Fw: Winter Iniatives 2018/19 ‘Susan Scaly. to: Rotel, Grace canaz01s 03:38 (Ca Schein’ & Uncut Cate pornos Un HiGrace Flioning on trot your meeting with Joe Ryan earfr this woek, can you let us know fwe should <rect coesponderce an winter planing and the Gevelopsnent of whter halves you or oe Ryen, ‘as Damien's successor? Many thanks, Susan ‘Suian Scally | Principal Oficer| Scheduled & Unscheduled! Care Performance Unit Department of Heatin | Hawkins House | Hawkins Street | Dublin DO2 VWW90 Fron: ‘Rothwol, Gracey Te ‘Susan, Scaiy ce ‘Sarah Cooneye ‘exe Vanda Date: ppie7a018 1729, Suge: Fe: Wiraaentaves 201849 ‘Dear Susan, ‘Tam meeting with Joe Ryan (in Damien's post) on Monday aficmoon next, will discuss with +him.and revert, Grace Rothwell ead ofthe SDU -—~--— Original message —-——-- Foo in ‘Date: 25/07/2018 16:58 (GMT-+00: To: "Rothwell, Gace” Ce: Sart, Coom rene ‘Scheduled_& [email protected] Subject: Winter lalaives 20189 oe Gace, Gan you ndvse if you wl be coordinating the wintrIniatvenplans by the HSE to address ‘overcrowding in EDs fr witor 2018/79 and shoud the Department flea with you direct In elation to winter planning and te devslopmant of winter nkiatves? Kind rogards, Susan ‘Susan Sealy | Principal Officer| Scheduled & Unscheduled Care Pertmmance Unit Cepartment of Health) Hawkins House | Hawkins Street | Dublin DO2 WWW90 Request for Winter 2016/19 plan. Fleaz Vaweis to: DDG Operations (ag. opsratons@hse ie) coseazo18 1080, (Ge: Schedted 8 Urscheduled Care perfomance Unt ‘This message i italy signed. Deer Ms O'Conner, lease find attached request by the Department for deta ofthe plans bythe HSE In preparation of Winter 2018/18 ‘We look forward to your response by the 17th of September. Thank you. Kind ragards, Ray. Requast or HSE wine lune 2018-78 tte to Anne Onn DO pet Fay Vader BSc Neurosci, MSc Clin Neuroscl, PO ‘Assistant Pci, Unseroaied Care Putomence Unt Fa Rolom siainte DDoperiment of Heath ‘Bloc 1, Piaza Wiocach, 80-88 Srila Bhagéid ochtarach Bale Atha Chath, O24 ‘lock 1, Niesion Plaza, £0 -58 Lower Baggot Supe, Oubl,Do2 XWie Tes 07 alcove ‘An Reinn Stance Deparmen of Resi ae (06 September 2018 ms ane 'Gomner Deputy rector Ganeral et Operations Health Senice Bective Dota Sueeven's Hodplad buble b Subject: LSE Pens for Winer 218/19 ee: ane, ‘swe get closer 20 she Winter sesso, | though: fe would ke useful co upuate you on proges wth the Cepacty ptopo:ah and 1 reek at update on the HSE’ preparations 1a deal ws the expected nena eemonvs onthe exh save ever this pate. ‘The Heabh Some Copachy Ruvew hag been preser-ed and olicussed with OPER, and we ata 2 decsian an furding We hoveimpresscd en DPURt i fc that 22 confemelianeffundg ud: make ‘the mivasve mare effective, dawever, tha rely a that Factors such a he emerghg 2018 Paarl Doshion, Sifinternre end the upcoming Saget mein that we may not Rave ful oartaity on the funding positon nl ater his year. ‘n tha meantime, nawithstandng thes Uncertlng reding Funting forthe Herth Sere Capa Review. Ie imeartan hat planing and preaaraton tor winter continve. Te Department aware ‘thet oraparatians and plann'ag has ele begar: at hasta ad tal eve, and wa wuld be hean {Yo WoIM with Gre HSE to wemure it shox Iecel and ‘yl plans wr consoated en suvpurted ‘hvougt 2oicles and prs rational lee! to engwe she moat effete resporwe te the wink” chasemgas to una Rede care proven toes Pan Mk, 5o-sosaleDhn fade a Ae Cina DEKH sta me tastes Mea For.the 2016/19 winter period, the Departnentlskeen thatthe HSE consolidated winte pan “+ Incorporates targets bused on agreed, clear, artiuated assumptions regeding demand, performance and capac; “+ Takesinte accounts lessons ram previous years ncng the need fr setting agread targes {or each performance ndiestorh ‘+ Includes sovernance and atcountablity arrangements to support the setting of targets to provide weekly demand and performance frecasts, to monitor and report progress aganat ‘targets, and ensures corrective action senscted in timely and effective mann. ‘he plans should also reflect the fact that unschesed care nerormance le broader than ED performance ane encapsulates activity aerass mutiple Service areas - primary care, prehospital emergency care, sez horpital end soca cae settiys. Therefore, theplanneeas to provide system wide response, underpinned by Integrated operational plans by the Hospital sites and Greups (HG) ‘and Community Health Cre Orgarisations (CHO), using management information to pole demand for unscheduled care beteen October 2018 and March 2039 and capaciy to respond The plan should slo consider reviewing the rele of Tolley GAR with view to complementing he dh trolley eurbers with data on PET compliance rates, length of stay, attendances, admissions ant delayed lscharges. This Is such that data can be used to understand cuttomes and ensure that ‘targeted responses are Implemented. ‘As in previous years It Is expected thatthe cove clement ofthe plan wit ncude primary care ‘measures to reduce ED demand, acute ceptcty measures to respond the expected peakin demand luring winter, acute nomcapycty measures to support surge and pasient flow Incusng senior Aecision makers tweughout the hospital and primary end social care mzasures ta asst with hospital discharging nd reduce delayed discharges. \We have ited the main points thatthe Department expects tose inthe HSE plans for winter 2018/33 Inthe Append ‘cen you plese subrt the HSE Plan tothe Department for consideration on or before the 17° of APPENDIX 4 ordertu zusure thatthe plans abjective and evidence driven, should ease Ps and Emerge (2h Spice mesures and tarets to atdeosy she haan penn attendanc: a Departmenss inthe 4st week n December and into ear Jane (@) ame-prestion chart of the Governarce, Acceuntanniy inl Mlansgervent et cite ofthe Pan (el national Nota gers and slte-specric wcekly and monthly retiowgetiee separ fo" te ptocedng Wek and month and compared t the same peYld last yer] and projections for kay mettle Including fout nut nites to artontanees, admlslon, ally nurmbar,leath af say, PET compliance, aver 75 aliendance: and atmissians, seasonal influenca zed other inlecnn lng C7E| be use surge, AMAUS we, c4eU beds} and dyed echoing ee cond ds targeted saluions ord programmes (such ax FT almed at reducing tralluge alma PET times tn hosp2al tes and ereups and ses taking account of lescane farrad fromthe entarun af peviows inte nt wt, and of forecasts cute ined abe; fe) 2 periormance measyeinen\Famiewelk mice conerets toipes end key pastoumenceInkators ‘out, output, outcome andimpact ts measure the eMtectiveness othe lat, fre measteas ‘hein ent variations In expected perfarmanos agains the kay mets; (fh dats af vaseline bed capesty in each hespll se as ut 1 ober andthe pct of ators W8tS pat vapecly Bach 8s everaue leneeut Say, bed unysused an doled aoctargess {e) detaty af the umorandic of uncustandve if an) 9 ter pian, ica the commer (hy she expected Impact ct the w'ter plan an scheduled cara at hoxptal Arba teymacd the plans ‘a mlnimite impact af ED challenges an scheduled ces (the HSE pans to muse Ua use of AMAL!s-wrOUEh the win an, 2 iskassesgnént and mratgy 9 a0erass unekpocted fctors whieh coun passer HGs/CHOS and ead tospleés in “oftey numites anijor delayed eischerges, such as advorg2weethe: events pretrectes lu aesson, staf shortage.autbreak of CPE and mit actions to dha ase v Bec sutjce PH: Ferro Ms Amo Oornar e Wit Fen 201872018 and Capt Propesal 2018 ‘Susan Scally ~ FwiLetter from Ms. Anne O'Connor re Winter Pian 2018/2019 and Capacity Proposal 2018 —- From: ‘Suna Selly" To. “Alsing Meu Date: Thu, 13 Sep2018 0 Subject: FaeLater fxn Ms, Ane 'Conon re Winter Plan 201872019 and Capacity Proposal 2018 ‘DDG Operations -~ Letter from Ms. Anne O'Connor re Winter Pian 2018/2019 and Capacity Proposal 2018 ~ "DDG Oyen” <i pai > 1 ‘Ce"DDG Operation” <dsoerat Je, JOE RYAN’ L000 sustesy" “<i rte @hue >, Suan ‘um Ace Hospitals Division” <azustospidishse >, "Community Operon” oH a DaWed, 12 Sep2018 1835 w ‘SoLter fom Mi, Aan# CtComar re Wincer Plan 2018/7019 and Capecly Proposal 2018 sy et Dear Gres, Please find atached lets trom Ms. Anne O'Connor, Deputy Director General, Chief Operations (Offer in response to yours regarding the HSE Winer Pans 2016/2019 and the ema rom your ofc {00 Ryen regarding the Capnoty Proposal both on the £ September 2018 Regents, Deirtre McKeown ing an Lane-Stithde Ginenrla-Priomihsichmeannsch Otroctal Ofgeach | Seomra 1.38 TOspidea an Or. Steevene| Bat Atha Cisth 8] 03 W248] Office ofthe Deputy Decor General = Chief Operacns Ofer] Room 1.35 |r. Stoevens' Homa Dubin 8] boa W248 TeWvPh: OF R-Pholsvema Important Informatica in this ema including attachments) may be confidential tis intended fer receipt and ‘consigeraion ony by the intonded reciplent. Ifyou are not the intended recipient, any use, sisseminaton, disclosure, pubicalion oF copying of nformatin contained in is emai (nciusing ‘tachmens) is ett pronibted. Opinions expressed in this emall may be perscnat tothe author and sre nat necessary the apnians of te Hath Service Execute, # hie amas boon Tecetved by Yyouin err, please notiy the sendas anc then delete the emal from your system. (Gee attached file: Te Me Greg Dunypsey Doll re Capacity Propasat 2018 Winer Ptan 2018 42 09 18.pdj) Tod Gry Pempney Dutra Cupaciy Prore!2018 Water Pen 2081209 18.poh ign sae tte rears snahid Felaisannach> na ali bh (~ | tale ins revreron Bet 12" September 2048 tog am Sen Ea neva 50-64 Lower aapget Steet, Dubie, C2 xvi “Ros Capety Propacnt 2048 Dear re | wish :a acknowledge receipt af your ble: regarsg HSE Winer Plans, 2182018 and de soak from your ofcu a Jos Npan fgg tea Capacty Proposarboth an te 6 Santomber 2013. eine Pan 201872018 ‘Tha FSE sequveed is Hospital Ghaups (Hs) and Community Heetieat: Ciganustions (CHOS} 1 Submit plane mdlstng Se preparoanese or dhe eieter and tages Tor erence lo mee! Expecte dem. Winter sins Bove ban ¢eceNed bythe HEE fem HGo and CHS, eas 3 belng rene by raonal senor apermions teams whe cae enganing wih serces in develops erin In preparing the capanty propos), eal considetaion was gen ir Lsims whe Hg act dotwerabaly o each ofthe clomenks. Sherter term simi othe proposal petalned'nxugmentng apacty forthe Winter of 231B/201e. The ask of cnveloping a Wintw Plan fer 201@/20"9 w fusrates bythe abeeuce any cle ty 2» speae nding feels fe which plme car be signed cerefore eo pacatbe to pre ane ben een pl whl eal eed in oer, 17 Seplonber 2018, ‘The sprendi fe your loker outing re equod strnans of tye INriar anit apt nis ia fine wath fe form 0° pan In davatoprent, ‘The HEE wil cevinus 12 work Wi HOE and CHOs the meantine © eneure tat al possible rencens wtp cent bine Partrater: am optical Whe tating fier sds fm fe Deparinant egg te veoestany funn nw. gae the pacer winter erge, Capacity Proposal in dur eubmislon fo the Department on Juna 25° 212, he HSE empwaelsod he absut need fora thar dh son fom the Departmen’ on fsa Capel Froposat by Ihe and ef erat? 701A, cm fae {melas for peng Ino ackon Ev wererds ts adafesa Aner 2012/2019 ware eno-ely gM. Th Dlimaty consuerafere drvng tne reed for tr exp 26leg detscan wer etaPed in Me propel an re sunrrarised a els: {feed ames fo: er atonal and vara eemu-nen, In parouar for doctored nurses onesies ead ines for modslor Want ocke ond. asenciatod planing ek | parmisicdfrecuremoftkearedpurchaye’conetudin), ft shoud be nalad ral nS doy Wil Impact an moautar ufc lexé tien rot ony for Z018/9 but as fer 201972020. 1 meinen for devebpment of dele work plane for seule beds wire alo ray luda IeUreMERL ‘+ homecare provier avalabity ~ procurement of communty svort stay beds rem the private ‘eto slant on naw prouider tending fer more complex habla work ‘+ emacare stating shortages 1 deta planing reqed to align the various Iniatives a service provider level to csv the rmqured outcomes ‘While acknowledging the complexion ofthe aiscuesions withthe Department of Puble Expenditure ‘and Reform reparcng the funding cf the proposal, fis ranetheess csappoining rat we roman at {his point now your wiPcut a asclon. A Key fesscnleamec fom prevous wraeriiflatves has been ‘he Noe for an tary decision tis regard, thus onalng services to act erly in secur workforce, Iniatng procurement ef sevices and equipment and engaging in the details planning to coortnate ‘culo und conmurly services. Ths requirement wae renorced by fewdbeck frm our HGS ant {CHO at our rece: Unscheduled Care Forum, From our review ofthe Winter Planning Process 2017/2018, the HSE is very kaan tose realistic but appropsale args for Hospital Group and CHO performance this wink. In doing 80, hs tmpertive {hat theres eary agreement on te funding avsiabily baretary n rea by community syp>oes 235 the cuent nding Is over commited. ‘Te findings fram the Departments Capacy Review underting the need for snulanacus investment in communty and ecule arvice, Given the above and in ight of competing Garand on Ace and Commurity Seer ati tna, te ceadina of the 47° September 90/8 te sutmt te eration equestadin relation to the Capacity Proposal wif not be achievable, bok foward torengaging with you to progress this important agenda ‘Yours sincorely ‘ane OCanwer Deputy Director Genera! ‘Gilt Operations GMicer (Ge: Deon Sutvan, Deputy Director General - Stategy and Panning: Susan Sealy, Prncpel Ofte; Lam Woods, Natoma Doce Acute Operations: Davis Walsh, Naonal Dreetor Communty Operations: soe Ryan, National Drwctrof National Servees,