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Whys and Hows in Uncertainty Modelling: Probability, Fuzziness and Anti-Optimization PDF

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CISM COURSES AND LECTURES Series Editors: The Reetars of CISM Sandor Kaliszky- Budapest Mahir Sayir - Zurich Wilhelm Schneider - Wien The Secretary General of CISM Giovanni Bianchi -Milan Executive Editor Carlo Tasso - Udine The series presents lecture notes, monographs, edited works and proceedings in the field of Mechanics, Engineering, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Purpose of the series is to make known in the international scientific and technical community results obtained in some of the activities organized by CISM, the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR MECHANICAL SCIENCES COURSES AND LECTURES -No. 388 WHYS AND HOWS IN UNCERTAINTY MODELLING PROBABILITY, FUZZINESS AND ANTI-OPTIMIZATION EDITED BY ISAAC ELISHAKOFF FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY ~ Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH This volume contains 153 illustrations This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. © 1999 by Springer-Verlag Wien Originally published by CISM, Udine in 1999. Softcoverreprint ofthe hardcover1st edition 1999 SPIN 10745123 In order to make this volume available as economically and as rapidly as possible the authors' typescripts have been reproduced in their original forms. This method unfortunately has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no way distract the reader. ISBN 978-3-7091-2503-8 ISBN 978-3-7091-2501-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2501-4 PREFACE Recognition of the need to introduce the ideas of uncertainty reflects in part some of the profound changes in engineering over. the last two decades. The natural question arises: how to deal with uncertainty? Since one of the meanings of uncertainty is randomness, a natural answer to this question was and often appears to be to apply the theory of probability and random processes. This idea was spectacularly successful, and many scientists even refer to a "probabilistic revolution ". However, as was established recently the probabilistic methods are accompanied with serious difficulties during their implementation process in engineering applications. This gave rise to other, alternative treatments of uncertainty. This volume deals with both probabilistic and non-probabilistic: aspects of uncertainty modelling. In particular, the fuzzy-set-based analysis and the anti-optimization methods are pursued, in addition to recent developments in the stochastics theory and applications. The emphasis is placed on applications in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering. The aim of this volume is to present to researchers, engineers and graduate students working on and interested in the problems concerned wUh the mechanics of solids and structures, a unified view on uncertainty. The current state of the development and applications of uncertainty modelfing and analysis will be reviewed from alternative and seemingly opposing points of view. Indeed, the present state of affairs can be characterised as that of Tower of Babel: There is no discussion between various researchers, actively embracing different points of view. The book aims to disseminate recent stochastic and, especially, non stochastic approaches to model the uncertainty. It poses questions which many engineers were interested to ask, but were afraid to do. Answers to these questions and in-depth discussions should appeal in the first place to practicing engineers who must constantly widen their perspectives, researchers will find the lecturers most illuminating for the book accommodated alternative and often opposing points of view. Pragmatic approach allows one to choose modern techniques which most suit to the practical situations. This is not just one more book about uncertainty. This is a collection of the latest thoughts of engineers and scientists from all over the world about many, often overlooked andyet to be recognized facets of ever-present uncertainty. It was a pleasure to edit this volume. The cooperation of all authors is gratefully appreciated. Most unfortunately, Dr. Rudolf Lohner was unable to submit his contribution on the interval analysis. We were most fortunate, th'at Professor Ulrich Kufisch graciously agreed to contribute to this voltime, on this topic. We record our heartfelt thanks to CISM International Centre for Mechanical Seiences for both approving the course and providing the most pleasant atmosphere during its conducting in the beatiful palace in Udine. Rare courtesies extended by the Secretary General, Professor Giovanni Bianchi and Rector, Professor Sandar Kalisz/ry must be recorded. Reliable and encouraging assistance as well as the extremely kind patience of Professor Carlo Tasso ofthe University of Udine are most kindly acknowledged. The staff of Mrs. Elsa Venir Burti provided most reliable and timely service throughout the course, and created an atmosphere of exceptional dedication and work including nearly instant copying service, efficient communication between the lecturers and the attendees, library facilities, and solution of numerous problems of various magnitudes; all of these seemingly small gestures and good will and courtesy truly make CISM a unique and great institution that must be cherished, preserved and possibly expanded for the benefit of engineering sciences. Last but not least, our thanks are to all the attendees of the course: While teaching them, all lecturers learned a Iot, not excluding the ways how the material should be presented more efficiently. The responsibility on any misconceptions or typographical errors lies upon ourselves, the authors themselves. We will be most indebted if you could communicate them to us by electronic mail at [email protected]. or by the FAX of 561-297-2825. Isaac Elishakoff CONTENTS Page Preface Chapter 1 - How to Utilize the Anti-Optimization Analysis to Treat U ncertainty in Seismic Excitation? by A. Baratta and G. Zuccaro ..... ........ ....................... .. .... 1 1. Introduction ......................... . 2. Basic Equations and Behaviour of the SDOF Shear-Type Frame ............................... . .. ............. 3 3. BasicTest Accelerograms ..................... ................. .. ....................... . .. ......... 9 4. Optimization Process Combined with Stochastic Generation of Site-Compatible Synthetic Accelerograms ............................ 13 5. Convex ModeHing for Treatment of Uncertainty in Seismic Action ....... 31 Chapter 2- What are the Random and Fuzzy Setsand How to Use them for Uncertainty ModeHing in Engineering Systems? by A. Bernardini .. ... .. ...... .. ..... .......... ...... ..... ........ ............. . .. ................. 63 l. Why do we need Random and Fuzzy Sets? ............ 64 2. How do Random and Fuzzy Sets Work? ............................................................... . .. ...... 74 3. Why do we need Fuzzy Logic? ...... . ................ . 84 4. How to Apply Random and Fuzzy Sets in Structural Engineering? .... .. 95 5. How to Appy Fuzzy Logic to Approximate Reasoning?. ... . 107 Chapter 3 - What is Ellipsoidal Modelling and How to Use it for Control and State Estimation? by F.L. Chernousko ... .. ............................................ . ... 127 l. What is the Guaranteed Approach to Uncertainties? .............................................. 128 2. What are the Fundamentals of the Ellipsoidal Modelling? ....... 138 3. How does the Ellipsoidal ModeHing Work? ................................................................ 146 4. What are the Properties of the Approximating Ellipsoids? ................. 157 5. How to Use Ellipsoidal ModeHing in Control? ......................................................... 167 6. How to U se Ellipsoidal ModeHing in State Estimation? .............................. 177 Chapter 4- What is Differential Stochastic Calculus? by M. Di Paola ................................................................................................................................................. .. .. 189 1. What are the Basic Concepts of the Stochastic Differential Calculus? .. ....................... .... ................... . .. .......... 191 2. How to Analyze the Non-Linear Systems under Poisson white Noise Processes? ................................................ ......... ... . . ..................... .. .......... 213 3. How to Apply Stochastic Differential Calculus to Earthquake Engineering? ............ ....... ... .. . ................................................................... 243 Chapter 5 - Are Probabilistic and Anti-Optimization Approaches Compatible? by I. Elishakoff .................................................................................................................... ························ .......... 263 1. What may go Wrong with Probabilistic Methods? .............................................. 265 2. Are Probabilistic and Antioptimization Methods lnterrelated? .... 285 3. How to Combine Probabilistic and Antioptimization Methods? (with Qiang Li) ........... .. .............................. 319 4. How to Find the Range of Eigenvalues due to Uncertain Elastic Modulus and Mass Density? (with Dehe Duan, Zhiping Qiu and James H. Starnes, Jr.) .................. 341 Chapter 6- How to Develop and Utilize Numerical Algorithms with Automatie Result Verification? by U. Kulisch .............. ... . . .. ... . .. ...... 357 1. lntroduction .... .. .. .... ... .............. ........ ............ ..... ... ............ .......................... ... . .. ..... 358 2. Universal, Floating-Point Arithmetic ..... ..................... ..... .. .. ... .. ........ 371 3. Interval Arithmetic, a Simple but Powerful Calculus to Deal with Inequalities ................................................. .... ...... ....... . .... ............... .. ...... 380 4. A vailability of the N ecessary Arithmetic in Hardware and Suitable Programming Support .. ...................... .. ...... 388 CHAPTER 1 HOW TO UTILIZE THE ANTI-OPTIMIZA TION ANALYSIS TO TREAT UNCERTAINTY IN SEISMIC EXCITATION? A. Baratta and G. Zuccaro University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy ABsTRACT In the paper an approach to treat uncertainty in the response of structures under the action of earthquakes is presented. The rnain problern is focused in the unpredictability of the seismic accelerograms, and the research effort points at identifying the set of admisible quakes by a few basic parameters (d uration, peak acceleration, gross information on the power spectrurn, ... ) . The in:fluence of the details of ground shaking, that really have a very significant in:fluence on the structure's performance, is approached by the institution of a worst-case scenario. The basic idea is to build up a consistent rnodel for the seismic hazard at the site, and to set up sorne rules which ground shaking rnust fit. Hence, the worst cornbination of details of the quake is sought by a search procedure, aiming at identifying the earthquake producing the extrernurn of sorne response parameters, in the set of admissible quakes. In the paper a nurnber of r5eference rnodels are set up, and results referred to a particular seismic area, the Campania region in Italy, are drawn, proving that the procedure is efficient and, to sorne extent, practical. 1) INTRODUCTION The safety and economics of structures in seismic areas are highly dependent on the calibration of the appropriate seismic action. This is certainly one of the rnost interesting subjects in aseismic engineering. The extrernely unpredictable variability of the proceeding of an earthquake and its effects at a given site, does not allow to define the solution of the problern in a definite, unique, way in a deterministic context. Uncertainty involves basically". frorn a structural point of view, the tirne-history of ground oscillation, since it, apart from~~ sorne overall features, seerns quite unpredictable while, on the other side, the structures' response is very sensitive even to srnall and apparently not significant details of the base vibration ( see i. e. Ref. [ 1] , where it is proved that a 2+ 10% randorn perturbation of the 2 A. Baratta and G. Zuccaro ordinates of an accelerogram yields 500/o and more variation in the response of th P-L\ elastic-plastic oscillator). The intrinsically hazardous nature of the problern suggests that a probabi/istic or possibi/istic point of view must be taken, aiming at keeping the hazard as small as possible, as far as this is economically compatible. On the other band, the Iack of instrumental records of significant seismic events at any site has addressed the researchers to make reference to some abstract model as a reference point for the synthesis of earthquake-type accelerograms. This approach requires that fundamental characters of seismic shaking at the site are known or, at least, can be reasonably predicted. In this regard, it has been recognised all over the world that some properties of recorded accelerograms, like peak acceleration, duration, build-up and decay, power distribution on the frequency range and so on, are strictly related to the localization of the epicenter and to the geological constitution of the site. This means that some central characters of the forcing function can be identified at every site, while a Iot of many other details remain free to vary in a less controllable way, practically random or indeterminate to within some given, possibly juzzy, boundary. Therefore, methods for the synthesis of earthquake-type accelerograms mostly rely on the simulation of a large number of random parameters correlated to the accelerogram ordinates, plus a finite, smaller number of local constants which represent the parameters conditioning the basic properties of the accelerograms to be generated. According to this philosophy, design accelerograms are taken more or less randomly from the whole population that can be potentially generated on the basis of the rationale one refers to~ safety relies mainly on the statistical managing of the results and can be guaranteed only up to a given extent. The problern that is illustrated in the present chapter is concemed with the case when high reliability is required; in this case one may need to select the most severe shape of the forcing function in the set of site-compatible accelerograms, reserving randomness, and consequent statistical treatment ofuncertainty, to basic properties like peak acceleration and energy. Baratta and Zuccaro (see Baratta [2,3,4], Zuccaro [5], Baratta and Zuccaro [6, 7,8]) developped a technique to produce the maximum theoretical values of the structural response under seismic Ioad at given site. They pursued the goal combining available techniques for synthesis ofrandom accelerograms (Ruiz-Penzien [9,10]) with optimization procedures capable to maximize some parameters, significant for aseismic design, in the respect of the constraints represented by the basic values characterizing the shaking properties at the site, as will be explained in Sec. 4. The introduction of an optimal criterion for the selection of time-histories that are the most dangerous with respect to a given response parameter, Ieads to the idea that the compatibility criterion for accelerograms to be synthesized can be fonnulated in some simpler way, that lends itself to optimization more naturally than random generators do. The first proposals on this line were advanced by Drenick [11,12,13,14] and Shinozuka [15] in the early 70's, and later on by Elishakoff and Pletner [16] and Baratta et al. [17,18]. Allthese approaches utilized an alternative, non probabilistic, avenue. Drenick [11, 12] used a constraint on the total energy which the earthquake is likely to develop at a certain site, as a description of uncertainty. He used the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to determine the maximum response of the system to such an excitation. In the opinion of several investigators such a bound was too conservative.

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