ThFelg hit Poeft Fermrom MARTIN GARDNER WILLIAM KAUFMANN, INC. LosA ltoCsa,l ifornia Acknowledgment: "SeveSnt anzaatEs a ster" Copyri@gh t1 96b1y J ohnU pdike ReprinfrtoemdT ELEPHONEP OLESA ND OTHER POEMS, byJ ohUnp dikbey,p ermissoifo n Alfred A.K nopfI,n ca.n dA ndrDee utsLcihm ited L"brary of CongresCsa talogiinn Pgu blicaDtaitoan GardneMra,r ti1n9,1 4- Thefl ighotfP eteFrr omm. I.T itle. PZ4.G23l24F1 [PS3557.A7l48]1 3'.5'743 -1932 ISBN0- 913232-04-1 Copyri©g h1t9 73b yW illiaKma ufmannI,n c. No parotf th isb oomka yb er eproduicnea dn y form withotuhtew rittpeenr missoifto hne p ublishers. Write to WilliKaamu fmannI,n cO.n,e F irsStt reeLtos, A ltos, Califo9rni4a0 22. Printine dth eU nitedS tatoefsA merica 1 2 3 4 5 6 87 9 Andt herfeo llowheidm cae rtayionu nmga n, havinalg i necnl otcha satb ouhti sn akebdo dya;n d they ounmge nl aihdo lodn h im:a ndh el eftth e linecnl otahn,dfl edf romt hemn aked. Mark1 4:51-52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cotnetns ForewobrydM artinG ardner 1 ParIt: B eforteh eW ar 5 1.P eter 7 2.P entecoPsotwaelr 18 3.T heI nvisiHbalned 28 4.T heG uidiFnigc tion 36 5.G rayT owers 42 6.T heM ustarSde edo fD oubt 48 7.C hesterton 60 8.A ngelina 66 9.T heF lameosf H ell 73 10.K arBla rth 84 11.S ituatEitohni cs 92 12.R oomX 99 13.M arx 105 14.L ois 116 Part TIhIe:W ar 125 15.B ootasn dS parks 127 16.U SSM ontgomery 138 17.T heS hiBpe comeas S he 151 18.M othballs 160 viiiC ontents Part ill:A ftetrh eW ar 173 19.E lectroMnaicch ine 175 20.T heM oleculoefJs e sus 184 21.M artha 192 22.B etweethne Horns 201 23.D isenchantmaenndDt iamonds 209 24.T heU nknownT ongue 218 25. FirsDtr aft 223 26.C omea ndS ee 229 27.K nockout 233 28.T heS ecroeftE aster 243 29.A phasia 254 30.T heC ity of SaFirnatn cis 262 TheF ligohPfte tFerro mm