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Wisdom of Eosphoros: The Luciferian Philosophy PDF

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WISDOM OF EÔSPHOROS Greater Church of Lucifer By Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow & Hope Marie WISDOM OF EÔSPHOROS By Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow & Hope Marie ISBN 978-1512153477 First SPCS Edition Copyright © 2015 by Michael W. Ford & Greater Church of Lucifer Contents except for where contributing author is credited is authored by Michael W. Ford. Materials by Jacob No, Jeremy Crow & Hope Marie are copyrighted under GCOL (Greater Church of Lucifer), Wisdom of Eosphoros and under individual authors. All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reproduced, transmitted, or utilized, in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission in writing from the publisher, except for brief quotations in critical articles, books and reviews. All images without explicit copyright citations are in public domain. First Edition 2015 Succubus Productions Information: Succubus Productions PO Box 926344 Houston, TX 77292 USA Website: http://greaterchurchoflucifer.org/ Succubus Books: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/succubusbooks CONTENTS Forward…………………………………………………………….…pg. 9 Introduction by Jacob No…………………………………………....pg 11 Part One: Basic Luciferian Philosophy Greater Church of Lucifer (GCOL) …………………………….…..pg 18 GCOL Symbol and Meaning……………………………………...…pg. 21 Am I Luciferian? ..................................................................................pg 23 Luciferianism & Our Origins………………………………………..pg. 27 Beginning & Applying Luciferian in Practice ……………………..pg. 33 11 Luciferian Points of Power………………………………………..pg. 34 The Philosophy of SelfLiberation and Power………………............pg. 45 Who is Lucifer? .....................................................................................pg. 46 Lapsit Exillis – The Stone Fallen From Heaven……………………pg. 52 Islam and Christianity ……………………………………………....pg. 53 The Concept of Light and Darkness in Luciferianism…………..pg. 58 Regarding Life and Death ………………………………………….pg. 64 Regarding the Origins of Humanity ……………………………….pg. 67 Luciferian Ideology: What do Luciferians Believe? .........................pg. 70 Lucifer by Hope Marie ……………………………………………..pg. 72 The Differences between Right Hand Path & Left Hand Path …..pg. 73 Part Two: True Will & Daemonic Symbolism Fire and Shadow: Mythical Symbols and Attaining SelfIllumination pg. 79 Hellenistic Origins of the Daemon …………………………………pg. 81 Hellenistic Ruler Cult: Agathodaimon & Kakodaimon …………pg. 82 Understanding Ancient Pantheons before Christianity ………….pg. 85 The Daemon Symbolized in Art …………………………………….pg. 90 Apotheosis – The Path of SelfIllumination ……………………….pg. 96 Luciferian Prayer ……………………………………………………...pg. 102 New Luciferian Era – End of the World by Jeremy Crow ……….pg. 104 The GCOL Wolf Symbol ………………………………………….pg. 119 Equilibrium by Jacob No ………………………………………….pg. 120 Now to Begin: Igniting the Black Flame …………………………pg. 134 Rex Mundi – King of the World …………………………………..pg. 135 For More Information ……………………………………………...pg. 136 About the Authors …………………………………………………pg. 137 The Adversary That I am ancient among civilizations, bringing the Torch of Flame which ignites the common clay and burns with life, My names are many; each commanding and concealing a specific type of power and energy not only within nature, but also within you! Samael, Ashtar- Chemosh, Apollo-Helios, Athtar the Rebel, Apollyon the King of the Bottomless Pit, Oriens, Ea, Prometheus and let us not forget, Lucifer. Ancient man honored me as the conquering Light Bringer, Ancient woman honored my consorts in their various Masks of Power and Energy: Hecate Phosphorus, Artemis, Ashteroth, Astarte, Inanna, Ishtar and many more. I am along with my consort manifest in the Morning and Evening Star, Eosphoros and Vesperus! Many have called me the Devil or Satan, This does not insult me for I am the enemy of the slave-religions and deathworshipping cults of Jehova. The Ethereal Trumpet is sounded from the dark abode of Tartarus, for this is your call to ascend with me! Be in the mask of the Devil or some Dark Terror, yet within you is the mask of the brightest, golden-flamed in shadowed hues: Angel of Light! I am Lucifer; I bring in many forms the Black Flame. Yet I am a symbol for your balance between the darkness and light, both dwell within you! I am the Only God which Is for I am a symbol of you! For I am not, your Temple of Mind, Body and Spirit is on the lion-flanked Throne, deity of your own thoughts and paths! Look upon me for with my Name of Power am I triumphant and bearing a great and terrible light! -Michael W. Ford Forward Eôsphoros, ‘ Εωσφορος’ (pronunciation: eh-aw-s-fOR-aw s) is the Greek name for the Latin Lucifer, ‘Dawn Bringer’; the planet Venus was known by this name along with Hesperos ‘Ἑσπερος’, known in Latin as Vesperus, ‘Evening Star’. The name of this introductory work of the Greater Church of Lucifer presents the very light-bringing philosophy of which this organization is based. You will read much on the philosophy of Luciferianism, how you may apply it in your life and transform yourself during the course of the life you possess now. This should be the beginning of a series of life-changing moments in which the sparks of consciousness with soon ignite the inner-torch of the Black Flame. You are not required to invest belief in a concept of blind-faith; rather you are encouraged to question everything and validate all that you undertake on your individual path. The Left Hand Path is simply, a gateway to deciding the greatness of life you shall experience in due course. Think, speak and act as if everything, even in the smallest detail, has an effect which will heighten or lessen your experience. Don’t over-think this; I know it can be overwhelming at first. Use this work to provide you with a good friend which is found in the philosophy contained herein. Luciferianism is a modern assimilation of many ancient preChristian pagan beliefs and practices, from a modern Left Hand Path interpretation. I always recognized the image of “the Devil” or “Satan” as having positive traits of self- reliance, critical thought, selfliberation from restrictive belief, individuality and an understanding of strategy. Lucifer, the bright god of Venus, is no different. I never pretended to deny the darkness; the shadow is within all of us, ever waiting to find a means of expression via our thoughts, words and actions. The darkness should not be perceived as “evil”, however. The primal instinct which was a gift of our “reptile brain” during the long process of evolution served us well; we became the self-conscious species which has both the potential for our greatness or complete destruction. The human desire to master and conquer others is not to be denied; when the Communists sought to take away the desire for this via socialism, it merely found expression in the violent and repressive actions of the leaders. By trying to remove individualism they tried everything they could without understanding a critical fact: we are unique and have deep unconscious instincts which may be beneficial or malicious depending on how we control and guide them. As a philosophy, Luciferianism will slowly change the way your brain functions and change perhaps the physical structure of it. Luciferians may consciously evolve and become by our thoughts, words and actions in this life. We honor our carnal natures, with indulgence guided by self-control; the spiritual path is also open to us equally. The image of the adversary, the motivator of the universe, is far more an ideal model for human possibility than, say, Jesus or Buddha. Luciferians don’t want to escape the world, we wish to possess it and all that we can influence. If you apply this work with dedication and recognize the results, your life will change in ways you could never have dreamed. Michael W. Ford, 4/29/2015 Introduction By Jacob No The Greater Church of Lucifer is an organization that was started to bring people out of mental slavery. Mankind has unbelievable potential, but we have been kept in a box. We are here to bring freedom and power back to the individual. We are here to help you realize that you are the god or goddess of your own world; that nothing outside of self dictates your moves or your desires. We are a non-dogmatic religion and a deeper philosophy of self and the world we live in. Unlike in dogmatic religions, none of the leadership will tell you how to live your life. We encourage all of our members to seek things for themselves and come up with their own answers. There is no one truth, can never be one truth, and we will never tell you that there is one. There is no good or evil, right or wrong, or any one specific path that is ideal for everyone. We are not dualists, we are realists. What works in one situation is completely different in another situation. We all have different viewpoints, none more valid than any other. The name Greater Church of Lucifer loosely translates to a gathering of likeminded individuals who seek to become like the Bearer of Light. We use words for their literal translations. We do not translate the word Lucifer to mean Satan, or any deity at all; the mythology and variants between the Morning and Evening Star in different cultures can be confusing. This work will present the basics and the meaning of Lucifer within our unique perspective. The original use of the word Lucifer was in reference to a star that shone in the morning and foreshadowed the coming day. The name translates to “bearer of light,” or “Morning Star” and we use it for this meaning as an archetype of self. The members of the church are viewed as “bearers of light” in the sense that they have started their path of awakening and breaking the bonds of mental slavery. Notice, “bearers of light” in that we each possess the inner light of intelligence, consciousness and as we evolve and grow in power, wisdom. Like Lucifer, Prometheus or Azazel we offer the fire of awareness to others, knowing full well not all will actually take it. There are those brave minds, sick of dogmatic religion and the restriction of blind faith, which will use our gift of the fire of knowledge to ignite their inner fiery light of consciousness. This is the very foundation of that which the GCOL is established upon. We translate the word church to mean a gathering of likeminded people. I chose the word “church” because those who seek us most likely will not be the well- studied occultists, but the people who are “on the fence” about religion. Our focus are the people who are undecided or unhappy in their religion and don’t know where to turn; those who are willing to stand strong and be courageous in the adventure of their own selfevolution in this life. The word church gives people a sense of familiarity and a comfortable platform to land on. When I started to change my way of thought, I was very angry. I discovered that I was actually alone in my own world and I had been lied to my entire life. When you start to become awakened and see things for what they really are, see the truth behind the realities we have been shoved into for generations, you may become angry too. It is a huge shock to the system when all the new information rushes into your mind. You will never see the world more clearly and at times it is very overwhelming. I wanted to create something that is more familiar, so people have an easier transition, and don’t turn to pure rebellion and hatred. The Greater Church of Lucifer is a global entity that exists as an alternative to slave-like religions. We want freedom and knowledge to be available to everyone, and we would like it to be free. We are helping to usher in a new age of mankind. We see mankind right now as weak only because it is in a form of mental slavery bound by masters that are as clueless as the rest of the world only for power and personal gain. While we have some sense of freedom, we are not really free and will not truly be free until we can get past one of the last major hurdles: dogmatic religion. We have to negate dogmatic religions in order to progress as a whole. The GCOL was formed to be a catalyst in the push into the next age of man. We want to prepare the way for our children’s children so that they can live a life of progression, without being indoctrinated into slavery of the mind. We want to give them the freedom to explore life to its fullest, without the entrapments of fear and guilt. Dogmatic religion is holding man back, teaching its followers to be blind and propagating hatred towards followers of other faiths. None of these religions work. None of them see the whole picture. When you begin to really look at dogmatic religion, and trace it back historically, you will begin to see patterns and realize that none of these religions are truly unique. You will see that each of these religions are a variation of something else, designed by the dominant political party at the time to control its people. Dogmatic religions rely on the fact that man is afraid of his own mortality and they exploit this shamelessly. They promise they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is a life after death, and the only requirement to achieve this eternal bliss is to do exactly what they say and never question them. No one can say for sure that they know what will happen after death, and we do not claim to. Near death experiences vary and can be partly explained by what happens chemically and biologically to the body as it is dying. There is a lot we have yet to learn, but it will never be discovered if mankind follows blind faith instead of asking questions. There is a reason why occult teachings have been hidden and looked down upon for so long. If the whole world knew what occultists knew, these slave religions would no longer exist. Power would be given back to the individuals, and religious leaders would lose their authority. Dogma is no longer needed. We have police forces, judges, and jails to keep people in order. We have scientists and laboratories to tackle our questions about how the world works. No one should have to put blind faith into anything or be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is how we evolve, and mankind has great untapped potential. I remember being indoctrinated into the Mormon religion as a child, and repeatedly being told, “You have to do this, and you can’t do that.” I thought to myself, if I could be given the opportunity to explore and find these things on my own I would be a lot stronger in this religion. I remember being constantly shut down, and told to do as I was told, and if I didn’t I was looked down upon by my father and other family members. I was never allowed to test things and find my own truths. This is the major difference between the GCOL and religion. We encourage people to question and learn truths for themselves. Bottom line there has to be balance and we as a people must see that light and dark are both key in life. One cannot be without the other. Everything is polar and not dual. This also means there is not separation between the divine and man. We are the same. Man can reach that point of the divine through study and understanding the self. You are god. There is no god outside of you. When we say “god” it is not in the sense of an all-powerful being that creates worlds. We say this in the sense that only you have the power to dictate your life and must take full reasonability for it. Where you are in life is solely because you choose to be there, and only you can free yourself and or get out of the ruts you are in. It is time to wake up and take ownership of your life and be responsible for it. You cannot blame the so called “evil” in the world on a make believe evil god when it is the choices of mankind that creates the havoc, and nothing else. To be truly free we must take responsibility for all our actions and understand that we as humans can evolve mentality at will. The only hindrances we have is self. You are your own worst enemy. Mankind has been kept in slavery for far too long. The dark ages are over but humanity is still asleep. It is time for the blinders to come off. It is time to open our eyes and see the light of the new age. You are not alone. Religion is dying off. The waning attendance at churches and the louder cries of fundamentalists is evidence of this. Collective consciousness of humanity as a whole is shifting to favor reason over religion. We have a long road ahead of us, but the tides are turning and possibilities that lie ahead of us are earth-shattering. Within each and every individual lies so much untapped potential that our possible evolution is mind-blowing. The damage done by religion is said and done, but we can lay the groundwork for a better future. The mistakes of today do not have to be repeated tomorrow. The Greater Church of Lucifer is here to be the catalyst to bring the new dawn of mankind, but it lies within the individual to be the light. We are here to give the power back to its original holder: you. A brief on the GCOL meeting structure Meetings are structured in a roundrobin system. There is no one person who is speaking to the congregation at each meeting. Everyone is given a chance to speak. Usually we have two speakers give lessons or talks in a meeting, and the speakers are rotated so that every member is a speaker at some point. The topic is usually chosen by the speaker, and relates to something they have read or experienced and want to share with the group. We want to hear all points of view and continue to learn. The beautiful thing about Luciferianism is that there is always room for improvement, nothing is absolute. Everything can change. The way I think now may be different from the way I think five years from now. Our point of view and how we grow is based on experience. One person can’t get it all. It doesn’t matter what your point of view is. What is important is that you came up with it on your own accord, that it’s not something that has been indoctrinated into you. Everyone will have a voice and responsibility in the church. No one can be a passive bystander. Everyone is encouraged to grow and share their growth and by doing so, we each help each other evolve much further than we could by ourselves. We are on a major crash course for failure and we intend to stop it. We teach our children how to be strong, how to stand up for themselves in the face of adversity, and how to balance their lives and run it with success. We do not teach them Luciferian thoughts until they ask to be taught. This is a major difference between the GCOL and dogmatic religion. Dogmatic religions try to ensnare the child at a young age and restrict them. We give the child a safe and open window to the real world. There is no better teacher than the world itself. Live to be alive and enjoy it the fullest. Wake up be free for today. Be free for self. Be free for the sake of our future. PART ONE Luciferian Philosophy & Basic Ideology Greater Church of Lucifer The Greater Church of Lucifer was founded to actualize individual potential via Luciferian Philosophy; recognizing patterns, gaining insight, applying knowledge towards selfdetermined goals. The GCOL is not interested if you believe in “Lucifer” or not; subjective spirituality is by definition unique to the mental perception of the individual and useless to apply to others’. The Luciferian could care less if someone else invests belief in their personal paradigm. The Greater Church of Lucifer (GCOL) is a collective gathering of individuals who live and seek to evolve within the philosophy and ideology of Luciferianism. The 11 Luciferian Points of Power provide a philosophical foundation in which we approach life and focusing our potential according to our will. Essentially, Luciferians recognize that we are responsible for our own life and understand that there is no governing “deity” choosing our fate alone. Fate, as a concept, is only in response to our unconscious and conscious desire towards what we want out of life. This may be directly affected by what we believe our limitations, or potential is. The mind is the “foundation” for all that we may (or may not) achieve in life. This is why the philosophy of Luciferianism begins in our unconscious and extends beyond the conscious mind. Luciferianism is a pathway towards knowledge and power; yet it is not an easy path for the ambitious. Luciferianism requires that you believe in your potential, strive to overcome your weaknesses and improve your strengths by the way you perceive, the thoughts you put your energy into, the words you use and the actions you take. This way of living is of course unique to the individual and is not a dogmatic philosophy. We live according to time-tested precepts which have been given to us by the many traditions of thought before us; before us a great wealth of knowledge that if brought in union, may shadow forth ascension into the heights of potential. The Goals of Greater Church of Lucifer The GCOL seeks to present a unified voice in our efforts to create positive change in the world and to re-establish faith within the self. No longer must you be willing to submit to a nonexistent higher power you cannot know or define; the responsibility of the Luciferian is to do his or her part to make the world a more self-accountable place; rejecting the slavementality of “god has a plan” or “it is god’s will”. Luciferians are free thinkers, seeking the secrets of this live and by knowledge, recognizing the patterns in the mind to influence the world we live in according to our will. We reject limiting concepts as “good and evil” to what is beneficial for us and those within our community. We seek forbidden knowledge to attain levels of power and insight to forge our empire on earth. Our symbols are among others the serpent, wolf and hawk, the bringer of wisdom whispering in the ear, the noble predator and the bird of prey who rises in the light of the sun. The Greater Church of Lucifer is a gathering of likeminded individuals who reject blind faith and narrow superstition. We continually seek to extend control over our individual life and live as an example towards selfexcellence. There is a selfdetermined inner-spirituality which guides our path towards a foundation of wisdom and power. The first goal of the Luciferian is to discover that no one has control over the fate of another unless he or she has given the individual will to something else (no matter if in fantasy such as “god” or in reality such as another human or political structure). The goal of Luciferianism from the GCOL is of personal study is development of the self. Welcome to the journey of discovering who you are as your own goddess/god. Welcome to the Greater Church of Lucifer. We are glad you are here and you are here on purpose.

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