Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications SIGMA 5(2009), 001, 19 pages Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation ⋆ of Quantum Mechanics Miloslav ZNOJIL Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, 250 68 Rˇeˇz, Czech Republic E-mail: [email protected] URL:∼znojil/ Received October 29, 2008, in final form December 31, 2008; Published online January 06, 2009 9 doi:10.3842/SIGMA.2009.001 0 0 2 Abstract. Inpaper[ZnojilM.,Phys. Rev. D 78(2008),085003,5pages,arXiv:0809.2874] n thetwo-Hilbert-space(2HS,a.k.a.cryptohermitian)formulationofQuantumMechanicshas a beenrevisited. Inthepresentcontinuationofthisstudy(withthespacesinquestiondenoted J as H(auxiliary) and H(standard)) we spot a weak point of the 2HS formalism which lies in the 6 double roleplayedbyH(auxiliary). As long asthis confluence of rolesmay(anddid!) leadto confusionintheliterature,weproposeanamended,three-Hilbert-space(3HS)reformulation ] h ofthesametheory. Asabyproductofouranalysisoftheformalismweofferanamendmentof p theDirac’sbra-ketnotationandwealsoshowhowitsuse clarifiestheconceptofcovariance - t in time-dependent cases. Via an elementary example we finally explain why in certain n quantum systems the generator H of the time-evolution of the wave functions may a (gen) u differ from their Hamiltonian H. q Key words: formulation of Quantum Mechanics; cryptohermitian operators of observables; [ triplet of the representations of the Hilbert space of states; the covariant picture of time 1 evolution v 0 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q10;47B50 0 7 0 . 1 1 Introduction 0 9 0 In contrast to classical mechanics where various formulations of the theory abound, there exist : not too many alternative formulations of quantum theory. Moreover, most of their lists (to be v i found mostly in textbooks and just rarely in review papers like [1]) pay attention just to the X history of the subject, creating an impression that the formulation of quantum theory does not r a lead to any interesting theoretical developments. Ten years ago this false impression has been challenged by Bender and Boettcher [2] who surprised the physics community by a numerically supported conjecture that quite a few one- dimensional quantum potentials V(x) may generate bound states ψ (x) with real energies E n n even when the potentials themselves are not real. The conjecture seemed to contradict the current experience with quantum mechanics. Using the traditional textbook single-Hilbert- space (1HS) formulation of the theory [3] we usually employ the fact that the separable Hilbert spaces are all unitarily equivalent. This allows us to restrict attention, say, to the exceptional andmostuser-friendlyrepresentationsℓ orL2(R)oftheHilbertspaceofstates (cf. AppendixA 2 for a few additional comments). On this background one can expect a complexification of the spectra whenever the underlying Hamiltonian becomes manifestly non-Hermitian. It is just this naive belief which has been shattered by the Bender’s and Boettcher’s illustrative Hamiltonians ⋆ This paper is a contribution to the Proceedings of the VIIth Workshop “Quantum Physics with Non- Hermitian Operators” (June 29 – July 11, 2008, Benasque, Spain). The full collection is available at 2 M. Znojil whichall possessed,asan additionalmethodicalbenefit, themostelementary andcommon form H = p2+V(x) of the sum of the kinetic and potential “energies”. Obviously,anyimaginarycomponentinV(x)makesthelatter Hamiltonianswithrealspectra safely non-Hermitian in L2(R). This is a paradox which evoked an intensive interest in the families of apparently unphysical Hamiltonians H the Hermiticity of which appeared broken in atheoretically inappropriatebutmathematically exceptionalandfriendlyspecificrepresentation of an abstract Hilbert space which will be denoted here as H(auxiliary), H 6= H† in H(auxiliary). (1) The progress in this direction of research has been communicated in dedicated conferences (cf. their webpage [4] and proceedings [5] or, better, the recent compact review paper [6]). It became clear that in spite of the undeniable appeal of the models where E = real while n V(x) = complex one must treat their “non-Hermiticity” (1) as an ill-conceived concept. The operators H with real spectra have been reinterpreted as Hermitian after an appropriate ad hoc redefinition of the Hilbert space H of states. For this purpose one must merely replace the original, false space H(auxiliary) by another, physical space H(standard) of states with the standard quantum-mechanical meaning. A few relevant aspects of such a theoretical and conceptual innovation will be discussed in our present paper. Our introductory Section 2 and Appendix A recollect the main features of the currently most popular two-Hilbert-space (2HS) formulation of such a version of quantum theory1 which is based on the use of the so called quasi-Hermitian or, better, cryptohermitian2 representation of observables. In Subsection 2.2, in particular, we return briefly to our recent paper [9] where the 2HS formalism has been shown suitable for the description of such quasi- Hermitian quantum systems which require the use of manifestly time-dependent operators of observables. In Section 3 our present main result is described showing that a thorough simplification of the theory can be achieved when one replaces its 2HS formulation by a more appropriate three- Hilbert-space (3HS) reformulation. A few subtleties of the resulting generalized formalism (as well as of our present amended notation conventions) are illustrated via an elementary time- independent two-dimensional matrix solvable example in Section 4. Section 5 returns again to the results of [9]. We stress there that one of the most remark- able applications of the innovated 3HS formalism can be found in the perceivably facilitated covariant construction of certain sophisticated generators of time evolution. For illustration we return to the matrix example of Section 4 and we re-analyze its time-dependent generalized version in Section 6. We firmly believe that the 3HS description of this and similar examples can perceivably simplify our understanding of paradoxes which may emerge in quasi-Hermitian models. ThesummaryofourresultsisprovidedinSection7. Severalapparentlyanomalousproperties of the Bender’s and Boettcher’s potentials are discussed there as an inspiration of revisiting a few less rigorous formulations of the first principles of quantum theory. No real necessity of thechanges of these general principlesthemselves is encountered. Still, our presentmodification of their implementation and of the related conventions in notation appears both desirable and beneficial. 2 Quantum Mechanics in 2HS formulation – a brief recollection The practical use of phenomenological Hamiltonians H which are apparently non-Hermitian (cf. (1)) does certainly enhance the flexibility of the constructive model-building activities in 1With theroots dating back to Scholtzet al. [7] or even to Dieudonneet al. [8]. 2I.e., non-Hermitian in H(auxiliary) but Hermitian in H(standard). Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 3 physics even behind the framework of quantum theory (cf. [10]). It also broadens the space for feasible applications of non-local models in a way exemplified by the above-mentioned complex Bender–Boettcher toy potentials [6]. In similar cases, an attachment of the doublet of Hilbert spaces H(auxiliary) and H(standard) to a single quantum system may make good sense. 2.1 The hermitization of cryptohermitian observables One of the first applications of the apparently non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with real spectra appeared in nuclear physics [7]. The correct physical interpretation of the model in H(standard) has been separated there from the facilitated calculations of the spectrum in H(auxiliary). Further physicalapplicationofthesamemethodappearedinMostafazadeh’s studyofthefreerelativistic Klein–Gordon equation [11] which is traditionally introduced in the Feshbach’s and Villars’ [12] unphysical representation space H(auxiliary) = L2(R) L2(R). A reconstruction of the inner product has been offered as a means of recovering thLe consistent picture of physics. The same approach avoiding spurious states or negative probabilities has been extended to the first- quantized models of massive particles with spin one [13]. On theoretical level the 2HS reformulation of quantum theory might look almost trivial. Still, the application of the idea to the Bender’s and Boettcher’s elementary examples and the resolution of some of the related puzzles took time [14]. Fortunately, the theory seems to be clarified atpresent. Itskeymathematical featureliesintheHamiltonian-dependentreplacement of the spaces, H(auxiliary) → H(standard). (2) The detailed description of its mathematical subtleties can be found explained in the available literature. The innovative 2HS approach to the description of pure states in a quantum system characterized by an apparently non-Hermitian Hamiltonian can even be presented using the standard 1HS language (cf., e.g., [15]). In such an approach it is only necessary to introduce a rather complicated notation in which the same state is characterized by two different Greek letters (say, Φ and Ψ as recommended in [15]). Some details of this convention are recollected and summarized in Appendix A.2. Here, let us only emphasize that we must remember that although equation (2) does not involve a change of the underlying vector space V itself, it does modify the inner product in this space. Thus, we must introduce two graphically different Dirac’s bra-vector symbols associated with the individual Hilbert spaces H(auxiliary/standard). Of course, this enables us to restore the necessary physical Hermiticity of our Hamiltonian, H = H‡ in H(standard). In the other words, even if we start from a non-Hermitian model (1), we may update the correct physical form of the Hilbert space and re-establish, thereby, the validity of all of the standard postulates of quantum theory. 2.2 Cryptohermitian Hamiltonians in 2HS picture Although we do not intend to accept the above 1HS notation conventions in our present paper, we would still like to keep our present paper self-contained. For this reason we added further comments onthe1HSnotation andpostponedthem toAppendixA. Themain reasonis thatwe are persuaded that the consequent 2HS notation which makes an explicit use of the two spaces appearing in (2) is perceivably simpler and less confusing. We have to admit in advance that neither of the two spaces H(auxiliary) and H(standard) offers in fact a conceptually fully satisfactory frame for wave functions of a given quantum system. 4 M. Znojil Indeed, the former space remains manifestly unphysicalwhile thework in the latter one requires the construction and use of a Hamiltonian-dependent metric operator Θ 6= I. Still, our recent application [9]of the2HS ideas tomodelswithanontrivial dependenceon timere-demonstrated the mathematical strength as well as physical productivity of the 2HS approach (cf. Table 1). Table 1. Concise summary of the extended 2HS notation as employed in [9]. Hilbert space ket state its dual its Hamiltonian H(auxiliary) ≡ H(A) |Φi hΦ| H 6= H† (unphysical) H(standard) ≡ H(P) |Φi hΨ|= hϕ|Ω H = H‡ (physical) H(auxiliary) ≡ H(A) |ϕi = Ω|Φi hϕ| = hΦ|Ω† h =ΩHΩ−1 = h† (physical) Some of the key ideas of [9] were inspired by the transparency of the notation as suggested in [16]. The core of their efficiency lies in the simultaneous use of two different basis sets in the same friendly Hilbert space H(auxiliary) (denoted as H(A) in [9]). This effectively separated the original computing-frame role of this space from its other role of a benchmark physical space. A certain invertible non-unitary transformation Ω :H(A) → H(A) has been invented as formally connecting these two roles of space H(auxiliary). Section III of paper [9] could be consulted for more details. The correspondence between these two roles is reflected also by the first and last row in Table 1. The clarity of the message mediated by Table 1 is weakened by the fact that our notation has been taken from [15] in spite of its being not too suitable for the given purpose. Indeed, the comparison of Table 1 with the 1HS Table 3 of Appendix A.2 shows that the separation of the two bases is not well reflected by the notation. The necessary use of the third reserved Greek letter ϕ representing the same state only enhances the danger of confusion. A more thoroughly amended version of the Dirac’s notation is to be offered in the next section. 3 Quantum Mechanics in 3HS formulation During the proofreading of the text of [9] we imagined that it offers a slightly confusing picture of cryptohermitian quantum systems, especially due to the use of the imperfect 2HS notation as sampled here in Table 1. As we already noticed, it is rather unfortunate that this notation employs three different Greek letters (viz., Φ, Ψ and ϕ) representing the same physical state. In addition,thisnotationalsointroducesastrangeasymmetrybetweenthetwoHilbertspacesH(A) and H(P). There is in fact no reason why the former one should be treated as a single Hilbert space because its underlying vector space V is in fact being equipped with the two different inner products. This is also the driving idea of our present proposal of transition from 2HS to 3HS language. Its mathematical background is virtually trivial as it makes merely use of the well known formal unitary equivalence between any two (separable) Hilbert spaces. Once applied to the two physical spaces of Table 1, we may declare the parallel mathematical and physical equivalence between the second and the third item of this Table, i.e., between the standard and auxiliary physical Hilbert spaces even if they cease to share the underlying vector space V. The main advantage of the resulting 3HS separation of the constructive definitions of the latter two representations of the Hilbert space lies in the possibility of the decoupling of the Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 5 underlying vector spaces, V = V 6= V := W (3) H(standard) H(new auxiliary) (physical) (physical) (cf. Appendix A for notation). In its turn, such a new, 3HS-specific freedom (3) enables us to get rid of the extremely unpleasant nontriviality of the metric also in the latter, physical Hilbert space, (new auxiliary) Θ = I. (physical) It is encouraging to see that the only price to be paid for this 3HS freedom lies just in the (non- unitary) generalization of the mapping Ω which will now be acting between the two different vector spaces, Ω : V −→ W. A more detailed analysis of some other consequences of the new perspective may be found in Appendix B below. 3.1 3HS formulism In the Bender–Boettcher-type bound-state models where H 6= H† in H(auxiliary) it proved con- venient to factorize their nontrivial, non-Dirac metric in H(standard), either in the form Θ = CP (where P is parity and C represents a charge [6]) or in the form Θ = PQ (where Q is quasi- parity [17]). Unfortunately, after we turn attention to the other quantum systems with the scattering-admitting Hamiltonians H = T + V [18], we discover that the construction of an appropriate metric Θ 6= I only remains feasible for certain extremely elementary models of dynamics [19]. In this context, our present 3HS formulation of Quantum Mechanics found one of its sec- ondary sources of inspirations in the possibility of a return from Θ(non-Dirac) to Θ(Dirac). This indicates that the second (in principle, extremely complicated but still norm- and inner-product preserving) update of the physical Hilbert space H(standard) −→ H(new auxiliary) := H(T) (4) (non-Dirac) (Dirac) proves desirable and very natural. It can also be read as an introduction of the third Hilbert space H(T). Thus, equation (4) complements equation (2) above. All the necessary details and formulae can be found again shifted to Appendix B. Here, let us only summarize that the symbol H(T) representing the third space in equation (4) will be accompanied, in what follows, by the other two abbreviations representing the first and the second Hilbert spaces H(auxiliary) := H(F), H(standard) := H(S) (unphysical) (physical) of Table 1, respectively. In summary we can now recommend that the differences in mappings between ourthreedifferentHilbertspacesH(F,S,T) canbeveryeasily reflected bythedifferences inarationalized Diracnotation wherejustthegraphicalformof thebrasandkets willbevaried. This will enable us to correlate the graphical form of the bras and kets with the three in- dividual Hilbert spaces. At the same time, the same letter (say, ψ) will always represent the same physical state. Preliminarily, this pattern of notation is summarized in Table 2. Multiple parallels with Table 1 can be noticed here. 6 M. Znojil Table 2. 3HS notation: A given state ψ in three alternative representations. Hilbert space ket-vector bra-vector norm squared (F) H |ψi ∈V hψ| hψ|ψi (friendly) H(S) |ψi ∈V hhψ| =≺ ψ|Ω hhψ|ψi = hψ|Ω†Ω|ψi (standard) H(T) |ψ ≻=Ω|ψi ∈ W ≺ ψ| = hψ|Ω† ≺ ψ|ψ ≻= hψ|Ω†Ω|ψi (textbook) 3.2 Metric-eliminating transformation Ω The explicit use of mappings between Hilbert spaces is quite common in textbooks [3] where aunitarymap(e.g., Fourier transformationΩ)producesthecorrespondence. Inthe3HS context the same transition is being postulated, |ψi ∈ H(F,S) =⇒ |ψ ≻≡Ω|ψi ∈ H(T). (5) Nevertheless, the majority of the nontrivial aspects of the present three-Hilbert-space approach to quantum models will only emerge when Ω ceases to be norm-preserving (let us still say unitary). In such a setting the two physical spaces of states H(S) and H(T) are accompanied by their unphysical partner H(F). This partnership can already be perceived as aiming at a reformulation of quantum theory. Another hint lies in the isospectrality of the Hamiltonians, of which h acts in H(T) while H ≡ Ω−1hΩ acts in H(F) or in H(S). This opens a constructive possibilityofthechoiceofaHamiltonian whichisallowedtobenon-Hermitian(cf.equation(1)). In nuce, our present main technical trick is that in place of the unitary transformation of spaces (4) (i.e., the second option in equation (5)) we intend to achieve the same goal indirectly, by means of the technically less difficult and non-unitary transition between the other two Hilbert spaces [i.e., via the first option in equation (5)], H(auxiliary) = H(F) → H(standard) = H(T) (Dirac) (Dirac) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) both of which are equipped with the same and, namely, trivial Dirac metric. The key features of the latter idea may be read out of the parallelled Tables 1 and 2. AdetailedinspectionofTable2revealsthecoincidenceoftheketsinthe“F”and“S”doublet. The mapping between the respective “S” and “T” Hilbert spaces H(S) and H(T) preserves the inner product and is, in this sense, unitary, ≺ ψ′|ψ ≻ = hhψ′|ψi. Equivalent physical predictions will be obtained in both of the latter spaces. The third pair of the “Dirac-metric” spaces with Θ(Dirac) = I and superscripts “F” and “T” shares the form of the Hermitian conjugation. In such a balanced scheme the space H(T) is slightly exceptional. Not only by its full com- patibility with the standard textbooks on quantum physics but also by its role of an extremely computing-unfriendly (i.e., practically inaccessible) representation space. In both of these roles its properties are well exemplified by the overcomplicated fermionic Fock space which occurred in the above-mentioned nuclear-physics context [7]. Summarizing, all of the three spaces in Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 7 Table 2 can be arranged, as vector spaces, in the following triangular ket-vector pattern vector space W physics clear in H(T) kets |ψ ≻ = uncomputable map Ω ր ց map Ω−1 vector space V vector space V map ΩΩ−1=I mathematics OK in H(F) −→ math. phys. synthesis : H(S) kets |ψi= computable kets |ψi= the same In parallel we have to study the bras. After the transition to the conjugate vector spaces of functionals the above-indicated pattern gets modified as follows, dual vector space W′ ≺ ψ| ∈ W′ constructions prohibitively difficult map Ω† ր ց map Ω dual vector space V′ modified dual space hψ| ∈ V′ map Θ−=→Ω†Ω6=I hhψ| = hψ|Θ ∈ H(S) ′ absent physical meaning non-Dirac conju(cid:2)gation(cid:3) 4 An elementary illustrative example In the second row of Table 1 one finds the condition of the Hermiticity of our Hamiltonian h in H(T). The pullback of this condition to H(F) gives H† = ΘHΘ−1, Θ = Ω†Ω = Θ† > 0 (6) so that our upper-case Hamiltonian is similar to its Hermitian conjugate or, in the terminology of [7, 8], it is quasi-Hermitian. One of the most elementary illustrative examples of a quasi-Hermitian H has been proposed by Mostafazadeh [20]. In a toy space H(F) which is just two-dimensional, this Hamiltonian is represented by the two-dimensional matrix 0 reiβ H = H(AM)(r,β) = (7) (cid:18) r−1e−iβ 0 (cid:19) which is strictly two-parametric, β ∈ (0,2π) and r ∈ R\{0}. Its condition of quasi-Hermiti- city (6) can be read as four linear homogeneous algebraic equations determining the matrix elements of all the eligible positive definite matrices Θ = Θ(AM). The general solution of these equations 1 reiβcosZ Θ(AM) = f ·Θ , Θ = (8) Z Z (cid:18) re−iβcosZ r2 (cid:19) depends on two new parameters or, if we ignore the overall factor f, on Z ∈ (0,2π). Any other observable quantity must be represented by the operator Λ which is also quasi- Hermitian with respect to the same metric, ΘΛ= Λ†Θ. (9) The inverse problem of specification of all of the eligible Λs is, in our schematic example, easily solvable, a peiβ Λ = . (10) (cid:18) qe−iβ d (cid:19) 8 M. Znojil In this family of solutions the range of the four real parameters a, p, q and d is only restricted by the inequality (a−d)2 > 4pq which guarantees the reality of both the observable eigenvalues and by the single nontrivial constraint resulting from quasi-Hermiticity equation, p = qr2+(a−d)rcosZ. (11) † Once we fix Z and f > 0 in equation (8), an illustrative factorization Θ = Ω Ω of the metric Z Z Z can be performed, say, in terms of triangular matrices, 1 reiβcosZ 1 −eiβcotZ Ω = , Ω−1 = . Z (cid:18) 0 rsinZ (cid:19) Z (cid:18) 0 1/(rsinZ) (cid:19) This definition specifies, finally, the family of eligible selfadjoint Z-dependent Hamiltonians cosZ eiβsinZ h(AM) ∼ h = Z (cid:18) e−iβsinZ −cosZ (cid:19) defined by pullback to H(T) and isospectral with H(AM). The same pullback mapping must be also applied to the second observable Λ of course. Marginally, let us mention that in many items of the current literature (well exemplified by [11])thefactorization of Θis only beingmadein termsof very special Hermitian and positive definite mapping operators Ω = Θ1/2. In this context our illustrative example shows that (herm) the choice of the special Ω is just an arbitrary decision rather than a necessity dictated by (herm) the mathematical framework of quantum theory. We shall see below that a consistent treatment of the ambiguity of our choice of Ω is in fact very similar to the treatment of the ambiguity encountered [7] during the assignment of the metric Θ to a given Hamiltonian H. 5 Covariant construction of the generator of time-evolution In the 3HS formulation of quantum physics we may start building phenomenological models inside any item of the triplet H(F,S,T). Still, in a way noticed in [20] and worked out in [9] this freedom may be lost when one decides to admit also the models where the parameters which define the system and its properties (i.e., say, the parameters in the quasi-Hermitian Hamiltonian H of equation (7) and/or in another observable Λ given by equation (10)) become allowed to vary with time. Typically, this time-dependence may involve not only the external forces which control the system but also, in principle, the related measuring equipment. Insuchanoverallsettingonehastoimaginethattheconstraintsimposedupontheassignment of a suitable metric Θ, say, to a given H and Λ may prove impossible. In the language of our illustrative example this danger has been illustrated in [20] where in illustrative example (7) the so called quasistationarity condition Θ 6= Θ(t) has been shown to imply that r 6= r(t) and β 6= β(t). The mathematical reason was easy to find since the quasi-stationary time-dependent generalization of the set of constraints (6) and (9) proved overcomplete. 5.1 Time-dependence and Schr¨odinger equations In[9]wehaveshownthereasonswhythesameoverrestrictive roleisplayed bytheovercomplete- ness also in the generic, model-independent quasi-stationary scenario. In the opposite direction, our study [9] recommended to relax the quasi-stationarity constraint as too artificial. Then, the 3HS formalism proved applicable in its full strength. Now, we intend to show that it restricts the form of the time-dependence of the operators of observables as weakly as possible. We shall again “teach by example” and demonstrate our statement via the same schematic example as above. Still, we have to recollect the basic theory first. Thus, we start from the Three-Hilbert-Space Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 9 exceptional space H(T) which offers the absence of all doubts in the physical interpretation of any 3HS model. In particular, the time-evolution willbecontrolled by the textbook Schro¨dinger equation in H(T), i∂ |ψ(t) ≻= h|ψ(t) ≻ . t This is fully compatible with the textbook concepts of the measurement [3] based on the idea thatthecomplete physical information aboutagiven system preparedin thesocalled purestate is compressed in its time-dependent wave function |ψ(t) ≻. Secondly, in H(T) there are also no doubts about the standard postulate that all of the other measurablecharacteristics ofthesysteminquestionareobtainableaseigenvalues ormeanvalues of the other operators of observables exemplified here, for the sake of simplicity, by λ = ΩΛΩ−1. The analysis of this aspect of the problem is postponed to the next section here. 5.2 Models with time-dependent Hamiltonians In a preparatory step of the study of the time-evolution problem let us just be interested in the single observable (viz., Hamiltonian) and let us admit that a manifest time-dependence occurs in all of the operators, h(t) = Ω(t)H(t)Ω−1(t). An easier part of our task is to write the time-dependent Schro¨dinger equation in H(T), i∂ |ϕ(t) ≻= h(t)|ϕ(t) ≻ . t Its formal solution |ϕ(t) ≻=u(t)|ϕ(0) ≻ employs just the usual evolution operator, i∂ u(t)= h(t)u(t) (12) t which is unitary in H(T) so that we can conclude that the norm of the state in question remains constant, ≺ ϕ(t)|ϕ(t) ≻=≺ϕ(0)|ϕ(0) ≻ . In the next step we recollect all our previous considerations and define |ϕ(t)i = Ω−1(t)|ϕ(t) ≻ and hhϕ(t)| =≺ ϕ(t)|Ω(t). We are then able to distinguish between the two formal evolution rules in the physical space H(S). One of them controls the evolution of kets, |ϕ(t)i = U (t)|ϕ(0)i, U (t) = Ω−1(t)u(t)Ω(0) R R while the other one (written here in its H(F)-space conjugate form) applies to ketkets |·ii ≡ (hh·|)†, |ϕ(t)ii = U†(t)|ϕ(0)ii, U†(t) = Ω†(t)u(t) Ω−1(0) †. L L (cid:2) (cid:3) The pertaining differential operator equations for the two (viz., right and left) evolution opera- tors read i∂ U (t) = −Ω−1(t)[i∂ Ω(t)]U (t)+H(t)U (t) t R t R R and i∂ U†(t) =H†(t)U†(t)+ i∂ Ω†(t) Ω−1(t) †U†(t), t L L t L (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:3) 10 M. Znojil respectively. They are obtained, very easily, by the elementary insertions of the definitions. Inside H(S), the conservation of the norm hhϕ(t)|ϕ(t)i of states is re-established and paralleled by the same phenomenon inside H(T). One has to solve, therefore, the two equations which form the doublet of non-Hermitian partners of the standard single evolution equation (12) in the third and most computation-friendly space H(F). We may conclude that the conservation of the norm of the states which evolve with time inH(S) becomesatrivialconsequenceoftheunitaryequivalenceofthemodeltoitsimageinH(T) (cf. the explicit formulae in Table 1). One can also recommend the abbreviation Ω˙(t) ≡ ∂ Ω(t) t which enables us to introduce the time-evolution generator in H(F), H (t) = H(t)−iΩ−1(t)Ω˙(t). (gen) Its most remarkable feature is that it remains the same for both the time-dependent Schro¨dinger equations in H(S), i∂ |Φ(t)i = H (t)|Φ(t)i, (13) t (gen) i∂ |Φ(t)ii = H (t)|Φ(t)ii. (14) t (gen) Avirtually equally remarkable featureof theoperator H (t) is thatit ceases tobean elemen- (gen) taryobservableinH(S) [21]. Thisisverynaturalofcourse. Thereasonisthatbyourassumption thetime-dependenceofthesystemceasestobegeneratedsolelybytheHamiltonian(i.e., energy- operator). Indeed,themanifesttime-dependenceoftheotheroperatorsofobservablesrepresents an independent and equally relevant piece of input information about the dynamics. 6 The two-by-two example revisited ThecoreofourpresentmessageisthatafterthechangeoftherepresentationoftheHilbertspace of states H(T) → H(S) one should not insist on the survival of the time-dependent Schro¨dinger equation in its usual form where the Hamiltonian acts as the generator of time shift. We have shown that the doublet of equations (13) + (14) must be used instead. Such a replacement opens the space for the consistent use of a broad class of metrics (i.e., spaces H(S)) which vary with time! TheconsequencesofthenewfreedominΘ = Θ(t)maybeillustrated again onourelementary two-by-two model (7) where both the parameters r = r(t) ∈ R\{0} and β = β(t) ∈ R may now arbitrarily depend on time. In such an exemplification the explicit time-dependence of the metric 1 r(t)eiβ(t)cosZ(t) Θ(t) = f(t)·Θ , Θ = Z(t) Z(t) (cid:18) r(t)e−iβ(t)cosZ(t) r2(t) (cid:19) appears to have two independent sources. Firstly it results from the direct transfer of the mani- fest time-dependence from the Hamiltonian H(t). Secondly, a new source of time-dependence enters via the new free function Z(t) of time. Obviously, its time-dependence may be read either as responsible for the time-dependence freedom in the metric Θ(t) or as a consequence of the time-dependence of the second observable Λ(t) which is, in principle, independently pre- scribed. Thus, via the existence and role of the function Z(t) of time our example illustrates that the time-variation of both H(t) and Λ(t) must be read as the two components of an input, external information about the dynamics of our system. This information cannot be contradicted by any additional constraints upon the metric and, in this sense, this information restricts the freedom in our consistent choice of the metric Θ(t).