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The of the Spec. .. _. .. d Volume I Winter 1995 Number 3 How the Second Atnend "Total Hogwash" Be ment Will Abrogated NOVEMBER 14, 1994,Anny Times published an official denial by the Naval Postgrad By U.N. Treaty uate School in Monterey, California, stating that Lt. Cmdr. Ernest G. Cun ningham's Combat Arms Survey (the complete text of which was printed in -by The RESISTER, Vol.I, No2) issued Robert Whitehill to Marines at Twentynine Palms. CA, on May 10, 1994 " ...w as meant to test their opinion of possible nontradi "The instability of our laws is really an immense evil." tional missions." School spokesman John Sanders Thomas Jefferson said; "I personally feel (question 46) was a bit abrupt. However. it is trying E PERSISTENT orgy of blatantly unconstitutional anti-gun legislation to get at a tough issue: unit cohesive ammed through Congress under the guise of"public safety" beginning ness. and whether a member under with the National Firearms Control Act of 1934 has, by our analysis of stands a lawful or unlawful order." historical precedent, only one aim; the disarmament of the American middle What Mr. Sanders fails to mention class. The reason for this is evident in the increasing irrationality of our laws. is that the questionnaire (or a trial When laws are undefined by virtue of being based on undefinable abstrac balloon variant) had been in circula tions they are rendered un-judicable and thus subject to capricious enforcement. tion since September 1993 and was The purpose of laws based on whim rather than reason is to create fear and initially targeted toward Navy special uncertainty and lead everyone to believe that they arc guilty of "something." operations units (SEAL teams, in The creation, and automatic assumption. of guilt in the minds of citizens is the cluding SEAL Team Six. the Navy's modus operandi of all evolving tyrannies. SFOD-D). He also fails to mention Those who refuse the premise of de facto guilt and whose actions arc based Continued on page I I rontinued ()/1 page .j Post Office Box 2723, Hagerstown, Maryland, 21741 Copy of I 000 Copies The RESISTER Open Letter to Our Readers Dear Patriots: Our open letter this quarter is in response to the many queries we have received asking us to explain more fully our philosophy and our positions derived therefrom. Ordinarily we are not prone to offer explanations for our beliefs; you either agree with them or you do not and in the free market of ideas you are free to read The RESISTER or not according to your values. Notwithstanding, without exception these queries were honest, rational, intelligently phrased and polite and therefore deserve a response in kind. Of necessity our response in this forum must be generalized but we will cover the major points in question. The Special Forces Underground is a description not a title. The opposition loves titles. Their narrow clerk-minds thrive on trivia and they must have something (preferably an acronym) to pigeonhole and categorize. Our organization does have a name. We prefer to let the opposition work for it. Questions about tolerating disagreement within our ranks over one or more philosophical positions seem to imply that force is an intrinsic element holding our organization together. The underground is a voluntary association of individuals of like mind working in cooperation for our own selfi nterest against the forces of federal (and, when at work in this coun try, international) tyranny threatening our unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property. This will result in ancillary benefit to others but they do not motivate our actions. Ours is a capitalist resistance; do better than us, join us voluntarily, or get out of our way. Our philosophical framework is objectivism (the rational morality of self interest--life). Our political philosophy is grounded in the works of John Locke, the Founding Fathers of this nation and Auberon Herbert (government as servant, not master--liberty). Our economic philosophy is grounded in Carl Menger, Ludwig Von Mises, and Henry Hazlitt (the guarantor of individual rights, laissez-faire capitalism--property). For a discussion of our opposition to democracy we refer you to the editorial on page 3. . Our belief in isolationism is not xenophobic, it is practical. The United Nations and its underlying philosophy of one world government and socialist economics is an abominable evil. There is no compelling national interest underlying the foreign policy of the federal government. The conditions of treaties made with foreign governments force changes in our laws and override the Constitution. Foreign aid is nothing less than forced redistribution of this nation's wealth to impov erished socialist gangs and Third World savages. The belief of the internationalists is that we "owe something" to the rest of the world; most recently, food to starving irrelevancies in Somalia, political stability to ex-French slaves in Haiti, and guns to religious hoodlums in Bosnia: We deny this. Our opposition to altruism is that it is moral cannibalism. It may be true that from a philosophical standpoint altruism cannot exist; that does not prevent the cannibals from attempting to impose universally its premise of self-sacrifice. Altru ism permits no construct of a self-respecting self-supporting man. Altruism permits no view of man except as sacrificial animal, victim and parasite. Politically, altruists demand democracy knowing the consequence is statism. Socially, altruists demand egalitarianism knowing the consequence is tribalism. Economically, altruists demand collectivism knowing the consequence is slavery. Altruism is anti-life, anti-liberty and anti-property. Pull politics is the logical result of a mixed economy (part capitalist, part socialist). It is the politics of lobbies, special interests and factions. It is political gangsterism. It is the defining characteristic of the Democrat and Republican parties. Statism is political gang rule. It is a system of institutionalized force and perpetual "cold" civil war among rival gangs vying for favors, subsidies, entitlements and legislation to extort their own advantages by force from all other groups. The foundation of statism is fear resulting from a deliberately frightening and demoralizing tangle of incomprehensible, con tradictory and therefore on-judicable laws. It abrogates individual rights at the same time it empowers (here the word is used correctly) tribes and gangs. The politics of statism is dictatorship. The economics of statism is looting. Statism de fines how the federal government works. We do not advocate the violent overthrow of the United States government. (Although we believe there is cause, in theory, by virtue of the government's cumulative improbity over the past 133 years, and sufficient historical and philo sophical precedent, by virtue of the Declaration of Independence and the writings of the Founding Fathers, to justify it.) We do advocate resisting government tyranny at all levels. We do not advocate the initiation of force in doing so. We do advocate appropriate force-in-kind in retaliation (self defense). Our goal is to see the federal government muzzled, shack led and cast back into its constitutional prison. We do advocate active resistance against the United Nations. Life, Liberty, and Property; The Editor 2 Vol. I, No.3 The RESISTER EDITORIALS Expropriation of an Ideal ONE of the hallmarks of second handcrs is the expropriation of symbols and ideals celebrating an excellence of character and origi Democracy: nality of thought they themselves do not possess and can never hope to The Politics of Tyranny emulate. Thus did "Bronze Bruce" come to be moved to that temple of second-handedness. the new USAS OC building. RJGHTS are a moral ~rinciple •. and each man ha.s inalienable rights o~er The mindless actions of second himself, Ius faculties and Ius possessiOns. Th1s moral prmc1ple, th1s ob banders always reveal their true goal; ective reality, means that a man has a right to his own person, his mind to sacrifice excellence on their altar and body, and therefore his own labor. Furthermore, a man has a right to the of mediocrity. Despite their abstract productive use of his labor and faculties. Because a man has these rights he rationalizations and unfocused rheto must respect these rights in all others. Since each man is sovereign over him ric justifying the movement of self, each individual must consent to any activity which directly affects his per "Bronze Bruce" from JFK Plaza to son or property before such activity can assume moral legitimacy. the new USASOC building LTG Scott In a rational society founded on the moral principle of rights there can be no clearly validates the old saying; "ac force or fraud in the relationship between sovereign individuals. When rights tions speak louder than words." are properly exercised they take nothing from anyone, nor do they compel any "Bronze Bruce" used to be a sym one to act in a manner detrimental to their own self-interest. Notice that the bol celebrating the professionalism, rational exercise of each right enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the Constitu idealism and heroism of those Spe tion by an individual takes nothing from, or compels, other individuals in their cial Forces soldiers who died in the rational exercise of these rights. Republic of Viet Nam (ighting the Only individuals possess rights. Groups, being nothing more than a number ideological source of the New World of individuals can, in themselves, possess no rights other than those which are Order, the egalitarian evil of commu possessed and exercised individually by each member. Hence, a faction has no nism. He now sits in the breezeway of rights; nor does a gang, a mob, a tribe, a state or a nation. A group may have a building infested with internation interests but these interests do not assume the moral legitimacy of rights. To alist Quislings and politically-correct assert otherwise is to descend into abstract subjectivism, an evasion of reality, Milquetoasts who consider Civil where a society is ruled by the range-of-the-moment whims of its members, the AJiairs and Psychological Operations majority gang of the moment, the current demagogue or a dictator. social workers, Ranger infantry. and Government is force. No matter how benign or dictatorial, behind every law aviation prima donnas the equal of or regulation or act there is a gun. The authors of the United Stales Constitution Special Forces soldiers and their OSS were fully aware of this fact. They recognized that government in a rational progenitors. society inusl derive its delegated powers by the consent of the governed and that I remember standing before the these powers must be specifically defined by law--the Constitution; delimited by recently erected "Bronze Bruce" a law highe·r than government--the inalienable rights of man; and dispersed by following my graduation from the permanent separation of powers. For these reasons they specifically and inten "Q-course" in 197X silently reaffirm tionally rejected democracy as a system of government. The system of govern ing my oath to defend the constitu ment created by the Founding Fathers, men devoted to the primacy of the source tion and pledging myself to be the of all rights, man's faculties (which means; reason), was the constitutional equal or beller of every fallen hero •·epublic. therein represented. I never passed Democracy is the antithesis of the natural rights of man. The philosophical "Bronze Bruce" from that day for premise of democracy is egalitarianism; not political egalitarianism which holds ward without pausing to read the all men equal before the law (justice), but metaphysical egalitarianism, the names inscribed on the placards belief that all men are equal in all things. This last construct is such an obvious around his base. falsehood that it can carry only one meaning: the hatred of reason. Democracy, Next time you pass the now empty by its very definition -rule by majority - is the notion that "might makes right." JFK Plaza pause to lake a look at The exercise of democracy reduces men to mere numbers, and the faction or what was once a place of quiet honor gang which gathers the greater number of men to its fleeting cause wields the and silent pride but is now a shriek government gun against the minority. ing testimony to the actions of sec ond-handers who pretend among From this view of the subject. it may be concluded. that a pure Democracy. by themselves they lead us. yet who which I mean a society. consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and know in their hearts we despise them. administer the Government in person. can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be !'cit by the ma- The Editor Vol. I, No. 3 3 The RESISTER jority of the whole; a communication and concert results from the form of govern Combat Arms Survey ment itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party, or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is, that such Democ.racies ha~e eve.r been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found mcompahble With . Continued from page I personal security, or the rights of property, and have in general been as short 111 their lives, as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have . that rumors concerning the question patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed, that by redu~mg naire had been rampant in the Special mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the sam~ hme, Operations community since October, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their 1993, and among the various civilian passions. firearms publications since February, Publius (James Madison), The Federalist X, 1787 1994. The official position of the Naval Indeed, specific safeguards were designed into the Constit~tion to prevent Postgraduate School is that the ques the subversion of the constitutional republic and the natural nghts of man by tionnaire was meant to test whether political party gang warfare and special interes~ factionalism inher~nt in a de the Marines understood the principle mocracy: the Electoral College (Article II, SectiOn l) and the electiOn of sena that U.S. law prohibits the federal tors by State Legislatures (Article I, Section 3). military from becoming involved in In the case of the former it was specifically intended that the head of the domestic law enforcement. Mr. Sand Executive branch of the federal government be elected by Electors chosen by ers said that reports about the ques each state legislature in equal proportion to its representation in Congress; not tionnaire reflecting an administration by popular vote. This ensured: "No faction or combination can bring about !he plan to disarm Americans are, "Total election. It is probable, that the choice will always fall upon a man of expen hogwash." enced abilities and fidelity. In all human probability, no better method of elec Margaret Roth, author of the tion could have been devised." (James Iredell, North Carolina Ratification Army Times article, quotes Mr. Sand Cttee., 1788) ers as saying: "The now-infamous The latter provision ensured the logical effect of popular election of members Question 46 purely was hypothetical, to the House Representatives (whim based legislation) was offset by representa designed to see if the Marines under tives elected by state legislature to the Senate to guard against Executive and stood the limits of their constitutional House encroachment on state sovereignty: "The election of one branch of the authority." Federal, by the State Legislatures, secures an absolute dependence of the former This, however, is dissimulation. on the latter. The biennial exclusion of one-third, will lesson the faculty of com The Department of the Navy is fully bination and may put a stop to intrigues." (James Madison, Virginia Ratifica aware that they are exempt from tion Cttee., June 1788) Posse Comitatus (10 USC 375). The United States has been descending into the sewer of democracy since the In point of fact, between 1989 and ratification of the 17th Amendment on May 31, 1913. Before every presidential 1993 SEAL Team Six conducted at election there are demands by special interest groups to void the Electoral Col least four unilateral crack-house lege and resort to popular election of the President. .This. h~dlong rush i~t~ "take-downs" in the Los Angeles area democracy is evident by the "value" placed on pubhc opuuon. polls by ~hti­ and participated in at least four oth cians of both parties (a practice begun by the crypto-commumst Franklm D. ers with LAPD and DEA tactical Roosevelt); as if the opinions and "feelings" of factions, gangs and tribes were a units. counterweight to the inalienable natural rights of a single rational man. The Naval Postgraduate School is The irrationality of democracy was stated most eloquently by Auberon Her on record stating they will "short bert in his London address on March 9, 1880, before a meeting of the Vigilance circuit" the normal release proce Association for the Defense of Personal Rights, entitled; Choices Between Free dures for Lt. Cmdr. Cunningham's dom and Protection: "How should it happen that the individual should be with thesis on "nontraditional" uses of the out rights, but that the combination of individuals should possess unlimited federal military. "It's certainly not rights?" our intent to keep this from anyone," Alexander Davidson said Mr. Sanders. We are all waiting . • In The Next Issue: Due to the United States Army occupation of Haiti the article, Why NAFTA is Anti-Capitalism, Joint Task Force-Six Subversion ofPosse Comitatus opo was replaced by, The Truth About Haiti. We are expanding the origi Why NAFTA and GATT are Anti-Capitalism opo nal article abOut NAFTA to in RESISTANCE: Clandestine Communications clude the recent signing of the opo GATT treaty and it will appear in ~plus- Voi.I, No4. We reserve the right to Our Usual Features make abrupt changes in scheduled articles due to ongoing develop Ask for the Spring Issue in April; somebody will have it. ments. The Staff 4 Vol. I, No.3 The RESISTER CORRESPONDENCE and enact laws that give them power and control over the true government of this republic: its citizens. Their disregard for the Constitution shows them to be criminals and traitors who knowingly break their oath to the supreme law of the land and to the I READ with great interest the philo Special Forces Underground to take people who elected them. sophical position of Tire RESIS any kind of military action, particu If our politicians have committed TER. While I find most of your larly as regards the issue of defending treason would it also be treason if positions compatible with my own, I against " ... all enemies. foreign and soldiers adhered to their oath and get the sense that you would not tol domestic?" And please define your defended the Constitution against erate any disagreement from within view of which person(s), group(s) or them? your "ranks," even if such disagree government(s) would be considered It is time for every free citizen who ment revolved around even one soli by you to be our enemies. knows and recognizes the true law tary position outlined in your Why do you stand in opposition to and government of this great republic publication's philosophical statement. statism? to stand up and retake the reins of I am a patriotic American who has Under what circumstances would power and put our nation back on a never served in the military. I was too the Special Forces Underground at constitutional path. young for Viet Nam, and chose not to tempt an overthrow of a democrati Jefe Sonrisa volunteer after the draft was discon cally elected American government, USAJFKSWCS tinued. However, I would never have presuming you have the manpower refused to serve if called upon by my and weaponry necessary for undertak country. ing such an operation? Returning to the synopsis ofyour Frank D. Williams philosophy, which recently appeared Tinley Park, IL in an issue of G. Gordon Liddy's, Liddy Letter, which I subscribe to, I'd We selected your letter to repre I AGREE that we have arrived at a like to ask you a few questions. I sent thqse thai have asked essentially point in our history· in which the hope you'll be kind enough tore the same queslions. See: Open Letter, slide into tyranny has taken place. spond to them. and !he editorial; Democracy: The It is up to the patriots to recti(y this Unless I misunderstand you state Politics of Tyranny. situation. Hopefully. there is still time ment, how is it that you can favor Editor to politically change the government. strict constitutionalism while oppos If not, we must resist with the long ing democracy? Are you referring to term objective of victory. "pure democracy," the democratic _Ajs soLDIERs of this great repub I read your FIELD REPORT on process or right of the people, provid ic we have all taken an oath the Second Amendment Rally. I agree ed for by the Constitution, to freely o defend the Constitution with the majority of the article. How elect their representatives? against all enemies, foreign and do ever, there are a couple of corrections Please explain what you mean mestic. The reason for this oath is so that need to be made. There was when you say you oppose internation the military of this republic will be media coverage, but apparently your alism. Pardon my ignorance ifyour dedicated only to the very thing that observers had left. I saw coverage on intended meaning should be obvious created, embodies and is the soul of local TV in Washington. DC or a to me. this republic; the Constitution. The nearby Virginia station. Several How is it that you oppose altruism, Constitution is the supreme law of friends also saw a short excerpt from something which from a philosophi the land and any law that does not the rally on our local TV Apparently cal standpoint cannot exist? If there adhere to it is null and void upon the media covered segments when G. is any motive whatsoever for carrying enactment. Gordon Liddy spoke? I thought the out any good or charitable action, one At this time in our history we have crowd was greater than 2.000, but cannot claim to be altruistic; people elected representatives that are at your estimate could be correct. I ad do good or "right" things because it tacking what we have sworn to de mit to being partisan and a little makes them feel or look good. Even fend. These representatives are carried away. the sacrifice of Christ could not be ignoring the very document that has I hope you are real! If the ne:xt considered altruistic. That does not allowed them to serve. They are cre couple of years are as bad for gun negate the value of His profoundly ating laws that they feel are correct owners as 1993 and 1994 we will beneficent act of self-sacrifice. and needful regardless of what the need each other. The socialists that What arc "pull politics?" people want or ask for. They do this control the halls of government have You cite your position as being in with total disregard for the supreme a plan that docs not include the ma favor of isolationism. Under what law that they have sworn to uphold jority of Americans. I guess we will circumstances would it be in the and defend. The only way they can do have to accept your word that when interest of the United States or the this is to disregard the Constitution the time comes you will find us. Rest Vol. 1, No.3 5 The RESISTER assured that I intend to die standing concerns to the nebulous realm of I pray He will protect you and give with other patriots and not as a "po foreign policy. Each of the above you wisdom. Thank you very much. litically correct" stooge of the New mentioned examples illustrates an Beverly Metcalf World Order. area where constituents did not favor Albuquerque, NM "San1" the action but both Republican and Mississippi Democrat politicians acted together P.S. I can't tell you how angry I to further special interest groups or am at what they are doing to the Our observers arrived about 1100, their own personal agendas . . minds of our young men. It is incon scouted the ground, did a quick head As the next year progresses remain ceivable to me that my son would be count, identified the goons (remem constantly vigilant. Don't listen to placed in the position of considering ber all those clean-cut young men their words, observe their deeds. If his own countrymen as enemies. The circling the crowd on their mountain your elected representatives stray evilness of this New World Order is bicycles?) then went to verifY the from the path you have set for them incredible. evasion rout established by the ad make them aware of their error. Write vanced party. They returned about a letter and be specific as to what you We are sending your son a copy 1430 and stayed pretty much away expect. If that fails put them on no per your request. We suggest you from the main crowd, which is proba tice and vote them out at the first send your son a copy of the Constitu bly why they missed the media. We opportunity. tion with a note reminding him that stand corrected. Only when politicians are fully he took an oath to defend this docu Associate Editor cognizant that they are our servants, ment, and that everything the United not facilitators for special interests or Nations stands for is anathema to it. self-serving power brokers, can we Associate Editor expect real progress in returning to the framework our forefathers intend ed. TI REPusucAN Party now con IT WAS with considerable bemuse "Lexington" ols both the House and Sen ment that I read my first copy of USAJFKSWCS e, not only at the Federal The RESISTER. Ten years of the level but in several states as well. Marines, followed by ten years in tile Now we are secure and our rights study and practice of l&w, have left safeguarded, right? Think again. me a little confused and totally con The battle to return to a system I JUST heard about your newsletter vinced that the most dangerous crimi that recognizes our individual rights on the Tom Valentine show (short nals in the United States today are as set forth in the Constitution and wave). My son is in the Army in tllose that practice their tradecraft Bill of Rights is far from over. Some .. Macedonia under U.N. command in under the autllority and protection of of the very Republicans we helped Operation ABLE SENTRY II. I have t11e United States government. Imag elect can be certain to turn a blind been sending him the Free American ine my surprise to learn that at least a eye on their responsibilities as repre newspaper, published here in Albu portion of the enemies of liberty are sentatives if given the opportunity. querque, and I sent him Operation truly awake and aware of the dichoto Consider a recent past president, Vampire Killer 2000. my among their leaders! George Bush. He was instrumental in He wrote back and is very con At least three times in my tour as a the passage of the first "assault rifle" fused. Those kids in Macedonia think Marine I swore on my sacred honor ban which did nothing except drive they are on a mission for God. Their to defend the constitution from all up the prices of the banned weapons. motto is; "Blessed are the Peacekeep enemies, foreign and domestic. Is he He vehemently stated "Watch my ers for they shall be called children of not an enemy of the Constitution who lips: no new taxes!" He lied. And he God." (My son) says: "I feel weird. orders me to violate its guaranty of officially ushered in the New World I'm working for the U.N., the cause liberties? The Second Amendment Order. you and many (others) are regretting. clearly contemplates assault weapons, Bi-partisan politics are necessary I have no idea how bad it will be by even though such things were un as long as they benefit the whole of the time I get out of this army. Where known to the founding fathers. The the people, not special interests. Enti will I have been? Will I have to shoot preface of the Second Amendment tlement programs help only special s::m Eix:dy? An Am a::hn? 0 nmy speaks of a well-regulated militia: interests while increasing the tax side or your side?" Would it be wise CITIZEN SOLDIERS; to me it is burden on the remainder. Anti-gun to send him a newsletter? I think so. patently obvious that citizen soldiers legislation benefits only the criminal He needs to know that he must use should be armed with military style while hindering law abiding citizens his mind to be an independent think weapons. We have already passed desiring sport, recreation or defense er. laws that breach the constitution and of self and family. Deploying military I haven't seen your newsletter yet, tl1e judiciary is allowing it in the forces to hell holes like Haiti in order but I heard enough about it to thank name of law and order. Waco simply to reinstate and support an openly you for having courage to risk your shows that this country does not need communist regime serves only to shift careers and lives by taking a stand. and cannot tolerate BATF, or for that the focus from important domestic God bless you all and your efforts. Continued on page 18 6 Vol. I, No.3 The RESISTER PERINTREP I 00.000. A simple statement of fact. Again, in context, the overwhelm ing majority of violent crime is com mitted by criminals against other criminals; yet all anti-gun laws im pact principally upon law-abiding middle class citizens regardless of race. Since FBI UCR estimates that only approximately I% of this na Internal Security Who's Really in Charge? tion's population is committing vio Conference lent crime (about 2.5 million P ERSONNEL Status Reports being parasites), and given the fact there faxed back to controlling head are about 70 million law abiding gun FROM 6 through 8 December, quarters units in the United owners in the United States, your 1994, XVIII Airborne Corps States from subordinate units de Second Amendment right to keep and hosted a closed conference and ployed to Haiti bear the United Na bear arms is being sacrificed by spe research symposium for Judge Advo tions flag to the left of the American cial interest groups and the federal cate General (JAG) officers at the flag; in other words, in the position government because only about .03% USAJFKSWCS New Academic Facil of honor. of those possessing firearms think, ity on the missions. roles and capabil Also, Special Forces personnel live and act like animals. ities of the United States Army and redeploying to the United States on United States Air Force in support of emergency leave and official business Both the statists of HCJ and their the suppression of domestic insurrec have been delayed up to a week in collectivist-chic alli~s in the media tion while under authority of the Port au Prince because of U.N. man claim that 70% of the American peo Federal Emergency Management dated theater troop strength levels. ple support some form of gun control. Agency. Soldiers can only leave Haiti if they Our response is; "So what?" Frank The predominant theme of the are replaced on a one-for-one basis ly, we would not give a damn if 99% conference was the legality of using from their home station. of "the people" supported gun con federal armed forces in an internal trol. What 70%, or evef1 99.99999% security role within the United States of "the people" want is irrelevant so What Everyone in concert with federal, state and long as a single rational man cogni local law enforcement agencies and Knows ... But Dare Not zant of his inalienable natural rights the Rules of Engagement (ROE) such of life, liberty, and property exists. .. Say assistance would entail. When the last rational man dies de- Conspicuously featured at the fending (by retaliatory force) his right conference were After Action Re The persistent shrieking of anti to live, "the people" are more than views (AAR) and Lessons Learned gun proponents, their socialist cheer welcome to wallow in the sewer of from 3d Battalion, 7th Special Forces leaders in the media and statist allies democracy they now drink from. Group and the 7th Infantry Division in the federal government would lead The Staff during the invasion and occupation of you to believe that the United States Panama, lOth Special Forces Group's is the most violent country in the involvement in Northern Iraq, 5th industrialized West. It is, but not for First Amendment Police Special Forces Group and lOth the package-deal reasons they state. Mountain Division in Somalia, and What is missing from the anti-gun Task Force Raleigh (3d SFGA) and faction's anti-crime argument for gun ON J DECEMBER, 1994, a white lOth Mountain Division currently in control is context. male, 35-40, approximately Haiti. The FBI's Un!form Crime Reports 5'9", 185 lbs, wearing tan The historical common denomina describe the murder rate in the Unit slacks with a white shirt and black tie tor of the above named operations is ed States as 9.3 per 100,000 persons. presented himself at the place of em the disarming of indigenous popula England, France, Germany and Italy ployment of a young gentleman who tions through warrantless search and have murder rates of 7.4, 4.6, 4.2 and unwittingly provides a small service seizure, outright confiscation, and 6.0 per 100,000 persons respectively. for this publication. This man an buy-back programs. Joint Task Force European countries are almost exclu nounced that he knew about PO Box Six AARs were also discussed. sively white. 1403, Addison, TX 75001, that there A soldier from 7th SFGA who In context white Americans have a was movement on it and what it was happened to overhear some of the murder rate of 5.1 per 100,000. This for. He then demanded to know if The JAG officer's discussions in the li includes Hispanics whom the FBI RESISTER was printed at the young brary asked one of the JAG officiers, classifies as white (and whom. as a gentleman's place of employment (it "Doesn't Posse Comitatus prevent separate category. commit murder at is not). He presented no credentials. that?" The Army lawyer responded; a rate over four times that of whites). The employee (not our young gen "Not any more it docsn 't." The murder rate for blacks is 43.4 per tleman) this man spoke to described Vol. I, No.3 7 The RESISTER him as "extremely rude, pushy and official suppression ofw hat you may posing the federal government must coarse" and truthfully denied any disagree with today (for whatever include the use of BIFV equipped knowledge of the subject to which he reasons you choose) is only a trial federal agents in order to prevent referred. balloon for suppressing you tom or- federal easualties. Although this obnoxious man has row. The request for this training was not repeated his unwelcome visit, our Associate Editor forwarded through Operation Alli observer in the area reports that inter ance to Joint Task Force-Six by BATF mittent surveillance has been placed shortly following Waco. Justification on both the post office in which our by BATF pointed out that if the initial SGM Conference box resides and the young gentle assault force at Waco had BlFVs the man's place of employment. The situation could have been resolved unwitting young gentleman was con COMMAND Sergeants Major without (BATF) casualties. tacted by one of our operatives, de William Rambo, United States briefed and retired without prejudice. Army John F. Kennedy Special A damage control assessment Warfare Center and School (USA concludes that nothing the young JFKSWCS), recently hosted a confer "Agenda for Peace" gentleman did for or speculates about ence for USAJFKSWCS sergeants The RESISTER will add to the oppo majors concerning discipline in the sition's corpus of knowledge about ranks. ON JANUARY 5, 1995, United the Special Forces Underground. A central topic ofCSM Rambo's Nations Secretary General, Please direct future correspon discussion at the conference was The Boutros Boutros Ghali, issued dence to: PO Box 2723, Hagerstown, RESISTER: "We need to put a stop a position paper and delivered a pro MD 21741. to this," Rambo said; "We need to posal to the United Nations Security find out who is putting this out and Council calling for the establishment shut them down." of a " ... strategic reserve for the Secu According to reports the discus rity Council's deployment," which sion about The RESISTER fizzled. would consist of battalions of soldiers BBS Police Many of the sergeants major at the "specially trained for peacekeeping." meeting considered Rambo's desire to These units would be stationed in BETWEEN 2 and 4 December, see us shut down an exercise in futili their home countries but remain 1994, fourteen BBSs in ty, and largely a reflection of his available on permanent call to the Pennsacola, Florida, were having gone through the "Q-Course" United Nations. raided by the FBI and local police. in 1981 as an SFC (you either know Boutros Ghali insisted that the Systems Operators (SYSOP) were ~ what that means or you don't). United Nations retain sole command arrested, their property ransacked and and control over these units. He said left in shambles, their families terror Give it up Bill: they stopped there must not be "any attempt by ized, and their computers, software teaching what you need to know in troop-contributing governments to and office equipment was confiscated. order to shut down The RESISTER provide guidance, let alone give or One SYSOP, a paraplegic, was long before you got to SF. ders, to their contingents on opera removed from his wheelchair by The Editor tional matters." Reno's finest, placed in a chair on his In the closed Security Council front lawn, and was forced to stay meeting, U.S. Ambassador Madeleine there for two hours in 43 degree K. Albright said she agreed with the weather while his apartment was BATF Goes Mechanized proposal for units commanded solely tossed and his property was confiscat by the United Nations and reaffirmed n ed. Another SYSOP, Donnie Lee, was the support of the Clinton Adminis norn May and August, 1994, held at gunpoint during the confisca tration for the proposal. Oth SFGA, working under the tion and was denied the opportunity Boutros Ghali stated, "This will be uspices of JTF-Six, conducted to call his lawyer. an expensive and complicated ar Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle The raids were carried out under a rangement," but stated it was neces (BIFV) training for BATF. press black-out, although at least one sary to counteract the "steadily more The training in May focused on SYSOP (who was not being raided) serious" decline in offers by member both driver and vehicle crewman managed to contact out-of-town nations of troops and equipment in training. Training conducted in Au press, who arrived as the raids were response to his appeals. gust concentrated on BIFV weapons ending. Coverage, however, was systems; primarily 25mm Chain Gun largely suppressed. • gunnery. Their crime? Posting sexually According to one of our 1Oth explicit BBS messages for consenting SFGA observers the BATF Mter (and subscribing) adults. Action Review of Waco (as related to him by a BATF agent) concluded that Frankly, we consider pornography future "take-downs" of civilians op- a trivia issue. But understand this: 8 Vol. I, No.3 The RESISTER FIELD REPORT: Special Forces Under ground in Haiti The Truth About Haiti The following is an .~ynthesis of By several reportsforwarded by our members currenl~y deployed to Haiti. Richard Crossman Port-au-Prince, 15 December, 1994 I MMEDIATELY upon arrival in an operational area we met with se lior non-commissioned officers of SUNDAY, 18 September, 1994, as Special Forces soldiers ofTask Force Ra the FAd'H and arranged a meeting leigh (3d SFGA) at the Intermediate Support Base in Guantanam.o Cuba with senior representatives of FAd'H, were making their final equipment checks, chargmg their magazmes and Attaches and FRAPH. This was not cross-loading their excess team gear and ammunition among team members, as easy as it sounds given the treat GEN Wayne Downing, CinC United States Special Operations Command, wan ment these groups had received in dered through tent city offering words of inspiration. His most prophetic state Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitian in ment was; "Special Forces is going to make history in Haiti." late September. It called for a very True. On 19 September, 1994, for the first time in history, at the behest of the blunt cold-pitch describing our hatred racists of the Congressional Black Caucus, their communist TransAfrica allies, of communism and our official mis and in the name of the United Nations, the executive branch of the United sion. Dicey; but when we explained States government willingly and knowingly, in violation of the war making how we could help them they almost powers delegated to Congress by the Constitution, deployed the United States always agreed. Army to Haiti for the expressed and specific purpose of installing a communist The first thing we did was identify government and ensuring its success by force of arms. . the most active anti-communists in The Intelligence Estimates issued w1th pre-mvas10n OperatiOns Plans and the Attaches and FRAPH and told the Intelligence Annexes issued with Operations Orders to units planning for them to take long vacations and go the 18 September, 1994, invasion were worse than useless. Summary de~cnp­ visit relatives on the ot~1er side of the tions of the various political factions were largely 'based on refugee debnefs, island. official State Department political analyses and United Nations reports of al Second, we informed them about leged "human rights" abuse rather than fact. the plans and timetables for weapons An indicator of just how false the pre-occupation press coverage and finished confiscation and told them how to political intelligence was occurred in mi.d-August. United States Ambassador to disappear their functional firearms Haiti, William Swing invited ex-patriot Americans living in Haiti to the em~as­ while keeping broken and otherwise sy for a meeting to discuss their views on the impending United Sta~es Invasion useless weapons available to sell to restore Aristide. Mr. Terry Anderson, and Independent Baptist nusswnary during the weapons buy-back pro who has lived in Haiti for over 10 years and who was present at Swing's meet gram. ing told one of our observers that ti1e meeting was a farce. Third, we identified the Lavalas "Everybody present," recounted Anderson, "emphatically opposed the both leadership, their friends and associ the invasion and bringing back Aristide." "For over an hour," he continued, "we ates, and collected from the FAd'H told him about Aristide's past, his lunatic ravings, his communist connections, any information they had on them and the necklacing of his political opponents, on his orders, by his followers. including criminal records. We told him that since the coup no American had been threatened, but when Fourth, we told FRAPH members Aristide was president it wasn't safe to walk the streets a~ night. W~ told him of to stay out of politics, mind their jobs Aristide 's hatred of the United States and even showed hun transcnpts of Ius and businesses and let the commu speeches where he calls the United States a 'demon' nation. Swing never re nists expose their true agendas. This sponded to anything we tried to tell him. He ended the meeting without com was risky, but in the towns where this ment." plan was implemented every violent With rare exceptions whatever was printed, televised or broadcast about crime involving politics was directly conditions in Haiti prior the occupation was a deliberate lie. The hysterical anti attributable to the Lavalas. Cedras propaganda campaign waged by the American media throughout the Fifth. we waged a clandestine spring and summer of 1994 (and mirrored in intelligence documentation issued offensive against the Lavalas (details to units deploying to Haiti) was carefully crafted to portray the followers of omitted; ed.) which in our operation Aristide 's Lavalas movement as defenseless puppy-huggers desperately trymg to al areas managed to drive at least the bring "democracy" to Haiti while enduring brutal "right wing" terror and op leadership back underground. pression at the hands of the Forces Armee d'Haiti (FAd'H), their Attaches: and Finally, we have established an the Front for the Advancement of the Haitian People (FRAPH). The truth IS escape line to help FAd'H, ex-Attach exactly the opposite. . . . es and ex-FRAPH members under In order to define what the Lavalas rnovement is, and who belongs to 1t, 1t IS threat of arrest from the communists helpful to place it in context with American society. reach relative safety in the Domini If every street gang, vagrant, opportunistic criminal, welfare moocher, labor can Republic. Vol. I, No.3 9 The RESISTER union agitator and unemployed lay mid 1980's. It was originally founded the operational parameters for Spe about, homosexual, drug addict, eth as an anti-communist resistance cial Forces units occupying small nic tribalist, and other assorted street movement coincident with the rise of towns and cities in the hinterland. garbage formed a loose political coa the communist "Little Church" liber The first order of business was to lition; whose cadre consisted of high ation theology movement run by disarm the FAd'H. Since this action school and college "students" putting Arisitide. normally occurred in direct sight of a into practice the collectivist lessons The FRAPH leadership was large shrieking mob of "the people" this of their teachers and professors; the ly ex-military. FRAPH membership would incite them into a murderous leader of this organization was an was a representative cross section of frenzy and more often than not the insane TV evangelist; and this the Haitian middle class, consisting disarmed Haitian soldiers had to be "movement" was lent legitimacy by mainly of property owners, business physically protected from "people's some foreign government and re men, farmers, tradesmen, craftsmen, justice." In consequence many Hai ceived sympathetic coverage from the and both blue and white collar work tian soldiers deserted at the first con media; this, then, would define Aris ers. The equivalent of FRAPH, in an venient opportunity in justifiable fear tide's Lavalas movement. American context, would be the VFW of their lives, and those who re These are "the people" upon and the American Legion forming a mained at their casernes played a whom the media, the Clinton admin political party. The hated Attaches quiet game of passive resistance and istration and communist special in were in fact nothing more than a feigned incompetence. terest groups in the United States community watch organization that The second order of business was adore and lavish so much attention augmented FAd'H Casernes and to gain de facto control over the polit on. Simply put, the Lavalas are the Advanced Posts. In other words, ical and judicial system. This was lazy, inept, stupid, corrupt, opportu FRAPH represented the interests of generally accomplished by holding a nistic and incompetent of Haitian those Haitians who were reasonably "town meeting" where officials of the society. Predictably, their understand competent and intelligent and who disposed government were seated ing of democracy is nearly perfect: were, by Haitian standards, success before "the people." Although osten the biggest mob rules, therefore the ful. Their unforgivable crime was sibly chaired by the detachment com biggest mob makes the rules and defending their success and liveli mander this "town meeting" was grabs the loot. hoods against the envious. actually run by Lavalas gangsters Whenever communists compre Simply put, the FAd'H, FRAPH who put forth an agenda fed to them hend that their evil has been recog and Attaches represented the compe by priests and catholic lay workers of nized for what it is they simply tent, able and successful of Haitian the "Little Church" movement. change their lexicon. What was once society and they did not hesitate to Through threats and intimidation called state planning is now called defend their interests against the backed-up by the presence of U.S. "managed competition." What was ~ moochers, looters and parasites coa soldiers the existing political and once called world peace is now called lesced as the Lavalas movement. judicial structure was effectively the New World Order. In like man Then the United States Army under demolished. Without exception the ner, what was once called commu command of the United Nations ar theme of these meetings revolved nism is now called "democracy." rived and threw them to the jackals. around the "people's demands" that the FAd 'H, FRAPH and Attaches be TIE VILIFICATION of General Ce IN EARLY October Special Forces disarmed. dras and his political support ODAs fanned out to establish The third order of business was rs is descriptive of the ultimate United States presence in the the disarming of the Haitian middle goal of the United Nations directed outlying towns. They were greeted by class. (Here, context is extremely : occupation ofHaiti: destruction of the hysterical mobs jogging through the important. Under Haitian law prior to Haitian middle class in order to bring streets singing in unison in typical the occupation it was legal to own Haiti into the collectivist "world African fashion. The words to the virtually any weapon one desired community." most popular song were self explana short of crew served weapons so long The Front for the Advancement tory to any with ears to listen; "When as one kept it in one's home for per and Progress of Haiti (FRAPH) has Titid (Arisitide) gets back you're sonal protection. This means, posses been universally reviled by the Amer going to pay, we'll have our re sion of a select fire Galil, or an Uzi, ican media and the communist propa venge." was legal so long as one had the ganda machine as a paramilitary The reason for the hysteria was necessary permit issued by the extremist organization. Because news quite simple. The Lavalas believed FAd'H. In other words, if you could reports leading up to the occupation that the American had arrived to afford it you could own it. Attaches focused almost entirely on its alleged allow them to do whatever they want and police auxiliaries were frequently campaign of terror waged against ed; loot businesses, expropriate and issued (that means they signed for) "the people" it is illustrative to define redistribute property, and murder the M-1 rifles and CS grenades in con what FRAPH was and who made up FAd'H, FRAPH and Attaches. It was nection with their official duties. its membership. a belief grounded in their observation These weapons were kept in their Although FRAPH was officially of American actions. homes.) established as a political party in The communist and United Na Weapons confiscation proceeded 1993, it actually dated back to the tions propaganda about Haiti defined on the basis of lists of "enemies of the 10 Vol. I, No.3

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