-vy tike It*- K- t '* . Dr. Simon'^'Gmen'Atkins MlKO^ V I ^f».^K J Visitors and Rams in the center of campus enjoying the. women ofWSSWs University Choir durinq Hontecoming Week. Pegram Haff (Cejt); Cieon F. Thompson Center {center); Cadd Grant O'KefCy Library (Ri^Rt); ciock.tower St peifestrion moXf. Winston-Salem State University 601 Martin Luther King Jr., Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27110 Volume 71 s Pr. Hardd L. Martin, £r. Qianceio" Mr'«^ WINSTON SALEM STATE 200 Blair Hall WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27110 UNIVERSITY (336) 750-2041 ptione • (336) 750-2049 /(ia: • [email protected] Officeof theChancellor DearStudents: I saluteyou in the accomplishmentofagreat achievement as a recentgraduate of Winston-Salem State University. You havebeen a partofand witness to an amazing trans- formation at your alma mater. You will always cherish the memories ofwhat you have achieved. This yearbook captures many memorable moments ofyour past year atWSSU, moments many ofyou will carry inyour thoughts for the rest ofyour lives. I know that the contents ofthis publication will grow in value over time as you recall your experience WSSU. at CXirgraduates continue tohave a tremendous impact in the communities in which they reside. They continue to exemplify thebest traditions ofour motto, "Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve." You carry that legacy with you, as well as the hopes and dreams ofthose who will come afteryou. You are well equipped to carry that legacy forward. I am as proud ofyour accomplishment asyou are. As you transition into the global marketplace, I know thatyou will treasure the RAM tradition. Please know that ourhopes foryour suc- cessgo with you. Foryou returning Rams, this yearbookvividly illustratestheexcitementofthe past year you experienced and provides a glimpse ofevents that could become defining moments inyourexperience atWSSU. We hope the time you have spent here hasbeen both enlightening and fruitful. When you return in the fall, we will continue to deliver on ourpromise to do allwe canto prepareyou forthe challengesahead. All ofyouhavea place ofhonorwithin the community ofthe university family. Cherish that honor. Remember: as you departyouralmamater, take your place in the world to serve. With verybest regards. ^ou.^^ ?^\^ch^5o. Harold L. Martin, Sr. Chancellor Wdmcton-SalemStateUniversityisaCoNsrrruENTiNSTrrunoNoftheUNrvERsrrvofNorthCarolina AnEqualOpportunit*'Employer Dr. Fedro M^inez University Fra/cet & Vice Qnmcdor ofAcsdemc Affairs I I I I »^ 1^1 Winston-Saiem Siatt University's Board of Trustees Kevin Myatt Tommy Payne Earline (Richardson Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Migel D. Alston Joseph 5. Amado F. 5cott Bauer Loretta C. Biggs James C. hash, 5r. Margaret 5. Newman Tommy Quentin DeBerry, Qloha Ross Reese Terrell 50/^ President OountercfockiA/isefrofn rights+4ost,JoIttx "SftorlteO/die'CX^otns. SofiHofnore-loKsei|ol-t Iodtnon.tl^cI_oc{«esof^^ipl^on.t| ond "H^e 'Brotl»crsofO/phot "Ft»« O/p^o Fi-otcrrtity, Inc Hefttori'g^t)T>orrie(( Gregory,ICenrietftF>er»eh,Jorxotfior* Ti.or\rx,John 4-4Limptveg,AA-ortM^ts Smoffs,"DeOndreA4.f(es, ond T^ogmond JTordtort. T-M-H Ultimate Experience T^ (jijist enmi o(j its Isindwas sponso/ie-d by OpiMQ QfiiKepfmrns, yiboui <fcJuM.aKrtieS CIJj£.A.<H) dud'Deuce^oklaiieAtOiuMfiwt! Rmded.by SG^'s Q/iCe-Pnesidfint o(j £.xim.d A. A\j{j(Ms, j^ovdKt Pobinson. Duning f?obiKSon's kimyim h statedtto, "Tk. s^'s puiiposewas '\/lli. JT^lit« to get awide i)-anie.ty o(y ta?£ut \jhowi ^HFOU's L»*f a?i oi)-eAjlfo)itR(3a)iofcna Ounpomposawas to H\W fT ^ fl pnoOtdfctRfi campus witK. an excellent out?&t \jok ilA^^ 4iM mieKiOimmt, aCbwing yoimg miKepKmms, to get t^ expeAietiCfc o(j fjacifototinQ andiMpteMoitatiKg t^ business tuoKsactions, andto p/ioaetfcot one. w^ .^.JT^ instOKCes young btocfepeop?£, can get toge-tReft.to IjeMowsfcpwithout any occuwiences o(j T^ s^ \j\oimQ&. was a wojon success witK.oo-en 1300 T^ in attendance." |jO?.bwing acts wane jyeatunedinik.skm-. TabitedTnMotion (TIM). ~Ak>^ Pfc Alpkx5/LateAnity Inc., SpipfconyMode&ng Tuoupe, 'S'oby SRojim o\j 80's 'B'aby SnteAtaiwuent, andSnoog, (M o(j Sa/SSU; ^tJouse AhMSt DanCeT/ioupe o(y J\ioiii Goiiofcna Gentwi, UniaeJisity, Coutune Pnoductions o\jJlQ A6T,oiAdH^ocfe Mi^^iiMMode£ing TiuDUpe ojj ^ayettel)i?,?^ State (jRiD-ensity, ainong otKeAS. 4irw^