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Preview The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 1991: Vol 75 Index

INDEX TO VOLUME 75 (1991)' AUTHORS? Abreu, E. Avilés, L. New thrips record (Insecta: Thysanop- Fungicide evaluation for control of tera) from Puerto Rico, 75(3), 311 powdery mildew, Leveillula taurica (RN). (lev.) Arn., of peppers in Puerto Rico, 7T5(2), 119. Acin, N. Chemical weed control in sweet cherry Avilés-Rodriguez, L. N. peppers, 75(3), 261. Aspectos econémicos de la induccién de la floracién en la pifa Cabezona en Further evaluation of herbicides in pep- Lajas, 75(1), 105 (RN). pers, 75(4), 391. Plant population and pruning of pepper Acosta, A. cultivars, 75(3), 199. Plant population and pruning of pepper cultivars, 75(3), 199. Batiz, H. *Indirect preparative-analytical gas Acosta, N. chromatographic technique for mass Effect of granular nematicides and the spectrometric identification of rum fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus in composition, 75(1), 51. nematode control in watermelon, 75(3), 307 (RN). Beale, A. Cuatro niveles de nitrégeno en dos *Efecto de sistemas de rotacién de variedades de cebolla (Allium cepa), cosechas sobre los niveles poblacionales 75(1), 1. de nematodos, 75(4), 399. Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la Armstrong, A. M. produccién de yautias, 75(1), 87 (RN). *Field evaluation of pigeon pea geno- types for resistance against pod borers, Beale, A. J. 75(1), 73. Efecto de cultivos intercalados en el control de malezas y la produccién de Nuevo hospedero alterno del picudo del fame y batata, 75(1), 11. pimiento, Anthonomus eugenii Cano, en Puerto Rico, 75(4), 423 (RN). Levels and methods of potassium fer- tilization on tomato cv Duke yield, Arscott, T. G. 75(2), 111. Effect of soil moisture level and phos- phorus rate on phosphorus uptake and Beale-Cosfo, A. growth of corn (Zea mays L.), 75(2), Lack of response of pigeon pea 153. (Cajanus cajan L. Huth) to N and K fertilizer on a Mollisol of Puerto Rico’s southern coastal plains, 75(1), 89 (RN). *Senior author. ‘Sole author. (RN) Research note. ‘An author’s name may appear in more than one form. Although all first names are abbreviated, an author may appear with one or two initials. Last names may appear single or compound. When compound, they are hyphenated regardless of how they appear in the original. *Alphabetically, names with a single initial precede two-initial ones (Y. Badillo precedes Y. A. Badillo); single names precede hyphenated ones (Abreu, Z. precedes Abreu-Abadia, A.). Articles under one name are organized chronologically (those in volume I precede those in volume II; those in number 1 precede those in number 2 and those on page 1 precede those on page 2). 425 426 AUTHOR INDEX Beauchamp de Caloni, I. Caraballo, E. Efecto de la escaldadura en la vida util Yield and acceptability of eight fresh y aspectos quimicos de los productos de market tomato cultivars, 75(1), 93 pifia de humedad intermedia, 75(1), 25. (RN). Degreening of Red Spanish pineapple Further evaluation of herbicides in pep- after field heat removal, 75(1), 37. pers, 75(4), 391. Yield and acceptability of 8 fresh mar- Carpintero, D. J. ket tomato cultivars, 75(1), 93 (RN). *Contributions to the knowledge of American Ectrichodiinae III. The Comportamiento poscosecha de 4 culti- genus Cricetopareis Breddin, 1903. vares de yuca almacenada en bolsas de (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), 75(1), 81. polietileno y con poda, 75(3), 269. Cedefio-Maldonado, A. *Canning and quality evaluation of Efecto de la intensidad de la luz sobre sweet potato dessert, 75(3), 317 (RN). la floracién y crecimiento del culantro, *Canned native-style concentrates for Eryngium foetidum L., 75(4), 383. Puerto Rican-flavored rice dishes, Chao, C. 75(4), 363. Expectativas y opiniones de patronos Beaver, J. de profesionales en las ciencias agri- Dry bean seed quality in Honduras, colas, 75(2), 139. T5(2), 125. Chao, C. L. Bendeziu, P. Fermentation of sugarcane juice and *Variations of ovarian position in Fas- blackstrap molasses by Zymomonas ciola hepatica species found in cattle in mobilis, 75(1), 43. Puerto Rico, 75(1), 67. Chao de Baez, C. , Bendezi, R. Degreening of Red Spanish pineapple Variations of ovarian position in Fas- after field heat removal, 75(1), 37. ciola hepatica species found in cattle in Estimation of potential evapotranspira- Puerto Rico, 75(1), 67. tion with Hargreaves-Samani model at Bennett, F. D. various locations in Puerto Rico, 75(1), New records of, and notes on, white- 107 (RN). flies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from Chew, V. Puerto Rico, 75(3), 297 (RN). Estimation of leaf area in three tanier La mosca negra de los_citricos, (Xanthosoma spp.) cultivars grown in Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby Puerto Rico, 75(3), 313 (RN). (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), en Puerto Colberg, O. Rico, 75(3), 301 (RN). *Cuatro niveles de nitrégeno en dos Bernard, L. variedades de cebolla (Allium cepa), Fermentation of sugarcane juice and 75(1), 1. blackstrap molasses by Zymomonas Cortés-Monllor, A. mobilis, 75(1), 43. *Leaf blight of Syngonium podophyl- Boudlin, D. R. lum Schott “White Butterfly” in Puerto An alternate method for determination Rico, 75(1), 97 (RN). of cations in solution of small soil sam- *Angular leaf spot of some cucurbits ples, 75(3), 223. in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 195 (RN). Caceres, J. Cruz, J. R. Dafios causados por Xanthomonas Efecto de la escaldadura en la vida util campestris pv. phaseoli y su efecto en y aspectos quimicos de los productos de el rendimiento de la_ habichuela pifia de humedad intermedia, 75(1), 25. (Phaseolus vulgaris), 75(4), 353. Cruz-Cay, J. R. *Senior author. Effect of blanching on niacin concentra- +Sole author. tion in canned red kidney beans, 75(4), RN Research note. 417 (RN). J. Agric. Univ. P.R. VOL. 75, NO. 4, OCTOBER, 1991 427 Del Rio, L. Frame, A. D. *Dry bean seed quality in Honduras, Variations of ovarian position in Fas- 75(2), 125. ciola hepatica species found in cattle in Puerto Rico, 75(1), 67. Del Valle-Gonzalez, R. *Lack of response of pigeon pea (Ca- Franqui, R. A. janus cajan L. Huth) to N and K fer- *Xylosandrus compactus (Eichoff), tilizer on a Mollisol of Puerto Rico’s Coleoptera: Scolytidae, the black twig southern coastal plains, 75(1), 89 (RN). borer attacking coffee in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 183 (RN). Diaz, A. L. Expectativas y opiniones de patronos The avocado lacewing bug, de profesionales en las ciencias ag- Pseudacysta perseae (Heidemann) ricolas, 75(2), 139. (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in Puerto Rico, Diaz, N. 75(2), 185 (RN). Efecto de la escaldadura en la vida util New records of, and notes on, white- y aspectos quimicos de los productos de flies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from pifia de humedad intermedia, 75(1), 25. Puerto Rico, 75(3), 297 (RN). Droz-Lube, E. La mosca negra de los citricos, *Expectativas y opiniones de patronos Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby de profesionales en las ciencias ag- (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), en Puerto ricolas, 75(2), 139. Rico, 75(3), 301 (RN). Echavez-Badel, R. New thrips record (Insecta: Thysanopt- *Detection of smut mycelia in apical era) from Puerto Rico, 75(3), 311 (RN). meristems of sugarcane buds, 75(3), 281. Freytag, G. F. Incorporating resistance to Xanth- *Productivity of new sugarcane hybrids omonas campestris pv. phaseoli into in the Lajas valley and their resistance bean, 75(4), 348. to smut and rust, 75(3), 287. *Characterization and comparative Gallardo-Covas, F. pathogenicity of two Macrophomina Xylosandrus compactus (Eichoff), Col- phaseolina isolates from Puerto Rico, eoptera: Scolytidae, the black twig 75(4), 418 (RN). borer attacking coffee in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 183 (RN). Fernandez-Coll, F. *Growth potential of Bacillus coagulans Goenaga, R. and Basillus macerans in selected com- *Estimation of leaf area in three tanier mercial acid and acidified foods, 75(2), (Xanthosoma spp.) cultivars grown in 191 (RN). Puerto Rico, 75(3), 313 (RN). Spore age and its effect on thermal re- Gonzalez, A. sistance of Bacillus coagulans and *Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la Bacillus macerans in acid ripe plantain produccién de yautias, 75(1), 87 (RN). puree, 75(3), 205. *Comportamiento poscosecha de cuatro cultivares de yuca almacenada en bol- Figueroa, L. A. Comportamiento poscosecha de cuatro sas de polietileno y con poda, 75(3), 269. cultivares de yuca almacenada en bol- Goyal, M. sas de polietileno y con poda, 75(3), 269. Levels and methods of potassium fer- Fornaris, G. J. tilization on tomato cv Duke yield, *Yield and acceptability of eight fresh 75(2), 111. market tomato cultivars, 75(1), 93 (RN). Goyal, M. R. *Estimation of potential evapotranspira- *Senior author. tion with Hargreaves-Samani model at +Sole author. various locations in Puerto Rico, 75(1), RN Research note. 107 (RN). 428 AUTHOR INDEX Gord6n-Mendoza, R. Lozada-Robles, P. W. *Nuevo hospedero alterno del picudo del A new species of Apronius Stal pimiento, Anthonomus eugenii Cano, (Stenopodainae: Reduviidae) from en Puerto Rico, 75(4), 423 (RN). Peru, 75(4), 407. Gregory, B. M., Jr. Lugo, Mercado H. *Articarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la Noctuidae) in Puerto Rico: A new produccién de yautias, 75(1), 81 (RN). hostplant and two new bird predators, Lugo, W. I. 75(3), 295 (RN). Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la Guadalupe-Luna, R. produccién de yautias, 75(1), 87 (RN). *Degreening of Red Spanish pineapple after field heat removal, 75(1), 37. Maldonado-Capriles, J. Contributions to the knowledge of Hepperly, P. American Ectrichodiinae III. The Dry bean seed quality in Honduras, genus Cricetopareis Breddin, 1903. 75(2), 125. (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), 75(1), 81. Hepperly, P. R. *A new species of Apronius Stal (Steno- *Sorghum rust. III. Losses in hybrids inae: Reduviidae) from Peru, under semi-arid conditions, 75(3), 233. 75(4), 407. Huertas-Diaz, H. Marquez-Méndez, P. E. *Fermentation of sugarcane juice and *Aspectos econdémicos de la induccién de blackstrap molasses by Zymomonas la floracién en la pifa Cabezona en mobilis, 75(1), 43. Lajas, 75(1), 105 (RN). Irizarry, H. Martinez, G. A. Efecto de cultivos intercalados en el *The effect of liming on the exchangable control de malezas y la produccién de magnesium levels of two highly weath- fame y batata, 75(1), 11. ered soils of Puerto Rico, 75(1), 101 (RN). *Proper bunch management of the French-type superplantain (Musa *An alternate method for determination acuminata x M. balbisiana, AAB) in of cations in solution of small soil sam- Puerto Rico, 75(2), 163. ples, 75(3), 223. Krikorian, A. D. McDowell, L. Proper bunch management of the Mineral content of various grass French-type superplantain (Musa species at different cutting intervals, acuminata x M. balbisiana, AAB) in 75(2), 181 (RN). Puerto Rico, 75(2), 163. McKenzie, P. M. Liu, L. C. Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: *Persistence of three herbicides in a Noctuidae) in Puerto Rico: A new drip-irrigated banana field, 75(1), 19. hostplant and two new bird predators, 75(3), 295 (RN). Chemical weed control in sweet cherry peppers, 75(3), 261. Medina-Gaud, S. *Further evaluation of herbicides in pep- Xylosandrus compactus (Eichoff), Co- pers, 75(4), 391. leoptera: Scolytidae, the black twig borer attacking coffee in Puerto Rico, Lépez-Rosa, J. H. 75(2), 183 (RN). Incorporating resistance to Xantho- monas campestris pv. phaseoli into *The avocado lacewing bug, Pseuda- bean, 75(4), 345. cysta perseae (Heidemann) (Hemip- tera: Tingidae), in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 185 (RN). *Senior author. *New records of, and notes on, white- +Sole author. flies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from RN Research note. Puerto Rico, 75(3), 297 (RN). J. Agric. Univ. P.R. VOL. 75, NO. 4, OCTOBER, 1991 429 *La mosca negra de los citricos, Perdomo, F. Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby Characterization and comparative (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), en Puerto pathogenicity of two Macrophomina Rico, 75(3), 301 (RN). phaseolina isolates from Puerto Rico, 75(4), 418 (RN). *New thrips record (Insecta: Thysanop- tera) from Puerto Rico, 75(3), 311 Rafols, N. (RN). Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la Nuevo hospedero alterno del picudo del produccién de yautias, 75(1), 87 (RN). pimiento, Anthonomus eugenii Cano, Ramirez, H. en Puerto Rico, 75(4), 423 (RN). Still retort sterilization process for can- Mufioz, M. ned pimiento peppers (Capsicum an- *Effect of soil moisture level and phos- nuum L.), 75(2), 173. phorus rate on phosphorus uptake and growth of corn (Zea mays L.), 75(2), Ramos, D. 153. Comportamiento poscosecha de 4 culti- vares de yuca almacenada en bolsas de Mufioz, M. A. polietileno y con poda, 75(3), 269. A survey of the pH status and related fertility factors of sugarcane fields of Ramos-Santana, R. Puerto Rico, 75(3), 213. *Season production of 11 Panicum maz- imum cultivars harvested at a 45-day Negron, J. A. interval. 75(1), 61. *Fungicide evaluation for control of powdery mildew, Leveillula taurica *Persistence of Hemarthria and Cyno- (Lev.) Arn., of peppers in Puerto Rico, don cultivars in mob grazing in the 75(2), 119. humid tropical region of Puerto Rico, 75(2), 147. Noble, R. E. Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: *Mineral content of various grass spe- Noctuidae) in Puerto Rico: A new cies at different cutting intervals, 75(2), hostplant and two new bird predators, 181 (RN). 75(3), 295 (RN). Randel, P. F. , E. *Complete rations containing coarsely *Chemical weed control in sweet cherry chopped or ground hay for dairy cows peppers, 75(3), 261. in confinement vs. conventional graz- Ortiz, F. H. ing, 75(3), 241. Incorporating resistance to Xantho- Reyes-Soto, I. monas campestris pv. phaseoli into Further evaluation of herbicides in pep- bean, 75(4), 345. pers, 75(4), 391. Pagan, I. Y. Rivera, E. Still retort sterilization process for can- Proper bunch management of the ned pimiento peppers (Capsicum an- French-type superplantain (Musa nuum L.), 75(2), 173. acuminata x M. balbisiana, AAB) in Processing, and evaluation of Puerto Rico, 75(2), 163. pummelo rinds, 75(2), 189 (RN). Rodriguez, J. A. Parsi-Ros, O. Proper bunch management of the Effect of blanching on niacin concentra- French-type superplantain (Musa tion in canned red kidney beans, 75(4), acuminata x M. balbisiana, AAB) in 417 (RN). Puerto Rico, 75(2), 163. Rodriguez, R. Fungicide evaluation for control of *Senior author. powdery mildew, Leveillula taurica +Sole author. (Lev.) Arn., of peppers in Puerto Rico, RN Research note. 75(2), 119. 430 AUTHOR INDEX Rodriguez, T. Santiago, M. A. *Still retort sterilization process for can- Efecto de la rotacién de cultivos en la ned pimiento peppers (Capsicum an- produccién de yautias, 75(1), 87 (RN). nuum L.), 75(2), 173. Santiago-Cérdova, M. Canned native-style concentrate for Persistence of three herbicides in drip Puerto Rican-flavored rice dishes, irrigated banana field, 75(1), 19. 75(4), 363. Santiago-Santos, L. R. Rodriguez-Arce, A. L. *Efecto de la intensidad de la luz sobre *Osmotic drying kinetics of pineapple la floracién y crecimiento del culantro, and papaya, 75(4), 371. Eryingium foetidum L., 75(4), 383. *Effect of blanching on niacin concentra- Segarra-Carmona, A. E. tion in canned red kidney beans, 75(4) The lacewing bug, 417 (RN). Pseudacysta perseae (Heidemann) (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in Puerto Rico, Rodriguez-Arroyo, J. E. 75(2), 185 (RN). Season production of 11 Panicum max- imun cultivars harvested at a 45-day Semidey, N. interval, 75(1), 61. Field evaluation of herbicides to control itch grass (Rottboellia exaltata) in Persistence of Hemarthria and Cyno- sugarcane, 75(3), 253. don cultivars in mob grazing in the humid tropical region of Puerto Rico, Serracin, J. 75(2), 147. *Dafios causados por Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli y su efecto en Rodriguez-Leén, T. el rendimiento de la _habichuela *Processing, canning and evaluation of (Phaseolus vulgaris), 75(4), 353. pummelo rinds, 75(2), 189 (RN). Silva-Negroén, L. Rodriguez-Marcano, A. Growth potential of Bacillus coagulans Angular leaf spot of some cucurbits in and Bacillus macerans in selected com- Puerto Rico, 75(2), 195 (RN). mercial acid and acidified foods, 75(2), Roman, F. M. 191 (RN). *Efecto de cultivos intercalados en el Spore age and its effect on thermal re- control de malezas y la produccién de sistence of Bacillus coagulans and fame y batata, 75(1), 11. Bacillus macerans in acid ripe plantain Roman, O. puree, 75(3), 205. Efecto de sistemas de rotacién de Efectividad de preservativos durante el cosechas sobre los niveles poblacionales almacenamiento en productos de pifia de nematodos, 75(4), 399. de humedad intermedia, 75(4), 411 Rosas, J. C. (RN). Dafios causados por Xanthomonas Singh, U. campestris pv. phaseoli y su efecto en Estimation of leaf area in three tanier el rendimiento de la_habichuela (Xanthosoma spp.) cultivars grown in (Phaseolus vulgaris), 75(4), 353. Puerto Rico, 75(3), 313 (RN). Sanchez, L. A. Singmaster, J. A., Ill Effect of granular nematicides and the ‘Contaminants in aged pesticide grade fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus in dichloromethane interfering in her- nematode control in watermelon, 75(3), bicide residue analysis and a method for 307 (RN). their removal, 75(4), 329. Efecto de sistemas de rotacién de Varela-Ramirez, F. cosechas sobre los niveles poblacionales Plant population and pruning of pepper de nematodos, 75(4), 399. cultivars, 75(3), 199. *Senior author. Unander, D. W. +Sole author. *Plant population and pruning of pepper RN Research note. cultivars, 75(3), 199. J. Agric. Univ. P.R. VOL. 75, NO. 4, OCTOBER, 1991 431 Vega-Mercado, H. "Effect of N and K levels and planting *Efecto de la escaldadura en la vida util density on pineapple fruit yield and y aspectos quimicos de los productos de quality, 75(4), 319. pina de humedad intermedia, 75(1), 25. Vicente, N. E. Canning and quality evaluation of *Effect of granular nematicides and the sweet potato dessert, 75(3), 317 (RN). fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus in nematode control in watermelon, 75(3), Osmotic drying kinetics of pineapple 307 (RN). and papaya, 75(4), 371. Efecto de sistemas de rotacién de *Efectividad de preservativos durante el cosechas sobre los niveles poblacionales almacenamiento en productos de pifia de nematodos, 75(4), 399. de humedad intermedia, 75(4), 411 (RN). Wilkinson, R. Incorporating resistance to Xanth- Vélez, H. omonas campestris pv. phaseoli into Incorporating resistance to Xantho- bean, 75(4), 345. monas campestris pv. phaseoli into bean, 75(4), 345. Young, R. A. Dafos causados por Xanthomonas Vélez-Ramos, A. campestris pv. phaseoli y su efecto en *Levels and methods of potassium fer- el crecimiento de la _habichuela tilization on tomato cv Duke yield, (Phaseolus vulgaris), 75(4), 353. 75(2), 111. Zapata, M. *A survey of the pH status and related *Incorporating resistance to Xantho- fertility factors of sugarcane fields of monas campestris pv. phaseoli into Puerto Rico, 75(3), 213. bean, 75(4), 345. Field evaluation of herbicides to control itch grass (Rottboellia exaltata) in sugarcane, 75(3), 253. *Senior author. +Sole author. RN Research note. SUBJECTS Ajies dulces Bean Herbicidas, 75(3), 261. Damage caused by Xanthomonas cam- pestris, 75(4), 353. Aleurocanthus woglumi Mosca negra de los citricos en Puerto Bean, dry Rico, 75(3), 301. Seed quality in Honduras, 75(2), 125. Aleurodicus di Beans, red kidney, canned New whitefly records in Puerto Rico, Blanching and niacin concentration, 75(3), 297. 75(4), 417. Aleuroglandulus malangae Beans, semivine and common bush types New whitefly records in Puerto Rico, Incorporation of genes for resistance to 75(3), 297. Xanthomonas campestris, 75(4), 345. Allium cepa Cuatro niveles de nitrégeno, 75(1), 1. Blackstrap molasses Fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis, Ananas comosus, productos de humedad 75(1), 43. intermedia Escaldadura, vida util y aspectos Cajanus cajan quimicos, 75(1), 25. Lack of response to nitrogen and potas- sium fertilizer, 75(1), 89. Anthonomus eugenii Nuevo hospedero alterno, 75(4), 423. Capsicum annuun Evaluation of herbicides, 75(4), 391. Anticarsia gemmatalis New host plant in Puerto Rico, 75(3), Cassava 295. Post harvest behavior of 4 cultivars, Two bird predators in Puerto Rico, 75(3), 269. 75(3), 295. Cations Apronius Alternative method for determination in New species from Peru, 75(4), 407. solution, 75(3), 223. Avocado Cebolla, 2 variedades Lacewing bug in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 185. Cuatro niveles de nitrégeno, 75(1), 1. Bacillus coagulans Ciencias agricolas, profesionales en Growth potential in acid and acidified Opiniones de sus patronos, 75(2), 139. foods, 75(2), 191. Citricos, mosca negra de Bacillus macerans Aleurocanthus woglumi en Puerto Rico, Growth potential in acid and acidified 75(3), 301. foods, 75(2), 191. Citrulus vulgaris Bacillus spp. Granular nematicides and fungus Spore age and thermal resistance in ripe Paecilomyces lilacinus for nematode plantain acid puree, 75(3), 205. control, 75(3), 307. Banana, drip-irrigated field Citrus grandis Persistence of three herbicides, 75(1), , canning and evaluation of 19. rinds, 75(2), 189. Batatas, cultivo intercalado con fiames Chayote Control de malezas y produccién, 75(1), Angular leaf spot in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 11. 195. 433 434 SUBJECT INDEX Coffee Dialeuroides kirkaldi Black twig borer in Puerto Rico, 75(2), New whitefly records in Puerto Rico, 183. 75(3), 297. Coleoptera: Scolytidae Dichloromethane, pesticide grade, aged Xylosandrus compactus, black twig cof- Interference in herbicide residue fee borer, 75(2), 183. analysis, 75(4), 329. Contaminants, in aged dichloromethane Dioscorea Interfering in herbicide residue analysis, Control de malezas y produccién en cul- 75(4), 329. tivo intercalado con batatas, 75(1), Coriander 11. Light intensity and flowering and Ectrichodiinae growth, 75(4), 383. Genus Cricetopareis (Hemiptera: Re- duviidae), 75(1), 81. Corn Soil moisture level and phosphorus rate Erygium foetidum on phosphorus uptake and growth, Intensidad de luz y florecida y cre- 75(2), 153. cimiento, 75(4), 383. Cows, dairy Ethirothrips sp. Complete rations with coarsely chopped New thrips records in Puerto Rico, or ground hay in confinement or con- 75(3), 311. ventional grazing, 75(3), 241. Etiella zinckenella Cricetopareis Pigeon pea genotypes resistance to pod Ectrichodiinae, Hemiptera: Reduviidae, borers, 75(1), 73. 75(1), 81. Evapotranspiration, potential Cucumber Estimation with Hargreaves-Samani Growth in soil from a drip-irrigated Model, 75(1), 107. banana field to which herbicides had been applied, 75(1), 19. Fasciola hepatica Variation of ovarian position of species Cucumis melo found in Puerto Rican cattle, 75(1), Angular leaf spot in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 67. 195. Frankliniella bispinosa Cucurbita moschata New thrips records in Puerto Rico, Angular leaf spot in Puerto Rico, 75(2), 75(3), 311. 195. Habichuela Cucurbits Dajios causados por Xanthomonas cam- Angular leaf spot in Puerto Rico, 75(2), pestris, 75(4), 353. 195. Hargreaves-Samani Model Culantro Estimation of potential evaporation at Intensidad de luz y florecida y cre- various locations, 75(1), 107. cimiento, 75(4), 000. Cynodon cultivars Heliothis virescens Persistence in mob grazing, 75(2), 147. Pigeon pea genotypes resistance to pod borers, 75(1), 73. Cynodon, 5 species Mineral content at different cutting in- Hemarthria cultivars tervals, 75(2), 181. Persistence in mob grazing, 75(2), 147. Dessert, based on sweet potato Hemarthria, 5 species Canning and quality evaluation, 75(3), Mineral content at different cutting in- 317. tervals, 75(2), 181. Hemiptera: Reduviidae New whitefly records in Puerto Rico, Ectrichodiinae, the genus Cricetopareis, 75(3), 297. 75(1), 81. ©

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