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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Last Link, by Ernst Haeckel This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: The Last Link Our Present Knowledge of the Descent of Man Author: Ernst Haeckel Commentator: Hans Gadow Release Date: December 29, 2013 [EBook #44541] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE LAST LINK *** Produced by Chris Curnow, Les Galloway and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) THE LAST LINK OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE OF THE DESCENT OF MAN BY ERNST HAECKEL (JENA) WITH NOTES AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES BY HANS GADOW, F.R.S. (CAMBRIDGE) LONDON ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK 1898 CONTENTS. page THE LAST LINK INTRODUCTORY 1 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 8 PALÆONTOLOGY 20 OTHER EVIDENCE 42 STAGES RECAPITULATED 47 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: LAMARCK, SAINT-HILAIRE, CUVIER, BAER, MUELLER, VIRCHOW, COPE, KOELLIKER, GEGENBAUR, HAECKEL 80 THEORY OF CELLS 115 FACTORS OF EVOLUTION 117 GEOLOGICAL TIME AND EVOLUTION 135 NOTE The address I delivered on August 26 at the Fourth International Congress of Zoology at Cambridge, 'On our Present Knowledge of the Descent of Man,' has, I find, from the high significance of the theme and the general importance of the questions connected with it, excited much interest, and has led to requests for its publication. Hence this volume, edited by my friend Dr. H. Gadow, my pupil in earlier days, who has not only revised the text, but has also enriched it by many valuable additions and notes. ERNST HAECKEL. Jena, December, 1898. THE LAST LINK At the end of the nineteenth century, the age of 'natural science,' the department of knowledge that has made most progress is zoology. From zoology has arisen the study of transformism, which now dominates the whole of biology. Lamarck[1] laid its foundation in 1809, and forty years ago Charles Darwin obtained for it a recognition which is now universal. It is not my task to repeat the well-known principles of Darwinism. I am not concerned to explain the scientific value of the whole theory of descent. The whole of our biological study is pervaded by it. No general problem in zoology and botany, in anatomy and physiology, can be discussed without the question arising, How has this problem originated? What are the real causes of its development? This question was almost unknown seventy years ago, when Charles Darwin, the great reformer of biology, began his academical career at Cambridge as a student of theology. In the same year, 1828, Carl Ernst von Baer[2] published in Germany his classical work on the embryology of animals, the first successful attempt to elucidate by 'observation and reflection' the mysterious origin of the animal body from the egg, and to explain in every respect the 'history of the growing individuality.' Darwin at that time had no knowledge of this great advance, and he could not divine that forty years later embryology would be one of the strongest supports of his own life's work—of that very theory of transformism which, founded by Lamarck in the year of Darwin's birth, was accepted with enthusiasm by Charles's grandfather Erasmus. There is no doubt that of all the celebrated naturalists of the nineteenth century Darwin achieved the greatest success, and we should be justified in designating the last forty years as the Age of Darwin. In searching for the causes of this unexampled success, we must clearly separate three sets of considerations: first, the comprehensive reform of Lamarck's transformism, and its firm establishment by the many arguments drawn from modern biology; secondly, the construction of the new theory of selection, as established by Darwin, and independently by Alfred Wallace (a theory called Darwinism in the proper sense); thirdly, the deduction of anthropogeny, that most important conclusion of the theory of descent, the value of which far surpasses all the other truths in evolution. It is the third point of Darwin's theory that I shall discuss here; and I shall discuss it chiefly with the intention of examining critically the evidence and the different conclusions which at present represent our scientific knowledge of the descent of man and of the different stages of his animal pedigree. It is now generally admitted that this problem is the most important of all biological questions. Huxley was right when in 1863 he called it the question of questions for mankind. The problem which underlies all others, and is more deeply interesting than any other, is as to the place which man occupies in nature and his relations to the universe of things. 'Whence our race has come; what are the limits of our power over nature, and of nature's power over us; to what goal are we tending—these are the problems which present themselves anew and with undiminished interest to every man born into the world.' This impressive view was explained by Huxley thirty-five years ago in his three celebrated essays on 'Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature.' The first is entitled 'On the Natural History of the Man-like Apes'; the second, 'On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals'; the third, 'On some Fossil Remains of Man.' Darwin himself felt the burden of these problems as much as Huxley; but in his chief work, 'On the Origin of Species,' in 1859, he had purposely only just touched them, suggesting that the theory of descent would shed light upon the origin of man and his history. Twelve years later, in his celebrated work on 'The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex,' Darwin discussed fully and ingeniously all the different sides of this 'question of questions' from the morphological, historical, physiological, and psychological points of view. As early as 1866 I myself had applied in the Generelle Morphologie der Organismen the theory of transformism to anthropology, and had shown that the fundamental law of biogeny claims the same value for man as for all the other animals. The intimate causal connection between ontogeny and phylogeny, between the development of the individual and the history of its ancestors, enables us to gain a safe and certain knowledge of our ancestral series. I had at that time distinguished in this series ten chief degrees of vertebrate organization. I attributed the highest importance to the logical connection of anthropogeny with transformism. If the latter be true, the truth of the former is absolute. 'Our theory that man is descended from lower vertebrates, and immediately from apes or primates, is a case of special deduction which follows with absolute certainty from the general induction of the theory of descent.' The full proof and detailed explanation of this view was afterwards given in my 'History of Natural Creation,' and especially in my 'Anthropogeny.'[3] Lastly, it has received an ample scientific and critical foundation in the third part of my 'Systematic Phylogeny.'[3] During the forty years which have elapsed since Darwin's first publication of his theories an enormous literature, discussing the general problems of transformism as well as its special application to man, has been published. In spite of the wide divergence of the different views, all agree in one main point: the natural development of man cannot be separated from general transformism. There are only two possibilities. Either all the various species of animals and plants have been created independently by supernatural forces (and in this case the creation of man also is a miracle); or the species have been produced in a natural way by transmutation, by adaptation and progressive heredity (and in this case man also is descended from other vertebrates, and immediately from a series of primates). We are absolutely convinced that only the latter theory is fully scientific. To prove its truth, we have to examine critically the strength of the different arguments claimed for it. I. First, we have to consider the relative place which comparative anatomy concedes to man in the 'natural system' of animals, for the true value of our 'natural classification' is based upon its meaning as a pedigree. All the minor and major groups of the system—the classes, legions, orders, families, genera, and species—are only different branches of the same pedigree. For man himself, his place in the pedigree has been fixed since Lamarck,[5] in 1801, defined the group of vertebrates. The most perfect[6] of these are the Mammalia; and at the head of this class stands the order of Primates, in which Linnæus, in 1735, united four 'genera'—Homo, Simia, Lemur, and Vespertilio. If we exclude the last-named, the Chiroptera of modern zoology, there remain three natural groups of Primates—the Lemures, the Simiæ, and the Anthropi or Hominidæ. This is the classification of the majority of zoologists; but if we compare man with the two chief groups of monkeys—the Eastern monkeys (or Catarrhinæ) and the Western or American monkeys (Platyrrhinæ)—there can be no doubt that the former group is much more closely related to man than is the latter. In the natural order of the Catarrhinæ we find united a long series of lower and higher forms. The lowest, the Cynopitheci, appear still closely related to the Platyrrhinæ and to the Lemures; while, on the other hand, the tailless apes (Anthropomorphæ) approach man through their higher organization. Hence one of our best authorities on the Primates, Robert Hartmann,[7] proposed to subdivide the whole order of the Simiæ into three groups: (1) Primarii, man together with the other Anthropomorphæ, or tailless apes; (2) Simiæ, all the other monkeys; (3) Prosimiæ, or Lemurs. This arrangement has received strong support from the interesting discovery by Selenka that the peculiar placentation of the human embryo is the same as in the great apes, and different from that of all the other monkeys. Our choice between these different classifications of Primates is best determined by the important thesis of Huxley, in which, in 1863, he carried out a most careful and critical comparison of all the anatomical gradations within this order. In my opinion, this ingenious thesis—which I have called the Huxleyan Law, or the 'Pithecometra-thesis of Huxley'—is of the utmost value. It runs as follows: 'Thus, whatever system of organs be studied, the comparison of their modifications in the ape-series leads to one and the same result—that the structural differences which separate man from the gorilla and the chimpanzee are not so great as those which separate the gorilla from the lower apes.' If we accept the Huxleyan law without prejudice, and apply it to the natural classification of the Primates, we must concede that man's place is within the order of the Simiæ. On examining this relation with care, and judging with logical persistence, we may even go a step further. Instead of the wider conception of 'Simiæ,' we must use the restricted term of Catarrhinæ, and our Pithecometra-thesis has then to be formulated as follows: The comparative anatomy of all organs of the group of Catarrhine Simiæ leads to the result that the morphological differences between man and the great apes are not so great as are those between the man-like apes and the lowest Catarrhinæ. In fact, it is very difficult to show why man should not be classed with the large apes in the same zoological family. We all know a man from an ape; but it is quite another thing to find differences which are absolute and not of degree only. Speaking generally, we may say that man alone combines the four following features: (1) Erect walk; (2) extremities differentiated accordingly; (3) articulate speech; (4) higher reasoning power. Speech and reason are obviously relative distinctions only—the direct result of more brains and more brain-power, the so-called mental faculties. The erect walk is not an absolutely distinguishing characteristic: the large apes likewise walk on their feet only, supporting their bodies by touching the ground with the backs of their hands—in fact, with their knuckles—and this is a mode of progression very different from that of the tailed monkeys, which walk upon the palms of their hands. There are, however, two obvious differences in the development of the muscles. In man alone the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle are thick enough to form the calf of the leg, and the glutæus maximus is enlarged into the buttocks. A fourth glutæal muscle occurs occasionally in man, while it is constantly present in apes as the so-called musculus scansorius. Concerning the muscles of the whole body, we cannot do better than quote Testut's summary: 'The mass of recorded observations upon the muscular anomalies in man is so great, and the agreement of many of these with the condition normal in apes is so marked, that the gap which usually separates the muscular system of man from that of the apes appears to be completely bridged over.' There are, for example, the muscles of the ear. In most people the majority, or even all of them, are no longer movable at will, while in the apes they are still in use. The important point, however, is that these muscles are still present in man, although often in a reduced condition. They are the following: (1) Musculus auricularis anterior or attrahens auris, which is frequently much reduced and no longer reaches the ear at all, being then absolutely useless; (2) Musculus auricularis superior or attollens auris, more constant than the former; (3) Musculus auricularis posterior or retrahens auris, likewise often functional. Occasionally smaller slips differentiated from these three muscles are present, and as so-called intrinsic muscles are restricted to the ear itself; their function is, or was, that of curling up or opening the external ear. Outlines of the Left Ear of— 1. Lemur macaco; 2. Macacus rhesus, the Rhesus monkey; 3. Cercopithecus, a macaque; 4. human embryo of six months; 5. man, with Darwin's point well retained: the dotted outline is that of the ear of a baboon; 6. orang-utan (after G. Schwalbe):[8] x the original tip of the ear; 7. human ear with the principal muscles. In connection with the ear, I may touch upon another interesting and most suggestive little feature which is present in many individuals—namely, 'Darwin's point.' This is the last remnant of the original tip of the ear, before the outer, upper, and hinder rim became doubled up or folded in. It is a feature quite useless, and absolutely impossible of interpretation, excepting as the vestige of such previous ancestral conditions as are normal in the monkeys. In some cases the reduction of muscles has proceeded further in apes than in man—for example, the muscles of the little toe. Another instance is afforded by the coccyx or vestige of the tail; this is still furnished with muscles which are now in man, as well as in the apes, quite useless, and vary considerably with every sign of degeneration, most so in the orang- utan. Darwin has mentioned the frequent action of the 'snarling muscle,' by which, in sneering, our upper canine teeth are exposed, like those of a dog prepared to fight. Monkeys and apes possess vocal sacs, especially large in the orang-utan; survivals of them, although no longer used, persist in man in the shape of a pair of small diverticula, the pouches of Morgagni, between the true and the false vocal cords. 'In the native Australians, the dental formula appears least removed from the hypothetical original type, for in it are still found complete rows of splendid teeth, with powerfully-developed canines and molars, the latter being either uniform, or even increasing in size, as we proceed backwards, in such a way that the wisdom tooth is the largest of the series. This is decidedly a pithecoid characteristic which is always found in apes. The upper incisors of the Malay, apart from their prognathous disposition, have occasionally a distinctly pithecoid form, their anterior surface being convex, and their lingual surface slightly concave. The ancestors of Europeans seem to have had the same form of teeth, for the oldest existing fragments of skulls from the Mammoth age (e.g., the jaws from La Naulette, in Belgium) reveal tooth-forms which must be classed with those of the lowest races of to-day.'[9] Now we are able to apply this fundamental Pithecometra-thesis directly to the classification of the Primates and to the phylogeny of man, which is intimately connected with it, because in this order, as in all the other groups of animals, the natural system is the clear expression of true phylogenetic affinity. Four results follow from our thesis: (1) The Primates, as the highest legion or order of mammals, form one natural, monophyletic group. All the Lemures, Simiæ, and Homines descend from one common ancestral form, from a hypothetical 'Archiprimas.' (2) The Lemures are the older and lower of the natural groups of the Primates; they stand between the oldest Placentalia (Prochoriata) and the true Simiæ. (3) All the Catarrhinæ, or Eastern Simiæ, form one natural monophyletic group. Their hypothetical common ancestor, the Archipithecus, may have descended directly or indirectly from a branch of the Lemures. (4) Man is descended directly from one series of extinct Catarrhine ancestors. The more recent ancestors of this series were tailless anthropoids (similar to the Anthropopithecus), with five sacral vertebræ. The more remote ancestors were tailed Cercopitheci, with three or four sacral vertebræ. These four theses possess, in my opinion, absolute certainty. They are independent of all future anatomical, embryological, and palæontological discoveries which may possibly throw more light upon the details of our phyletic anthropogenesis. II. The next question is, how the facts of palæontology agree with these most important results of comparative anatomy and ontogeny. The fossils are the true historical 'medals of creation,' the palpable evidence of the historical succession of all those innumerable organic forms which have peopled the globe for many millions of years. Here the question arises, If the known fossil specimens of Mammalia, and particularly of Primates, give proof of these Pithecometra-theses, do they confirm directly the descent of man from ape-like creatures? The answer to this question is, in my opinion, affirmative. It is true that the gaps in the palæontological evidence, here as elsewhere, are many and keenly felt. In the order of the Primates they are greater than in many other orders, chiefly because of the arboreal life of our ancestors. The explanation is very simple. It is really due to a long chain of favourable coincidences if the skeleton of a vertebrate, covered as it was with flesh and skin, and containing still more perishable viscera, is petrified at all. The body may be devoured by other creatures, and its bones scattered about; or it rots away and crumbles to pieces. Many animals hide in thick undergrowth when death approaches them; and, leading an almost entirely arboreal life, the Primates are especially likely to disappear without being fossilized. It is only when the body is quickly covered with sand, or is embedded in suitable lime or silica containing mud, that the process of petrifaction can come to pass. Even then it is only by great good luck that we come across such a fossil. Very few countries have been searched systematically, and the areas that have been searched amount to little in comparison with the whole surface of the land, even if we leave out of account the fact that more than two-thirds of the globe are covered by water. These deplorable deficiencies of empirical palæontology are balanced on the other side by a growing number of positive facts, which possess an inestimable value in human phylogeny. The most interesting and most important of these is the celebrated fossil Pithecanthropus erectus, discovered in Java in 1894 by Dr. Eugène Dubois.[10] Three years ago this now famous ape-like man provoked an animated discussion at the third International Zoological Congress at Leyden. I may therefore be allowed to say a few words as to its scientific significance. Unfortunately, the fossil remains of this creature are very scanty: the skull-cap, a femur, and two teeth. It is obviously impossible to form from these scanty remains a complete and satisfactory reconstruction of this remarkable Pliocene Primate. The more important points are the following: The remains in question rested upon a conglomerate which lies upon a bed of marine marl and sand of Pliocene age. Together with the bones of Pithecanthropus were found those of Stegodon, Leptobos, Rhinoceros, Sus, Felis, Hyæna, Hippopotamus, Tapir, Elephas, and a gigantic Pangolin. It is remarkable that the first two of these genera are now extinct, and that neither hippopotamus nor hyæna exists any longer in the Oriental region. If we may judge from these fossil remains, the bones of Pithecanthropus are not younger than the oldest Pleistocene, and probably belong to the upper Pliocene. The teeth are like those of man. The femur, also, is very human, but shows some resemblances to that of the gibbons. Its size, however, indicates an animal which stood when erect not less than 5 feet 6 inches high. The skull-cap also is very human, but with very prominent eyebrow ridges, like those of the famous Neanderthal cranium. It is certainly not that of an idiot. It had an estimated cranial capacity of about 1,000 cubic centimetres—that is to say, much more than that of the largest ape, which possesses not more than 600 c.c. The crania of female Australians and Veddahs measure not more than 1,100, some even less than 1,000 c.c.; but, as these Veddah women stand only about 4 feet 9 inches high, the computed cranial capacity of the much taller Pithecanthropus is comparatively very low indeed.[11] The upper figure represents the outlines of the skull of Pithecanthropus, as restored by Manouvier.[12] The lower figure shows the comparative size and shape of Pithecanthropus, the Neanderthal skull, a specimen of the Cro-Magnon race of neolithic France, and a Young Chimpanzee before the full development of the supraorbital crests. The final result of the long discussion at Leyden was that, of twelve experts present, three held that the fossil remains belonged to a low race of man; three declared them to be those of a man-like ape of great size; the rest maintained that they belonged to an intermediate form, which directly connected primitive man with the anthropoid apes. This last view is the right one, and accords with the laws of logical inference. Pithecanthropus erectus of Dubois is truly a Pliocene remainder of that famous group of highest Catarrhines which were the immediate pithecoid ancestors of man. He is, indeed, the long-searched-for 'missing link,' for which, in 1866, I myself had proposed the hypothetical genus Pithecanthropus, species Alalus. It must, however, be admitted that this opinion is still strongly combated by some distinguished authorities. At the Leyden Congress it was attacked by the illustrious pathologist Rudolf Virchow.[13] He, however, is one of the minority of leading men of science who set themselves to refute the theory of Evolution in every possible way. For thirty years he has defended the thesis: 'It is quite certain that man is not a descendant of apes.' He declares any intermediate form to be unimaginable save in a dream. Virchow went to the Leyden Congress with the set purpose of disproving that the bones found by Dubois belonged to a creature which linked together apes and man. First, he maintained that the skull was that of an ape, while the thigh belonged to man. This insinuation was at once refuted by the expert palæontologists, who declared that without the slightest doubt the bones belonged to one and the same individual. Next, Virchow explained that certain exostoses or growths observable on the thigh proved its human nature, since only under careful treatment the patient could have healed the original injury. Thereupon Professor Marsh, the celebrated palæontologist, exhibited a number of thigh- bones of wild monkeys which showed similar exostoses and had healed without hospital treatment. As a last argument the Berlin pathologist declared that the deep constriction behind the upper margin of the orbits proved that the skull was that of an ape, as such never occurred in man. It so happened that a few weeks later Professor Nehring of Berlin demonstrated exactly the same formation on a human prehistoric skull received by him from Santos, in Brazil. Virchow was, in fact, just as unlucky in Leyden in his fight with our pliocene ancestor as he had been unfortunate in his opinion on the famous skulls of Neanderthal, Spy, La Naulette, etc., every one of which he explained as a pathological abnormality. It would be a very curious coincidence indeed if all these and other fossil human remains were those of idiots or otherwise abnormal individuals, provided they are old and low enough in their organization to be of phylogenetic value to the unbiassed zoologist. As the sworn adversary of Evolution, transformism, and Darwinism in particular, but a believer in the constancy of species, the great and renowned pathologist has been driven to the incredible contention that all variations of organic forms are pathological. Four years ago, as honorary president of the Anthropological Congress at Vienna, he attacked Darwinism in the severest manner, and declared that 'man may be as well descended from the elephant or from the sheep as from the ape.' Such attacks on the theory of transformism indicate a failure to understand the principles of the theory of Evolution and to appreciate the significance of palæontology, comparative anatomy, and ontogeny. The thousands of other objections which have been made during the last forty years (chiefly by outsiders) may be passed over in silence. They do not require serious refutation. In spite of, or perhaps because of, these attacks, the theory of Evolution stands established more firmly than ever. It is easy for the outsider to exult over the difficulties which our problem implies—difficulties which we who have given our lives to the study understand likewise, and try our best not only to bridge over, but also to point out. Anyhow, we do not conceal them; while those who reject the explanation offered by Evolution make the most of the gaps, and pass silently over the far more numerous points favourable to our theory. How fruitful during the last thirty years the astonishing progress in our palæontological knowledge has been for our Pithecometra-thesis is best shown by a short glance at the growth of our knowledge of fossil Primates. Cuvier,[14] the founder of palæontology, continued up to the time of his death, in 1832, to assert that fossil remains of monkeys and lemurs did not exist. The only skull of a fossil lemuroid which he described (namely, Adapis) he declared to be that of an ungulate. Not until 1836 were the first fragments of extinct monkeys found in India; it was two years later, near Athens, that the skeleton of Mesopithecus penthelicus was discovered. Other remains of lemurs were found in 1862. But during the last twenty years the number of fossil Primates has been augmented by the remarkable discoveries of Gaudry, Filhol, Milne Edwards, Seeley, Schlosser, and others in Europe; of Marsh, Cope, Osborn, Leidy, Ameghino, in South America; and Forsyth Major in Madagascar.[15] These tertiary remains, chiefly of Eocene and Miocene date, fill many gaps between existing genera of Primates, and afford us quite a clear insight into the phyletic development of this order during the millions of years of the Cænozoic age. The most important difference between the two groups of existing monkeys is indicated by their dentition. Adult man possesses, like all the other Catarrhine Simiæ, thirty-two teeth, whilst the American monkeys (the Platyrrhinæ) have thirty-six teeth—namely, one pair of premolars more in the upper and lower jaws. Comparative odontology leads us to the phylogenetic conclusion that this number has been produced by reduction from a still older form with forty-four teeth. This typical dental formula (three incisors, one canine, four premolars, and three molars, in each half-jaw) is common to all those most important older mammals which in the beginning of the Eocene period constituted the four large groups of Lemuravida, Condylarthra, Esthonychida, and Ictopsida. These are the four ancestral groups of the four main orders of Placentalia—namely, of the Primates, Ungulata, Rodentia, and Carnassia. They seem to be so closely related by their primitive organization that they may be united in one common super-order, Prochoriata. With a considerable degree of probability, we are led to formulate the further hypothesis that all the orders of Placentalia—from the lowest Prochoriata upwards to man—have descended from some unknown common ancestor living in the Cretaceous period, and that this oldest placental form originated from some Jurassic group of marsupials. Among these numerous fossil Lemures which have been discovered within the last twenty years, there exist, indeed, all the connecting forms of the older series of Primates, all the 'missing links' sought for by comparative odontology. The oldest Lemures of the tertiary age are the Eocene Pachylemures, or Hyopsodina. They possess the complete dentition of the Prochoriata—namely, forty-four teeth ( Then follow the Eocene Palæolemures, or Adapida, with forty teeth, they having lost one pair of incisors in each jaw. To these are attached the younger Autolemures, or Stenopida, with thirty-six teeth, they thus possessing already the same dentition as the Platyrrhinæ. The characteristic dentition of the Catarrhinæ is derived from this formula by the loss of another premolar. These relations are so clear and so closely connected with a gradual transformation of the whole skull, and with the progressive differentiation of the Primate-form, that we are justified in saying that the pedigree of the Primates, from the oldest Eocene Lemures upwards to man, is now so well known, its principal features so firmly fixed within the Tertiary age, that there is no missing link whatever. Quite different, and much more incomplete, is the palæontological evidence, if we go further back into the Secondary or Mesozoic age, and look there for the older ancestors of the mammalian series. There we meet everywhere with wide gaps, and the scarce fragments of fossil Mesozoic mammals (excessively rare in the Cretaceous formation) are too poor to permit definite conclusions as to their systematic position. Indeed, comparative anatomy and ontogeny lead us to the hypothesis that the oldest Cretaceous Mammalia—the Prochoriata—are descended from Jurassic marsupials, and these again from Monotremes. We may also suppose with high probability that among the unknown Cretaceous Prochoriata there have been Lemuravida and forms intermediate between these and the Jurassic Amphitheriidæ, and that these marsupials in their turn are descendants of Pantotheria or similar monotreme-like creatures of the Triassic age. Any certain evidence for these hypotheses is at present still wanting. One important fact, however, is established—namely, that these interesting and oldest Mammalia—the Pantotheria of Marsh, the Triassic Dromatheriidæ, and the Jurassic Triconodontidæ of Osborn—were small insectivorous mammals with a very primitive organization. Probably they were Monotremes, and may be derived directly from Permian Sauromammalia, an ill-defined mixture of Mammalia and Reptilia. This generalized characteristic supports our view that the whole class of Mammalia is monophyletic, and that all its members, from the oldest Monotremes upwards to man, have descended from one common ancestor living in the older Triassic, or perhaps in the Permian, age. To acquire full conviction of this important conception, we have only to think of the hair and the glands of our human skin, of our diaphragm, the heart and the blood corpuscles without a nucleus, our skull with its squamoso-mandibular articulation. All these singular and striking modifications of the vertebrate organization are common to mammals, and distinguish them clearly from the other Craniota. This characteristic combination and correlation proves that they have been developed only once in the history of the vertebrate stem, and that they have been transferred by heredity from one common ancestor to all the members of the class of Mammalia. The next step, as we trace our human phylogeny to its origin, leads us further back into the lower Vertebrata, into that obscure Palæozoic age the immeasurable length of which (much greater than that of the Mesozoic) may, according to one of the newest geological calculations, have comprised about one thousand millions of years.[16] The first important fact we have to face here is the complete absence of mammalian remains. Instead of these we find in the later Palæozoic period, the Permian, air-breathing reptiles as the earliest representatives of Amniota. They belong to the most primitive order of that class, the Tocosauria; and besides them there were the Theromorpha, which approach the Mammalia in a remarkable manner. These reptiles in turn were preceded, in the Carboniferous period, by true Amphibia, most of them belonging to the armour-clad Stegocephali. These interesting Progonamphibia were the oldest Tetrapoda, the first vertebrates which had adapted themselves to the terrestrial mode of life; in them the swimming fin of fishes and Dipneusta was transformed into the pentadactyle extremities characteristic of quadrupeds. To appreciate the high importance of this metamorphosis, we need only compare the skeleton of our own human limbs with that of the living Amphibia. We find in the latter the same characteristic composition as in man: the same shoulder and pelvic girdle; the same single bone, the humerus or the femur, followed by the same pair of bones in the forearm and leg; then the same skeletal elements composing the wrist and the ankle regions; and, lastly, the same five fingers and toes. The arrangement of these bones, peculiar and often complicated, but everywhere essentially the same in all the Tetrapoda, is a striking evidence that man is a descendant from the oldest pentadactyle Amphibia of the Carboniferous period. In man the pentadactyle type has been better preserved by constant heredity than in many other Mammalia, notably the Ungulata. The oldest Carboniferous Amphibia, the armour-clad Stegocephali, and especially the remarkable Branchiosauri discovered by Credner, are now regarded by all competent zoologists as the indubitable common ancestral group of all Tetrapoda, comprising both Amphibia and Amniota. But whence this most remote group of Tetrapoda? That difficult question is answered by the marvellous progress of modern palæontology, and the answer is in complete harmony with the older results arrived at by comparative anatomy and ontogeny. Thirty-four years ago Carl Gegenbaur,[17] the great living master of comparative anatomy, had demonstrated in a series of works how the skeletal parts of the various classes of Vertebrata, especially the skull and the limbs, still represent a continuous scale of phyletic gradations. Apart from the Cyclostomes, there are the fishes, and among them the Elasmobranchi (sharks and rays), which have best preserved the original structure in all its essential parts of organization. Closely connected with the Elasmobranchi are the Crossopterygii, and with these the Dipneusta or Dipnoi. Among the latter the highest importance attaches to the ancient Australian Ceratodus. Its organization and development is now, at last, becoming well known. This transitional group of Dipnoi, 'fishes with lungs' but without pentadactyle limbs, is the morphological bridge which joins the Ganoids and the oldest Amphibia. With this chain of successive groups of Vertebrata, constructed anatomically, the palæontological facts agree most satisfactorily. Selachians and Ganoids existed in the Silurian times, Dipnoi in the Devonian, Amphibia in the Carboniferous, Reptilia in the Permian, Mammalia in the Trias. These are historical facts of first rank. They connote in the most convincing manner that remarkable ascending scale in the series of vertebrates for our knowledge of which we are indebted to the works of Cuvier and Blainville, Meckel, Johannes Mueller and Gegenbaur, Owen and Huxley. The historical succession of the classes and orders of the Vertebrata in the course of untold millions of years is definitely fixed by the concordance of those leading works, and this invaluable acquisition is much more important for the foundation of our human pedigree than would be a complete series of all possible skeletons of Primates. Greater and more frequent difficulties arise if we penetrate further into the most remote part of the human phylogeny, and attempt to derive the vertebrate stem from an older stem of invertebrate ancestors. None of those had a skeleton which could be petrified; and the same remark applies to the lowest classes of Vertebrata—to the Cyclostomes and the Acrania. Palæontology, therefore, can tell us nothing about them; and we are limited to the other two great documents of phylogeny—the results of comparative anatomy and ontogeny. The value of their evidence is, however, so great that every competent zoologist can perceive the most important features of the most remote portion of our phylogeny. Here the first place belongs to the invaluable results which modern comparative ontogeny has gained by the aid of the biogenetic law or the theory of recapitulation. The foundation-stones of vertebrate embryology had been laid by the works of Von Baer, Bischoff,[18] Remak, and Koelliker;[19] but the clearest light was thrown upon it by the famous discoveries of Kowalevsky[20] in 1866. He proved the identity of the first developmental stages of Amphioxus and the Ascidians, and thereby confirmed the divination of Goodsir, who had already announced the close affinity of Vertebrates and Tunicates. The acknowledgment of this affinity has proved of increasing importance, and has abolished the erroneous hypothesis that the Vertebrata may have arisen from Annelids or from other Articulata. Meanwhile, from 1860 to 1872, I myself had been studying the development of the Spongiæ, Medusæ, Siphonophora, and other Cœlenterata. Their comparison led me to the statements embodied in the 'Gastræatheorie,' the first abstract of which was published in 1872 in my monograph of the Calcispongiæ. These ideas were carried on and expanded during the subsequent ten years by the help of many excellent embryologists —first of all by E. Ray Lankester and Francis Balfour. The most fruitful result of these widely extended researches was the conclusion that the first stages of embryonic development are essentially the same in all the different Metazoa, and that we may derive from these facts certain views on the common descent of all from one ancestral form. The unicellular egg[21] repeats the stage of our Protozoan ancestors; the Blastula is equivalent to an ancestral cœnobium of Magosphæra or Volvox; the Gastrula is the hereditary repetition of the Gastræa, the common ancestor of all the Metazoa. Man agrees in all these respects with the other vertebrates, and must have descended with them from the same common root. Particularly obscure is that part of our phylogeny which extends from the Gastræa to Amphioxus. The morphological importance of this last small creature had been perceived by Johannes Mueller, who in 1842 gave the first accurate description of it. It would not, of course, be correct to proclaim the modern Amphioxus the common ancestor of all the vertebrates; but he must be regarded as closely related to them, and as the only survivor of the whole class of Acrania. If the Amphioxidæ had through some unfortunate accident become extinct, we should not have been able to gain anything like a positive glimpse at our most remote vertebrate ancestor. On the one hand, Amphioxus is closely connected with the early larva of the Cyclostomes, which are the oldest Craniota, and the pre-Silurian ancestors of the fishes. On the other hand, the ontogeny of Amphioxus is in harmony with that of the Ascidians, and if this agreement is not merely coincidental, but due to relationship, we are justified in reconstructing for both Ascidians and Amphioxus one common ancestral group of chordate animals, the hypothetical Prochordonia. The modern Copelata give us a remote idea of their structure. The curious Balanoglossus, the only living form of Enteropneusta, seems to connect these Prochordonia with the Nemertina and other Vermalia, which we unite in one large class—Frontonia. No doubt these pre-Cambrian Vermalia, and the common root of all Metazoa, the Gastræades, were connected during the Laurentian period by a long chain of intermediate forms, and probably among these were some older forms of Rotatoria and Turbellaria; but at present it is not possible to fill this wide gap with hypotheses that are satisfactory, and we have to admit that here indeed are many missing links in the older history of the Invertebrata. Still, every zoologist who is convinced of the truth of transformism, and is accustomed to phylogenetic speculations, knows very well that their results are most unequal, often incomplete. III. Let us now recapitulate the ancestral chain of man, as it is set forth in the accompanying diagram (p. 55), which represents our present knowledge of our descent. For simplicity's sake the many side-issues or branches which lead to groups not in the main line of our descent have been left out, or have been indicated merely. Many of the stages are of course hypothetical, arrived at by the study of comparative anatomy and ontogeny; but an example for each of them has been taken from those living or fossil creatures which seem to be their nearest representatives. 1. The most remote ancestors of all living organisms were living beings of the simplest imaginable kind, organisms without organs, like the still existing Monera. Each consisted of a simple granule of protoplasm, a structureless mass of albuminous matter or plasson, like the recent Chromaceæ and Bacteriæ. The morphological value of these beings is not yet that of a cell, but that of a cytode, or cell without a nucleus. Cytoplasm and nucleus were still undifferentiated. I assume that the first Monera owe their existence to spontaneous creation out of so-called anorganic combinations, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. An explanation of this hypothesis I have given in my 'Generelle Morphologie.' The Monera probably arose early in the Laurentian period. The oldest are the Phytomonera, with vegetable metabolism. They possessed the power (characteristic of plants) of forming albumin by synthesis from carbon, water, and ammonia. From some of these plasma-forming Monera arose the plasmophagous Zoomonera with animal metabolism, living directly upon the produce of their plasmodomous or plasma-forming sisters. This is the first instance of the great principle of division of labour. 2. The second stage is that of the simple and single cell, a bit of protoplasm with a nucleus. Such unicellular organisms are still very common. The Amœbæ are their simplest representatives. The morphological value of such beings is the same as that of the egg of any animal. The naked egg cells of the sponges creep about in an amœboid fashion, scarcely distinguishable from Amœba. The same remark applies to the egg-cell of man himself in its early stages before it is enclosed in a membrane. The first unicellular organisms arose from Monera through differentiation of the inner nucleus from the outer protoplasm. 3. Repeated division of the unicellular organism produces the Synamœbium, or community of Amœbæ, provided the divisional products, or new generations of the original cell, do not scatter, but remain together. The existence of such a Cœnobium, a number of equal and only loosely-connected cells, as a separate stage in the ancestral history of animals, is made highly probable by the fact that the eggs of all animals undergo after fertilization such a process of repeated self- division, or 'cleavage,' until the single egg cell is transformed into a heap of cells closely packed together, not unlike a mulberry (morula)—hence morula stage in ontogeny. 4. The morula of most animals further changes into a Blastula, a hollow ball filled with fluid, the wall being formed by a single layer of cells, the blastoderm or germinal layer. This modification is brought about by the action of the cells—they conveying nourishing fluid into the interior of the whole cell colony and thereby being themselves forced towards the surface. The Blastula of most Invertebrata, and even that of Amphioxus, is possessed of fine ciliæ, or hair-like processes, the vibrating motion of which causes the whole organism to rotate and advance in the water. Living representatives of such Blastæads, namely, globular gelatinous colonies of cells enclosing a cavity, are Volvox and Magosphæra. 5. The Blastula of most animals assumes a new larval form called Gastrula, in which the essential characteristics are that a portion of the blastoderm by invagination converts the Blastula into a cup with double walls, enclosing a new cavity, the primitive gut. This invagination or bulging-in obliterates the original inner cavity of the Blastula. The outer layer of the Gastrula is the ectoderm, the inner the endoderm; both pass into each other at the blastoporus, or opening of the gut cavity. The Gastrula is a stage in the embryonic development of the various great groups of animals, and some such primitive form as ancestral to all Metazoa is thus indicated. This hypothetical Gastræa is still very essentially represented by the lower Cœlenterates—e.g., Olynthus, Hydra. 6. The sixth stage—that of the Platodes, or flat-worms—is very hypothetical. They are bilateral gastræads, with a flattened oblong body, furnished with ciliæ, with a primitive nervous system, simple sensory and reproductive organs, but still without appendages, body cavity, vent, and blood-vessels. The nearest living representatives of such creatures are the acœlous Turbellarians—e.g., Convoluta, a free-swimming, ciliated creature. 7. The next higher stage is represented by such low animals as the Gastrotricha—e.g., Chætonotus among the Rotatoria, which differ from the rhabdocœlous Turbellarians chiefly by the formation of a vent and the beginnings of a cœlom, or cavity, between gut and body wall. The addition of a primitive vascular system and a pair of nephridia, or excretory organs, is first met with in the Nemertines. 8. These, together with the Enteropneusta (Balanoglossus), are comprised under the name of Frontonia, or Rhynchelminthes, and form the highest group of the Vermalia. The Enteropneusta especially fix our attention, because they alone, although essentially 'worms,' exhibit certain characteristics which make it possible to bridge over the gulf which still separates the Invertebrata from the vertebrate phylum. The anterior portion of the gut is transformed into a breathing apparatus—hence Gegenbaur's term of Enteropneusta, or Gut-breathers. Moreover, Balanoglossus and Cephalodiscus possess another modification of the gut —namely, a peculiar diverticulum, which, in the present state of our knowledge, may be looked upon as the forerunner of the chorda dorsalis. 9. Stage of Prochordonia, as indicated by the larval form, called Chordula, which is common to the Tunicata and all the Vertebrata. These two groups possess three most important features: (a) A chorda dorsalis, a stiff rod lying in the long axis of the body, dorsally from the gut and below the central nervous system. This latter, for the first time in the animal kingdom, appears in the shape of a spinal cord. (b) The use of the anterior portion of the gut for respiratory purposes. (c) The larval development of the Tunicata is essentially the same as that of the Vertebrata in its early stages. Only the free-swimming Copelata or Appendicularia among the Tunicates retain most of these features. The others, which become sessile—namely, the Ascidiæ, or sea-squirts—degenerate and specialize away from the main line. ANCESTRAL TREE OF THE VERTEBRATA Abridged from 'Systemat. Phylogenie,' § 15. Names underlined refer to hypothetical groups. Aves Mammalia | Reptilia | '——————| | |——————' | Proreptilia Pisces | Amphibia | |——————' | | | Stegocephali Dipnoi | |——————' '——————| Proselachii Cyclostomata | | |——————' | Tunicata Archicrania Acrania | |——————' | Prospondylia | | '——————| Prochordonia 10. Stage of the Acrania, represented by Amphioxus. The early development of this little marine creature agrees closely with that of the Tunicates; but one important feature is added to its organization—namely, metamerism, segmentally arranged mesoderm. Amphioxus still possesses neither skull nor vertebræ, neither ribs nor jaws, and no limbs. But it is a member of the Vertebrata if we define these as follows: Bilateral symmetrical animals with segmentally arranged mesoderm, with a chorda dorsalis between the tubular nervous system and the gut, and w...

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