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The Reassess Your Chess Workbook PDF

220 Pages·2001·17.41 MB·English
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How TO MASTER CHESS IMBALANCES How To Reassess Your Chess and The Reasstss Your Chess Womxoox should be among the first books bought by players who want to improve their game. Highly recommended!” Lanny Conasttansen *Silman’sclrity of presentation and humorous personality hove come together in this workbook to ereate the Ultimate learaing tool.” “I wish 1 could be a beginner again. This book makes learning about chess incredibly fun!" WORKBOOK _.HOW_TO_MASTER. ___CHEssS_IMBALANCES —.... by IM. Jeremy.Silman SILES PRESS & LOS ANGELES Soe: #2000 Ip fey Se 2 Phaacyyapl eappighe © 2001 by Gwen Feleeran Alogi essed, No part of tis book may be set orreprvhiced sey maine wlutseves ibe iter REXEL shan Sune the pubes, erent 3 tae cate of il quota ced Tein alae a evens, in Kon wo s7es Labeany of Congress Carag in Puicance a Stra, Jee “hae mamas: poor ss arco Jere Stn 2 Chess Cialctinn a gs, 1 Tae Assi aml RALTker—onuane tsi 290085.057 cover design by Heil Fesver iene and Sou in the nel Sales et Ae aoa Stscaon Rost, Los Angeles, CA 900 Dodicated to Sri Nsergadatta Mahara} fhe offers us rut), Rat (omy patron satis), Zoe Cy fovortes cluster Heard), Stan (yet anutber idiod, 790 thaok at my beard), ‘Rai (det ad ioving iy, Khu Geet, claws. five ant brains), Pai Zolub Zhan (ako makes me wien 10 smanerse myself in botany), Hans Baruch (70, 10, 10). Join Waison (wha sumeboe puts up wold nip pane Paving), eel fob Donaldson (the ortly ome thes ws Joiow what al ofthis means). Inteoducton éx Syubo! Legend tit Tat One: A Look at a Sysrent Thinking Techniques 4 Imbalasces: A Crash Gorarse Pair Yeo Problems, The Opening 44 Tho Middleyane 63 The Bndgame 99 Scltannatanons 109 Part Three: Solatinns The Opening 424 Vhe Midelegeme 7a Ile Endgame 235 Sel-Aunotations 333 Glossary 407 3 come war Teever guested "ne pepe it weould cLie fe Sine Thal ae, han segs request for ore this sate theme Ge in chess) This el bo The Amature al look in player’ ed exe inkang habits, ‘The Bow of mal did’? 0, Thaw, seulzecuess fora thr vine amiveu in even srester urbe ean be va ear tt may hye he he rg lechowgis | exponuled eying Dest se dallowec. them to undenanl vias ch sbvletice fe 3 wy ta wae ena td mace fac nay stu: the game Tek ey cad mae fovea “ays Uru 9 alle ith them sks el at hs easy the ae This ve chat lil Ko Be This ook uch! ite dre pars, Pan Che: ing mel ut hess Te dgues,Lstan sith a har ‘adorn thinking techniques Ameriung a anempts by welF eon ees Cainkers ess postions Souk! he vidual “ove alu bet found ty irking is then sompared ue Uo Jobat: 4 Gnas Coes, 1 escues the seven inbalanees nat one the Lass iy steam Kies ef Frese iempalances are ‘eplninc in detail, ana exams se given tel Hei the sre how to wee then to sie manage ae well how te play gts hoon 9 fae. this part ofthe uk ise key seeing the pec Teo Gar feone AT tse prolems in cas book are designed 10 soy hore well you wn fem a plan and recognize te imal fevcach phase of the game Fart Tao it composed of 131 pastionalstteste and weve rolems feom the opening, de misklegione, an the endgame, ples a seulion ce sEannotations. Thacah the problems are pre Semed ir these four basic ways, L pusmogeysvnided ang core: fay theme of idea, As in rel play, 8 up 4 you ts Gia se londersand these things wilhovt help fies an invesible voice (Chvlute te mute Jn =" appears in hooks, cL we often miss Ue caate in seal play because nicbue’y 1@ gang of Hh enormous ue) ve alsa designed the problee-s to have « howe eomge af sitficuly, uray frou 1200 (0 the auch higher 2106 evel. In fact, srve of the fom wil he challenging ls payers wits cvings (oF 2500 and apt Even f yon are none ilar wits he material feo zuy previous onl, the solutions io Bae problems, gone in Pare Thice, ac laid out in sich degth thar the gostinas ie question wl be Sed wis fen ane extiing recurs, Ezesls was a Iookleg at the gare ‘ell he serve for on a planer, aid your monte of ccs as 2 ohole should go wages weor reece ‘he Races Your Chass Workin cat: be ane a8 serious esting, desi oF a 4 sraifonwant boas af wetnetion 4¢ You can muse a serous efor to sob all the prs lems An exellent way “0 thi isto place your neon (vei suc ced yan ma sage) na nercbook. Only look at re solutions when, youve gone ’roagl ail the quesioes, Y25 ¥ tow yea to Form an koncert idea of how low fedgeable yo realy are, CSauy y ayers feel they siady know this salerel, Tavs pour Casece 16 see if you ore wie br dalitet) This method af swudhing The Reasess Your Chess Workbook sould prove very wat You ean ‘ook aia problem, ay to solve i aod shen icunediatey look ar the ange: + Ine of trang 10 sive sue yrubeams, you ean ip iat soming of te book, jump to the salcoas, ane! singly study what's given fa cis way, you will he using 2he book in & purely instructional sans, Th. book fills void inches tear, Must prebier: hooks fend to ao lot uf cuetions, give pathclcsly spars anor — they dont really each yeu anything at all 8 my hope that Tae Roassss Your Chess Workbook wl prove be beh eta sad igi instmueve, sad Ue sud shonlt garcer mao hows of plete frum it As always, Fweloome vealens with ermeeians, obsezvations, ‘or apmments i esa me a jlenan eantink net. omelet exo beat move interesting eno, foes move woe move pune jun Kiss ase mrs aga, rhe Fgh twomabition Grom the sii) of 4 now classic honk appeated rat <1 dewaled disccssion ga lw (o niprove your fers of alysis, This bork, Thine fhe a Grand or? by slexanse Kaw, stuve Wo shaw Lie stidene how azentate ale sng qualities a he el” shess payer 2 Mean wll open Sens haus a ea i any i hi peal mie fame iad Fon gc ch her gles The mene paver knoe ane remeber the ee i fo fu wo Sada Tey a poesion whch as, nd oc stn sea prose ingore ily to bik cate Poa pl ea wen the eaands of te abn Paso Agrees nt able sic ore

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