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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Pillar of Fire, by Joseph Holt Ingraham This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: The Pillar of Fire or, Israel in Bondage Author: Joseph Holt Ingraham Release Date: December 5, 2015 [EBook #50611] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE PILLAR OF FIRE *** Produced by MWS, Chris Pinfield and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/Canadian Libraries) Transcriber's Note. The text comprises a series of letters in three groups. The first group, the first letter within that group, and the third group, lack headings. Appropriate headings have been copied from the Table of Contents and inserted on pages 25 and 468. Apparent typographical errors have been corrected as has inconsistent hyphenation. THE FINDING OF MOSES.—PAGE 388. THE PILLAR OF FIRE; OR, Israel in Bondage. By REV. J. H. INGRAHAM, Rector of Christ Church, and of St. Thomas' Hall, Holly Springs, Miss. AUTHOR OF "THE PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID." BOSTON: ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers. No. 299 Washington Street. 1881. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by G. G. EVANS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. THE MEN OF ISRAEL, SONS OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB, K I N D R E D O F M O S E S , THE GREAT LAWGIVER AND FRIEND OF GOD: This Book IS INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR; WITH THE PRAYER, THAT YOU, OF THIS GENERATION, WHO ARE DISPERSED IN ALL THE EARTH MAY BEHOLD AND FOLLOW THE LIGHT OF THE CROSS, AS YOUR FATHERS FOLLOWED T HE P I LLA R OF F I RE AND ENTER AT LAST THE REAL CANAAN, UNDER THE TRUE JOSHUA, JESUS, THE SON OF ABRAHAM, WHO ALSO WAS T H E S O N O F G O D . AUTHOR'S CHAPTER TO THE READER. The idea of illustrating scenes of that period of the history of Egypt in which the Israelites were held in bondage by her kings, and presenting it from a point of view outside of the Mosaic narrative, yet strictly harmonizing therewith, occurred to the writer some years ago. In view of his object, he has carefully studied the history and chronology of Egypt, and endeavored to inform his mind upon the manners, customs, laws, religion, and polity of the ancient Egyptians, so far as to aid him in an intelligent and practical execution of his work. The difficulties which the question of dynasty, and of individual reigns have presented, will be understood by the Egyptian student. Whatsoever chronology or theory the author might finally decide upon, he saw would be open to the objections of adherents to the opposite school. After a thorough examination of the subject of the dynasties, the author has followed, chiefly, the chronology and theory of Nolan and Seyffarth, whose opinions are sustained by the ablest scholars. But this work is by no means a "Book on Egypt." It professes to have nothing more to do with Egyptian antiquities, mythology, chronology, and history, than these naturally assemble about his subject, which is, mainly, "The Bondage and Deliverance of the Children of Israel from the Land of Egypt." The plan upon which the author has constructed his work is similar to that of "The Prince of the House of David;" viz., by presenting the scenes and events he would describe, through a series of letters, alleged to be written by one who is supposed to witness with his own eyes what he is made to place before those of the reader. As in "The Prince of the House of David," a young Jewish maiden is supposed to witness many of the most remarkable scenes in the human life of the Lord Jesus, and to write of them to her father in Egypt, so in the present work a young prince of Phœnicia is made the medium of communication between the author and his reader. This prince, Sesostris, the son of the king and queen of Phœnicia, upon reaching the age of eight-and- twenty, prepares to go into Egypt, for the purpose of studying the laws and arts, religion and government of that country, which, at this period, was the most powerful kingdom of the earth. Mistress of wisdom, learning, and letters, she drew to her brilliant court youths, nobles, philosophers, and travellers of all lands; as in later centuries, even in her decadence, Greece sent her scholars there to be perfected in the sciences and philosophies of her academies. Young Sesostris takes leave of his mother, now a widowed queen, and embarks in the royal galley at the marble pier of the palace of the Isle of Tyre. He bears letters to Amense, the queen of Egypt, commending him to her courtesy. Between Egypt and Phœnicia existed bonds, not only of friendly alliance, but of relationship. But few centuries had passed since a king of Phœnicia, at the head of a vast army of Syrians, invaded Egypt, and taking Memphis, set up a foreign throne in the valley of the Nile. Under this dynasty of conquerors, Joseph ruled in Egypt, and Jacob dwelt; for, being Syrians, these new Pharaohs regarded with partiality the descendants of Abraham, who was also "a Syrian." But after the death of Joseph, not many years elapsed ere the Theban kings of Upper Egypt invaded the Memphitic realm of the Nile, and, overturning the power of this foreign dynasty, friendly to the sons of Israel, re-established the native Egyptian monarchy, "which knew not Joseph," nor recognized the descendants of Abraham dwelling in the land. On the contrary, looking upon them as of similar lineage with the expelled Syrian or Assyrian invaders, as they were equally called, the new monarch and conqueror, {5} {6} {7} Amosis, at once placed them in subjection, and oppressed them with a bitter bondage. This new Egyptian monarchy, under Pharaoh-Amosis, came into power again, some years after the death of Joseph, during which period the children of Israel had increased to a great people. For the space of seventy years their oppression was continued by successive kings, until, under Amenophis I. (the father of Amense, "Pharaoh's daughter"), the alarming increase of the numbers of the Hebrews, led this monarch to take harsher measures with them, "for the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew."[1] Fearing for the stability of his kingdom, if they should rise upon their taskmasters, and remembering the Syrian shepherd-kings, who had so lately ruled Egypt, he issued the command for the destruction of all their male children, as soon as born! At the time of the promulgation of this sanguinary edict, Amense was a young princess, to whose feet the little ark, containing the infant Moses, God-directed, came. The theory of Egyptian chronology which we have decided to follow, represents this princess as the Queen of Egypt, at the time when we present the Prince Sesostris of Tyre to the reader Under her wise rule, Egypt had attained the culmination of its glory and power. Her father, having died, after reigning twenty-two years, she began her brilliant reign when Moses was twelve years of age—B. C. about 1560. She had been upon the throne twenty-one years, when the Prince Sesostris prepares to visit her court. We will not longer delay presenting the reader to the Letters of Prince Sesostris, trusting that this feeble attempt to illustrate one of the most interesting periods of human history, as it might have appeared to a stranger in Egypt, may lead to a study of the Old Testament by many who are unfamiliar with its pages; and also show how, in his dealings with Pharaoh, God wielded not merely an arbitrary power, but that, in all the "mighty works" He did, He was striking at Egypt's gods, and asserting His own Divinity, as the Only Living and True God, "besides Whom there is none else." The Author. Holly Springs, Mississippi. Jan. 1, 1859. Note.—The Egyptian scholar, the critic, and the Biblical student are referred to the "Concluding Essay by the Author," in the Appendix, at the close of the volume. [1] Exodus ii. TABLE OF CONTENTS. LETTERS OF SESOSTRIS TO QUEEN EPIPHIA. LETTER I. On, the City of the Sun—Grandeur of Egypt—Emotions at the sight of its wonders of art and scenes of beauty—The Queen of the ancient house of Pharaoh—Her son, Prince Remeses (Moses)—Tyre, and its traffic with distant lands—Damascus—Voyage from Tyre to Pelusium—Scene at the departure of the fleet —The Nile—Its encroachments—First view of Egypt—Meeting with Egyptian war-ship—Invitation to visit the Court of Queen Amense—Description of Egyptian war-ship—Banquet on the Admiral's ship—Singular custom—Panorama of the Nile—pp. 25-38. LETTER II. Love for native land—Avenue of temples and palaces—Sublime temple of the Sun—Emblem of Osiris —Artificial canal—Gardens and circular lake—Gathering of philosophers and scholars—Obelisks— Message from Queen Amense—Great temple of Osiris—Splendid approach to the City of the Sun—Row of sphinxes—Osiris and Isis—Colossi—An Arabian charger—Magnificent scene—Spectacle of architectural grandeur—Beautiful palace—Religious notions of the Egyptians—Personal appearance of the Lord-prince Remeses (Moses)—View of the Desert—Hebrew laborers—Interview with Remeses—pp. 39- 52. LETTER III. Climate of Egypt—Eternal sunshine and crystalline atmosphere—Costume of the Egyptian prince— Hieroglyphic writing—Legend of the Obelisk of Mitres—More of the personal appearance of Remeses (Moses)—The Hebrew prince Abram (the Patriarch)—His personal appearance—His tomb—Interior of Egyptian palace—Egyptian Mythology—Mnevis, the sacred ox—Legend of Osiris—Pantheism—Apis, or the sacred bull—Out-of-door life at midday—Hebrews, under their taskmasters, in the burning sun— Prospect from the terrace of the palace—Isle of Rhoda, in the Nile—pp. 53-66. LETTER IV. Palace of Remeses—Invitation to meet the Queen—Costume of a prince of Tyre—Egyptian chariots and horses—Nubian charioteer—Escort of the Queen's body-guard—Pleasure chariots—The Queen in her chariot—Beautiful lake—Sphinxes—Royal palace described—The throne-room—The throne-chair of {8} ivory—Its footstool and canopy—Assembly of military princes—Magnificent attire, and splendid appearance of Remeses (Moses)—Ceremony of presentation to the Queen—Queen Amense; her appearance and costume—Termination of the audience—pp. 67-80. LETTER V. Egyptian magnificence—Egyptian architecture—Osiride pillars—Vastness of objects—Avenue of Sphinxes—Temple of the god Horus—The emblem of Hor-hat—Court of Colonnades—Grand hall—Rich colors in architecture—Sculpture—Bass-reliefs—Splendid temple—Chamber of art and beauty— Magnificent review of the army of four thousand chariots of iron—A warrior-prince in his war-chariot— Description of war-chariot—Ethiopian slaves—Bewildering spectacle—Military and civil homage to the Queen—The Lord of Uz (Job) described—Ceremonies preparatory to a royal banquet—The banquet— Costly wine-goblets—Arabian dancing-girls—Jugglers—Guests overcome by wine—pp. 81-98. LETTER VI. Visit from Prince Remeses (Moses)—Great gate of the city—Phalanx of dark Libyan soldiers—Varied accomplishments of Remeses—Avenue of gardens, villas, and lakes—Temples in circular lakes—Egyptian field-laborers—Hebrew brick-makers—Description of this "mysterious" race—Account of the mode of their toil—Cruelty of their taskmasters—Emotions of pity at the sight of their sufferings—The lash!— Beautiful Hebrew girls—Dwellings of brick-makers—Joseph—Scene at the "Fountain of Strangers"— Distant view of the City of the Sun—Of Raamses—Of the pyramids—Of the illimitable desert—Wounded Hebrew youth at the Fountain of Strangers—Majestic old Hebrew beaten by taskmasters—Touching scene —pp. 99-114. LETTER VII. Interview with the venerable Ben Isaac at the Well of the Strangers—Raamses, the Treasure-city— Joseph's granary—Exquisite temple of Apis—Beautiful young Hebrew girl pursued by the taskmaster—Her rescue and story—The punishment of the taskmaster—Intolerable burdens of the Hebrews—Garden of Flowers for the use of the temple of Apis—Account of the Syrian prince Abram (Abraham)—Of Melchisedec—Of the Hyksos, or Shepherd-Kings—Their conquest of Egypt—The Princess Sara (wife of Abraham)—Prince Jacob (the Patriarch) and his twelve sons—Joseph—Pharaoh's dream—Elevation of Joseph—Monuments of his power—pp. 115-129. LETTER VIII. Eagles of prey—Account of the Hebrews—Imposing funeral of the Patriarch Jacob—His powerful and able government—Overthrow of the dynasty of the Shepherd-Kings—Dynasty of the Thebaïd— Flourishing condition of the Hebrews in the land of Goshen, under the government of Joseph—Aspirations after the One God—Reduction of the Hebrews to servitude—Their rapid and miraculous increase—The massacre of their male infants—Courageous affection of the Hebrew mothers—Egyptian nurses sympathize with them—Infants hid—Queen Amense's humanity—Courage and wisdom of many of the Hebrews—Exciting ride past Joseph's ruined palace—Jacob's Well—The plain of the Hebrew brick-makers —Death of a Hebrew under his taskmasters—Sculptured obelisk of Queen Amense—Emotions of Syrian painters at sight of their prince—pp. 130-144. LETTER IX. Reflections on the degradation of the Hebrews—Hebrew pages and maidens in the service of Egyptian nobles—Amram, the palace gardener—Contrast between the physiognomy of the Egyptians and Hebrews —Remarkable likeness of Prince Remeses to the Israelites—Description of the Lord-prince Mœris—He seeks a quarrel with Remeses—Illness of Queen Amense—Filial devotion of Remeses—Magnificent prospect of the Nile, the Plain of the Pyramids, the City of the Sun, Jizeh and Memphis—Myriads of human beings at labor—Naval review and sham-battle—Exciting scene of contending thousands—pp. 145- 157. LETTER X. Recovery of Queen Amense—Gropings after the True God—Pleasure-galley of the Nile—Voluptuous ease—River chant—Phœnician Mythology and Learning—Procession of the Dead—Tradition of the universal Deluge and of Noe-menes (Noah)—Myths of Ammon, and of Belus the Warrior-god and Founder of Babylon—Nimrod's temple—Baalbec—Worship of the Sun—Myths of Apis, Horus, Adonis, and Io—Magnificent worship of Osiris and Isis—Mysteries of the temple of Tyre—Baal-phegor—Pillars of the West—Marvels of foreign lands, and islands of wonderful beauty—Men formed like monkeys—The edge of the world—A sea-storm—Gulf down which the full sea plunges—Legends of the form of the Earth; of its foundation; of its motion through space—pp. 158-172. LETTER XI. The beautiful Isle of Rhoda—Prince Mœris and his favorite lion—Refinement of Egyptians—Polite observances at the reception of visitors—Parting between Queen Amense and Remeses—Military emblems —Magnificent display of the Egyptian "tented hosts"—Striking religious and military display of the army— Columns formed of trophies taken in battle—The chief priest of Mars—His gorgeous attire and imposing ceremonies—Gigantic statue of Mars, in full armor—Offerings of the soldiers—Invocation by the High- priest—Libations for the army—Clouds of incense—Appearance of the beautiful daughters of the priest— The musical sistrum—Sacred offices in the temple filled by women—The Virgins of the Sun—Social position of Egyptian women—Thrilling martial hymn chaunted by the priests, the army, and the maiden— Sacrifice—Remeses reviews the army—Ethiopia—Description of an Egyptian army; its tactics and weapons—The nations composing it—pp. 173-190. LETTER XII. Immense military force of Egypt—Sublime sunrise—Morning hymn—Gala of the resurrection of Osiris —Festivals to the gods—Visit to the Queen—Glimpse of dark-eyed Egyptian girls—Their tasteful dress— Life, manners, and customs of high-born Egyptian ladies—Their high social estimation—Egyptians can have but one wife—Occupations of ladies—Classifications of Egyptian society—The habitations of the Egyptians—Family customs and gatherings—House of the Admiral Pathromenes—Home-life of the Egyptians—pp. 191-208. LETTER XIII. Ancient worship of the gods on Libanus—Natural temples—Legend of the weeping for Tammuz— Unsatisfactory nature of the worship of idols—More aspirations and gropings after the true God—Where is the Infinite?—There can be but one God!—His nature—Body-guard rowers of Prince Remeses—Their captain—Nubian slaves—Great quay, or landing-mart of Memphis—Merchants from all parts of the world —Street lined with temples—Avenue of statues and columns—Memphis—Gradual change of the true religion into idolatry—The four deified bulls of Egypt—Sacred birds, serpents, scorpions, vegetables, and monsters—pp. 209-225. LETTER XIV. Majestic temple of the sacred bull, Apis—Tyrian mariner torn to pieces by the Egyptians for ignorantly killing a sacred cat—Imposing worship of the deified bull—Description of the sacred animal—Costly offerings at his shrine—An omen!—Tasteful palace of the hierarch of the temple—Transmigration of souls —Brute incarnation of deity—Tradition concerning Osiris—Foreshadowing of the coming of the Invisible upon earth in human form—Lamentations upon the death of a deified bull—His obsequies—Pomp and rejoicings over a new god, Apis—Mausoleum of the Serapis—Sarcophagi—The Sarapeum—The Lady Nelisa—Beautiful daughter of the priest of Mars—The Lake of the Dead—Embalmers and their art— Customs attending death and embalmment—Funeral procession of Rathmes, "lord of the royal gardens"— The venerable head-gardener, Amram—The baris, or sacred boat—pp. 226-244. LETTER XV. Conclusion of funeral ceremonies of the lord of the royal gardens—The Sacred Way—Processions of mourners—Avenue to the tombs—The "dead-life" of the Egyptians—Awful ceremony of the judgment of the dead—Burial of the unworthy dead prohibited—False accusers stoned away—Myth as to the state of the soul after death—Metempsychosis—The mystery of the tribunal of Osiris—Reception of the justified soul into the celestial kingdom—Doom of the reprobate soul—Monkeys, emblems of the god Thoth—The gate of the pyramids—Colossal Andro-sphinx, or Watcher before the pyramids—Beautiful temple of Osiris —The twin pyramids, Cheops and Chephres—pp. 245-261. LETTER XVI. Continuation of description of the Pyramids—Colossal monolith of Horus—Perilous ascent of Cheops— Prospect from a resting-place upon the pyramid, four hundred feet in air—A prince of Midian falls from Chephres—Magnificent view from the top of Cheops, six hundred feet in air—Tombs of kings—The Giants before the Flood founders of the great pyramids—Ancient appearance of pyramids—Greater duration of human life—The third pyramid built by Amun, son of Noah—Egyptian tradition of Noah and his sons—Entombment of Noah in Cheops, and the mourning of the Nations—Verdant plain of the Nile— The desolation of the Desert—Jizeh—Raamses and Pythom, the treasure-cities—The smiling land of Goshen—Prophecy of an Unknown World, in the West—The sacred papyri—Descent of the pyramid— Luxora, the beautiful daughter of the high-priest—Her legend of the Emerald Table of Hermes—Osiria— pp. 262-276. LETTER XVII. The lovely Osiria's legend of King Saurid—Stately Hebrew woman—Tradition of the construction of the larger pyramid—Its foundations—Its gates—Its covering of silk—Its treasure-chambers and magical guardians of stone and agate—Miriam, the papyrus-copier—Her striking resemblance to Prince Remeses— The pyramid penetrated by a Phœnician conqueror—Discovery of treasures—Mighty sarcophagus of the dead monarch of two worlds, Noah—Chamber of the precession of the equinoxes—Hall of the Universe— Pyramids built before the Deluge—Configuration of the seven planets as at the Creation—Astrology— Enigma of the Phœnix—The riddle solved—Nelisa—Interview with the stately Miriam in the Hall of Books —pp. 277-293. LETTER XVIII. Tidings from Prince Remeses and the army—Antediluvian origin of the pyramids—The barbaric King of Ethiopia, Occhoris—His body-guard of Bellardines—His sacrilege in the temple of the sacred bull at Thebes—Pious vengeance of the people—Visit of Remeses to the tomb of his father—Remarkable conversation with Miriam, the papyrus-copier—Description of Miriam—Ben Isaac and the lad Israel— Contempt of the Egyptians for Israel—Religious and political degradation of the Hebrews—Miriam declares the mystery of the God of her fathers—Her denunciation of idol-worship—Miriam's occupation— The winged asps—Interview with the Prince of Uz, Ra-Iub (Job)—Job speaks of the Almighty!—Seems inspired of God—Tradition of a Day's-man, or mediator—Job convinces Sesostris that there is but one God—pp. 294-313. LETTER XIX. Intelligence from Ethiopia—Remeses a conqueror—Great spoils—He enters Memphis in triumphal array —His filial piety—The captive Ethiopian king—Victorious army of one hundred thousand men in triumphal procession—The Prince of Egypt in his war-chariot—Column of twelve thousand Ethiopian captives—Description of the bands of captives, and their treatment—Invocation of the victors in the great temple of Pthah—Distinction between captives taken in war and the Hebrews—pp. 314-330. LETTER XX. Delightful climate—Indolence and leisure by day—Spirit of life and enjoyment reigns at night—Galley of a noble designedly runs down a small baris—Handsome Hebrew—Another startling resemblance to Prince Remeses!—The lad Israel again—Miriam, the papyrus-copier, the sister of the handsome Hebrew—What he saw, in boyhood, beside the Nile—His infant brother committed to the river—Subterranean chambers for casting images of the gods—The Hebrew gives an account of his people and his God—He mourns the oppression of his race—pp. 331-346. LETTER XXI. Thirty-fifth birthday of Prince Remeses—Queen Amense proposes to abdicate in his favor—The Hebrew page, Israel—Melancholy of the Queen—Prince Mœris—Moving interview between the Queen and Remeses—He declines the throne of Egypt—A secret!—Prince Mœris seeks the ruin of Remeses—A bribe!—Suspicion!—Terrible agitation of the Queen—Attempt of Mœris to poison Amense at a banquet— Another bribe—A mystery!—Remeses consents to accept the sceptre—pp. 347-363. LETTER XXII. Remeses prepares for his coronation by an initiation into the mysteries of the temple—Power and influence of Egyptian priesthood—Daily public duties of the Queen—Her attire—Her bathing and dressing rooms—Skilful adornment of their hair by Egyptian ladies—The Queen acts as chief priestess—Her delightful hospitalities—Beautiful trait of character—Proposed succession of Remeses—Solemn vigil, and other ceremonies of initiation—Remeses shut out from the world in the gloom of the mysterious temple— Israelisis with a message from the Queen—The Celestial Sea—A courier from Mœris—Great distress and singular manner of the Queen—A terrible secret—An impatient follower—pp. 364-380. LETTER XXIII. Revelations—Letter from Mœris—His haughty demand—Is Remeses the son of Pharaoh's Daughter?— Another letter and another haughty demand from Mœris—Still another—A doubt!—An investigation— Amense never a mother!—Her descent to the Nile to bathe—The little ark of basket-work and beautiful child—The princess adopts it—A threat!—The Queen unfolds the terrible secret—Her agony of fear—Her touching story of the discovery of the infant Remeses—She gains resolution and defies Mœris—Remeses a Hebrew!—pp. 381-397. LETTER XXIV. Mournful reflections—Sacred poem by Remeses, being scenes in the life of Job—Remeses discovers all —A sirocco of the soul—He narrates the mysterious scenes of his initiation—Startling spectacles— Overwhelming displays of enchantment and magic—Mysterious journey beneath the pyramids— Labyrinthine catacomb—March of Time through the heavens—Remeses alone beside the altar—Amense not his mother!—His vision in the dark chamber of the pyramids—The massacre of the Hebrew infants— Scene in the Hebrew hut—The mother and child—The babe committed to the Nile—The little maid—The beautiful lady, Pharaoh's Daughter—The Hebrew nurse—The image-caster—pp. 398-414. LETTER XXV. Continuation of vision of Remeses—Himself the child of his vision—Mysterious voices in the vaulted chamber of the pyramid—Mocking eyes—He flees—Tender interview between the Queen and Remeses— He narrates his vision—The secret fully unveiled—Discovery of a father, mother, brother, sister—Illness of the Queen—She assembles the councils of the nation—Remeses renounces the throne—Amense adopts Mœris—Her death—Amram—The mother of Remeses—Miriam—Aaron—Egypt in mourning—Remeses assumes his Hebrew name, Moses—Arts of magicians and sorcerers—pp. 415-431. LETTERS BETWEEN REMESES (MOSES) AND OTHER PERSONS. LETTER I. Moses beholds the thousands of his countrymen under the lash of the taskmasters—A prophecy—Visits Tyre and is cordially received by Queen Epiphia—Tyre—Damascus—He meets the venerable Prince of Uz (Job)—Nuptials of Sesostris—pp. 432-435. LETTER II. Defeat of the King of Cyprus by Sesostris—Moses in Syria—He journeys to sit at the feet of Job— Cruelty of Pharaoh (Mœris)—The Lake Amense—pp. 436-438. LETTER III. Moses visits Job—The wisdom of Job—His wealth and power—Moses writes his life—Job leads Moses to the knowledge of the true God—pp. 439-441. LETTER IV. Mœris increases the burdens of the Hebrews—Tradition as to the term of their servitude—Nearly accomplished—Moses, in Syria, yearns to be with his brethren in Egypt—pp. 442-444. LETTER V. Moses determines to visit Egypt—Receives from Job the history of the Creation—Job's piety and his favor with God—Prayer the path to the throne of God—King Sesostris and Queen Thamonda—Israelisis —pp. 445-448. LETTER VI. Moses departs for Egypt—The Illimitable Sea—Reflections upon the infinity of God—A storm— Despair of passengers—Their gods unavailing to save—Moses invokes the true God—The storm ceases— The crowd offer divine honors to Moses—His anger at their sacrilege—He arrives in Egypt—Is in the bosom of his family—Oppression of the Hebrews—Their miraculous increase—Tradition of God's revelation of Himself to Abram—A miracle!—God's command to Abraham—His obedience—God's promise—The fulness of time at hand—Woman of salt—City of Salem—Moses strives to arouse the Hebrews—He is doubted and discredited—pp. 449-461. LETTER VII. Moses, in disguise, sees King Mœris amid his chief captains—Terrible cruelties inflicted upon the Hebrews—Taskmaster pursues a Hebrew youth, to kill him—Moses slays the taskmaster—Comes upon two Hebrews in altercation—He rebukes them—They threaten to expose him to Pharaoh for slaying the Egyptian—Prophetic inspiration of Amram, the father of Moses—Moses flees from Egypt—pp. 462-467. LETTERS OF REMESES OF DAMASCUS TO HIS FATHER, KING SESOSTRIS. LETTER I. The young prince visits Egypt—The acts of the Egyptian kings—The reign of Mœris—He constructs an immense lake—Inauguration of a temple—Splendid spectacle of idol-worship—Plain of the Mummies— Enlargement of Memphis—Discovery of treasures beneath the Sphinx before Chephres—The captive King Occhoris—Increase of Hebrews—Character of the reigning Pharaoh—His cruelty to the Hebrews—Good feeling between Hebrew and Egyptian women—Intelligence of the long-absent Remeses (Moses)—pp. 468-476. LETTER II. A caravan from Ezion-geber—Its governor a Midianite—Prince Jethro—Abram—Moses in Midian— The young prince determines to accompany the caravan into Midian, and to seek Moses—pp. 477-481. LETTER III. Moses to his old friend Sesostris—Account of his mode of life—His meditations upon the oppression of his nation, and upon the character of their predicted Deliverer—Is inspired to write a narrative of the Creation of the World—pp. 482-484. LETTER IV. Journey across the desert—Mount Horeb—Moses, standing upon a mountain-rock—Affecting interview —Grotto of Moses—His wife and sons—Story of his rescue of the daughters of Jethro at the well—His sublime teachings—Will he be the Deliverer?—View from Mount Horeb—Aaron—Miriam—pp. 485-490. LETTER V. Moses leads his flock to a secluded valley—Wonderful appearance of the Burning Bush—Astonishment of the shepherds—The Voice in the midst of the fire—God reveals Himself to Moses, and commissions him to lead forth the people—The humility of Moses—His staff converted into a living serpent—The leprous hand—Moses hesitates—The Lord rebukes him, and the flame in the bush shoots fiery tongues— Aaron to be the mouth-piece of the Lord—Miraculously advised, Aaron comes to Moses—Moses converts his staff into a serpent, before Aaron—He obtains the consent of Jethro to his departure from Midian— Moses in Egypt—Sends messengers to summon the elders of Israel to meet him at Jacob's well— Pharaoh's cruel designs against the Hebrews—pp. 491-503. LETTER VI. Midnight meeting of the elders of Israel—Jacob's well a source of superstitious dread to the Egyptians— Beautiful moonlight scene—Moses opens his errand from the Most High—Aaron unfolds the traditional promises—Unbelieving Hebrews—Terrible means used for their conviction—Korah persists in unbelief— His punishment and horror—The assembly dissolves—pp. 504-508. LETTER VII. Moses goes before Pharaoh—Amazement of the Egyptian courtiers—Harshness of Pharaoh—Moses delivers God's message—Pharaoh defies the Living God—He is overcome by his emotion, but hardens his heart—New toils devised for the Hebrews—pp. 509-513. LETTER VIII. The rod! the whip! the cry of the sufferers!—The Hebrews reproach Moses and Aaron—Moses appeals to the Lord—Seeks to comfort his brethren with the words of the Most High—Hope dies in their hearts— Pharaoh redoubles his worship of all manner of idols—He curses God—Sacrifices a living Hebrew child to the Nile—Sacrifices a Nubian slave to Typhon—Invokes his idol-god against the God of Moses—A secret dread—Children of Israel groan under oppression—pp. 514-522. LETTER IX. Moses and Aaron again seek Pharaoh, and demand the freedom of Israel—He requires a miracle— Miracle of Moses' rod—Jambres and Jannes, the magicians—They convert their rods into serpents— Moses' serpent destroys theirs—The brothers confront the King at the river's side—He defies their God— The Nile runs blood—Goshen, the land of the Hebrews, sparkles with clear water—Jambres again appealed to—The plague of the frogs—Jambres and Jannes produce, but cannot remove them—Pharaoh relents, and the plague is stayed—The plague of lice—Jambres and Jannes disgraced—God speaks to Moses by the well of Jacob—The plague of flies—Pharaoh again relents—He hardens his heart, and God sends a pestilence upon the cattle—God again speaks to Moses beside the well—The plague of boils— Goshen unharmed—God threatens further vengeance upon Pharaoh—pp. 523-538. LETTER X. Moses denounces the plague of thunder and hail against Egypt—Grand gathering of the storm of God's anger—The storm hangs over Goshen but harms it not—The purpose of God in these judgments—Terror of Pharaoh—Agrees to let Israel go—Scene of desolation and death—Pharaoh seeks to drown his terror in a banquet—In his revels curses God—Again refuses to let the people go—He vacillates—Orders Moses and Aaron to be thrust from the palace—The plague of the locusts—Despair of the Egyptians—Pharaoh acknowledges his sin—The plague ceases—Character of Pharaoh—The plague of darkness—Description of the plague—Pharaoh unequal to the combat with God—His rage against Moses—Moses denounces upon Pharaoh God's last and terrible judgment—The Egyptians deify him—pp. 539-558. LETTER XI. Moses and Aaron call the elders of Israel together—The Passover Instituted—The Hebrews cease work —They all flock to Goshen—Moses deified by priests in the temples—Hopefulness of the Hebrews—The sprinkling—Egyptians seek refuge with the Hebrews—Silence of expectation—Awful vision of the Angel of the Lord in the Pillar of Fire—A cry from Egypt—Messengers from Pharaoh to Moses—Amunophis, the son of Pharaoh, slain by the Angel of the Lord—Egyptians implore Moses to depart—Israel marshalled —Guided by the Pillar of Fire, the Hebrew host leave Egypt—The Lamb of God prefigured—Moses explains the lessons of God's judgments—pp. 559-575. LETTER XII. The departure—Sarcophagus containing the embalmed body of Joseph—The Shekinah—Succoth— Etham—Pi-hahiroth—Migdol—Hebrews inclosed between the mountains and the sea—Calm confidence of Moses—Fulfilment of prophecy—Pharaoh determines to destroy the entangled Hebrews—Gathers a mighty host and follows in pursuit—Dismay of the Hebrews—The Egyptian army comes in sight—The elders reproach Moses—He calls upon God—The Voice of the Lord—The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire—The sea—Israel in the midst of the sea—The procession—The pursuit—Frantic terror of Pharaoh and his army—Their destruction—Israel filled with awe and gratitude—They go into the wilderness—The bitter waters—Journey abounding in miracles—The rock in Horeb—God's awful presence on Horeb— Moses disappears in the mount of God—The people murmur—They demand a god—They sacrifice to a molten calf—An indignant God!—Terrible vengeance upon the offenders—Joshua—pp. 576-596. APPENDIX. The author to the scholar and critic—pp. 597-600. THE PILLAR OF FIRE, OR ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. {25} LETTERS OF SESOSTRIS TO QUEEN EPIPHIA. LETTER I. Prince Sesostris To his royal Mother, Epiphia, Queen of Phœnicia. At length, my dear mother, I have reached the "Land of the Seven Rivers," and do now write to you from her gorgeous capital, On, The City of the Sun. How shall I describe to you the grand and solemn magnificence of this city of divine temples, and convey to you a just idea of its palaces that seem rather to have been erected for the abodes of gods than of men! Wheresoever I turn my eyes, I realize that I am in mighty Egypt; for everywhere I behold grandeur and glory, excellency and perfection. Every object illustrates the power, munificence, and taste of the imperial princess who now sits on the throne of the Pharaohs, and the splendor of whose reign has raised Egypt above the mightiest empires of the earth. And all that I behold recalls the ancient glory, my dear mother, of our own land, the once princely Palestina and Phœnicia,—twin kingdoms which of old gave conquerors, and rulers, and laws to Egypt, under the short but brilliant dynasty of her Shepherd Kings! But, though fading with age, Phœnicia still lives in the beauty, pride, and power of her daughter Egypt. I will not lament over the waning glory of my own dear land, my royal mother, while I can see it revived here with increased magnificence. Phœnicia is not dead while Egypt lives. Every ruin in my own kingdom is restored with augmented beauty and splendor on the green plains of this land of the shining River, whose fountain-head is underneath the throne of Thoth, far in the southern sky. How shall I describe what I behold? Every new object enchants me, and moves my soul with a fresh pleasure. I am intoxicated, not with wine, but with the splendor of art and scenes of beauty, and with manifestations of human glory and power hitherto inconceivable. I have heard my royal father describe the glory of Salem in Palestine, under the princes of the dynasty of Melchisedec, with its gorgeous temples to the Sun, and its palaces of marble, its hanging gardens, and noble terraces overlooking its flower-enamelled valleys; but the cities of Egypt surpass this Syriac magnificence. In coming hither, across the Levantine seas, from Syria, I seem to have crossed to the shores of that mystic world where dwell the sacred divinities, rather than only to another land of the plane of the earth; for Egypt, compared with the kingdom of Phœnicia seems truly the land of the blessed. What far-famed warriors! what stately priests, clothed with power from the gods! what superb princes! what a majestic queen! what grace and dignity in the virgins of the Sun! what a stupendous system of worship! what mighty mausoleums, both tomb and temple, rising like mountains hewn into solid triangles everywhere over the illimitable plain! What a land of verdure and of flowers!—land of gardens and palaces, obelisks and fountains, fanes and altars, sphinxes and gigantic statues!—land, comprising all that can delight the heart or take captive the sense! I ask myself—Am I, indeed, in Egypt, the "Land shadowing with wings," as those proud Pharaohs, Thothmeses I. and II., termed it, upon their winged globe-carved shields?—am I in Egypt, the glory of the earth, the kingdom above all kingdoms, whose queen is above all the monarchs that reign, and before the elevation of whose golden sceptre all sceptres fall? I have not yet, my dearest mother, seen, save at a distance, as she was ascending the steps of her palace, this mighty queen of the ancient house of the Pharaohs; but the third day hence I shall be formally presented to her in the throne-room, where she receives the ambassadors and princes of the nations who come into Egypt either to learn arts or arms, or to behold the magnificence of her empire, or to study the religion, laws, and government of a nation, the fame of which has filled the earth. Upon my arrival with my galleys off the mouths of the Nile, I forwarded to her, by a private messenger in my gilded barge, the letters written by your loving hand and sealed with the regal signet of your kingdom, commending me to her personal favor and royal consideration. Although I have not yet been presented to the court, I have seen, and must describe to you, the royal son of Queen Amense—this proud daughter of the Pharaohs—Prince Remeses. Never did the gods set their seal upon a nobler and truer prince. Every movement of his stately and graceful person, his rich voice, his superb height, his lordly eyes, his majestic yet winning carriage, all bespeak a youth born to empire—created for dominion over men. He is now in his thirty-fourth year, and is in the full glory of manhood. He is skilled in all the arts of war, and not less celebrated for his learning in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. Sages and philosophers listen to his words when he converses, not so much with the deference that is the homage due to rank, as with the {26} {27} {28} attention which intelligence lends to superior wisdom. He received me with kindness and embraced me with affection, inquiring after the welfare of my royal mother, and welcoming me to his country with gracious and courteous words. Notwithstanding there is a difference of six years in our ages, I feel that I shall be regarded by him on terms of equal friendship, and that to his companionship I shall owe the happiest hours I may pass in the land of Egypt. But, dear mother, as I promised to write you an account of my voyage hither, with the adventures and scenes thereof worthy of your notice, I will devote the remainder of my letter to this subject. When I took leave of you on the marble steps of the stately pier which extends along the front of our palace, and had stepped upon the deck of my galley, I felt that a twofold cord had parted at my heart,— one which bound me to thee, O mother, from whom I had never before been separated, and one which tied me to my native land. Although for the first time in command of a beautiful fleet, numbering a score and ten galleys, and about to visit the fairest of all realms under the sunny skies of Afric, yet the pang of this twofold separation deeply grieved my soul. It was with tears glittering upon my eyelids that I gazed upon you, as you waved your adieux and called on the god of our race to bless me! It was with a voice thick with emotion that I gave orders to the admiral to spread the purple sails of my golden galley to the favoring breezes which seemed to be sent in answer to your prayers. Long I stood upon the lofty poop of my ship, gazing towards the receding city, with its noble lines of palaces, its crowning temples, its familiar groves, and pleasant gardens. (Even now I am moved as I recall the sweet emotions of that time.) As I surveyed the fleets of merchantmen from all lands gathered about her piers and anchored in the haven, I felt my sorrow at parting, yielding gradually to a feeling of pride that I was the prince of the great city to which these argosies came bearing the merchants of all the earth. Indeed it was a noble and stirring sight, dear mother, and calculated to divert my thoughts, to see these ships, as my galley passed through them, lower their banners, or elevate their rows of shining oars high in the air, both in homage and farewell to the departing lord of the port. There were vessels for bringing the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones from unknown seas; galleys from Tarsus and the isles of the West, bearing pearls, and coral, and precious woods, and thyme-wood; gayly decked barges, that carry fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet down to Egypt from Syria; painted ships from the Nile, that receive by caravans from Ind and the East cinnamon, and odors, and ointments, and frankincense, and ivory, and diamonds; the low dark galleys from Afric, that bring Ethiopian slaves; and the broad heavier vessels from the Delta, laden with wheat and fine flour! There were also the strong craft from Colchis and the North, with iron, and brass, and marble; and oaken argosies from further Britannia, bringing tin; tall ships from Græcia with horses and chariots; while from the south shores of the summery seas were light, graceful vessels laden with dainty and goodly fruits, and birds of gorgeous plumes and of ravishing songs! All these annually lay their treasures at thy feet! As I moved slowly in my galley through the rich fleet of ships which filled your haven, I felt my heart beat quicker, and I returned the salutations of the ship-masters and of the foreign merchants on their decks, with smiles of gratification at the prosperity still at least of our port of Tyre; though the half our realm has been lost by invasion and our interior cities are decaying. So long as Damascus and Tyre remain, dear mother, those two eyes of your kingdom, your power and throne will stand. The decadence of our sister city Sidon will not affect our prosperity, since her ships will flock to Tyre. Yet Sidon will rise again, if in my power to restore it. I remained upon the poop of my ship until we had passed, not only the fleet of merchant galleys, but the fourscore war-ships with their hundred banks of oars, that ever guard the entrance to the port with vigilant eyes and arms. The sun was gilding with his setting beams the battlements of the temple of Hercules; and the columns of the graceful temple of Io were richly roseate in the blushing glory of his radiance. The last object on which my eye rested was the gilded gate of the gorgeous Fane of Nyeth on Lebanon; and I sent from my lips a prayer to the fair and kind-hearted goddess to guard thee, mother, and me for thy sake. We soon passed the bright red Pharos, from the lofty lantern of which, as the shades of evening rapidly fell around us, streamed forth like a new-born star its cheering splendor for the haven-bound mariner. Soon in the heavens over us other lights were kindled by the gods; and the moon, rising over the lofty mountain- range of Libanus, made far out upon the sea a path of light, that seemed like a band of silver with which she would bind me still to the shores I was leaving! But in Egypt I yet behold the same moon shine down upon me with familiar radiance; and as I gaze upon her I can feel, that even here she is a link to bind me to my native land—that upon her winged beams I can send a thought to my dear mother, on whom also she shines. My whole fleet got well out of the port before the star Aldebaran rose; and as the breeze was light, the governors of the rowers commanded them to ply their oars. Thus with the fall of a thousand sweeps into the blue sea at one motion, keeping time to the voice of a singer who stood upon the bridge across the mid- ship, we kept our course down the coast of Palestine. We would have steered directly for the Delta of the Nile, but had knowledge, by a vessel that met us, of a fleet of Rhodian pirates, which lay wait, in that vicinity, for the Egyptian merchant-ships; and, as my galleys were rather an escort of honor than a war- fleet, I did not wish to measure my strength with them, but dispatched one of my ships, the same night, back to Tyre, to the admiral of your Tyrian fleet, who, no doubt, has gone out ere this in pursuit of these sea-rovers and enemies of our commerce. {29} {30} {31} {32} Nevertheless, after we had passed Jaffa, and the next day Ascalon in lower Philistia, we beheld half a score of ships of doubtful appearance, and, by my orders, six galleys were detached from the fleet and gave chase. They proved to be fast-sailing Ionian pirates, for one of them, being crippled, was overtaken. They had been many weeks on the sea, and were returning to their own distant and barbarous islands, richly laden. The captain of the galley took out her merchandise, and precious stones, and spices, of which she had robbed other ships, and burned her on the sea, with all the wretches who appertained to her. The shores of Egypt were reached by us on the seventh day, without any accident to my fleet. It was two hours after the sun rose that we came in view of the low line of land which marks the entrance to the "Garden of the World," and from which open the seven gates of the Nile into the great blue sea. Upon ascending to the castle for bowmen on the highest mast of the ship, I could discern the tall columns erected by King Menes at the chief entrance of the river, from the summit of each of which at night blazes a wonderful flame, said to have been invented by the Magi of Egypt. As our galley rowed nearer the faint line of coast, I could see numerous ships coming out and entering the Pelusian branch of the Nile,—some of them in the interior so far, that only their tops could be seen above the level land. I was now suddenly surprised with a change in the color of the sea, which, from an emerald green, became clouded with an intermixture of tawny water, thick with mud, that seemed to flow upon the surface of the sea, as if lighter than itself. I soon perceived that this was the outrush of the river against the sea, with which it refused wholly to intermingle and lose itself,—as if the proud Father Nilus reluctantly yielded his power, so long wielded for a thousand miles, to the sceptre and dominion of the god of the Mediterranean. Yet the latter—so vast was the volume of the yellow waves of the former—was forced a league from the shore before the conquered Nile ceased to resist his fate. The sun shone upon the battlements of the great city of Pelusium—the oldest fortified place in Egypt, and called "the Key of Egypt," and also "the Strength of Egypt"—and lighted up the terraces of its gardens and temples; but the admiral told me that every year the deposit of the Nile is covering them, and that ere many centuries no trace will be left of a city which is older than On or Memphis. We saw, from the deck, palaces and obelisks and groves in the suburbs, and further inland a country of wonderful beauty and of the highest cultivation, but as level as the sea, from which it is elevated but a few feet. The muddy and wonderful Nile is overflowing annually these pleasant maritime plains; and as the plane of the Delta is steadily raised, these ancient cities and palaces and this fair land will become a fen for the stork and the sea-mew! How different the site of Tyre, my dear mother! Built upon the firm coast, and defended by nature, it will stand forever as the key of Syria and of the East; and to the end of time the commerce of the world will flow into the palace-like warehouses of its opulent merchants! As we drew near the port, one of the large fishing eagles which have their home in the Delta soared above our heads, scanning our deck with his piercing glances: and snow-white birds with black-tipped wings skimmed past from wave to wave; while others, resting upon the crest of a shining billow, rocked gracefully with the motion of its undulations. An ibis stalked upon the shore, and numerous aquatic birds, unknown to us, soared about our galleys with sharp and strange outcries. The atmosphere of the morning was slightly hazy, and, suffused by the sunbeams, cast a soft veil over the land, investing galley, pharos, and fane with the hues of gold. It was a scene of novel beauty, and I hailed the very first view of Egypt with delight. It was a happy omen of the future. As my galley advanced before the fleet, a large war-ship with a triple poop-deck, and propelled by three hundred oars, swept like a swift dark cloud out of the mouth of the river and bore down towards me in hostile attitude. I displayed the insignia of my kingdom at the top of the chief mast, and awaited the Egyptian guard-ship. The vessel was brought to, a bow-shot from my own, and I was asked by the governor thereof, who I was, whence I came, and my destination? To these inquiries I gave satisfactory replies through my admiral; whereupon the Egyptian captain, commanding an elegant barge to be made ready, came on board, attended by his suite, to pay his respects to me as Prince of Tyre. I came forth from my state-room to receive him, my dear mother, attired as became my rank. In the most courteous language, and with an elegance of manners unsurpassed save in the polite land of Egypt, he assured me of the pleasure it would give his royal mistress, Queen Amense, "The Support of Worlds," as he termed her, to hav...

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