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by  Milnei.
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W I N N I E I LLE PU r— z m z z H—« m f—-* t— <1 t—i m a T r a n s l a t e d by A L E X A N D E R L E N A R D “A brilliantly funny book. . . . Nothing is skipped, every word is there, even the ‘Hums of Pooh’ delightfully Latinized with two original verses added for assiduous readers, and the end of the poem Kanga did not wish to listen to.” —New York Herald Tribune Book Review “Proof that humor is not dead, even if Latin is supposed to be.” —New York World Telegram <Lr Sun “It is hard to conceive of a Latin work more calculated than this attractive volume to fascinate the modem public, young and old. ” —Christian Science Monitor “An altogether ingenious tour deforce.” —The Washington Post “We know people who have read it in Latin who would never have looked at it in English.” —The Book-Buyers* Guide “Surely the ultimate canonization of a great childrens classic.” —Des Moines Register PENGUIN BOOKS W INNIE ILLE PU Born in Budapest in 1910, Alexander Lcnard was a graduate of the famous Theresianum in Vienna. A refugee from Hitler who migrated to Brazil by way of Rome, he worked variously as a phar­ macist, math teacher, quiz show contestant, farmer, painter, poet, and pianist as well as, of course, a translator. At the time of his death in 1972 he was fluent in twelve languages. Winnie I lie Pu was the product of over seven years of work, begining with a German translation of the famous classic in 1951, on which A. A. Milne personally congratulated him. A. A. Milnei W I N N I E I L L E P U Liber celeberrimus omnibus fere pueris puellisque notus nunc primum de anglico sermone in Latinum conversus auctore A l e x a n d r o L e n a r d o With Notes and Glossary prepared in consultation with DR. ISRAEL WALKER Chairman, Foreign Languages Department Flushing High School, New York Novi Eboraci: Sumptibus Duttonis PENGUIN BOOKS PBNCUIN BOOKS Published by die Penguin Group Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd. 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England Penguin Books Australia Lrd, Ringwood, Victoria. Australia Penguin Bcxiks Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books (N.7..) j.td, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Lrd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Paperback edition published by E. P. Dutton, 1987 Published simultaneously in Canada by Fitzhenry and Whiteside. Limited, Toronto Published in Penguin Books 1991 5 7 9 10 8 6 Latin translation copyright © I960 by Alexander Lenard Notes and Glossary © 1962 by Alexander Lenard by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New "Ybrk Wimiie-the-Poob, illustrations and text in English copyright 1926 by E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. Copyright renewal, 1954, by A. A. Milne All rights reserved. ISBN 014 01.5339 X Library of Congress Caralog Card Number: 84-71672 (Dutton) Printed it) the United States of America Except in die United States of America, this !>ook is sold subject to die condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold: hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including diis condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Capita I Nobis ostentantur Winnie ille Pu atque apes nonnullae et incipiunt fabulae i II Pu visitatum it et in angustias incurrit 14 III Pu ac Porcellus venatum prodeunt et paene vusillum captant 23 IV Ior caudam amittit et Pu caudam quendam invenit 31 V Porcellus in heffalumpum incidit 39 V I Ior Natalem agit Diem et duo dona accipit 51 V II Canga et Ru ille parvulus in silvam veniunt et Porcellus balneo utitur 64 VIII Christophorus Robinus expotitionem ad Palum Septentrionalem ducit 80 IX Porcellus ab omni parte aquis circumdatus est 94 X Christophorus Robinus convivium in hono­ rem Pui dat et ‘Valete* dicimus 107 Appendix 121 Notes 123 Glossary 14° Rd Poi-ur-1 Locus TStOWAi-E* Syfifco*. < RpruS j / SakA (NS i ol cdpoc AR&oa APiUH W^EWosu-S D onus SA U t& lvr CAK/G-A£ o o n o s 4EPofMS AHtt« e r CcG-NATi -P p rtu s is l e p o r DOMLL% Z>0HUS Fovea NStf>/OSA * Ba aowiv A to H£FP<V-UMP05 CAPTAKJOOS < /OOMEA JT Donos POA cei-ul S i L W \ JUGE&UM <ucu.S ^ « .c u .6 R js 4.oc.u^ US I - . y o R iS VUSiLUtS A6IRAT . ^ o c a s ^ /A/OAIOATUS I Quo in capite nobis ostentantur Winnie ille Pu atque apes nonnullae et incipiunt fabulae Ec c e e d u a r d u s ursus scalis nunc tump-tump- tump occipite gradus pulsante post Christophorum Robinum descendens. Est quod sciat unus et solus modus gradibus descendendi, nonnunquam autem sentit, etiam alterum modum exstare, dummodo pul­ sationibus desinere et de eo modo meditari possit. Deinde censet alios modos non esse. En, nunc ipse in imo est, vobis ostentari paratus. Winnie ille Pu. Nomen audiens primum, sicut vos dicturi estis, etiam ego dixi: ‘Credidi eum puerum esse!’ ‘Ego quoque,5 dixit Christophorus Robinus. ‘At non potes eum “ Winnie55 vocare!5' ‘Minime vero.5 ‘Dixisti autem. . . / ‘Est Winnie ille Pu. Num nescis, quid “ ille55 signifi­ cet?5 ‘Scilicet nunc scio/ cito subjunxi; et spero vos etiam scire, quia nullam nisi hanc explicationem accipietis. Modo Winnie ille Pu apud imos gradus ludum diligit, [ * ] modo autem ante ignem considens fabulam audire amat. Eo vesperi. . . . ‘Quid de fabula quadam opinaris?’ rogavit Christo- phorus Robinus. ‘Quali de fabula?5 dixi. ‘Amabo te, potesne Winnie ille Puo fabulam narrare?’ ‘Censeo me posse,5 dixi. ‘Quales fabulas diligit?5 ‘De seipso. Nam talis ursus est.5 ‘Sane, teneo.5 ‘Nonne potes?5 ‘Conabor/ dixi. Itaque conatus sum. Olim, iamdudum, fere die Veneris proximo, Winnie ille Pu sub nomine Sandersi solus in silva habitabat. (‘Quid significat “ sub nomine55?5 Christophorus Robi­ nus rogavit. ‘Significat nomen eius aureis litteris super porticulam inscriptum fuisse et eum illo sub nomine habitavisse.5 ‘Winnie ille Pu non habuit pro certo/ dixit Christo­ phorus Robinus. ‘At nunc habeo/ dixit vox grunnica. ‘Tum pergo/ dixi.) Die quodam inter ambulandum media in silva ad rariorem silvae locum pervenit et medio in loco quercus permagna stabat et de sublimi quercu rumor magnus apium consonantium prodibat. Winnie ille Pu ad imam quercum sedens manus mento subposuit et secum reputare coepit. Primum secum dixit: ‘Iste bombus aliquid significat. [ * ]

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