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The permaculture transition manual: a comprehensive guide to resilient living PDF

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US/CAN $34.95 SUSTAINABLE LIVING / PERMACULTURE Harness the power of permaculture to thrive, not just survive, A Comprehensive Guide to Resilient Living the great transition from fossil fuels. This is the book I would want on a deserted island as a survival guide. It is a great resource the for any community or individual looking to create a better future. — HANNAH APRICOT ECKBERG, Editor, Permaculture Magazine, North America CAUGHT BETWEEN climate change and a fossil fuel-driven economy that demands ever more growth, the world faces a great transition—by design or disaster—away from fossil fuels to a less energy-intensive future. But what proven tools are available to aid in making a successful, deliberate transition to a resilient, sustainable future? For the frst time, the power of permaculture design has been brought to bear on the great transition problem. In the process, acclaimed permaculture teacher and designer Ross Mars has distilled his consid- erable knowledge into the ultimate resource for resilient living. The Permaculture Transition Manual is packed with information on permaculture design principles, soil building, nutrient-dense food growing, including top plant and tree selections for all climatic zones. Coverage extends to rainwater harvesting and irrigation, human waste management, and strategies for rural properties plus a unique focus on applying permaculture to small urban spaces for decluttering and effcient food growing. Also covered are hand tools, food preservation, energy production, and low-carbon housing and a plethora of nearly forgotten skills such as soap making, basket weaving, seed saving, rope and candle making, and more. On the desert island of a world in decline this is the one-stop guide to vibrant, resilient living you’ll want to take with you. …A complete blueprint for anybody to make their rural property or suburban home more beautiful, economical, and resilient. — ERIK CURREN, Publisher, Transition Voice …An excelent exploration of the permaculture design proces, pepered with information on R O S S M A R S compost, graywater, alternative energy, and much more. Foreword by R O B H O P K I N S — JOHN WAGES, Publisher, Permaculture Design magazine author of T H E T R A N S I T I O N H A N D B O O K the Finally, a resource that holistically connects the dots between all the elements of permaculture! — LISA KIVIRIST, author, Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers ROSS MARS is a scientist with a PhD in Environmental Science, an entrepreneur, and a highly regarded permaculture teacher and designer. Author of the landmark The Basics of Permaculture Design, he manages Candlelight Farm, a permaculture demonstration site and training center in Western Australia. PERMACULTURE transiti manual www.newsociety.com transition ROSS MARS PERMACULTURE manual Praise for Te Permaculture Transition Manual Finally a resource that holistically connects the dots between all the elements of permaculture. Te Permaculture Transition Manual reaches beyond the design and planting side and serves as an inspiring guide to craf a lifestyle rooted in permaculture principles, from cooking in the kitchen to cultivating community. —Lisa Kivirist, author, Soil Sisters: A Toolkit for Women Farmers Drawing on his experience as both a teacher and permaculture practitioner, Mars presents a complete blueprint for anybody to make their rural property or suburban home more beautiful, economical, and resilient. He also ofers inspiring ideas to de-cluter and make the most out of smaller urban spaces. —Erik Curren, Publisher, Transition Voice Defnitely a book for these crucial times, Te Permaculture Transition Manual discusses all the steps necessary to initiate positive change. Ross Mars covers all the bases – both new converts and readers already conversant with permaculture will fnd suggestions to complement and facilitate their journey towards a more sustainable existence. Te writer’s scientifc background does not prevent him from keeping the information accessible to all with point by point analysis of what’s required to halt the devastating ecological freefall that’s been instigated by the profigate lifestyle of today’s society. —Jenni Blackmore, author, Permaculture for the Rest of Us Holistic solutions rather than piecemeal fxes are required to address the many converging crises in our world. Te Permaculture Transition Manual reviews the problems we face, then builds on the view from 30,000 feet with an excellent exploration of the permaculture design process, peppered with information on compost, graywater, alternative energy, and much more. Ross Mars has writen an excellent introduction for the beginner! —John Wages, Publisher, Permaculture Design magazine Te Transition and the Permaculture movements ofer road maps to a future that will not only be sustainable, but will allow people to thrive. Ross Mars is the perfect tour guide with Te Permaculture Transition Manual. Ofering a comprehensive and integrative approach to living that anyone can incorporate into their lives, this book ofers a treasure-trove of creative practices and vital information. Tis is the book I would want on a desert island as a survival guide. It is a great resource for any community or individual looking to create a beter future. —Hannah Apricot Eckberg, editor, Permaculture Magazine, North America Copyright © 2016 by Ross Mars. All rights reserved. Cover design by Diane McIntosh. Cover Images © iStock Illustrations by Simone Willis, additional illustrations: Chapter 9 — Kristin Scali. Celery © adobestock_104819563. First published as How to Permaculture Your Life. Copyright © Ross Mars First published in Australia in 2015 by Candelight Trust, 4110 Phillips Road, Mundaring, WA 6073 www.cfpermaculture.com.au Published in North America by New Society Publishers under license from Permanent Publications, Te Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hamsphire GU32 1HR, UK www.permaculture.co.uk Printed in Canada. First printing October 2016. Tis book is intended to be educational and informative. It is not intended to serve as a guide. Te author and publisher disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk that may be associated with the application of any of the contents of this book. Paperback ISBN: 978-0-86571-835-7 Ebook ISBN: 978-1-55092-630-9 Inquiries regarding requests to reprint all or part of Te Permaculture Transition Manual should be addressed to New Society Publishers at the address below. To order directly from the publishers, please call toll-free (North America) 1-800-567-6772, or order online at www.newsociety.com Any other inquiries can be directed by mail to: New Society Publishers P.O. Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada (250) 247-9737 Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Mars, Ross, author Te permaculture transition manual : a comprehensive guide to resilient living / Ross Mars ; foreword by Rob Hopkins, author of Te transition handbook. Includes index. Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-0-86571-835-7 (paperback).--ISBN 978-1-55092-630-9 (ebook) 1. Permaculture. 2. Organic gardening. 3. Agricultural ecology. I. Hopkins, Rob, 1968-, writer of foreword II. Title. S494.5.P47M37 2016 631.5’8 C2016-904056-9 C2016-904057-7 New Society Publishers’ mission is to publish books that contribute in fundamental ways to building an ecologically sustainable and just society, and to do so with the least possible impact on the environment, in a manner that models this vision. www.newsociety.com CONTENTS Foreword vii Preface ix Dedication x 1. Setting the Scene 1 What is changing? Is there a problem? Climate change. Peak oil. Food sovereignty. 2. Sustainable Living Practices 7 Sustainability. Permaculture: designing for a sustainable future. Permaculture design fundamentals. 3. Planning a Garden 15 Ecological principles. How ecosystems work. Te design process. Designing for others. Implementation schedule. Sharing the surplus, thriving and surviving. 4. Getting the Soil Right 33 What is soil? Compost making. Soil amendments. Mulch. Green manure crops. Fermented fertilizers. Weeds as indicators of soil conditions. Simple soil tests. Other soil tests. 5. Edible Food Plants 57 Top ten vegetables. top ten garden salad fuits. Handy hints. 6. Fruit and Nut Trees 71 Dryland fuit and nut trees. Cold climate fuit and nut trees. Warm humid climate fuit and nut trees. Some other considerations. 7. Heavenly Herbs 89 Herbs used in cooking. Herbal teas. Pest-repellent herbs. A herb medical cabinet. 8. Other Useful Plant Groups 103 Dryland plants. Cool climate plants. Warm humid climate plants. v 9. Fodder and Forage Shrubs and Trees for Farm Animals 113 Dryland plants. Cool climate plants. Warm humid climate plants. 10. All About Water 123 Saving water in the home. Water conservation. Irrigation practices. Graywater reuse. Rainwater harvesting. Integration of water systems. On-site domestic wastewater systems. Water in the landscape. 11. Strategies for Rural Properties 143 Organic farming. Biodynamic farming. Holistic management. Cell grazing. Polyface. Natural sequence farming. Pasture cropping. Keyline. Regenerative agriculture. Water capture. Other aspects of farming. 12. Strategies for Small Spaces 167 Inside the house. Outside the house. 13. Hand Tools 177 Personal protective equipment (PPE) and general work clothing. Ten basic hand tools. Handyperson set of ten tools. Supplementary set of ten tools. Ten basic garden hand tools. Ten handyperson garden tools. 14. Foods You Can Easily Make at Home 189 Ten simple foods to make. Others to try. Ten fermented foods. Preserving your foods. 15. It’s Energy That Matters 221 Embodied energy. Saving and reducing energy. Energy-efcient housing. Active solar systems. Energy generation. 16. Forgotten Skills 245 Some simple knots. Handmade paper. Making soap. Homemade laundry detergent. Spliting bamboo. How to make playdough. Saving seeds. Weaving (fber basketry). Making rope fom plant material. How to make candles. Conversion Formulae 266 Acknowledgments 267 Index 269 About the Author 277 A Note About the Publisher 278 FOREWORD ermaculture is a system of design for people living within nature. PIt has become common practice in many countries since it was devel- oped forty years ago. However, we live in a world that is rapidly changing and we need to respond positively to this. Permaculture is now central to bringing about that widespread change, even more so with the advent of the Transition movement. Transition started as a conversation. From that initial conversation be- tween a small group of people, who had wide and diverse backgrounds, came a phenomenon that is now found throughout the world. We are seeing com- munities around the world adopting and adapting the tools that can enable our communities to reengage with each other and to build resilience. Tis book, Te Permaculture Transition Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Resilient Living, writen by well-known teacher and author Ross Mars, is aptly named. It is full of practical ideas, techniques and strategies that are built on sound scientifc and ecological principles. Over the last forty years Ross has researched, observed, experimented and developed integrated systems, and he shares his knowledge here. His work took a diferent turn when he became interested in permaculture 25 years ago. Tis book has been a long time coming. Here is a toolkit of useful plants; alternative farming systems that repair and build soil; skills to add value to your produce; strategies for energy and water efciency; and techniques to enable us to re-skill and relearn arts and crafs many of us have lost in recent generations. Ross has shown that we do have the knowledge and technology to allow us to live in a lower carbon future, that we can grow nutritious fruit and vegetables, even in small spaces, and we can have a lot of fun and enjoy- ment doing so. Tis is not so much a transition away from something, as a transition towards something eminently more nourishing and healthy. Tese innovative ideas will enable us to farm proftably even in extreme climates and landscapes, undertake tasks and build structures we thought were difcult to do, and select plants for specifc functions and regions. Tis book is full of immensely useful information and handy hints for those of us vii viii The Permaculture Transition Manual who share a vision for a beter future. Using the Earth’s resources more wise- ly and gently is the only way we might be able to leave our world in a beter condition for our children and grandchildren. Although Ross is recognized worldwide as a wastewater specialist, his focus has always been to see how natural cycles and the interrelationships in ecosystems can be improved and utilized to develop more sustainable ways of living on this planet. Tis book continues and deepens that work. In her book Tis Changes Everything, Naomi Klein wrote “there are no non-radical solutions lef” if the world is serious about avoiding catastrophic climate change. Tis book sets out what some of those solutions will look like, and the many benefts they will bring us. It took huge creativity, hard work and imagination to create the Industrial Revolution and we have much to thank its designers for. Yet the path forward from here will look very dif- ferent, but there is no reason that the urgent dash away from fossil fuels won’t unleash the same levels of creativity and ingenuity. Permaculture design principles deserve to be at the heart of that, and this book ofers us a power- ful crash course in the thinking we will need if we are to create a future that actually works for everyone. Rob Hopkins Founder of the Transition movement and author of Te Power of Just Doing Stuf PREFACE his is not a book solely about techniques to enable people to become Tbeter gardeners, nor is it a textbook for a Permaculture Design Course. Tere are already many books that fll those roles. Tis is a book about strat- egies, some techniques and useful information about plants, technology and materials. As a scientist, I am interested in facts, numbers and statistics, so you may be surprised to read about only particular plants, and I have endea- vored not to make too many unsubstantiated claims. I have tried to present factual information rather than fable, provided some elaboration on how things work in the world, and atempted to make a complicated and complex world a litle easier to understand. ix

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