NU Black History A photographic journey NU through Black history at The Love Quiz What kind of lover are you'? enough being done? IS THE RETENTION OF BLACK & LATINO FACULTY ANO STAFF AT NU ONYX exists to be a voice for the people of the African Diaspora and the greater Boston community in which we reside. The ONYX embraces the unity and values of diversity in both the content of our publication and in the membership of our organization. Contents February - March 2007 EDITORIAL [3) Inspired (4) Wisdom for the Ages FnilTfllMI^IIFMT (6) Dropping the n-bomb (7) Blood Diamond Review SPOTLIGHT (8) John D. O'Bryant AAI Unity Gospel Ensemble (9) Don't Say Bingo ONYX REMEMBERS (10) James Brown Staff & Contributors (11) Elizabeth Bebe Moore Editor-in-Chief Ivelisse Sanchez Campbell Gordon Managing and Copy Editor Roundtable and Copy Editor Designer and Layout Editor FFflTIIRFfJ Candice Springer Christine Willianns (12) What kind of lover are you? Business Manager Advertising Manager Staff Writer [16) The Retention of Black & Latino Krisa Allen Chris Cummings Marsha White Faculty and Staff at NU Office Manager Soulspeech Editor Contributors [20) Ms. Nubian Shantelle Anderson Margaret Kamara Brittany Bass Alvin Benjamin Carter III Kat Noel UUI ANU ABUUI NU [21) Black History at nexteen Printed by Next Generation Printing 65 Dan Road Canton, MA02021 [25) Soul Speech nextC JgenefJtlonprinting Theopinionsandfeelingsexpressed intheONYX INFORMERare not neccessarilythoseoftheONYXstaffortheNortheasternAdministration.TheONYX isapublication run byundergraduatestudentswhooverseeall aspectsofoperations involvingthepublication. €• 2007TheONYXINFORMER.All Rights Reserved. No partofthispublication maybereproduced in anyformwithoutwritten permission from theONYX INFORMER. " "Ask questions and demand answers. And remember, the Onyx is here to help. Let us be the catalyst to voice your thoughts and concerns. always nice to go through make a difference.Askquestions anddemandanswers. And It's changes. As readers ofthe Onyx, remember, the Onyx is here to help. Let us be the catalyst to voice your thoughts and concerns. But remember, in order to our mission is to get you involved produce engagingcontentwe need your help. So ifyouhave and talking about how much we have somethingto say,let us know. Andevenbetter,ifyouwant to grown, the work we still have to do and, Wseee scoamneotnhliyngbeinsofumtuurcehiswsiutehs,ouwtriytoeuirt,idnrvaolwvietm,epnhto.tograph it. hopefully, how bad you want and will be a part ofthis organization. I can honestly tell each ofyou, we're trying. Smcmz I hope you enjoy reading this issueas much as we've Ovefisse enjoyedputtingittogetherforyou. Remember, the Onyxis Editor-In-Chief heretobe a voice for you,those oftheAfrican Diaspora.Your [email protected] feedback, thoughts, critiques,andcriticisms are important to us.The On)T( tries to encompass all areas ofinterests- entertainment, news,poetry, andhot topics- thatoccur on our campus andto us as apeople on alocal, national, and international level. Beingthat the month ofFebruary is the time forlove,and above all, Black history,we decided to add alittle more spice to this issue, hopefully togenerate some laughs and makeyoulearn somethingnewaboutBlackpeople atNortheastern.The main feature ofthis issue is aimed to highlight thegrowingproblemofthe retention, orlack thereof, ofBlack and Latino faculty and staff. As peopleofcolor,we are aware ofthe challenges we face in ourpersonal,academic, andprofessional lives. As you read the feature piece, understandyour role in tryingto THEONYX INFORMER 3 I " vm me the :naes for Acii "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves/Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulousf' Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same," ^Marianne Williamson Iwas sitting in Curry one day devouring editingmyfriends'essays, I've become moreproactive. IfI can some chicken nuggets, when a group help them succeedwithme, I'll feel muchbetterthan I would justlookingoutfor myown skin. ofblack high school students sat down This is whywhen I thinkaboutlunch thatday I kick in the empty chairs next to me. While I myself. I shouldhave sparkedup a conversationwith those continued eating in silence and staring off kids.I shouldhave askedwhytheythoughtstealingwas cool andemphasized the valueofchoosingthe rightpath. into the abyss, I listened to this group's Yes, attendingNortheastern has made me realizewhy conversation...and went from being happily communit)' youth outreach is so vital. Maybe thesekids have satiated to emotionally disheartened. I'll give whatittakes to succeedandall theyneedis someone toshow them theycoulddo it. you a little taste ofwhat I heard: But first things first,WE need to become theexample "Yo,didyousteal it?" success stories. Each one ofus needs to push to do thebest "Naw I didn'tsteal it,even though itwas like FOUR wecan--notjustforourselves as I oncethought—butto show dollars. Ijustwentandpaidforit. thosewho maybewatchingus. Ifwe can show thesekids that Anditonlygotworse. I sat there, uncomfortable,listening theycan make itwith alittlehardwork, regardless oftheir to a sampleoftoday's minorityyouth,anddiscouragedby the circumstances,we'llfulfill the words ofMarianneWilliamson, path I envisioned them movingtowards in myhead.Then I allowingthemtofollow in ourfootsteps. thought aboutmyself,howluckyI was to haveparents who constantlypushedme in the rightdirection,akillereducation, and,mostimportantly, abrightfuture, Candice Sprinqer I rememberwhen I was younger andI wouldhangout with mycousins or thekids in alowerlevel at school. I was Irlanaging^ditor always deemedthe"smartone,"who spokewith the 'bigwords" [email protected] andacted"like awhitegirl."Though this often botheredme,I think itgave me more motivation to succeed.I liked beingthe one firstpicked to workon thegroupprojectwithyou or the one you calledeverynightafter schoolwhen youneededhelp with your homework. I reveledinbeingthatgirl, so Ipushed myselfto keep up the reputation. Now years later, insteadofbeingso self-absorbed, I try to use my skills to betterothers'.Whether it's helpingmybrother with a project onJapan, teaching mycousin Latingrammar,or THEONYXINFORMER 4 I ONYX ADVERTISE THE ONYX IN Ifyou would like to advertise with us please e-mail us at [email protected]. o COMMENTS, . cr SUGGESTIONS? ro/. Ifyou have any comments, critiques, topic ideas or suggestions please let us know! We want to hear from you. Please email us at onyxinformer(5) or onyxeditor(S) We SUBMISSIONS roast our own! Ifyou are interested in contributing your work to any ofour sections including Speak Your Piece and SoulSpeech, please /O email us at onyxsubmissions(5) "1 ^ Pi'ice A/ Lattes (with this ad) LICKS J.B ... we're notjust ice cream anymore! We serve home roasted specialty coffees brewed fresh all day. With a full espresso bar, a selection of whole beans, freshly baked muffins, bagels and pastries, you don't need to go anywhere else! 1618TremontStreet (OneBrighamCircle) Open Monday-Fridayat7am Saturday-Sundayat 10am A MISSIONHIULOCATIONONir NOCASHVAlUt UNNOIBEUSEDWIIHANYOIHEROFFER ONECOUPONPERORDER KOSHERCERTIFIED I edutainment movies, music, tv, theater, books TELEVISION Dropping the n-bomb BY CANDICE SPRINGER November 17, 2006: A daythat you're"down"andapproach itthe right to educate them about its history. It's will live inpop culture infamy. way, it's okay. Personally I don'twant easy to tell them to stop, ban them from Michael Richards, the face to be identifiedby the same wordmy clubs,or boycotttheir comedy. It's more ofCosmo Kramer on"Seinfeld,"went ancestorswere calledbefore theywere effective to show themwhyusingit is ballistic on agroup ofblackhecklers whipped andordered to keep working in wrong.Andwhilewe're at it,let'sget duringhis comedyactat the Laugh the blazing sun. But should we ask the to the rootofother slurs like spicand Factory, spittingthe n-word outlike he Richard Pryors and Dave Chappelles of chink. Maybe then celebs likeAnthony had abad taste in his mouth."Fiftyyears theworldto stop droppingthe n-bomb Michael Hallwould have thought twice ago wed have you upside down with a too? before callingpeople"niggas"and 'pacos" outside the Laugh Factory. "But should we ask the Richard Pryors The n-word has such a deep, destructive historyin America,but and Dave Chappelles of the world to it's unlikelyto anticipate everyone stop dropping the n-bomb too?" removingitfrom their vocabulary. Butifwe educate them on whythe word is destructive and they still act [expletive] fork up your [expletive]... According to apoll conductedby accordingly. then atleast we've done .. Throwhis [expletive] out! He's a nigger! over 60% ofthose surveyed ourjob. He's a nigger,"Richards shouted much believe the n-wordshouldnotbe to the shock and dismayofhis audience. banned in comedyclubs. I guess it's Naturally, the whole nation was talking understandable.When Chris Rock and Richards issued an apologythe next uses the word, it's effective; it makes day. Soon leaders including Reverend what he's sayingfunnier. Imaginehim JesseJackson were callingfor a universal replacingthewordwith negro or brotha; ban on the n-word. Butwould other itwouldn'thave the sameappeal.Yet, if comedians accept the call? we'regoingto askcomedians to abandon The Laugh Factorywas definitely theword, $20 fines aren'tgoing to cut on board.Notonlydid they ban the it.These men andwomen are rich. n-word, but theyposed $20 fines on Getting finedfor sayingthe n- anycomedianwho offended the rule. worda dozen times during Harsh,huh?And yet almost a month asetwon'tfaze them. later Damon Wayans became the first "Michael to break the rule duringa showcase of [Richards] cured black comedians."Give yourselves a big me oftheword," round ofapplause for comingdown comedian Paul andsupportingNiggerNight,"he said. Mooney revealed SurelyWayans learnedhislesson after duringaninterview being fined $320 for usingthe word 16 on CNN."I'm not times, right? Somehow I doubt it. easily shocked. The question ofwhether the n-word The tape shocked should be usedbyanyone has been me. I finallygot the debated considerably.Today there's a gistoftheword... differencebetween sayingnigger and was married to that nigga: one an expression ofhate, the word. Now I'm having other a term ofendearment.There are a divorce."The onlyway thosewho believe no one should say to convince comedians or it, onlyblackpeople should say it, or if anyone to remove the n-word is THEONYXINFORMER 6 I " MOVIES Blood Diamond Review BY MARGARET KAMARA Blood Diamond, set duringthe youngas five, to become soldiers by civil war in Sierra Leone, cannot usingdrugs and reassuringwords such be compared to any othermovie. as"You are the hero to change this land," and"No one respects you...butwith this It tells a story ofan event that has not [gun] theywould fear you." fullyended, andacountry thathas not Italso tried to incorporate a few of even begun its healingprocess. the languages spoken in Sierra Leone Lookingover the film's reviews, I such as Krio and Mende. As a Sa Lone trulybelieve this movie is underrated. titi (Sierra Leonegirl), hearing Leonardo Thedirector, Edward Zwick,andscreen DiCaprio speak Krios and Dijimon writer, Charles Leavitt, deserve credit Hounsou speak Mende turned me on! for an attempt to capture the truth But that's offtopic. behind the core ofthis war- corrupted What the movie could have done African, American and European in an effort to stay true to the stor)' was government, military and diamond acknowledge Samura's contribution to manufacturers. However most ofthe generatingawareness about the civil important points ofthe bloody storyof war. It shouldhave also explained that Freetown are undeveloped because they acknowledgement ofthe war began areintertwinedwith other major themes in 1999, but the war started years like the importancejournalismplayed in before in villages as a rebellion against the story ofthe civil war. thegovernment, not the diamond Itwas through a Sierra Leonean manufacturers. journalist that actual footage ofthe civil Also, it is very contradicting to tell Poster©Warner Bros. Pictures war was first seen on television in 1999. the audience the story ofSierra Leone The footage was called Cry Freetown when most ofthe movie was shot in Film: Blood Diamond and thejournalistwho told the story of Mozambique and there were only a few Release: 12/08/06 the blood diamond is Sirious Samura. snapshots ofSierra Leone. Maybe aclip Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly,,rHhieengraoelfscooirnudnseoedcdettnhhteelkiriveleblsei,lnsg', omforSieerprearsLueaosinveetaoldoanygwwoiutlhdtehsatviemobneieens DMDijwriiemcnoteonra:HnoEdudnCwsaaorruud,sZoAwrKinuocylkpdeVrossloo, Ntare from survivors. Screenplay: Charles Leavitt thirst to appearlike"gangsters"on Fewdirectors in Hollywood Rated: R forviolence and profanity national television to bring international challenge their ability to capture these Running Length: 2 hrs23 min awareness andaid to Sierra Leone. stories because ofthe amount of One strongaspect ofthe movie was research and footage required but the the depiction ofthe killings, shootings few that try should be applauded for and mental damage done by the their effort. rebels.None ofthe violent scenes were exaggerated. The dialogue between the I give Blood Diamond r^vo thumbs up. rebels and their civilian victims was real, nota Hollywoodaddition. Before killing them or chopping theirhands off, the rebels would say," You want short sleeve orlongsleeve?"and"Thegovernment tells you the future is in your hands, more hands, no more voting." The movie showed the realityofthe exploitation ofyoungboys, some as THEONYXINFORMER 7 I spotlight JOHN D. O'BYRANT AAI Unity Gospel Ensemble BY MARSHA WHITE DuringMonday rehearsals ofJonathan Singleton, a held in the African American well-acclaimed musician Institute, the melodious and andgraduate ofthe Berklee upliftinglyrics seem to touch those that College ofMusic.This «V are in the presence ofthis powerful Philadelphia native has ensemble. Started ten years ago, this made many contributions to ffl studentgrouphas been praisingand thegospel community and worshiping God through Negro is a recipientofthe 2005 spirituals, contemporarygospel songs, New England Conservatory and African compositions. Gospel MusicAward. Chidinma Okebalama, the president Singleton remembers how John D. O'BryantAAI UnityGospel Ensemble ofthe Unity Gospel Ensemble (UGE), he came across the UGE ten ^^^^^ is a seniorengineering major and years ago. ^^^^1 oneofthe motivational forces on the "The original program Ensemble's executive board. Okebalama coordinator was a friend The choir is stillwelcoming has been a member ofUGE for several and at that time Dean [Lula] Pettywas interested individuals for their Spring years. Hergrace and commitment to the lookingfor a director,"he said."She Concerton April 6.Those thatare choir is impressive. suggested me and soon after I held the passionateaboutmusicand/orlove "UGE's mission is to spreadthe title ofmusic director."' spreadingthe word ofGod through song word ofGod to notonlythe NU There is a clear relationship between are encouraged to attend theirweekly populationbut beyond [to] the Boston UGE members. In the beginningand meetings. community,"she said. conclusion ofevery rehearsal, members Their firstannual Gospel Festival on The UGE has performedat form a circle, hold hands andvoice a March 15 in the Blackman Auditorium numerous venues including the New prayer.This tradition has createda tight- at6:30pmwill notonlyunite the England Conservatory, Harvard knitfamilybond. Northeastern communitybut also University, and the annual Martin Mariska Richards, a senior the cityofBoston. Nearby colleges Luther King Convocation and Kwanzaa communications major, saysleaving andacclaimed musicians in the New celebrations here atNortheastern. Northeastern will be abittersweet Englandarea are also invited toperform. The UGE also performs at the annual feeling. "The memories that I've formed "This event is not for the popularity Men's Concertin Framingham as well with UGE will last alifetime,"she said. ofUGE,"Okebalama said."Butto as churches and concerts in the Curry "I feel like each member hasbecome cNoUnnect [everyone] communitywise and Student Center Ballroom.Theyhave partofmyfamily. We laugh together, cry wise." alsobeen featured in Northeastern's together...Fmcontent with havingsuch The Gospel Festival will also be admissions video performinga rendition wonderful people in my life." a commemoration to Music Director of"I'llTakeYouThere." Every UGE performancehas Jonathon Singleton forhis direction and There is no audition process to garneredgreat reviews and standing consistent ardor to lead the UGE. become apart ofthe UGE. Praise ovations. Representingthe significance andWorship meetings are heldevery oflove andpeaceboth spiritually and Mondayat 5:30pmandare followed physically,youwill findagenuinegroup by rehearsals at 6pm in the Institute. ofpeople thatyou may refer to as family Okebalama says you do not have to be members. UGE religious to be a partofthe as long as you have alove for music. 'The music will mean more to you if you have some type ofconnection to the song,"she said. Open Rehearsals UpcomingConcert The UGE is under the direction I ALVIN BENJAMIN CARTER & III Don't Say Bingo BY IVELISSE SANCHEZ cold andwindy outside so the someone sufferedbehind that and I'd It's heat and bigscreen projectors in like to eliminate that as often as I can. AfterHOURS are awelcomed sensation andsight. People are sitting I: Wlien would you know you've made at tables enjoyingtheir lunches and it? conversations aboutwho knows what. A: I know I've made it when someone TV Alvin, a 23-year-old music industry on is wearingit, that dude in the major andentrepreneur, walks in and hood is wearingit,when someone in the doesn't see me sittinghere so I turn Copley Mall is wearingit.You don'thave aroundwith mybrightpink sweater on to be part ofasocio-economicclass to andwave to get his attention. wear my clothes. The brandingis there. The logo is there and it has quality.The Ivy: Alvin Benjamin Carter III?What's value is in knowingpeople are partof up with the name? Do you always plan somethingexclusive. to keep it thatlong? Alvin:Yes. Ifyouhave a name thatwill be recognized, people wiU saythat's the guywith thelongname. I:Where did your clothingline title, "Don'tSay Bingo" logo "Don't Say Bingo,"come from? A: Itcame from mygrandfather. I was visitinghim when he was playingold people's bingo and I said, 'Pop Pop you swear peopleget in the industry to make almosthave it,"and he looked at me and moneyto buyclothes andthepeople said"Boy don't saybingo!"And I didn't that make the clothes are there toget the say itbut they thought I didand he got entertainers to wear them. bannedforlike a month! I: Where did you get your sense ofstyle? I:Whatmade youdecide to begin your A: Iwent to aprivate school in Stanford, own clothingline? Connecticut, so Ilearnedtodress up A: I started the line in the summerof'06 clothes thatweren't reallydressy. But it because I like the concept ofexclusive reallygoes back to that my parents can fashion,youknow,like makingten of dress. I mean I lookatpictures and they somethingfor people who reallywantit. helditdown! Andthey heldme down I did band merchandisingfor awhile so too! I know how to acquire that. I:What makes you differentfromother I: Mostofyour fashion shows incorpo- designers? rate music aswell.Is thereany reason A: Some business people think I'm crazy why? cause I do as much production as I can A: I also own a recordingcompany in America. I am conscious ofhow hard called 3 Productions.To me, music it is in other countries but sometimes andfashion arelike the same thing... the quality is not always there.Andplus THEONYXINFORMER 9 I ONYX Remembers James Brown: The Original Soul Brother May 3, 1933 - December 25, 2006 BY BRITTANY BASS The Godfather ofSoul,James bydancers. Joseph Brown,was aprolific By the end of figure in the evolution ofpop the 1960s, Brown music. His intoxicatingdance moves wouldonce again JAMES BROWN and flashy outfits combinedwith a magnifyhis appeal showmanship that was all his own made bychannelinghis James Brown"The HardestWorking political voice. Man in Show Business." His revolutionary Hewas born in the small town of hit,"Say It Loud Barnwell, SC on May 3, 1933. Brown - I'm Blackand I'm spent his childhoodwith his father Proud, gave a voice " before they moved to Augusta, GA, to the silenced wherehewas sentto livewith his aunt. African Americans As a teenager, Brownwas inspiredto ofthe babyboomer pursue his dream as a musician byjazz generation. He and R&B performer, LouisJordan. wenton to record The South Carolina native burst "Don'tWant onto the scene in the early 1950s with Nobody to Give agospelgroup called"The Gospel MeNothing Starlighter."Thegroup would change (Open Up the theirsound andsteerin asecular Door, I'll Get In directionbyincorporatingrhythmand Myself)"which blues,which earned them an R&B hit was one ofa James Brown, LiveatChastain Park. Released 1985. "Please, Please, Please." Throughout number ofsongs thedecade. Brown touredwith Little thatjeopardized ofSoul but he also pioneeredhip-hop Richardandbecame the front man for his relationship with whiteaudiences. dance and musicwell before the Bronx the Famous Flames where he scored the Brown made several silver screen claimed it in the 1970s. He worked the hit"Try Me." appearances and even contributedto the stagewith rawvocals andhis signature Brown reworked the bandby Rocky IV soundtrackin the late 1980s, dance moves influencingstars like Chris incorporatingahorn section,bass, which he receivedthe 1987 Grammyfor Brown, MichaelJackson, and Usher. drums andguitars to form a new sound. BestMale R&B Vocal Performancefor In 1983 hewas inducted into the He introduceda new styleofmusic that the track"Livingin America."He also Georgia Music Hall ofFame andwas wouldlater beknown as funk. In the collaboratedwith 90s artists like Afrika also one ofthe first inductees tobe 1960s heled the funk revolution with Bambaataa and Full Force. honoredin the Rock and Roll Hall of hits like"Out ofSight,""Papa's GotA He continued to release records in Fame. At the 1992 GrammyAwards, BrandNew Bag"and"I GotYou (I Feel the 1990s and 2000s yet none received Brown was awardedthe Lifetime Good)."Thefunkeraproved to bea the acclaimofhis earlierwork. But Achievement Awardand in Mayof successwhen hewon the 1968 Grammy the HardestWorking Man in Show 2005, Brown's hometown ofAugusta, GA Award for Best Rhythmand Blues Business continued to deliver"TheJames erecteda statue ofthe Godfather of Recording. Brown Experience"with his grunts, Soul. Brown has influencednearly hollers, elaboratecape routine and On Dec. 25, 2006James Brown twogenerations ofmusicians and costumes. Brown's showmanshiplanded diedofcongestive heart failuredue to performers. His soulful rasp and him in RollingStone's 100 Greatest troubles with pneumonia. Hewas 73. electrifyingdances moves have made Artists ofAll-Time. him admired by soul singers andcoveted James Brown is calledthe Godfather THEONYX INFORMER 10 I