THE PLUM TIHNE GOLDEN VASE PRINCETOLNI RBARY OF ASIANT RANS LAT I O N S The Plumi nth eG oldeVna se or,C HIN P'INCM El VOLUME TWO: THE RIVALS TranslbaytD eadv iTdo dR oy M.·/ ��� UNIVERSITY PRESS PRIN ON �� PRINCETON AND OXFORD Copyri©g h2t0 01b yP rinceUtnoinv erPsrietsys PublisbhyeP dr inceUtnoinv erPsrietsy4s 1,W illiSatmr eet, PrinceNteonwJ, e rs0e8y5 40 Int heU niteKdi ngdoPmr:i nceUtnoinv erPsrietsys , 3 MarkePtl acWeo,o dstoOcxkf,o rdshOiXr2e01 SY AllR ights Reserved Seconpdr intianngdf, i rpsatp erbapcrki nti2n0g0,6 Paperback IS9B7N8--103-:6 91-12619-7 PaperbaIcSkB N-100-:6 91-12619-4 ThLei broafCry o nghraecssa st atlhocegl eoedtd hi otfit ohbnio soa ksf ollows Hsiao-hsiao-sheng [ChiPn' inMge iE.n glish] Thep lumi nt heg oldevna seor,C, h inP 'inMge i/ translbaytD eadv iTda dR oy. p. cm.- (Princleitborna orfAy s iatnr anslations) Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncdei sn dex. Contenvt.1s .:T heg athervi.n2 g.T. h er ivals. ISBN0 -691-07077-6 1.R oyD,a viTda d1 933-.I IT.i tleI.I IS.e ries. PL2698.H73C47131 993 895.1'346-dc209 2-45054 Thibso okh asb eecno mposiendE lectra Printoenda cid-fpraepee00r . Printientd h eU niteSdt atoefsA merica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Toa ltlh ossteu defrinetnsd,as n,dc olleagues WHO PARTICIPAWTIETDH M E INT HEE XCITEMENT OF EXPLORINTGH EW ORLDO F THEC HIN P'INGM El OVERT HEP ASTQ UARTECRE NTURY CONTENTS LISOTFI LLUSTRAXTlI ONS ACKNOWLEDGMExNiTiSi CASOTF C HARACTERSXV CHAPTER 21 Wu Yiieh-niSawnege pSsn owi nO rdetroB reTwe a; YinPgo -chiiReuhn sE rranodnsB ehaolffF lowers3 CHAPTER 22 Hsi-mCehn' iSnegc reSteldyu cLeasi -waWnigf'es; Ch'un-mSeeil f-righDteenoouusnlcLyei Ms i ng 30 CHAPTER 23 Yii-hsAicatoas sL ookobuytY iieh-niCahnagm'bse r; Chin-lEiaevne sdroouptss iHdied deSnp riGnrgo tto4 3 CHAPTER 24 Ching-Fclhiiwr tsi tahB eauotyn t heL anteFrens tival; 62 Hui-hsiAannggr iHluyr lAsb usaetL ai-waWnigf'es CHAPTER 25 HsiieShe-cor eDtilvyu ltgheeLs o vAfef air; 80 Lai-waDnrgu nkeVnillyi fiHessi -mCehn' ing CHAPTER 26 Lai-waInsSg e nutn dePre naEls cotroHt Sii-chou; 100 SungH ui-lIisSe hn ameidn tCoo mmittSiunigc ide CHAPTER 27 LiP 'ing-Ceormhm unicaatS eesc rient thKei ngfisPhaevri lion; 127 P'aCnh in-lEinegna giensa D runkeOnr guyn detrh eG rapAreb or CHAPTER 28 Ch'eCnh ing-Tcehais Cehsi n-laibeonua tS hoe; 150 Hsi-mCehn' iAnngg riBleya tLsi ttIlreoR no d CHAPTER 29 ImmortWaul P hysiognotmhieEz xeasl taenddt heH umble; 166 P'aCnh in-lEinejno ayM si ddaBya ttilnte h eB athtub VIlJ CONTENTS CHAPTER 30 Lai-Epsactoots rh Seh ipmoefBn ittrh dGaiyft s; Hsi-Cmhe'ni Bnegg aeS tosan n Gda iannsO ffice1 94 CHAPTER 31 Ch'-ifnuCnogn ceaFa llasga oftneS rp yinYgii- shoina o; Hs-imeCnh n'giH oladF se aasntDd r inCkesla etborWriyn e2 14 CHAPTER 32 LiK uecih-iAedho paMts o thaenrId As c cteepadsa D aughter; YinPgo- chiiCerha cJkoska ensDd a ncAetestn daonncS eu cce2s42s CHAPTER 33 Che'nC hi-nhcgiL osHeisKs e yasn IdDs i satirnte.oSd ig n; HanTa o-kLuiob erHaiWtsie efst o C ompetfroeA dmira2t6i1o n CHAPTER 34 Sh-uufnRge ileusp oHni Fsa vtooBr or keArffa irs; P'i-naHgna rbors RaensWdea gnstH miTesonn gtu e2 82 CHAPTER 35 HarboRreisnegn tHms-eimnetCn h 'iPnugn ishes P'ing-an; PlayaiF negm aRloelS eh- ufuEnntge rtHaainngse r3s0-9o n CHAPTER 36 ChaCih 'iSeednnsa L etterf roA saku inYnGgogi rl; Hs-imeCnh 'iPnagt roPnriiznecGsir apdaulTa st'e3a 4i5 CHAPTER 37 Old MoFtehnUegrr g tehsMe a rrioafHg aenA ic-hieh; Hs-imeCnh 'iEnsgp oWuasnegLs i u-aesarM hi str3e6s0s CHAPTER 38 Hs-imeCnh 'giS nubcjtTesr icHksatnteo tr hT ehi rDde gere; P'aCnhi nl-ioenna S nowEyv enTioynswg i tHhe Pr' i-3p8'2a CHAPTER 39 Hs-imeCnh' iHnogl Cdhsi Raio taetts hT eem ploeft hJea dEemp eorr; WuY iieh-nLiiasntgte oBn usd dNhuinsRste citing TheiSra crTeexdts 4 04 CHAPTER 40 HoldHienBrgo iyn H eArr mLsiP 'ingC-urerriFhea svo r; DresUspi naagM s a idvsaenCrth i-nliCeonut Arsff ecti4o3n8 APPENDIX TrnaslaotfSi ounpsp lteamMreaynt er4i5a3l CONTENTS IX NOTES4 73 BIBLIOGRAP5HY7 7 INDE6X 05