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ForeiGn Broapcast —_Jaily Report— Sub-Sahara Afric FBIS-AFR-91-018 Monday 28 January 1991 Daily Report Sub-Saharan Africa FBIS-AFR-91-018 CONTENTS 28 January 1991 NOTICE TO READERS: An * indicates material not disseminated in electronic form. ° CENTRAL AFRICA Cameroon en, Sone CUCU, ATT CDCI. «a... sc ccoscusseaneepnenonsonnscnsnennteonteensennnensuunrennennnensenenennentes | TT sicciincsninsietithtaniiactinti lahat diate di iaeab llelteataitttnee decrement l Biya Orders Demonstrators’ Release /Libreville Africa NO. 1] .......c.:c.cscssssseessseeseeeeesseeenseeseees | Central African Republic Ministers, Soviet Envoy Discuss Cooperation /Bangul RAdi0] ...............ccccccsseeeseeeeeeseeeeeeeneeeeeneeeeees l Chad ee ID ce, conerenessenstonenrsoresennennngresnennsennneenetiuennanoteennnennennnannnennnene | OC, §M TTEED 0.102, ..scsssssessemsanouensseneeenteuenveeveneunieninennennensbelinainnenesiisine | RII. 0.0sittsins inner reneenicnnnstennerretennannininnnnnnnnnnneenatinS l Ch AC? TD JEL (TIIIID .« ......sssssensssseusennsnenecssinssnebentenneueensnnsenenenstnieniehiete 2 Journalists Demand Press Freedom Guarantees [AFP] ..............cccccccccecscessessesseeseeesseeeeenseeeneeneeneeenercs 2 Rwanda Pe Oe a, Be Ge Oe BD cecicccscccczsseccesccecesececcnerccessceneceerenssnecsnntnensasonenenenrenen . 2 i TE WERT CY TTT «::csscssssssssssssnnsssonennennencovenensenesennenesneunnqnenennanianeelaioen 3 Ruhengeri Attacked Again /Dar es Salaam Radio] .............ccccccscessessesessereesseenseeeseeensneeeseneeseess 3 Rebels’ Spread Disinformation /Kigali Radio] ........................ccsscccccssssssssssccssssssssssssesscsssssssesees 3 Armed Forces Control Ruhengeri /Kigali R@di0] ................c.ccccccssessesseseeseeeeeeseeeeeeeeeereneeeeneneenes 4 Sao Tome & Principe Prime Minister Submits Government Resignation /AFP] ..............ccccccccsssessesseeseeeneeeeeesssceseeneeeeenenees 4 Zaire Assembly President Meets Envoys on Peace Efforts [FAVA] .....cccccccccccccssssesssesseeeeneeeneceeneereeeesens 4 EAST AFRICA Kenya Former Somali Prime Minister Escapes With Wounds /SUNDAY STANDARD 27 Jan] ............ 5 Somali Officers, Refugees Dock at Mombasa /SUNDAY STANDARD 27 Jan] ...c..ccccccccccccceeeeeees m Moi Notes Resources ‘Strained’ by Somali Refugees /Na@irobi TV] .o...cccccccccccsceseseesseeseeeeeeseeneeeees 5 Ce Ge PSE EE CI crncreeccqtevesecev ese cecszesceessssnnresnesersesnenenn- -comrenunnuetensaintes 6 Ethiopians Flee Somalia Through Kenya /Nairobi Radio] ................ccccccccsessessseseeeeseneenenneeeeneanennees 6 Somalia Siad, Prime Minister Speak on New Government ..............ccccccccccccssssssccsssssssssesesesssesscsssessessossssesesssoees 6 DPHITTTTD snscssneunese._.s< epniueuenmnmeveemnssmreemsenpeetemseetreennseenretemsnnieneeeninneneeeNnniiaesnui ns 6 Ghalib Names Government /Mogadishu Radioj ..............ccccccccccscsssesesseserseeseeeseeenneensneceeneneneees 7 Government Troops Retain Control of Berbera [AFP] ...........cccccccccsssseeseessesessessenseeesesenseeeneeeeeneneeenes 8 FBIS-AFR-91-018 28 January 1991 2 Sub-Saharan Africa USC Rebels. Take Over Government, City 26 Jan /Mogadishur RAGi0] ..............cccccceceseeesees overseen 8 TE gt RE aR nea eee 8 Spokesman on Forming Government /Rome International] ..................cc0ccc00e0000000 scelaanaiii 9 I ND I nnn ccercrssorsrsvnrsesersersvsennersnesenresosennboerssneenrsteenenses 9 Propose National Conference /Mogadishti RGdio] .............c.scccccssssseseseeeeseesseeeseeeeeseeesseseneeneeees 9 Radio Calls on Workers To Return To Work /Mogadishtr R@dio] ............c.cccccccseeeseeeeeseeereeeseeneneenees 9 Radio on Plight of People Under Siad Barre /Mogadishur Radio] ................cccccseccseeeeeeeeeeeeseereeseenees 9 SNM Claims Capture of Burao, Garbahaarrey /Radio of the Somali National Movement) ............. 9 Be ID I CITT UII ccccccccccssovensapernstenverensesennstonnrnnsssubienentonsoenbeetunstinens 10 Tanzania U.S. Embassy Cuts Back Staff Due to Threats /Dar es Salaam Radio] ...............cccecccceseeeerserseseneees 10 Uganda Eaplessen Reperted at U.S. Recreation Center [APP] ..............csssssccocssssscossoseresessoseeserensossesseosssessess 10 Border Clashes Reposted With Rwanda Forces [AFP] ...........0...c.ssssssssscssesssssseessessesessssesssesorsesessesess 10 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA wags Puscheess of Astilery Ghelis Discussed [SAPA] ........00..00.ecssscscscsesseescssesessscesecersescsssssesesssesenesesessssseeees 1] I i alacant 11 I i encase iilieinaaemntbiaeaie 12 At Johannesburg Consulate /Johannesburg RAdi0] ..............ccccccsssesseseeseeseseeees sevseeeseeeeesecerseeaeeneneenes 12 SE TID, sc scrsssscsteninntiseeiiinscenserraniniansetnsbichtauemiiiey eniianeniieiniiieeibibiniien 12 At Pretoria Embassy /Johannesburg International] ................cccccsscssesesseseesseeseeecneeseeerseenseeeneeneesceenes 12 a, IT sinc ncnrenieeaninmninennnanibiisnninisinniniennibibeneinen 12 Plan Detailed To Rescue Muslim Pilgrims /Johannesburg Radio} ..............c.ccccccccseeevsseeseeenseeesseesenseneenenees 12 Final Monitoring Commission Angola Meeting Set /SAPA] ...........ccccccccccscssessesseesseeseeeseerteeenseenseneenenneans 13 ee ee es Cn EEE... sasoistsasbunnasisnnosnoneasennnenessebsesembenenesentoagonnssesenes 13 Leader Confirms Coup Attempt /Johannesburg R@di0] ..............cc.ccccccesssesseeeseeevseeeeeseeesseenseeseeneenenes 13 IPCI: ITI stinsseseiiignsnseaheieeeenpnneeeennuuenenaneenqenemantnenenenennansnenananianseapnanantnnin 13 III SUIT noite ic nsieenistenasatinas cunmemnenenncebennninaneaenenniaeeeenemisiinuaniiiaiti 14 Pe Re I IT EG GD IE scncceesns -ccaterecnsvnssscsensenecerenssnsosenenescasennsenenenesssnsninnte 14 i TR [UT sisssscsscssstnaseretnietuneemeneenebenneinnanteneneheanninennsinessinnbisinnntithth 14 ED, GD ED GUUNOUNED WOMEOIIOD FERRI URE cccccccccccecsscccccosscenssonssssessenesosesconssosecssosccscooscosoossonsoonent e 15 NE I IEE TIED. 11100001 sensss nnnsnnnnensmnenstueunareneseanannensnseuneecooneapinnsnneansagteneeetet 15 Inkatha Announces Team /Umtata Radio] ..........c..cccccccseesseseesseeseeeeseeeeees shitiaaaiaaannntenneneninialiiiin 15 SE ED, MIE ssscsrssensisstrnts conntniinennnennennnsenenncennatnnnnnentaiaennnnenneneeaiennasnncanneeonenncenenntth 15 Buthelezi Hopes for Peace /Johannesburg International] seoaepenaeaaaaeacianienanineenniiiit 16 ANC Schedules Nationwide Mass Protest | Feb /BUSINESS DAY 25 Jan] o....cc.ccccccccccccccsccesseeseeeeseeseneens 16 EE CD I ee ctterennsinnnnsernraiinenaneiatenennenserenantannennpuinnerenesannentnaneneennenneneeccennnntenaneenens 16 26 Jan Press Review of Current Issues, Problems /BUSINESS DAY, e@t0.] .....cccccccccccccccesseesseeeseesseneeneneenes 16 28 Jan Press Review of Current Issues, Problems /SUNDAY TIMES, @10.] .........ccccccccccscesseeescesseeseseesesenees 17 SOUTHERN AFRICA Angola FUMING? OR Upcoming Sinth Rowand Of Peace TAKS .......ccsccccssccessssrscssssessssssessessocsssssseessssesnsosessseseesees 19 PCO, CCC CE. [TEE scssncssssecnsecccosvecernensesentenenenesteuntensenernieentinnnnvensennets 19 ED CP UT PD FD GI ceccnsecececccnzcessecesecnnensccnseccennenennenusanennennnsosnereseonens 19 Malawi Government Denies ‘Secret’ Renamo Negotiations /Blantyre RAdiO] ........c..ccccccccccseceesseeeseeeseeseeenes 19 Mauritius Pro-Iraqi Rallies Reported, Recruits Sought /London International] ............ccccccccccccesseesseeseeseeseseens 20 FBIS-AFR-91-018 28 January 1991 3 Sub-Saharan Africa Mozambique Government, Renamo Attend Peace Talks in Rome ..........00.:c.-ccsscssrsssrsseveseceverscsvossrssseessenssonenssesensesees 20 Joint Commission To Report (Adapeto RADIO) ...........0..c.0ssssscsersssvssovssnessensesesovessonsonssseseseseeses 20 Be Te I I I aitescctsisscstietnerercesenereeccecnesverssrersesverseenenveccsnnectine 21 Renamo Attack Village, Violates Rome Accord /Maputo Radio] ................cccsscseeeseeseeseevneenseenereneees 21 Zambia Kaunda Says Allies ‘Murdering’ Children in Gulf /Johannesburg International] ..................000+00+++ 21 Kaunda Withdraws From Cyprus Gulf Peace Mission /PANA] .00...........::cccsssonceeceeseeeseeeneeseeeeeenees 21 ne errr rrr IIITTIES ss ssonennnnesmnnionntnniienabhensenennbtnebesesneonanenanhebienbannnenaie’ 21 I i seceneieeniviall 21 I ICD CIE, UUIITIIT sss sscnenenneenmnsironanesnbbennennonbinnerennennenennnnenbaenhte 22 Military Says Family in Lusaka /London International] ..................:ccccsecseseeseessesseeseeeseneceeees 22 Angolan Envoy Reports on UNITA Actions /Lu@nda@ Radio] ................ccssesssseeseeeseesessesseseeseeseeneenes 23 Zimbabwe Mugabe Accuses Renamo of Cease-Fire Violations /Johannesburg International] .................00000+++ 23 Increased Cargo Handled at Beira Port in 1990 /THE FINANCIAL GAZETTE 18 Jan] ............... 23 WEST AFRICA Liberia NPFL’s Woewiyu Reacts to U.S. Envoy’s Remarks /London International] ............cc.cccc00000000 24 Woewiyu Says Deaths of Journalists ‘Unfortunate’ /Monrovia Radio ELBC] ..0.........c..cc.ccs0eses0000 24 28 Interim Assembly Members Take Seats /Monrovia Radio ELBC] .0............c..sssssssssesseseeeesereeseeees 24 Interim Government Committed to Legal Obligations /Monrovia Radio ELBC] ...............000000+ 25 ECOMOG Refuses To Provide Johnson Security /Gharnga Radio ELBC] .0...........cc.cccseseeseeeeeeeeees 25 Gbarnga Peace March Planned for 30 Jan /Gharnga Radio EL BC] 0.0.........0cccsccsssecsesseeeeseeseesceneencens 25 Mali PUCCOT COUETORED GR TORGONE TISTGRENTIAIORS ......00..ccrccesceessecserrsecceroccccocceseesenssssensevscsesosscnsscsscseseeees 25 CTT (PE $MM sccssssssssssrcennsssnsienvenesnnnnneinenstnnuncietseabnabeiatainsennnatiiatiaiitth 25 I CHU GU) REED =E URIIID GIUIIIINY crceaccecseccecsecennrseceesenssnntecnsnaanennesnantenssenensnsonionsensedte 26 Nigeria Airport Security Tightened; Foreigners Held /Lagos International] .............ccccccsccsssesseeseeseeseeeseeneenee 27 ee CEES GEUUOS FOO CORTIIUIIID ccccecccscccessoressecrecercnsvccccccosssnecsconesocsossonesensoccse-sncceeenn 27 Views Fate of Journalists /London International] ..............00.0000- meanenninvessiahaananteinntnlinieiinainatety 27 ee I SD ID A BIE cncccicencecssscrseccesncsscnsevecsnensennecnsonssnsersonoseneveeneenete 27 SR PET GIES «BEET cecesexassncnssneinesnctsenensescuescotovnsuenennntnneenbessneneanennesennenntnne 28 Liberian Moniba’s Presidency Claim Viewed /Lagos R@dio] ...........c..ccccccccsssseesseeeeesseeseeseeseeeseeeeeenes 28 FBIS-AFR-91-018 28 Januaiy 1991 CENTRAL AFRICA 1 Cameroon Lombilo, minister of public health and social affairs; and Mr. Raymond Mbitikon, minister of water, forests, fishing and tourism. Demonstrators, Security Forces Clash in Garoua Cooperative relations between the USSR and the Central PANA Cites Toll African Republic through these three ministries were AB2601105891 Dakar PANA in French 1915 GMT discussed at the talks. Earlier, the Soviet diplomat met the president of the National Assembly. They both 18 Jan 91 praised the development of relations between the CAR [Text] Yaounde, 18 Jam (CAMNEWS/PANA)—Three and the USSR. dead and several injured, a government building set ablaze, and vehicles burned to ashes—such 1s the toll of the clashes which occured yesterday at Garoua (northern Chad Cameroon) between the security forces and participants in a peaceful demonstration organized by the Committee for Further Reportage on Army's Reorganization the Reiecase of Political Detainees in Cameroon. During the demonstration, which the Garoua district authorities described as illegal as a result of the failure to comply with Military Service Compulsory established procedure (filing for a permit seven days prior AB2601212091 Paris AFP in French 1821 GMT to the demonstration), the demonstrators burned the resi- 26 Jan 91 dence of a senior police officer and a public building before attacking private property. The house of a rich busi- [Text] Ndjamena, 26 Jan (AFP)}—Chadian President nessman was, however, saved just in the nick of time. Colonel Idriss Deby has signed a decree reorganizing the Chadian Army and making military service compulsory, Shops, stores, and markets remained shut throughout the according to official sources in Ndjamena. The Repub- day. Only a few stalls offering essential commodities were lic’s Army is now called the Chadian National Army spared. The security forces arrested some vandals, but the (ANT), instead of Chadian National Armed Forces number was not officially disclosed. Complete normalcy (FANT) of former President Hissein Habre, overthrown returned to the town in the evening after the security forces on 30 December 1990. had forcefully intervened. It was explained that the demon- stration was organized by the Garoua-based Committee for The ANT, as the Chadian Army was called before Hissein the Release of Political Detainees in Cameroon, which had Habre, whose numerical strength was not specified, has as hitherto been unknown to the general public in terms of its its main duty defending the national independence and membership and action program. unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty, and security of the country, and preserving it from subversion and any aggres- Biya Orders Demonstrators’ Release sion, the provisions of the decree add. The head of state is the head of the Army, the decree points out, specifying that AB270114279]1 Libreville Africa No. 1 the Army is nonpolitical. A National Gendarmerie has in French 1830 GMT 23 Jan 91 been recreated to replace the military police set up by [Text] Cameroonian President Paul Biya has ordered the Hisseim Habre’s regime. release of the demonstrators arrested on 17 January fol- Finally, a legally compulsory 18-month military service lowing a banned march in Garoua, North Province. The has been instituted for any able-bodied citizen. Rank and decision was announced by North Province Governor Fon seniority gained in the former army will be taken into Fossi Yakum Ntaw. The governor did not, however, consideration. specify the number affected by the presidential measure. Furthermore, Col. Deby has promoted several officers It will be recalled that about 1.000 people, led by a including his former comrade in arms who helped over- committee known as the Committee for the Release of throw Hissein Habre. Chadian Vice President Mr. Mal- Political Detainees in Cameroon, marched through the doum Bada Abbas was promoted from lieutenant to streets of Garoua on 17 January. colonel; Captain Dyibrine Dassert, commissioner (min- ister) of defense, has been promoted to colonel; Major Central African Republic Nadjita Beassoumal, commissioner of information becomes a colonel, and Abbas Koti Yacoub, current chief of staff of the ANT, becomes a colonel. Ministers, Soviet Envoy Discuss Cooperation AB2301100591 Bangui Domestic Service Ndjamena Radio Report in French 1800 GMT 14 Jan 91 AB2701215091 Ndjamena Domestic Service [Text] The Soviet ambassador to our country, Mr. (Yuriy in French 1900 GMT 24 Jan 91 Garabanov) today held talks with three members of government. They are Mr. Pierre Gonifei-Gaibonanou, [Excerpts] Today the head of state signed an ordinance minister of transport and civil aviation, Ms. Genevieve and decrees on reorganizing the Armed Forces. L *t us FBIS-AFR-91-018 2 CENTRAL AFRICA 28 January 1991 first start with ui. ordinance which reads: The chairman Deby, French Officer Talk of the State Council and head of state orde:s: AB2601104491 Ndjamena Domestic Service in French 1900 GMT 25 Jan 91 Article 1. The Chadian Armed Forces have been orga- nized into a republic Army named the Chadian National {Summary from poor reception] “The chairman of the Army whose abbreviation is the ANT. State Council, Colonel Idriss Deby, late this afternoon received General Barry, head of the military mission in Article 2. The base of this Army will be made up of elements the French Cooperation and Development Ministry. For who are under the authority of the Chadian state. 90 minutes, the two men examined issues concerning military cooperation. After the audience, Genera! Barry Article 3. The ANT’s goals are to defend the country’s briefed the national press on the topics of his discussions integrity and national unity, terrritorial sovereignty, and with the head of state and the role that the French security and to preserve the country from subversion and mission plans to play in reorganizing the Chadian Army. any kind of aggression. The ANT participates in the Let us listen to Gen. Barry speak to Lucienne Nadje”’. country’s economic development. [passage omitted] [Begin recording] [Barry] We had a lengthy discussion on Decree on reorganizing the General Staff Headquarters of the general state of Chadian-French military cooperation. the ANT: The chairman of the Council of State, head of “The head of state has expressed his desire to very rapidly state, and supreme commander of the Armed Forces set up a national army representing all the factions and the decrees: active forces of the country. He asked us whether we agreed to contribute to this great and difficult, but quite exciting Article 1. A General Staff Headquarters of the ANT, to work, within the spirit in which the Chadian president be known as ETMAG, has been created. hopes to see cooperation between France and Chad. Article 2. Under the authority of the state commissioner “[Nadje] Chad has decided to reorganize its Army. What for national defense, the chief of general staff is charged role does the cooperation mission in Chad intend to play with general organization and management of the forces, in this stage of reorganization”? coordinating inter-army operations, and drafting the budgetary planning that will be submitted to the state [Barry] In fact, there are several stages in this plan. The commissioner for national defense. [passage omitted] first stage is where the Chadian military authorities are designated by the president. | said we hoped to help in Decree on the creation of military regions within the this exercise and the president also expressed the same ANT: The chairman of the State Council, head of state, hope. We will then continue in the same spirit of and supreme commander of the Armed Forces decrees: cooperation. [end recording] Article |. Seven military regions within the ANT have We would like to inform you that Gen. Barry was accom- been created as follows: panied by the French ambassador to Chad, Francois Xavier Gendreau, and Colonel Kaffa Danou. Present on Military Region |: Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti, with com- the Chadian side was Commissioner Abbas Koti. mand post at Faya; Military Region 2: Ouaddai-Biltine, with command post Journalists Demand Press Freedom Guarantees at Abeche; AB2401163291 Paris AFP in French 1744 GMT Military Region 3: Guera-Salamat, with command at 14 Jan 91 Mongo; [Text] Ndjamena, 14 Jan (AFP)}—Chadian journalsits Military Region 4: Moyen Chari, Logone Oriental, grouped in the Union of Chadian Journalists (UJT) Logone Occidental, with command post at Sarh: today asked the government for freedom guarantees in a document containing proposals for organizing the infor- Military Region 5: Kanem-Lac, with comand post at mation sector. The UJT, which on 11-12 January held a Moussoro: seminar on the theme: “Freedom and Renewal of the Press in Chad,” recommended to the authorities the Military Region 6: Moyo-Kebbi-Tandjile, with com- setting up of an audiovisual high authority with auton- mand post at Dielodeng; omous power of decision; the setting up of a council on press freedom, the abrogation of all forms of censorship; Military Region 7: Chari-Baguirmi-Batha, with com- and respect of the clause on journalist's conscience. mand post at Massaguet. At the end of their seminar, the Chadian journalists also Article 2. The state commissioner for national defense, decided to organize within the shortest possible time an war veterans, and war victims is charged with imple- extraordinary UJT congress and to draft a charter on menting the preser.. decree which will take effect from information. During their discussions, the Chadian journal- the date signed. [passage omitted] ists emphasized their desire to carry out their professional FBIS-AFR-91-018 28 January 1991 CENTRAL AFRICA 3 activities within the framework of the press freedom prom- believed to be held, diplomatic sources in Kigali said. ised by the new Chadian president, Colonel Idriss Deby, Among those freed was Major Theoneste Lizinde, jailed in when he assumed power on 30 November 1990. 1980 following a tailed coup against Major-General Habya- rimana, the rebel commander said. [passage omitted] Rwanda Ruhengeri Attacked Again F.42501152891 Dar es Salaam Domestic Service Further on Rebel, Army Clashes in Ruhengeri in Swahili 1300 GMT 25 Jan 91 Rebels ‘Poised To Strike Again’ [Text] Kigali—Radio Rwanda has said governmer.. troops AB2501155591 Paris AFP in English 1111 GMT have managed to drive the rebels out of Ruhengeri town in 25 Jan 91 the northwest of the country. The radio said government troops were tracking down the rebels, who are fleeing toward the Ugandan border. The radio said the town had [By David Chazan]} been in rebel hands since last Thursday evening. [Excerpt] Nairobi, Jan 25 (AFP}-—-Rwandan rebels have Diplomatic staff whose nationals were evacuated from retreated from the north-west town of Ruhengeri, but the area by French troops said the situation was not yet remained poised to strike again from the bush as French good and that the rebels attacked the town again yes- troops mounted a second evacuation operation, diplo- terday morning. mats said Friday. A curfew has been imposed on the town as well as on An official of the French Embassy in the Rwandan Gisenyi, which is on the shores of Lake Kivu in the west capital Kigali said French troops based in Rwanda had of the country. evacuated 63 people including 20 French nationals to Kigali from the northern town of Gisenyi late Thursday. Rebels’ Spread Disinformation Gisenyi is near Ruhengeri, which several hundred rebels EA2601222691 Kigali Domestic Service overran on Wednesday, prompting French troops to in English 1800 GMT 26 Jan 91 evacuate 189 people from Ruhengeri to the capital. [Excerpt] Afiter its serious defeat, the Patriotic Front Inko- The attack on Ruhengeri, 70 kilometres (40 miles) from tanyi [rebels], and their allies are pursuing their disinforma- Kigali, marked an escalation in the low-intensity guer- tion campaign against Rwanda. According to an AFP dis- rilla war that has dragged on in northern Rwanda since patch quoting an officer of the Ugandan Army who chose rebels of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded not to be named, around 50 Rwandan soldiers went into from neighboring Uganda in October, diplomats said. Uganda last Thursday morning [24 January] and opened Rwandan state radio said government troops had fire on the village of Rwene which is situated 15 km from flushed the rebels out of Ruhengeri on Thursday. The Kabale. The same information was heard through the BBC authorities have clamped a 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. curfew on monitored in Kigali yesterday, Friday, at 1715. Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. It is true that Rwandan troops have been stationed along the Rwandan-Ugandan border and have orders to Diplomatic sources in the region said hundreds of RPF defend the territorial integrity of Rwanda and to respect fighters were hiding in the bush in north-west Rwanda the border between Rwanda and Uganda. and were believed to be poised to strike again. Since October the rebels have launched a series of hit-and-run Since its serious defeat in the Mutara, in the northeast part attacks on government forces. of the country, the Patriotic Front Inkotanyi hopelessly try to cause incidents at the border between Rwanda and A field commander for the rebels said 500 rebel fighters Uganda, its host country, in order to give the latter a pretext had attacked Ruhengeri. Contacted by telephone from for launching aggression against Rwanda. The Rwandan Kampala, he said he believed hundreds of government Armed Forces are aware of the devilish maneuver and will soldiers could have been killed. not allow themselves to fall in the trap of the enemy. In the Diplomats in the region have estimated the total number same campaign orchestrated with genius by the enemy, the of rebel fighters at 3,000. They say fighting could flare up Inkotanyi spokesman declared through Radio France Inter- again at any time as the rebels seem to be pursuing national, monitored in Kigali, that his movement was in guerrilla tactics, attacking the army and then melting contro! of the town of Ruhengeri and the entire region of the away into the bush, only to attack again elsewhere. prefecture and that it had allowed the evacuation of foreign nationals. The rebels are mostly members of the minority Tutsi tribe, Rwanda’s traditional rulers, who want to over- This information is of course void of any foundation. As we earlier announced in our news, the Rwandan Armed throw the government of President Juvenal Habyari- Forces are in perfect control of Rehengeri town and its mana, dominated by the majority Hutus. surroundings. At this very time, the Rwandan Armed The RPF freed an unknown number of prisoners from the Forces are carrying out mopping up operations in order Ruhengeri jail, where 200 to 300 political detainees were to allow the displaced people to go back to their homes. FBIS-AFR-91-018 4 CENTRAL AFRICA 28 January 1991 Concerning the evacuation of foreign nationals, this was the official results of the first multi-party election in Sao done when the Inkotany: elements, who had temporari!y Tome and Principe last Sunday have stil! to be declared. occupied Ruhengeri town, had already withdrawn. fol- Sources close to the national election committee said the lowing a counterattack by the Rwandan Armed Forces. opposition Democratic Convergence Party formed secretly This information was even confirmed by Dr. (Tati) who in 1987 by ruling party dissident Daniel dos Santos .7ai0 1s the head of the French medical mission in Ruhengeri. had won 33 seats out of 55. The Liberation Front-Social ard his account of the operation was broadcast by Radio Democratic Party which had monopolised power since Rwanda and Radio France International. independence in 1975 retained 20, with the remaining two going to the Democratic Opposition Coalition, the sources As long as we are talking about the raid on Ruhenger, 11 1s said. The Christian Democratic Front got nothing. The the duty of the Rwandan Government and the entire national cowncil of Mr. Daio’s party, of which he ts Rwandan people to call the attention of the internat. nal secretary-general, expects him to become prime minister community to the extremely serious threat that the aggres and 1s recommending that party chairman Leonel Mano sors who came from Uganda are putting on the world 2 Alva be speaker of the national assembly. reserve of the last species of mountain gorilla, which chose \ts last refuge in our country, Rwanda. The film entitled Mr. Daio, 43, was a minister in the Gulf of Guinea (onillas in the Mist succeeded in attracting the attention of archipelago’s first governments from 1976 to 1982, when the international community to the rare species of primate, internal disputes made him quit and set up a clandestine which is associzted to homosapiens. Its survival 1s today Group of Reflection in 1987. Mr. d’Alva ts a former heavily questioned marked by the assailants who came from premier and senior ruling party official who returned iast Uganda, whose only aim is to destabilize the region of the year from an eight-year exile Great Lakes. Well, the international community cannot tolerate such a misdeed. [passage omitted] Presidential elections, contested for the first time, are due early in March. Political analysts said the poor showing of Armed Forces Control Ruhengeri the ruling party in the general poll made " uncertain whether President Manuel Pinto da Costa, the islands’ F-42761?! i891 Kigali Domestic Service leader since independence. would stand for reelection. mn French 1800 GMT 27 Jan 91 A sworn foe and one-time premier, Michel Trovoada, is being {Excerpts} The Rwandan Armed Forces are in full con- backed by the Democratic Party victors to replace him, and trol of the situation in Ruhengeri. In two encounters with Guadalupe de Ceita 1s standing as an independent. Mr. the enemy, the Rwandan Armed Forces killed more than Trovoada returned last June after 10 years in exile in France. 120 assailants. Gaspard Sayinzoga has more details [Sayinzoga] Ruhengeri never fell into the hands of the rebels despite their short-lived occupation of Ruhengeri. This was Zaire confirmed by the commander of operations in the northern area. According to him, the commando which freed the Assembly President Meets Envoys on Peace Efforts inmates of Ruhengeri Prison was made up entirely of suicidal and drugged people who invaded Ruhengeri but 182801202091 Dakar PANA in French 1827 GMT who left behind hundreds of dead. [passage omitted] 25 Jan 9] Yesterday the Rwandan Armed Forces had two contacts [Text] Kinshasa, 25 Jan (AZAP/PANA}—On 23 Jan- with the enemy in the region of the volcanoes around vary, Mr. Anzuluni Bembonlonyonyi. president of the Kinigi. The enemies, who were surrounded by the Zainan National Assembly. briefed the Lebanese ambas- Rwandan Armed Forces, left at least 120 dead on the sador to Zaire, Mr. Adnan Hassan Mansour. on the battle ground. This figure is far less than the real loss efforts being made by his country to bring about a because the enemy often buries its dead so there could be cease-fire in the Gulf war. The Lebanese diplomat, who some undiscovered bodies in the thicket. The govern- spoke to the press following the audience, noted that ment forces had two injured. The mopping up operations Zaire 1s making these efforts in its current capacity as are continuing, but our forces had no real contact up chairman of the UN Security Council. until early this evening with the enemy, which ts trying to reach Uganda where its rear bases are situated. After describing this catastrophic war as destructive and Stating that the price of the war will ultemately be paid by the people, Mr. Mansour declared that his country 1s also Sao Tome & Principe striving for a cease-fire and the organization of an interna- tional conference to resolve, once and for all, the diverse Prime Minister Submits Government Resignation problems of the region, notably, the situation in Lebanon AB2501 14249] Paris AFP in Enelish 1404 GMT and the Palestinian question. 25 Jan 91 Mr. Anzulumi was briefed the same day by Mr. Ah [Text] Sao Tome, Jan 25 (AFP}—Sao Tome’s Prime Min- Khodja, the Algerian ambassador to Zaire, on his coun- ister Celestino Rocha da Costa has submitted his govern- try’s peace initiatives regarding a peaceful solution to the ment’s resignation, officials said here Friday, even though Gulf war within the context of the Arab Maghreb Union. FBIS-AFR-91-018 28 January 1991 EAST AFRICA 5 Kenya The 70-year-old army general was among the mulitary officers who staged a bloodless coup alung with Presi- dent Siad on October 21 1969. Former Somali Prime Minister Escapes With Wounds EA2701161091 Nairobi SUNDAY STANDARD Somali Officers, Refugees Dock at Mombasa in English 27 Jan 91 p 32 EA2701162691 Nairobi SUNDAY STANDARD in JEnglish 27 Jan 91 p 2 [Bakr Ogle article: “Ex-Somali "rime Minister in Hospital”) {Jnnamed STANDARD reporter article: “Five Military Officers Among Somali Arrivals™] [Text! Somali former first vice president, General Mohamed Ali Samantar, is recovering at the Nairobi [Text] Five military officers in the trouble-ridden Somali hospital. He had been flown there from the North- Government were among | 21 refugees fleeing the Somali eastern Province after sustaining bullet wounds while conflict who arrived in Mombasa Old Port yesterday. fleeing from the escalating civil strife in his country. Their sailboat Swalahina docked in at the Old Port at a°out 10 PM on Friday night from Kismaayo with Gen. Samantar, who was lately the prime minister in the passengers who were Somali nationals. embattled President Mohamed Siad Barre’s government, 1s in the hospital along with his 14-year-old daughter, the The captain of the sailboat, Mr. Kame Fume, told the only member of his family he fled with a week ago from “SUNDAY STANDARD” that his sailboat left Kis- besieged Mogadishu. maayo on Tuesday and it took him about three days before the sailboat docked at Mombasa Port. The “SUNDAY STANDARD” last night found the former vice president, who during his long political Captain Fume said inside the sailboat, there were eight career also doubled as the chief of joint staff, under children, 18 women, and men who had to starve in the heavy guard by Kenyan security personnel. It was not high seas since there was not enough food to feed all the possible to obtain an interview with him “unless there is passengers aboard the sailboat. a written authorisation from the Ulinzi House.” We were unable to secure the authorisation. A senior officer He said when he had gone to Kismaayo to deliver some referred us to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Inter- goods, he was forced by the security men to flee with the national Cooperation. Somali nationals. At the St. George Ward of the Hospital, General “I had no alternative but to carry with me the Somali Samantar sat looking relaxed on his bed as he read a nationals aboard the sailboat on humanitarian grounds,” magazine. His daughter appeared to be in a deep sleep. he said. He appealed to the immigration officers and the authorities concerned to allow the Somali nationals to Independent sources told the “SUNDAY STANDARD” disembark from the sailboat since some of them had that Gen. Samantar was flown from Garissa on Friday their passperts and visas. aficrnoon [25 January]. He was earlier brought to the Meanwhile, about |,700 foreigners from Somalia who town by road from the border post town of Liboi. have been staying aboard a ship and sailboats at the According to the sources, Gen. Samantar arrived in the Mombasa Port have all been moved to the Jomo Ken- country in the company of one Brigadier General yatta showground. When the “SUNDAY STANDARD” ‘Abdirahman Khalif Diis and businessman, Mr. Abdik- team visited the showground late in the evening. oosh Ashkar, the latter two being members of President polhcemen manning the gates refused entry to the Siad’s tiny clan. The army officer and the businessman “SUNDAY STANDARD”, saying newsmen were not were said to be in Gariss2 where they have joined several allowed inside the showground at the moment without other hundreds who have been pouring into the country any permission from the authority. since the beginning of this month. *,foi Notes Resources ‘Strained’ by Somali Refugees The Gen. Samantar group left Mogadishu early last week, heading toward the southern port town of Kis- FA2601124791 Nairobi KTN Television maayo intending to get to the Kenya coast by boat. But in English 1000 GMT 25 Jan 91 there was eatensive gunfire between rebel units belonging to the Somali Patriotic Movement (SPM) and [Text] His Excellency President Daniel arap Moi said the remnant troops loyal to President Siad. The fugitives today that, following the internal conflict in the Republic were injured in the crossfire, the sources told the of Somalia, Kenya is now receiving a large number of “SUNDAY STANDARD”. fleeing refugees who have placed a heavy responsibility upon Kenyans and a strain on the country’s resources. In The former vice president sustained mild injuries on the a Siatement released at State House, Nairobi, President hip and parts of the shoulder blade, while the condition Moi called upon Kenyans—particularly those within the of his daughter was said to be a little more serious. entry point of refugees such as Coast, Northeastern and FBIS-AFR-91-018 6 EAST AFRICA 28 January 1991 Nairobi Provinces—to exercise their characteristic hos- Somalia pitality and treat those refugees as brothers and sisters. Siad, Prime Minister Speak on New Government Appeals for Aid EA2601175091 Nairobi KENYA TIMES President's Address in Engiish 26 Jan 91 p 2 EA2401194091 Mogadishu Domestic Service in Somali 1725 GMT 24 Jan 91 [Peter Kiongo article: “Moi: Help Us Assist Somali Refugees”} [Radio address by Somali President Siad Barre, date, place not given—tive or recorded] [Excerpts] President Moi yesterday appealed to friendly countries, international donor organizations, and well- [Text] In the name of God the merciful, the compas- wishers to assist Kenya bear the heavy burden of dealing sionate. I think it 1s important today that I tell you that the with the influx of Somali refugees fleeing the war-torn new prime minister, Omar Arteh Ghalib, has brought me country. In a statement issued from State House, the list of the new ministries in his government and I have Nairobi, yesterday, President Moi said that the influx of approved it, and he will read it to you here now. I think it the refugees had placed a heavy burden on Kenya and is an indisputable fact that Omar Arteh is known by everyone. He is a man who has a good historical recordi n was straining the country’s resources. [passage omitted] the country and he has done much. I do not want to revise history. It is a well known fact and nobody can deny it. I “Considering the pressure on Kenya's resources,” the hope the new ministers and the government, and the president went on, “I appeal to friendly governments, workers and the military, and every party will work with organizations, and well wishers to assist in the general him. He also wrote that he should have responsibility as up-keep of the refugees until a permanent solution to prime minister and minister of defense. their plight is found.” [passage omitted] He said assis- I hope that you, as Somalis, will work with him. For my tance on the refugees’ up-keep will go a long way in part, if I look back I think that for 21 years and over, or helping Kenya cope with problems that normally face a little under 22 years, there was the revolution. For the refugees, “bearing in mind the present unemployment most part of this time Omar was among the ministers, situation in the country.” [passage omitted] especially the heavyweight ones with a lot of responsi- bilities in the country. He played a good role then. Now I have confidence that he will proceed well even though Ethiopians Flee Somalia Through Kenya the times are difficult. EA2601210491 Nairobi Domestic Service After this I would like to go over the history of the in English 1600 GMT 26 Jan 91 country. We saved the country from a dangerous point. For some time things proceeded well. Later there was [Text] Over 1,600 Ethiopian refugees who were regis- much regression. Much was achieved in the foreign, tered in Somalia before the civil war and later requested internal, economic, educational, and communications fields. On the side of construction, only Mogadishu can to be repatriated during the war have already fled show the extent of its achievements. I do not want to Somalia through Garissa [eastern Kenya] in transit to waste time on the history of this country. This is because their destinations. This was disclosed by Mr. Bore when it is said that history never forgives anyone. | think that he talked to the KENYA NEWS AGENCY in his office. there are some Somali people with a cleaa heart who have no complexes or evil who write and will write the Mr. Bore further said that the refugees had already history of the nation. acquired air tickets in Somalia but could not connect a I conclude by sa ing that Comrade Omar Arteh and his plane home following the crisis in that country. He said men should be cooperated with fully. I think his minis- 114 had already left for Ethiopia and the rest were ters were not in the former government and were also not making arrangements to leave. He told the news agency in the last one. They have been selected by hiza and most that the UNHCR [UN High Commissioner for Refu- of them are young and educated. I hope that good work gees] and the Kenya Government have provided food- will be done and complexes will be done away with. stuffs and medicines for those still making arrangements Somalis are human and there are bound to be conflicts to leave. He added that other foreigners who were always. If they remember the past and they do not think working in Somalia have arrived in Garissa in transit to about the future and do not build, the nation will be Nairobi, where they will connect their flights. He clari- useless then. But if the past is forgotten and the future is fied that there were no refugees in the area except those thought of well and planned, implemented, that is the awaiting to leave the country. nationalist view.

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