©2012 "T�} ��9u� ntfl'o�l;y malj;a:; on�, SI}Q�9if no}r�}Qd�ip rl uuspnion ownn, aouap oQnlJ Qr9l"�in9 }�at liop}�. )o }�at Ya}l�('sQoQmi pra issfs aillo(InJ COll)paans}ds� iQoinrQ, r fsl-a9al nsdQi l1Ul1d isc aullqQadQnd rio9sla, fro� iis}s� rQ miostp olQn} sppll." © 2012 HDarvaerskOt c cuPlutb lishers www.darkharvestbooks.com ByA.WDra.y With Art byP aLnudcoalsf elli Conh,l)}s and Jol}J}rudiol) 5 _J_A� Conhmls: Introduct.i.o n7 . Foundatioonfths e LefHtan d Path. 19 .. BlacMka gic.3 .7 . GodsB elow. 6 7 .. The Infemal Path .93 . . Thus IB ecame asG od 113 ... Formula 89. .1.3 5 6 s Blackl\ lagiciwane sd,o not follow blindliyn toth e unknown, leadb y mastearnsd p riests representingth e authorityan d powero fso m e allpow er ful deitinyc arnate in theiro wn fleshW.e know that true freedom comesf rom validatianngd e nhancing the realitioefs ourc hoicthreo ugh a procesosf s elf-realization and self-expericeen.N o human man or woman shall evert ellu s whatt ob elievore h ow to liv.e ':Ve forevesre ekth e emancipatioonfo ur aware nessan d the free movemento fo ur abilityt o perceivine a ccrodance with a seto ftru ths that we havee xperiencfeodro urselvenso tinh erited from remoteo thers.Th ese truths aren otth e truths ofth e averagien dividualass th eyh aven o bassiw hatsoeveinr the consensuagarle ementso f the ordinary world.Th ey are fundamental assertionbsa sedo ff ofw hatw e have cotmoec all energetruthsti. c Th ese truths areb asedo ffo f thec umulativee xperiencoef s orcerers through outth e ages and haveb eenv alidatebdy tl 1e individiunala way thattr anscendsthe ordinary reasoning capacitioefsth e averagheum an. No sorcereirs e veras ked toa pproacthhe irp raccteis and paradigmass a mattero ff aith.W e simply postulate the experiential energetictru ths uncoverebdy our predec essor s and finallyw hen these sorcerytruth s haveb ecomekn own to us,w e then proceedh aving establishetrude referentknioalw ledgea sa news orcefry act. These qualitiearse whatg reatlys eparateth e black magician,S atanist oro therwisef romth e magiciano fth e righth and path andth eir kindI.t 7 goesf ar beyonthde fight forin dividualiatnyd the wholesarleej ectioonft heh erdTh.a t isth e start, buto nceth e sorcetrreulryleave s behind the hrunan fonn,th ey also leave behi:i:td the hmnan compulsiotno assertth is newfound individuality in that ordinaryw orld of affairs. This isa true achievementtoh; a ven urtured a profounda lteratiionn p erceptianodn oneth at leaveuss unablet or eflect,l iveand acta s an ordinary individuina lthe realm of ordinary affairsTh.e desiret oa sserto ne'nse w,f ortified consciousneswsil l havee ffectivbeeleynb trmed outo f one'vs eryo nsc ciousnessan d oldp aths to ego gratificatiwoilnl crum blea nd leadto emptinessan d desolatioTnhi.s isth e turning awaya ndth e birth ofth e Black Brotheran d Sisteanrd as youb eginto realize that every hrunan optionh asb ecome a fadedr emindeorf anotherl ife,s oy ous hall begin toe mbracied ea s and knowledgeg ainedf romth e actuavitall and livijongurn ey thati sy ouLerft HandP ath.T here are precious fewr emnants to whichw e clingan d aso uren ergy bodiessu bmitt oo ur will and we become a worko fo uro wn designth,en we shall findd elight in those spaceisn b etweens paces and we shalfli njdo yin the truly sublimea sw e becomee verm ore capabloef perceivingth at whichh asn oh uman equivalentT.h e treeo flif e becomesw hat it isa; m ap ofth e reflectionso f hmnan desperatioann d a testimonyto the human compulsitoon a ssert htunan values and a senseo fo rdero ntoth e vastness ofth e unconquerabmllkueo wn. Aliens we become, noto uto f mete indulgencbeu tb ecause once knowledgeh asb ecomthee crownth en therei s 8 now ayto substitanuotteh ern;o w ayt o un-know the abstract.T he mind will bounce backan d forth fromp olarity topo larity, butth e energies we acctrmulate are self sustaining and will indeed change one on a molecularl evelA. sorceriesrd efineda san ordinary persownh o has 'villfully succeeded in a fundamental transcen dence ofth eiro rdinary condition as a human being.Wh ether thish as occurred through the Arts ofm agic,a symbolic death orth e reinven tiono f the selfm akes no differenacse th e methods ofth e two greapotl aritiesp erpetually play offth e othert o createt he necessary hann onicss o that oncea true shift has been realizeda genuinnee,w an d aplpableen ergy will acctrmul ate and the overbearing senseo fn ew abstract possibwiliilbtlei in etsui ted. When a sorcerer truly attains the leveolf s elf creatothre,y begitno d evelotlp1 eg enuine ability to foc us their will in new ways previously unknown. Fortl 1es orcerperro,p thsa t th ey once dep ended on aref arl essi mportant and what oncen eededt ob e doneth roughri tual cann ow almostb e itnaginedw ith a fO<..---uosf "\\illa nd thus be realiz ed.T hisi sin greapta rtdu et oth e fortificoant oif the Black:M agician'ssh adow. The begumers hall have masteretdh e finer applicatioonfcs e remony andri tuaanld the Black Adeptftuih er developthsi s masterytm til they can literablolyil dm'\'11th e ritual intenitn to precisiine ages inth e minda ndh avii1g visualized eachs pecifiritucal component,th ey sync with their shadows elf and extend fueirwil l in the chosedirnec tion. 9 The Adepti sth e.s orcerpeerr fectaesdth ey have refinethda t whichth ey know how tod o best, and this being the casthee y mayn ow moveo n to the very specifitacs ks of thatl evel'.Th e sorceryt ermB okhor isa ssociwiathte dth e black sorcererosf th e Mi:ican basedV oodoo tradition. One of the Bokhor'sp rimary tasks involves acquaintinthgem selveswi th and eventually becoming intimatep articipantins the arenao f inorganic awarenesins itsm any formsT.hi s along with the calculated developmenot fth e double,s pecialized Left Hand Path sex magican d a few other areas ofe mphasiwilsl consume theA dept atth is leveolf a ttainment until they are forcibyl pushedto the next byth e accum ulatioonf th eir own power. What the sorcererm ust come to understand in regartdo t heg reaters hiftso fp erceptioins that there isal ways a residuealff ecotf ea ch alteratioinn consciousnesos sth at the deeper and longero nei sim mersed in the night side reahno fso rcery,th e longetrh es ubsequetnimte onewil l spenind the equivalenotfth at position asa polaro ppositine the reahn ofth e ordinary days idweo rldB.a salilcy,th e long era ndd eeper oned escendinst oN od,th e moref irmlyth ey will cling tor easona sa resulto fth e snapb acko fth e BlackA dept'asw arenestso a placeo fs tability and hum an assurance.T his isn ota permanent phenomenona sc ontinued discipliannde the developmeonftth e will shalelv entalulyen able the sorcertle1re a bility tot ipth e scales in favor ofth e shadowa sth ey seef itb,u ti tw ill leave many adeptsin a temporarys tateo fh opelessness 10 asd ream ing becommeosr ed ifficanuldt self disciplines eemalsw ayjsu sotu otf r eachTh.i si s wherthee taskso fth e dark initiate begins becauthseese specifical l rteavsoklarsvo eu nd the ftmdamentrutalth thate nteringin toa shamanic beliseyfs tein mi ttso taliitysi nal l true essencea,c to anfr e cklessnWheens s.we intentiosneaellokyu atto tal and insulainttaectd magicsaly stteomim mersoeu rselinv, ewsh at wear e basalilcyd oingi skn owinglye mbodying newe nergectiocn figuratiboyn kse eping our perceptfluuiald ityin a constants tateo f subtlem ovemenatw ayf romi ts customary alignment. Thisd emandthse "having tob elieve" of the sorcewrheorkn owsth atth e beliefi s noats im portant asw hathte b elideofe Its .al ters the subjectciovnesc iousNnoenss-.o rdinaryb e haviocra use"ss hifts"in the perceptianodn makeup ofth es ubjectirveealm soi tf ollothwast entering intoa t otbalaclk magicabllays ebde lief systweomul dp resencto ntinucalh allenges toth e sorceranedr th usf orca es erioefms e thodical shiftot so ccur whichw ouldh aveth e end resulotf e xpandingth e sorcerpeerr'cse ptual capabiliTthieem so.r ef oreigthne systethme bettearsea ch challengewil l hone stheen saneds givoen gree atsetrre ngth and control. Wee ntienrto th e sorcerweorrl'das ta n ewl evel herine ordetor begin dream ing a different dreaman,d then wem asttheors ea speocftthi ss newl andscape in ordetroe xperioeurn cnee w perceptual gaiwnesa .r peWr heeOCnL'U piwithe d thed aysiodfoe r dinaafryf airwse w ills impyln ot releaensoeug h freeen erangyd thati sw hyi t II