The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly ---- -- PIL d ° - PR][L 22,'11993399 1155 Cents Vol. 51: No. 16 ° ° ._ PERIODICAL 'ROO ~MAI. LIBRARY MM. UN1V. OF I¢e 1:4B NELLER And the Miracle tEioy. Reeinaldp I. Trickpuss' 0,,,,t44,44r4g Astos Hotel, Jlr_w ' Or .4., May 22. de- the Ex- ° + - u 411 ,,lern ent usic I nl a,ralrlo . - ' r r*Ca. April 22, 1939 The- Rillboarti fOutstcindi attractions mean greater. more cg satisfied audiences? -1/4.%4N more satisfied) Audiences mean big- ger business for you! 1 UtT'111h J1 i Et[ D REVUES to hold throngs spell -bound. . , featuring all the splendor. glamour and lavishness of pro- duction of a Broadway Musical Comedy. COMEDY to throw audiences of kiddies and grown-ups into gales of ACTS. laughter. NOVELTY to hold the rapt attention of IAITS crowds- everywhere. THRILL to startrie, amaze and' excite a ACTS sensation -loving public. r:M.BIMAL to amuse and, enthrall your audiences! For ci ghtcen consecutive years George A. There, must be a reason-and the reason id; IHamid has supplied the leading fairs, amuse- For bettor alttractio'ns, wish buyers ¿all iment psr'ks and circuses in the Eastern GEORGE A. HAMI D, INC. 'United States and Canada with outstanding attractions. In 1939 again-GEORGE A. IIIAM1D AT- TRACTIONS WILL APPEAR AT PRACTIC- n ALLY EVERY IMPORTANT FAIR, AMUSE- MENT PARK AND CIRCUS IN THE_ UNITED STATES AND CANADA! % W'I'RE OR PHONE YOUR 1560 B11OADWAY LAST MINUTE ATTRAC- NElur YORK, N. L TION NEEDS TODAY Tel. BEirant 9.2510 'Cable Address: CEOHAMI D BIOSTONI PITTSBURGH NORFOLK. VA. LONIDON P R BERLIN Oda i Vol. SID April 22, No. 16 The Wetrld'n Foremost Aatur.cment Weekly 1939 I'tilell))1, d Weekly M. CInetnnatl_ O. -Entered sa second.elsas matter- June 4. UM. st Pest OMae. Cincinnati, under .Act of March. 1979. 02 Palpes. ubtarlptton`ab per reef-. Copytu.;ht 1930 by The Billboard Pubilaidng G, ,p titer. `::HI(CAO LEGI°r fiIITS CHUTE World's Fair Shows rising Vaude and Season, WincThng Up Early, Has a 2ílen' Music 1 n*tal Z3 Weeks Under Last Year The foltow1ne Si a Bet of shows set f r the N.-. ?One World's Pair queuing ' Apr11 30 and meets some qa=t of nolrelty!sauckeelle: girl or music. talent. (A coeoplete let Of World's Ymlr ocnrceedons reed cantinas using talent was run In Two more rhowti than in 1937-'38, but they don't stay the W8hooercldol s uFMauirg ssetrcittitotny ácti rcthuse. Mcaattrlclehy aIaS. sbiduea os.h) ow. animal or other outdoor- type long- -=91 weeks total -playing tinte-otnecltea tare aAtMtrAacZtOtoNn i WarAeR hRoI.O iRnSc hh(dAedd etloai dthe is Fliinsct h. tnanagar , Thpeiced culture show best-"Anger Illopped h. o. winb' 22G a i erage Will a eerie. ARCaRtIr3iRteY aRrcAhIefrOyG. (Jot -'ph L. Oeceaert, operator): Well talc girls to clesrirlq- ey SAM HONIG&ERG AQVFWArCeilAelieaDimeEn s.(' BJbiolelhyen: JRneyol wW. . eoGi(stoorrntlhuitalemtre.r , PJGrooetrdrnttr wurdiLteott inrE, ye irAnlern. d)M.e a sDntdeogrwi nngHe.yo ,la mn..,dn 4CP Wrhanahcritetsss, hthaivse C yeHbaeIre+Cn A InIGndO lec. aiArtcc-pu9rl.ia3l t iw1o5nee.. -kTasn ol etIaanslc rpAelaogsyeui trieogf Otitfmw eoth ecM oemPee paatehcraeeLd pwtroeh cilecedh -i tn lgye ea.ieirt_.n aLdokiot h.g o T2u3hp e s etf;ao rutte9r 1IALarLWarAiredNrst Ts,d f r.-Lan9.rinr0un d[ e b eEeeMGtt tyAwet - lRoG.e pDdione EptnyeN. rSba toWoo(rBkisre.nt d1lJl. n ,t neWMtnatdaisml,et e eeGr l breTearedhnceodrn+m etaitp,nu sdlIod nn acp.b .r aoogubReatno bc1bl0yye0)r .tv e naTJer.hi tterE'netylte]i itn :Asg[l F idRC igsoitalvsaeulor-sr Lormtaeeocpeaoopiprttede d_thob fou h'uCtytes.hh edeHis em aafa r netawdosm teaatnehzltre te r oanhfcAt at 1su9tM hd4b ieIteSv oe-brr-neio.s ukxmtms he.ea ,a i rrawt+a im bhszueitc!.an thgdd oCapñrolraomayeege d dol_ fdrt eswbc oeree naamjrso;eh y oeeeafdurn o/ mf1coo' rm lbaap' slltdra ur aynfteo tatroer f -sr ehp sroi1oxr2 stv pw- reiermie. tkeyk.. CRYSTAL PALACE (C:yatttl Pat,ce. Inc. Philip Gelb. operator. Alfred &tint. God and Sets the Hoy, Goodbs e. The CCittRYIlscl:tiNihorif'oa OAt,wtne eL,,d rO .,t PG iar biYnAnoN.d goAÍ k1ATgVe Qi1dirrAc,el stvfo.P1i rAe1 w LfA á(otCu.f.E lJ'yS'W! ..u o(omrN ldaoo'nsrrma Fgtalieunerbt )l .oba s e»lols aw.G rngt ehesdei dn.o ecpse. el -'1n oE-hp5aae3ir-rr d a tcIotaCorf.I)se. .t itOua sleeRihneoegryni eekbrr:. ha enldandat,t n eao,ofneeprdn.. udannnaopufyn u ias:,nnd : rclselreaeears vldl.sgt e h C1fn oe -&a rwod gftfedreh eorIiekrts ii s esos dutn'la meanyalim dt aeaeAt rnr tN,fr hte oseee'lncerv olk,agy .olw r apat hlin)niecdag hr Fe &ue w )pdtiea unraneadn--l. BWBuuiilrldndwsi nogMosd o DtCoaarbds iranogome de , CDUABUsn{ iOBanta:g i veJfVerTrs IIe.tLd -tELa N.nDAScLO ecrgpOs l.sP (ysC i0nuTogbH.ea Erns W aDlVlniE.idllrEl aaPpgbl eu *.l (lGf Toalsrritdmgcnh eetrril %nyhg ee ehIlbr e rusiarcBlwoernoes tqthsuaeüsers * .w, GOiotaphpre derSrnaayetterda-sn7e.e* l.y) M.8 wFelrrTimanonfa nkiehdl,irsans)s... TwraMe h nwaeyceta'e hiets ke eIa rn-t l ta;awmt,etriy lroltl nwewbteoheik ts w,h. ~ a eEenlkTednsih e tewee k ecidtH tuhaOr aPGirnntakelgnecr dt rrrH bu áoiHdtew1e o1s a l Lci'dlaoaoatwupmyst-. Tunh~kunWrsodwOany O onDriigg.hi nt Ña. ulTaJM_rt _ttAyro pyeradifl te)1tr 5h e-a- PeCafraeele onoc*fk L1T'IVC1(o aI.pnIOPetiS r -aM dLtorAOurGsRg)A D.e Z'xSIh NEGiMEbA iICt*N. OGuV. tBEinRUgSS Tle(EJgaRithS n,t a GSlehrnuetrs.i eddaJenu .n oAnPgietaarirn tsoHte aC)n, rsiTem4ne1 "/b4 a4(suDkuxeu dfeo s-u torI r thsen mplReourgvleclrssh&e. EI u-n.(t Sreyeeenr, CwrHehmIeC.haAi nGte,O Is ntLraEecOttciiOhvIeiln. guw tthW iplheso lqet. hcS-e I fL)E Ir/ s- Tn(Seheteeda tWenreI LaOrDn - bWthyO eO bBLu)e iIlCdrdiAnwSgsIsiN,k O hi neocrn lu adpninnd g d a.9 m5eo) IQT.TcRIE ENGLAND VILLAGE (8chless Construction (1o.). Shs1Fape.rean teeth Chevrolet U it Prays A eta tieing legit elate to theater and rpt.aura.8t. i r Yto MIRACLE TOWN <Little Miracle Town. inc. Morrie Cest, operator). Widget I show, slready booked. Display Rooms in Nan Tour OLD NSW YO1U (Mtsrttn Sweeney, In al`-e,etatten with George Jewel. 114ñ -.rtes. & Demon. Inc.. and others, operattny). Cate. with entertainment -depicting old New York. (Ain. a It. Shaffer. ta&nteer.) ~or leTG'S SHOW (Nita T. Grsnitlnd end Cbarlea Hertelg. operators). Outdd3r-ln- CHICAGO, AprfL 13r-ChiYrolet rnfltienoe competitive manuf8ac turers to door theater presenting Cavalcade of American Theater (depicting names Co.. which for the tact. Iwo years has LOUR/PS with a steelier strtnt. achy van ATERECon TBofI AwCthV esToe WEplMe oc(ePtOtiL)nJ Eglac n- oedEar ns CttI.eCo snglgtD er-eie( ls$elsasa ,y oCI fn1 o" -r Deel tMl: Bnolebieato puGo.t kaioeelpesd. e. o rofap tteohrrea) .t oWr)Oo.r ilrdlT Lh(geipiarstlte erpi naw rsaihndoegw) .c. olKorre°d 'pobenluc sgas .rnutess ti3pnorgno .d+uermcIttl*aai. l ltaof tlseaers nhd inUgn isotueum t hmai erTer.h ottlooe wfawoeierllllmlli eacgana src rteyahsd e wdp fioitilirrlomt /anbb"ae.l l e W caasvctreaaºtgr.e esto o- radlneidst tp ,lcaahyna dri noop, mee:s-s band and ,caiertei5ata. be booked end prepared by David P. Chevrolet derided on this toad show RAlLERdOgaAr-l7 I3f uOrNg tdPtAorRdA, DpEr od(Euacsetre, rnC hRanrlllerse aAtllsl aPn.r eudlifrteeclltso'r )C. onlf'nerietesacno.t Oiep'oelea to2r0e0: Qha'Sveis lloenyl,y Lsee inxd tob oeeikee,hrt. pWethfeilrem urrnai.t Iwt ilul faolklLloa!w1 insgh-otwhés Iotifcfcerrseedd Uli ne xpmearinmy endtI .wijlietyh SUNa~ cVhtaAeramL. L,E EYpqr-ueAi t4 ydW ehIna`teslT . eiEigiRtt eiteWeti nOgtiotf ldtor olI+tnetnr.i' n geegbn dta (-WlTeentrrtr,.ta ecre WCaoter-+ da~nrdi sntda.l eInntc .u seRd . foPr. legs/red that (hc'auleceaa of the idea will (°Six CHSVROLF.T Un'lT Mimi 9) Lee, eketanb; tabs gn slides ate fheing (Ralph Hite. caterer). Ice slaw In Fleet tiloventent i tow In This Issue heart 1. TIN PAIL .'.LI.EY (Gerald Gritted and S llliarn O. Le_trnlle. operator). Cabaret. To Met d ntusenletzts mPMUcCa)mafnMoOdttHSraFM1ctaroaeedirstaoeNlcecoeiii.Wogmttrt rC mmrdltutlk.labantfrle3autte;el +!rrepae-o eTdAttieirc raredt3. h tnreIfMee ;netl fhr S_ too rseti Taw 'elthytl r osHri rrpi1ilaA iea*lit tte trr1taPtlle nhtItrotoai_pwoaainlMt pstNunaa 0sedd'Pn an l -oKetprte4rl cAlGdro cdldeooit reio e§ aro" i awi nd,Ms crT.krrenJ4r ls eoym,ttngJuteC ee Oi:tp oerfo 1eodn iter ic efta4rm!rotNo mrpng" esht lwaetc fvan «iot -aPtrt,31mteotnsii ua h_r,r ttet tTt nntfu.n e erhEigieteoe treeoem eAtetenpIg ie ;rs wsd qa,niltr 'r.wr rt8 e tasp e4a r tutt.t.he iolrftt h0ah arr en om aihrl%osie laep elatette!tfltCtoaereiyhte e. te h'aI e gMtfiwm dt loirede ne FttoisltL, 1aAhuU dcm siee St ndeo.tla6lh..ogeurrtrdvshQm. t'n ik5 mlmnP « ea raeteeauel-tes1tegetetli eo Ahrraioniiseh enCtntefet.sanftpcsr .cn .edtnwwedge ts ttte goeaar-n st-Fes tl tioe haCpmittnT r ''Baentit . Tdd-dit"aeOhrd oChtw OchegaTeuoipSau nholCte thrrnefe rlnw rseWwceane e: tani rla~efonran"tadwa citn tiaietitrWPmgclnthnettgnteoo ri ee*eeeaelA-qtgrygdereee dTynd- -e-srl..., t e'feseoertYtJawntefeCnttaeSel:eohhOan,uhcta foapodlorna,no ietir1uaairte anW.(et pgdpreC erlu1it" -ndt9iln.oerV keeo1p'neoupr eroIa_oPata -sa. n ifeIie r . ln e.s t A v.nt.yct R i`, ic x haseop,sn vteengtame noeypLPhte tf eFKlat dcIri mtseas.eyo wae&t_,atey gopftrUre tlo euan sgimhCo o al tn llsn nstpx rCuluroerd te.,ance nes.ride ibe t rro'e iaototatee,rletento eritvrraHtecu em.stl.ssoryn-acf tt tst,i tprlJnt nrf"Fns hl eraa,a .m W* )e.p eatopoos l.nrnaooerw( r c &t'alrerevtite rrf trakyiiico rtJptsdih 3edan octptc,o Aka frr)ero olfh gite..beea releW .ar l o eeet :lsr sahCenlwotl ul estorPbraceic-g tl nea oe me hNiraencacsfo e oltftf,netSk eiehyk hh Breut fc stapo teo«wr eie4tWshlhc.dteritmao tue ry osP tn sa ntiPoekhsld rt p Id tYd jaemaAeF!Ta mctauovrImer- nnhrolohbon brh.M,_'grea a .b srevvot umioa.ukeTn dr 1ai a eainibsvg oee .deedmnitr tra rseedfrnho.a euHwod m hco. e tnd el )bnaetboahotlreVtai m fhisea docenreahounuieba.ien idOIanne nstoflra:elsaIontdeseded-ry tfs--f.-lt SWptwgftbevActChtstee.whjBiuhhoaoroe.rdrlerIitoxa 'iehaoopome!aoroeNnti:emce PbieKncyrdot at itqrntunat e trhTaot1i,ceietif4id ,en e rtU aygtxelnle. eí. hpirN iyerd-OinaadreropslrgCcir te I n rp spenesaani ve lnif2ne n3m woalherwi'ponmI`cleQeYW seuvawsMsd'geMnaao qle. vret n, veeieeesr O tnh eee aueestEsalnyeatYcdtef=yra minfyre ,sRpuov .y eo nudt uo,y 9Pie o ti o.eptt K'meedirorhec oourbtppayOonet epo nkowIona .a eddtre4oupad lyt dnrap tn eekf ohhLeaa.fdr rAaI ttri r eRtefctnd,yydoi yt anWeretioee ne,npaap iaefir v*t a hod rdAcnlicPrrnit_ tdrodwInii : apbnieiut iunentawn iglrvereeveeoePegn esolgen iga'tiia2trexdweanaetne dn eteh .1c td, mn les nteorr ihb fryooi mU 3u lndotaadngo t1m.t ueyh sennh ln .hglrai.o o peurWd s-i etepenr edper ioag ofhT -oelulS t ne ae n oa prnelnhdmneoht.tphttc nltsrf thfay dt11ta rrrhieitiT awtet esde,nlgr e idto nOwtqc edie1daoe en.hgsh lU.atcqaa vahe' ataa U-n estreoeelttles euner nyteoe yloars fsd nr thlne.nwfDdndaset ptuii yaaPsa ailidI .ltce rentei t e uronhaOvisyrr teahuobae'xtéadtteeernanabrozsrhidn=en'oeyela*igst--srsrll.f--.-. t r l! ,íCCCCGs!FHLLINCGPrP*R1%AnrWawIus1 i.lsoeieaean1eese nsi"-iruir XadesdriNwr.drctt t.eo,aIttrdhnrt-.-tkinne:t,elg.u o,-aüetf-.Ie e us o.rki /eluneeI4-.- sJiut rz -5 r. h tn6QLR. cMr.Mci P.CS 1r&oe,-au4e `:LoTlnie _tenCh1.iarts 7»qniev/ eI.ilr '.5a'tcCi. 1na dreee a.sde.' s.i. u Lrrh1 ie-. A)r ,a +rOeb 9+Tti'?tObri.and»,t 6ws7emaBp, ºt tn: -n4. eD o,re.r.V:,sn . erse m..a...ert,,e4. a. tat .r ..l.e. f a m. -eOUa. , .add.t . c Cieonr... ..a-ee 1 e.,.-i ..., -n s t0. i. -y,a xd. ea( s-e-e .nn w.-., t...- . dt 1w. -. aa1 - a. r"i ..s,.. . .Ml ".A.. d. ...-4 . .u .2 ...t m.43 w..2c .A . . a a-.s' li.-. .,rt -..... ... .. ... tr ,_. ..2I6 . _. . 6 ..e ,.. .... . ... . . 6..435Y.156EP.1I6 -5 .A. _:.A14'1JS-.7-.3r1a5 l 8 6 .-i.--=-.-i-g-c-4e.3S5 nS-' S421253162426)4t terC5I'1 57i77 ss 561t7n.24r4oO6l20el .- .t bound* ass relief memento. Seem, Mttiar_!o It6k4 FT? 'MIKADO' on papa 0) Women F ,i err. 10-3 The Billboard GENERAL NEWS April 22, 1939 10 rrzcood Sorg Pit, gers Hopef at gr41 ifitc , fJI , -C omiwo w os With Name Baru', Trek to Coast GsSc' Z HOLLYWOOD, April 15. --8otig plug - ahowue lutatgy the .lamas from Hollywood Viewpoints ictladet a:L. Ai Anartwte e tlnStikhnlgeni . it .h oeethi eoanLraLf .tLvp.ta lQ noootnoc4 hnt ii*I'n i Cthonaeoiaindr tuostWli+ntgiat s CmOth uWeº taaDn otm -piMnlLugA gro rf rlaaOrtokºa indA mloIeetsn : . daot utbhlye GLEANIE,BDI LLBBYO AMRIDM BSDTRASF F OF THE be andWi treTfrEo: rIE SEeeLrn ide, - d-saug nsdu! l!ntth.itg ehrhte i II pya- rtl:a:mtby:o liutiotr pfCa1'iMáMtDtfPrMbileo'cfK~tJc1taOcTT-oKttmLlli E ian7uh21rnohulole:satlrlhotea 7iiiUo a=ent CRPs[csio*Set-eo iCtl ntw- nkl tH5edr ud-0e'mnns1fm r túnre. 1i ot ad ee,tpya.e se0h ' d l t 0etIn.t. t,1A.dc a4Owydak t ohCttO- sre 11 wau elnLiPgtsi hny,te. :en,e 0 i f, aa:n AtetJ]nnriph a cbiil Psfecwg uroLeotrnotttietncnofbPprneho n7DtGw lohcgeIi hre4l ieoc alkiiflanl t1utdu¢áu e nh tolaiiete eOo' ketme rLt .irs h cp bal rgñaoh toto alergst,oadt a wit pc.hh t* l, iilh ng ud fnethrnn git ehin cteHtfeadhehtIrgbtipAOeltirrth n hMaTtta tkeaoeen e eTrnd ihsleter ehotesoh emlli-1eroenwt estuph.nboMe. se g lpMlbe dtoe f a-tdai uet ro a epher. adpo enry dhfficlIEoaut iulgyl treaer prllrrcf letna r l lceetAWni- neblfre tehitehetokioeiclr, i ec Judr tlptnth o&s tn.o1au f i:rebko aCduta eangn0etIe nd!bsavt.ngi eiwc ]lhO1el iin s..ytsn gne itlbn dLrye rtoH- d e.lla,W nan .Mal tey. ioht5fJ - rs g tfor pel: arspabtihfyLthote sn9e rp lbcetfl,+yIi]1s iooefAPe el. od t0l hoerlrhH/ ooasatoas,r1o re trr ac. eym le IhfSwmn trnls,.nicntn-1no tremIaern?4 lp rpaetfIblnkt-ªdategnl, e g4alw nnr llih. o heba;iaiileiripoa,laesayrwc :ayannnd. telore tdn-e n;1tfume ,pLnstoa'ettyawaoaoh,twace im én ts dorssi t e e .yre 3 hpHdl:e eNctpil n oaiyb.ep snlcsJittu frMlenteg tAa aeLreJph.loun°e,newoe,ce ehItaia fogJnr rnt lprduleweeae:n Z1 dr r. ulln,Ihaui Aehdtt..7 nh rtlm .' tciWTnaded f íatlt nde.wa1egene°n snfpputt ri gliiYrT hmE'Vr rl ndarena:snoeeoLdiee.i itClne ltctoea stlCrctilbeoreh cauili!tethihy.llthn.Oesdn drnántl MeuIawrt'lootir/slnley°seiIee deeesga-s-ek fe .ae.-..I.f[rr. , aooatomprP'wttoohsamr1PJfJt1-CLrYÁAvloC:nehiit+kueosuc4pen1pb4e.froeoat t"ah1be1es ;orob eototS:p usepweluetHNL /,enl]oensrpotri4e.Ztlearte'cinrjL d lntttrep_ct. il erehektGsOIadtehxareid,,ornel 5_ ejl,_iihPa eanttps h reic c'mbnmeao ls.n SaL o e ur * atS !- l lttoet.l wi ngdOo. u'lr Laate,a C. o n Owcp dth G.wr c uLeul n yitAtbvnalYgpehpnalrkáP1me hhdahsetbo ttyiu .od e.eoa*omp ,YI psa o Wlbf.e rnooe e ru naAlllna ta:eOfakdtleelT:y lTtd eO praoeebb t exy ° edist gnOu-tol '.r s .tOuthlryei 'e amipokiRs omw oytcrCfend eOTttme rdrMt.maeinwoPr. nwhahiKer r ntwn, e Jabieentdo hDtll iu.ouurto.o.lio e erJa l rtlJ:fahas eins wabnmw.n d ,atdoaue - ar t snsa IAataserit]tpceliremLbtw urhbfss e°rrttbaoAOwtInagoraer1'Eyiey3legre P ,npaa mut-e,n sifeyltel k qe p paro l re taiycnqhfyts wInd l t.reotar lftsr tumi t pk 0 teugTitu: h'!hd!hk oqgtl oiiu-ttinrearG'patn lin°tu L neo aeerreoheeIrytm dK1ecrtorpo*r iaydsruiufo r un ,et6r aooil ra i etlv hae m ltfenoaae s. eeNl eaa eadne eaSinly :tare dnt =aVlglrv.tlloIa;nft beurtaloneedl sr eac oonol oi noBve,-pcdenytoicv )toidynhKn naoofw, t tac:.rSt e,teontpfca .gou ifa tinody-i oit_teormlat nabgoc]opeofnleeooAeItorln ,fattttafiea ndCdbo r nn.rtn, tdwo ?bihr tSta, bv ront- yltnt .e- tah erantanyehepyhdo a iiodef gi tcenrBbeslen e,tCt R ine roadeu r ouu g ttraR :ri pi cAsmpfp el1 ety t ibd ltr"lInc tooes_ortlnaa1ct i sc .rauwo:libuvtda iun,atu r.edttnrltrf4ouioohnelhKtnephaa adoxukveo1aeittiigllasnn'an1pdn-ieoyoeeeh-el.'-cernar:e-l.,:r- . l hLceBoot.mHsscap TnNmindpmtl\tbeLs"¿FFutLLuooletnruoeBPhHelaetouaAyeaiehAseUc(vschoaeyisoOdSRYnlnEfawslTtSmíees ioezt etnaornwseoiwo N e neSeena AoOh.enalcnur ct t-Cft cb.ysdS t0cs BfOe e hmaih ibdrYL hhbynfB- aLrt I he rt eIerW rTP Boe*weAlOLuceMichcoeccOr op er u B, rrlIL"Fo heiBtisre u:t MdeLypSe melw a OumnsB* e .tkoLSEide-idlIs roet p CQNtIsesleOcaTadIf eNooIeltAyNIl aboIree ettoNoc teyIAAse nwEcdfe De 1ieeaieEE o eCketwlHr i nkSr-Rd lx.Lehtrr;i,aSeiot L ff euWniaH c sIDia1 eEwtoa"tdoWmNc lc.nh rGs oaaYC,nmgdktrB 'Ur kEheaet TSNLte1daenMp l eoiwe.Loin oet.Io Er-e . t1fEt tp o r eet.-SdAoe nRse5 WyIcO. Ijte uInklwoi kbIhOi Yd6ihtgEItrrysohnna fh-.eoJTon aOepa D a4tA ChS-a ,dig p alsO-T ho3 ntA snctrpYAT toontt nepaeekial ehctp1hAa a1Bo HEwdOad rnndfendn eipnhtge1 SeorgtDaDotlbeRr e peoI4 dy ig roLlora.snmolpaut K.aO fdl!nRsr.e 6erbuCwng * a ]nt1 beo os aAaecbIOt eataA jne lalt5aNp.irnleetc a9u Dated kv eesAl.ewdtlOt sm amr-t a atypoWsw eewecpto e-ey FCludh,tlnacTtuT -irSdp raFeelóA e oemt-teaoi cea PItuÍuhoal'eyeynitYttrM Cenotm aEag n laath rel,es et0E.te. oel CewnCkr . fao4: tne t$ n raia.tltI at afh;eld i)ieF-TfWW nattn meGelnMcb 1OttoaenlIIec weiaaAhdooe-gNCede- rrrd-uFustitsi.:ee g ' , t y 'l h -l fst1Atf.csssthslaehernsttIbhnwam,dteeamsweaIfmf riuhoOL1ucunileoohnhtotalaho imvnfrsoobeeaook tmnaOaanessveesuaallnnalorutc-aoeaa eeASdc n-dcetulnladlos1edónteneredgtl tr orwlrenr cyl actr. l oe y/t et lew l eptrehwo eameed1de adhBn ntie at ls a etel ttt0e is mrt'ntnsmte.a hintbwall, ooi aWhwi'enhlo tio eme'tgh ratt qstlon .hIt.hteo xwartuucf rhhr1ny oeenredan i mhi e:.uehmlubthsseiprea tltntmlfet t3n et'ae eno lti galehod esbeamdairo cr. h Inlteia tt tl cra t fBnwluaa moufCith ated lráotMhgtolcym'eneriktpp asúoslsad1 t-delr wp°aeytaáfk- rude oeetotrh ptyrdv igliao,a.: rettcrrteh;poswar !ai .n en uetht terotee eooh+l } rad o1easbi u!oghknargeetctwtnarwelero( bmn. d3n'bat ee. 5ehObldf teuyrtrftsea gt,teoebtoeaLag ia eebya ro t i eL totoy ntrvruo !lffwurnoaoneyor] hhf )t Acrwmm tpoa U pwe heur cpt ls.rrosstL en dtaomOorern egwphtt :eoghpey^*intt twCia.eta otk va1im lltptptw l vo ieeaetluaCn-wtna oiulein hrKs-ovy.n.e eeytth raa nnew"ctkthta,lT etr7 lavlt y+n t eueJ.goinl hre4reet kisehfa!ctra wio bnela a ckedie hLakdtr,m-niklthrr y dc,o ia rsHaBsthlylew y Rri teienaeintIai n e a tl r 'iertsahcaot wtt 'caic et Smeytdtte rppItte h ov!nln fitt eIowthpi o hnhtIaowio.wsmlco e o eaphl pstwnnecatar Igaislalra.en ehesia slahoyr.newae .te e a » atwoc oPeg . hdtrsnc totoId n oiabwtdy r'trweerl r.kpuyetil iIAbaseh thhac rnl oeeu.eestfctl llm.aacehtg runo ttbsehea tgckcp o.e d °ao sontoo.e asn d doocdfebpr otldo o onteipetu tnt°udnno(o}gcAInkjyr nkse rtofln lfag harm pu u tahnt -totse igo ocit se foc!nttnetamhteod.-le ei h aihieeaedca ool oa }soiu1hdy pewtodngetitcn 1ingliul rnt t ymrl- re rgn n rr esl a vatg tt ewleonar et wrtatnaheoTattttt .hnttietpidateyu ea oh mm nhaahhh¿n:ebwst hh h ot v .tttherL ath.ernUusTL.pne.o nhehhnuoe da]y atia_erraatioebenaeiieI tieyloaaoredpnydeneeedalP'l,ess-- et-e-f-t-tttstla" BOB NELLER 50 Suspicioiu se w'Cihldoerrinedes N; i(g)Ihket. Spot CrAte tfgpalearanewt1 t euAtr onet :.hhm atnatk ge !K- m hoiiootml rae wu f oOitNur lIüldnet ntuosbr: ee h tenhpriau cnºetos ctiefhin pe bt aatfbhelmtwes (Thi* Week's Cover Subject) ware a titDtDrCcit more etflrtaáderatu in his 'tteLwId^/ctea¶aaT»seVCNhRWrf-thaioT i.c.Oweaaeestuaraeaenouºiae-oer aede T!temhyOlnldwer1,dgN-e'ctlAap.r}Hl$/rs scw 1d nt y 7=eitmhtatiel0 el res etae eol w,*tlpMchalneYU"4iI, o !ercY d dnke r eVl R oL sael t s er enlttPhc /,aaareeawHror.ib St ea NlocEece a tIDlotiaassts 15dr i o ,wsi.odheave s ine .t 1t Ur iieawnrt h"!Hele en1f i oeopyavlh fIdb giaMac h.t aorn-saaa ifroe-Ieb*s lNe aaltlwni aetantnlu .n.yeadl ty.APeOy c rrw5ecylt4-nd oe a! ia 2a red e il1v h pthhdtki lioadsfIl7n., k raaeiRr4l eieupae claf t alysraedecs-h aee ~esealtac eTniy er Tlead trliDRwi odC'nieuehrtfntkrnhnehss yi 5venoasrse cuad'e tavcryn.t"c wnae.kc ,1nk .a.ks eeiveota a sC. atdis t etesIfgl°rcp dlebrae l tr lWal e1 ndha .nhweilsrnIuyeno eenr1ee enoni 4k e1aW3eutuSvt yrtadt4hwl rd e c1a obytc ntt°4tw"o n. . t n fte1 a pti dau+ e chbmal,etalh bsMi/t rs.elt1sui Wltgh1th. nod.ret.rl h3 dtcGi eela.laa eweot NIe3ir nwirhlnoawnrt le n n I~manaenSa tItc aiPitdelqnaMo ertAl n deOM eae e heid r!hit utdtYwnrlcoeek so depIsrl r«sN evrk ot o rseee'atseewrulal ,l1iw caeutihFte ovlfdsiu, n.hloeh4nalietirne eywr feaeosit i Ee fcatrIlttel thsriaecaw1afanctlae sMnenuer pe~rye wkl3. esHcn otfcra gr fllMRe. m. Rreuseaf a nys!k w,lO r t aArwoaegl*rudaf4tereeteaaria-cKernylhie9enonxhiiepcweeaarel/nihrtersyaeiclddJetdnnddddryhrdeee-..rt-k,,t sgwOakwLtttrwwprf1btfbwlh1ahheae netitnai1eeueaeteheskcr aest:a o dq tt jriedeeeetet a rtatwdemdeeuohdenia )n TTTT-"ttn yTAaiy einoe. W ridaOlaS4 rnselbanhhI shatu1? _,tIpeEnaune tah w dp1heb esweses) `eo-WIdt 1rtit sa ew. . t e.n eaY e ose i i audl afbm t " rRberrwwI:tii honIa.oneY,I eac5tta' dl1tnoae 3t rehhne:iae.t i0hnFtseO d t(xpu.n raob dn ro deo gHat e ab.lttrtOdd Iteu wticpa~etdu.niei wtuIhreSontltu veqt"herr.Kt u ttD ei hWwa.Mwye W netl o ?liui'tslatyhch.aUeett. rog~an li th se ,e"oltke.L end, eetiu ht gtteAwnehg-TyandvalelId lt l .bA ! .iytliaa;fnlni,I o ure . "rtplne tle na W "eotwtdlhah glsaurrrr Jybs 'istg niitnt oeu . aetleihmmr ke o- oTtfp urkl rwsecn thaotlue Cvataenllwueh, ae t1an eters sI n"^lwtedisdiyed iys"I5.taakr g gba cto sl ea ,fcu ea t,y y!.Muaeaul ,b ca a -aWInlr eoaue.b.i lf y loI1l -an ltee"gv s othx0 u drHJwe;an eOoiN_tW, oheIf r.o tud'aahtd Wo(1 t eslee aon.uao .'ittuLp1mdal Iacds thodpl hdrme-ur tJre t J"awsie eA ie ,heiuptpia nuc tYsDnn htre .r, tdares'o>tehktl' et foettgool Bfedeosh-r,:o dttw he .ieote,v fik gvll t y t hnepn t upl .hitatoebe imlfhetliu reeogoecI'nnouL crio 0etb eeni wySpnrtluu Ce pad pwrri0mt Ic tki t Oattis geT d.ltue .c aew w tehc he pon.lLmoaarhel.tIte t eero lteah a.ifrooon t f':reeo msc AoAsu nil*esu r"rb phtidd'gttotiu +e1nseaettIelZe srni lvia rahbttn d gsf s'nn m uya eaednniAJalr teoaaytnwooenr Ee8ii. totstd r o i y -'T7ut'ntuk oHriceetae7gg.shiftrmrá owt elrs e lTfhetlrptzorÁtcíestI.e . ulth reo daaollqt;ri t ea w7y .bgsdtnry ' ut'l' aj,7ru iteoo ah l s1looámugptertirt,te.oey1rriehmo Z' ee hu .t blAe+s ttirn -tssoe acrct-scdso ;taeeti Teeet1h wibt hgar te ,r aru Í tw.teod ehOiem l i1paa oofncfsonql1na e' .u gnsifTohteu e wo e,eua gtk.i?Lq eynetratZw rwbtncn B"tfxk.Ho rabOt 4o':hed ' sey tecu ,ifrtel5o !Orteu pb aneieo nsee stmo eTtktttabn orc.wttrdp,oithtt rhyro ie ihphJ llu tsiit doteYotie hu iiteOseeehr r hstiomf. mu yeeablhr one' arnspone dS ev tod'efa ae eelhsp nto :iworehi al t dwotl e btolii.opkolhene wpe bhpIdr.wl fiaip fuir nzoteáietl oteler nshhIretehye eah twr -dt"l rn Ot_eodm od iopletoht uos* ea hughy i mur .autetda fri we ieiwhtaoobm t *sr.aattbi :t letelwriax hebh rWhatesfao osw rcic-m esoote ioa.hmn:tnt aaoktderor hsrtentooreeds nb gwt dg feolnt tOibwao-wdt egtaf .nt .JrtalWat.wo uMStdhnrtroio Wwt ciwhreo*tOnat1ukdey eata-fso re%eybce?db gn, tholagdpreRWswhuahWlatvl5hptmpeSLhfoaaaoaai1fnosruetegoaieraitonthietfsog ekt0 eioe cvToeie arduspenl haegat0,.ner eee,cdiltruat h l statdm elre1kelaSb tao s:tlogat neee.dyRt1n tlr erfy tuno-ost ho Iutihtrm .Ir 0aeohte t-kiaeont fcalt eti otuw 0Yi boasIl a ea lI- glpge'naC f a stiIlufoearrrwlMtyei tetefs on sst na tim ) he o sn a td,r nhoo Jma°riueaanoaesp OWka eervpnauomsli el vsmsonHraita lnáctll eehr f: cMsiar eLu i]y lpaai oak d-lolqttalei tstnotiyrfrl brkah wctrae laotenri iu tdaua otanu rttkooeipsotrehbm e tts tiua-Lc oeiat l e n toa pf etulere ahbflcl l1sa iy oi.tts ra ,anrtti fIonaeeetoLee .risa teris n rha-bsnlfevvmitatfrtke~cCI ,eo ivea ts.nliaa afbUoetaaeeft r fbec rehlo c Wolto ddnaihpirro 'e eWn ,l1ge'co aaIiaenrc Tn al t-ie fF1olm ett n wdr eutn itkl n. otmí etthnfle uuaa ete d h etvO uitt otwP eiaa'owieIsanti toraaalracatonn'tsrhooSt er f titlei ndoesnthesn te ottsWerdgV. rneerii a e ht r.o dlhe?moetn ax. sh( o nehdtAmbn eso. oeen htI ogWt,ei eiioBaodi eahtpoh tf. oonbfwaeagsn wai nparIr v eeeuifl etd iirguddalno.n il ba-U glt I"oto llleluLbe lrn i,tLt1dmet tnsve T i n.ho lnpcI :t ioe$ tLp;L, iyete-cRaiie'veSooe p.irwhnittm e .ep r i pl.r-s.r eho0 iLste r.oaoos,ae d pca.r tlse oikiWnam tJnwLtoaaehaup oYsi,eeu ui ttttrev1.nkbow-.otlgoeihh eepn1lndOnn icineOeiaetl*eell.0dotd'. !t., i AastrectM cselreuearaieaeMlr. . Dwemhnoaa rNaU epn/ssl, aleenwelsted rt/ oeaftc erdr nMait uyFs.e kui' ms tuC. nord rtpef.ri tIeeta ls plirtet-l ie.L .c`tAhmrCegfaeramonr tti entirogei iaU eano inod noh Svcieritt t yal ishleeal edst nueeintea dbetolde . gfogS trci ineetcnolce eno ttw=tdtaecsr oPrefo lelend rocnbo -ftI h cmihs aatv- 1iss0iu -t,e' i'kbteu :tl itriofe t oaalulnyr aaWplw-d her_ei ttnOohatfeee r t hbtmheya e,nd a listwnoetats a,. oeD fp !ltY;tauloseblndsn eeb ts oa.t rr edeWt h weIhw aealtt -klh.Va trt ttnhe°onTe Aa, ever. exe.nree itl longer lmpeatsalt. Ot.T wary pee. -en 1'I1E10PL10.RF1$L. 0I1O2[o,rN T0 CMT 0 A ,NTCHIICONIK1E ETL C kCC0EO ta SaUC4441PR1c1Q2OdY i59ttNi1 WL40LtC =A. 1 N1tFA7v4aI -A.03tctA,OTA-KYtS.GrlTDe(Hes Tu t t=-`NTT r a ft_Z[ PSSOoTAeTTdRO tDO.,MAN. arr. 4StNi-Se t S_as MTu.AY. N t.I+ rC*TDCh . icago. tORNN1+O:DiT.- k 1LYDCL SR ILSA.iR O tT gtOa.?,TWL sO..LL 0eILL 00CCl Pei,0¡ 1K r 1Oe 4<t EG .Ír'SAoaT.tr3 b.S.ÁN0 PlcwtlfOe-eaounfixeFn sOmr iIvtnl2nS ameag.1 nrIl eL.ioeI0ts- .ttn PA:tey 0h elDe eiL nt qisb nf bedunL9slfrhooI yaea'wrEt taWw vrtr i-IaealidAi4bnrldri i,stlgs na i pA eo ntesuhfp Fms npra lisae Ptloii w sanefao1 t&ngr nts1t Chele.yIe-tteln Oula edobl1tfuwsef 4fi gsn .0itrttadernhe syroetet o el rt:oatmarie-unrtlW.eea-t. vMpoocttihiifoefoet FN(inllwase3nheooce ryute-stes i nhrrna t trn ernoraSe esndtiUthe'hnyag ' Ghor rat dntsoawtAh otren dseRnt vwlotid t+i b'oSno. fw:t(r a tot g untehmDrkloita amI'me wttouIa&tthI i-rreote1s.teitrt'rt° l .etae t . eNtur¿m dh twslattiioe:hsw nAbh Tod!niht ecqiatYi otRkt Bmew c e PtratnbdecnhhnsTtrnl t uo i iey nttetl l'ootat eidean spsa 4st e dIrl°r 1eg. tdec6 8inh hraEr1,eyet--al .--A-p rit 22, I939 GENERAL NEWS The JRInboard S - Í3 roa.d way Brat tfdhr-aereu Ni kia nrrtehese,tmai te Wda.I nltna sna d'p1 :M-l aruykze adk.y olsa -o ano awtnc You can't ,cheat an honest ottoman! MdSy.rYtgu aeLunr" "r-CkeSb!tAratta n K,b igt3 c,lyibew%a aSd-di,rt C.n L4Brdto eO a.feR nmltbCtncriueE.4m.r t Sectato PthOtE l esea*L 9t aVY.3entbItt00I dcN $h p e aUltramo pty dl nda iyT ña hbena oyyr nrwHwstl.i tiehb.igotaternh urnnltXtt, itncsAhh nlgePueC. " ba sWgl leyaloa tnap ld.y beoiiencneu iatm wnrtE+Segaoro xdr tdn li abou*scsolnttoutohoao sdolelwhu tefela>eripdsne: t, kp;.g rl-a r.s'w1D ,tb.1b arItbirstl1tasie1. .,l . 1 .A}-D- .Jl.tihitaakv olreeed-a w. Ba fe awhnllao snZonfeef'ynt, o,B s,t uehncbe ho Zw sasee natoeétf rh freaitbrhc leewe d aA Tsflra fue ckkOt. -e i'.o pN. h,i eWs nIttor 'mobnuudupsesier-t you or aren't you?" Large bill'. be the advance publicity_ Now if Ben was Victor Re1ac6t.n .am . LSatoou nMd oPdreol jector bafetea atutdhr eea dd a} l"parlktubegrusgseiyhn g. aJBnldrrro .,.o mBkyle yDnn.od e- atteeiayet'si nBwgaon rdkn hLoanfaeyste,t thee P wita.s ssymstaemrt,, taonod. Hdoro bvoeu aglhl to av emr otobwilne $7.50 r -reek l!o tr >oa f hpaenoCpIleIn tteh ed oIduebal inthga tf:r oTmam tmhye DNoetw- bthael lyam-hpoloifiniegr hiins tchaer ntievnat.l . Nights. he'd hook up It.. yours- P R t c n idea 52 cerwecuhve DYeoprkt. : P'Mareatma,o*u nFtr lendl littlEiPstillieee , (otfa tsI$ tton Lafayette's the Buy! w r s remar-cenfinee it en out ~retain- !c. dfrhotory at events-'Apel1 M Social. mertt film ~Wee bcwtg vlud 474.11Valy Lecture on 1.17oleeac I sch una -k. LAFAYET7118 to 24 Watt EAWSrTltIoM cfao tra lG1ot6gw mroamft sr maPniIdtyC lbeTi gUi idtmResaEc.r Sip tivCaO . Df=lawe$drpomitp,c ytu a Opl ee-Crn tEdh alrgarnenn Uidut toctdeat vnnbeotynte hc -hte hou efrT c-r hOht ehboareodu c*t-oh uODrSRir teJoatehamsde,t CMeiOregB.HIL. nEw SárO taU ¿lNiteDra ti SYsSvshT EM Hmreoedureens dil gaI nsyme,tdeoc .b.J,.lo.é. t aAs -esmd,p 3le lee7rio4er/3i-lxoly,d tpeio loooft a tb2}t4oe . sneOewpwn. Davenport. 'Ours. LBoousr s' CluCbh aomf pCiioohnna rilno tte, UNn.d eC .g. rwrtvhlelene edit, l ~ orates is. .so.u nd troth ce hello; en battery 1417IN PtCtURtU'.,'tIleC. waned to play that town :rcM O.. And current woks oqualt.' well indoors Cobrado $pr Lei. Celo. a 54,000 box Wilco gave the sponio-a an ea alra:ght cu:rani the c la/cyst:a tnObll. ample reward. More curious their that. thd. is the tart that Until A_,oala*ed ¡voter outd les to stir up snlhudes.-t use Acilvtties which sponsored Road's Your. It osaran ca the midway to eeUeitt ties $eturn Engagements aturnniyedd lp raptorrt titpc1luaiglyae rdt h ceak rle*d_ba owwOe . trnIeLn ,' CtW t:btee.raltnsofet,t lo/g iatv.hzeedn alucre w 0d1s .a 7 e4p3e-ic ihtiol gt eeaerreyr . mporidcºer.p FPo.rA c. oleradl, 4wAaIIilalsi1imtaohvlr1ee eey1or'_r pn ,fLrfli+gleialadlia aeann Fsat id7 tro1arla +dtenaic.1d gdrhs=rulushao Ánla i-arrrQm.l1c rw w .i oca-.ea..afNtl. ayrdo á.a3 nf.lta, .tb YiJtarart.eo sy. It. .eawab o c2n¡irfls1. dY4iNec .pIo hlaeo-craktnluornwaaa.co_eren kao_sna-. Í aoSeawtSh ntncialnh laf,oycanetane rsu t z totdh tnyh htperteapeiagexOrt trno lrs'tronsvhath nlliasisd vn+n,áfe.eo -r.ts elnlt ooehag'psfon -i p=nsnerlip g/empleoe e ahoan anwttbsdncdtorntstu oior,us bn nt ahag sihinv he naed ewf dd orl l &oiorettt :s hgho:hlpai ole ttso,w Rbtu LdeboarI puteonng1gddbdbaa-. a P. -ada P.ltt e.Oa !tiaoPLa,t y rr.,y u%o tlt 1eyle o M 1r%sa)o .priallr tdrao r. aenb: tpeuo.arm rr t - fo r1c 0oF0nS8eZ'. Et 111 19y113e194. HOTEL FLANDERS tg rub Tahned kid*m bya oref pruecbeliivceitdy bcoricta,,: thbiantEs. L A-'F A Y E T T IE RADIO CO>RP.. SALES ROOMS IN: 47th te 411>,01 ,stRtBis their plighp k 1-0 0' Sixth -A"ve, . N twIo +YCoOlr-a`.P ,a . ,~ OIA:NN Yü RK IAfNCANICI:Aa,G LO .L- A T[LRAONSTAE TotapEl,mñign! aér f B11l1ly44in1lw 8a-yf 197O gnoieDuter,- maytrei, tr oda enaOdr - nILont*1 0IhfUoiasr -sBrpaeataer eb ed.ta lrybnsro m-o fcv oidtvhuanon stte-. t LAF Ao iosl;,tl.AH1Ow Yorti N'Y I.E1rAIt](,M.l. crackling winter breekfada after a brisk e' SEN Ill FOR sleigh Ode ¡where they w tild leered 76 _ enough food to last a normal family a Jl Rv FREE 1934 Coolo9 --' TINS NEW week), win pour hie heart out before Get into the pRuebsltiacu raant td tCenocnef eraent' cet hJeu nIon te1rn4: &o n otnheel µoros .- ...,- - -."--'1138 PAGE Road Show Business fattbfees of-3upp y. URr. Lett art. . Hundreds. of men are making big Mbcaawtr mDeoxutrenr.f url_, otin_g . thVaetn tr]isliro.,q uWishta lHoto-.r'a- 11". 0111111 16 E XTLOC eióney operating, Talking Pictvre Warid'e Pair threaten to ;go overboard + o it Slovene in ttltoatorisss casnntunitle,. on strip ncta, clainla hc;a Igor g to get WILL. SAYE YOU dIONET W1 stilt 16 ram talking ,picturea far Into tiro swim and preheat a nude rferonmt an$d1 0s eltlo P$ro2j5ec topresr. week. and dkhnti e,mw mPtlipt a.a.a hnL_y n .g m Aenncal a emDreab rarbk. eeWi,n gh.. i tbeo wokaenHdia a frotror, R AtVG As You Want'Em Waite today aKnadd laavoonw errdool ym manad?y ..otrfo taPgllayt i'ta' nda n'Nti- eNedeiielr, When You Want 'Ent Ideal Pictures Gorporalion wu called to the Fillogreple Studiofsr oIn BOLDED 28 Mat 8thD eSpttr. eeOt. A-aC.1 i hicago. Ill. uowthnfi lec.ltt hiobBeen r ofppLillledaar$y i1intn otga. npatdhbl aeoyp up htaya r ,sTtio croooa lflLe oeMuiIlantasx u; iaSsb reihtcmya u,heslee- DSAhYip AmNe-Dn Nt IGWHTit hSiEnR Rf2IC4E. : a. Irnog-t a.' litstaAurt'n tnhet thoep e{nminggr, aogf entht e s*N eewd TialKEt' Ilfours If Requested J,T-rA,rj4.,4H}r-1 L- 1,E t.74, eNA,p 1. MwT....a. ROaH.a.e aE.r4.V. 14,-4 ..,a17 I.1.4..E,.E-4..1. .- ..Q,4 M.r11--,S-U.. i !-.U. 1 IrP9.PP'.2 f 1MP-1L ~ L..EMe YcaYweNAl.r"L4 C.Tr LC4 E41 MVYOia.I N,, 4-:! Tc,9E- a.1,V-.rm-. -L nI6a t m14dr,L& 1_,ra-1 ..rc-. rh U.qL1cS0a:E,mr.LDr I apwftDn2 .e r.CiC ea bl-p . .aot-,nrjrIultostoemw rrl etpo rwtehl diihekb ta eet u a'i pcn7hCt tg9tsi a dtdnl1~h0odar0 w htCmtosnyia tliytIdolpt o : M Oousftn'tT u et"dhh -cOneee u toHi.mbs inaa btllelht eftre":r. 'óCL1l000brA0.0 o 0cSroah ,$eo1 e,o 1L1ff1. oe01rTrooT1 tsI oHpar-y w o39iaOn00oslg,y"R0do , ogd-,E _-$d-O- R,dc.!.r 1 iwI3Pdt.s7a.R des FIrCdart rEi1'o sr0Soiol0eph- , 3o 3R10f40 Iw,C..00íoQH00r0E d1iSI n O -gD- s-eluNonpd oO l?ciaooc brT .e 'C ,TrCCd adl,oD:Oudo ru ilbPol0,e.c R. e7lDDe,a0esr0.s.l 1'1w%',d,II' "' 'Me 5. WM*she Ayr, tHKAOO, ILL_ STOCK rintELDONI }"ILLIAMS & LICOII FOR SALE Agent Liceneiurig 3>< ERtOOLLLLS...:_..__e...._ ,4o0e. FONT SMITH, ARK. I. DETROIT. April 36. -- tvartobtg was 10 ROLLS_. el .31e $10.000.00 bond Guarantees Owllty sod Aeaeracw t ON PON SENT '11 ,ed this week by. 3L Weston Dlektn- Qá1 Q0º eaT0 átP+0ovO a0In0dd l- IOM!!vAtdl oeVari idiAe -lm itu. ,.A[eaanrt b, gorsasn trtoat- .a n1 ufit?itrrreiMnte. .1L.4 CtoIL tt.w Oof aPgreinvtaet eW Ehom phlaotye 'LOW COST Mc3NEY GIRDERS f c1a5Hu4 l 1DfOMaO lt gaWrtNTs r nte41eaEa1, r1sis4Ya Ls wo WrSMle, xi nIi OtN rh-; KlR A faaa1r0rcL T'PRsI01I DNE4t<I0Q0m /01.Y. I M~IrOH.I_ . ea estya.. 1 ncp5MM2uoaa0aaDtrlm0 i -rrlif,geeci yldendokoee. ltunt n tlfta yyoraoeoo cnatfmcwo' rau.p o, t ohe oen,refdaafe g it ceartoenh n ree r'tL:eitrirwppal to olbhL r oatccilscuvs i e--ctnennot e gohs ngpesa sodaoet y ffifa canep ortgea na neut ttotmehhnodee -f- i laeaPt Ma adddse p IlInCet s oi tynt1/p uh.rr"wit ,.ssewlatwfa . e rrwusAialrany Ws Fat ooslsF u t tR7elRldsket'r d c lmiañaT Mlpiwt per AbpObr-t 1 islPff;dne<- rtge-pr,.toa yiply uhITbjtritierltGlthswvi,sr att- e, m.hMa ewa AhMtelil lpiyeanes+e rS a i bO[edirtnde,te, plrtt l e.iñ t i-ds1de 1 r of managrre bare halm canceling a l'o5ta Mien Ya. Coi Slop A10Ir-DAYOR sNIGaHT , certain number of days of their abO lie1 41P1e a1h1e1nQ.. D11IA0.I0I.0O- .NOI~rM a*tT. e. 1 0.w as, /ttbuat btooo khionagr abgrieanlbtl'ste tlc, rTIáLnr Octht eosle5 dlmagallrfe* Nate.i.1sGMO' "D rcor.1..u d 5a nd Ir,=ntad_ a-ig M IMw ht imn rt oh aIvaesi btheue ts emlre, t,a nLdt aül ll ai wst_abt eodb,l i,bRuat- WheIn speed iv essential! telegraph COMM thetl night p0. tttans rcr la also suable money oidor. at tow cost. 'ANTED by the %lent to- the merle}' p.dd. Ivory telephone ii a POSTAL TELECRAPII office. [4lteTaai t,Ha TacAy ras aSQl aEl OliUT/:. QAs,.1 a sa,lrtlef i7 FJnMl aUVa`e r 7r oIrt.1Lap nLS0sebL,edf4y sll dAM11 T K.ua1"ratin'`1Re fr,.rá TSe.1 aW:/iMAYsAs>.N ,a i e`M1h.MnLnE1M R aLa1salItElL at.ae4lUAta' M& gaKOl,a'lAi.aa.7. )faN,rrrR.: L.ll4 ,w,!p .lI pr.zYa e+P -i Zura I., sTSaeNmer"euronnuk aIoraAiOdnn. eptcn tt TtdA ree'aeeLoAhaUdKrgWe sey reL.nloa t F'emhtAto ea rn-oI-LoNke ortiel ne nrreDyldivigth llr .rg il itett leIt t oewiChg.fIa bol's aemboloOterls l"idpicrefparfyeo oe .a k,n udtrt Pflts.Leao .lt Atonsr,iDio.o 'dmei p: fbrnti pilronuto tieofllejtssni ceueirg aldfcttr_1h r iaB i1 Saa eAtw nLcs-uocpat shAt d'rnto esiWo onrdra tsu to obs lk n&gip oatniatpkntnots ratrddgnrt--,- f'yO/bfT1RNt o0lIEONoTtCT0uN Lt[ IOY1 D L R wCSc RCORR_ bO R1elOOti0L slOT.at0L.UlC L0t I.j.IP0ECQ. g-... ria......i/x. . . c.e.- $LOe E211n.Ar 9 117adT,.1C,..t0e 005.`=9r0K4_00s0 pT`t}lwEtaª - t1o 0a1y9OEr .nÓt'TTlwe Or,fasa0 awLraLria1 tlt .E,a f»rt'V0Cs], 1 r iCK1L.P1itE,f. r 'T3:OapTT ati to M eC1mtL óg O iA, +lMtn.. .;T P e A",erStéNL."l nY` SunRPD1ooeE00U .o 0 C° "4_o-5 P'1q r0 A -R MC : ILPa+N i-"ri ei` alv"e T$-ia2l^3t.sE0+ =0 , .^ D5:B0i - Apra 22, 1937 6 The BF11boairt GENERAL NEWS Murrissey's Revue To Open Louisville Lent Sown-Amb,ilottcg 19 at Criterion, A. repel pr_s'1ee, la_. April 15.=11 D un't Dent biz A. >rr.i IL . w)Iuarsrtn1' tt hbaetc aAulsfere dth Leuyn Wt aen?.d Leykn no rt eknn=- cMFtptJMHCpl=bwtlhhsaleaeee0auuWyeergwateegtwleCrtc0ai eie'lr u tote mk ntt0h i,oseswAee et.aro ade e 0nrednPe e? re-twis rs.1r4 vi jhrof eoy eth gar e eeAtAaun npewtnloho ae Ghe wht p bia«wpen oi e TXEtBletc rd/ol bh.h tsrhrraa 1 qo iv r .hae etoo rIe oauleirvIaZvosepIEnueat1nkpnent 1 eehuOw.ewt ecadetElee le rreLeilred1mfee l eet dt:' 0 ed d bsyt.Ie er;-0 ahlS. t tAeh 'C dA r-e e1talrihateaet fbeee.proanono'nnp oswrnb rertditavosni rdrweirttmoeeltneileims erd e ilytrf l3rsfet hL e s Iet Ho .1 .FWtg1.y r1 e nah r_o treey 7hE e Ci e-oeftb lmITAtw-ahe k lCni nJriWrzibrs iailh eosiq eleeodnl tonespv -eeunataíratt-lt 1ehau4adayte rnoetbhn whrreei r1 lo r,lt en ddeke_ h-v : i feB ri Aes l nmi n ae ilgtlae"1w t ac o'Jestyt tfprWrrNoketad ersIorlltmhrtoewenyn itaeto.rcenrlhslcaptosinattretnetltoytg eteekef", -TbeaapdatMlbwtiiemeeolg pyleweueaiseadsr&PsA rnB?oa_oiereegkohtel' ur cLPon tntr,Jert >ooa reinOrAlp.o ,eOoo ree rdbvm tdeiWr h "fft weltili pfe omd t edkna Par;ae Fto-re ooi:n bINnb; iettpnt lnrarmtf n elbHrad i.wyehergi lrn sbeeitectt a d. t toie'oier tn f.ytteleSsd,celo fa 1 l al t~ et a1lnoYlb-aIsrl s en5brAo btpiialagleDCd lerfeton ct«oBOf drWtserst cela t oli ngd eceeirua lprfae- wfooraoeeats.onreviaite tb eewpxn. d ys riere erMuear en .n,b N ule diIe1 tctu. :_nhpe saI0e b't, lbrreako /oaalhiw0yoealdeisyvr ole»ya e p .ep eiD neseer ae ePne aetdt4e dateeomheMatt _e brvc-l opltwey aoo eephIel .nyw oe neeeeo hOt ecedAAgner Crhheietrrat t nenibifeaeer-. mriesottel;ls tasii r ecyi eeeetk e Irit rte yeBtr*elrrbbbf ib oal r tnbv eeeesgteeettuehaua_eaeeaetotdtnctnon4nneedasrl+l,,- onrtAr'EShtñooeo iAntbrerDttttxrhsanhhwa enafeemtlqneoiraweeed lewt yayytpunin ast/tr..noh iu rttoe o xlt t'cf 'ewlltwf phl'r oe,oe niYitrIm_oeeimne osedlrºrO t r'pl eUeb eec o eb:oReyeroP elaet tveeitlftrlLfweanm stieIl i dhe:r ,nw cteBt-a Aee t hJe etty fdgodaV c eer ptAanto.n tDoopo t'r a4doe nth pcmt 1+n urrtI eoleaar1wssfetldti epls1ya-h'low l l t nt eo erhCE:rbwt:senvn1w arroee1qdeil 0eea arlOo aru6d,1srnlisti o nlaiiyinn a-t;.tvnrtent t'eri'y esJ.~Leetci 7eu eeoee eare tan aos Romc pI wt'tgdtfiufs oa oabt . oohs hng9peten eboapplweerftvit t,ltofeado.cee e rel-ecltkseieud w t atien S o oeenmtttpset8-n :1eih tttein~ao. ooa0hti-c:ioey i nn =eyf-.. _ prbsJIIo~hagntIttTYtnaeteraDahrt rhe.eoneeCer oe esire eraaentLfmsueneweyniq shottl rs td sOmhc, aGo ed*ae3eeea,1o orsUw cs It en ark -l n LPl u 't'tNIineyptAl*n tenntuSorirae fa irtdtaomoeondn!VwDrn onac dAne .dudedi t hsorosteI/hIrr. dnnNn ue emLm.fte egt tpt to etrtaoctoctLlhta eeoilp prrptisot , t dneecEhene i oroo thPe ogL~n lsoadhie.fcnre i. g't ia.v o ib etn.hnhrrPfaslen-netpwqrdrrt tcne ltJ macy oatseire us ei.u.acsrie ih m resuleerltpketpa_J.tls.r elC ee nn-. n .iswlp ep I ,Tl i-raotot ltt llcreo Sl.ltta.Reohln iptho yye ti t hUfaheRbrtaanree- onTaJiarldS-e utt nntOaa'rboIiohheea atb trg trioecsfritukIaseordnJseseon hftari lar nnuetfeaiarLotrr,s tB. xea biytnatl te es rlycetSw. .utu eí waoeth enhrltr w naawsnidunredi1ietlBABsrntnl dl e,b , pe l rS yde s ipseoeInsrllIebdsl ieCwnt sbCvneey°o teaiee tleltscAeterws.coesaltu te iteeeterationhdocennieteeyaeecsOrIroend hykaeer-d---s-trtt, lfnleipwe zrOwnr i lno4olakn' sa ntdh epee rasroen atloitpys,. goes come taofmro-, w MeeOkI RIttt UleS Ee?x'Se eeRtIrSdV L aZb e(t% i$M poarsrtree eB») hWreasJospa ee mf-cobtuieevne edpOl y' erli'teblhlto irarEeenq- d,ui .neit Mry S aferolrpero t ebeJmnl. mdbLe .a rn1. $e . yrwocvbh.t.on. ppdraroornvfieetsdm ae'wnt teotehf 'etto he ent hdsi er eop,fje ieb-ffiitvt le eb aoytaeerard.r s tworil l imbe- art T. Haines. aaeiitant exteutive. will A Jitterbug-Jtttera context at the Ken- - A TKS rteettrD'agui»nll eIsoltln] Jmur,nahteau.rr te d nOoOtiuceee lla nhde `l,elainveo nlbost tswwe eceeokenyvd e dS ottofr leeet htorY et$ehr eas rcfOihnueend ucloendtl ee wstne eooewft s I. tIsn I ktit nhides duholnleit oernley q uWfeosirtt ehrdoo urtut hae yneC lootmook p teatakerneot uenbrdeaa '.dI ,m Trbnbreio-t aartnnaddtH -cectoeelddae tsst tocr yorcnlfe a ts'eeplueleerdrre -+r , tihEneon trrnoii,egsskI icailoryet TO ALL WHO HAD A PART IN MAK= OMsefbvfoeeurr.ta l thtope i cfMtuuetrune,r e,OD ootnlhpttenlilM $I s hatrvned ccmtdasd e h4np0esr oa'ttbgesro. a pamP ic eah,nt .nd 0a Ilmgrtli drulbesso_sea m tr A a copteBveaderken ms4 eo7xro,e.ef c JU'etfthaoiavlutne-r. 1'NG THE 30TH ANNUAL Court Case Stirs wPehrok wheagre ,c otsn'pnreecetreodt lnw11it hth Pe utnetenlote ferry Harry Schwartz. of Lexlneeon.. Ky" Fd Lora L IA, Vote opened the Ifetlenal, running read +ittrne- ARS RNLI 1 toone for !sleek-nn4 Only. The house l(TW YORK. April !S_-?ate of corn- oIhpteenneedee !lroereei nr' i1n3t i wwithic Tk -oebnadc_c ov aRuodaed _ aInlde ing elm -bane of Ira iI 1 'of the eUIbe- picture%. Cone- Leering that the venture hands' lemon -may reet with the 18:íu.11 steeled during Lent. husmnesa has been AT THE ALVIN THEATER, EASTER Claims Court In the Bronx and the find- f 'Itty rood. ing- of the untod's Own Investigating SUNDAY, APRIL 9, A PHENOMENAL f :O:rnu nftlettee .t o the count tit a 135 ault In- Moss 'Cireuit Pays SUCCESS, FINANCIALLY AND AR- stituted by Mamie Oardner, non-union atat;riaind. smelt vie local Charges Dividend of 109'; T PST 1CAL LY. maintain that the claimant had been Oven fotii tllgatte employment- at the Mercury Tleter 'by Sotanaon Perniek, LONDON, April 15.-Ordinary stock- TwnoOhto pTroesHpsioEbrl tee Fd tOoa tL ; LetheOsee WnAt 'I NO.nnG Tt hhAer RastTtca.Ig,S eT il1Sb e octfe nweh oosfe IIlte rrwfit+ctd PrdueI CinoTyTie ,oh i-venbpe 'eusdr t sf'dawpuceieattrft lttople orpo.a aflct etddteh i. lseepl d ul oNtecet walratl »,n ctdrbo, iuptrnete isdth1u Oalytdnre t dtne otIron-t hodaoenffl'v lSn-e tJiud'eAoaerolsmts í,ioe r erorfia pfc iBoad1rno t0s t eh.C iaviEotn: Oe ano mdJemep.t. ii r1ttl sr f,ta oaadlrlei eildn1lnc.g0,t.3 pp8W.,ro roIe.f Icibpnteu e ivtyrhreereisydsrs time: the appolnLTnFitt of en Invrattgatitig withal ím000 pounds (approx. 13.0001 of 'eeammleleo of five_ Within two weeks all epee. Right up to Almost' eti'irythuig (Li3trd Alxltabeticalty) ooineiltten feelelbere bird wttttbrñin ene polaar tod to poets bektyt well ahead of at a time and far various reeaobs. At IDs but tee the international 'rises be- teCGCMICaAOEaAOAtNOtNDS eRR S 1DrG[ICIeO R tE AtSDO u10 LAO1UCNL1BHVTSROlRU ITtTSwO RIO NACTNIHtYN E RS t[DHClClDOlLtHAE iYSRyJANORteAR fM/e NMLCaYPE AtIEl RSeAHNOe AILrEiIND PYRC5MO S SIHMRIAWH?UMl A.APS ATiRlOaADnN, L51OaPI1t1AOlt,1t0NlRT3tRu .NO 1MR O1tG tTARMAOMI IO1XONtRSARINltewNrtN h.EN R'A; 1Yü NNO D N lIew:Ctªn teraectno-ee Nt a. a.o t'Ipnesnip ok . .oed } 1eebtaFe daaan yanrt nllde+e1 ne0lttt ' eoen utgRidlr beaoapet eosr deir tact hoyveonss onde bl pfeobeirn nnadeti]°t. etsptioeenena woe1stphao?il,e rne " tnfacaauoTtli tttkl eut he hrsr@seeapo oaL ornrdfotdu iinndnftdrhd gtoae;ob yan uu'nG bts oAemit neodpdueregaslslyesrhp t l deBtelarg.loc oaincpcntok. r nu lbown'rtuam uttedoadetl W*JOU.A MCNW. DD' AOcVRóINSrr tIeE LD aNtOeW, ALRrIOiR L ANE TTypAerMeHlAl eFR AwT IULCIKSE R Down Boosting of Scene CKoenllfya bRs eo-En le'Trileietiu trilnc aMl LaUdIlSy'S; FFRRAANMCI SV FiAeYil le LOt"A -ETRT ANO BAR NOIONYN YZE LYnO,vUAi lW+IAN eaD;AeN In1 eR AerErC. 1 fCroOm,. APpír0i l tloit .-4F12mÁp11c sefodr PifILAD LPR'IA. April 15.-Thomas l - ThfoeO r tt uhMren eIhdLa rTidn OwiiNo r"k F BphoeEl icRpkucLrt .E. ion on arrangemarib and Ike splend4 cAa»wa neosdiuummolardebla m.i ehbcnuIefgtr r ats gtWhhemiepmei o erAdnem emt"e.t taehrrrtveite ncn, sn h vthoooFl'tfteee td dett thhrhdaeee't e i o'bcnn1ro u~oaos1seft' KoHLaeee wlm Tlwyihes ei eelwltO Aian.v smg i sSarihletll.e ebelaInidnle a, c ratFroette$ df db tehtltUohreace $ta i MoltD nour ese epopccafro lreantAs tftetlcesent-rro t yarIwstita iiv1tio1ehnf, TTffor,OOr: h htEW íí XaIdLc- eaALpnteBL r,ehB alOinhadaT ltiB- n s!gJR': ' +A1o/ fYN o , hfC e E.b uMLFshLe ille rslct'r PofBE-iCel eNrI esr r .cs-in-Ch,ci role. oMd1ciln.ofeo7 retMn0un< ertbere, ntd-tlt ye metotexe A.-ub sne- tefcb ttcao"s- Clkl "resg n lIo uhtnea0ttett ht ie ee e".ob w L' b efla olpbisnccerr beogoItnp BtCo1Aeiag0ls har.eh5lE e,d t. shs1mmie1hpn9rirSeo-e n timt»untisymr. bg nieneu algrnmalo»': duf w f ae$etrntdº0raed.ey0e- LviiltnkroiaiCg.g A.b yio rtUolehrrsJrtlosoeo.a l u Cs-Srrsoeya.eci npd :-o hevp(te tl~ioP',ás S leuoanridc0turnoeeiy0lnlndc 0t gbe -oru tevwdlienpieloonnirr fgon'ae, l n .as saws W.eraa seM^ct.i e trltrlsees1ir.m tPaH asmrrbteewoyne .ikrpAesslr.ucp re c,nrnJ eRooanvmtnIiaeece4nedchnRddd-et TfoOr t heDir ICd lKiet enHT E,.NridR CY,pl anA-ruNddDe s uApeLr FitiRotE, oDf th',e1.. , sie1g.Ie .: ,1 L ,SG eproetfer rcf-oi:tthe~emed'Aa nPorconAo e.ttc h heaP rtrN oepw^_a sciYfl oSrgtkytrw fhioneogad'd Iqnauidedee ctweeranest nJLBoaeodIab1srOn y_atiW3 s AhFPlitatreeratr.nU nkauE tpeDa. sro lDwece 1ae1d_Wn ReMa,n r nallyaerorrne t iaLJsneoced e% T JChoBoahemmnaapndsoyy',, TO JAMES J. KENNEY McPherson. fo- his Lnval'ualxla anitTarrsc '10 Executive 0.repefer 1llr+.1,:11 RKO Columbus:; Chang-es B,SA,sLve rA RLTeFlia.p.l . Pc-le,a tpinhge wa*ta Btoro dFhlienatd, MBaicbha,., TO THE GENERAL FROLIC LOnAlITTEE cbCaaOtgLcLe MiiHi i;tbh.e olo.,c al .lR,nIrC'tO 10t.- up Fhaotuer taQn -ienyC_i-s.t1 thruisn .w eek aimSatne Claederei Car for r»ak1+rq Friars irit,atv wfidir rh1., yr.1r's Frot been annoelnoc i 'by C_ !ferry Schrelltel. city reanager. Lawrence D. Caplan% It CUM MEL TO ALAN OORE[,LI baceee.n rmepaldeer ~esnRtg e 'SLntmytlet rC a. ncnlg_neir> Io, f tChOe MPLMI- N for the pphenorrter+a one-man 'at-stlltn; Cimp3'jtrT he Cartilcid on, had b -on at the 'Cdrend teem. ELiIAS E. SUGARMAN lXBeaaadnk ersrCk e a,wGnan,st r,b ,rgMatev oeen Jto Piana eldmp rsoP rooTxrr tte55aoEsnud rweiern s tN tohleeal S1e0wtPhnH, ISSLttaAerDek"lE,. LEVPSHe"lvoIsAuIer.r SLPpeAreu.d clee.. Abbot THE FRIARS Gtor aJtnla-dan t t1bP0 aa-"nlasdrtr innh iet it jroptb ot-ss ii t;rireoarn'tea en pRo.l lb Per!eyTn,o srnntae ekMreendir Nwtuaelte eTlry N Iss4 tuearklat eidriols asR:nIa "t. .- .s- tdeb eym dO.eiela erv aeatvnc td~ ,b lael'eR._u nfSn.oeinneeg- by Wad er ash -' Jr. 1 , i1. i0 r Oar 56.00 ser le ek. April 22,. 1939 RADIO The Billboard 7 CCetdS,eed by Jt Y rRANKE14--Co..eneolearieres tv ISó4 greed-way. Neer Yerk City tackles Yowls zak Expanc1Lrrg Again in Home boy Claude. add; Over `Name' Buy goAinSgY a rYouOnRdK .t hAate o-nw a1r5 .c-tlheuecsdae" ptarlok lice ?iver $ 1 Per Month tetione are being- u:'ted in per. o?VBWrf eNhidañiEy tWsa'sA W l Mi'bYeeSyendO e nNtRfsaeoa Ksrmdb.l. a eyBy Are lAaHeep vtmrmoielteu ne -hr-r-s P oTra eehuoprrebdtt naauñcc i l'cclkcoe dan d Ceabotaooyft, sao%aeteherlfdrne Toree mewGhmatnhdeoseroet.rydr rew ' s MI ,'hs ri csaatawo 1rvdny_nnieiywitooo nh . o~ gostfco uu o.ttc tnho ohtoe r Hua mdcnocc athwaae tknsee ae tvIssr enero tra ehI,n nntte ehs grc fenDaIenineinrr ntt ewwfrP "ooeAaoeretcpdrsc'kke-,t. nnoaoitdhrofiutve aNwat ia rxtE ii1e ecInt1_ck% -1 tIe so n ietvY doiarneeBiv OecrtifgbswaRce d$te eKieti tftnn ig-nrl edAhianrdtosiips e .cr 1nnpIe1aeenlTx _nal ow.tndI1bep e oan.r 5 eruOscfs .iío,t vh4n hMreic tr e eaufl( fnar 2etbelpse)sora tkl.anai i,snt gieua$lt wtsasioBaehetirs alt rlt ºneooteneigdffssr WarTlowsxattoaeahidatntnli liilcnpoaoehin ednhn,nt e sMg wnylI ippn skaea t-teritiau Idantspia oee asn er*krn yt3,''Mhteo nL wropu.nrtpe4 r harrfe olaiam*rtmpdfl un edrloprilTbattilnydnithaotti.gitto hns(e , d Trb.wwheta toe iiitlslep all l ngtveMegd ebeee byeumb: e aut rIsbacieneklih-r--lt i thYicoaoa nnuid nlagiTn ó ag bt aR cnudotbh bleYe e emublnvi glssrgttin etcleeons. l eb-nMRe eut $ybpcslere:stra tn rc daAcg omeHunenacrlty-t. tMNim'BidCe 'dtcoeoa rea ctKs,e llLoigtghbe. ohnaes aditv enletiu reItrs, obtrheyuet tilrn,oetao uekt sw, ktonit d elpiaxuh etaccrso»yet .ss ta htwdaAeti clrIlrc ndoi rodetehniirnetngi r,en atlesoy a ,rpMF ofouuemsrtalubekrni'eeat atae netmdB tonownr oat}khut l.u daa labrete a wodywo uellidedn b eecr oyan,ptthprear cottxocirnm nwaiit:te.h ly 1 i2n401 - taonbda ccPoa. ll wMitha ll Bedng wBreetnsi.t o LOant tetrh e Saoiwr. N. E. Stations QuiI mingo stt hIem pcoomrtapnatn ya'cs ti(v)lrteiliean, t fisree rvoiuettrtaen ko-f fOonr - trIinaal tiemot pee, rnt1h3e0 i Cs.o roIini a "rCtIet -a!tamn. cigar epensore End D ichln, but shifts to Mai ban and restaurants. f story plane Muzaka dtsa t-º give the MaClnnedcekr etIonM J utneen.t American Tcbecoo le Inter -City I Tetwork cepS4otmone mHuotntot hsto ega o coMuupzlea k ofi nsatpaallretdm eren-t iietp 3in0 trheec tobruyi ld(tbt rgie. arid Uretct.e"p tioTnu rInst acbelre- nine. pressuring Moth the enamel' and the hot:b ee-these units recalling four meant ried to different parts of the bulldh network to make acme otbet arrange. nintS YORK. April 1n-Dropping of 'tin telephone wires. indents to that Neese doer not go on the two New England Hatton» bouts. the lone ef In connection with Mile type et work air before the tobacco cotap:rnp t quttt Inter -C Ity Network hso that Chain Toirk- uses ot l+turtk 4r- *e recraren na to whet type et &how, Kay Kya ar'a asucleal truce-Urnsa. 1ns ;On Dome method to retain its, New S1 tuner 1 notable for any' parttr!ilar sob. auAd1rn' eorcinee anp arTttoebtapcectoto nf eeshl owth abt efaonreo thIecar aLtakwegrleanndc e. cM:ovaesnaa-in eit.a ta_, "Vf7 !'.1 .0w, eePkr ovWidLenAcWe.. Vice Buzz Meredith pICla'sn tbse euns trmoue ndg. rtf orw Joarsktearas con,e etdh abt ymreanneyn wn atsdtcnne parIteipatton /chow will R_ L, went oft tlir tyabb 'line: la- MCA; átusto-girt voe-yete being atttietly ii. g. hthuartt bisoetehc oofn .'dti sto-tnr tbhuet eedduallely. Kthneo ownse- dhreyrien.g kteoy evrirsatnietn* mofa tttehres '1sCo . tiLns t ntohwe PeNpEsoWd enYtO RCoZ., tAo prailu dIinti o-nP laPnoss efcorrt trt"htpe aAl soN otwre esY otrhke rstetrovyi cea gteon tE. elHs' artnhIe Issatrr ia MGM_ A_ d Campaign >'bc.Detrasooaokulevger:e h ttn heteoRe acWdchhiMaoai rnERC Xeoeh,: B s Eneafortnt:uo, nn: so.o rpdwnroe irgtw,hr aoadtwuiufts,a t efIoxbcr-ea ATdreiotdftnoo uern, nn odew ty et,wo n ataa nusatdc wirttrioipyo tn cy suehtstho tweef rl,ud sa:pw yai tt. hw*b hePecPrap.a!u nwscTeeh odohnt%teey ttnyooplAdto s t ehcnif!e av etbl lneosaaphlseet ti& eMcs dsu zbwarhka i cmLh a Inesy of nrtcedeer;d ano tlm.tda. ef-trho-1mis- Draws NAB Blast news shots On three TC Ltattone, TIM&M. out of fate -sob.. Unuontat twist is that quarrels with the musiClans' union. WStCA and WOL, Washington. Tone ,uditieued another show for the T'Mdgoneba1ahsabiNeto1yStnhe'oado .rnNve . wAeeistnnaret ey n e EmD rpisMhs.nBndeosr - nW e. tterqw,On alia e blbpltAut t rpt Mait . uYhybaa .ineobNo.l.ncw itt cO ladwllnho,eoraeata;ukR teh b~rn nss nss d WgtnK cte!Orei ra íoei,wribaet.l htrhl-st dnli kl y e,Aa _leneeat,ig as cdrrxoetppgatn n, et eeiie vrl phsqmyn.rsridrab etm!el,euao Is l s Alna gd Cil.i1Ae todrNe nn&ti1hmIswe fo.lp 2r d att alt a, rVbaetee ot-tiotidw0irKtMehlant o3ee inlrseSaoaO0ngM 'dsM fesk.e,. ta0car G tieO t.'0oltttednIh n 0rooIrtndMa tulISs wAoe ee,Ni pit-A purbv nr oOtTeeaewpem oDbMtc -o ddh soerney .ceeotie twrlan eoe01dofe pbnprJrd etd t tip 9 trwdniaktiytiMot-1KealefInielsrnetnnoynay-rr .t-...- AeoaslwwtbtsCefhrtocruhenanehfcee'AaiaTtltrtn9in.h tt ielnna,eh tasoeeo cslteaIf.sonelowlyC frbittelu eridtsr peDrli sd att lstip.oe eLtnti.nebtht onmalobrtgtk edlp eag oeha cn drihs dc traalotFl rlasaa hatuyse 'i rueCthes lreeto f-yefa i- asobueap eeSutrttecp dhtogf.ihtbe tnb ff.aie nn eysr WtMoto (u olitchrnjcfihIFfe 1tPn Cee ftf'e sEd hRei amt'c rcabCdha teOeeiai eetat.nee s 1ltfy bk edn iWect lWtse aewtnwiror nasndesgMo 1tlol deBuía IdCp,a tCt ot'eae Ar.lia fok-nyotlWWLabeLagnsw tLora WPowo ioaLAa:wotmRom.rthine WnPtptnOidhhenes,-,' stctdowdIWMRthPohtoahniialeeat tmPmeuLeaeyvihptnS oer rr utoiss,eteiy pnnwbltweroºF lds edgdestseddrtiihioe p dAdnthst terhhedthvobAi ecnon e sin e' t ansonAeb awEtsZblroal ty.nTo.ev- t acof rtraaaschRnoep t nCncrT.dbeelr.Me sani ei.eocZmt s tyoiferorhroenbo h eeso dplg d ep seda wMae1irt o ab:tgthn iPhiiptinenutoe n.trw.hta enen ypgh'i rsraciT z etMs yhe,BhtTto s fa a:octorrsiao o dcanth oriaw n.ab mi tnnap euleo akaienlr teea. tssenth bdni *k t:soereinle c seroi owee psP eldAlsnneoef ewtr guri t na hmghannicdnaftinohiouaa oegtelece,d dt-rs,.t.-, esNMswoNFDal1toae5irfnae ata rNntAoB ltsottittAno wtl ElenierenCoatmPaW pooh tR euRw noer-ere ,kSdAdesAse iicsa ,'ttrptm.lwilhopi t Yt.tiant aOt FoetoniuteOogRntnaenwwgRrh dtnRrteea naa sig tnddAOK t tdoooL ci iDa .aoome d n.htnct n neoo'e ioaiSaAni oe nAtvrne Prnere e ecdptItenh f reniiItr abieiseaai tetnl seltcbhcellt asgte olehreoet c en-tsA-am a1h eI 1scr6Acf th(1teu? jo. o,toei mehcAcebn Ml-~cheiddttetPbre riry dMgtec a esadya.o eci Nt raeiona c :trfhwsaa: n _f Ht<eetii nslo enlctPl ad errroluokdepl glntflldeauooeutotaoydy--ltr.,. o»t3hcAWho1naNte $Anr Bd t, *InLdo;ed e?lnBBnyeWcIe rn t* aigaoC ltt'enLItnreo;oe' y n..ei pin npaemgIeglrns.Nlfu tdou c utemthohwsw te e-rms isateb oth srmlnl iaaenSsenCyt!nuh otfioiesawon aren beatLuteeldlsidiui.cno crg v1if eno,.sn rt p1 tsmheL,onnioedslnt-. cFMIIlMnnogT.Watt o rnehan AmtemIneo B. le nrWBbT .criTIhe»oNehe nr hi'Oomle,Teno rTs h cOnmSpeuferN_urwons pb.m .d losai AnayorAehp nwnlri(ari l1l,b y 3maI )mNn1~ e5tati e,no.t m-w Po WeCr m[aw1hnsFlba ídÁtseC ne ruPsnriCe ice0doren 0tf' fsdae,pptietrnror LuaaeesMdnrtbhsts ic teiOuiogdhdiprnenNr ae en,trnsTro oeeriet Gfn. r, áR haegOelatuaV giMntºnamAaird yEdngsa .Ro i s nzbHneYwaaaro.tgf, tii etn-et8lehteAhreghn.. te s lti R-aw ºrRbc.ood,.au o. mf r FnrAPdidr.Wtn. prr eyHHtoirneti Pl ulur, Ii n edAdoA. Issssfp Loteo ,r aatncne-hoiyr.aO.n e e.eslp t%drw atru1 iit rc-rhnbnt.'y feae-t----,. oobwsDFneuoett Hoobotlis.OMron nt oL ga aTkwL xc LYkaiieOflt W helwd eLSe OeeTevla'"Osnoe.lilc Dm ensasfe.lO io to,rtLAa w Anerlpeeipe enu,sra nWitr llac ehtMhWeeaa1a rse$snty s.Ie. -nb t - eo '.oh.ef fH na t iD2atoge0loelu ny -map sco cLinoioeorndeesa 1irce in Eatery tsghtrraein cyt irn+INgt * e-i shb "uu nt d1eeLrhí . +ttocio1 d Fterbo. e ( e itsp te.salttnirla.l,l r sngttu.r edreyet--' tinKtis 1f1oyr .8bnottthth Tahree Andavtieortnisael r reenpdr eas^eSnYteA-. hdeitntwt le Paepxepreec tehda vet ob ebeen cIonm epslcertoewd tahnids gmtInhee leCewr lHnoWhlIonaC e tA lIenhgG laewrOsyu h.nt uBaAt trIe ;n.rtrbet1hayIde r1oaw6Wnn-tK'nB te tBeora1ws r& bewa e n s adeh r Oosvdttuea icdotnlk fee fnts p ot rhowaie-5s.. ittbtnehhylgee e bgtrIrhoncaceoepc mmhds eemcanioe.otsp`pnt etu n fgioea cfet, altmsehn naitsett t hrlensoar ostsw ntb ehteaedaelditenl sts an:sltoeeir ge:s~lbmue udcettdda eniadandtfl ~oWfnN atSogcWrhsiee. sf Y., n O¡oapnRreaeK n .af ce,A nupct.trriiinanl ghg 1. 1a5dPp,- ipaAsccoMkss attPrlfdo e.rne e .cloipG rlnredkunieenttyng, fcttiehrrgemeTonrkh* b uwaDi illolIttne lobennen e oeatyh ewom fe 1oba.d 7ioer0ifm0nfi.g fco itatoeiltltsre e op rsoaehtsaaotkttwei dnts ot tO ehtIWaan=t:. hots rd in the 'cents hUUdlng as this steps. Keelvinator and Gult Spray. Li eCAD. Peak has already be.n chrao- 1rlgti-Class eatery where hOrdetit of agency toned Lee Mountain. end radio men drank and eat th-.4r mne.ala, Kneen this crowd's thlrnt for up -to - WCCO's Oil Dates Un -tadt5ute Me*, J. Oren Wearer, WBIL?t news editor. °hit upon the idea at suing MINN1fAPOits. April 16. -- WCCO easily xeosld-wide newe bulletins to be ArUstn' Human will supply talent ter distributed to the marina- +.entenr-d .00121psttys denbr confab Btleet us a two to three -page mimeo- rfni thts territory. Past daze was Wilt- graphed *MIT csiivd Rz4fo t eddtinev, 7Tiurt.dey 1131. Other?, ~bas- atownnod aWtmoe oautvonentr e ohtfad sth Ubo-eth eenn enrw usnd.a nyin.A gdr meopafnet ndt diailnrbaOgs i iMWngitih n.a,t r.e b. aotirtsihat. lPaTtauutet isC.d laeMayr isn,n (1W.,B i)an:n , dlb lofWtlhrtion eeT ei"pnAnnl- tees-.. winos are petard (tit ettt elation's oat: d:y (24): Pcnnlmore. Win.. April 25, and kateaeanthsc aadre. prholnm'rti ne[endtiltyio nd iscpolamyeesd oInu t thaet La Crosse. Wt, horn 27. nlienoon m. citoerer innn ithth e. bNeeawtd °eYa orrke gsutloacrk sh. eeatda- . PoI1J blalll's Neu Spot Belles to Europe To Study y -NamE W t: YinO ReZKt.e . rAtlpy itl* w1i0t.c --h- Patinl 1CUoIaltt tmprteit-a 'Veto With Munro, BBC Chef frllercoks dOc:a ts telalat teSdy stote mre.p laWciet hü Sb,di'yat aDtrr a7c.h(rlinL-. prrabf-vbly intro 1. NEW YORK, April ler=011ben Heide,. Reported that ln-v,sd of 'Usual hull- CBS *cleric, eit herd. sally for 0iraaippee IAur pprotts t,;pow may be spilt into April 71 to sltidy inkri tblOia with Donald two 15.minuta units to .be aired noted Ulii i. ylt duwcnaeist*hl,t ntMge teeCirnoin"rnpr n.t h Wech hileeafnt t feporer 'wtrheieltl t iHratrdiisvtn iasteoa mnkiy, ' Q1I3S tie televi*'IQn ter e ~AWL Ex- Lux Active ,k Rain CBS Iisse hemr-,l tAnsland HOC re ter` Buys "5 -Star Filial" t4stOrn oar.:ttor.a meander tinder 1k:dtt- PInrdainok dBepaattretnrn, mfoitr,m ree plylya cwesit hh oIfl.e Wi.n Atyhirer NEW YORK. April bbteh Columbia prommart department. has not tone particularly heavy In Its rad'.o expenditures 410 0e the networks urbUaantNIeie'vfEt iheWarlirl assef .iro t tyuhYo ref -On PRertehKsatater. t rBedAelceapiptgtteersr_iem lm e rb.1a, n1eorL Irru-t w iN r_itleec_l tow idlIb!l n neeal6i 4Yie);t vogoer utkoda. teSepe^l.e ,,.c- "nroohChn.oapd4i Y rnsABrM tfMpeOlelrs~MMbfcot OSeya.)rrp,; etpuRltRtbd,e alfei>JbpidRCr gi tidI thCtn na!PeIps.M ueitrb,t !eniNfecprfy1r e ^ítt;ttrvA#ha !ed}od i.,7t opt.cad rh ssedzaJlertipiirQlplmo+ fjloartMnilbot.t a sortrsflRar o pii;ht é cnSY ctCbeyoau`nsaabreri9gydd.a á.oT W fe tEReVórl sriln/ae1H estr( eiycnaEj') ; "oa Sa,-Rrdutdruepa beseirrc nttfmfstiaiprIrRtsthapt,, ca'Wa,fghltaMtoi.c-d ,lI eCear b.A eet .he mtAc e nibreml.oa n ux)tYgaa htokIitrtvia knen.Ig dlei ~pN tFaiteiiiw utnteshnt -et *Si hbetaoai cgwrcs - octiPleumanl n'eanet . e dtts aipmloolypte. I 8 The f3111boerrd RADIí? Aprrt 22, 1939 FCC Tele Grouy S t art.s Si Pay; Prof. Prorirtcer Talkine Shop Says Wi Be No Gov't Censor D>:8 moilrices. Ia.. April h3. _111 l ] iLso -ween S ,,ttaratey , Cor.l fr.f rree.n, teAem eap.r oIfae.s. socro rWnt By TERRY FRAMKEN tndheie-rNr'eJn?Eoeelen Wrp :F rteehYlrcdipOtseip tRr aowXlt Oea.C etf tkAdo. tmpertlmoiCel ruei2rnn e8iltpe-s,.nnd -iC yiteh Ornesmi iotstv Ae e.en Ia n niMtO doi-.f enepsruaatCtereld r ailpnovmugseraa np;k, t.Pei lenC IcancCee 'a mranotnaewcsnnhwt "eenarrssr t /ta4so tp af anal ddoeeqneru dnest se tfiloaoeendv sois gpieotrenntd-., ttdwpeooerr onsWttdeh Hudoe Oca iaesn fflcgitrme.o mrem lu ut fnhaoNieutrLi a Ib-W3.t a ewHrlneOhr se darIae n t eh*shseme, lwoaacnsll id Mb pweiadeitl-r-l HhMaeonreI.dlft ,Sc wEoIhtiuf,oltre ws mcepmatsat yarid i nt,h batmoWuvarete y- 1' btt4hhe a-eer1vnnee .a elbleiys n oe tl,ss-ee t ehddOeo O n.p.o. e jt'IuIh t oes-frt Weser... 'Thad Brown and Norman said that "flee FCC Act prohibited retch snaring same steeepapa space such ocsactpCLAttattevlahoroenrufl raCsaooraC uSatnntcdrt,C lme n ynat thooats" tatd k>in l e(.a leoaoa,CSautara Ittcrderelna b)eC lnd&le t ecn Icnvolstdm nsih'rfcetlo,tlerrd iueW( dnearoeaarolrrtdmleuunI rcslp-ttoriet.eiione nense ha/ diettowh1nvgtgriwr tie llnoeWyteesdl h eat cp. rb(s.n rmi aa es 3 metensªo ct.)toáeyshmet i p tl t fteecrmeedI bNorstenampnonrrmaoei'rete e anl h ttydatrea ttwhtenn estnteok Cetogrtetn eae_defoT hadre h te ntt f oc,.s1tt rT t w soL.totrt4ea eheeoslauna-irnn.Iel cce feMvtltl l atLeo lac Mil wC asroomsnr teeteahmtns]iQnaoImliopindotl :attif amee?na iiorselt lrlpev g t fipesnlwtaa rftp taarldto,l trtnai iirhninrosrtntºoodadtpohd=doenoostr..-- daoaE/nH~IoCmr"psnarr.nfuf oot,ume i a aDdtCrd eisFt en.ctnintla eet.Hoeb eotdrr ruleda.ll tfuyeMIa eonytdeCfdfari ru_haveenescd rAi`rhircs daegoD sss'oGae.t l ,_ in euo oSusrlLbOoohrpna"r nteIstye aa ll.aapt o yen nyrlnbptpt tbed.Arhseeo 'r lvca w toId:pa eeaJarnr.vbda.t brrtruic tt testi u ,leeshleltnc.u .e ceh nieteettolotnpeaaeccalo e Ite trrrded-lott sbeesaacr e d. , o ncino am Y"eoF-rdtgdlb trotw-n.eC,iee reasos eletdC olnrqh tarttiZi,tse nt euae ed tdetablaCtch ogashe in'phwa,oexotafe3ltaeiu ae .dkovtmn t vmhttvbhe e cebespl lde-abrrroe ietrsn.lcsn eR li neu:o,t7m eAb l l bta1ineoaaytee 1ratedeti e.nnmbe vnnr nriltddenyoysag-.,t, ToWbTttt1hgWhoro0hoouiaeeo TOlCotnyt`nu1r tah k .N-r H orsrvweeBotote. Ioimd e dCtfduifw Wraet watiAdeBtyllbteeBet l iG iepr Enutets nrOi p oMcngnnirre1 )g.gao- e tlCe tapiphfyh le1fp rH lt e1CbaAc t0eaf1o ttwhn ddpht8 aago t. h err r b.tteiem9eh !lloaret l1eneia. A ]len ts t-sFeentthWf!moh3tdo rdse5 i etred io l.0 teOir -bcafthw tWrorrhhGvyeeaoefFrae.realrsR r yonrs aa te dtnwliB lnnficgdcyintd haMraa t es hliaet c9aswlW otto uh b f uet Ouatehp4rwltagn n eir9Ntan aat0srei'eess-ad "-.t psoetHMlfaWbLkwbeeohtr aneeenafhe erertAieseen etsnri geal htn tr lay e ettreerso,c eel pen d,edtdMpf o tdrl . aa,l rbstt iuoRro drhoteternie peno'a o eeavlse-aelsgeascoerte rw or t yrxa mik a afsueb salrbmocmeC ,edepinmit rfebaofa i ea$d looV apsy,wfpoe rn . aIelbN eener tMi t heeLat rSo.i hte c t;owarottsr-h t.iieen Wdknspf tMrA sre S c aVe;Lliewrcrsneac?rOlilakctet.ll egtaettt daretroiieo s.e,aJWs es.Oirn,fA r`odor e oae aM aalo.onof te rnizelaneeV ll ttn1I ó .os rt de1 1ihdrwdIt ,Het ri-tl h eeInhlestaa e AtoFe hgemhbtntflisodrcatrha tet.d oase nau ecCE te m ltso t,tl nvodad .cs It ie meooeottfehWthtnoergrm4'nhweepo;a arectteee'ey t-Ioe t-t-tti. pointed out that channel/1 Ln tielieenten e under way to detcrnatne if faulty con- Went end it himself oo WOK when h LjSlabbt<u.i ibrerpfomndrCAe o po nkpp.oe f rremeuuorvlwdaidtnpmteu tt eolroreiaytslt ee hctn etl he.trhofe,ipe, t gef .ogr w ph r iuei Ilntntaannn e m tn eCdefdeetniLzn'onOLnelatdWnlgeo nuse .ryoa.f rtt el: 0ih n c4eam,avt,,tr4eeesrtpaaf trldreetyeWtetltie nebna ne rw't]e clov,oe i oeftftI wh tklosre eIf a,:lir nadmIhes anwa ovndv2rtitteel0---fl OOb!NIAberO 3dn N ndBIMi1Etrnte1azWy 9, seCCt 0ph r! s,oYe Iot' Ot.sop bs(R peC n aKeoheL,.we Cttt soiAomat denphIera trtfC .iiieelel Bybled uSs1sqr y.is5 tt;e ttc -oewriA rghStcbra iolrefrenhem- hseltiatieAfde )ttreey.Log rle ioeg dskdtsPgi mper etooteott. tettbc?carohrreaheM.aue mWng a eci auid.nIdne-htNnlrFeassi ooo eDWrrtv ntiitnd.rbloeFe elp a ioe,_ern wrroy4kaeeDr g.. R ta c aDlre eObesOtdotes ntu.vrlsh 1dtcettiel ,al ry3ast P0W y rctsle0uahta aH0nneund0ibskasI tyemMee ia nlfsnw noi cet dredtiate.t ir Se Ie eprntrtet aai eotm p obnnmt onete eoler.eiai t ottnlwhs rign aa er D O iitf tm ttooeawl ~oaw1wwrri:de it3een1nhed0art. atfchwsfMprincaoroerbaWesdnytmetlnr tte" .sete r .e a.lgl nttl.dpihtho b hia'utaTeooW( ts th tt oIh Oeinga'yt`Cn hcrtKt oeCteBte.lCoea Soarroetrr nm, dNea MylWsdpwolei witbrteouhi .ftse o/, ha D llrWltbe . ekb] naeteieaIuhn d n lcstgue; ahI s wtSnpte heil b iinoittiseoiap sU f rfl re ct ete Ebha'ttMd`ht rtsip roseIeetc h"W ar,a .ckltdd e' aoer eAcasawtbneaen.belcyees»d-yt -r-it' . R1N16aw' WYOinl1tRe. rAAl ttOii, u1t5 .-Amr Winters. gttehrraailnien t dlaa latnn onlltlo,i ow_n to.n d otC llc1a3ar8ls ealtanh n ruPuaanllu yl.t oW C.shnhiotietr=e- ltlarernmadr p.sloar reabltratyed ret o ttwrhoe u»r bahlareed a wbla eipet onew aseesrti. ly u pr.e mWeOdiNe'ds - Btloouwutce htdo, gtCoet os l+lwibn osr kri rg.rhwdt i tehSt thuwasetu iaewla eri eAcaahlt-ot ehWSeheU ple rf lGalb etaleAbmnNa Rn oc oba'rtSyebf ip W t,hrD ere+ atOehmetneaod lot eIdtnuhNcilaee r O.wm ewike-aeks . 4ra0H7te -- smttCM.oatBaag Su1SCn l! r .p9i s ait8ecra_ie k lCmtekeh disBue bnortueoypwp beth eiNyeCalblsBw'as Cm f br mteophaembaennet edellCN d%d go9O AeñCIS ,*l SieCd waOe lerhlfee'taitebleoerlef. o f ,m blNFreeBruaentlCb rl-. CAMMt EIN NU . YsOYiIn1. Kg',W ARpornrilld d1i5'os.v- CoFetarcrierr e l Etotora .leetaIwshnaelteloe e srns tet hne wet!e enhTal e oibttecrseywe a .r a saf srttnbhotu eodeanrsx lten. wmr eetorhae kuNetnenenod' srd:s tp-'toaeteelhnglu fee feIaemyy thc ht,totc we gtd*h htTl oeeaihtl soreso,-tsS e ueob2w ontrr etd.elh irn asateho dIirndsea s- Log far (Cbo...natwts lcuacpda'fcieitrya apidap ae le4e) ply be. sooo tftantr Pauwlaa oy nflyro mIda leCeetde sit hoeti aO. ldB eouthei d r. se- lMasosp - steint a d"eea. ld ewmheisretebry" Idt ewviiclle neteo Mcehonrleos Ihne aWdepl]httoen. ea ntod hOeoirlt inthae iar ncdu mS.l oTanhee yt ,b'oetd woIaDttaMv1siLcu.hLOc rbdMyreib ,ecta4t .ttms.h rI enu41sntne. t ri i2 h t rt-wHe 4-tta_ormtr eaa,t Iaaaun IIue-enlnsritneon sretle drdced lsy en-e aleu,t e il f a8/occtaaa sloIaom tiamtt etceoob fptprr thmw"y daer e p" hoea.gec h tea" ifeahritSwuldmdn io tuattwe eetheihI m,h-ttd e aalh'e euetknat nyob hn ,,tdantI e ee AnshI ftfeifdn aha tper'cerhcr1 doirudtuersensrLie eimniepleap i nlt tatiaa.etfhargap t oicls l n ¢ilrbate nweetthiti tt lslhet dTghoayeee wnla hs s'eet ea ruat eec y htstsc,ett h earI,I,eioe stnernlmeert&ba altelf oe ulreptc_ttsolusll shti taUrattfeorhaadteeseeocslrm]etileendg-.l--.tif bwrtll'bBhtAanRebeheeac.eooeoo l. eleONstAteoer-tn M y ahekkdBnaivO' ss-s' sv yie Cls lie d.tiee I.kc tein4 db Ir iaoa.-r s a boamsl f- eaCY ereonntesogbeit ee d *hvoo Lr nl eteeedtibnuul nGhpd te eoategso rel(eaw _eg hturcnt.ina yvh tir8n Ctos "'etCniio]lt sSe ra.i bn3 las lN bt ttsoaru,r utEn icealtki,eswehn1Ce mseipdknegbat:t, e eibet untttu n shsawogtrnCsid see e h'aioCn dB ttdieho oluletoletIneehfwnshm l oiuc ataa fChoromrepbtnt ol hBun ,auL b mItlSansrediiCwgatN ti n hg athB1stntwee hheerioCoslí Io"'ttpNipMaapohnsnw=uutr. ree tloo oabtdne0n hsegl"Ytieceatstefa oraehr.atooan tl raslc o i nsmc lrWohtwt l . eahhea eawCa os etipdnmisarhtRhr roeed laeeglc.atmoa -t dtaoil hódmsetc7t I hel g' .tnroOOlcmrieahcooe_ Faaeaod: s oniiarrctvgeiiutta.etoneeihk ustr tr sn o. e ps.c rt: arr .easoo an pwlsneb u afdcruaetttolonIb iadhsmnoiugdtr t de or lrm tueeem ila gasro osnevme elaat IlSotrtov d ont.. ety wt eo'arutweslte bs ffott:,ia hye" d s tscFle treeheEehoeta -u;i ne est setdvtr ae ch ee tsifaa-tnhasraoeaetlsaeeert.rtt. eeMttawYS},EhhoeeHtetaeenersaiNe..tinn yy ltatSeoece t g tS rW fr pRatdo epY egian lntráReieoouelt Yeslsceo.oina -t zoOleow -trerhttanaseRnoeedoTejntd ni nerEt hetdk - ost1.vnid,oM, 4ss a io4t gAi s- r4blmh wo.Odp1te ep h0ei oruneoWlr. i e e,ltnttsp 1u!lhi Es ri r1aehoris Ie edntntolfklt sate -i eive.t .drnveRtaa't .wtelt - lee fUefvletfl,ilioai sst etllh firft sanwc ,ega : Ue crtennaHieessntebsdp etl a=.rt ep 1 'ti gYdnoTrtwWarowoigntorhherhpieo. uaee seareapainedt---til: Perth tinily. Prose:teat astuéekqut tea Mat'er's "Divorce" Buy One of tilt rearee:A attributed for the Wtlhoprmbn"hn=rtn1n&iaemiiiTdnmgoelkl y tuuhr ePte t eort tw.r.noe 'oe bste h .h sr sk:ieatIitonndhtebrn T gere ayIsdiph 1 nrt re eeeate)te o t nI bcramtbl ah.egstaei-ee oleaepuel 4 etl rtlogetnndet- Wa ht -nePk ~bbdahtr Idyuloel ti'afetrQ l ns-t e enhttiea dbhf awe ]sºeeteerf eem M essn le icaletea lees'ldesnt ldttte e'adelo aeaezts drn.ysnni y ntrsqt oda a g huu lSormea tlhwgeoarfnextm hs aie hpdte tseht. efeheiaeayrlsiceeisyrrolr.tttfl SwapfRfÑia,,r eo-diieiK sltrbtlhsvei EIpeeinrscNWefarn.aoe t t tul ti d pyTsAL tp. OBsh1.t T 5poeINt eA- 1a rneCsreYdIhKxthp,ne Itwsedg'rA inoeo2n.pnpRfrlgg lrteeleh i eiednrp ,eS tdyde1htl.Leiee5s teitoon . e -urt1ovR trsoi.ars ou Sd sattt :tinMagorpSeomi elovlcntuewa4erandi^sr ipkaes5 y std oe o c Nr w rawaeiIpinnawtlihitdldln,.sll. -ew8ph, T.rrt1aahonsaPseíg b nwrmLmWa.a enmniat düe ed- YW relfeeOo edMcbeRr a yboKsria d p q.d eo n A'leanegDyrswneriieonvdie le r r srfytIWecht.Le rrCi..inpes . - tP.trr iclAliSghhenrBehettalSdr t t AaecoPcaret caoeni tre osodrkntet« te oeM.Sd F m ahIttsteyiahhfeeetfeear.,l trooMw4Che5ffebai l OloltHn h:larpke+leRetaoonniirnrstar rs(e bsCtpnt ml tboóewS reousp est sSnorcsnootdft rE tnp tt_tteOhYhtrneaCrines 'dr n } l s oPthcrseSues/arta remeh saevrsetr'i R,eieenlaadc, grrs a tEseo. tw ra nbA rAelti tettPpelhpmeU I;pAan arcl ainoemrqs eexln uae .iEi*fkmimncd e cAaab ti-etht Iee-erasdl yl.t TaOWbtetbu_fe oesil-yn web¡grM.e .. at rb.kma un Iso%ttith wnoteeer nn asr 4cs eiaas mtlshceu eatac tmunnhbt eesbe re eswWrwm] sietilsellhlnl d l'a ehyRtt ath eebtitnegroy ge t tn.r~hateth eesMa o opttees ietenmeht hlogoleeesr- ' _tfnYtatoorew rFk 1N e9. 3Emda1Wa9 e.1i nl i3YeduWs.O r rwJRbf$oeKi:trr h, Ct htA:fh iitprescdr his lpa iIsnenlt5gr eie.or1-. d-9 -N 3iTn8tB ls.aC atruf tttaOrlieirt,lu[lotogtte.le e.d'teFtln, t egaoWb mfr WEupdAaAiunRrIbry).eC, l ilc d1ni0o(ts ywf ie arnbesn rudote. na.peeakes nnrp ddtedI ingn W .tg ems É eMtWAhtPareOo r Ncsp(hsa,o emlIicnIteAao ,nnf pod e1u) e0ot9hwtdi, r lieicwUsteeh newsd kceisalFlr' l edAfT rre1PaPaewA f rrestehSeuhedfler iaah4a,re 0ska gaeveult.yO sla mpm lilea orluteole r yaic..r 3k retOe+pd. Wnriaahsle Ltda ctkhaeei?pn le Wdfo erl edtnh lteiikr eepl yat oti eoufnfn t'a tvhteiper itrah tuh g&a nbrdaus-t. p4T5hisi8ec aolka, esh tta hsyi esIan syctre ewaW setAhdBa iCnts aintbo otelwems ib,trh eea k*g, refoart etshte gpaeinr.i odh.a i,agl m6o1e0 t th2i0s0 Tmeaorr ea ga pleacset Clicks in Cl>ii Premie=re WC ecn't. And we doubt wbetbe' May- WS@CA, in holding on to fwifth eplaece. nalsio eshWeeee a good gain aver 113$. CHICAGO: April 13s -ran itrilli lien btmeeeudnsyh, , abHleofoeop riew itrneo.e libteoeeor. e laenthel,er ieat ntd or uatrgheh etr7 e'ñt o-b1 fab aeil AtIotrsme eepth.. esetTt lheoinnse. mymae onpv iicankgi-m ufpr o bmwaad s 1 21m8t3ha. d eto b 7thW. iE14NW4. iIlnZi s=nt e Ytleet) a,r d. oawlmno,N sYot Cd'f o Butwabaoll i napglso oIinnbatos$l, s rteferaorerm'ds sceeop pFe aearw+th'irte hrO ttaAo efttilhnoee alotp crtoahld euF eBetdliaoec8rka sl atotT nhe$e..aa irt.e Irte'os- aetU a' organizations et the social, 6th to :tit, WTIEW is one epos higher. feet year 10th. WRt1D. down ono point. and John Ceram- alternate ilk the rake n sr. n tinide ttri.tre Mid lAltc7a1 and Vallee. down throe ~ate. tempt/ate the Iist, with WINO -trilling the field ar iogo -ansi Othello and b th are Ita- reelbry that ought to be intent" d In thlil rise, prosatre figuren the bard's line* tmeeil tthnelitirte rh.e adW. e t utre`teh er, -bre claeu sder o. ntloy tlomsI ni .tthihe esthaattirot nh ewiOaWs gthivee nc oinlu m"bne abto wbeleted o".r7 7"h ibg:dhilcigahteta p trlvtgon.:alurnm bboexre do f Inm ethne- wesitt hw rrit,$hu tIenesdp ihri ng agnoda theotelde ipagn du pt imInitnegr-. wtahrtcstv-iLlfecrhelfslatcauhoohesri:esatIl'r nreg.eiaafm,l'b aio -f p rntreedoen roct. tWr"is t i_.r aa =evte'-rs_ oí-b *r l1 s" .rfeda w 1st ioii is aIs,bt1tobf tfndgto1e" :o flaaeoiqt ak ofi :. tm tb rtsh &. dhhC1,1Lete1Iae1:belea etehee tysl ot al 4anazr si iw in tdtat tlei'aaho. lrwea g 'elGltnMi lbt'rlgtioat, oy ca a *-eahedriou,bwslttgin sm i hlnptneeUdlei!tyc tIltoWieLe h ltm te oriletr ikjcl -t'aieanvy orshad. ceea l ti meeoeeOnhdIrmssyites 1e ofeul,p a t r3st uprrih8aw-b1ria.pItpst 'eonty ºoi]h eosl1rrsya't utes saIhá c nleoat,wemat tt wa fdh btttt-elchatrh tiehotaevthahldterutat=ralreneee oeer.--trt 4_z$TWW%WyVWW1WWWI11t7óo2a.1ANeI)41T.eiiEr tt.r/e LZRYábLAe;aV.iiC nCCW n t Dl A "t p __O l __ "___. _. I__n. -9 ,.-l C.3.- -3a_4--td e t30n46J326P1 1O 48850$37.7Y416m2 2377J entioIn]'t11UntCt9412;5l4eb3's$.1092.fS710!7 9 t-o ra14dU88542112811i2011o041168T01244070249432 . c olumn. 44620e21254e8F813e59b601l5459s4330.$4l 1T1119P-C851351035t133.d83T340797 8 l4Oo7tE411Ul49oab4/e5r0T6-i0484a?s3499 i MsJdpnsMatMNLopyatolneeaeoaiu CmeyidAcsanrrrcra ,tlte tfiwpgibe othorv. rl a*d earsleeelTIe la ttk"no erehhn scdeIncwsirreh e drt onerl,eeeiiaut i aIad ifc.znndcodcn riI1koa ddp@lieync dt1ba1 et e 1r eihblltnDAN e e htteS4t1 hiiceinnudoLeid!utirr't narn1g.neenr gar tdaga. nderht'tH ec,eiwttA e e'ems oxpe!rsC~.elpteI m rt zsno .rybera aetf aX i.iepakrtklMa ta rSrprea e.tos t1 a ei lr 1n,lotOnud1t iaa..trw,fHrd lete t;i:htOc th oiap ideelipt:hetlrhdy derire,s i lee sCrt iw eetanO<n :ymPnewcGf ci tcldrtalihl'arti u-rtn rapseroedene deaenbareld.iers-det.t. I Horareberu. April 22, 1939 RA010 Thr Billboard Network A f f nr.anottt Pacts Raiii0 aLeku. lay MIRY LESSER Affairs, Reviewed at FCC Meet lJwtIItTWNreinnetieeAa t;ntlsewoea d Ietl .r et b] hotl iioeYIWTetáfMAiOe RonoIan OtnbrCmeei v kt Rel e lc meLt:terrePhh, t v;s8 yteiea!t,eeooá me llr t iroba coRtra R in eom dS.lmi dPdiegg et r a efagutooaPetptsMcver ter plhIase naeenew dd ytn m ans iib bworalhfdaolerlt Oe e;7neodu er'nwmyts kltb ato%l weo y /r de. i At it mkeuhteabc*n_hbseraaa obo rt rc torti s vheDkwhtt po eoe ee bdy oecarl taht i rachhltneatiskhoteeestt, a 'flmFts"afGrehrrWeo oaiYauaeedsaimdthO.ns t op.J ad bUouo. t Ao' feislk .eol a lxsCfrmedo d.prn rfnoeedy ers K cinosttreNAéuh,eoe ,erefctep Oos rttre oea iMVlt esr . h'.i3:*a pd2e t"0,c1 o'e2 tOovtlah tyloitnh rlr ebo:eteo1fb repup ca elpEL k'o rrdoeesdentb prrt dh o .o, ylb a,eecbCt ec rkeMnBtota t on1eynret l'tror2uamho ta1sbhnoae-*ti s a lket n:cJo-tv;t1haPhiofhirdc oeae1hWarawsr1ilinyntrt1tnA ii te ttof iBtiiIp8a{Stonlbnole kItnets ±1Irtoe s°o 0 Í,teoehCpiNw ore OunaOnie t N:o!n aehrTdautd3a$n m flsrt Ic.dwI n. NCtIlea 4tI' r tCthendooAk MIiuoe eb ,op estO anlni ltt en kqedhN.emt l- :oe - nBImlpt n np1aFC o at.lt_e6 ofrghtnoeadh.p l:t=ldretnear aM t-air auclNoaceow ,ue li tt oe r ttieWeeCatwcnnxrJetripeao:icecBan ; slirmc:Z ee.ktlm uewdiy m atpt totaii:ntle Ivtuertytndhe.e- e- -;. fmhOcHafttiarodemraanlrPttaeboeehmerlti r :i tnnt' dt oryo euRiexat f1&t teoii iwcearrl z Rtiiue.teahne' wt nrn nage g.btear d th &r endo.eeInd enprnu t ait mt lahIt tihsaotiyLeIohl en ssplea attbe oet fw]e se alIdrtseeatailCta rttimnu e tto+d ng ttol ohlrtuoenrtr amcaflaayt ditte t ebw t xtbdet thnouhie e,eI eleefn lo,dp ypn Er wW aeereie qedkcnctDt aetdtk th-drtp sle' olSBOo enaauaooe dnrgmnttsl kaJ he.ise tinnbeno tatr ah,t n .orNe3It borbh2e Pkuo :derh lea.r banoliloA s a oviBo lte m eeerrfxnrl teemti1 cehr t1dthIhibdh 0tOs.t0ole e r tmWto(ro iNl lNelxotoeoºaomhaednnftis e shet r sh lt7,bSehp'o.vwtpte o tvstoeti w T olntwlCehef o aishp/nseyd a aS h etDemeetintpa'tmJaht e. t,oy e edtts2 ahh e2neet. _ oLaItJnptVelteraiii. ganlcgtcelilawt khydf unesie tiyurl.nonnle osg tnt Je usob at .ITLdleym fo Imeh HmnadhilJ osaeta ee eKti,lbrhg rdTaeieielh nl ceyiar»tgrtal n so n rp tTtgJ o twaoyC eh ItyDso1aCreld i1nuuno na epb n Ingnpobm'yotP leotS oaepeiraauhay tne s rne -1rtLe tn l:1eno teaeo.hlo irtwlra,_t e mBdI lT krha I#rrhaateesotdeeem a-utliee raneedrrt atmd oaerteteheweboei r-eyqcte.á-f,. VWfhfocepsaao$ea5n ee oitrl`rl dfritf iAilu: o mo hoCCeCadarpwA nb b d. t.r. i t ehdlh?llbso ualivteyno1 alyse ftggotnt ,io lpnr mteta,fdhe.egtdf atetwae eoiymltd tr 1 o hti mi!pcnrWdatfkeoogtity er oinn ti tdfboehatlttoyhr,nd a ar d.aJ Bn cbuio Itmttene,s i i nle ebontettd ~wroH o tde rlftrOiae dtttaoo chntenwtthlwo reaate'ea aNdo r idnseetgIoB h d1 canoO6 mCe asnowi tue thN faP set uin xbBShhemoncireriaCnanee-k--tt. tfutardFtdohhaa piCieceieaer'd bCh l ,nlocPera e eouC'lv'dsebvrrtwed et eul nso arwtt t-l lwh t eihhtnaraIoahee!gtitf ta te IetotttuLV hthntfi &enhtt e .rhn te mJ aioe .ulnl-dt , ld hlae eMe_A.aeer Maiv r bpllge .c rio oiJwIoll cn drn iift e2tltto lrhi0n r 'lfm Den,uba= tw nla ittle ntfd etmCooworit.r bBbu ictlr rLSi ~ ia M .wWs tioh1ehnI-a1nrn1ee l-a1t QlAothWl'H?CtIaihhiT-'siftnc `lret oetdVeoiSJsHot ett4Jst'k-:e nALo l pel ':t:u rfg aTm adn,ieob sfeio:tetwpell4eenJtCia1efpt .Lrnret$hlf rIcelr ee at reye :41sr, it rne(pt e bn ,ta rlTrrry t, Oc1i, lr.'srtegntrtn0pOto$e 2oRt' aachoeJedFo *dtnMBCgnfr/0oP:tt fn i.tit' glnraCatlere* sfoet .u irrcead agCra o snf tle.rf;zKen riraes;ihgoe c rnen,t. leo ete t ,aetft witbt.a i tr.d eetseSlose/ AnE2P)hpk .,.euo a eS-veNfl pD1ittonpeeQ .ie'..fs,rNc.rwnaMariO. r:hG' treatOerin'oi te tBce' eIaraott RetOttfrt mF.pddf.bro aallr lldy C rOS . y,d epasitu rKdacx so ml,B i Ln ntS, 0Pemalrrichwbtfiietaaf7gsretCaodaa ,et nnogearieo n :r. ntaetfhrro u 1h WsoogJs ittesnecttd earl1tniooTTwgtoemn R'S a,etaiaesV d r U wae as tfnl roh iiiadewP rto le d nl thmee,? la eeitry Abf ip -tn i, lnnogPIoe 3ty ioly.dl0fta UNIreh1dtl tie5 eboio r$r0 ye rI.n ytra .a atWeiet fatotcr0e PhPpatctig sdofwa rilee,aactdia aubM,rai Bá ewnabMT et ets iprvoie bL*rr-rstbt ruenol ze'ne h1oehdhUst irlm rlaaei o. nMvoM..enetde l,ic e Lelt oanretaú cofatd yeeolihadh car rM.ipkni^otnts ,e rsBs andukoeyt i_-Ji- -ea.r .fthel e dt i oiosn nor ntnre-aQdebftret,.. " ~fU~sHoHTICm2w'DhIIfaD1Btm o-net of f&eonhW9aiof7eileaatfocxrlaT lpeltao oan'ln ieo kv.o cr .rrnnhds,sr eneit eeoh.c .pd.eeoTTeasi,ta e L.,.ysino s e e l tu tneat a h,ris /ttfr o l&me-c_ndty Oo.tewa R.aah l rei iip,y dla RrCt tndIr8to AGef en«o Att P(r a1 o-l ere '1nRatybU: aonIR4dhl n+ tcd ne8Ldeyniln i o escSoPow dto *adr) etodtYlcIhdtr.noPrc'ube nngoseefald eIüKK rtmDfehn akso rreag;tte _erYs koa a en enwdrt ierb,a'n;sO,cttmMt n ^coraurori nfntnshHia k ra otleopuxntI nnVtylgi, eenu nAr oroInon, t WLMaoe.n t t ;d lte gnGSYnpa'lsdl oNeTdftN iPp ala rdB oi lhar fA oelAi rODernrrAefe o twdal olaYrvlvowirMN yowWdeunmeoaan UomneiW g i r o 3ynt a oslLmtgrrepLriri 0hph u da rn ontCTYYaer _akroI r r ndw.Ktmº k oATpbCr ou ooarnmaLgwFFri_6braaehNgl yrlOCAf eCSa nll ikkyBkraahat LrsdnplvKrRg.ºt .O a rusnrC yoi.,frie ip.u dMoldpi niEc,w a asrat Wol xr ovoen oatleatltRgl'e ctSip fs iep aydp eH ttSaeneiM-PUt eooctthrsoAapilswMrnrroiro_olteiekn t.l_ a a roiAiaodplth il r,as-tben 4nronlou e sanhni-N lrmoyh eiompagtignde-ydzealaeif.ttf i.t }Cc4fetWtLbdtttiotAtf~teWAIb'tbrUthlbcarehrrrpieHt.Coinhn.oiftor,riigrrase. :aaasl Toel crfse nso Poaoal iNTalPrnt !ucttnnnn+a ti Im eaactotlwhtpe.eIs$eI enrtuvrdua olessehtlrLkLteawdnCetea wle:ci'nmaoccelrcrºrthadr ueeel ertv' vo r $ntse en'ccusrriett 'ehed tln !Tiu-w. _teineliirn,lndhiIcirtstppps t eeahtdpBcYf tnen p ttoee oho V ouu rtttatdt oeu l tg aCtsdndttgu heltiirewniirtlih oeTatmr.- aoooefrIb_ on reCiltdne hdPbnvwlofudtoe o cishnnngOs lnes .e .i petehtsri l hu:pdi,n tD nehs h oen aiAap at ls -iltbm spali tnioafaTiidh rCtc-ea o,etr _ttpet.tecn-rim ,th udig tehooe eam1eeuhw n-co eoOo hnre hp' mdIb!3a nm eddt ibvn/ mto tektd.e.saoastolehrlPsI tier r Kr:eaolnp cod rnntwr a d putnCKotle eneenr-ew cphaaoedTn neblhmtcp rfOi reuts eieerbl -tg eecinht n ieahtp ecnyeueNu r:n!rritbiiyhfnW Ld tigfbdainiheeeai g. trpt tegBcOMe sure eeitdeel. rfiw setlnps ea» e JttCntwPmtao t'r nhIo'tbo d tttlhZdaed ldtloioV ntmoral eueefyoniepabryh4 nIeyee m n _ netlr rtalnyu1n dafeRsCe edelt oeter elr drti .lr iu7tháike a aotestred lZ oraaaetg at~Cb -h_cbr0e:te r nh fawopdwp (1q ,irdOnn"dA oyrrr esa eosat te iciule'laaUtaá eovea ttaoeabi_iotnse nuorearneehttlric tctubii ie tuC ag0nt ianrw nt}sh dor-srsr.ellftanNapIlts0 Idtprr1eviMautdclenaf.aralmdnro, nas ns1rtpgo Cro lr dr pea rnteao ein rr(.eguWLd etr .1Lt lf t eAe ,':i-tdeSttf i o D itrt frtn'ea hottotrraenaw Ceprsriteol eh-awWth. mlntiev antvaertatt trsreh*rne-Cs,:pahh-rangt 'mnanar-fogmaoeiaebaa.etilkteltgts1d--9eeeebskb-sfatlrt,tl.l trttdteOsctiPednmFCJmts&aemoaa(rrsohoaoh reeuee aumaxridrnieabaa roiO*oacai eoeeo1Umtp eredvsrnii ntta sowm._n tnai e et ttdtrobt .nisc2deo-mr nrntE i.ttlº eogoak f'otei ,Boe aIn mge o e pdds tlo t*nnab lIMOhiaid df pchFal ((afk a da n srea"o nlCM.o Ceeeeeegpameo31t e e'yddlyuaer1rw .rarcdratOldNe 1fpor=yR oe is a ntctoe+r e re 1tcenn.oaa e9bfy rwsXnl ilt.naOd trfPbh w-oe lut eeat ns eI ehCtradti,tp,yt tvroa#hai ut,tile Ksuan LlsYtaocauaso n enrtie,Ytad hebous2unl.tntgro ,dtttlEa a imra ru einlsh eco eroAee tr bloemleaao th-z'oa sf dneradte!! wadd1ifnn rfkw m)lwc toemev n eeD r, ee la;h,dd ltu eefn aye:f : elarrtocbnshs Vpe .O1k recansari d otpOocfntoam Lnt,ltenar h r.toinrn o4oehm to"sohmtt3gteo" btrhome.r c Nrt ne ditaefM& "r ldee*hstpdfiaeabcoO a tlaci irs t drp.L tryalalrornitrieneIn tmppe ekwStisleC irronopwCnr iTl neehldobebsgraeaatp.rofIgyee n wi, cwpe fiieaol ielintrot 'eftfedtslnhpbamesoer rft4 gaa.n huto, r asci s or e mfc e,`r neeia fd oe s Ae3aetsriatu tif rti tg toienrdeirr)eoh,etbuiab wyrlnau te ta ddar,umte.,enu rtiub . +s,csh meenee .vwy ce itnd -rtatuedr r eo»tetneeen s e' ineepo,tt, a .?g l«e rvyvIpte i. aeatf-anm ,nd -ihr raers.rfrunrenctndn oirccberrioaoeterttbn'trunpdroedo efesse-- -r-r--d-, - etnlefoefnmeeseet.i".i. t.e.Tn.c eeeKx,l e. ba/tdtay gr- itSte.d ml f"nitc:ty.hr7 o . aMtfrCi rnaFsIltCal i 7tylriede ielpaattnt%ferds-' tYWWho aMauntmC doA'efs HFeraapaltio ir(do, De l aod dnianl'tt:r : eeCtctheateeoll r H.ol ifae .r tkWilt.el e'-n .iNa deJp woia vhJiYnali nooraSnk.. ettooriuat a d~n Mót1ilaAldte d tts~ t uhWrfaco'eter e *ttroh eooec fo e r'ct.dheoerauldetn lt krlfiyiobn rrd a!.War ryea a sbhtoainloag ntbcoieng. dhDtrru yt np" ayrayer d p r(_odoo.optmn s1oa.r stt.rta otr reiCya iaotsn ttii tIgigashtse ettapr a na:dSane ldlm QIsa h ae:Svarhuaaolr,elvldt' nary *pelt 73--and-90f1 to CBS May mattering from en Infected kisser: Ala ttutimpny covered the ASCAP and tire distributor. Their fa no rdrmI no ites AAIM preblemi of bfc.ide astttlg and ho c;sarge- tickxte -are Melted out end aro ..e s In no aDe,rLnttft itinee to local el the also iavnllable In the display rooms. reusiCiana insthor'L' of Itrttyit 5 an braid - Serener abon will be ~gel Itt at. TtdrVtirot2o1 el,mlr B1eTimtrf .;-ob .,ty trrLn e ableb.t$nmuokebiylua i,ee Lfs ,irt Rieclf wTlkc nIaGhatiiis ttesTe oI t eO.utS itst'mttGt ha yotre o t- rs Tteie tn ehi r.'nedi.eiae tnla*(mr,Cck e cdooaitnyhaorkiaegyfei sl n_ rt eg twy hoOehrthnvrhei alleebeeesr ahNohtecaatethtdwstoel rr wsYf rnoAiohlimrltacBk ci.dy dhp, PsW-e enfdiHtte t1U oaAtB bhtMRheaOjOeye rtre,t sLe ostbcDfor reease Wlwir ecerioH t.N 4r S,kUD,t nhtdpPleo aH o. yRtkt heC EMnrfBYeaererts- esnTwtcmWaxtiaa'irt opisotn.adirhltrmmteae.ti :rit'rdmn lstcwia.i na s,T.rr n e kthL oIq oeHnftupnf rhd.e!ae aqir qlnd ui:swutegho yedm eotr teumnwihtaCscthr eo Ieea rIt,d ee-nce o p tat oaIahnvrtybue se1 yl r ri faat.4eotii.vgwshse rpa e e1lrib et ll1hp!aurAatbrte,tno l lp tfreeohdel n artleu.iynat cne'ma b-eerttro en-e--. IaJfptdhpna O aaeeir fcpvroiufAiknaepeotl ac slr:dnc lae cb.ebnn o1reºrrdt{Oídas 3IMinntn l-t Jacsgh ittn htdlnaaliteemi lt otdseen W,ru o eecOsnabdaeas rt pdoMrhlcálnu s obabajein lntntlrg.ñeay bicf y r Myli o,1ue o f'dtnt rt5snr weoh0ia. n um0tMots geiB pteeh ia iiei Mlnhntls drrgt. t aioJ noBB a :e.ema areeowpoaairnlr': u-drnd'nbe-as,, r-tatwpnWthWL!Gfreteraioo teymut seeortChLrrausmr endblmLne eStsdkreS teeltR t j lnen iw.dlaow co.Ihrtbg twftionl .eiiíoeTnoyita --.tft ttoio,weresey ho htt L-s podh'bi.e t1 nta.le.n fht ht t Bh n y Oi oeheeittmti iff-ea lhh.ber b tsclodt rtie ae etCLo.Gedrnese ib RfOp nMme.n irt G atTHtOnncDAgaeyhO tp arINha raedBra eatreierleeNar amEponC rsyr nfmnmi eaThctC ,lo sd l e1eta otiPdLp ort tlyItaoe rodnaslaklefwm e erf od r-ogts skOMadaohtl&r. ur r ªr tMe-iltklPaif th eC.suüeaerec r oe l.e r rmsr ioh JaeenaWmre -. oeo1t r awmlle-l rn nateilhlGdlT.ioiea I nee agnns,seN nmr af tn nhi ktfbA ir.dtg 'oaetb s oouuorKl egdrm t,auenysoa n e rtei0"itnitvileev:c1ynhin l0 uts+enaeyet?l0gecg-`srt .rr...l tOdtsnpawabfPcaWntooophrrnneletebnthaaerteeietAOeey mah n. . t et lPYreleNkCbte ek-etrneh il beooºor tellr at.ldtilroetpe faa-dnandhb Frl epgBnntsetrt,IeeferhobreIa h ndtyol ettLleWfraalr c e iIebld im:ottoii dk l wit ied dWt&ise_u reekh ebnady iayl :nmtKL net opa aes.mihl trsa tn$ wdaoa hO'afP , tS' aa et .nuati onthbWtpkmp-mtlnal 4tma .-puari°lO nDgLtta h'a otncli's usyrfhUW rnNhetip tk.olon ar tes reaAbeBe *troJ 'th tnimw hQ na C o., ebroR tc tf.ane'lhai . ah8livo kttwwntt,aneht tm cWl'ee eratts en r,e I c I.r '- e nn mAhdbvA_fa:btbt sbt t 5eaeheaklr.eceotRarteamsg+veai.ttnkoewnse tsliyn e. ajeit pnendf n$lln ldlttn.o ñ-n g I"LtGf* n'.o -;rrtt igtn l _n yt daitcLi tl:kt 8btPueg'aah1zibrObeim1tkns no dcageorea3aiee)creaaup3trerlull?deo44o eetrllrll-r... cgrwSJhhg]tBmmG(edeoPrCeecao/.oerooroWtChQan1soe+iaer'veoon dtietrttkiMbCeLtv6n r opetnAa :tdTrheKlad evl 'r f,Mfe li.s t ,ai o.,b gA-l: e ltfw oobanolrlonoitoet.Ayf , dfi egTm .C t=m.W. ph:TnGh tBSa8B+trJ ,Kh m tRrD.gip= ia leue,l Jri rSroatlh:Amo ot Cti hiV,nenlo"na' nACe. cB.ryo-na,s, g.Wn! 8ctp lib iefa3f. rPonuscylaaihfftP eebervhl ef-tdnw,lerbfetaOnrtt .kdMt,o e n rt,r.4en . . o,a-nnsrL b Otes o<tWtn. b%dI oate t CaIa.t%tdefi ,taif iy_di nrstCoetudi Dn,eltih Oe.asadElcId a"s do ie'Otf aM .ravc +` duo -ttTpdkernih.C: hrCo Sb.r I . eram o e.sCSoNix eop.Wtl t tl+tce>aKlmno{eYat7o.etrnHNee3 'r1;a loronrrsit tayaO.CarcráKei ,tot_a l K at l ol,a otttblirw ltaoat. wt eeagondei.dDf-K tdSnri.a niav lv netoesiIlAtrhnlto-dy -so--fs, lerMt&HltYSr>BrtdoweSt lrtiaw; ol_UiaeAea ayp iE usric lárl.maLrr s e LenWLAo:o aCeT,n ñoo s. f Nf adad anh Ctttaaltyy eaa(S!eo tr r,lCt..lhS HMe eeah rwlQiyoc iosseBp.e h ,lmT,oliA Tc y lleltrm laeaSkotnaeehoafkntkylrmr t,ii enJyTo.udibe .. o tBd f'J yp hte2NOuEfa'tmtd yaar5rtteonl, adfrdi n r-(Caa e rn.wN;yr ciLiaartsfkocee.R aeCarKnt'i' e.rr noeenvr flrds a1m ,detmmeeeh. rCJ 4Mj, s*, l1ta w ea epnpp.iYwtli nl BqleielrSupanl*d oMacodteert: Ie tnerirFtubrctiameea rtasvdl43 untaor 1 hT e e 5ayodnoa -ClnJhslhd 1pdnyriJyrR'lr,1 Ltaco .Me an ooeeBtfmerwD e.e.mlt. ae -ha fw pnJnoo,tMe,L aifun-tretrneodeadrrsra-reikeg;.--... Agana: le leVre" seas(: th Gefllechfo arid rlattgw rro'rep.ttaa managers, ene productions 10 be played. U.treurrr,t"a, caI.t o "Abrspo-ftnoaorbsoi.db h. Cetrhttanmt Buc ehlltry)de r rL0no'l r-l 1,m Ovum) pfsoerert pa.a rIdil1nee gp Vu. e r. s sd. rtnrfeite, cctronprf+r ey J KHoWfa Lrr,tsr' .i asparra, inosf Price Law Up in Pei1113iy f0a°eibtA' laef1-.lfo'cot-emedo1eor rr.ncdi mkatreJc diee ae rxJP.tIAiet. .o t ai-o,e mwo G .r. kaToo Phre=,fnUoe a aa rCnnhrcflo.t to i ya .e fet,Wnrst oht' idfu ffa Li vaathrSe drRadnFea A. b a hrath Ceo dtebratbdDteiudsrutmbedl tS s,mer yyno a rt ed adiil reporCtde'LraacicnOoutw nuiatc.neitl,a. er e "t d cotft.rstetto .lJte r P&er ;ta o rrIC tttdeO'.rmarh ,a+i1euN e1ore-.,1r lOCetlor/<ihOvir1ohl1dlkicel bln1e1h'mn..irp erret1.r e .*ndlt Pratca aniLAtcinau :en, dlBotod1ol.n r(fi o .1Opna l1kvuRmgCk1elb0 le.cya a`2O reJ lc.Pvh,qO,e,- ai 1touslt1nter._iu1hisTc dp_l nefe N ma laeiaretenotnnrei fit uyfdt a en gi2hctrtHewaet1yCtirotco vio *t otlte d eotok yenttorf8 urt.i entr slithalrtanNgeU, ee ferts f i irsp rarttaiettp.rmrnae.pmóen.y=.-- -...r rebCAurKº1- pfpRemrfpclN .euraxtI)irteb"Va- aeBt.t uoikh ,afreull.ef n. :,r pse_rc liIrrr i4d p eert'e 4QdrrIsLyVtdr uiItWenaÓCrytetJ:ard ,b0hY ir-ntD 1omco'ytYr ftg. tni l'a.ot lsa!' drh.a.WC., ' rd a rfiaoe nePtcCartl egetrF naa Jl tst t n-leWeeb inrnflG'hrer,Sat.cyfki a Al'n:oifl ntpS.rrIep efS.dd dioadRrnm4 net Ci1to Geil4.tittatt st'Drt4oaps".fl ~pIhNmhStoraatieoiolidtlsetpio t h .d:tt1erVtiRabno.y0b 'y 2trile:n it0vo7nin t,aan f htt e ngaIbaerlCi tan n.stta,aol etr o1 rnI.rfnons tprbyO d oee e'Y,zruea pblaenct oylta i+ aler :rCoarcaS ge_tAelpahel f avtsdeau gsotrA sereaerfdrdiv nme nrua-dedi2tgbyrama 1il, tn ty 1eisong m '1t tdi i5riealt3utVhai,nmn-mrsiPc -eds tA"treb e e.yAcwr oy t .ual e 5ata1 eo4nton1nok rf1- la The Billboard V RADIO -REVIEWS f lirü 22, 1939 liDrcgrar l went 1 EST Unless Otherwise Indicated CKr SWAInTRlO .c sB"SWr aR, oSrbw¡htoeayevyf ldfeee 1t-rt2-h eM -:eOm eKomnrnWd a denCIa CeViyos.t .oyt raa,a ur1S bMit:ro.a3w o. 0t.v if-oLlo1iolct:un:4ks=s5a r,.H" aASarummned.:' gohitntnoiiteeoarn Eers nu rt svehs e d eanfetA roh eifhuerete h rtn steofedbltietenx ty ncrdio lopleaeiafnrh tl o lg.eb sgr neair1ttaureo I denanparcst ra nlhojtg1nehdme1 ea 1mlait tea loon 'rsedn bhirle tetyp,tc I otr tle rpbhatm%aaeºIm slcs. oo paomtrtbe -saoTitihnivlennigee-e.t rtehcteOmJhe IlaMeenl ntitvM arteitueo+Y-btn gae rfr.oaooi tlC.cad/Sra Rdaa:e1esura1ti nsoic3n" a ef f RlrdtlriPDanthH esKtteotei 'e.t C ' .d atfew .sbt0n eItiaen t:tetda p w' .b--l ied-iprttlrnolreeote eyl r+lat- y ebse nOrpwCirleirenrloe ifhetge eamrdln,mee droae oetrd'tn err .o vrioreitoeiornvtfr,n adi lep e aty.n t! r`C tirbo[O-nToe ro:aehM]deyeiese e r- * qtpr w tupeaop-tv-astessal arek segfe*ooea dn.rp, / WeIannrc eaal paet.rree h@r- a ybadft eutiaetverrraeenutdth, tede oeta adnnraIi n,dt wtecirxo+iasnntecnga:tel ly mo mregarwaaknthei n aagtI»n O dU,ieA tslll el e a-nsm sCoi:nr tAetdsn itnhdtdeoaplintley ye to, s eeha -omn-wad- famiosg riad o 'WloHl fae atret aor olpobw.o re.i ueoodum.A t *1's.tlaooanaisdtee rsa ht fheorearig n hbtoitgto a atsnw'm :o atrhundeyps cOtPaofo mtpl a evtedeb ycte ntaosdvtr. iY otloTdt.w e P.o o Tgdphei'i.ast t ldi- naoqgudu eottqbrnsutrc ,iI trne adv e oSahlav aaenrnodud m sw abenoerderf tobdhefiio evs n y sv'mot;orioporryowe. eoIwl.d rt hu teedo rtuetaic nthivneo g*tco uaW ils :hh1rae1e1. dL1r Eee>:tsptiIm Qehtbla1,me awr nao daur naliddn- kitSeda,n toaf Hs tauydtDioa n.o ra3he..trn la oapible Cl Twhoeeys'r ee lsen osttu tonnbl"yr av anwerkiswhedrlyi f lyfo orv elor rth ebmut. wnaiknendi nPgo pm oIfn ehya tcoo uCldh ltenaete _oWtnee woef dPdoinpg's. AqNuaNlAit y.M AYP eWrfOoNrmOa. nIcWesE REoTfP ,!aWa1.1e1 .1.N.leAS.. aobnrlueasastke sinl iantu1epo CwtIaon rtfkoo r 1asW t uhad aiaolil; Iw'. xd7ooerr ke unon f iotd,n ifebfe ukriten nIdtt coo complex for :rre'o ated1irVncetrars4r r. tWPrtefhepe' istw egetoad] uddtyeaerea ,r pütrnh.. iypntrkdai,cn1tg ic teo I tf oerwa te at, gcoáol dnfgtiFsehlet,.- frltytieL grTlo oOtdoO.u cLhTLehINse.rS es. suancrdhe osutehv eervrsae lrw rozeRvreeB rul ys~ stlshtaeinrangtt-- otrrio a neoirtgheenr . 1Rn icteir! oH asyteysle ,h abnudbt ags htohuel dW leayds. "blobiloii News" tmhca.ti te-rcso ncseuit rtlea , tirLoilatomn ios 4 Ina ndth. et o ;omffainlcge. othfet cobren dfilernldt layn dy ohuorws. " whleh are from ftftloipdharS%hoimreimee anfiteCVrPHdidf Arpv ng R tCasioeeh r leenDed Rtleob treh tetrapivy- vhtun neaftf oeaaaAHe ng mtt rLoeMmnc]wCm th.aliwQg . tm una .ywoiet"c eeleta'slo,ldi ñuntA; kNt irnnaueern ' t tbx na-nl.b.tidace. rpud lf enttoo.lorylihena v udtMyoufn.o enr R-Sqa1etofrn.fUo id out ]irpBcenchy-otoiterouwe1lhd e ehm otTn al,s.tlr oTiwaeq{ hhssyn lefsruto ee .maao lc sktyh r h aor*C-o l op. .cn.sUus- otr cria8tOhainnhot .estper -oc.o guoaoaeh8 ,rurnnvtfebf opMa. ll Jli3dowellm'iS n -ywiel nt0.a rho pe gtlr lj era-b.otoalJeoeCsw ibiotdtCekáo,nasiyo pbsa o°eengtl rt . on sfb-onmktiooe atoarwlo'oee-nsr-tf.f -mbreolCIIWaStrni(nedyanriS Meooe teDen;r yutRTr nirmiRntheClIeesete .ltIe b eeao t-aswla -yeeve Wtc .-trismI'lidt*-vmoIwareceo ptvvel erel .Cw,Tki ulke,t erseS i ihee.anenAnnsnwantCe"wvtdliaedderkne nyEse r eTS h w d/we*l.t m p Rf tsaTs eaamT tmde-ltoua' ethfolbeS(ard+ibofehr apPfueb rtf testienplery eaetn 0iCdsmeoteMºm -srbart,tdar teAs ut s c oosnaI.yea n-o'b t fy.cnnTaerov ptttuc,eryeto ht-.erva-i tatra e6r._uewiSt-goh aro O.MPllnr:e.Wioehtscp .kf1a 1ic tstp/to yne l5t.etI"t:isos ibottr4 on-e" lO rb aoi5st6S ntmu ach rot;-a-heorcplpo2Dl-t.gBd5leleoom Wmro ,'rh.eaa lrri v onpm`n enlnTacitpsScnve,iakoelbM eueerosr-t.mnl crea i errn,rnJntay ao------,t sSctlSWSmigsbKctlanaoonhotpoeryrctuyetrnba teOaom mrsTKTt oym:regit eUtdtiiikhOe nARisabri tsc.tesaeee r ag fnMY e- ntc tori fSao .seiqdei ohdisc nerstn,tIbrurSiootna gutCge noaduIsaombL tatn Ywlpf u,ptAttrhfdkrh metaoa:.rSlenT iowf a aaede. n.obe Et griri nRuhspnRdrclee idas.'a Aeuetn*l.' caacS y enpnhan f toevldauy dhmstebatcipne e,einol .e oy hwo rurtntdtcwta ieon1auysrsnpe adginl h tnae ltueettenisahaoiedayieelle1gn. neleegwaf l ia5seo naeg-arg O a mti/ggt«II solmhimqs hlocn m emt eeeurtesegarpea.oit aa itponiio.ehnnozdno No s liur tadetnl ergci euaedetetctf a rn' ai tagot e.rbnneustdtti tTr/n,yrteirsaseatoi a ns oaroe et.-ls .ntL li nub yarnceacitt rgabIehitpslgplIwlzlooec lnItiaOwtame noaneoscrd rar-ldegond:oyoa-----tt. CdgtTsaIoRa1ttrnwchrnhIeeehieoabvouha+goh tenMOSanlleGldwinenuoieo nhnev werdeRnre om rd nf teeosseoa.i.s a_ lSWae te orbe titcsttridne urltuToo.c e towi ledg iIaentOearnMsnnZlhpdBeLt ts nexos ogo aoC. n,b-cUrtm w ot m hetrrwtrtyf oreeOt efrda-eoo u.y alomofmdinraw,o I~Wegnuor s yCmu i tttemy ate lrhDih 'le$bSst T 'tegc, s etrebMerd etA 'ree npoa-t.rnnleaIav2heaTb cnerdedcoexM.edrhl,eir.elu rohrI ita sefu iniclora ato gtmtdla georsgs ,HYg r td ae.Itwhtd Obr toyhb iee Enowe zot,at,.rt . eean' lt ntrhL Dw-l iht lewndatt eA ewCshoRtsDidl a e tf PatE h a ohor hhaePnnwa asdWrepwrlkyth d tneothi W e Letits e oiithweftdc.taonetrheLhunttHhoem tO, hiin,ea .el 'ttu asioe iduaIdt, edcr bpterO Gr nsre.crhoeroarr erstictotaoeeaMsaeenivr'btt rtpedpomyneupeooltIieeelaydToelrnctslllge=d+sdytyn y-', Lttcepotuns-rib ehhseorhol lnu rerartairtRx-oonerer,Vd rtr.teewaoer ,+ec tklIcc ydswa .il te t-nrgt:s nsteo-tOdJkaaww ,g sta eaifeIgmnroaun meswierocoyt uIoecogtehn o1k hspgshnw ea 5dp o.l oh af w pctoho owh rrwrrpplrtmo1tguasae.aargr1pec e mrorti yrn tari vg iraenbe rtteetaats .catohgaemgcl ba±thl} nJre UiTo,erto oderrqio.i nTte nnhr arunpi igfsann.t.artpksroaP t no,rspr IiX odgat,reifp ea*etAn rnriWad$eeat- dDtgc l2rka omat~o_ - ir-t er ba er lnoll-a lhaosa r yoe wtº huinhntetn naaivmtoeebei tntonpd t tet6uby ehdlP oi e.oarcel w ed n at3 kt nhl ccaaa-or'hat .pnoorrhttno.mIncnaiheons cnoirtC'denneeeatte---t..- Oac~oudfftSHLoohannfnaei rtreOAtrodo r l rRaye r a tbonptilet}te lichewtlOmst-"eaWerrvioaWnt ueSrie-yenereiop sddT'. .Cdwrwscu:t rie N vholu neaCehRtBPei7pdvpIrdsdtdf -per ne1Craut9 et 1tote 1 rmbitcUtob sS rmeilt.e t*uey iCDraia no tasi eit(tynnNhlhgDH iundeVBs debrer re -odare aduI nau btUp rftusarnte tTstprIti ,skayittnoid kHee Istue.bwheenv. s reebe:lfs ite haoldpd cljs6Moftlso.rerhit h tf m:e ew. el,.s0eo B tsnI atGl 5irinaSthe uetar.e- ehce eenne6dBSrknldl c ttue :lrtea atpr1eihednaouretpn.o aeiWe.l o/uno5 ro se *to"la nnOunyi tttfgoe , le4mpemtSl rarhphfd.oa o.Atmen1e iaaotmrcatr nd--ra.t-f.. -m:dhWfuchpI1aphstsrieonenarrprtoe irosIiap& WSdndn nomtavwspt itas nCncydeaeeoai rtt ftg islearneAdntpitthad snnlhhlr cdyxa. rcltge eaaee e eelhtw m rdnrau.dwsoo imeathdtd :poJ'lnlof bx toyll nOtt aw tn ttetº srgradahpeIHdrratnhlO aooritao a ceAntot sotkdtgttyeataalNhhmetamniisllonrptoa1o eeNd de dieG:ir'n n é',t b EeloeveA o.oe s'en t.r SrSnetar. reexa1 feea.o lct om0l .la-ew n .'y.rdlI0'iota 1eeebt ds e it Ipf1le tn t aralos CpIhctatlignnwuh e.tceeahü nhoidi:ae-earxtl hngterrl tOhsyeUnKroelt rs.c edmasm ronIw n' ee't dl, 'eeko' anasnlaehirbnwnmd*se p ctlteJa t ebit.r3ml .eass-a aca rn tRmsi heeyoOMt;yeePiryaeU enagiHa fAbr ..npmid ettal ntrteuolihogese sys. --.-. btegl1fsRgdpDgrpauuueaa.trrreo.nAOeAs,a aI0ntgG urImg'ta yYMsUn e na.rumllt dn nlwiyRnb7ynnf ctia ssrtehi NAl eoativyus.ean w1Ot S mo.,Akhc hr e>c DkIeeaaar d*+lai eoV dindnnL`.rul 1evm>yir dcdU,sIse esfb e:n eniha'itDr8FvnAa btrh porl o,gditDre LtpowrCteio e saeatiLrYtoniB mobootx gpot a nBly w ticheaaecaea Na emee e rnsrtwFtlnawt eendlrt.dupe Rast dkeru. pcEorni 1'eLAd ssThtlftdYt tE y Noe hifscr,esS arCoelfo:to dfo bxr tf tprcTnaadoe hnrWiPoo yRr rntbieptkcttnA'Ie e£.ne elZal weteRl. eniyi-o Mtg0n atIh rKtew. FoAhunan, eAl fyebdl n e e ,TlRsw J s t iAgfaahtuñpLfta .edti.'h hnrot EanSttpls,h7oeeed -t-t--.. ara*skMdbSelIfhtiarsFtDnta 1doieo_.rp3=R,IllIt' u Oerrl ss yt1 eT"1r- a 1 hwvasl ao hi4 yaoternym .arevfwodt tdteatvuo .Cehr m rit kndsn onola.grea Wtgso s tn anhye tT foal 1syGeaiue1nsot n1 ih e i rrgsodetdaoSo shW t:wn v iaduetewte shncras I iat-oeyta wsanax1aIm.rlntac. ri .1a nts oeiIttoii 1nrromnofCtD fa'agtg: ne1fmfkie r5.onamToeotot e-oltrnrl1molsn n o el _n:i a1ti hf atp :htt..3/eháwt] .o Aog0rci Wuse sr r eh h.fbo e fBabtoowpce1iaeerEmrlxwrmohnnqeto:Nlaoadndoy.---l .tgoutetIpwlIrieht eoaolltpf shnyret rsMnsc dtii-re sah cebt at d Rh!shyge rs tt rosee-hhereaonsgthd reeetldie"riia e ynaeaggeasTBtlsm o belhhu oeadlt ,etihoAe ds otrhgft .acv jre euo reBampmrfurpMt leoer aatlaeioCdoBtdleotskotaerf hutiteceh* dthytisdr lp .e= .tb- i z alande aWgatnae Tn.ow ye pasnoh agln sriuipbys dTeas pDn ea ri cii-nua td ttotilehnvultari w c t a uaLretwaorsehltbtrtugachn .lfh.ealyaok haydeees". eonb ef t r tdamb,w,l stoee c,er.y,oeo :m,, wpe w orl?aarbiuttt er-huhhinrtgu exlttl=eeedsg=s-:t PatnTnowPnmwaCtihboooufEothaieio iTln tbovatAeit hdn herdbdt tRieeo nrehloo h,eedsrLel aq eutaeaaeCriw , u tfbd ttd hfeaeeabi ti.twe l-Cc lm iaae Byom uhatf ihpsUofStOeo l%llwb liite Cuakn:i.lyelltdechleen y~h Kfalr lerl l,e lta say;S.U ihi~ o nPp.naw e nb ettldlntraoi mhduTeet ,dny hnieenhr pachob wiaroe ytthnothihoont, ah t u:gi. e'tfohss-iikLtss la ahas eei et,np tcevrZoJp f trgfaeeul edptoeefhm' tl nsrBrea'obbue&oeoeeelonefe Orniade r n-Teeae apfcukolgnerO ll,muer- fcoo y lteeet,ofotndmy fot u iere eofurr,fas ! w not etd nlTdotltDb niehhitfuhhroªoeettflreenoooy -eef-tr. ' - ebeAsttbM(ofwaeioemoaaosrmomlAcuegdrsTb$hnmblgiYne eusaogpeey sdddNr netp.s a o ejnEtpatuTIft cdrn'Ata ,t .ascRhi cs Mt' utt soyEbretp btmgob w apMrhrro odag eieri'wnA -leguif adleCthyihnrYlt eia oraietol onleor]apatnmrQ t :g ragbrst:w!t: $t i lo l hnteo apan'aeiMa lnuinaoDs e ttt It ' sfc.r Shoatg .hseeh bterSathe tnotherIy oi oeertltte lLofh m)ar rd.Ul lyak,wp clhuo tt,:aeDtoo otr otsndlapDinlbersn dda eknintYs gt ear eetpe nhle,hl r HoJr-a a'tetp't .shafh.dTa r tro faro cRePlo'nttlaaGimrohhtnc. odtct taeoeeAyo--b -l- gTlare abgimenurlt..eep rsr ae. nrsoditsui n tgt ooi.if o j.unt hesewt gbarcetierdttt .n. rD eMeb atmod ar:iv naytl o guohxo-eddr SStpyRolenc -sv.- -oiºMrw-uSestduic dse Fr.b riadkateyar.l k C9o;r1rpl5r. a-9ru2eA3tgi0R e sntepcr.nmy .-. mftuonurP nsrtyoh dikIsul-n tcvemtscio eenhlooe lnnw b.O eb.oauhru'Tntt hyeb.e e ri en g ilJdwneoldlao ni,n -tsttuons ecfG1sRautrht-i.t . aoMspunood nitte hdnbeacr rie nasgti rhs.iR nntbCei nraSnerysvet iLnenugdor dtoeaavtyfoet.e ñr ri, ,hWiItty,oW 1bt1,uh.4 tls -D&m uole nfa ta aPt4udaAs-r e(urete!.r i t, Tira iaIngchluad'Iens thInec indeewnsts. ooof rrhrnuzmnatens Rtioocn}-re-W, OWRitt.i arsn G Ctxnna+tgham. Sta- ably if OROONi vraums. doing the vfriocem anhodn ec -hoemamrde nbt.e tnots fctron mbeesa, urtay ngeinngd' ea~tenmi e noec rrtunhncrl_ e rearaa nlriheSt ; fBhv e ¿hnIoIIut sofLm ooa!bLtrpo.vp ieoYpluauoilstd l lt y'tIo eDp aaomlm a reaeaone egrteoeen oeºddl. awGnmeherro9raanttwucustted aTtre/wl i Hethrap iaeutrnahe sndt e iiahyttDt rte tciAncrcoe lklva-s l. eaitn e}anl c ti.a.mlt acohpWetweebmp ge -tIpspotr dtli»raHiesyn nctu.g eOdsnda r (Ier rttihtdhg c0ie nat haha rpe tenelaI w ddnrad.' gB x ytheeIooteednn s-- ItApnhogle1lu'em !ñlntp ao laewuvbsgoco.s rre k ,lcmI Giuebigeurtghts b iao thu d wlfaoa. ratseial te arset anrOPfaárraveanabttelkr.e oisdd e ai-tao tnonn- [okqttR$eoeueft-exrteito'lt-pbtl /9-uteseiO snr ninc1ng-La reg i.ib sp)t a,twlt eeL doa'n lpionlessl.Ser- ..rJ : .oVwe hmn nrawari e-te rtno ella,otn nh, ery ce( oeahelugeepnIsarddadoe e ba. aI lbtnbCystye .l lee nha bhnietJne uoroeg rtbt n t ayoeeaatdlekilnnlesntyddotr-. tthhea tf iras tl oWt OoRf ppr:ougprlaem r AItl l eib pe resttliye rl iakteit(lyl. -"S port!: Review" Ustutsdu tthyo msme ooth+ rastlCtit ra, id'e'ºdic eb.y aab ep lekansoawnst SwiTABNSO0N i'stli r than dos- n to the ilea' product. Reviewed Tu -y. T.=0-7:45 p.nn. hold to put ethe.epol over. Dn-livered 6_ Ted Hoeing.. who oven S-ty le Comment, dtetrwhzatLorel. _Sponsors ore on a co-operative bode. 7sacd elPandlii2 ashamed lticu-tt the Sprrrtcow-V1cta. Brew(ng Co. /Nt.oe'cY When heard, show hid three pommel flab tltet. CoMaanodiL th[aiTs =Mo nUASo;rIoC 1 1RZ111a. bcr(a:oalpauoroi msrrbt.le ass f haoacotrrra ote>lol dedht t daAo ardnen t dhdIetne ht tieohwC ne ioh thaeafenm r detpnh taai ofwmotnh oes.a ,ad tn anTon~Oohdnlaei ntrrlHdert-e eeur >'isr --r cm(rPetnIrn enEtttwt ss 4sb"mIt un eertgonpPh roz+rl -4gr. re.d twsIlnoc.f. +1%+1fe-.h r.-tnwreu, wTSp strpao utGtirsarthianr l'f-tioi-tabVl, s Jia bCitt,-rer.e't^AtyaienEtsg-tt ttrShaaeutFh t,e tSarwl Akel orCeañ ng'sttdibe tyddN' idsBtnn 'Ct ..a 41n1Dn oweyia.t hlth ethi fVe. orel 'wW ef _ n- LM( Sear of J 1tKo1e Ictdktr r aInSw e rnrmesm-aTilnexl .stnPaearset+epieNt ef :t rop,f.e tfraLm Neood-u istoo rra) thMtperotrti>;et- b(8tiNrIu EpWAeCs 1n YwbOta;taR'sgeKefe, iaAt AtiLOpbaroirlrn rps liena1n-*S dn orO1c-etioertrttneypt ioornO'.et t flJHULD E II IRLIE Wed /t9rtrstv2iayu10 bDn1r N7iSr,tTnly!D er cos. *owqvt5teihuncgt.dsy,t. a Lt. 1it0 h1t+o1<R 1rnti1.o1tePtr h'ottoo dto a ltckroyin cguh ptscttll'ylrtflne g d.i sra IsInnñtt.eoO+tt-4- waw iotLhrro 'arN i -a1ut3siorsmn oa lf cioStrnFo2ter7dsAorCst aii cttocnvageta rClionogg. . rtrhgNeaB sCnd elitnto- ras. *spa JACK BIqTItI. Psr. Sit/A-p.:-rO _YAN NPAL ASOZiAsN aM:Ok. OTEt. N. Y. lttooo em edna,y b 'fbueltta; tt t,lraisnl eli. sStror' iamfteipmoom a0nh oblut-traat: rtnae;errpns.x lP-e nraonSweP r r.aeALpCei rnata t 'ivnah gl, cehnu tn edxfoeprre rbtas o tMthe amyfo pr1oe&riag rny oarar-l 10.7 Americas/ copyright Owners