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C.KoxeBH*H S.Kozhevin THROUGH THE ENDINGS WITH FISCHER * * * HI'PASI C C!>HIDEPOM (17O5K OH11AHH:A) ·cAJIIOr • "SALUT" OBHHH CK • OBNINSK 1991 H�e oo�BJieeo coeMecrao c IIpe,ll;OPH.llTHCiil "Herpae" c BCD0.1Ib30BaBB eM oporpaM)IHNX Cpe,11.CTB " IIA T + " Cocrall 11TC11b C.E.KoxeeBB TeXJ11111eaad peJXaitTOp C.IO.Caen.1ueu1 Xy�o&en H.B.Yeapoe Kopperrop T.A. Co.n�OBHHJCOBa IlPEAHCAOBHE Po6epT AieHMC �Hmep pOAHAC� B 1943 roAy B 4HKaro. 4eMnHOHOM MHpa CTBA B 1972, BYHrpaB MaTq y EopHca cnaccKoro.T aopqecTso 11-ro qewnHOHa MHpa no ceH AeHb BY3YBaeT orpOMHYH HHTepec y maXMBTHCTOB Bcero MHpa. 3TOT c6opHHK HMeeT ueAb 03H8KOMHTb qHTa­ TeA� c TeM K8K �Hmep pa3YrpYB8A 3HAWOHAb. H eCAH BCilOMHHTb, qTo �Hmepa qacTO cpaBHHB8AH c maxMaTHOH MBWHHOH, TO H3yqeHHe co6paHHYX 3AeCb OKOHqaHHH noMOieT yAyqmHTb KaqecTBO HrpY B 3HAWOHAe maxMaTHCTaM A»6oro paHra. HeKOTOpYe OKOHq&HH� A8HY c KpaTKHMH KOMMeH­ TBPH�MH HAH BOBCe 6e3 HHX, HO peABKUH� HBAe­ eTc�. qTo 3TO TOAbKO CTHMYAHpyeT qHTBTeA� K C8MOCTO�TeAbHOMY 8H8AH3y. - 3 - PREFACE Robert James Fisherw as born in 1943 in Chicago.H e becameW orldc hess champion in 1972 after winning the match against B.SpasskyT.h e gameso f 11thw orld champion as alwaysc all interestt he chessplayerasl l over the world. This volume showsF ischer•sp layinge n­ dings.F ischerw as oftenc omparedw ith chess machine,s o studyingo f thesee ndgames will help the chessplayerosf everyl evel. some of the endgamesw erep ut with briefc omments and the othersw ithout any ones. But the editorials taffh opest hat it will make the readerst o analyse those gatmheemss elves. LombardyW f"11cheRr M6 c;t.lf6 29f.4 .b. 4 30ll.c 4 - USC HAMPIONStHIP9 57 .tb3 3t. llllcd843 2�.2 llc2 33..tg2 .tc434 .M 3 .tb35S. �etll b236 . �2 � 37. h5 �6 38.h gh g3 9g.4 f4g0. .tg-4 llc24 t�.e3 g54 2f.gc;t.l gS 43.M3 llc344 .� d2ll c4. 4.5 llc4 .t4c64�. c 3 .i.4b75c;t.l. d 4 �4 48.� 5 �g34 9e4. t/2 CardoRs Foi scRh er - MATCtH9 57 32..Jld338. .t c6 � 34.ll e3 �2 35.ll e2� 4 36.ll e4 �b2 37q;>f2. �t 38.� et� 39. lle5 �4 40ll.e 7Q;>h 6 4t�.d 2 c44 2.ll e4 � 43.ll e7� 4 44. h4ll f84 5d.6 c 34 6�.c 2ll f2 47.c;t.lb3 llb24 8<J;>.a 4c 24 9. lletll b4 50.<J;> a3ll btS t�. llet52 . .tllce62 5 3.11ll7d6 O:t DenkeAr FiscRh er 24"dJlt25 .� t .i.d526 .q;> gtf 5 - US CHAMPIONStH9I5P7 27.� 2 f284. � .tc6 29g.3 fgao . hgc;t.l g73 tq;>.e a 3hs2 . a3 q;>33g.6� .te4 34.c;t,l e4 f5 35�. q;>gs36 . a4a s O:t FiscRh eCra rdoRs o - MATCtH9 57 (Diagram) t6ll.f dht6 t .7.tea fle5 t8ll.d 8 lld8t 9ll.d 8c;t.l d820 .f 3c;t.l d72 t. �2 .tc6 22b.3 c;t,le6 23.h 3.t b7 2tll.c ta 622 .M t f523 .h 4 24�.2 � 25.h 4.t cS2 6�.4 � 24ll.c 7ll ec825 .ll acll2c 7 �4 27 ..t d4g 528 .h g h2g9 . 26ll.c7ll b8 27 ..t gs.t f628 . M6 c;t.lf6 30.c3 .t e6 31c;t,l.e 3 - 5 - �d63 5f.5 � 8 36�.d 4.t h7 37e.4b e38 .be �c6 39a.3 a 4 40�. .tg84 1�.6 .i.c44 2. �e7 W4c35e5. Wci444 . �d6 We4 4f56.� 5 46. �e5 t/l HearE- sFti scRher MATCtH9 57 (Diagram b1e8f.o fr%1de 1 ) �eS 32g.3 a 533 .f g4f 3 4. gf Wti6 35f.5 A gs36 .� d4A1 11 37e.4b e38 .b e� 39a.3 a 4 40�.eS � 41. .i.�e64 4 2. We7W e54 3e5. �d44 4<:;>d.6 �e4 45f.6� 5 46W.e 5 t:O FiscRh- Cearr dRo so MATCtH9 57 29�. lld13 0. �b73 1ll.ee1 �gtll e13 2ll.e 1ll e133 .� 2 lle4 34.ll b5.t f83 5.� .5 llb4 36lla5. .tc53 7. .J:l c5Uf 438 . � llf53 9g.4 ll f4 40h.3 e4 41ll.c4ll f34 2�.e4 llh�4 3. � llea 44<1;>f.6 Uf3 45�.eS �g7 46�.5 �g64 7ll.e tll f4 16ll.fd 1h 61 .1.t ea � 1sll.d 8 48.llg1 f54 9g.f �550 ll.h t lld81 9ll.d 8� s 20.r 3� 7 21.� g6 51�. h55 2.ll d1h4 53. �2 .i.c6 22. 'iPe6 b3 '23.h 3.t b7 llg1 �5 54.llh 1 llf'8 55ll.d 1 24.�2 � 25.h 4.t c826 .� 4 h356 .� �4 57.ll d7Uf 158 . �4 '1:1 • .id4 28g.5h gh g2 9. lld2 5g94ll. d 8h 2 .i.1'6 �6 30�.3 .t e& 31�. �eS 32g.3 a5 33.f 4g f3 4fl.f O:t - 6- CardRo sFoi scRher 1'.dtb 53 5.!l etw d73 6H. e2 - MATCHt957 ®d63 7Il.d 1'.2f43 8Il.e 2g 33 9. Ma .fte5 w4g02.� ba4 1Il.e s Ji.f7 42d.4 .i. d4 43. e5 14e5 44. Ilc6® e7 4ll5c.5.a b24 6,.� b 5 1'.&3 47l1.b 7Wf 6 48!1.f7 t/l FusGt -eFri scRh er PORTORtO9Z5 8 · aaWf. 4 .ic834 ;.ie4 We7a s. h4 as 3M6a. Wd 8 37.W e3 rtJe378 �.e 2,SP b63 9W.d 4.i d7 40..ft f3� c84 1�.e 2� d74 2e.5 de4 3W.e5 .i.b544 .� b5W b5 45<i.J.d6·4c64be. ®e44 7W.e 6 a44 8-d.6 b 34 9a.b a b5 0d.7 b 2 51�.8ilib tft 52. ft53d.5 Wea v.;·�iline4 54.W d6ft g45 5*.f 7 rtda56 .ili f6W e3 18�.b4 lld81 9ll.d 8 �280 . t/l� 3 .id72 1.i.d 6ll a82 2e.5 (22.��eb2723) . .i b5 .t.24b.5 �b5� 25 ..i e5 ll26e.8l;Ja. 7 ByrDn eF iscRh er (26.�ll3c152 7.®dll2c5± )'Zl . - USC HAMPIONtS9HI5P8 Wbt .i.h6 28.ll dt®g7 29g.4 ( o 29.lllldc530t . ®all2c 2.t)ea 30. h4h 53 1g.h g3h2ll .d 3ll?e t 33.<;Pa2 b7 34.ll d7.i d435 .f 4 lle236 .q( atll d2 O:t FiscRh Be-irs gAui_e r US CHAMPIONSt9HIP5 8 (DI'l gr am) 49ll.fl( 650 .ttf3ttf 3 5l.llf3±) llf850 . h5llh 815 1iilt.f 3( 51.hg 29.WeS . . 30. iiltd41it d63 1iilt.d 6 ii1td2s 2.mtnl22-+ Iilt fa5 2.ll f3 .id63 2.a 3.i e533 .M a g434 . gh53 .ll b3 ll� 54.ll b4 f555 . -7 - (Diargamb efore4 9%l.t 1) (Daigramb efore2 0. .e.5) efWt' 6 56.a 4ll a857!. a bwr s tla7ll c64 4ll.f dQ;>7c 84 5tl.h 7 58b.6e4 59Wf'.2 We5 60We3'. Wb8 46.ll ab7Q;l c84 7.� g8 c.Pd56 1ll.e4 tlb8 62. llhh41 tit4ll 8bll.6h 1ll c34 9. Q;ld2 tld3 63ll.h5W e6 64.ll h2W e5 65.50. <lcl2Q;> b75 1ll.e 1tl d85 2. Wd3!tl b366 .<l cl4tl g36 7ll.e 2.i.c4ll h853 . g6 ll54h.2W c3 wrs 68.<l ldll5d 36 9W.c6 dS? llh35 5ll.e 3� 2 56W.d 2ll e3 (6 9...Il d47!0<;Pb5 . Ile47)0b4 . d4 57.<;P ea �g3ss .Wf 4 71Q;>d5. Jld1( 7.1Il.b7.32 .<lIlfgl24 � t:O 73.WIlcb4t7 4.Ilb722+-.] llf'2! <;Pg47 3<l.cl 4d 3 7<l4cl.3ll b1 75ll.d2Wf 47 6ll.d 3<;P e4 77. FiscRh- Kearl Cme lld8ll c17 8<l.bl 3<l le5 79a4. <llUSC HAMPIONtS9HSI8P c;t>e6 80.Jl d2ll c78 1b.5ll d78 2. tld7<;P d783 .<;Pa s <lcl784 .<;P& 6 Wb8 85<l.l b6 c<l88l 6<;Pa. 7 t:O FiscRh We-eri nsRt ein USC HAMPIONtS9H5I8P (Diagram) 20 ...eS 21llf.e 1e4 22ll.a d1 g6 . 23.fgh g24 .h 3Wf' 8 25.Wf' 2 �7 26. <;Pea 27ll.db c38 llc5 28.llf1 llac8 Jlf22 9ll.5c6 30.25 ..bc. 26.lle5 .i.f627 .ll ea5 lldfll1d 63 1llf.4 llcd382 h.4 llfe8 28 ..i. g5 .i.2g95ll. g 5tl d2 llh833 .g 3ll h734 .� 2 llh8 30ll.c1llee 23 1.i.g6 .f g32 .Jl c3 35.a3t1g8 36. g4g 537 .ur s gh <;Ph7 33.b4 lle341 .<;Ph 2 W'2 35. 38.g5� 5 39ll.e 5<;Pci 8 40llf7. _b5-lifb2·a-·6-.w ra <;Ph6 37.ll cc5 �g34 1<;P.ea h34 2ll.ee 7h 243 . u-ea as. Wt'4 lleb3 .39. llgd5 -8 -

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