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Rev. Acad. Canar. Cienc, XXII (Num. 3), 103-109 (2010) (publicado en octubre de 2011) TREFUSIIDS (NEMATODA, TREFUSIIDA) FROM THE CANARY ISLANDS R. Riera1*, J. Nunez2 & M.a del C. Brito2 1 CentrodeInvestigacionesMedioambientalesdelAtlantico (CIMASL) C/ArzobispoEliasYanes,44, 38206 LaLaguna,Tenerife * email: rodrigo(Sicimacanarias.com Benthos Laboratory, DepartmentofAnimal Biology, FacultyofBiology,UniversityofLaLaguna 38206 LaLaguna,Tenerife, CanaryIslands, Spain ABSTRACT Two species belonging to suborderTrefusiida, Rhabdocoma americana Cobb, 1920 and Trefusia aff. pseudolitoralis Vitiello, 1970 were collected in soft-bottoms on the south coast ofTenerife, Canary Islands. Descriptions, figures and meristic data are presented for each species, as well as, autoecological data are reported. Key words: Nematoda, Trefussiida, Rhabdocoma, Trefusia, soft-bottoms, Tenerife, Canary Islands. RESUMEN Dos especies pertenecientes al suborden Trefusiida, Rhabdocoma americana Cobb, 1920 y Trefusia aff.pseudolitoralis Vitiello, 1970 fueron recolectadas en fondos blandos de la costa sur de la isla de Tenerife. Descripciones, figuras y datos meristicos de los ejempla- res examinados se ofrecen en el presente trabajo. Palabras clave: Nematoda, Trefusiida, Rhabdocoma, Trefusia, fondos blandos, Tenerife, islas Canarias. INTRODUCTION 1. Lorenzen [3] erected the order Trefusiida. This order is not monophyletic since it is not characterized by any character that can be considered apomorphic for that taxon. Five families are recognized within the Trefusiida Lorenzen, 1981: Simpliconematidae Blome & Shrage, 1985, Trefusiidae Gerlach 1966, Onchulidae Andrassy, 1963, Laurathonematidae Gerlach,1953 and Xenellidae De Coninck, 1965. Two species that belong to the order Trefusiida were collected during an ecological study ofthe soft-bottoms from two stations on the south coast ofTenerife. These species were Rhabdocoma americana Cobb, 1920 and Trefusia aff.pseudolitoralis Vitiello, 1970. 103 MATERIALAND METHODS 2. m Samples were collected in the intertidal and shallow subtidal, at 3 deep, soft-bot- toms ofLosAbrigos (SE Tenerife) and Los Cristianos (SW Tenerife). PVC cores of4,5 cm ofinnerdiameterwere taken to a depth of30 cm in the sediment. These samples were fixed with 10% formaldehyde inseawaterforonedayanddecantedthroughasieveof63 jimmesh size, andposteriorlypreserved in 70% ethanol.All specimens weremountedinglycerine gel and drawings of these were done using a camera lucida on a Leica DMLB microscope equipped with Nomarski interference contrast. All measurements are in micrometers and curves structures are measured along the arc. Abbreviationsusedinthetextare: a,bodylengthdividedbymaxiumbodydiameter; b, body length divided by pharyngeal length; c,body length dividedby tail length; c', tail length divided by anal body diameter; cbd, corresponding body diameter; s', spicule length divided by anal body diameter; %V, position ofvulva as apercentage ofbody length from anterior. SYSTEMATICS 3. Phylum NEMATODA Subclass ENOPLIDA Pearse, 1942 Order TREFUSIIDA Lorenzen, 1981 Family TREFUSIIDAE Gerlach, 1966 Genus Rhabdocoma Cobb, 1920 The genus Rhabdocoma is defined by having a cup-shaped and unarmed buccal cav- ity. Amphid round. 6 cephalic setae jointed. Subcephalic setae located anteriorly or at amphid level. Males with two opposed testes and females with one posterior ovary. Vulva located at the anterior halfofthe body. Rhabdocoma americana Cobb, 920 1 (Fig. l;Tab. 1) Rhabdocoma americana Cobb [1]: 252, fig. 32; Vincx & Vanreusel [5]: 218, fig. 3 a-i. Rhabdocoma riemanni Jayasree & Warwick [2]: 299, fig. 7 a-d. Rhabdocoma spl Riemann [4], 1966: 73, fig. 14 a-e. Meristic data and studied material.-Abrigos intertidal: may, 1 juvenile (Juvenile 1). Description.- Males and females not found. Body slender, attenuating on posterior end. Head slightly round and not set off. Cuticle smooth. Amphids inconspicuous. Buccal cavity conical and small, without noticea- ble teeth. Innerlabial setae lacking. Outer labial setae inpapilla. 6 cephalic setae 1.1 cephal- ic diameters long, 3-articlejointed and situated at the median part ofthe head. Subcephalic setae 9 urnlong, locatedat29 urnfromanteriorend. Pharynx slenderandcylindrical. Ventral gland and nerve ring not seen. Reproductive system not developed. Tail 7.2 anal diameters long, slender and cylin- drical with round tail tip. Caudal setae absent. Spinneret developed. 104 Discussion.- This species is characterized by having subcephalic setae located at amphid level, double contorn and round amphid and a slender tail. Amphid was inconspicuos in the studied specimen. Ecology.- This species was collected in medium sands (Q50 = 0.34), with a very good selec- tion (S = 0.83). The organic mattercontentwas 1.33% and 5.30% ofcarbonates percentage. & Distribution.- Amphiatlantic (Vincx Vanreusel [5]). This species is first recorded in the Canary Islands. Genus Trefusia De Man, 1893 The genus Trefusia is defined by lacking buccal cavity. Amphid cup-shaped with a posteri- orly enlarged fovea. 6 outer labial setaejointed. Males with two opposed and outstretched testes. Females with two reflexed ovaries. Trefusia aff.pseudolitoralis Vitiello, 1970 (Fig. 2; Tab. 2) Trefusiapseudolitoralis Vitiello [6]: 169, fig. 25 a-i. Meristic data and studied material.-Abrigos subtidal: december, 3juveniles (Juvenile 2, Juvenile 3 andJuvenile 4); Cristianos subtidal: august, 1 juvenil (Juvenile 1), October, 1 juvenil (Juvenile 5). Description.- Males and females not found Juvenile: Body slender, tappering towards both ends. Head round and not set off. Cuticle smooth. Amphids 32% of the corresponding body diameter in width, simple and round, located at 14 urn fromthe anterior end. Buccal cavity absent. Inner labial setae 2 um longand6 outerlabial setae 0.8 cephalic diameters longandjointed. Subcephalic setae 9 um long, situated at 13 um fromthe anteriorend. Pharynx slenderand cylindrical. Ventral gland and nerve ring not seen. Reproductive system not developed. Tail 21-25 anal diameters long, slender and fili- form in most ofits length. Caudal setae lacking. Spinneret poorly developed. Discussion.- This species is closely related to Trefusia pseudolitoralis Vitiello, 1970 in amphid and tail shape, slender and cylindrical. Canarian specimens are determinedto T. aff. pseudolitoralis due to the absence ofadults in the studied material. Juveniles ofthis species lack important taxonomical structures to specific identification, such as, number ofarticles ofthe outer labial setae and spicules length. Ecology.- In the subtidal ofLos Abrigos this species was recorded in medium sands (Q = 50 0.28), with a very good selection (S = 0.75). The organic matter content was 0.78% and 5.47%o ofcarbonatespercentage. In the subtidal ofLos Cristianos was collected in fine sands (Q = 0.15-0.17), with a very good selection (S = 0.56-0.69). The organic matter content 50 variedbetween0.02% and0.64% andcarbonatespercentage rangedfrom22.56%to25.30%. 105 Distribution.- Mediterranean sea (Vitiello [6]) and eastern Atlantic. This species is first recorded in the Canary Islands. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4. Authors acknowledgeDr. P.J. Somerfield(PlymouthMarine Laboratory, UK) fortax- onomical advice during our first steps in the taxonomy ofthe marine free-living nematodes. We also acknowledge Dr. Catalina Pastor de Ward (Centro Nacional Patagonico,Argentina) for her insightful comments. REFERENCES 5. [1] COBB, N.A. (1920). One hundred new nemas (type species of 100 new genera). Contributions Scientific. Nematology, 9. 217-343. [2] JAYASREE, K. & R.M. WARWICK (1977). Free-living marine nematodes ofa pollut- ed sandy beach in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. Description of seven new species. Journal ofNaturalHistory., 11: 289-302. [3] LORENZEN, S. (1981). Entwurf eines phylogenetischen Sytems der freileben Nematoden. Veroff Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven, 16: 197-261. [4] RIEMANN, F. (1966). Die interstitielle fauna im Elbe-Aestuar, Vervreitung und Systematik. Arch. Hydrobiol. SuppL, 31(1/2): 1-279. [5] VINCX, M. & A. VANREUSEL. (1989). Free-living marine nematodes from the Southern Bight ofthe North Sea. II. Notes on species ofthe Trefusiidae Gerlach, 1966. Hydrobiologia, 175: 213-221. [6] VITIELLO, P. (1970). Nematodes libres marins des vases profondes du Golfe du Lion. II. Enoplida. Tethys, 2: 139-210. 106 Figure 1.-Rhabdocomaamericana. Juvenile.A.Anteriorend. B. Posteriorend. Scale=20 (im. Figure2.- Trefusiaaff.pseudolitoralis. Juvenile.A.Anteriorend. B. Posteriorend. Scale= 15 urn. 107 Juvenile 1 Total body length 2600 a 52 b 18.7 c 11.2 Cephalic diameter 53.6 Inner labial setae - Outer labial setae 5.7 Cephalic setae 21 Subcephalic setae 10 Buccal cavity diameter 8.6 Amphid diameter 7.1 Amphid height 7.1 Amphid from anterior 22.9 Pharynx length 139.3 Pharynx cbd 35.7 Maximum body diameter 50 Vulva from anteriorr - %V - Spicule length - Gubernaculum length - s' - Tail length 232.1 Anal body diameter 32.1 c' 7.2 Spicule length/Tail length - Table 1.-MeasurementsofRhabdocomaamericanain um. 108 Juvenile 1 Juvenile 2 Juvenile 3 Juvenile 4 Juvenile 5 Totalbody length 1628.6 1585.7 1587.9 1665.3 1602.9 a 37.7 44.4 37.9 38.8 38.3 b 5.9 6.8 5.7 5.8 5.9 c 2.4 3 2.9 2.9 2.8 Cephalic diameter 14.3 11 13.5 14.2 12.9 Innerlabial setae 2 2 2 2.3 2.1 Outer labial setae 10 9 10.2 10.1 10.3 Cephalic setae 14.3 13 13.8 14.1 14 - - - - - Subcephalic setae Buccal cavity diameter 5.7 6 6 6 5.9 Amphid diameter 7.1 7.1 7.3 6.8 7 Amphidheight 5.7 5.7 6.5 5.6 6.6 Amphid from anterior 21.4 15.7 18.6 17.9 20.8 Pharynx length 274.9 232.1 278.3 287.5 271.2 Pharynx cbd 28 25 26.5 27.5 26.5 Maximum body diameter 43.2 35.7 41.9 42.9 41.8 Vulva from anteriorr - - - - - %V - - - - - - - - - - Spicule length Gubernaculum length - - - - - - - - - - s' Tail length 675 529 547.3 578.4 577.3 Anal body diameter 30 21.4 26.5 27.8 26.8 c' 22.5 24.7 20.6 20.8 21.5 - - - - - Spicule length/Tail length Table2.-MeasurementsofTrefusiaaff.pseudolitoralisin urn. 109

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