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The Homesteader V 2.0 (Playable Class) PDF

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Preview The Homesteader V 2.0 (Playable Class)

TTTTThhhhheeeee HHHHHooooommmmmeeeeesssssttttteeeeeaaaaadddddeeeeerrrrr This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. HHoommeesstteeaaddeerr A s the last log of the day fell to the ground, the burly human wiped the sweat from his brow. A hard days work almost done, he looked forward to the dinner he would soon share with his wife and daughter. With a hall full of family, the dwarf stood from his seat at the head of the table, and chimed a glass. With a heartfelt speech, he graciously thanked his guest for honoring him on his 100th birthday. As another group of hungry souls shuffled meekly into the temple from the cold, the elf pulled yet another loaf from the oven. The smiles that formed on their downtrodden faces filled her heart, renewing her resolve as she went to work shaping the next batch. Homesteaders are those who have been blessed with a love that many can sadly only dream of. They live a life wholly fulfilled, surround with family on a plot of land they can call their own. They spend their days felling trees, tending the farm, working the forge, or otherwise taking care of those close to them as best they can. They are strong, wise, and self-sufficient individuals. HHeeaarrtt FFuullll ooff LLoovvee A homesteader most likely has no magic powers, or martial A homesteader is often the patriarch or matriarch of the training. What gives them strength is a lifetime of hard work family. Where they go others follow, because they have proven and experience. Many have likely raised children, or even their dependability, and how much they care for others. In a grandchildren, and that has taught them a great deal about party of adventurers, their practical experience and heart of taking care of others. They find fulfillment in a smiling face, gold help to push others beyond their self-imposed limits, and they draw strength from the success of others. A bringing out the best in them, and showing them what they homesteader would spend 8 hours gathering firewood, are truly capable of. They provide a kind of emotional support working until their hands bleed, to make sure their loved that everyone deserves, but few are ever lucky enough to ones stay warm in the winter. obtain. What draws a homesteader from their peaceful existence into the chaos of adventure varies. Perhaps their children CCrreeaattiinngg aa HHoommeesstteeaaddeerr have left home, and their spouse passed on, leading them to seek a new path in life. Perhaps there is some eminent threat When creating a homesteader, ask yourself first what caused the homesteader feels they must do their part to prevent, for you to leave their home life. Was it an imminent threat? Were the safety of their family. Whatever it is, they bring with them you a single parent whose children left the nest? Did you lose the experience of hard work, and a heart full of love. your family in a natural disaster, and needed to get away from home to grieve? HHaarrddyy aanndd EExxppeerriieenncceedd Once you know why you left home, decide how you view your new life on the road. Do you long for the comfort of your Homesteader are more than mere peasants, but less than favorite chair, or does has the thrill of adventure given you a royalty, at least in terms of social class. They are people who new lease on life? What are you long term goals? When the value fair wages for honest work, and won't shy away from adventure is over, do you have someone waiting for you, or doing that work themselves if they have the knowhow. They are you content to let your love of life drive you where it may? often learn because they have to, because they have people depending on them. They may not be the most educated, the strongest, fastest, or most adept, but they know what they know, and they know when they're out of their depth. Their level-headed wisdom is what's kept them and their family QQuuiicckk BBuuiilldd alive, happy, and healthy. You can make a homesteader quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Wisdom, followed by Strength. Second, choose the matriarch/patriarch or entertainer background. 2 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. The Homesteader Level Proficiency Bonus Features Advice Die 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st +2 Hobby, The Touch, Advice d4 2 — — — 2nd +2 Hardy, Kick Back d4 3 — — — 3rd +2 If I May, I've Got It d4 4 2 — — 4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Level-Headed d4 4 3 — — 5th +3 Overtime, Strong and Wise d6 4 3 2 — 6th +3 Hobby Feature, Relax d6 4 3 3 — 7th +3 Not Worth It, Scold d6 4 3 3 1 8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6 4 3 3 2 9th +4 Parental Intuition, Think of Home (two uses) d6 4 3 3 3 10th +4 Hobby Feature d6 4 3 3 3 11th +4 Back in the Game d8 5 3 3 3 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8 5 3 3 3 13th +5 Don't Mess with Mine d8 5 4 3 3 14th +5 Hobby Feature d8 5 4 3 3 15th +5 Enough for Everyone d8 5 4 4 3 16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d8 5 4 4 3 17th +6 I'm Serious d10 6 4 4 3 18th +6 Hobby Feature d10 6 4 4 3 19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d10 6 4 4 4 20th +6 I Believe in You d10 6 4 4 4 CCllaassss FFeeaattuurreess HHoobbbbyy When you weren't homesteading or child rearing, you spent As a homesteader, you gain the following class features your time on what you love. Choose one of the Hobbies listed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you HHiitt PPooiinnttss features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th Hit Dice: 1d8 per homesteader level levels. Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution TThhee TToouucchh modifier per homesteader level after 1st When it comes to certain things, you've just got the touch. PPrrooffiicciieenncciieess You can do things that might seem magical to others, but it's Armor: Light armor simply experience. Weapons: Simple weapons Tools: Three tools of your choice Tricks Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom Tricks are experiences you can replicate at will, without Skills: Choose any three non-Dexterity skills expending an experience slot. You learn the tricks listed at the end of the class description. EEqquuiippmmeenntt You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Experience Slots equipment granted by your background: The Homesteader table shows how many experience slots (a) Two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon you have to replicate your homesteader experiences of 1st (a) A dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack level and higher. To replicate one of these experiences, you Any three tools must expend a slot of the experience’s level or higher. Leather armor and a dagger 3 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. All homesteader experiences are listed at the end of the class IIff II mmaayy description. An experience (or a trick) will list if it requires verbal, somatic, or material components, or if it requires At 3rd level, your calm and reasoning demeanor can convince concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). even the most stubborn goblin. As an action, you can expend Also, if you would make a Constitution saving throw to an experience slot of 2nd level or higher to attempt to maintain concentration on an experience, you instead make a persuade a creature you share a language with that can hear Wisdom saving throw. You regain all expended experience you by making a DC 20 Wisdom (Persuasion) check, at slots when you finish a long rest. disadvantage if the creature you're targeting is hostile. The DC decreases by 3 or 5 if you use a 3rd or 4th level Experiences Known of 1st Level and Higher experience slot, respectively. You may also expend one Advice You can replicate any experience from the homesteader die to add it to the check's total. If you pass the check, you can experience list for which you have an experience slot to replicate the effects of the suggestion spell on the creature replicate it with at any time. you attempted to persuade. That creature has disadvantage on the saving throw, and the effect is nonmagical and cannot Experience Replication Ability be dispelled. Wisdom is your replication ability for your homesteader Additionally, if you would make a Charisma (Persuasion) experiences. You use your Wisdom modifier when setting the check, you may instead make a Wisdom (Persuasion) check. saving throw DC for a homesteader experience you replicate and when making an attack roll with one. II''vvee GGoott IItt Experience save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + You've got it, probably. At 3rd level, if you would make an your Wisdom modifier. ability check that uses a skill you aren't proficient in, you can Experience attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + expend one Advice die to roll it before rolling the d20, adding the number rolled to the check's total. your Wisdom modifier. AAbbiilliittyy SSccoorree IImmpprroovveemmeenntt AAddvviiccee When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and You like to give advice, the quality of which is represented by 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice your Advice die, which starts as a d4 and changes as you gain by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by homesteader levels, as shown in the Advice Die column of the 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 Homesteader table. You have a number of these dice equal to using this feature. your Wisdom modifier plus your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended dice when you finish a long rest. LLeevveell--HHeeaaddeedd Additionally, you gain the following advice features: Chin Up. You may use your bonus action to expend one You know a thing or two because you've seen a thing or two. Advice die and give a firm pat on the back to a creature other At 4th level, you can disseminate wisdom when you finish a than yourself that you can touch. That creature gains short or long rest in the company of others. You and each temporary hit points equal to the expended die + half your creature you finished the rest with gain advantage on the next proficiency bonus (rounded up). saving throw each of you make that uses Wisdom, Think of Home. When you make an attack roll, ability Intelligence, or Charisma. This effect lasts until your next check, or saving throw while in contact with the sentimental short or long rest. item gained from your hobby, you can expend one Advice die Additionally, you gain the following advice feature: to add it to the roll. Once you use this feature, you can't do so Use Your Head. When one or more creatures within 60 again until you finish a short or long rest. You can use this feet of you that you can see, including yourself, are forced to feature twice between rests when you reach 9th level in this make a Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma saving throw, you class. can use your reaction to expend one Advice die and give a number of those creatures up to your proficiency bonus that KKiicckk BBaacckk can hear you a bonus on the saving throw equal to 1 roll of your Advice die. You know the value of rest, and have no trouble kicking back on your break, which helps put your party at ease. At 2nd OOvveerrttiimmee level, when you finish a short or long rest in the company of others, roll your Advice die a number of times equal to your You're no stranger to working late. At 5th level, when you proficiency bonus. You and each creature you finished the finish a short rest, you regain expended Advice dice equal to rest with gain temporary hit points equal to the total rolled. half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). Additionally, once between long rests, you can choose HHaarrddyy expended experience slots to recover when you finish a short rest. The experience slots can have a combined level that is You're not as spry as you used to be, but homesteading is no equal to or less than your proficiency bonus. cake walk. At 2nd level, you may use your Strength modifier, instead of Dexterity, to calculate your AC while wearing light or medium armor. 4 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. SSttrroonngg aanndd WWiissee DDoonn''tt MMeessss wwiitthh MMiinnee You are strong and wise, so say your loved ones at least. At You would do anything to protect your family. At 13th level, 5th level, you gain the following benefits: you can expend a 4th level experience slot as a bonus action to replicate the effects of the tenser's transformation* spell on When you make an attack roll using your Strength yourself for 1 minute. This effect cannot be dispelled, and you modifier, you may instead use your Wisdom modifier. don't need to maintain concentration on it. Once you use this When you use your Chin Up feature, add your Wisdom feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. modifier to the temporary hit points gained by the target. When you make an ability check or saving throw using EEnnoouugghh ffoorr EEvveerryyoonnee Strength, you may expend one Advice die and add it to the roll. You've got more than enough love to go around. At 15th level, you can concentrate on two experiences at once. If you fail a RReellaaxx saving throw to maintain concentration, both experiences end. You've got no problem relaxing after a hard days work, and your presence helps others relax as well. At 6th level, when II''mm SSeerriioouuss you finish a long rest in the company of others, you and each creature you finished the rest with gain the effects of the aid You don't take lip, from children or demons. At 17th level, you spell at a level equal to your proficiency bonus. This effect is regain all expended Advice dice when you finish a short rest. not magical and cannot be dispelled. II BBeelliieevvee iinn YYoouu NNoott WWoorrtthh IItt By 20th level, your ability to make others feel loved, accepted, You know when things have gone too far, and won't hesitate and inspired is something far more powerful than simple to remove your family from a dire situation. At 7th level, when magic. You can spend 10 minutes having a heartfelt you're below half your maximum hit points, you can expend conversation with a creature. That creature then gains 50 one Advice die to take the Disengage action as a bonus temporary hit points, has resistance to all damage, and is action. When you do, you gain temporary hit points equal to under the effects of the foresight spell. These effects last for the expended die, and a number of creatures you can see up one hour, are nonmagical, and cannot be dispelled. Any to your proficiency bonus that can hear you do not provoke temporary hit points remaining at the end of the hour opportunity attacks on their next turn. disappear. You can also use this feature on yourself. When you do, it SSccoolldd takes one bonus action rather than 10 minutes, and it lasts for one minute, at the end of which you suffer two levels of Discipline is good for the soul, or so you've heard. At 7th level, exhaustion. if you would make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you may Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you instead make a Wisdom (Intimidation) check. finish a long rest, and the creature you used it on can't benefit In addition, you gain the following advice feature: from this feature for 2d4 days. Stop That. As a reaction when a hostile creature you can see within 60 feet of you that can hear you hits a creature other than you with an attack roll, you can expend one Advice die and subtract the expended die from the roll, potentially turning the hit into a miss. OOppttiioonnaall RRuullee:: MMuullttiiccllaassssiinngg PPaarreennttaall IInnttuuiittiioonn If you use the optional multiclassing rule in the Player's Handbook, here's what you need to know You just have a sense for when something isn't right. At 9th if you choose homesteader as one of your classes. level, you add your Wisdom modifier to initiative rolls, and Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character when you make a Perception check, add 1 roll of your Advice you must have a Wisdom and Strength score of die to the check's total. at least 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you already are a BBaacckk iinn tthhee GGaammee homesteader. The thrill of adventure reminds you of your younger days. At Proficiencies Gained. If homesteader is not your 11th level, while you have temporary hit points, treat any initial class, you only gain proficiency with light experience slot you would expend to replicate an experience armor and simple weapons, and one artisan's as being one level higher (you can replicate 4th level tools of your choice. Features that reference casting. Other class features experiences with a 3rd level slot this way). that reference casting or concentration, such as Additionally, when you use your Chin Up feature, you gain the barbarians inability to cast spells while the same amount of temporary hit points as the target, and raging, consider replicating experiences with this the target gains advantage on the next attack roll it makes class as casting. before the start of your next turn. 5 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. HHoobbbbiieess When you weren't keeping your family fed and warm, you FFiirrsstt TTrryy spent your free time doing what you love, be it smithing, 10th-level Axe Thrower feature spending time outdoors, or the old ball and stick with the You have advantage on the first ranged attack roll you make kids. Your hobby granted you experiences you wouldn't with a thrown weapon each combat. otherwise have gained, and you carry those with you on your adventure. IImmpprroovveedd SSeennttiimmeennttaall AAxxee 10th-level Axe Thrower feature SSeennttiimmeennttaall IItteemmss Your Sentimental Axe gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down, if it Each hobby has you start your adventure with a sentimental does not already have such a bonus. It also counts as magical item, something that reminds you of home. This item always for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to seems to find its way back to you when lost (in a way the DM nonmagical attacks and damage. When you make a ranged deems appropriate). If your sentimental item is destroyed, you attack with your Sentimental Axe, replace the damage die end up finding a similar item that reminds you of the one you with your Advice die if it is larger. lost. BBuullllsseeyyee AAxxee TThhrroowweerr 14th-level Axe Thrower feature Whether it's in the back yard with your buddies or in a When you make a ranged attack roll with a thrown tournament at the local fair, you love sending sharp objects weapon, that attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, or down range and watching them stick. It's hard for anyone not 18-20 if the weapon is your Sentimental Axe. to smile after landing a bullseye with several people Additionally, when you make a ranged attack with a thrown watching. weapon, the normal and long range are increased by 10 and 30 feet, respectively. SSeennttiimmeennttaall AAxxee OOnnee EEyyee CClloosseedd 1st-level Axe Thrower feature You brought your favorite throwing axe (a common 18th-level Axe Thrower feature handaxe) with you on your adventure. When you make a Once per turn, you can close one eye when you make a ranged attack roll with your Sentimental Axe, you can expend ranged attack roll with a thrown weapon, causing you to have one Advice die to add it to the roll. disadvantage on the attack roll. If the attack hits, it is a critical hit, and you add your Advice die to the damage roll (before WWaattcchh TThhiiss doubling dice from the critical hit). 1st-level Axe Thrower feature You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with that weapon. When you reach 5th level in this class, you may use your Wisdom modifier instead of Strength for the damage rolls of ranged attacks you make using a thrown weapon. EExxttrraa TThhrroowwnn AAttttaacckk 6th-level Axe Thrower feature You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, as long as one of the attacks is a ranged attack with a thrown weapon. IItt SSttuucckk 6th-level Axe Thrower feature When you make a ranged attack roll with a thrown weapon and roll an 18 or higher on the d20, your weapon sticks in the target on a hit, hampering them and giving other creatures advantage on attack rolls against the target until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and score a critical hit, you can use your bonus action that turn to make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon. 6 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. BBuusshhccrraafftteerr Additionally, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action, and once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6 damage There is nothing quite so relaxing and invigorating as the to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage sounds of nature that fill your ears in the peace of the forest. on the attack roll. This increases to 4d6 at 18th level. You love being outdoors and everything that comes with it, and have taught yourself the skills necessary to stay in nature GGrreeaatt OOuuttddoooorrss as long as you can. 10th-level Bushcrafter feature You can expend a 4th level experience slot to replicate the SSeennttiimmeennttaall BBooww effects of the commune with nature spell. 1st-level Bushcrafter feature In addition, you gain another terrain type for your Natural You never leave home without your trusty bow (either a Explorer feature, and you can expend one Advice die to add it shortbow or a light crossbow). While wielding your to any ability check you make that uses Stealth or Survival, or Sentimental Bow, you can expend one Advice die when you that involves using a dagger or rope. roll initiative to add it to the roll. When you reach 5th level in this class, you may use your IImmpprroovveedd SSeennttiimmeennttaall BBooww Wisdom modifier instead of Dexterity for the attack and 10th-level Bushcrafter feature damage rolls of your Sentimental Bow. Your Sentimental Bow gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down, if it SSuurrvviivvaalliisstt does not already have such a bonus, and counts as magical 1st-level Bushcrafter feature for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to You gain proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills, or nonmagical attacks and damage. one or two other skills of your choice if already proficient Additionally, when you make a ranged attack with your with one or both. You can also replicate the effects of the Sentimental Bow, add 1 roll of your Advice die to the damage produce flame cantrip. The damage you deal with this cantrip roll on a hit. is considered nonmagical. WWiittss AAbboouutt YYoouu GGoo OOuuttssiiddee 14th-level Bushcrafter feature 6th-level Bushcrafter feature You can expend a 4th level experience slot to replicate the You gain the Natural Explorer feature for one type of effects of the find the path or true seeing spells on yourself terrain as described in the ranger class description. You also without needing to maintain concentration, but only one can gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking be active at a time. This effect is nonmagical and cannot be speed, and moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs dispelled, and once you replicate the effects of one of these you no extra movement. spells this way, you must finish a long rest before you can In addition, you can pass through nonmagical plants replicate that spell again. without being slowed by them and without taking damage In addition, you have advantage on Wisdom saving throws from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard. to maintain concentration on your experiences, and Constitution saving throws to prevent suffering levels of GGrraayy MMaann exhaustion. 6th-level Bushcrafter feature You can spend one minute surveying your surroundings AAddaapptt aanndd TThhrriivvee and strategizing with your party. When you do, you can 18th-level Bushcrafter feature expend a 2nd level experience slot to replicate the effects of Your Natural Explorer feature applies in all terrain types, the pass without a trace spell. This effect is nonmagical and and you gain advantage on death saving throws, as well as all cannot be dispelled, and if any of the creatures you chose saving throws and ability checks you make that use Wisdom. when replicating the spell move more than 30 feet away from you, the effect ends. 7 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Additionally, a creature that eats one of your portions gains CChheeff temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. A Whether it be pies at the family gathering, soup on a winter's creature can receive this benefit any number of times night, or fresh bread early in the morning, your cooking between rests. draws the crowd. The looks of jubilation from your loved ones, and the satisfied naps that follow, are your greatest joy, OOlldd FFaammiillyy RReecciippee as nothing fills you with pride quite like providing a luxurious 10th-level Chef feature meal for your family. You can choose two flavors when you use your Salt and Pepper feature, and the bonus from your flavors is now 1d4, SSeennttiimmeennttaall CCooookk''ss UUtteennssiillss instead of +1. The benefits now last for 8 hours, or until you 1st-level Chef feature finish your next short or long rest. Good food comes from the heart, but good knives don't Additionally, the hit points regained by your portions from hurt, and you keep your time tested kitchen equipment the have a snack experience increase to 2 rolls of your Advice (common cook's utensils) on you wherever you travel. While die. in contact with your Sentimental Cook's Utensils, you can expend one advice die when you make an ability check using IImmpprroovveedd SSeennttiimmeennttaall CCooookk''ss UUtteennssiillss cook's utensils to add it to the roll. 10th-level Chef feature When you finish a short rest while in contact with your While in contact with your Sentimental Cook's Utensils, Sentimental Cook's Utensils, you can expend one ration for you can beguile a creature with food. You spend 30 minutes each willing creature that finished the rest with you. When and a 4th level experience slot preparing them a meal, after those creatures roll hit dice for that short rest, they treat any which you must make a Wisdom (Cook's Utensils) check with roll less that your proficiency bonus as your proficiency a DC equal to the creature's Wisdom score. On a success, if bonus. the creature chooses to consume the food, they become charmed by you for 24 hours or until you or your companions FFaammiillyy CChheeff do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature is friendly to 1st-level Chef feature you. You gain proficiency in cook's utensils, or another artisan's tools if you are already proficient. Also, you can replicate have EEaatt LLiikkee KKiinnggss a snack as a 1st level experience without expending an 14th-level Chef feature experience slot, producing extra portions equal to your You can spend one hour and 1000 gp shopping in a proficiency bonus when you do so. Once you've replicated the location with adequate supplies, as determined by your DM, experience this way, you must finish a short or long rest to gather ingredients for a grand feast. After shopping, you before you can do so again. can spend 1 hour and a 4th level experience slot to prepare the feast, replicating the effects of the heroes' feast spell. The SSaalltt aanndd PPeeppppeerr effects of this feast are nonmagical and cannot be dispelled. 6th-level Chef feature The ingredients go bad if not used within 24 hours after You can spend 1 hour preparing delicious food, and can do purchase. so as part of a short or long rest. When you do, choose a Once you have prepared a feast this way, you must finish a flavor listed below. The next time you replicate have a snack, long rest before you can do so again. the portions grant an extra benefit when eaten based on the flavor chosen: MMaaddee wwiitthh LLoovvee 18th-level Chef feature Citrus. +1 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma saving You can choose three flavors when you use your Salt and throws and checks Pepper feature, and the bonus from your flavors increases to Creamy. +1 bonus to Wisdom saving throws and checks 1d6. Salty. +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution saving throws and checks CCuullttiisstt Spicy. +1 bonus to damage rolls The hum of lambs singing praises to the Elder Truth, the Sweet. +1 bonus to Dexterity saving throws and checks cries of jubilation as fresh blood pours into the offering These benefits last for 1 hour or until you finish your next chalice, these favors to the Dark One bring you such joy, and short or long rest. the cold touch of their eldritch tendril fills you with power. You may not be their favored champion, but you make sure in SSoouull FFoooodd your off time that the small cult you lead out of your 6th-level Chef feature basement never runs dry of fresh sacrifice. A creature that eats one of your portions from the have a snack experience is cured of all effects currently reducing TThhee EEllddrriittcchh TToouucchh their hit point maximum or ability scores. A creature can 1st-level Cultist feature receive this benefit even if they have already eaten a portion Spell Slots since their last short or long rest, but once this benefit has applied to the creature it must finish a long rest before the Spells you learn from this hobby can be cast by expending an benefit can be applied again. experience slot as if it was a spell slot of the same level. 8 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Spellcasting Ability DDeevviill''ss iinn tthhee DDeettaaiillss 6th-level Cultist feature You use your Wisdom when you cast your Eldritch Touch If you would make a Charisma (Deception) check, you may spells, just as when you replicate your homesteader instead make a Wisdom (Deception) check, and you can experiences. expend one Advice die to add it to the roll. Spells Learned from this Hobby IInnddooccttrriinnaattiioonn You learn specific spells when you reach certain levels in this 10th-level Cultist feature class, as shown on the Eldritch Touch Spells table. When you use your Communion feature, you can choose to Eldritch Touch Spells enter a pact with one of the targets, provided they are willing. This pact lasts until you finish a long rest, and while it is Homesteader active, you can use the spell slots of that creature to cast your Level Spells Eldritch Touch spells. When you do, the creature whose spell 1st eldritch blast, mind sliver** slot was expended gains temporary hit points equal to the level of the expended slot plus your Advice die. The creature 6th arms of hadar, armor of agathys must allow you to use its spell slots each time you do. 10th crown of madness, levitate You can only have a pact with one creature at a time, and once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before hunger of hadar, summon 14th you can do so again. At 14th level, you can enter a pact with shadowspawn** two creatures at once, and three creatures at 18th level. 18th evard's black tentacles, shadow of moil IImmpprroovveedd SSeennttiimmeennttaall DDaaggggeerr SSeennttiimmeennttaall DDaaggggeerr 10th-level Cultist feature 1st-level Cultist feature Your Sentimental Dagger now deals necrotic damage and The Dark One demands blood, and your favorite dagger is gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to half your the best way to get it. While your Sentimental Dagger is proficiency bonus rounded down, unless it already has such a equipped, you may expend one Advice die to make a melee bonus. It counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming attack with it as a bonus action, and you may draw it as part resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. of the same bonus action if not already wielding it. If the Additionally, when you hit a hostile creature with your attack hits, add the expended die to the damage roll, and that sentimental dagger that can't see you or is restrained, add 2 creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw you force rolls of your Advice die to the damage roll. If a creature drops them to make against one of your Eldritch Touch spells. to 0 hit points from that damage roll, you regain an expended You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Advice die. proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. PPyyrraammiidd SScchheemmee 14th-level Cultist feature WWee''rree AAllll FFaammiillyy When you cast a spell using a spell slot of another creature, 1st-level Cultist feature you can expend one Advice die and roll it. If you roll higher You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion than the level of the slot expended, the spell is cast at one skills, or one or two other non-Dexterity skills of your choice level higher. Regardless, if the spell has a damage roll, add the if already proficient with one or both. number rolled to the total. CCoommmmuunniioonn AAsscceennssiioonn 6th-level Cultist feature 18th-level Cultist feature You can expend an experience slot as an action to cause You can expend any number of experience slots and spell any number of creatures you can see within 10 feet of you slots from other creatures with a combined level of 9 or more that can hear you to regain expended spell or experience to cast wish, though you can only replicate a spell of 8th level slots (including yourself). The total level of all slots regained or lower when you do. this way between creatures must be less than or equal to the When you cast wish with this feature, you can expend one level of the experience slot you expended, and you must target Advice die and roll it. If you roll a 9 or higher, you can at least one creature other than yourself. For each creature replicate a spell of 9th level or lower instead of 8th. other than you that regains a spell slot this way, choose one Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you spell from that creatures spell list that they agree with. finish a long rest. Until you finish your next long rest or you use this feature again, that spell is added to your spell list, and the creature can't cast it. The spell counts as an Eldritch Touch spell for you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. 9 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. FFiisshheerrmmaann On Net Attacks Crickets chirping in the morning, or waves rolling with the salt air, there's nothing that compares to the tranquility, and Note that net attacks are normally always made at occasional excitement, of fishing. The party won't believe how disadvantage due to being a ranged weapon with a normal big your last catch was! range of 5 feet and a long range of 15 feet. The features of this hobby counteract that disadvantage with increasing SSeennttiimmeennttaall SSppeeaarr effectiveness 1st-level Fisherman feature Though sitting on a boat with your line in the water may be your preferred way to fish, your rod wouldn't be much help in PPeerrffeecctt CCaasstt a dungeon, so you brought your trusty spear (a common 10th-level Fisherman feature spear). While wielding your Sentimental Spear, you can use Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your bonus action to expend one Advice die and make an your attack rolls with nets. attack with a net, adding the expended die to the attack roll. Also, when you make an attack roll with a net made by you SSppeeaarrffiisshhiinngg and roll an 18 or higher on the d20, the target is 1st-level Fisherman feature incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn as they You gain proficiency with nets and vehicles (water), and you struggle with the net. can perform one of the following actions in 1 hour. These IImmpprroovveedd SSeennttiimmeennttaall SSppeeaarr activities can be done as part of a short or long rest: 10th-level Fisherman feature You can untwine 15 feet of hempen rope to make a net. Your Sentimental Spear gains a bonus to attack and You can whittle a solid stick of sufficient length into a damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded spear. This spear breaks after being thrown or when you down, if it does not already have such a bonus. It also counts roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll with it. as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and As long as you are near a body of water that contains fish, immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. When you land you can use fishing tackle to catch enough fish to provide an attack with your Sentimental Spear against a restrained a ration's worth of food for yourself and up to 5 other creature, the target takes additional piercing damage equal to people. 1 roll of your Advice die. GGoott aa BBiittee TTaanngglleedd LLiinnee 6th-level Fisherman feature 14th-level Fisherman feature You have advantage on initiative rolls, as well as attack rolls When you land an attack with a net against a medium or with nets against hostile creatures that have made an attack smaller creature, you can target another medium or smaller roll against a creature other than you on their last turn. creature with the same attack roll as long as they are within 5 Additionally, nets made by you gain the following benefits: feet of each other. If the attack hits either creature, those creatures become restrained by the net. Destroying the net The DC for a creature to free themselves equals your frees both of them, but each creature must otherwise make Experience save DC. their own Strength check, or have another creature do so, to The slashing damage required to destroy them, and their free themselves. AC, is increased by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. IItt wwaass tthhiiss BBiigg!! Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose 18th-level Fisherman feature disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls with them. When you land an attack with a net against a huge creature, they have disadvantage on their attack rolls until TTaallll TTaalleess they take an action to remove the net. 6th-level Fisherman feature Additionally, when a creature within 20 feet of you You gain a bonus to your Charisma (Deception) checks, as attempts to attack a net restraining a creature or use their well as any Charisma (Persuasion) checks you make related action to free a restrained creautre from a net, you can use to asking people to go fishing with you, equal to your Wisdom your reaction to make an attack roll against them with a modifier. spear. On a hit, the creature subtracts 1 roll of your Advice Additionally, any creature that spends at least an hour die from their attack roll or Strength check. fishing with you one-on-one can add 1 roll of your Advice die to any Wisdom saving throw they make for the next 24 hours. This activity also counts as a short rest. 10

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