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Preview UFO Times No 44 Dec Jan Feb 1997

lssN 0958 4846 TI UF tssuE 44 , DEC/JAN/FEB 1997 :S THIS IS A BUFoRA PUBLICATION UFOTIMES lssuE 44 BUF@RA CENIRiII OFFICE DEAIS WITH AII NAEMBERSHIP ENOUIRIES (no personal visits please). BM BU|ORA.I-ond.n WCIN ]XX lrK 'lel/Fax: 0lli2 732.173. E.nril: bulorr.ors uk \\tb: www butora.org.uk couNcrr r99sl95 Prcsident Major Sir Prlrick Wa . MC VRD RM (Rtd) vice Presid€nls LloneL Beer. Arnold \tsr YOUR PREMIER Founder Pr€sident c F.N Knewslub Chairnan John Spcnccr. Hon Se.rctary Arnold WcsL INTERNET SERVICES Treasur€r Simor Rose COUNCII MEMBERS Manfied Cassier. St|n Con$a). Robcrl Digbv. a;loria Diron. COMPANY Paul Dornn, Stcve camble. RobjD l-indse). Phillip ManLlc, Src Nlanrlc. Phillit Wallon. N1ike \\buen We providc National Co\'erage at a local call ratcs 1br all single DIRECTOR O] PUBIICAIIONS PSTN and ISDN tt,,e,rs \4ike Woottcn (address as Ce r.rl Ofiicc) 01152 t32.171. e mail: m\[email protected] com FLrll PSTN l[remet connection !99.00 per year (plus VAT) INTER.GROUP IIAI9ON This connection provides unlimiled conneclivity to thc Internet Philip0 l$3illl (n: r. 21l. W tsl. .S, llIe.e r, l.ll ro.n..l.e1vJ. lKre-ner, B.,R,'I tRJ using a modcm via a single analogue phone line at 33.6k. NB DIRECIOR OF INVESIIGAITONS No connectivity sofhvarc is included in rhis price. Glorir Dr\on l 1Lo.!hirn I)n\e. \\idcopen. \lc\lcastlc ul)on Tyne \E1-t 6J\\' T.l 0191 116 l-r:5 F!\ ll9i 116 tl-r,-. ..rxil: .b\ll(Adilltipex .orn DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH SIi\e Grmbl. rlddres " Cenrral Oflic.) e.mri| .lSlG dial pipe\.com BUFORA IIBRARIAN (lhris \\ilton. -Cra\me.e Main Ro!d. St Pauls Cray. Kenl. BR5 3ET Get wired onto the \lobile 0916l6l 12.1 e mail: polLcrgeisr(Odi.rl pipex.com iIEw'CIIPPING ARCHIVE Internet and save 9300 Michacl HudsoJr (rddress rs Ccnrrrl Olfi.el INEft/tBERSHIP SECRITARY Save f300 on an Internet ready Nlultimedia PC plus J[n Drrby free Internet connection for one year via Epinet. IHE BRITIgH U]O RE3EARCH ASSOCIATION ITD IBY GUARANTEEI Pentium 133 33.6 Int Modem FcJUndcd 196.1 Relincrcd oilic.: l6 Sourhsa!. Burgc\\ Hill Su\scx, RHl5 !lST. PCI bus l4 ' SVGA monitor ReSislered n London 0111,1921. Ircorporrlins Lhe London UFO R.\carch Association (founded 1959) l6Mb EDO Ran Spcakcrs, Mouse and and $c llritish t.FO '\si)ciatnm (lounded 1962) Kcyboalcl 1.2CB HHD u,ITNESS CONFIDENTIAI.ITY 8x CD Ron Drive Windows 95 trerTtihneg Bcarsilei!sh s UubFmOi uReeds ctod cthhe AAssssooccilaattiioonn rbea) liwseitsn ershsee si napso crromnfcidce notfiNl. in rhe lighr of rhis. dre BUFORA Code of Phctice has been devised and l6 bit Sound Card I Yeiu wruranty em(p lo!.d tkoughoul the Associati.m to guarantee the utmost care (oplional cxtended \\ arranl\') talen $ben dealing $irh wixress personal derails and case .eport maredal. Il is alio the policy of Ul-0 Zirres not ro publish the namcs ontddresses ofsifiresses who are no! in the public domanr'. The l)elsonal derails of Usual price f1499 + VAT. Exclusive OfTer to wihesscs who have been published in r|e media will be trealed wirh care by the editorship. BUFORA members f,l099+VAT atMs & t[ErnB:nsHtp l. To encouragc. promote and conduct Lrnbiascd scicnLific rcscxr.h of unidentified flying oblcct (UFO) phcnomcnr throu8hout t]rc UniLed Kingdom. F0r f'ufther details cottact 2. To collect and disseminare cvidcnc€ md drta rclltlmg to LlFOs. Epinet Data Networks Ltd c3o. oTpoe cruol eo rwdiintha toer hUeFnO e nregsacgacrdc hi nt hs(nNcgh hrocusct adrcrch Uthn(it cdg hKoiun!g tdhoem w oa.nldd. The Meal House. Whittington. Cllcltcnham, Glouccstcrshire GL5,1 4HA Membemhjp js open Io all $,ho support thc ainrs of lhc Association and whose application is ;ipproved by the erecutive cornmiitee. Member Tcl: (01242) ll2l000 Fax: Q1242) 821122 Sociedes includc thc UK's oldesl group, BFSB, 3 Orcha.d Road. Coal Pil Hclth. Bristol. Avon BS17 2PB. Associ.ue groups include Lhe email: infb@)epinet.co.r.rk WWW: http://www.epinct.co.uk No$amptonshnt UFO Resea.li Ccnre rnd Sklscan. a/Fd Lrcr is O IILJFORA l9!17. All righls reserled This publiclt(D nrx) not be srored or duplicrl€d in r l \!a) wirtuur rhe extrcss \!ntlen conscnl ol Lhc |ublishcr. rDE0/ JAN/FEB 96/7 uFortMES SoMETHING FoR tHE WEEKEND, StR? ,'he neekend of I 3 N.t,ernber l,996.was sotnething ,,J u triurrph 7u, ,Otiiif *6. U/bbgi.cal skeleton.s urtd pe.ple who main,streant ,,iotugy noutri pr;;.tiblt li.ke to iorg."i canle out of tltt:ir tloset.s h, vtut theit.strtfJ,nrLl th,,tr ,,,,vho.t tir":, irua L,"",, irir'rri." sBoemrledolkulds nitovl ynarc ' lo cannnrBn1dtu' " iront$' {l Tcb !hnin/n/ard,c!'le i' lFiroit)f ii\rr\ris iulb.ll! a rutrlheplo\en n$ onhutNor.esLtoh {wM \heioltiim gcr*thMhabt s cemt rhlti Ashersssoeirnrf ,e}gfh lo r .G{rslhfo eorFocgi'r li.ldiir chi-$rri. criL la snl n igchl r eu.sDiursi.n,itt,1,dr, etarionn) rn.nn. rL irrogr,Lfahto. "vrl. ., cic r pxiilLntic,ri rte" r,ttgrlols'..tLr r!utpl-s cr.i srriisdhlr c aflbl.rn roFrrhr\ic erv s ecbrlavcyrli isdec cvo.rclfcs resc o t{tinonrr/ e/sc/nuxrlp)rprrpo,..or rarc$lr r,yehthi\ecrdha iln program $es giren orer ro the Lorgdcndalc Lighrs nt),ster), "rorng" rincr sorreonc \r,irh ecop} I o ,:,lcnu. . . . r',t r1 lr 1,,. ,-. ,re, rr... l.r.,t "na "^r.1] ,L .re|irl lights hx\e b.'rn rccordcd tbr oier Iirr rtrrs rn r Hcr( rc \.r\\ rnorhe| tigu|e fron ulitog) s tiinges P.1ul rcl.Lll\cl\ \nrrll arci. Linlike any pu4rorrc.l cr,.r.n..,, El l)e\tc!\'.rrntJwilhnclrndkillingJ.Lr.-soinserrchol' vi\ihlron lhe Lon!d.nrful. lights hi!c becn ri rrrrr,retl. rnIrrr'i L rr\ lrrr rrnuu< Pher)onl.nr (oh. rlright. UFO\ to lou) ontuiennc nin,u I'h p. c'.rLnrrcp plerf.t ol thc \,allcy. tirr mrrr_r le sb'r Arfu 'st\trJarlrier-r \M L.fr fc, \'irnr icT cwxaosr,l dIwleid\lcc ialolccaf tiio1rn Ns: ol\r'rlirnv .N yli.nlk ii|nna_ 10 rh. l.cir \l.unhin Rescue ser\ice hxs car ol,rs due ililJ:li':i::;i:tilii]:;l,tillffil]""1;lln:."., pl.rh cieor\.pt. l.rlr i!Jrhe pr\o ,rI.loi!n.sq.g, e/u.d.n ,ua.sn Ld.r r.rl.h ,lctig lhtorrcs.a, rlo _np .or.l lcrec,n.uurorer.c . rt.J_rt/rhr..er.r,t bt .rIc Jr _ocll \ ,f,rr..,0.r..,r ,n. , ,,,,.,.,r,.,r..f,,i, n"a f$ri,ge rcch doucolyla rtecc oorra.lendg ca pgaauinl. .b Jv. Inclianl" llnored b\ mtins!ctm Iji)lo-sisrs. tblklori\r LrarL (.l.lle \,,r, n \ dr,j\r \.c Jilllt ot_lights, $hjch will of coursc be hteen iibeeaels ceonldlcbcctsinitgle sw itthnee snsu Iarliecorouunst ss iogl.h Lthine sh.iq)tl rrb l.ir,1ro.urct r (hLr,Ln$tc' iLfJcJ!]h tIhl1e .,b,.pLltck- \u\hpoosfscuJdodbcitri stinoccr-ic)anstecss ritnh ethsec rEhrirnthgiss. lrshlhchasdocu enicd crscs involring ti3,,r.,pp".uu,o,n n'L'lneti'rLtrrrttJtlhc\amclinlc.Sonrconenurre r.Lr\ and rhc $holc hillsiLle an.l \allcy beirr! jll,L;rn.(il \crLnIrh(nll\ ir.lrnedrban m\'\elf \\oulcl ha\eroconnnenr The phcnorlcnon is $,eil .locurnented rrd r,,n\i\rrrrr. lhc 'rrlnc\c(rrlrhLrtoroflheProgrrrl)bxlillookcdorthe nrin rr.r lin sightirgs ln Longdendalc is. LUl|oLT.J\ rrshr t JUL t. I rL ,\t Ieast i1 aitcnpted lo use rhc scientilic cro!gh. c.11led Shifing Ctoughl SLrtludiv ni!ht \,";r; IIFO Inethod and solresults rathcr lhan relyirgor) rhe $,ell. irce\olwcnttuabizan.p"iry",l,"'.rrnu,i.,n,"un 1,, rhrtuholcl.lmr \ has been pl.lgued b) aliens since l-or)BcljvoIr .I IWUFCO lNRA l.X\ lDpnhcrecoc rP\pisllreir t clirn\ t!tucwornrittcc hdl. b 8rR" $ofbilrlbcki$eso Birnku grmnr.rsov'rcptlr{L|)sLer dmasl rIal rnIn ctl .iO.l.l., ,Surrhe .l,ll1n. r.er,,r.,.L, ,r\. hq. rctsr r S''rL"c'ptofrp,to,ttrophrrrrr nphtr! pJltr Lrudih r nr.cnrphltli hJtrcrr\r.c 'tsruhl irc prtioleraocn} ritnctotoglucm dlmpnocul(n )turoe plbg sooolmthlrn uneincrr( hhriiolcnalfge te vLsidhshueaoaUnclI .rklUO.i FtO . EDIIOR colnnlLlnlty l\likc \\boucn a 0r5t-7:lt.l7l m! ooucn (,,rdirl pip.\..onr AistsrANr EDtroR And) Rob.rtr c 0l:1111 7l tr9-l l01312.751 Criconrpu\cr\ e ctrl SUB EDltONS Nfurk .blcs DESIGNERS lhe D.\jgr) Srrge. CIdill h\ o 0l]]2 1t)5166 lohJr(ade\igr \r,rgc.o Lrk AR StS Sinr(nr Brtlci Irholograph rakcn nt tlcssdilcn Lln Earrhli!:hrl l1rrk Sprin IDITORIAI. BOAND \lik. \\iio[er And\ RL,bdr\ RA! tN X-!nE AEnr! lPohhilrrp S \\r trnl.te.nr D.lolte tnrtister is opeh"Dunde.t ai dlien ttil., to tiu-th INVESIIGAflON' DIARY t6 Srrn Cof! rr DERROI SIfiIS AIIEN flUNTER BONNYBRIDGE 22 EXTNAODINAIRE What .t realh goittg on? Vi.r\ erpr.,\ed in !,r\ pi|er\ Oter 27 .Lun e:petience h the rcco\.tt j- qatie n)lpttDn., rHE TRIANGTE CASE 26 noplr ensce.'r.(\.ldrr rrirlt i- r/e.p{). chs.D! r \t tdxo\. aBuUEFONN rA AArNEARIYtaSlES ISRAE1I DEAD to 'OUTHPORT ol rhe edir{trLal borrd 0. PROJECT BOIREC 2A BUI:ORA Wher. Drrrenrl i\ rg.ki:n!r'c\ 0e)r$d o1r opk. drB,gi U.r!eeIr:D.eOufur Rrbrr l iisbc haruotnjruodot rrd.th br'. TUCoHFsO.It fStWLOtnOU aRTn\HT1n D AthF. NtbICrtdAN UFO VIDEO lt43 cYRnoElrNV LIeEttakWtct Stand obs.nruios 33A4 O BUFORA I9']7 I R, r't tt,.t .tt' 1n4.n.,.,1..,e n,t,.t\..r.... UFOTI\1ES rssuE 44 uF@ UFO FOOTAOE STIRS BUFORA MEETS WIIH SENSATION IN S. KOREA GONIACT I NTE R.NATIONAI. SEOLTL (AI'])A lo.al tele!ision rroL$ork \ho\\'cd fo iir|thcr irs:rirr ro crc(iullee htll inlcr croull iboligc ol a shiningl object lloitillg rnotionles\ irl cooperxiio . BUFORArlirectorr nret Lrp *ith NEWS thc \k) crrl! Fride] (l:/ll) momif! nl.1n.ltins ofticer\ of Ihc lon.l !rrndrns nerional I h€ YTN pictures \ho\rcd lhc objcct \u\pendcd groLrp. Contncl Inlemrlionill L FO Rc\.rrch. ir rridair lor nbout 10 mlnL[c5 bclbrc it suddcn]\, Brsed in Oxfbrd. Corlrrr ha\ e .ollrtcd UFO mo\ cd and di\rppcnr€d. aclalcd drtl lhroughout lhc L K ior m.Lr\ vears. IJF'O expert\ in SoLrth Klrfc.f itil Lhe ohject At ihis liuilful meetin::. wavs nr croir populirtc coulll herc bccn r \frcc.hip iullgin: lroln Lr\ J. r.' '.r .(.:l ." pr rr l n t r I I r UFO REIURNS TO mo\cruonts lnorionlf\\ in thr .k\ lor \.\€rLrl trcrc Iiscussed indecd it $'es agrccd thllt minurcs. arr.l rno\in!! in \c\crxl Jrii:renr C Lrntrcl r()Lrld Join BtIFC:iRA s national DERBYSHIRE directions betbre di\ilppcrrjn: rh.:.Lh:r \ky$'atch olr llsl.lunc 1997 bv nrcunting a \. \.r ,r ,I L). ,.,.r ' I ,1 ,,. PL,o r.l\l According to Sourh KoreiLn \rr F,r:ic t,itliLLlr locrlly based skv$atch silc in Orl(nd. BLJFORA iD1r,!(.c:]c\ r! a\b5 r)8dss.\h oiSrllcn ..L. LtrU1kLe,rK c.Pk -ce..Llnlc\r schC i(d lHco-csi,lgre '1.1h (),H\ \trllok.fl eliAn 15hg7i\,sw .Idoo1ol '.lSgh h.fIoc rll ,iracrld). tSwphhoe.oreucnkth s)\g rKr,deLuorpercch antco ro sh r.asl lcs\e\ hhsbcercdcd.hun l srhdhir rihi\ ltiibri i!:'!hg rLi.i. i rF1.:a,..i r ri l: r,... .i..: r:l:::-,:r 'L :.f..'.r.i1. r coninonr\cn lrolneelh\lc e0et rd1I\ J2lr3iiv5lli rn 8gI5']. 1 i.:nll llrn9ne dsii . a(rrh'ohcur\,in l$'dln. rOinnxt fotoorf c gCl esItUhoFuOldIT 'L'hrc. sTpo\t't.c.drr e. brilli.lntt lrig. h.l. tJrr !er\l\litn.gr" tor\.\ .\rd\ ilnd plonlincnt co\ crr:ra in nJ.r ._..::. thrcnrghout the countl\. hovered in rhe clark sk). Alld cach linlc it hurrled ruwa)-.rt (high) \peed ' CREDIT UFO ROUNDUP ''I kntt thut Lytt.r unLl it )\'u!tr't a t)hn( nt u t,lt I . F.b .. J \/'/ /,.... j .,.. /.., r .,. NASA DOES ABOUT.FACE ON IiAAGING CYDONIA out \totll talt ,(1\'tl lltol lLt.\1 II(' dc\cribed rhe lLlO t: ' u rcal ba!l al li!1)1 \iDtilor h) liqht N4rrs wirtchcr\ \\.r. pinihin: iirJ.:.: :. : _: :_ : jr.:Fh thc J.rn(iu\-frce and 11. I \\i\ i. C\,t,,J)jir. bur *il1 rlso post thc Lonlendalc \rrs thc silc ol lwo IJI:O encolrnter\ rtprrrnl lS0 drgrrc rrrrr.-r - :.:- - _ ::. :_: I ::r:::i i. iJ.t ll\ Ih(-\ cillt ba e(clrrxneri.lLirevtifen stgh riln\ig d\h' etD.arfsa. !Iiin1d pJPruisle-\\€dr'.c si\clolhl\ oesore lb$No i!o-silu f\Mle\liorttqrlh rs\i \ucr-r rI\ ot.n .IrrI. f lie:Lt\ ,Lr! l-u, .L|(r:)! - .r-_-; :..I:', : -. _: :l:- : ! :r1:.. :.lr. a--:h .r::J:J \rill gO Cistlc. : '1 .. : i:::: ..r:- ll l9g7 Ir \t ri.,... "-r I lr'r.\. '. : _ .: : :: rilr nvo L| .r. '! ., t,. \I 1.... , . iJ ' R.'J P -,.:: uLr. i r::r: - .-:.: : ..:. _ :-. .-.::tt.t lden Sinae \Lriu.r -. |,r.,J a:. \ 1\ ! ... - ':.: . PHIIIP MANTIE FOR encr!eli.rll\ lieiefdi!l r.i."r.r .r.:::.::.j ' _ :-i BUFORA PRESS OFFIGER. II.Lr\ Inight indeed hr\ e hoited lii('. rr 1J.,.i ri :-'r:-.:.: :.. .::-:::nnflhc IL wrs egrced rt thc 1:cbrurry BLJI,ORA Council tchxetc rnedmso troe ep xlc\1ir.s \\\c'hsesLmhecrr l oorl nColr\ dtohnrri. r! crn\ rui ntcnlcit1a. :'l!:i:i::i \ I:h \.1::-:_: . :- .. ,: - ::-: _: : .,.:, .l:lf Sbc rblc rc mccring lhat Philip N,lantlc should lirkc over rhe Regardlcss. accordi g to strt.nlcnrs published qu:,Lron. ::::- role rs thc Associations plcss olficcr. Philip trkos "b,:,u: on Ociober 16. NASA has no\\'plcd-sccl nor onl\ over the role ilom his \!ile and lellow Council :aLt?a: cNt NEWS ,., ,1^ \|f, ., . . ,. r.' t"r . ,.,1 1. . r. \LefpeLl Llown solne limc rco. HEBRIDEAN UFO GRASH? With thc prcss and TV rncdir \$xrnpcd $ith UFO nc\r s storics at p|cscnt. it wes lclt thLlt the On Srludr! 2arth Ork)her 19961singLrlar cvcnt helicopter. aided b\ r Fren.h :-:::.: ::,ir. Thc! Asscxrlation needed io rri\e the protile ol the Jotr took placc in thc sLics Llbo\o the Outer senrched rboul l.00ll 'qurr:;r..:-. .r:.:Lrin! il rnd lill the vrcant position rs soon rs po\\ible Hcbridcs. NIary piLpcrs, irclucling 77rc lares. blank Olrieirl erplrnrr.,!r. .r::: - ::iu...d r.1 ..1 r.. n...lel \lri.l, r rh.lr... ,t,. The coasrguilrd..r\i.. rl. -...::.J 1,,.1 likel) PARANOID OR WHAT? oofl cr xlnprl ogsei orc rs i nrl edx ffllrosshieo\n sro anncdo mlllsithxenst .$ Tllhhc sorr c.ullLlcIs eo u\\t a(P\ .ir .cm Je:t;h,.:rrl.t : T:...1:: lR:: :\:F ..:.:r ia!i. iIip \a\ c!-erU dldelb trls \ll-\\r ,r..r'.sr . nr rn\lur:r 'r..q I sonrethinc crashinq to cafth in frct. \\'as unlik.l\ r! Rr.l: Fr :.:...:. hr,l recor(led thc scrics in lhe bir.lnc bclicl thnt Sonre vill.Lger\ li(nn the villlrse of Clos\ in nothing ($irlJ rnr. ir .r. :iilr\ hrdl). /\nd clh elcrrcstriels wcrr'orLt Lo gcl hirnl Nlorg,Ln got norlhcrr) Lc$ I\ sxid the)' \.r\r' hlljng \r'rccl(agc the repo ! rllin:n ,,rra-'I ii:r' 'ccn rdd to dre heebie geebi.s afi.r hc wrotc i1r cpi\odc ilrd smolc. Onc \\itncs\. I']ort of Ne\\ lolrcr llrrther coniLr.ri:: L ii,irgi;r1 rc,.'ip ....1 e ^ir',. i.r| rr.. l"o,r'lrc: Normail Nhcclor.lkl. si1id. "l s.r$ three fiashcs in purforledl\ rJ,,rr 'a:nLrrnc .arurcai hrs it thrl r,l l.,r, i.L ,r, I 1 1..\'r. i.. .ri : r. (oial rrnd heard a tirrlhcr r\r.r bens\. I rrshed into r 'sr.!.e.,t tl ( .-,r ,. r- ,iJ O i;i rl r .r . <ptir \1. ;- the loc.rl shof .Lnd took the stalf and cUstoncrs Aur'orr sr'r:rct t,:.t ir.rir \r hich \\cnl down. Wc ll in\'o1\,ement lr ith the show hx\ lurncd his bc]icf\ u ,. r1 . ...\ r 'i. .r .,,.\. p.r. . keep \,rLr pnircd nround c(nnflctel} What do \\c s.Ly lou crn Whrlc\cr il ras drew atlenti(n ironr the R,.\F run. but )ou can t l)idc Drrin. \\'ho scranrblcd L1n RAF Nirrrod.Lnd r NOTE TO IIAEIT,IBERS ADDENDUIT,I As \'LrLl nray rcmcmbcr tionl nr! pcr$lral leLter LT-h is \cll u|dcrway ilnd b\' rhL- timc ir rs to r_ou dr:rr ihis i\\Lre of UF, lrfirr \loulcl bring conpleled $e lr ill be brcL on trrck Th.Lnk )oLL In\\ t h' c '.a\l'.liIctlc.l puobrl.is -h\c.d inT LhlTe.\1 l\ ecnari tlcIocl l upslx nun| eLdo tsop egeedl . hWis eilsl swuce oreu tn.re aloLtly s (txhrenreer.l I had \"' r,. e..,ir 'lr,: .r-,.r 1,,,l r,.- e ( Howc!er. a l ril]_ crisis prc!cnrcd rrc li.nr $.rs Cor.lon NlillingLor. Sorry (iorclonl completing \\'hri I had promiscd Io you. 4 Dac/taN/FEB t 9e6/7 UFOTIMES RAF IN X-FIIE ATERT! mAtcotm RoB|NSON De;fence minister is open-minded on alien visits to Earth REIURNS TO THE CIAN .r'\rl, rrlro, 't-T oiLn c.u rr. ,r. :,r.l ',.c.I.\ .,nri-.). nrr.l l)r ...di r.r,jr,I eBd. r.,in Erausprlo Hnta! wmel trse.sp lirehdt teth aitt etht,(id Motc!e cLlotK,: .stt ior:!1ttte Lasr l,ear in a shock statemcDt. Scotish tJFO lDne faenn cinec rMedinibislete rie Ltre r l oFbrreadineeridc kb yH Toh$ee preevoepalels. .htiagsh tbinegen h cLto.t np4totntindteivdd s"u.c hH ee.ylciltedendte; .,,,'To dnn no s\llerlu,l,h . l Nn, llarlc. olrm.\ eRdo buin\ srouD f llr etIir,ehd. iLio llln^ vu trb lio.sy. olhradte ArsI -tLo rRepAoFr t sUt.lFtiOon scigoh timngasn.de^ are under e"Ixlpel aLnlau ntiatttt tluorv sdtnigtd ntctigJhi t hfeur tot r bfenetni.t? ott '\Ir'hheertch crrp pI.c aMrsa ltcoo blne aR obbiti nosfo cno nhtauvseio rnc tiarse d1( r[ront oh,LA pr\ n1e.hdJtt l ,kt h "n e rli 1rkVaetf .dul\ ,4dt .,lVs.'..D :t rl' TrS\lrl, o.trt\ ,Lc Jla ,ti,tltle,n. a,l,dt'setr r . t.oh wn.ea c esie. r.sui)se htn.eo\te n iro.re. lf)rolo)a) fn , r,-V" anllev Mct\h.oerrvir LeeRr \iein sdg njn ioruo' pnrde deinr fe ilsbn" 1craemc,, c,aLt hr.lsjr,oic,n,arg. t, o, tnht.ht e,Ue rCFte C o,)i,vsS e tn,a..non,. mdtet xesRcerlt,yr ,ss.oen j fflor orlaw)nfcJI rlctrtihvto eeinsr s ' u,m ahofnaof.dg l otalhmpgzisaiyrn ki ebsoe nr , a.ianl s llo ]a- tto b.p , uiIceen cxwrdea)ao, c nurthhltlydlo,y ,p r \euc!th ll(!eato oat.u urc hg,tl.aoahep r drpitfe.heyaen ccrlehdri.ss He is concemed tlbout a tlFO rvith a red and t1, r.lr,,t t "a t,d.d oe c,ll tri'htLe M't,P. ,, ,, ...',,, 11,,"g .t,..te t Dpruencbiolaunse o ulars tc hyicldarre. nit Irneaadlley narrec r.renadli sfeo r hao wgood gArncgolria r olatastli Dmgo nlirghh.t thal.rppeared over East i".Tttuhee ias nslhf rtchuindg? dI iknr ctre,c rfeocr), .surc is his *,h.)le nu'I ulbrtenlob,g,eirrc aoldf a).ennad rsplv ai.r rah,na odnn rbn erae,l, nuw po.uigfktht irnbeledl f,omr,f,ey.. lm ry. ro wuur) It was tracked by radar at RAF Ncatishcad and Last week Defencc Minister Nicholas So:rmes ' rlndeo rn .n, r'Fr. I n I t, \e,t.r - d.r' t;.n.., iRnA thFe Nsokyrr hbuc,fooored flloyri nsge v5e0ra ml hilcosu rds oaws niI rhhoev ceoreadsr. r1erl\u-\.ip.rl .t.o eIdr\ e. rrl. err . l\o\0 rbn aInl). I, -f Od r\ lRe ArIt olir,roitrr.liol fubnrfgooldt eId h aind Da ufnimblailnye a, ra a sllnl taTlhl ct oewvne nqrsu ilreh acrlose It was also spotted by the crews ol a tanker and wolrld cost too much to obtain. But he acided: to n]e. completcly chenged all that and iI made civilian plane. while a virleo no$, iD the N4oD's '' U, ; lprtt r, d,. ".tJ, t, f, t./t,.tt,,t, lJ K,.,t,p,, me realisc where my priolities should lic. And hands !L,as taken by police. are ide irted b\ rll fl.titable h& r, it1(luding so a few days afier rhis lerrible hagcdy (N4nrch "lt's inct"dible no aiftraft wctt sLnnbled vlrc 1996). I redrcd tiom utblogy (not as ILue as tt turget war pitketl trp.so tbte to the toutt.,' Nigcl Nelson Auglrst 1996 es sone t)eople rhinkt). Dunblane pMPoorl rictRi(lel odt.lm le"o fUnrdKir rAo,?lidi s zDD.rec flqeeunnecccxe t ioRStetlgsc ircoettn.lta .trhye M wicthl\a rerl CREDT THE PEOPLE IOlI I/96 uw$noausd ledlhr ellsi tnnasltae i rneh aorne$arerssvo.cnr itbhra tm thye rree tiwreemree notl,h ebrrL I Due to thc nranr lerters of support. letters not BUFORA TO MOUNI A NATIONAT SKYWATGH onl\ from this counrn_ but tiom ovcrseas as \\cjl: and. \\ilh the backinu and cornplete On 2l st June 1997, BUFORA is ro nrounr a L'K \tranSe. \ou.an al\o lcarn a great deal of\.hat support of m\ family. I dccided ro return to rvide UFO skyu,arch. can be mi\idenriiied in the night sky. .rctive parricip ion in UFO .lnd paranornal D\..upruincg v r hi,eh l,g,8ir0, .!s s..k,lu-rarrachLin' -s, !r.ehnrr, o"u"rr <o lrr-ss llof cyaol us iwteo uolnd thliek en itgoh Ila ckoen ptaao|tt othre s eStk uvpw aytocuhr own kmidaslt csresr vf rhcomw 1msitsjaernaubaler l I rwhjas sy ewaitrh. oI urht iunfko lcrrugy),1 \ao.nfr dle xoveanrlcuri.es elte .s issI. rbfHeeoc io$ mef'vilnaegrl c. in.i! c tsr,e,c ea\ msiLl sn! q thly'ao ttp torh.pilsnu laknirn!d gheolt lainccti vocn. 01352 732:173 lor further ierails ard caOhllfi ludcforoeulnors gccis oItm sh eam \,leiasnd te t adIno dsw ! iittshsi c ach hlv iaoldlfur etahnbe.l e fi anlecdste ser{hdDa itrhoe greatest gift that you can give to a child. is vour RE EARGHERS ORGANISE PETITION OVER ANGTESEY rirre rnJ I rinr tn cn. re lrir .h.. folic) r. SIGHIINGS implemented throughout my retum ro active invcstigations. oocWAAarfngf seiCgaeelsnlsoreh.i m ss aCeeF mdsyeop o dlaiiannent ser cpx.R le outTiitcofdih tlni)iUoen' aD FgorPd Of ettwlo nPt| ioddehbe op.cpDpno ocp r, ntsrsscaLsta s liomebelenvlnesetetl emradU bbr fhcdotcorul o cIorgsthfili oaesthn rnHsed o huoasfse wtsoitih4lhftt?iaeiordttts"ue tJt .lnibdongtr iaulcd|le.t n6e.trpri s.c aae 1.lnpntc\ddnt6q le rt(iy\ s,tk:l t l1.sott.ieb.nbotrtj eiithslt Lhleh.tjeto r e p]r Hh.f.h eatoeiT ulnfnhisukeote n t peeiore\enfr tiatiCtttehninooev n tuht ,aeetn e^tttuoi )on.r y!fU uKte?. . UseSi1noh9lFdrmo9aOc7unee tg d IssehS iu geic. Ph poa5rrhtmriiOsneis enlghhisno am autfnnhoeidonenr l iaop\eu. geeafio!rrnr_hsllvova ee gpIr ssysyatt .aim otgghMfa e jlstoKasi o yoeyonbkenfsei\ann , rc,gae rrmir vhtefei oan Anbygr r runt chhao,koe L.lbdd l.oa stnoodk '''Ib the House of Connons This ambitious demand has rhe flrll backinc of \'e..(rrro ,:rr shr, n ,'c lr-\. dl brcr oolirL Th( petitian al o n ntbet.4 resitlents ofthe Anglescy M.P Ieuan \\ _vn Jones. [or. who knorvs! ln any event, Malcolm tChoeuren thvu ot,Je Abnegenle sde n; talmnthl eetb oewl hsiegrhet indgest: taalr easi tTthtaatfl F26o rH mimorpet oinnf oWrmaay.t ioLnIa ncfoanetse. cBt cCuonlrinar iRs.i dAvnaerdle.sev. Rloocbli nnsro'n o hrua.sr r',rle ttou rrnheed'.tlor lruetblilco.g yu na.n.cd., BI aaimrr. or knexplLti'ted obi{tx in tfu tkr it ot o|ound rhe LI-5R RI C Wonk! reu.lers plea.te tlote thdt I fuNe cha g?l dA!ftls. I an tntr l1nz tl) tninil ot 29 Kent Road, Alktrt Ctackntttnnanshire ENTRIES Sfllt co tll{c Ilit We arc lookirg fo. or;ginal and rhoughr Scotlund. F KIO 2.tN The UT editors :tre very pleased with the provoking material in the follo\ring categories:- Wclconrc back Malcolml response we have.eceived lo tle 50th . UFOS: A iEIROSPECflVE An.iversary write$ competition. Submissions . AUEN VtStttrtoN: have been to a very high standard. But as the IHE ABDUCr|ON DIBATE last issue oI UFO Times was delayed which . 50 YEARS Ot{: nmaadkee , lhwee chlaovsein gd edcaidtee da ltmo oesxtt cimndp otshsei blilnea tl odate IHE ]UIUR: OI UFOIOGY for enrries io lst May 199?. Each submitted article should be cleanly rypecl (or supplied on disc) and should be betws.n Please include your address and telephone 3000 and 5000 words. A panel ofjudges number with your entry selected from the BUIjORA membership will UFO Times Writers Competition, make the final decision. Suppol.ting artwork BMW BUFOR-A, London. WClN 3XX $ ill nul be pan ol the judSing proce,s. The competition is open to members ard non members alike. UFOTIMES rssuE 44 UFO EXPERT SAYS WELL.MEANING ALIENS ON THE \^'AY MYSTERIOUS FIREBALLS HARASS IHAI VII.LAGERS ZLlRlCll (R€uter\) Ecich on Denizen. krorrrr ''But thc\'coLLld ri\o he aggrcssi\e il the)'ar. tirr his clilirns lhrr sptrce alicns !isired earth locked in iIrcrslcll.1r corrpetition Llr)d need oLrr Locul Offit ills sr:'\'.\ (;lowitlg lhousilnds of )elrs rgo. \ilid giant tl1-O\ like rcsources. ro| D.rcnihen. told thc Srviss rrbloi.l Apparitiort.s Art Not Hoa-r lhose in the LIoll\'wood bIl)ckbustcr rnovie Blick. HLrmanold bcil!s will conre in the ne\r lrr.l.lc rc.el,J\ .\., J. !(.r ..,1 . , ten )aars. The\ r|e obscrvirg us now. hc said. Thai o1litials erprerscd b.\rldprlncnt o\cr cl.rinls b\ hundr!-d( ol r.sidert\ ot a rilhce Vrn Deenikcn. srid the rlrens rcrc Llsse\\in! tlrc norlh ol Bilnrlok rhrL thc\ he\. bccn lollo$,ed The Swiss aLrth{)r. \iho llrucs thrt rncrenl ri\k\ thev r'.nrld li1cc llr)nr hlrmrn wcnpons lnd trt- lircball\" ril L rln.rn orisir). nronufrcnrs \\crc builr by outcr sprce visitofs. discLrscs rnd $oLrld tlrcn contrrt \irtc lci1lcrs. ,iJ l..l(r,. ^,l.l l ., , .ur " ,r, t, .' (. wor'1d rcligions or the Llnltcd \rti{)ns' 'fhe phenonrcnon. repr,ncd on rhc trorL frges of ur)likc their mo\ie coLrnt.+rilrrs $ho ilffack . ,ol ' .,r,.c..|l". rnankind. attrilctcLl lnorc th.rn I rhoui.tnJ curi{)u\ feople N4ond.t) e\eninr hopiir! Lo rutch a gliInf\e ol lhe myslerioLr\ !lo\ in! 1,hic.t. rn Kufrslod ALI:its, NTGHT FlrGHtS AND THINGS THAr GO BUftlp \ilhge in Si1cnr dr.lri.i,il \\rLIhrlil pro\incc. ARE AII IN IHE MIND .17 oril.s rorth ol Brn!knk 'At li1.\1 I dil not Dtlit'.1 Lt L.iiL i til!u<trs canr l\{ore than a million Brikns believc that thcy evil one. ln thc rooln had happencd to 56 per ml oskel nt nt itttt'r !,r:. iir. ', t,rr,r1l\ " s.Lid htd been ubducted bi, aliens and tLrken on ccnl of children and 68 pcl cent of adufts. Duruong Kae$krdun. r S.rtn.r,I.orcr .ides across spacc and iime. and ntotc Ihen False awekcnings, in which someone believed rdministllti\e olhrcr half thc poprlalion had a\\'oken fiom sleep to that thcy hed woken up but was rcally srill ' I qt\t)t,ttLd tht ttotu /rr,ir..r'r,i,t,l,"r sense a st1angc prcscnce in the room, e British dreaming. was an experience reporlcdh, shared lAt 'or\ ,<it!s br'r.,r/s/r.r /),\ \ lr r.;i,1 ,ir l psychologist claimed yestcrday. Sue by 57 per cent of childrcn and 82 per ccnL of t(!etltuk ilrt.t\i.r "B t,tltr, ! ..1):: i, tltt Blacknlorc said Lhat these and scores of so- adults. \i!ldrr I \tr i1 ra.\ ttut. Th.r iir)t.,,i,t dh)r called paranormal experiences includirrg out- About 2 pcr cent ol the population believed tltt \i-. t)l o t)l!t\hdll Tlt.\ of-body seusations nnd the sighting of ehosts '1.,.1:. could be e\plained as unusual electrical that thel' had been abducted by aliens and Dr ''' ''. t r' . .' '/ Blackmore said she bclic\,e{1 that they had J activity in key pnrts of the brain. been s ffcring froln a phenontcnon known as dl\\tt ll)l) t)tlJtt\ tl\^. tlt !,,it,tti B:,: i': tt)r ''My rcse.Jch \how\ lhat lhese ale really Jc(p olr. l),i. \\ ren feop.c.lrr: I r'. rlre un rnh t'rt t,t rrr tttrrlL ttrr,,|,i ,t, ,, t',t common cxpcricnces. Tbose doctors who sa) Lrodies bccanc tc porrrily paralirsed. I. that ihey are a sy plom tha! sonreone is ill arc preventing ftem acti.g out their' dreants and DLLirrr''nr..f,l hr r:ilJ ri,:-., r.:ir: r:!irli.h wx)ng: they are actualiy ordintry experiences- eddanger ing themscl\ cs. Hcr re\earch h:ld Jrlr:r::.i .:ir-:i. ::rr i:. .r.1:, ..,'r:;r.r Sund dPrcuogpsl,e ' wsahiod hDarv eB ltahcekrnm onreec.c i wrchaos isst ubnacsced, rtott f-b"u,'nrd' rhall. p,it- olepalsr l bo,nrc. er "in ;th, e.ir ,l i\c.Ji. l-i.lh .o rue! -15 :_:r.::r-::r :r-.- :. :::: -: : .,a.: :::. :i: : :::l :-t.JiJ:.:;.r::ir Il Jl.''. h,.LiieJiI\. the University of the We\t of England. lhe\ fill asleep or \'.h.n rhe\ $.ke uF A survey c.rrried out in Bristol ot abour 100 ''\ornrell\ \ou Ln!.\! nrthin! abrui:l:e: ... . .. : -::: . .,. -:i::i -,.,.1.11 lrrle.f /1i.1 prral\ ii\. adulis and 120 chiidren lirund thar m.in\ had had strange experiences at Ieast once. Somc il Hc,\eier-o.'c::irrn;lIiamcrhinr!!\-:.rir]!t! .: -...: r;r,.r r', rir .i i,r' -/'.,n \rft lfu liN ott^ pa egrh cocsnl t wobf icleh ioldnrclyD 1c2l epimcre cde rtht aotf tahdeu\ lthsa sda sidecn \y citrh\ llhiree dm. eoc\ehra-nsio:mrk. erdo-r ei\rJc]itrcF,ll rL riri !o! !r.rui etudc. S\\ , itri'tri].ti lu,r l.(' \\r trtft\d t ,t)tl ltttrut( lq t?t)uu t)gl ilhl!r,lJatnt):Lltitryd.)r they had seen one. Dr Blackmore ieid. She had sarhcred more Out-of-bcrdy experiences. in lvhich pcople than 100 cases of thc phenonlenon $hich bclicvcd they were flying over their body and conlirned her suspicions thar - alien He \uicl ncws ol rhL'st|rnge oblects attrilclcd L1 abduclims' r'ere linkecl q,ilh this \iDd of la|qc cft)$d ol more ihxn 1.000 p.oplc frorn floating across roorns, sl.eets or 6elds, were ..e,lb.Jr\irJ.lli o'c nrc ' e\\.J \\Ll .i pllralysis. \urrcurldir!l rre.rs \{ondily ni!hl hul lhc licb.rlls up to feel a presence. 0ormally desrrjbed irs an ltLrhtiulrdt trlott ti rpuprre,a. r.D rSLorr rlrbon gn rst aoindt. r Ttnl nlt ,rt,uutt| olrut \tinl\ ot \o}kthi ! elt. btt J tt t/rtlinrt tlk!l POII SAYS CANADIANS BELIEVE IN ALIEN LIFE tlk\ utL ]kn t . Lirftl t)l li!trl o ha(t. 5art_Pa: upt NtwS sERvtcE (Ottawa) The lr'Lrth m.ly be out there, seven N4ore th.ln halt responded it is at icast .!,1 L, 0 Car .,d.Jr. -ccL nrl\ .ur\r)c,r hclre\e solnc$:hat likelv that Ea(h has bccn visircd by THEREIS MORE TO Atcnledli sljikoen thsec rileersr d{ cfhilndrsa.c treers iinde tnhtes poot'p Bulrairt'ish lspiatoeildr r flit ohinemy t heeenxiopr tehliccJtre atpinnl aean.liecln a1n(d) limsaitn yE arerlshp oatil dseonmlsc TMHEEM MBEARGSAHZIPIN TEHAN JUST Columbia. Alberta and Qucbec are rnost convinced that inlelligent alicn lite is possible. Albeftans $crc rhe lnost likely to bcl]cve In \cr inorher rrridc ro gi\c BUFORA ntcrnbcrs ROeli d1 5p0o'l lC laas-t rmdro,n t.h '-u orn\ee) eino f olourr asnai dA tthr:eltys iEna Nrthle nhiatos bbae eanr do rS \a1silkl ablcch lciswitaend \.' ,eRrees pthoen dlecansist cLr\pt r\ei thl x lLrra\ tolo rq in\cro nro€\'.u r/: .\rc1rlra- rs, F7c,riarlro lhlearlc tcilntcd believed there is definilcly intelligent life likely 1() say alien life is possible. \\'ith a massire rlli erchrsl\c,1is.,r,,1 elselvhere ir lhe universc. Anothcr four in 10 The survcy wils conducted betweeu lTrh aDd nrcnlbcrs cln now \ubscribe to Bririin s bcsl lhought this was probabh truc. Most ot those 30th August and is considered 95 per cent \Lrrnge magazilc for just I l().99 lor x lirll vexr queslioned also believed that extratcnesrrial nccurate wilhin 2.5 percenta€te points. o1 l2 i\\ue\ ir 110.00 sa\ing. Also inclLrdcd in lile 1s triendly. llrc package yolr $,ill recel\e the lfsLLbscribcn SOL]RCE: THE CANADIAN FRISs Erratta To Dilke lhc ollcr c\ cn cesicr to hlc ad\antrge ol. you crn pry by dlrecr debit and c\cn quartcrly I']len\e nore thxr $'e h:rve Lreen plrblishing Ard] RoL'crts' Errrail aridrcss inconectl! His corrcct For tull details see page 30. Erl. ilil addrcss is 101122.151(0coIrlpuserle con. So ij )olr $llllt 1lr lrct $ircd scc lhc Bpi cl xd\crt Scnd hlm a mcssalc. I think he s l;elirg on fage 2 uli)lopic.rll\' lonel!| Along $i1h Llll lhc oll).r c\clusi\e discounts on h(nrk(. !rdeos and olh.r LIFO rclrtcd r. .l,.i,li -,1 ,d .1..'r, r, rb r.'ripr clcar l! not lLrst x lnagrzifel DEG/ tAN/tEB 1996/7 UFOTIMES NIGEI. SSTTEEPPIHIEENSON - ONE OF UFOTOGY'S FORGOTTEN HEROES rPlnnh dli lalaicpctsq Iu9*ae9i6sn rrswnricwdce stl.hy c Wr clahpisolesr ienthd!e . oidrle isas$t hp,e corr.hlr lr Kpfeisic nrhdcs M\in\'icolhlou rdhcie n(lgpro Df$to,r maG T eoVothf fefrirclm yc o DplnorcIcndl iulatceredcr rLanancudm rbedenirtccsecror \r\relorrtc usDunrportiisciendg. llhl avt oNu ilwecl feS tacspkhcedn.s ownh os drveaa\t hthe cN.igg.e Cl rslr cin/lvr7ir)i.lkt io?n). tLoo brde cMoDoue nltirbsat ttperre sdiedcclninl.ed grLrnd falher ol fiyinS \aucers ln Brjt.rin. \\,ould tou reply. quick as.r llash. W.rvene! Cir'lan? FSR $'.Ls warnly ir\ilcd to act rs the \\hveney who l He was rhe niL1n rvho Association sjournal but its dirccrus llally comnrissionecl thc lirst saurer book in Brilllin in dcclinecl. 'l he Bridsh LJFO Associrrion was 1950. RiLlll( ol th? Fl\.irs 5i/r..,,r Lry Ccretd laur)ched at the KcnsiDgton Certral Librluy oll Heard, and hc $es dre sarne nan who published Srrurd.ly 22 Septernbcr t962 It $.rs a scll our Desmond Le\llc's rDd Ceorge Adamski s Fhir-q and lhc lheatre $ras prckcd to the doors StLu .r, t'. '.H. /.,,,/,./r I,.' L h.r".n.r.. Ur',, v J. \. B;,. ,,r \lr. t|il,l rrrd. .p. rr in rcprinted bt Lhe Drlllior ancl $,rs rfansirtcd into the Vrrkshirc Irost ol 2,l.9 61. $,ould nrare 1ou no lcss thin 2l l.ueuagcs. Thcse and Ray doLrbt thal hc wa5 hoaxi g. Leonard Cran\r rn{l P.Llnrcr were a ti$ ol thc ctrly heroes who tta\ Dr Docl both sevc rrlks. BUFOA Lls ir rhcn $,1s. l)r\,e inspircd peoplc like Nigcl. wrs Iaunched cnthusi.rsticnlly - but m inly 'I i,'( r. ).Ji.-l ,,loi ,Jt,er.r.rcr ,( lt,irp dUSroFi! Oiwn h.gRo e ls$i)earcaser c Nhb ciArhcsinls LoSl ctetih.prethi oclnnirs oimnnL ']r1 ti9oLn6Ic 1 o $fB rtu\h le tbh Beelroirrie\h Nnois uenl d$ears e iststi nslaetcinregt rrhvi.s L$ln,od rkri sboe hCihnLdL itrhmci lDsc eonfes. n-.r mirersl $.rh ,ohc pr.l aly cr dL .r h-ceri r hp rit'.r1r -i.n .u. Itb slo r.\ll r.l LsoLcJiFeOt\'R. FOo. fr vahdinchtin wisatfsa trievcch nciocnavllye nLicl nmceem tbhccr trvo orlenisadoDs nrerged in I964 rnd bccrme Dlcd RUfoR \ II ,r \...1rc Br IUR \ e\., I \. Charles Elrick tl Octobrr 1995 are) and 1 ntust be rJ.ajited L() spre.rd rhc Ineetings wcrc heavy going and a specjal Nigel Stephenson l0 J:rnLrrrt t996 rcLlchlngs ol rhe Mesrers. tir his credtr. Kirg nrceting wa\ callcd on,+.3.68. to discuss Kcn Phillips 19 Jull 1996 replicd pronllnly and itt Iengll). addirg thal he diilircnces. P$ ticularl),. Nigel objected ro John Athur ShLrttlewood tl Seprenb.r I996 did not belie!e the claim aboLrt his morher. IIc Clleart Ilakcr usirg an cccieslasricat ph.D. Such Milni Hynck l0 Ocr{rher 1996 also tcrminatecl Nigel s rncmbership. \igel is huntiu nrturc th|tt \eYcrxl mitlcA becnrnc Brian l,'rench j \orcnrber. 1996 -$A rectteh ebraicuks :a t grcarer lengrh quoting itcconcilable. On 30 Janu.fy 1996 \isel coll.lp\ed rnd di.d in ..Lt,,r blrr",T.eesirt .wJh. rt I,r rs. al.).."t NFi.goe.l rarjtete!.rtripnt|e|d Niael s lonc tpprcacll hird bccome out ofphcc hSoinscpeil aml. oIvt inwga \f iflbmu nCd hh..cr nhr.r dS rLnr. recn\ liinrs 1.d97 .h1e. ahlcl. frr9o6n0r .Ceorgc Kin3. Chairnran ol the A.S. in Mrv eAnsds ohccia \L\'iaosI ctohranl pheel lehda dt oli )sutnedpe dclo. wt nc ltlino msa ythe lived $ith his morher in L.nz1e. n.xr Classo$,. ho$e|er thrt a spontaneous vore of thanks was His elder brother John Stephcn,on. e prediaric Thc reason I have ntcDrioned this curiolrs unanilnously c\presscd by thc c(nnntittce tbr his ncufdoeist. li!es i1cft)(r rhc niaJ $irh his uilc. episode is that it deinonsrrrted Nigcl's outstandirg scr\,ices to ufologv Larer hc was Phliippa. a thertrical produce.. \\ hen i \vent ro persistcnce. aud il so htppenecl that I mer hilD ade an honourrry liie member. collcct Nigel \ LjFO pipcri hir Junc. philjppa nnd other I-UFORO mcnbers ar the Finl Brilish iold lnc rhat in recent \ci1r, \iscl , qualir! of F'\ir- \r-.er r Jr\r lr.n r, h] I r. \. l. ,Lr. The srd p.1rt is thal alier hc wLLs casl .rside_ he rrl l.rrd q.c n .r. l. .r r. .,, rr, n hi-- Societv ar rhe Russcll Hotcl. London. in had a nervous breakdown. and one can but sqcuhirirkoyp hnroctcnsia .o nT ohlids crens\uelileodp .iin. hdienr rrlcor\\ irs OSenp .l+e Jmubncer 11995690 .Nigel r-eceived a lcuer fioln Roy mBspUcecIniuOtliLlR ttpeAr o thhharledt m Ithrscis a Alwetad ts h heai nnli m ebrerdd vIl l ,ts.t h)s,l onr phI atoptmlrb loisfh hcids ecovenrvyelhrsincgly in'k ethcep eev\eenrtl tohli nncl \ -d Ine tlteh.-t o\rr!el Ssutcgrsrerlsatnin.! at hfe|e elolarnnlcact ior-ne poolr tac rL iIrF.pOs cvlcuhb icin Nc$\. rrr rfgiexczcin. eT.r ibsL'l)r.t/ci rrloir Nl. ilJcul lyS rIe9p6h3e.nson ln rr) Sn\\'etccrv peeh ro etflhliseroenn $sk eawpniye tihnrei nt rgiop slairc \ahatores . pro\il\ t shhilgeenh. tiIan n\g di i jrtleellpodo\.r\ testhd. tPIh-o.ernu cAl lTo.Snc.u. gSTeohl esR yao g)h,r.ae dNe dpi8 rteoolb . tabSbrulnysr . rnrnheneet LlSrorL naed bmobnicr !c!U tinIa-gnOd of .Alusl yI hlg.arlje9 . shLclid p. uNlritglschl cwda t\r 'LprrcFsri,dReon rB, ,a/ln1dd norn N1o1.l. mc Lo take the bulk of Nigel s pLlper\ tir. Rcsealch Oganisarion on 1l July 1959. Roy ten vears .rfter founding LUFOROI I'he Narion.rl BUFORA When it was rime ro lcr\ e rr\ car \ras the lirst president:rDd in Dccenlbcr UIr_O Research Organisation appears ro have $.rs scriouslv laden with boxes. produced thc lirsr J-UFORO Bulletin ir which bccn a one-nran operltion which kcpt Nigel in cNhigrisctlc rnreads bGocronr -oqcn N4rlhg eDl ePcr eimmrbnccrr ISgtejEp haenndson. hFc.d perrorpiioosne do lt htcJ FfOor mSaotcioine toicl sa Nd aalnional llnoeuacnhs wfojtrh etxhceh aLInFgOin gsc Iennileli.a azninde sp.rovidcd lL lrrimnrer being a distatf lamity nrmc. His Inremltional Federation. Nigcl becainc Director I hrve on lorn a rccent phoio. and apart fiom ihe Fitlrcr. Keith Stephelrson had been I Licutenant ol Rescarch anal Susannc becantc Secletar\, an.l shock ol rhire hair, thcre is a slight rescmblancc iCntorondrnurcncdde rr oi nh itnhe r tR oCyhLclla Nnla. vHyi sa nbdr oIl hlvear ssaid Tf, ,.., Ler(r. . I,h r. r-,n, r'r. .. ,. ;r.rh.,.rc t.l. rrr'r.n,, .^r:,.r. nr\ ...,r lo ntihcec ls.retnes cK conf hPuhniltloipusr l aHndis ab rgoctnhtelern esasisc.l hI)eu hriancgl thev had had.L happ) chjklhood in SLrotland. shillingsl a boul ol mental illness. he thought he ha.l been uBaelscidheins gh. ish iLllJ-rFvOa liknirnegre LsLi nhd ca wfoalsrn hdaepr pryn ebmirdbcr ol iItnn dS Nepigtecnl bbeecr a1m9c6 0i lsR oC]h raeilrirneadn f rl(n)ln I 9L6I2IjO I RiruOs prrlargi|u|te\c.rl Db.y tlo Lcnalr .L Ie nrzlpier chh( ilrd.,r.e nte stal yrihn:g r hr-o.r,rible aallno ;l Fo-lhc. Lc el leo hS lKecri: n,1F !9 i 5\.co 0Al u\s.b, .lh. .e, 1b.errc\ a u\n..e1o r.t. atlsJrce.i n$t.^rrt. etdcu ebocy lli,,) ptlUhirrFcoirpOlego s oReinneds alet3 hap raJoctihs tnw huF elael agrdyroe o r1aal9lftl 6icoB2an ad rk ohaera nrrA dSN srlsiorgeorecmctli r fLtaoilo nr"dmnN .iaa't, tl$lioy.ansal thcIyjoinspug eekliwlns ehrnir.togrclc)r ,c hbheaue\r't re as tl brot-ert o e]tsilh]kt cesb orehn. ciosliss uto ttcwph eana ( \v d,ohoeieicmc ee$os,.an sh.B rsea.uhl c\i,nhdd rwJ aas founder Ceorge King. if Chicrgo. Nigel sald l'he idca being thtlt a repo( itrywhcre jn thc [JK Nprileveall ei sp teor sroenp.o Trth teh amt othsre soargli\rfnyirsna-tsio tnri bhuetc to tWheitll \h.e tshoaddm \tiun )\dI ooonr rahnc dm faerlkr crLol lhroicnkp olnlc B trhoewnr clnovuclds tibgcr lipoans.s eOd nto 2 3a lJoucnrel st9o6ci2e ryN ifgber j pmroemtpt rfouunns doeDd winc llI-9o6il2e dc ownhtinelerelss Ilto rIenr|nlk.rein sit st om brer ks eacnlld o(sr ucl'llbr{ ib)o\ oeuddnse eloma uci\stcm d thtaahelmel tecSrnailo'nn csoglrrela)el l)\ 'isor h 'fi setwha lci esrafdci cdopr nd rrgor ocaoeknfs d w s occirnihss i sp.a.opyreusc.ut Alllnebsaersmduocgucrulsiaar taroeilof d cn lio.fv lnacIv n seBsunr gliifrgooicsnrsh rl hesshdeoo cBtuioetrd ithti eisibsIhnc adtUlho FaCnOtle ht ehwaenitrh a ar dlitlle pCwfoLohrrmmtcic$criecnplria,t ctbaecu d \t' i taaoinb rs lcetUis lrFIhtn Obwtcl iarsRnshe ainn\reiaogldnr cetahh l ew Fhlneetdener rnBaaLttijoiFonnO acRlaAn be mother. l()ld me a ie\r' Jnonrhs ago th.rt the style. so he coordinatecl the speakers and Mesters had rcld hcr that I aln a \,Ia(ian (as you . iL. .,r.dI.^,,. -t.,r're ,lI ,,rirr.riL,n UFOTINIES lssuE 44 DERROT SIMS Ol grertesl c()ncern to the womcn in\'(tved are thc gyDaecololical crurns LLnd lnrplilnrilrion ol 1e{ilisc.lovr. The placins ol other imfhnts its ATIEN p.L ofthc c\ltlninrtion ]rroccs\ is ll\{) HUNTER lrcquentlv rcportcd. Not enough ilrtphnL\ hrve ycl heen identilicd or rccovered by all thc inYestieator\ r{rgether'to nlakc srnri\ric\ of !aluc 'Iime de1.1) in Inrf ol the rbclLrctccs rcporrs rnd EXTRAODTNAIRE on coing scepticisrn.urd deniil ntrkc rccorcrr of docunentable ph,"-sic.tl e\idence ditficLrlt, bul oi \Lrflicicnt vrlue aq stLrd! DrLtteriLrl to plf\ue. Ph\\ic.rl evidcrc. ol irrpl.rnts will help corrlirm to lhc \cicntilic conrrnunily the ph\sicxl r.ILralii\ ol rh€ itbductccs crpcriences in the i.rrer n',o1rcrl. In.rddiri(Jn tbis cvidcrcc. whcD Derntl Sints claints oyer 27 years .!irior erect in ntcdicnl cxnmin.Ltio|\- i\ ll clLrc to e.rperience in the recoven ol'ulien '' t, . rirrr. l ,,. \-n. r n itttfltutt.\. l), rr"l Sittts tr,'rk it ':.- .:.:.:.::ru: irr!ii nI irrlffrl.nrnx(le\ rc\rcitoh\e nreod r clcIcLlllel xoalllhneincd i literully ut the uttting etlge oJ .. ::: :: :::.::, .lt,rLrlLl ..n r. to x degree. thc '::-r' rlitlog,-. Eschey'ing theort uttl - -,a:iJti.,tL,tn. spet:ulation, Slnrs ,seelcs 1o lo(:ute \ . - j . ::' ., J: ,,r hii .i th\ \icul c\ idcnce uul retrieve Ihe m.\'.tterioL!.\ ::.: : :. .;_.:r r. .. ri,., :rlrnJr :lrr\c.rl Jt.h ae.re.rcrnlins itu!'lttttl.\ .t,ti,l tr, ltun ltltt ltJ itt rrr a trrr r rrrlr rrr,g3cr'tr hLuntLn botlie.s bt olierLs tluring : : :: ,,,t,rhet untl rlte ,tl,,ltr, ri,'rt piv,d, t. Ht , lnittt', - : :, r,ii,rrrrrrrri,rs l,is r,lrrnli/l/l L \al(/1 \(i//\ ltn/{ //? . ..' r..: tr,t :itr r,t,tr ,r lt\e\'h tutht li.ut thti.rintts! is. the.fteld and hus been involyed irt : . ..it,.'tlrrtt Ihe recoyery (.surgiccL! or : : _ :,: :.i,'\rrul.1c ilnfhni\ otlrcn\)i.\e) of twel\)e allegcd uliett - _:..,,1. r c .rrc rnccrLain o1' inpluts. i:- :.:: .:rll: \r \ Lll toCU\ On i:::- a .: : :aa\ l\rLL.l\ urkno\r n ' - ::::irnrlli ioLrnd in ...r \ tlr\.i, i .,.,, - - .:: ..,i ol.'e.ting. I'r: i,., r:::j. ::- - . - - 'c.,.( I '.ir' \cf\r(rn,r:.: -'.:::. r :..::: a :_:: , ::.!ili.,n l{)cu()r\ silnihr nr the Ijl.r:\ eriiL:,i I : :. ' -. ' :._:- .: , :.'ior uscd in ophrh.rlm{)lo!l). or bl .U.Ji,1r1l\ a r, rI'..,rr,.; 1' : .._ : i, :.:. . r;'r,clhmro.rriiecsir reev(el ns tlLerdl lrli\n dlicltresr. hRacvcc or!lcsrocd iInphrt\ Ln ihe bodic' r,i L FO .,t.j,:: : :.r.-:.,- : ::rji i,rjnn ioJcl nimlilpiclarnliotsn. \o,hi-iicmhp hlaandr \b.c conr .r fr(,-.rflllr''lr e\pericncer\ These ..1'.t:.:- -:. :: . ::::i .aJ b\ thc LLhducbrs at sofre sLlbsequcnt '' rl, r. .:::i.1 Sciinning the hody ot r recert.rbductec chalrra clcrislicts. ()l\irnilar ndrrirl. ..-- : :..r:'r-.nt L.rr r\c\i rmodrr\k s(L irnV tlh lcig shkti rnr.r Ldryc lscchtocd[ sblm! bol,. or' presenl rrcclicll scicncc. j.r.\.ent \|ots on the skin. Small .dcntatoLrs V, ,.r\,,rr. ce e,l,er:(t ...I.. .:aeil\ rllrl litler bec(nne hemiLlomil\ hrve becn thrcc or four rnd hr\e corfinueJ , ::: ::i.:.: i.rufd o\cr 1.rlcr reins. suggesting inliltrxtion of c.. r. .l h'l.tc'.' .r Tfiilngular placcnlcnt ol puncrure 'olLrtioD. ln on going scqucnc. Phrsicrl tr.,:Irr,:: :. :: nrrrks hrs been described bl'our rescrrchcrs .rnd conductel:l in ft)\t rbdu.ILor\. in i..lj]...,... b\ l. Vrllce (a.rrl;?rtdlirr!. 1990. p.1.17) an.l nccdcd surgeri hll\ been perlorntid..:nJ j-:n..: othcrs. rdnodc lcrhmrocrntitcr lidois .il rseth ch\ecr lceLdr.\ €\ Thi!e \n riri tiurrhrh r irr.rn: I\hieoprot lt]r\m oef loatoer caxrap lnLolin lrobnlcg cpl rpegrcns.rcnncti ehs l!tch aht cacn cLL,rs e lo rc,i llslclr. i TIhlrc) .hi.ciarlrir lg r.rn' d \rLrSc| r\ h1r\. lcft !n!l recedLiecdr l uc oitmh rslutenlliatrr' .d Cisobnetljircml trhtlroonu gohfo eurt ntbhrcyo c\cn ol hi\ oriSin.rl di.rSnosi\ in ro|nc in.r|lll.e\. implantition. surrocatc prcgnr c) LL LI il\ Ir abdrLcli(ln rxrminLlti(nr\. rs in olrr medicrl .,"JI.. r(.o (r.r \\. I .^r., . f.rr L lnd re\cilrch prlcriccs. srrnplcs ol hl(x,d. \kif. intcrvcnLion are needecl blrt nol tet obtrrned. muco s menrlnare. spcrm anLl o\ e ara Thc sholt tirnc .t lctus is loii \fith thc sLrnogrrc. comInonl! laken. r\bdLrction exitntinerions ernolions of worncn Llurirg prcgn.rncy. ncclicLrl .,lLl.. l.rs. rcrr g1rr.,.'l; .r......',r.ri n ethic\. legel conccrns ilncl moral inrplications and o!.t collection. rnd sferm colleclion lbr thc nnke ll.Lthering this infin.nlrtion dilficult Dlen. Oftcn lhc lLlkin! ol srrnplcs resulr\ in \cars Thc tbllo\aing e\xrrples are taken fion) r rrn!:e ihat heil qnickly. Nrsal blccdin! conlinuins 10 of inrplant t).pes that havc bccn ibund rr'here lhe rerl nlorning is often e\pericnccd Pcolle n. - tlr, lr<.l.Ll r r( .l.l( ,(|l n \e r'. rcnc!riIedndccilncncrblc c rrt chtoehrli sril s b iflre ciecr dohi\n ;reg\r .x bbbclclernt. iest x.lec\cae\p,e.ts p noo\\ibl] thc iF.lrl-].\p.'e.lLnL. l nrohlerc d.n ou irimrrrhr p ushrorritltns- e tat-h rc-i r r!irlLJ l tchrrnatti, fl rclldo,, \rb\ yrs r Xtrh errl l1n') ' 1,o..)r DEa/ IAN/EZB 1996/7 ISSUE 44 r\nlJ(l inll.c(l. In\| . bc nr,.l d,i cr \, r. ||rrir.i.n,tl,i .xl.dI .lirkir.Il\lt rr ilIldlt (l,|r! l flPt\,, Ll\r )n irjrf rl\l r1.J rp iLr\rLjlrirt\.l Tithr.c lltr I1|,st lrcrrr\r ol l rr \r[!.1] ri\, tlrlt)r l| \() |( 1.,1..,, ir't.rn,]i. rniIlirrrrcrl Itr]\t.iLL|\ hl! I r.nr!,\r.t l'.,,,',.,, Jli]\rtI{lr)n\.r(\l lorl( ilIhi.. nTr) i \\LiLihcru)LllLrll \L. hthjIcti Illlga ;lrh ,r\LrIrLl trhiIrr lILl \ I.i.k r.\hrlr L rirrn. l(191) rrrirlirrlion\ or lhc 0htr.t (]r I n.r)ill! l,, tlr. DISCUSSION OF Nli!nl\' slirl.Ir.nt 0l Lhc I tjri:rlr SIGNIFICANCE AND ll(,u\t(j| .\pLrricn..(1 rL rr,,. ht.r. r ,:: ,,rl lMPucAtroNs pllnIinr Inrl \\(r k \\irh:t|.rrJrL. ,.-.. \t.l Thc suhnljLrerl ni(jrralion su!!c\l\: cpD\rSpo9rgrli( cXnn)ll.|P.. !H\ll , r1hlol Lrr.lri \!Ji.L,!!rlr l .l..l.r -l.i : .:.,,-ir., . 1:,r..:..rni.:r, :,..r !l.Lr.rj(]Jj]\. .rrh crrhdr.I cL1rrl i)oTrlhItr,.rrritic |i a|i.lihh) lcii|ru)(rt.\it rlllirlrc\b I(rictr lfInlnicll t(Iccsrs iarnjrlt.L\ ro\rLnr blbdrcr notrl(le ()i' illrloorur \1th,c,Is rL pIOr,'1 .\1:r. ., , 1...,r .-.:, .r, IJ, la!)hll lI )L.h,.crrl)rtrdr hrcis.cLl{j)(Lir) !jiuItLll\l i!fl{ci.utitL))lnl \) 1r.r uf i|l0lrt {)Iuorl r.ic\\LLlLc .rs fl10ilrhu.. 1JriLr.J ni:r:. .i|l::...h , t.,1.l-l .,i,:1r :r,h,1r lH Iic Fl.LOt \l bt(drlu)kcr.€\ I I.r L , \ .. ... 1.1, trJ\I,iJ 1Lrrr .,r,:i :.LI\fi r r i'.rJ.:Lrr,N. :tJ:..i,]l l - rr,:,r: :r Ir i..: rr. l. I]I: .r1.:L r..\ri, l .\.d Il. r \lr. L ,c Ii IL| r I\ cr,l (.\.l.l \ l.LinJ ,h-Irdiul grr \ lul|\i..o kj rnirckLh,d ., i isrnc( L\ L i|(rnri tll. rJ\(rI.iLLll \)Lod ,rrn rIr t rrr.h\.r\Irre t lb\r,r r ,r0i ba.crrlLLrlrlorRcl. rrtcLrl!rcr rrcoui r\rL\i trrl\llru.l \crr {]niLlad ll lrhru'linitLrr(L js.t| i .llr\tit\lol b ri nttllhcl)rj rt .r iIi l|Llrttnnjr rcLr|\ \q \ j,.ru\aL ,ndrI.;r(r t(.r( jlr)\.rl r c. rs. 1uln|rr(.gtrnr.c.r ILlIi kLrrtt\cs. JcLrpr.I\rr)r_cilohr\oc)1obrhir\soolr. l|. oi] lrl9!l) tidrl9\SLil\lir{ rll)rt (.rl lLti-l.l (9ia\t,lc\ril |r'l l!.ll) lIrnil\9( cli8llsI )9rrrl[ic:tS) ttdrLPi(rr'LrlrrLilrcr( rrt\lrcc \lit]!snltfs. . Lj(l ll]rrg\t]dtg.fl.ricftL:k..lc t.\99l: \f.r'frlfi ,f, i, rrrf,n rO,r\f..r l \Lhibrltlr rorc irruNr0 ckd. ionI rrhhci.r orlrh I \\jlll I ) I hf !()|\i\1.Ir rh\.ri!f ot inlfrri0| irl() rf,] 'tlh,i,Lrr. tin't lthc Srn.rrL fUblic.0 rl. lh. pr.\rIl 1,rt.r"L,tr ,r.i,.r:,,l .t1iri1I rrJSnrbr L\,r r.nrr\r Lh:,Io)i j| (\chr\rc cr. di\c\r ,r, .Ioc hs\ \cooJolh] fli\iol l .I\ i|\nnr utrilrsbc lH\bitirrrin lnl lro!\\L .rlor).. n(!LllL r s(lji|b riir.trlllLfrr il1lrt.c,1Ll.rrl rrL,i,r1.lru o.rLr',. ) nk(.,rirJt )rr\rf\. rlbihlnlr.L' l Iiurir(rr.,.r..rr1..h,.:l r L Otir,'jh1 \'lr l .\i1o.| \t!fl\.,,t\r'\\L: l Lhh\r.1\l.\rrlr .tirL\g,:crJL)f,r|gr.rrrlrcrisn|c1r l.l \i1)OlrL uh|rl . trfh\\i(\\.) hnll tln )dl! rrinio!!i\.lrhl lic srLlli n!rsc itl\l rirJ lilcpllr I Ljrnln \\ith i|r cg!r \hrpr(i tJor(Ir\ \lrur1||r.. l.rrctcril :r|c ir Scn.rxl .LLIrfr.,,cJ r)l \fritrLll L rdff\ri rLlinr is also sccn n (rrrL|.rr ieal l o()u rl. urn'iI(1S. Qlnu rltlcr.llrll1rJ\].r rnlcrjlurror|nrolllb cr nl\,\is '.1.rr.,r.. irLLlrjrdiru,)rl l.rrr\ \r.(i rn.hr| xrfl.]rdr r lgo irLrh c L!rsc rr0c0rlrct lIo)L ubnl)i.r )iTrclrlri\ .rtLilL(){lLi.l)r1 .!dr1rhLLf, .rirr.cr rirnI(ljuirrriLtl \criiI rl.crnis(L, i)r.l.(i\ n.|x\rlrlSi( (htllt L,i crnir1't\| , . lx(tr l) . hrlfrl ll1l |Lrclo L\. h r]\ulii{cL(tl)l)lt\|. \. (I\rlIjri( |illrn!rl! l h .(Lc$)j.L io: rcr .rlr\o(nln rn|rilc!ro).|\nborj \L l\!tr- L|fr.(r{Iro.ilnt n f rdot n \LI\rrloiirrtrlriLic!Lr!.hro|\ Ic r.(IrPilri,onLrbth rnr'rddl.hrls!rur.J fL.rrco..lirilctuLi, .n il\ol .lclr., r.\\( Ixi rlt(li| j1 '(l,tllllolr(,r tlr 'ior| r1. .Jix1hn{. )ilrrn.l vspI,aUds'lilr:.rpri r(r\nlhtlLi.)lrL 0 ,.lr.\u1l i]l1Itllrgti(\,rs jr t l t!ioh.\Ibfr eLls tc )ac r,i 1L\lrF\I\! r l\o.lr\or hlrtL rrclLh,_Llr.r\c Lh.[ n)h\.r\oi\|.,i.rLlil| rL!ir: rhsr\rullhlrrrlrrrfrrrd ll l lir ,rnrIrrllc-\ll !)Lr :Ll r rrLLr.roc.\ ,Llrh,.lrlr Lrr rtr \ll.inr.(rnciiclrrl Ikrrbr i .ro,ci\) nrl c\ hki l,tb f,hin.ld| lL1 rr.LbrL tnl |.. r\ ioinI htllrrrlL)rnji,(.ro(.n jJlLllIlcj r rrt| r!.hoilp.briclrn c r .IrfL(r1IlLli,) c t r hI\trnic|\cr{.rnl) .rrL\ l i rrI(r.rj.\!nr\o rrcl. th. tr\lLrrl tr,itrcrlir\ (ii thr \tir.inr.rl Icarncrl rrr rlrc prLsL con.crfrn! rrrr ilrjd hls !t(h\i.rr.l( [lrlc ilsi\ crr(,]r r J|.r.rrlrlt)o lrI)Udn\r'{t hjri \c.ul.hfl\rlti. llr .\c i\ iIr)\r r\l.(.ir\{1r LirtlL .r. (\hior(n.1stcr .\.l. I hr.(tj)\criL\ftfc lJli\I rir hr.rtnuIdllcr(tl. ,rfocI1r!nrrlfr ,.Lf\r .r.ohrrir l j.lhriptrL\l\ \ loPo l )rcur ir\r ol(irjirl\ l.,1d.J|i(\ lit Ihloir)ourrrl n!lh)llh jot\osI ilrlcrlnl\ \(ilr l!(rl rnrfricr ltiLI llkflr l Irigh |r()lr rLlr Nri! rt or!rrnr(. rifn ,iLrLLr hi.r\r {loior I(r,c r(riLl rp hrr\ L\ Jrrirr)ll irn\ rll(\l}! 'cnh..o tSos.lill:'rilIll\lt.r.tl rUL (r l.i\rL\lniL! nu lbli|f!u\i (ll rr{ l !lrlic a(lri\dr itl))r 1rr)butr.n\ ri r\po]l]\r ,)inlr!h. rLtrl .l r!ilii.l,l.r,l tno\\lrd!. Irrr \r.l)r\c llr\ JlL,rrJ ,1, .L rut. n.lrL(tt,r! ilu,lirlrrLl rr:LtLLrr rnLl LLlLLrr.rr,nLlirrg IttIit itIuttI tt1(,ttt()r\. u( ((.\.titI! intlit tttt'tl tru\(rl inll)lon/ r(,nk)t t:t! luLtl ottttrretl itt lhtir otrn Ittlrrtrtrt.s. On( .\ub.j?( t (!r'()k(, (rt tlt(' llth l.itlt irrit(ttion in ort( ?\'c. WIril( tL!bl)in,g it, u .\nut!1 0bj?(t ((11)out tlte .si,e rtl u (!l ntLt.\tanl .\(((l ) .f ot!t. i. :- .. :.:, 1 lr! I lrr.Lr..,|.rir! lrrr:.r ir,rriL Lrhr.r !.rlLt rriff\.t.L,rfr rhrtL,t.,\ \iD\ r,,rn UFOT]\1ES IgsuE 44 It's rtol o.ftett rltal retnrnrLts o;f ct tlose encoLuter tu'e fotottl und utah,secl obiet tivelv. The search.for ytlt,-sictl evitlence o.f ctn ET realit,,- is tlte Holy Grail of ufologt. Witnes,t lestitlon),is ten to a pentll, but .ronrcthing, rm y-thin g cotu:rete, to shot tfut ET is h.ere notv in our I't(J(ttt t n tnttitL\ tt)ttlr vlnt Cltttire after 50 year.s of settru:hing. Ibllrc Chrci {ho.r ,e our ro D, Fri.r ANAI BUF@RA DEAD AtTElt BAGKGROUND tirrlrucial vllue. I! was later claimed thal lhe It is onlf in recent history- that we In rhe niclst of a LJFO uave- Israel ($'hich is crcalure had Lreen analysed b) Isreeli scientists $ ho lound lhat the crceture rvar rusuallv in the headlines fin thc llulnlru himav1e,l ,tsnete, nf rtuhett rretln,,tlotrv, atlt cof: .s o tir.:talled tIrnig elldrc-rn- r \\fhoirc hso nist et hrce lr\r{i dsdtrllen eEe lsetrlp. ehrirei nbcecer.n h'naorte onlo tth bise errno \ruldb \.t aIInotilaretcred r.\ itthhe site rcelpaointtr \or l,ttt tt , ltaptt t itt rltt !l tttl.\ t'l Abduction\. lLrr:rcki on ti,hins horri !nd l ln xuth(rr of dra comnrents. Otltcr rcscarchets ufolore is irtdeetl n nutjor rnte utttl plethori oi CEI :. I hi! frn oi ihe \\ r,rlJ hr. rnd I!raeliilrumxlisi\ sfecultted lhilt thc llnd ,,*e ILLL .still awuit witlt batetl , r r,lt r'..\( \.\, pJ.c., , c\\o:1\\i idnu nlboo' nr'd \irltnender t_octlts and evetl breatlt for the .fitml On the nicht I I \i De;emb.r 1996- uiler ultl(!'nt(.Ht rqpvpt.,11 1 1'1t1,o1 r t1tt i 1t mrn\ repon\ ol L FO .iqhtins\ in the Galilee BUFORA'S tNVOwEtnENt to iwe.ttigale lissue samples takert lanrirs \illirge ofAhihood. tn alicn \\hich \\'hilsl the controrersy raged. BUFORA was Jdreolrinni tceul,t, -a lllneeg entll tt letoa tbl ea lmieinss eisd. rTavzlaleisog nrevadi tnlDle astomsoetcki.l abS !us ulapi crloiisdcianalgl llkeyia bptbh uefi toznm erxe tas di daccyr ,a tf.si'he saIsLlorfanpegrli is !ivUnilFghlO vU cldeo)s,neata arSccthhcaedri .- o wDne er]eb5 btrhye pJSraecnsgueaanlr.yt iw nbhgyo thr: discovered thc crcature \\'as still where she Dalnli tamily. Debby requested thal or iginally lbund il ancl looking rather dead. BI I OR A.rn.r 1.e I r|ee \,rn'lr (\ IrNe.r ||.r Tlte.re:,t rrc ur. d<..riocJ:r. "crn! 10. n in the creatlrrc that she was b|inging ovcr to the lcn.gth wilh human fcatlrles. fbur limbs, no tJK. BUFOIIA agreed ard commissioned e lingers and surrounded in a slilny rnlter-ial- nutr'lprrr,rte lrh t,,.,,Ir, .rIr rnc: r. l).r. A ler ir. Jc: I r.'rr c ' ,'.rc .hr:rk rr' .rzc ru a mcre 5cnl rHE ANATYSIS Tziona Damti callcd thc police. Trvo otlicers Thc lab look cleli\cry oflhe sanples on I6dr arrived to irrvesli-qatc. It was clainted that January and conpleted the \!ork on 29th when one police officer trent down to put the Jenuar\,. BUFORA had asked lor aD irlitial "alien in a blrcket- il jumped on his back. stuclv to ascertai *hether thc sanrples Otficer Ashe| Ben Ezra told lhe press that the ,r ppl.eJ.''.tlJ l-c Jl e\lIJtc r,liJl , - qt I volunrc ol bodilv fluids lcit on the sround b\ and \ helher lurther work would be justified- llre creature was abnormul and \\hich led hinl fu $as agrccd thal the carbon and litaocen to believe lhat thcrc !vas sonlething signatures of thc sanrples should be suspicious about it. exarrincd Io see rvhether thcre \,vas a narked On hearing this news, psychic, Uri Geller. diftcrence frorn thc signatllres thal all offercd the tanily $1.000.000 to purchase thlr lerrestrial liie \,"ould producc. Eech sa]npLe cleature to add to his vast collection ol was a0alysed threc timcs (enouglt for the curiosilies. results to be legally acllrissiblc in a LJK court). The lsraeli media took greal interest in the stor! and the Damti fanrily, along with Iocal The vcrv latesl, BIitish desilned. mass UF(J researchers were cefiain that they had speclronletcr cquipment was used to condLrct tbund something of great scienlillc and

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