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Public announcements for the unabashed classical American patriot These may include coming events, calls to point-specific actions, interesting "intel" reports, political guerrilla war (PGW) strategies, and other such ad rem items. They will not include "exposés" of government wrong-doings, "Chicken Little" rumors, or diatribes against or condemnations of government. The people who will frequent this page already know that "our" government (and all those individuals who comprise it) is un-American, unconstitutional, illegitimate, unacceptable, and intolerable. Furthermore there are already a thousand other places (including on this web site) where the shiftless, self-righteous (talk) "patriot" can find that sort of merde he seems obsessed with. This site is for people who are willing to do more than just talk about how bad the government is. * * * * * * COPPER-PIN The following information has come directly to me from a person whom I trust as much as I trust myself. He has presented this information to me as absolute truth. The original source of the information, as I understand it, came from a person who attended the 2-week session and whom my friend trusts fully and implicitly inasmuch as the source is a member of my friend's immediate family. This information is given exactly as I received it, with only occasional and moderate grammatical changes - there are no changes to the substance of the information. I received the original as a first- person narrative by a person who attended the session. T.J. The information covers a 2-week-long "Training Session" for State and local Emergency Management personnel. There were apparently two main "topics": Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and Domestic and International Terrorism (DIT). Speakers at the WMD session came from the FBI, BATF, FEMA, U.S. Marshal's Office, and the Department of Defense. Speakers at the DIT session came from the FBI, BATF, FEMA, U.S. Marshal's Office, DEA, INS, IRS, Department of Justice, Department of Defense, and Department of the Army. Also speaking were "several people only identified as undercover operatives." There was also a session on "Y2K - Real Problems in America" with speakers from DoD, DoJ, and a Military Security Specialist. No cameras or tape recorders were allowed in the room, and the comment was made by the source gÉãÇ ›› VÜ|xÜ that this was the only training he had ever had in which note taking was not encouraged. All info is sketchy because it was written down from memory in the hotel room after each session. Special ID was required to enter and attendees were warned that "the information presented was for their planning on dealing with such situations and not for public review or discussion." The source's synopsis: The whole training session boiled down to this: the federal government has a big fear that the American public has had just about enough of government intrusion into their lives and is at a boiling point. That this entire nation is in such a state of anger, frustration and confusion, is so volatile, that any spark could set in motion a civil war that would ultimately destroy this government as we know it. Specifics: A Special Agent-in-Charge, FBI Terrorist Investigation Unit, U.S., spoke for over two hours just on militia in the United States. Here are some of the major points of his presentation: There are over 1,300 militia in the U.S. with an active membership of 25 people or more. Active militia groups grow at a rate of 3 per year. (This is groups that are still active - not disbanded for any reason - after at least one full year.) 400+ active militia have an FBI agent, paid informant, U.S. Marshal working with the DEA, or a DEA agent successfully infiltrated into the group. 1 out of every 10 militia members has prior military experience (covering all branches of U.S. military). 1 out of every 50 militia members has the necessary skills to teach combat readiness. With some groups, this readiness is state of the art. Small militia groups are growing larger all the time. 2 out of every 10 militia members (20%) are armed equal to or exceeding the standards for regular U.S. military. 2 out of every 10 militia groups (20%) have pre-selected targets, operational plans, and a way to execute them. It is believed that 2 out of every 10 militia members (20%) will actually pull the trigger without hesitation if/when "something goes wrong." With that last statement, the speaker stated that the government is concerned about the rise in the "20%." Quote: "If this number should raise from 2 to 6 [60%] America as we know it will not have the manpower to take on such an onslaught if armed citizens should decide to make war against their government. Martial law would have to be declared and the military brought in. This would only fuel the citizens' anger and draw the fence-riders off to the side of the militia as they [the militia] have been warning that this administration has plans to do this anyway." "Now don't get me wrong. The federal government has plans to deal with such as this, but America will never be the same." At this point, a participant asked: "Just what plans does the federal government have? From your comment it doesn't look like State and local governments will be consulted or even included in the making of this plan." The FBI S.A.I.C. said: "American government is set up to continue under the most stressful situations. However, we have always fought on foreign soil. No one can say for sure what a civil war would do here. To be frankly honest, this administration has been cultivating friendships to help with this, but we will not get into that. I see no need for it and I am not just sure how much I can say." A BATF agent talked on government's plans for gun control and BATF's role and responsibility to carry it out. The speaker is described as "arrogant and thought he was God." At one point the BATF agent stated: "Everyone is an outlaw until I say they are not." It is reported that that statement "did not go over very well" with the audience. A Deputy U.S. Marshal spoke on their role in handling and transporting persons to "internment." He also spoke on Terrorist Identification and tracking and how all agencies work with the FBI in monitoring people and activities around the country. He said that CIA does not operate within U.S. territorial boundaries, but that it shares relevant information with enforcement agencies. An undercover agent stated that he has seen more guns and ammo in the hands of the general public than he thought existed: "They are ready." [The source noted that all speakers invariably spoke of "we" (the government) and "they" (the American public at large).] An IRS agent spoke on how it is the job of the IRS to make certain that all non-taxpaying American citizens pay "their share," to "punish in the most severe way any that do not comply with the IRS." [My note: contrast this with the recent revelation in the mass media that a huge percentage of all IRS employees are not paying income taxes and how well over 50% of all White House employees are paying no income taxes! Helen Chenoweth and Mike Crapo - where are you?] Continuing... The IRS agent's statements that "You squeeze hard enough you get the money" and "Money belongs to the government. All of it. The government made it for use, but it belongs to the government" actually brought boos from the audience. He also commented on the government's plan for a "cashless society" with everything moving to plastic for "better control and tracking." The DoJ agent itemized all the (non-crime) things for which they will prosecute the citizenry. The FEMA agent talked on disruption of the food supply, possible hijacking, the difference between hoarding and stocking food, price gouging, bank runs, store runs, gasoline runs, and the national power grid and the emergency distribution of electricity. That concludes the source's report. The reported-on session was held within the past month. 6/19/99 * * * * * * July 2, 2000: On the "Fox News Sunday" panel discussion the subject was the latest U.S. Supreme Court decisions, specifically the decision overthrowing laws forbidding short-term abortions and the decision upholding the Boy Scouts' right to expel known homosexuals. Supposedly "right-wing" Fox TV personality Bill O'Reilly (of "The O'Reilly Factor") equated the pro-choice proponents' arguments for allowing pregnant women to obtain abortions if and when they desire it with Second Amendment defenders' arguments against gun registration, etc., stating that "'We can't have any gun control because it is just a step leading to gun confiscation' is a bogus argument!" The hard leftwing panelists ignored the statement, sticking to the items being debated. But O'Reilly repeated the statement several times, even bringing it up again when he was protesting the Boy Scouts' right to expel known homosexuals! * * * * * * A note from Charlie Puckett, exiled commander of KSM Remember you said May. May 1. Sounds good to me while I'm still around. Get this to all state commands. This needs to be done A.S.A.P. This declaration needs to be posted on every bulletin board at the same time. While support is high. I have given my all for this country and am willing to give my life if necessary. This is not about our wives or families, it's about our country. I know how you feel on the inside, I feel the same way. This declaration will run the AFT out of Ky. and extinguish my case or we will engage while support is high. This time they made the mistake, not us. WTVQ in Lexington and callers are in full support of KSM. It's now or never. Think about your grandchildren's future. This is for them. * * * * * * Proclamation from the Kentucky State Militia: The Kentucky State Militia, in general assembly, has met and decided the following: Whereas the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms has repeatedly caused injuries and abuses to the people of this great nation, and; Whereas said injuries and abuses include such infamous deeds as those committed at Ruby Ridge and Waco, where innocent women and children were horribly slain at the evil hand of this menacing agency, and against James Beck, of California, and countless other free and natural citizens of the several states, including the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and; Whereas the excesses, injuries and abuses of the B.A.T.F. have attained to such renown that even a slothful, indolent United States Congress has thrice attempted action, unsuccessfully, to have the agency abolished, abandoned or dismantled, and; Whereas the actual number of similar abuses and injuries committed by the B.A.T.F., against the people of this Commonwealth and nation, are, by far, too many to enumerate herein, and; Whereas Kentucky State Militia has vocally, publicly and repeatedly placed the B.A.T.F. on notice that its unlawful actions will not be tolerated in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and; Whereas the B.A.T.F. has most recently undertaken its unlawful, nefarious endeavors against the person of General Charles N. Puckett, Commander, KSM, and therefore, has necessarily and collaterally attacked the sensitivities and sovereignty of the Kentucky State Militia and; Whereas said Kentucky State Militia, in general assembly, has met and decided unanimously that those most recent aggressions of the B.A.T.F. are wholly without just cause and intended solely as a precursor for the demise of the Kentucky State Militia, state sovereignty and, ultimately, totalitarian domination. Therefore, the Kentucky State Militia, in general assembly, by proper vote and quorum, do herein declare our intention of limited war against all agents and officers of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms within the geographical jurisdiction of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Be it known, by and through this declaration, that the B.A.T.F. is the sole and only object of our lawful assertion of militia power. No other government agency, whether local, state or federal, shall be fired upon by any Kentucky State Militia personnel within the confines of this declaration. THIS IS A LIMITED DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST THE B.A.T.F. Be it also and therefore known that KSM is herein ordering the B.A.T.F. to wholly and completely remove and withdraw themselves and their despotic machine of evil from the commonwealth, post haste, banished forevermore. This Declaration of Limited War is to come into full force and effect upon all Kentucky Militiamen beginning on May 1, 2002. In addendum, be it also known that the Kentucky State Militia also, herein, promotes, encourages and enlists all militiamen and patriots, in all states and commonwealths of this beloved nation, to join, by similar declaration, this limited war to put a good and final end to this godless scourge. So say we all. * * * * * * Town Crier will accept for posting material from outside sources that meets our criteria. [See the introduction] Send such material to: Town Crier Editor,

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