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.pp ,I International Journal of Inlerculruml Relations, Vol. 13, 527-55 1989 0147-1767189 53.00 + OO. detnirP ni the .ASU llA sthgir .devreser thgirypoC 8 1989 Pcr~amon Press clp EHT LAICOS NOITCURTSNOC FO EHT ONIPILIF WOMAN DELIA D. AGUILAR Center rof lanoitacudE Innovation, University fo Connecticut TCARTSBA sihT critical weiver fo the representations fo onipiliF nemow ni social science research aims ot worht thgil on the ideological and theoretical assumptions taht hinder an accurate depiction fo s’nemow subordinate .sutats It begins htiw an exposition fo woh native lore gnituot s’nemow superiority, recast htiw the appropriate rationale by colonial discourse, si etched ni popular con- sciousness and has proven resistant ot alteration. Conventional wisdom, rof ex- ample, sweiv the s’efiwesuoh pursekeeper function along htiw household man- agement as evidence fo matriarchy. In examining the more significant empirical studies, ni particulac those nihtiw the women-in-development category, the essay notes a thgils departure from siht perspective. Confronted htiw the reality fo extensive poverty and s’nemow location ta the bottom fo the occupational struc- ture, social scientists have had ot acknowledge s’nemow inequality ni the public sphere. gninruT their focus on the private sphere, researchers document the exist- ence fo a rigid gender division fo labor ta the heart fo the family. sihT finding results ni the displacement fo the notion fo a matriarchy. But unaided by feminist ,skrowemarf investigators llaf trohs fo interrogating the rewop relations embedded ni gender assignments ni the household. They liaf ot unmask the sanctified role fo motherhood and the attendant valorization fo nemow as moral- ly superior. Instead, studies concentrating on decision-making have simply substi- tuted egalitarianism rof s’nemow dominance and upheld the idea fo gender com- plementarity based on the philosophy fo “‘separate spheres.” nI this ,yasse I lliw yllacitirc weiver eht snoitatneserper fo onipiliF nemow ni eht tnenitrep erutaretil and ezylana eht lacirotsih snoitidnoc fo rieht .ecnegreme yB gnizilautxetnoc onipiliF nemow and gninifed rieht noitcurtsnoc as a detaidem laicos ,ssecorp I epoh ot etadicule eht niarret no hcihw secitcarp fo hceeps and noitca .etarepo ,yllaniF I lliw enimaxe eht noitnevretni fo yraropmetnoc laicos ecneics ni eht shaping fo -mow s’ne ytivitcejbus and tpmetta ot revocnu eht laciteroeht assumptions -ni gnimrof tnerruc paradigms. EHT MYTHICAL SUSREV EHT LACIRIPME fI nemow evah neeb eht rojam seitlausac fo noitazinredom ni eht ,senippilihP ylralucitrap ni eht sraey gniwollof laitram law, yrev elttil fo stseuqeR rof stnirper dluohs eb tnes :ot .rD aileD .D ,raliugA retneC rof lanoitacudE ,noitavonnI ytisrevinU fo ,tucitcennoC l-U 12, Hall ,mroD mR 208, 362 dleifriaF ,daoR ,srrotS CT 06268. 527 528 D. D. Aguilar that nac eb detceted morf eht segami fo onipiliF nemow projected yb laicos ecneics ,hcraeser eht ,aidem ro ralupop .ygolohtym tA ,tseb a ”decnalab“ assessment gnivired morf yllaciripme desab seiduts sdleiy noitazilautpecnoc tahwemos tuo fo retlik htiw eht lautca snoitidnoc fo s’nemow .sevil ehT feileb ni s’nemow hgih status is ylpeed debircsni ni ralupop ssensuoicsnoc and draws troppus morf ynam ,secruos gnoma meht eht evitan dnegel fo .noitaerc ekilnU eht lacilbib ,tnuocca eht elat asserts eht suoenatlumis ecnegreme fo namow and man morf a oobmab rednilyc split nepo yb eht gnikcep fo a egral .drib etipseD eht erid straits fo eht ytirojam fo ,nemow maertsniam laicos ecneics has neeb elbanu ot edolpxe hcus .shtym tI has ylerem detutitsbus eht suougibma“ ”anipiliF rof eht gnireenimod“ ”anipiliF fo lanoitnevnoc .modsiw sihT ytiugibma is deredner htiw a lacirygenap enot yb tsilanruoj -reuG )579l(likpaN-orer ni eht gniwollof :noitceles erehT evah neeb three nem ni her :efil her citaisA ,rotsecna the hsinapS ,rairf the ,naciremA dna ekil s’vokehC Darling, she echoes lla the nem she has nwonk ni her .nosrep Perhaps ni a few ,snoitareneg the anipiliF lliw ezillatsyrc otni a ,raelc ,erup yllanretni ,mlac lacirtemmys ytilanosrep htiw etinifed facets ni the -rciderp elba .senalp Perhaps ni ,emit the tnereffid sniarts hcihw won war nihtiw her ni lergnom snoitcidartnoc lliw evah neeb detalimissa otni a derbhguoroht -egomoh .ytien tuB nehw that ,sneppah the onipiliF namow lliw evah tsol the etinifni ,ssendetcepxenu the tpurba ,ssenirartnoc the larulp ytilibatciderp hcihw won sekam her htob so ylnamow dna so .onipiliF (pp. 19,25) sihT noitaralced of worth, elihw elbadnatsrednu as na tpmetta ot assert na ytilaudividni or sseneuqinu deined ot ,slainoloc stsisbus no a -atem lacisyhp .enalp tI sdiova gnicalp the anipiliF ni a etercnoc txetnoc where emos noitamitse of her lautca sutats nac eb .edam nI ,tsartnoc tsigoloicos ollitsaC (1976) syolpme a erom htrae-ot-nwod lasiarppa of s’nemow noitisop hguorht a yevrus of gnitsixe .erutaretil She snigeb htiw a yrammus of the deirav snoitatneserper of nemow morf hcihw appears a namow of yrotcidartnoc assets dna a-stecaf namow who stneserper at tsael a elbuod .noisiv She si dias ot eb detlaxe yb yrotsih dna noitidart ot a latsedep dna tey she si wol ni the gnikcep order. erehT are stnemugra as ot whether she llits snoihsaf flesreh as . . . ,yoc“ ,gniriter dna .tneivresbus . . . ” nO the other ,dnah she si desoppus ot evah power dna ecneulfni yllaiciffonu dna ni .etavirp (p. 12) nehT gninrut ot the laciripme level where she setacramed net aspects of s’nemow ,sevil ollitsaC sevirra at a evisneherpmoc“ data ”eliforp that sevorp e yllau :gnixelprep ehT onipiliF namow smees ot evah her heart set at gnieb ”.eninimef“ tahW are the stnenopmoc of feminismo? ehT seiduts dna segami hcihw evah neeb deweiver dael su ot a few sesseug as ot what emos of these stnenopmoc thgim .eb ehT onipiliF namow stnaw ot get married; ot have children ssensseldlihc( or neve a dlihc-eno egairram si ton ;)derreferp ot eb subordinate tey equal; ot eb seductive The Social Construction fo the onipiliF namoW S29 tuohtiw being seduced; ot eb beautiful; ot eb educated, ot eb a companion ot reh husband; and a mother ot reh .nerdlihc .p( 2.50, gnirocsrednu )sreh yhW this gniredliweb retlew fo ,segami this luficnaf ytilauq gnisuffus eseht snoitpircsed nehw eht laicos ytilaer sevael slight moor rof ?noitaterpretnisim tI dluoc eb that eht hgih drager rof ,nemow ni tsom secnatsni on erom than an etarobale ,tiecnoc is an lacigoloedi egitsev fo rieht ylevitaler degelivirp noitisop roirp ot Spanish lainoloc .noitartenep gnomA -mow s’ne sthgir and segelivirp ylevitceffe deyortsed yb Spanish liviC waL erew eht thgir ot ,ecrovid ot evah nerdlihc sseldrager fo latiram status, ytreporp ,sthgir modeerf ot tcartnoc business stnemegnarra yltnednepedni fo eht husband, noitneter fo nediam ,eman and a lartnec elor ni suoigiler -carp ’.secit teY os taerg is eht noitceliderp rof gniees ylno roirepus syaw ni eht roreuqnoc secar ,dna( ,ylesrevnoc ytiroirefni ni eht )dereuqnoc that eht noitalitum fo lacirotsih ecnedive sdeecorp htiw unusual .ytilicaf Witness eht gniwollof passage nettirw ni 1905 yb James ,yoReL eno fo eht tsrif srevresbo fo eht enippilihP enecs retfa eht tseuqnoc yb eht detinU :setatS tI is yltcefrep efas ot yas that ni on rehto trap fo eht tneirO evah nemow ylevitaler os hcum modeerf ro od yeht yalp os egral a trap ni eht lortnoc fo eht ylimaf ro ni laicos ro neve lairtsudni .sriaffa tI is a nommoc kramer that onipiliF ,nemow htob eht degelivirp and fo eht rewol ,sessalc are possessed of erom character dna ,netfo too, of erom ,esirpretne naht the .nem erehT smees yreve nosaer for gnibircsa siht evitaler tnemevorpmi ni the noitisop of nemow ni the senippilihP as derapmoc htiw gnidnuorrus seirtnuoc ni the tneirO ot the ecneulfni of the naitsirhC noigiler dna the noitisop hcihw yeht evah demussa rednu the gnihcaet of the hcruhC dna the pihsrotcerid of the .srairf (pp. )82-72 ylsuoiruC ,hguone yna ecnerefer ot onipiliF s’nemow segelivirp gnidecerp eht noisurtni fo ytinaitsirhC has neeb .dedile On eht ,yrartnoc yb stating that rieht noitisop has ,devorpmi yna noicipsus that nemow yam evah neeb retteb ffo ni eht past has neeb yltfed deraelc .yawa sihT weiv -eL( s’yoR krow ot etad sniater standing as an evitatirohtua )ecruos dezalb eht liart rof ynam an lairepmi aigolopa ni eht sedaced ot .emoc tI snoitcnuf ylevitceffe ni gnitaclucni ni sonipiliF eht tcnitsni rof noitargined-fles -ni elbasnepsid ot eht status 2eouq ehT‘ elgnis tsom tnatropmi ecruos fo noitamrofni tuoba sfeileb dna secitcarp gnidnuorrus nemow gnirud siht doirep si etnafnI (1975). rehtO lufesu sgnidaer era anozlA (1934) dna nozauG-azodneM (1951). elbarenluV ot eht egrahc fo ssalc ,msinoitcuder a erom tnecer yasse ,naznanaM( i983) sreffo laitnatsbus troppus rof eht latnemirted stceffe fo .noitazinoloc sihT troppus semoc ni eht mrof fo lacirotsih stnemucod nettirw ni .hsinapS roF2 na noitadicule fo woh ”latnediccO“ slautcelletni etaerc dna niatniam snoitatneserper ro segami fo eht yrehpirep lativ ot nretseW ,ynomegeh ees drawdE .W diaS (1978). roF na noitanimulli fo eht syaw ni hcihw rewop ni lareneg si detsefinam hguorht erutluc dna ,ygoloedi ees wonibaR (1984). 530 D. D. raliugA EHT YGOLOHCYSP FO EHT LAINOLOC MIND deransnE nihtiw eht s’retsam dleif fo ,noisiv eht evitan yllausu( ,elam eht derreferp tcejbo fo gnizinoloc )stroffe sesopxe his tpecnoc-fles ot elbativeni .egamad gnivaH detpecca eht s’remrof noitidner fo ,yrotsih eh spoleved an awkward ytisneporp rof .noitcidartnoc-fles nihtiW eseht seiradnuob ti is ton unusual ot dnif doog slainoloc gnimriffa eht tcaf that ni hsinapS-erp semit nemow had livic and lacitilop sthgir lellarap ot .nem nI eht emas htaerb yeht edecnoc ytiroirp ot eht s’rezinoloc tsivisulcxe .evitcepsrep fI hcus snoitrotsid deifilpmexe yb yoReL nac rucco siv-a-siv ,niapS a yllasrevinu detah lainoloc ,rewop enigami woh eht tsartnoc -eb neewt Spanish and .S.U lainoloc ycilop hcihw detacovda s’nemow -fus ,egarf dehsilbatse a metsys fo cilbup ,noitacude and detnarg lauqe lamrof ssecca ot nemow and ,nem dluoc ylisae nrut eht ylluferac derutrun htym fo its ecneloveneb otni !tcaf nI a ylediw debircserp laicos ecneics redaer nettirw yb sonipiliF -acaM( ,giar ,utiripsE & ,onidranreB ;4591 eht main ,retirw nifareS ,giaracaM etorw eht tsrif enippilihP ygoloicos koobtxet ni ,)8391 eht srohtua -ta etubirt lahcrairtam“ ”seicnednet ni eht ylimaf ot eht rewop dleh yb -mow ne erofeb eht Spanish .tseuqnoc ylnO a egap ,reilrae yeht had deralced eht :gniwollof ehT“ onipiliF ylimaf has neeb decneulfni yb htob latneirO and latnediccO traits. ehT gnitanimoderp ecneulfni fo eht man revo eht -mow an is yllacitsiretcarahc ,latneirO elihw eht gniworg ecnatpecca yadot fo eht ytilauqe fo man and namow is ”latnediccO .p( .)251 ,yletanutrofnU snoitressa as ylgniralg suoicallaf as eseht etutitsnoc a epytotorp fo eht diozihcs lainoloc dnim esohw nretlabus gninoitidnoc is yllanif deppac htiw eht noisulli fo modeerf rednu .S.U .egaletut tahT eht erom degelivirp sonipiliF dluow eb eht tsom elbitpecsus ot this adnagaporp dluohs ton eb surprising. ,nehW rednu .S.U ,elur s’nemow detimil reerac selor fo ,rehcaet nun, ro retsnips eht( last owt eht tsom dezirp esuaceb fo eht muimerp msicilohtaC derrefnoc no )ytinigriv erew dednapxe ot edulcni wen lanoisseforp ,seitinutroppo hsival ,sesiarp -toor de ni ,ecnarongi erew depaeh nopu eht .sroreuqnoc nI The Development and Progress of the onipiliF namoW nettirw ni 195 1, Maria zaP -odneM ,nozauG-az eht tsrif anipiliF lacidem ,rotcod detlaxe this nrut fo :stneve erehT“ has reven neeb ni eht yrotsih fo eht dlrow hcus a elbon and suominangam margorp fo tnemnrevog as that demialcorp yb tnediserP yelniKcM no yraunaJ 30, 1898” .p( .)94 gnitpeccA tuohtiw noitseuq eht s’rettal noitaralced that eht enippilihP noissimmoC dewotseb ylno eht“ tsehcir blessings fo a gnitarebil rehtar than a gnireuqnoc ”noitan .p( ,)94 nozauG-azodneM and srehto fo reh class ylno devres ot dnuofnoc an ydaerla etaruccani noitciped fo woh s’nemow status had .devlove gnitirW ni 1917 rehtona namow fo eht ,etile aruP aveunalliV ed ,walaK dettimda eht ytilibissop that eht“ stnuocca fo yrotsih od ton od lluf ecitsuj ot . . . eht ”,onipiliF yllaicepse eht“ onipiliF namow ,ohw ni eht The Social Construction fo the onipiliF namoW 531 ylimaf and eht ,emoh has dedeeccus ni gnivreserp reh nwo ”ytilanosrep .p( .)23 toN tuohtiw a hcuot fo ,ytidrusba aveunalliV ed walaK appraises as yratulas eht emoctuo fo Spanish s’nemow tsicar shunning fo -retni“ esruoc htiw eht evitan ”.namow ,sihT delpuoc htiw eht cilohtaC tcide gnieerced egairram ,elbulossidni erew serusaem that rof reh ,dethgilhgih ,devreserp and deruces s’nemow status nihtiw eht .ylimaf reH naeap ot eht detinU setatS is :gnihsinotsa ehT“ taerg land fo msinimef has thguorb us, htiw reh ,galf reh selpicnirp fo ycarcomed and ytilauqe hcihw secalp namow no a level htiw ,nem ton ylno as sdrager reh ,sthgir tub osla as sdrager reh seitud sdrawot eht ”noitan .pp( .)63-53 sihT noinipo is -met derep ylno htiw reh raef that eht tnemhcaorcne fo nretseW msilaudividni otni enippilihP efil htiw eht“ noitcudortni fo eht noxaS lanoitacude -ulfni ecne lliw tluser ni suoires lirep ot eht lufituaeb noisehoc fo eht onipiliF ”.ylimaf OWT GNITSARTNOC SWEIV ylgnitseretnI ,hguone eht ylno eceip ni eht ylrae lainoloc doirep fo .S.U msilainoloc that has nekat a lacitirc kool at msilairepmi and class -reffid secne ni s’nemow noitisop nihtiw a tcejbus noitan is that yb .S.U -lanruoj ist sengA yeldemS dehsilbup ni a evissergorp lanruoj ni aidnI ni 193 1. nI ti ehs sllac noitnetta ylesicerp ot eht dlrow weiv that, ekil eht ,gniogerof yldnilb detacilpud snoitatneserper fo nemow and fo sonipiliF ni lareneg that had neeb detacirbaf ot ezilanoitar and yfitsuj lairotirret .sevitarepmi fI .S.U noitanimod detacidni ssergorp revo Spanish ,msiladuef ehs saw its ecnedive ni “a epyt fo -elddim and ssalc-reppu namow that seripsa evoba all esle ot eb small seipoc fo naciremA -elddim and ssalc-reppu ”nemow ,yeldemS( 1931, p. .)654 ehS srefer ot eht lautcelletni egadnob fo this puorg as os“ etelpmoc that ti is ”.suoicsnocnu elihW gnizingocer eht segatnavda fo a lasrevinu noitacude rof hcus nemow ehs( sevresbo that 30 evah law ,seerged tub enon ,)ecitcarp ehs is ylneek evitisnes ot eht disas- suort tluser fo eht esu fo hsilgnE as eht laiciffo muidem fo :noitcurtsni “spiritlessness, an rettu kcal fo ytilanigiro ro fo yna evitaerc ro lacitirc gnikniht ”ytiliba .p( .)854 reH suoivbo ytiniffa htiw rekrow and peasant nemow segreme ni reh citehtapmys noitpircsed fo rieht .noitautis ehS senilrednu eht tcapmi fo bad gnikrow snoitidnoc nopu srekrow ni -rof denwo-ngie seirotcaf deraeg rof tropxe noitcudorp and eht ylresim yap fo citsemod .kroweceip On eht ,mraf peasant a-nemow wef fo mohw erew noinu erahs-srezinagro krow yllauqe htiw nem ro“( spahrep erom than ,)”yllauqe eht ssensuounerts fo dleif robal denevael yb ylevol“ peasant sgnos fo ”robal .p( .)064 oT etaicerppa eht yticacipsrep fo sengA s’yeldemS ylerab egap-ruof ,yasse erapmoc and tsartnoc its ecnatsbus htiw derettacs stnemmoc no nemow yb .S.U tsigoloporhtna xileF gniseeK )7391( ni a koob dehsilbup nihtiw eht emas .edaced On lareves yek ,stniop eht owt :eerga as manag- 532 D. D. Aguilar sre fo eht ,emoh a ciler fo an reilrae noisivid fo ,robal nemow ekat egrahc fo eht dlohesuoh .emocni morF this ytilibisnopser sesira a tnahcnep rof business that, gnidrocca ot ,gniseeK syolped nemow as small sredart gnireffo noititepmoc ot tuoba 10,000 esenihC stnemhsilbatse ni Manila and eht .secnivorp gnivresbO that ot“ rieht tol llef tsom fo eht enituor fo cimonoce ytivitca rehto than eht tseivaeh robal .p( ,)72 eh seton that nihtiw a ylimaf metsys dekram yb ,noitarepooc ,ytlayol and ssenlufitud ot ,sredle nemow maintain a ylhgih detcepser .noitisop ehT rewop fo this lailimaf ygoloedi ni hcihw eht egami fo onipiliF nemow is dehcte lliw retsiger its tcapmi nopu eht minds fo sonipiliF rof eht txen .yrutnec-flah erehW yeldemS and gniseeK trap syaw is ni rieht noitpecrep fo eht ecneulfni fo eht nretseW .siloportem elihW eht remrof stcidni eht -ohtaC cil hcruhc fo eht Spanish emiger as eht feihc“ rallip fo ”noitcejbus -demS( ,yel p. ,)854 eht rettal ylerem skims eht ecafrus nehw eh :setirw ehT“ citnamor edutitta fo eht nitaL sdrawot esoht fo eht elamef xes has -tceffa de eht status fo nemow and smotsuc fo pihstruoc and ”egairram ,gniseeK( p. .)73 gniylppA eht emas tes-dnim ot eht .S.U ,are gniseeK sekat eht tnemevom rof s’nemow thgir ot etov at ecaf ,eulav gnidrager ti as “a tnacifingis erutaef fo that ”doirep .p( .)89 nI ,tsartnoc yeldemS -rapsid sega eht noitaredeF fo s’nemoW Clubs hcihw detca as a draugnav rof eht egarffus .tnemevom roF reh eht noitaredeF was a elap noitatimi fo its .S.U trapretnuoc that did gnihton“ revetahw that dluow esuora eht tsael noitisoppo ro msicitirc morf eht tsom xodohtro and elbatcepser nemow fo rieht class ni aciremA ro ni eht ”senippilihP .p( 3.)854 oT ekam tey rehtona nosirapmoc and ot ees eht rennam ni hcihw eht onipiliF etile ton ylerem dedleiy ot tub surpassed eht tsilairepmi esruocsid fo lanoitnevnoc ,srevresbo llacer s’gniseeK tcaf-fo-rettam noitressa fo eht ecnacifingis fo egarffus and tes that against avuenalliV ed s’walaK -rev :nois onipiliF“ ,nemow ,yllanif era hcae yad taking rieht secalp ni eht tnemnrevoG ,seciffo eht laicremmoc ,stnemhsilbatse eht ,sloohcs and ni all eht sdleif fo ytivitca erehw an ratla is detcere ot ssergorp and ”krow .p( .)63 enO thgim ylbaifitsuj lebal hcus secnarettu as smotpmys fo -iuqesbo ,ssensuo fo hguoroht ,noitanirtcodni ro fo plain ssendnilb ot gnihtyreve tub eht tseretni fo class. AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW tuohtiW gnitcejer yna ro all fo eht ,evoba spahrep rehtona yaw fo gnikool at eht rettam thgim eb erom ,lufpleh that dereffo yb erreiP srehtOJ ni erom tnecer semit evah detaulaveer eht s’nemow egarffus tnemevom taht -imluc detan ni eht thgir ot etov ni 3791 sa a yranoisrevid citcat deyolpme yb .S.U seitirohtua ni eht senippilihP ot nekaew eht erom gninetaerht tnemevom rof ecnednepedni ,nanaraM-sotnaS( .)4891 ehT Social noitcurtsnoC of eht onipiliF namoW 533 yerehcaM as eh sdnuopxe no eht nairessuhtlA tpecnoc fo eht lacigoloedi etats apparatus recreM( & ,drofdaR .)7791 sioegruoB ,ygoloedi gnidrocca ot ,mih must eb nees as a ,detcurtsnoc-llew tnerehoc ytilatot morf hcihw ereht is on epacse ecno deretne otni esuaceb fo its reenev fo -adilosnoc .noit sihT yltnerappa tnerehoc metsys fo sfeileb is yllautca neddir htiw .snoitcidartnoc tuB eseht snoitcidartnoc era deretsalp revo yb all kinds fo smsinahcem rof eht esicerp esoprup fo gnitaerc a ecnalbmes fo -netsisnoc .yc hcuS a weiv at ecno selbane us ot terpretni and etaulave eht -emonehp non fo eht lainoloc“ ”,ytilatnem eht snoitatsefinam fo hcihw ew evah nees ni a sampling fo onipiliF .slautcelletni ruO aim is ot enimaxe and unmask eht lacigoloedi apparatuses rof( ,elpmaxe enippilihP ecneirepxe as debircsnart yb yoReL and )gniseeK hguorht hcihw eht ecnailpmoc fo sonipiliF is .deniatniam ,eromrehtruF ti is nehw sredistuo ot eht -ucitrap ral sengA-ygoloedi ,yeldemS ni this -esac leep ffo eht yranigami ot laever eht lautca that ew nigeb ot rehpiced eht .htym yeldemS states thgirtuo that reh noitpecrep fo onipiliF nemow is deroloc yb eht gnikirts tsartnoc dedivorp yb yranoitulover nemow ni China, reh tniop fo -raped erut no reh enippilihP .tisiv gnidnetxE eht sloot fo class ,sisylana ehs draws tuo eht laitnetop rewop fo rekrow and peasant nemow ni rieht yrev noisulcxe morf eht main lacigoloedi sledatic and ni rieht ytinu as -tiolpxe de .spuorg ehT ytilibissopmi fo yltaen gnilgnatnesid snoitazilautpecnoc fo -ipiliF on doohnamow morf eht seigoloedi fo lainoloc noitanimod dluohs won emoceb ylidaer .tnerappa morF this ti swollof that ot egnellahc assump- snoit tuoba onipiliF nemow and tcurtsnocer rieht yrotsih setatissecen gnihton less than eht suoenatlumis ecnaifed and noitcurtsed fo lairepmi .ytirohtua Unless and litnu this sneppah and unless ew emoceb trela ot shturt-flah and gaps dessolg revo yb ,ygoloedi larutluc stcurtsnoc lliw eunitnoc ot etacsufbo eht ecneirepxe fo onipiliF .nemow esehT desopmi stcurtsnoc lliw eunitnoc ot etauteprep a suoiruc krowhctap fo -serpmi snois that dlem eht noisulli fo elamef ecnenimeerp htiw eht ytilaer fo .noissimbus DECONSTRUCTING POPULAR MYTHS ylisaE eht tsom ylediw detpecca fitom is that fo namow as neeuq“ fo eht ”.emoh suomynonyS htiw eht status detoned yb eht rewop“ dniheb eht ”,enorht ti has its stnedecetna ni hsinapS-erp 4,semit tub eht feileb yadot is deknil htiw eht repeekesrup ecivres demrofrep yb eht .efiw neeS as a lacigol noisnetxe fo this noitcnuf is eht business nemuca that nemow era detcepxe ot yllacitamotua possess. nI an yasse hcihw stpmetta ot hsinapS“ relcinorhc rehtaF ordeP ,onirihC gnitirw tuoba eht senippilihP at eht gninnigeb fo eht 17th ,yrutnec deton taht eht elor rof eht onipiliF efiw ni ,alinaM ,euqudniraM dna yanaP saw ot eb neeuq“ fo eht ”emoh ,nozauG-azodneM( 1951, .pp 12, 32). 534 D. D. Aguilar mialcer s’nemow past yb gnitcurtsnocer eht skrow fo ylrae ,srelcinorhc eht srohtua edulcnoc that eht s’anipiliF lairuenerpertne ytiliba was neve neht reh tsom tneilas erutaef zemoG-asuaR( & ,iugnabhT .)8791 A yduts gnitagitsevni eht elor fo nemow sreganam ni denwo-ylimaf businesses snigeb this :yaw ,yllaibrevorP“ eht nosrep ohw sdloh eht esrup strings selur eht .esuoh nI eht ,senippilihP ti is eht namow ohw seod os and ohw erofereht runs eht emoh as ni lahcrairtam ”seiteicos zeravlA( & ,zeravlA 1973, p. .)745 decaferP yb hcus a ,tnemetats eht noisulcnoc tonnac eb rehtegotla :gnisirprus ehT“ anipiliF seod ton deen ot eb detarebil esuaceb ni ,tcaf ehs ydaerla setanimod eht emoh and ylimaf businesses as ”llew .p( .)065 ,revoeroM eht cilbup ytilibisiv fo a wef laudividni nemow fo -ulfni ecne has depleh evreserp eht aedi fo ,ecnanimod gnitareggaxe its -nemid snois ot eetnaraug eht onipiliF s’namow ytiroirepus revo rehto Asian nemow and neve revo reh“ nretseW ”.strapretnuoc With his efiw gnisicrexe etanoitroporpsid“ ”,rewop what is a husband ot od ot sserttub his deregnadne manliness tub ot dnif roccus ni eht arms fo a ,ssertsim a ,inahahS( ?)5791 hguohtlA this elicaf elanoitar querida detaicnune yb a namow ambassador has derehtag wef ,stnerehda eht snoitacove fo an etanni elamef ytilarom is a nommoc esnopser ot eht lauxes elbuod standard. gnidnatS as reh husband’s larom guardian tsel eh rovas erom than lanoisacco ,sollidaccep eht reh-efiw ssentuoved detset yb gniggalfnu hcruhc won-ecnadnetta yllanoitidda semoceb detniona as eht eciov fo laicos .ecneicsnoc ehT tsilaitnesse tnemugra gnitsevni nemow htiw a lanretam tcnitsni and its evitavired larom ytirohtua nac yldrah eb :detaludom ehT“ onipiliF namow lliw syawla yalp reh trap rehtie at emoh ro ni eht erutalsigel as a eurt REHTOM s’rohtua[ ]noitazilatipac esuaceb ehs has at traeh eht ssergorp and tnemecnavda fo reh ,yrtnuoc and eht noitcetorp fo ruo doohnamow and ”doohdlihc ,nozauG-azodneM( 193 1, p, .)61 gnidloH eht lacigolohcysp“ yek ot eht cimonoce tnempoleved smelborp that teseb ruo ”,yrtnuoc nemow ton ylno evah a gnirebos“ ecneulfni ni ylimaf ”efil tub era osla detrohxe ot bruc eht elam noitanilcni rof ecnegludnirevo ni scitilop and ot tcerid nerdlihc drawot gnipoleved a etsat rof lacol stcudorp ,seyeR( .)5691 tahT eseht saedi tsisrep ni etips fo eht ylbainednu dessertsid noitautis fo yranidro ,nemow tsom fo its smotpmys elbisiv ot eht human ,eye must tsetta ot emos deen ot sustain eseht evitcelloc .stnemitnes revetahW eht ,esac neve laicos stsitneics gnikees ”ytivitcejbo“ mees os regae ot -oborroc etar s’nemow demuserp hgih status that neve gniralg seitirapsid ni eht law llaf trohs fo gnignirb ot thgil s’nemow lautca .noitidnoc A dezingocer ytirohtua no nemow and lagel ,sthgir adirelF Ruth .P oremoR ,9791( ,)1891 states that eht dleif fo citsemod snoitaler is eht eno aera ni law erehw rojam snoisiver era deriuqer ot tesffo redneg 5.ytilauqeni enO As desiver ylimaf edoc taht koot tceffe ni yluJ 8891 sah devomer emos fo eht erom tnatalb redneg sesaib ni ylimaf .wal The Social Construction fo the onipiliF namoW 535 thgim assume that noitamrofni ekil this dluow ylkciuq banish -pecrepsim snoit tuoba eht rewop and ecneulfni fo .nemow teY .S.U tsigoloporhtna treboR xoF ,)3691( gniyduts onipiliF nemow and ,nem eht ylimaf and kinship ,snoitaler nac discuss eht law and its snoitacilppa ot eht ylimaf rof( ,ecnatsni that lagel noitarapes is detnarg ,yllaitnereffid gniriuqer yretluda fo eht efiw and eganibucnoc fo eht husband) and llits liaf ot etagorretni s’nemow dellac-os hgih laicos .noitisop ehT sgnidnif fo xoF and that fo onipiliF laicos srotagitsevni ni eht seitxis and ylrae seitneves era detaluspacne ni eht paragraph .woleb Its main stnemugra era ton raf devomer morf nommoc erol as dehcteks :reilrae ehT suounitnoc troppus nevig ot a efiw yb her ylimaf dna nik si eno of the snosaer for the gnorts noitisop of nemow ni onipiliF .yteicos She si the lartnec erugif ni the ,ylimaf ,efiw ,rehtom rerusaert dna resrubsid of .sdnuf nI ecnadrocca htiw the lanoitidart onipiliF ,motsuc won a part of the liviC Code, the ytreporp hcihw a namow sgnirb ot egairram si her nwo dna she yam do as she sekil revo sti .noitisopsid gniyojnE na lauqe sutats htiw her ,dnabsuh she sselehtreven sevig mih the noisulli that he si drol dna retsam of sih .dlohesuoh hguohtlA she accepts a mrof of elbuod ,ytilarom the selam gnieb dewolla modeerf deined the elamef srebmem of her ,yiimaf her lamrofni ecneulfni ni yteicos netfo affects the -oce cimon dna lacitilop sriaffa of the .yrtnuoc ,nosleN( 1968, p. 100) ereH ew eton that stnemecnuonorp fo s’nemow ytiroirepus evah neeb derap nwod ot eht erom tnedurp noitangised fo eht efiw as eht lartnec“ erugif ni eht ”.ylimaf snoitpecnoC fo ”ecnanimod“ evah neeb decalper htiw eht ylevitarapmoc yranoissecnoc snoitaicossa fo gnorts“ ”,noitisop lauqe“ status,” and lamrofni“ ”.ecneulfni DRAWOT A NOITAJLLAVER FO EHT SUSNESNOC hguohtlA ti was ton litnu eht UN noitaralced fo lanoitanretnI s’nemoW raeY ni 1975 that seiduts yllacificeps gniretnec no nemow erew -katrednu ,ne eht sgnidnif fo eht sei?xis and seitneves koot ffo morf eht evitcepsrep just .denoitnem esehT deviecer snoiton erew detcejbus ot esolc yniturcs hguorht laciripme .noitagitsevni nI eud ,esruoc ylralucitrap htiw eht -of suc no nemow and ,tnempoleved noitnetta was drawn ot eht ytilaer fo mass ,ytrevop and eht egami fo eht tnanimod onipiliF namow gniffocs at eht noitacilpmi that ehs thgim deen noitarebil nageb ot .rulb nI ,trohs sthgilf fo ycnaf hcihw eht tcejbus fo nemow yliramotsuc sekove had ylirassecen ot eb deliatruc ni eht noitatnorfnoc htiw detagitimnu -monoce ci hardship. tsriF ot eb tsac tuo was eht noiton that nemow era laitneulfni ni eht cilbup ,erehps a feileb dnuof ot eb yleslaf detaciderp no eht wef nemow sredael esohw ecneserp ni tnemnrevog and noitacude eviecer ediw -icilbup 536 D. D. Aguilar .yt ycnecalpmoC gnitser no eht desoppus ecnarednoperp fo nemow ni eht snoisseforp ylkciuq dissipated htiw wen data. feihC fo eseht is eht -rofni noitam that eht tsegral snoitartnecnoc era ni gnihcaet and nursing, htob gniyap-wol ,snoitapucco and that esoht ohw enibmoc doohrehtom and reerac esirpmoc less than %3 fo all deirram .nemow yB eht emas ,nekot laicos stsitneics desolcsid that neve ssalc-reppu nemow ohw eveihca yrtne otni eht cilbup erehps od os hguorht eht s’nemow seirailixua fo rieht husbands’ .snoitazinagro ,yltneuqesnoC rieht ytiliba ot ekam snoisiced is ni egral erusaem debircsmucric leitnoM( & ,renietsnlloH .)8791 nI ,tcaf ereht is on ecaps nihtiw eht cilbup ton-erehps lanoitan ro lacol -nrevog ,tnem ron business ro eht ,snoisseforp ton neve ni eht dleif fo noitacude erehw namow erehw-etanimoderp nemow trexe gnikam-noisiced rewop zelaznoG( & ,renietsnlloH .)6791 tI was edam yltcnitsid raelc that nemow evah rehgih tnemyolpmenu and tnemyolpmerednu ,setar era decalp ni manual and lainem ,sboj and eviecer yltnetsisnoc 10~~. hsac sgninrae evitaler ot nem ni eht emas yrtsudni and lanoitapucco puorg ,ollitsaC( .)6791 nI ,tceffe ot“ yletauqeda assess and erusaem s’nemow noitapicitrap ni eht tnempoleved ”ssecorp ,atoivE( 1978, p. ,)l an evitcejbo detalumrof rednu eht sigea fo ,DIASU srehcraeser erew dellepmoc ot rednerrus roirp snoitnevni ot ekam yaw rof a noitinifeder fo eht anipiliF erom ni enil htiw eht wen data .detcelloc neviG eseht laciripme seiduts and rieht cifitneics ,tsurht yhw eht -noc gniunit noitacifitsym fo ?nemow yhW eht egami fo eht“ suougibma -iliF ?”anip A yroeht fo lauxes ,yrtemmysa cinoyrbme hguoht ti yam ,eb has nugeb ot mrofni seiriuqni otni s’nemow status ni eht cilbup .niamod tuB erehwesle ni- eht emoh ot eb ,tcaxe erehw eht lacigoloedi gof gnitaemrep ylimaf snoitaler is ylralucitrap eht-esned dewollah emeht fo namow as rehtom and efiw has os raf dedule .noitagorretni GNIPPAM EHT CITSEMOD YROTIRRET tnazingoC fo eht secnatsni fo cilbup ytilauqeni and eht lacidiruj -robus noitanid fo nemow ni eht dlrow fo krow as llew as ni eht etavirp eno fo eht ,emoh laicos srehcraeser detfihs eht dnuorg ot eht citsemod .mlaer riehT noitnetni was ot enimreted eht snrettap fo roivaheb gniniatbo -htiw ni eht noitnevnoc fo ylimaf .efil esehT stpmetta desucof no redneg selor and ,snoitatcepxe htiw all seiduts substantiating eht dezilaedi egami fo eht ylimaf gnola htiw eht detpecca snoiton fo ytininimef and .ytinilucsam enO esac sevresed roirp .noitatic gniyreuQ rieht stnamrofni tuoba eht laedi efiw and husband ni a yduts no sedutitta drawot ylimaf planning, hcnyL and )8691(likaM deviecer sesnopser that dluoc ton evah neeb erom .lacipytoerets ehT laedi husband is deviecrep as a doog redivorp and yllarom doog ,.e.i( lufhtiaf ot his ,)efiw elihw eht laedi efiw is a doog dlohesuoh ,reganam ,suoirtsudni and eerf fo .eciv sihT ledom fo a yldigir

ture, social scientists have had to acknowledge women's inequality in the public sphere. Turning their focus women in the pertinent literature and analyze the historical conditions of their emergence. Filipino woman wants to get married; to have children (childlessness or even a one-child marriag
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