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Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from California PDF

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by  Baumann
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Preview Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from California

GreatBasin Naturalist57(4), © 1997,pp.343-347 TWO NEW SPECIES OF CHLOROPERLIDAE (PLECOPTERA) FROM CALIFORNIA R.W. Bauniann' and R.L. BottorfP — Abstract. Suwalliasierra and Sweltsapisteri aredescribedas newspecies in tlie family Chloroperlidae from Cali- fornia, USA. IllustrationsofthemaleterminaliaofbothspeciesandthefemaleandeggofS. sierraarepresented. Inaddi- tion,detailedfiguresoftheepiproctof2similarspecies,SweltsatownesiandSweltsaresima, areincluded. Diagnosesare providedcomparingthenewtaxawithrelatedspecies.Obsei-vationsindicatethatS. sierramaybelongtothesameclade asthegenusNeaviperla. Keywords:stoneflies, Flecoptera, Suwallia, Sweltsa,Chloroperlidae, California. The stonefly fauna of California was first star-shapedplate; basal platewith small median treated as an entity by Jewett (1960), who in- dome and 15-25 stout setae on anterior 1/3, cluded 14 species in the family Chloroperlidae anterior margin of basal plate uneven and and gave limited distributional data and a key. turned dorsally (Fig. 3). Aedeagus tubular, ter- Stark et al. (1986) listed 23 species forthe state. minating in 2 apical lobes and 2 lateral lobes; Then Surdick (1995) named2 additional species subapical frontal surface with 2 curved sclero- from California to bring the total to 25 chloro- tized patches laterally, separated by 3 scaled perlids. lobes; proximal surface inflated and covered We discovered 2 additional undescribed with fine spinules and scales (Figs. 1, 2). Cerci species ofChloroperlidae from California and curved in basal segments 1-4; segment 1 elon- decided to name them so they could be added gated (length 2.5-4 times width), the posterior to the growing knowledge ofCalifornia stone- 1/4-1/3 slightly demarked from the anterior flies. portion but lacking the free articulation of a Suwallia sierra, new species separate segment; segments 2-4 (length = width) andposteriorportion ofsegment 1 with Figs 1-5, 13 stout spines on interior surface; remaining seg- — Male. Macropterous. Body length 5-7 ments slender, straight, and lacking stout spines mm; forewing length 6-7 mm. General body (Fig. 3). — color medium brown. Dorsum of head with Female. Macropterous. Body length 6-8 darkbrown interocellarareaandY-line. Mouth- mm; forewing length 6-8 mm. General body parts lightly sclerotized. Fronotumwith margins colorand external moiphology similarto male. and rugosities dark brown, disks light, angles Subgenital plate wide at base, narrowing to rounded. Meso- and metanota with dark U- median truncate, swollen lobe that protiaides at marks. Wings light with dark veins. Abdomen least 1/2 over sternum 9, plate originates near with dark brown median stripe on dorsum of middle of sternum 8. Cereal segment 1 less segments 1-8, darkbrown lateral marks on seg- elongated (length 2 times width) than on male, ments 1-2; tergum 9 with dense setal patches, segments 1-4 not curved and lacking stout posterior margin slightly excavated medially, spines on i—nterior surface (Figs. 4, 5). not projectingposteriorly orheavily sclerotized. Nymph. Body length 6-8 mm. General Hemitergal lobes very short, pointed; not atten- body color golden brown. Lacinia with main uated into medially directed digitate processes terminal tooth and small subapical tooth; dou- (Fig. 3). Epiprocttipasmallmembraneousknob ble row ofmarginal setae: 20-24 equal-spaced densely covered with fine curved setae; basal setae on dorsal margin (12 stout, 4 medium, 8 anchor, bar, andparagenitalplates hisedto form fine), 16-18 setae on ventral margin (10 stout ^DepartmentofZoologyandMonteL.BeanLifeScienceMuseum,BrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,UT84602. 2Box10.504,SouthLakeTahoe,CA96158. 343 344 Great Basin Naturalist [Volume 57 Figs. 1-5. Suwallia sierra: 1, male terminalia and aedeagus, dorsal; 2, male terminalia and aedeagus, lateral; 3, male terminalia, dorsal; 4, female terminalia, ventral; 5 female subgenital plate, lateral. Figs. 6-8. Sweltsa pisteri: 6, male epiproct, dorsal; 7, maleepiproct, lateral; 8, male terminalia, dorsal. Figs. 9-10. Sicelfsa fownesi: 9, male epiproct, dor- sal; 10,maleepiproct,lateral. Figs. 11-12. Siccltsarcsiina: 11,maleepiproct,dorsal: 12, maleepiproct,lateral. 1997] NewCalifornia Chloroperlidae 345 California, Nevada C^ounty, Sweetland Creek, Hwy 49, 3.2 km south of North San Juan, 18 May 1983, R.W. Baumann, R.C. Mower, and M.E Whiting. Holotype and allotype deposited in die U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. Paratypes were examined from the following localities: Amador Co.: Big Indian Creek, 6 km north of Plymouth, ll-IV-1986, R.L. Bottorff, 1 female; 25-1V-1986, 1 male, 1 female; 29-IV- 1986, 1 female; 9-V-1986, 1 male; Little Indian Creek, 3 kmwestofPlymouth, 18-IV-1986, R.L. Bottorff, 3 males, 5 females, 1 nymph; 9-V-1986, 2 females; l-V-1987, 1 female; 12-V-1987, 2 males, 3 females. El Dorado Co.: Indian Creek, 3.3 km northeast of Michigan Bar bridge, 8- IV-1987, R.L. Bottorff, 15 males, 10 females, 1 nymph; 13-IV-1987, 5 males, 2 females; un- namednorth banktributaryto Cosumnes River, 2.9 km upstream of Michigan Bar bridge, 9- IV-1986, R.L. Bottorff, 16 males, 13 females, 14 nymphs; unnamed creek tributaiy to north bank ofNorth Cosumnes River, 6 km north of Nashville, I-V-1987, R.L. Bottorff, 1 male, 3 females, 1 nymph; 12-V-1987, 15 males, 19 females, 25 nymphs. Mariposa Co.: Maxwell River near Coulterville, 25-V-1974, D.C. Den- Fig. 13. Suwallia sierra: egg, lateral view (200X). Cali- fornia, Sacramento Co., small south bank tributary to ning, 2 females (USNM). Sacramento Co.: Cosumnes River,upstreamofMichiganBarbridge,29-IV- Cosumnes River at Michigan Bar, 6-IV-1983, 1996, R.L. Bottorff. R.L. Bottorff, 1 female; unnamed south bank tributary to Cosumnes River, 0.3 km upstream ofthe Michigan Bar bridge, 21-III-1986, R.L. near subapical tooth, 6 fine near base). Prono- Bottorff, 25 males, 16 females, 2 nymphs; tum with variable-length setae around entire 29-III-1986, 17 males, 21 females, 3 nymphs; margin, angles rounded. Mesonotum margined ll-IV-1986, 25 males, 20 females, 5 nymphs; laterallyand anteriorlywith stiffsetae. Abdomen 29-IV-1986, 24 males, 23 females; 25-III-1987, concolorous; dorsum covered with fine setae; 14 nymphs. Paratypes are in the collections of setation less dense ventrally; membranes with the M.L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham chloride cells. Cereal segments widi 1 longdor- Young University, Provo, Utah, and R.L. Bot- sal and 1 ventral seta posteriorly; setal length torff, South Lak—e Tahoe, California. subequal—to segmentlength. Etymology. This species is named forthe Egg. Length 500 |lm; width 250 ^im. Sierra NevadaofCalifornia—. General shape oval; cross section circular. Color Biological notes. Suwallia sierra light golden brown. Collar and eclosion line emerged from late March to mid-May and absent; chorion covered with irregularly hex- occurred in low-elevation, small, often inter- agonal follicle cell impressions, with walls of mittent streams with Bolshecapnia maculata varying thickness and occasionally broken; fol- (Jewett), Cosumnoperla hijpocrena Szczytko licle cell impression floors with 2-6 central and Bottorff, Isoperla acula Jewett, Isoperla raisedareas (Fig. —13). adunca Jewett, Isoperla miwok Bottorff and Distribution. This species is known only Szczytko, Oemopterijx vanduzeea (Claassen), from lower elevations in the Sierra Nevada of and Sweltsa californica (Jewett). Nymphal gut California. contents included chironomid lawae, diatoms, — Types. Holotype male, allotype female, and and fine organic detritus. Well-developed eggs 5 male and 10 female paratypes collected from were found in mature nymphs. 346 Great Basin Naturalist [Volume57 — Diagnosis. Because the epiproct tip is a S. autumna occurs in high-elevation perennial haiiy membraneous knob, the fusedbasal plate streams and emerges in August-September. star-shaped, the aedeagus spinulated, and the adult mandibles reduced, S. sierra is clearly Sweltsapisteri, new species within the tribe Suwalliini (Surdick 1985), Figs.6-8 — which includes the genera Suwallia and Neav- Male. Macropterous. Body length 7-8 iperla. Altliough S. sierra shares importantchar- mm; forewing length 8-9 mm. General body acters with Neaviperla, such as cerci with color yellow-brown. Dorsum of head, from modified basal segments and an aedeagus with hind ocelli to front margin, brown. Pronotum sclerotized lateral patches, we have assigned with dark margin and dark lateral rugosities, this species to Suwallia based on the adult with lateral disks light and corners rounded. meso- and metanota U-marks and the shape of Meso- and metanotawith dark U-marks. Wings the male basal plate. The most important fea- lightbrown and xeins slightly darker Abdomen ture absent in S. sierra males that character- with dark brown, median stripe that extends izes SuivaUia is the lack of distinct, medially to anteriormargin of8tli tergum. Ninth tergum directed, digitate processes on the hemiterga. bearing small, rounded, sclerotized knob medi- In S. sierra the hemiterga have medially di- ally. Tenth tergum with large, V-shaped, darkly rected points, but these are not attenuated sclerotized area located under apex ofepiproct; into the t\'pical digitate processes of Suwallia hemiterga sclerotized and bearing long hairs and are smaller than the digitate processes of (Fig. 8). Epiproct large and well developed, Neaviperla. Suwallia sierra is not placed in lightly sclerotized dorsally, tip with round, Neaviperla because ofimportant character dif- sclerotized cap that extends ventrally; dorsal ferences, including the lack of an anteriorly aspect nearly parallel sided but sometimes projecting process on the 9th tergum of the slightly narrower at base or near apex; lateral male, lack ofa bifurcated anterior edge on the aspect flat dorsally, thin near base, with mas- male basal plate, less modified basal segments sive, rectangular-shaped apex, encompassing of the male cerci, dark U-shaped pattern on apical 2/3, do—rsal outline straight (Figs. 6, 7). tlie adult meso- and metanota, and lack ofan Female. Macropterous. Bod>' length 8.5 egg collar. Apparently, S. sierra is intermediate mm; forewinglength 9 mm. Generalbodycolor in appearance between Suwallia and Neav- similar to male. Subgenital plate with broad base, narrow!) constricted posteriorly, forming iperlaforcipata (Neave). Suwallia sierra males differ from all other pointed tip. The apex is gently rounded but is Suwallia by (1) the greatly reduced hemitergal much narrowerth—an in most Sweltsa species. processes; (2) elongated and cuned basal cer- knoDwisntfrriboumttihoen.CoasStweRlatsnagepiisntenrioritshperrenseCnatlliy- eal segments, which possess stout spines on the interior surface; (3) excavated, instead of fornTiyap.es.—Holot\pe male and allot>pe female posteriorlyproduced, 9th tergimi; and (4) latenil collected from California, Mendocino Count\', sclerotized patches on the aedeagus. Female South Caspar Creek, Jackson State Forest, east Suwallia often cannot be clearly identified to ofCaspar, 9 \hiy 1991, R.L. Bottoi-ff. The holo- species, although S. sierra females do differ type male and allot>'pe female are deposited at slightly by having a more swollen posterior the U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C. lobe on the subgenital plate, and this lobe pro- Paratypes were studied from the following jects posteriorly rather than ventralK'. Suwallia places: Marin Co., Woodacre, l-V-1955, S.W nymphs cannot be separated at this time. The Hitchcock, 1 male (USNM); Lily Pond, Alpine eggs of S. sierra are distinctive by lacking a Lake (malaise trap), 10-V-9-VI-1970, 6 males, collar and having hexagonal reticulations (Fig. 6 females (CNC). Mendocino Co., same data 13). as holot\'pe, 18-—IV-1985, 1 male. Suwallia sierra was found in the same major Etymology. This species is named for drainagebasinofthecentral SienaNexadawith Edwin P Pister ofBishop, California. Phil has 2 other Suwallia species; however, it is sepa- long been a supporter ofrare species and en- rated spatiallyand temporallyfi-ombotli species: dangered habitats. Sweltsa pisteri is presently S. pallidula occuits in middle-elevation peren- in this categoiy and needs to be better under- nial streams and emerges in June-August, and stood. 199' New CaliforniaChloroperlidae 347 — Diagnosis. The male genitaliaofS. pisteri Jr., provided at the Canadian National Collec- are most similar to Sweltsa tamalpa Ricker, tion (CNC), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is much Sweltsatownesi Ricker(Figs. 9, 10), and Sweltsa appreciated. O.S. Flint, Jr., made specimens resinui Surdick (Figs. 11, 12). Both S. pisteri available from the United States National and S. tmnalpa bear a sclerotized prong on Museum (USNM), Wiishington, D.C. Appreci- their9th tergum, but it is small and delicate in ation is also expressed to the colleagues who S. pisteri (Fig. 8), while it is large and bears were along when specimens were collected. broadly sclerotized lateral bands in S. tamalpa The excellent illustrations were done by Jean (Ricker 1952, Fig. 140). The lateral oudine of Stanger-Leavitt. the epiproct has a downward-pointed projec- tion in S. tamalpa, but in S. pisteri, S. resima, Literature Cited and S. townesi itisbroadandflat. In dorsiJview the epiproct is pointed in S. tamalpa, enlarged JEWETT, S.G.,Jr. 1960.Thestoneflies(Plecoptera)of"Cali- apicallyin S. resima and S. townesi, and nearly fornia. Bulletin of the California Insect .Survey 6: 125-177. parallel in S. pisteri. The female subgenitalplate Ricker, W.E. 1952. Systematic studies in Plecoptera. ofS. pisteri is narrowat the tip as in S. tamalpa Indiana University Publications, Science Series 18: (Ricker 1952, Fig. 143) but not bifurcate or as 1-200. sharplypointed. Stark, B.P, S.W. Szczytko, and R.W. Baumann. 1986. North American stoneflies (Plecoptera): systematics, distribution, and ta.\onomic references. Great Basin Acknowledgments Naturalist46:.383-397. Surdick, R.E 1985. Nearctic genera of Chloroperlinae We are grateful to B.C. Kondratieff, W.D. (Plecoptera:Chloroperlidae). lUinoisBiological Mono- Shepard, B.E Stark, and R.F Surdick for help- graphs54:1-146. 1995. Newwestern Nearctic Sweltsa (Plecoptera: ing us with descriptions ofthese 2 interesting . Chloroperlidae). Proceedings ofthe Entomological species. K.D. Alexander allowed us to use his SocietyofWashington97:161-177. SEM photograph of the Sweltsa sierra egg. Special thanks are given to A.W. Knight ofthe Received14April1997 Accepted9September1997 University ofCalifornia, Davis, for his support and encouragement. The help that D.E. Bright,

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