara§tlfmalar ....... 22 Studies on Chemical Control of Red Spider Mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisd. Injurious on Cotton in Mediterranean Region ....... 23 3. Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde Pamukta Pamuk Yaprakkurdu (Spodoptera littoralis Boisd.)'nun Kimyasal MOcadelesi Ozerinde Ara§tlrmalar .............. 24 Studies on Chemical Control of Cotton Leaf Worm, Spodoptera littoralis Boisd., Injurious on Cotton in Mediterranean Region ....... "".... 25 4, Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde Pamukta Zararll Ye§ilkurt (Heliothis armigera Hbn.)'un Kimyasal MOcadelesi Ozerinde Ara§tlrmalar ................................... 26 Studies on Chemical Control of Boll Worm Heliothis armigera Hbn. Injurious on Cotton in Mediterranean Region ................. " .... " ........... 27 5. Pamukta Erken Oonemde GorOien Emicilere Kar§1 Ekimle Birlikte Temik 15 G Uygulamasl Ozerinde Ara§tlrmalar .......................................................... 28 Studies on Temik 15 G Apllications with Sowing to Control the Sucking Pests Injurious on Early Stage Vegetation of Cotton ..""............ 29 6. Temik 15 G ilacInln Pamukta Erken 06nemde GorOlen Emicilere Kar§1 Biyolojik Aktivitesinin Saptanmasl ."...................................................... ' ........... 30 Biological Activitiy of Temik 15 G Against the Early Season Sucking Pests on Cotton .. ,. ........... ", .. ', ......................................................................... 31 7, Akdeniz BOlgesi Kanola (Brassica napus vaL oleifera O.G.) Alanla­ nnda Zararh ve Faydah Fauna Ozerinde Ara§tlrmalar .................................... 32 Faunistic Studies on Rape, Brassica napus vaL oleifera O.G. fields in Mediterranean Region ..................................................................... 33 II Sayfa/Page D- MEYVE VE BAG ZARARLILARI FRUIT AND VINEYARD PESTS 1. Dogu Anadolu Bolgesi Meyve ve Bag Fidanliklannda Bulunan Zararlilar Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar ......................................................................... 36 Studies on Determination of Pests Being Present in Nurseries in East Ana tolia ................................................................................................... 37 2. Karadeniz Bolgesi'ndeki Meyve Fidanliklanndaki Zararlilann Belir­ lenmesi Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar ........................................................................... 38 Research on the Determination of the Pests Occurring in Nurseries in the Black Sea Region ............................................................... 39 3. Ege BOlgesi Elma Bahc;elerinde Elma ic;kurdu (Cydia pomonella L.) Egeysel C;ekici Tuzaklan Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar ........................................ 40 Investigations on the Sex-Pheromone Traps of Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in the Apple Orchards in Western Part of Turkiye .............................................................................................................. 41 4. Ege Bolgesi Meyve Fidanliklannda Bulunan Zararlilar ile ilgili Sorun­ lann Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar .......................................................... 42 Investigations on the Pests Infested Fruit Nurseries in Aegean Region .............................................................................................................. 43 5. Ege Bolgesi Bag Fidanllklannda Bulunan Zararillaria ilgili Sorun­ lann Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar .......................................................... 44 Invetigations on the Problems of the Pests in Grapevine Nurseries in Aegean Region ......................................................................... 45 E- SUBTROPiKAL BiTKi ZARARLILARI SUBTROPICAL PLANT PESTS 1. Antalya ilinde Turunc;gil Pasboclisli (Phyllocoptruta oleivora Ashm. )'nlin Biyolojik Mlicadele Olanaklan Ozerinde On C;ali9malar ............ 48 Preliminary Studies on Biological Control Possibilities of Citrus Rust-Mite (Phylllocoptruta oleivora Ashm.) in Antalya ........................ 49 2. Dogu Akdeniz Bolgesi Turunc;gil Agac;lannda Zararli Pamuk Yaprakbiti (Aphis gossypii Glov., Hom.:Aphididae)'nin Kimyasal Mucadelesi Ozerinde Ara9tlrmalar ................................................... 50 Studies Chemical Control of Cotton Aphid (Aphis gossypiiGlov., Hom.:Aphididae) on Citrus in Eastern Mediterrean Region ...................... 51 3. Turunc;gil Unlubiti (Planococcrus citri Risso, Hom.:Pseudococcidae), nin Parazitoidi Anagyrus pseudococci(Girault) (Hym.:Encyrtidae)'in Kille Oretimi Uzerinde Ara9tlrmalar ................................................................... 52 Research on the Mass Production of Citrus Mealy Bug (Planococcus citri Risso, Hom.: Pseudococcidae), Parazitoid Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault)(Hym.:Encyrtidae) .................................................. 53 III Sayfa/Page 4. Turun<;gil Bah<;elerinde Kulianllan Bazi Pestisitierin Cryptolaemus montrouzieriMuls. (Col.: Coccinellidae) ve Leptomastix dactylopii How. (Hym.:Encrytidae)'ye Etkileri ................................................ 54 The Side Effects of Some Pesticidies Used in Citrus Orchards on Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls. (Col.:Coccinellidae) and Leptomastix dactylopiiHom. (Hym.:Encyrtidae) ........................... 55 5. Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesinde Antepflstlklannda Zarar Yapan Yaprak Psyllasl (Agonoscena targonii Licht) (Hom.:Aphalaridae),na Ka191 ila<;1i Mucadelesinin Yonetimi Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ............................ 56 Investigations About Management of Chemical Treatments Against Agonoscena targionii Licht. (Hom.: Aphalaridae) Pest on Pistachio Trees in South Eastern Anatolia, Turkiye ................................... 57 F- GENEL ZARARLILAR GENERAL PESTS 1. Guneydogu Anadolu Projesi (GAP),ne Giren illerde Cekirge Turleri, YaYIIi~ Alanlan ve Populasyon Durumlan Ozerinde Call~malar .................... 60 Studies on Locust Species and Their Distributions and Population Densities in Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP) Provinces ........................ 61 G- BiTKi PARAZiTi NEMATODLAR PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES 1. OrtU Albnda Yeti~tirilen Sus Bitkilerinde GorDlen Bilki Parazit Nematod­ lanmn ve Oreticilerin Yaptlgl MDcadele Uygulamalanntn Tespiti .................. 64 Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Farmer Apllications to the Ornamental Plants in Greenhouses .................................................. 65 2. Ege Bolgesi'nde Meyve FidanclIIQlnl Sertifikasyon A<;lslndan Etkileyen Kok-ur Nematodu (Meloidogyne spp.) ve Turun<;gil Nematodu (Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb. )'nun Bula~lk"k Durumunun Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Cah~malar ...................................................................... 66 Situation of the Root-Knot Nematodes Meloidogyne spp. and Citrus Nematodes Tylenchulus semipenetrans CObb. Threatining the Nurseries of the Aegean Region ................................................................... 67 3. Ege Bolgesi'nde uretilmesi Du~OnOlen Erik CogOr Ana<;lanmn Kok-ur Nematodlan (Meloidogyne spp.}'na Olan Duyarliliklanmn Saptanmasl ... 68 Suscepibility of the Plum Stock to the Root-Knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne spp......................................................................................... 69 4. Zonguldak ilinin Cilek Yeti~tirilen Alanlannda Bulunan Bitki Paraziti Nematodlann Saptanmasl ve Onemli Olanlan Yogunluklanmn Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Cali~malar .....: ................................................................ 70 Studies on the Determination of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Their Populations in Strawberry Plantations in Zonguldak Province of Turkiye ......................................................................................... 71 IV Sayfa/Page 11- 8iTKi HASTALlKLARI PLANT DISEASES A- HUBU8AT HASTALlKLARI CEREAL DISEASES 1. Bazl Ticari Bugday Ce~itleri ile Makarnallk 8ugday Hatlarlnln Surme Etmenleri (Tilletia foetida"Wall." Liro., T. caries D.C. Tul.) Irklanna Kar~1 Reaksiyonlannln Saptanmasl ................................................................... 74 The Reactions of Some Commercial Wheat Varities and Durum Lines to Pathogenic Races of Tilletia foetida and T. caries ........................... 75 2. Ege 86/gesi Arpa Ekim A/anJarmda GaD/en Rastlk (Ustilago spp.) Hastallklannln Saptanmasl Uzerinde Ara~tlrmalar .......................................... 76 Investigation on the Determination of Barley Smuts (Ustilago . spp.) Occuring in the Aegean Region .......................................................... 77 3. Mlslr Ce~itlerinin hastahklara (Fusarium moniliformeSheld., Cephalosporium maydis Samra Sabet and Hin ve Helminthosporium turcicum Pass.) Kar~1 Duyarllllklannm Saptanmasl ve 8u Hastahklara Dayanlkh Ce~itlerin Geli~tirilmesi Ozerinde Call~malar .................................. 78 Studies on the Determination of Susceptibility of Maize to (Fusarium moniliforme Sheld., Cephalosporium maydis Samra Sabet and Hin and Helminthospodum turcicum Pass. and the Development of Varieties Resistant to These Diseases ..................... 79 8- SEBZE VE YEM 8iTKiLERi HASTA LI KLAR 1 VEGETABLE AND FODDER CROP DISEASES 1. Akdeniz 8i:ilgesi Or1O Aitl Sebze Alanlannda Gi:irulen Fungal Hastahklar ............................................................................................................. 82 Survey Studies on Fungal Diseases of Covered Vegetable Areas in Mediterranean Region ............................................................................... 83 2. Oogu Anadolu 8i:ilgesi'nde Patateslerde Sorun Olan Fungal Has­ tahklann Tespiti Ozerinde On Call~malar .......................................................... 84 Preliminary Studies on the Determination of Fungal Diseases That Cause Problems with Potatoes Grown in East Anatolia Region .............. 85 3. Orta Anadolu Bi:i!gesi'nde Patates Oretim Alanlannln 8akteriyel Halka Curuklugu Hastahgl ( Clavibacter michigensis ssp. sepedonicus) Yi:inunden incelenmesi ........................................................................................ 86 Screening of Potato Growing Areas in Central Anatolia for the Presence of Ring Rot ( Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sependonicus) Disease ............................................................................... 87 4. Oogu Akdeniz 8i:ilgesi Or1Oaltl Sebze Yeti~tiriciliginde Gi:irulen Virus Hastaltklannm 8elirlenmesi Ozerine Ara~tlrmalar ........................................... 88 Investigations on the Identification of Virus Diseases of Protected Vegetable Crops in East Mediterrenean Region ........................................ 89 V Sayfa/Page 5. GOneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi'nde Mercimeklerde GorOlen Kokbogazi yOrOklOgO [Phoma medicaginisMalbr. &Roum. var. pinodella(Jones) Boerema1 Hastahglna Kar91 MOcadele OlanakJarr uzerinde Ara9tlrmalar .... 90 Studies on the Control of the Foot Rot of Lentil Caused by (Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella in Southeast Anatolia .................. 91 6. Guneydogu Anadolu Bo\gesi'nde Mercimeklerde GorOlen Mildiyo (Peronospora lentis Gaum.) Hastahglna Kar;>1 MOcadele Olanak- Ian Uzerinde Ara~tlrmalar ................................................................................... 92 Studies on the Control of Lentil Mildew (Peronospora lentisGaum.) in the Southeast Anatolia Region ................................................................. 93 C- ENDUSTRi VE SUS BiTKiLERi HASTALlKLARI INDUSTRIAL AND ORNAMENTAL PLANT DISEASES 1. Pamuk Solgunluk Hastallgl Etmeni ( Veriticillium dahliae Kleb. )'ne Kar91 Pamuk ye~itlerinin Duyarllhklannln Belirlenmesi Uzerinde Ara91lrmalar .... 96 Behaviour of Some Cotton Varieties to Cotton Wilt Disease Caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb ............................................................................. 97 2. Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi'nde Pamuk Ekim Alanlannda Gorulen Hastahklar Uzerinde yali9malar ......................................................................... 98 Studies on the Diseases of Cotton in the Southeast Anatolia Region .... 99 3. Ege Bolgesi Aygigegi Uretim Alanlannda Gorulen Fungal Hastahklar ile Bulunu9 Oranlan ve Yayglnhk DurumJannln Saptanmasl Uzerinde Ara9tlrmalar ........................................................................................................ 100 Studies on Fungal Diseases of Sunflower, Their Incidence and Prevalence in Aegean Region .............................'" ..................................... 101 4. Hububat-Aygigegi Ekim Sisteminde Anlz Yakmamn Bazl Onemli Toprak Kaynakh Patojenlere ve Bunlann Antogonistlerine Etkisi Uzerinde Ara~tlrmalar ............................................................................. 102 Studies on the Effects of Stubble Burning on Certain SOil Borne Pathogens and Their Antagonists in Sowing System of Cereals and Sunflowers ............................................................................... 103 5. Susamlarda Kok ve Kokbogazi yOrOklOgO Hastallklan Uzerinde Ara9tlrmalar ........................................................................................................ 104 Studies on Root and Crown Rot Disease of the Sesame ....................... 105 6. Susamlarda Virus ve Benzeri Hastallklar Uzerinde Ara9tJrmaiar ................ 106 Studies on Virus and Virus-Like Diseases on the Sesame ..................... 107 7. Soya'da Tohumluk ilaglamaslnln Soya Azot Bakterisi (Rhizobacterium japonicum Kirchner)'nin Nodozite Olu9turmaslna Etkisi Uzeinde yal19malar ........................................................................................................... 108 Effects of Treatments on Nodul Making of Soybean Nitrobacterium (Rhizobacterium japonicum Kirchner) .................................................. 109 VI Sayfa/Page D- MEYVE VE BAG HASTALlKLARI FRUIT AND VINEYARD DISEASES 1. Isparta iii Elma Aga91annda Meyvelerin kU9Uk Kalma Nedenlerinin Virus ve Mikroplazma Yonunden incelenmesi ......................................................... 112 Investigations on Viruses and Mycoplasmas Which May Cause to Small Sized Aplle Fruit in Isparta ................................................................ 113 2. Guneydogu Anadolu Bolgesi'nde Yumu~ak Cekirdekli Meyve Aga9la­ nnda Gorulen Ate~ Yamkllgl [Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.l Hastallgl Ozerinde On Call~malar .................................................................... 114 Prelimenary Studies on the Fire Blight [Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winslow et al.l of Pome Fruits in Southeasthern Anatolia Region ...............................................................................................: ............ 115 3. Afyon iii Vi~ne Aga91annda Zarar Yapan Yaprak Esmerle~mesi Hasta­ IIgl (Gnomonia erythrostoma Pers. Auerw.)'nin Biyoekolojisi ve MOcadele Olanaklan Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar .................................................. 116 Investigations on the Bioecology and Control of the Leaf Scorch (Gnomonia erythrostoma Pers. Auerw) Disease That Causes Damage on Sour Chery Trees in Afyon .......... ,. ......................................... 117 4. Karadeniz Bolgesinde Meyve Fidanhklannda Gorulen Fungal Hastallk­ lar Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ...................................... ............................................ 118 Investigations on the Fungal Diseases Occurring in Fruit Tree Nurseries in the Black Sea Region ............................................................. 119 5. Dogu Anadolu Belgesi Meyve Fidanllklannda Gerulen Fungal Hasta­ hklann Saptanmasl ........ ........................................................... ................ ......... 120 Determination of Fungal Diseases on the Nursery Fields in East Region .................................................................................. ,. ...,. ................... 121 6. Akdeniz Belgesi Meyve Fidanhklannda GorOien Fungal ve Bakteriyel Hastahklann T espiti Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar .................................................... 122 Resherces Sur La Determination Des Maladies Fongiques et Bacteriennes Dans Les Repinieres De La Region Mediterranienne ..... 123 7. Ege Bolgesi'nde Meyve Fidanhklannda Gerulen Bakteriyel Hastahk­ lann Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ........................................................ 124 An Investigations on Bacterial Disease Problems With Fruit Nurseries in Aegean Region ....................................................................... 125 8. Ege Belgesi Bag Fidanhklannda GorOlen Fungal Hastallklar Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ........................................................................................................ 126 Investigations on the Fungal Diseases of Vine NUrseries in Aegean Region ............ ........ ....... ........................... ................ ............ ....... 127 9. Ege Bolgesi'nde Bag Fidanhklannda GerOlen Bakteriyel Hastahklann Belirlenmesi Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ................................................................. 128 An Investigation on Bacterial Disease Problems With Vine Nurseries in Aegean Region .......... " .. ,. ......................................................................... 129 VII Sayfa/Page 10. Klon Seleksiyonu veya introduksiyon Yoluyla Edilmi~ Olan BaZI Ozum ve Amerikan Asma Anaci Ce~itlerinin Virus ve Virus Benzeri Hastahklar Yonunden Endekslenmesi Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar .........: ............................... 130 Indexin Experiments on the Grape Virus Diseases of Some Grapevine Varieties and Rootstocks ............................................................................. 131 11. Ege Bolgesi'nde Cekirdeksiz Ozum!~rde Gibberellik Asit (GA3) Uygula­ malanmn Bag Hastahklanna Etkisi Uzerinde Ara~ttrmalar ........................... 132 Influence of the Gibberellik Acid (GA3) Apllications on the Seedless Grape Diseases in the Aegean Region ..................................................... 133 E- SUBTROPiKAL BiTKi HAST AUKLARI SUBTROPICAL PLANT DISEASES 1. Dogu Akdeniz Bolgesi'nde Yeti~tirilen Turunt;gillerde Crinkly Leaf Virus Hastaltglnln Saptanmasl Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ......................... 136 Investigations on Detection of Crinkly Leaf Virus Disease in East Mediterranean Citrus Growing Areas ................................................ 137 2. izmir iii Satsuma Alanlarrnda Kurumalara Neden Olan Got;Oren (Tristeza) Virus Irktanmn Tantml ve Bulunu~ Oranlanmn Saptanmasl Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ................................................................. 138 Investigation on the Distribution and the Determination of the Strains of Tristeza Virus Causes Decline on Satsuma Mandarin Trees in izmir ............................................................................... 139 111- YABANCIOTLAR WEEDS 1. Orta Anadolu Bolgesi Bugday Tarlalannda Sorun Olan Yabanclotlann YaYlh~1 ve Yogunluklanntn Tespiti ile Onemli Olanlann Cimlenme Biyolojileri Ozerinde Ara~tlrmalar ..................................................................... 142 Determination of the Distribution and Abundances of Weeds in Wheat Fields and Researches on the Germination Biology of the Important Ones .................................................................... 143 2. Orta Anadolu Bolgesi'nde Hububat Alanlannda Sorun Olan Dar Yaprakh Yabanclotlarla ilat;h Mucadele Olanaklan ................................ 144 Chemical Control Trials Against Monocot Weeds in Cereals in Central Anatolia Region ........................................................................... 145 3. Karadeniz BOlgesi Celtik Alanlannda Sorun Olan Dancan (Echinochloa ssp.) TOrlerine Kar~1 Kullanllan ilat;lann Etki Durumlanntn Yeniden Tespiti Ozerinde Cah~malar ...................................... 146 Studies of the Re-Determination 6f the Efficacy of the Products Used Againt Echinochloa spp. Which Are Troublesome in the Rice Growing Areas in the Black Sea Region .......................................... 147 VIII

Screening of Potato Growing Areas in Central Anatolia for the. Presence of Ring Rot ( Clavibacter Ballkesir-Edremit, Mugla-Bodrum,. Kbycegiz, Ortaca, Aydm-Merkez, Ko~arll, Nazilli, Sbke, Kuyucak il~eleri turun~gil ne tilannda rastlandl. • Zirai MOcadele Ara:'itlrrna EnstilOsO - ADANA. 122
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