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the emergence of apartment buildings in nineteenth century i̇stanbul a thesis PDF

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Preview the emergence of apartment buildings in nineteenth century i̇stanbul a thesis

NEW INTERPRETATIONS OF DOMESTIC SPACE AND LIFE: THE EMERGENCE OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS IN NINETEENTH CENTURY İSTANBUL A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY DİLŞAD GÖZÜBÜYÜK MELEK IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ART IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE DECEMBER 2004 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences ________________________ Prof. Dr. Sencer AYATA Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. ________________________ Prof. Dr. Suna GÜVEN Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts. ________________________ Assist. Prof. Lale ÖZGENEL Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Ömür BAKIRER (METU, REST) ______________ Assist. Prof. Lale ÖZGENEL (METU, AH) ______________ Assist. Prof. Elvan ALTAN ERGUT (METU, AH) ______________ I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name: Dilşad GÖZÜBÜYÜK MELEK Signature : iii ABSTRACT NEW INTERPRETATIONS OF DOMESTIC SPACE AND LIFE: THE EMERGENCE OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS IN NINETEENTH CENTURY İSTANBUL GÖZÜBÜYÜK MELEK, Dilşad M.A. Department of History of Architecture Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Lale ÖZGENEL December 2004, 245 pages This thesis attempts to study the architectural and the social changes brought by the multi-story apartment buildings which emerged in the nineteenth century İstanbul, in especially Galata-Pera region. A brief introduction to the modernization attempts of the Ottoman Empire, and also to the traditional dwellings and daily life of the Ottoman households before the nineteenth century constitute the first sections of the study. The architectural and the urban developments such as the new building regulations, architectural styles and building types as well as the social and cultural changes that brought new cultural habits and life styles in the modernization period, are also studied in this context. A group of apartments with different plans, size and locations are chosen as a sample so as to point out and discuss the layout of the constituent spaces like the halls, foyers, corridors, substantial rooms and wet spaces. Respectively the changing meaning of the ‘house’ and daily life are also pointed out. In relation to these, facade organizations, plans, functional and spatial features and the privacy of spaces in the sample apartment buildings and their flats, and the daily life and the privacy of the apartment residents are studied and discussed in comparison to the traditional Ottoman house and the contemporary Parisian iv apartments to present a comparative perspective. Consequently, ‘similarities’, ‘differences’, and ‘innovations’ concerning the nineteenth century İstanbul apartments are discussed and listed at the end of the thesis. Several tables which are designed to contribute to the arguments presented in the study are also added to the thesis. Key words: Nineteenth century İstanbul, Galata-Pera, apartment buildings, spatial features, privacy. v ÖZ KONUT MEKANI VE YAŞAMI ÜZERİNE YENİ YORUMLAR: ONDOKUZUNCU YÜZYILDA İSTANBUL’DA APARTMANLARIN ORTAYA ÇIKIŞI GÖZÜBÜYÜK MELEK, Dilşad Yüksek Lisans, Mimarlık Tarihi Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Assist. Prof. Lale ÖZGENEL Aralık 2004, 245 sayfa Bu tez on dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında İstanbul ve özellikle Galata-Pera bölgesinde yapılmaya başlanan apartmanların ortaya çıkardığı mimari ve kültürel değişimleri çalışacaktır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndaki modernleşme çabaları ve on dokuzuncu yüzyıl öncesi geleneksel Osmanlı evi ve gündelik yaşamı tezin ilk bölümlerini oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, batılılaşma döneminde geliştirilen yeni imar düzenlemeleri, mimari akımlar ve bina tipolojilerini de içeren mimari ve kentsel düzenlemelerle, yeni kültürel alışkanlıkları ve yaşam tarzlarını kapsayan sosyal ve kültürel değişimler de çalışılmıştır. Değişik plan, boyut ve konumlamalara sahip bir grup apartman binası hol, giriş holleri, koridorlar, ‘yaşama’ mekanları ve ıslak mekanlar gibi mekanlara dikkat çekmek ve tartışmak için örnek olarak ele alınmıştır. ‘Ev’ ve gündelik yaşamın değişen anlamları da ayrıca ele alınmıştır. Apartmanlardaki cephe düzenlemeleri, planlar, işlevsel ve mekansal özellikler ve mekanlardaki mahremiyet, ve gündelik yaşam ve oturanların mahremiyeti geleneksel Osmanlı evi ve çağdaş Paris apartmanları ile bir karşılaştırma oluşturacak şekilde çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak İstanbul apartmanlarında ortaya çıkan ‘benzerlikler’, vi ‘farklılıklar’ ve ‘yenilikler’ tartışılmış ve sıralanmıştır. Ayrıca ileri sürülen tezlere katkı sağlamak amacıyla oluşturulan çeşitli tablolar çalışmanın sonuna eklemiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: On dokuzuncu yüzyıl İstanbul’u, Galata-Pera, apartmanlar, mekansal özellikler, mahremiyet vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am especially grateful to my supervisor Assist. Prof. Lale Özgenel for her valuable assistance, insight, patient guidance and encouragement during the preparation of this study. I extend my thanks also to the committee members Prof. Dr. Ömür Bakırer and Assist. Prof. Elvan Altan Ergut for their constructive advices and comments. I am also extremely grateful to Assoc. Prof. Murat Güvenç for his guidance, for providing Goad maps and generously sharing his unpublished work that was crucial for the completion of this thesis. I am also indebted to my parents Şakir and Aysel Gözübüyük for their continuous support and to my brother Remzi Gözübüyük for his guidance and encouragement. A vote of gratitude must also go to my cousin Zeynep Baloğlu Solmaz who assisted me during my visit to the sample apartments in İstanbul. Last but not least I thank my dearest husband Kahraman for his indescribable help on the preparation of the visual material used in the study and his support, encouragement and understanding during the completion of this thesis. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM.........................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................iv ÖZ............................................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.....................................................................................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................xii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................1 2. MODERNIZATION OF THE OTTOMAN STATE AND CULTURE.......................................................................................5 2.1. Reforms for Westernization..................................................5 2.2. Architectural Program in the Period of Modernization........10 2.2.1. New Building Types and Codes...............................12 2.2.2. Public Buildings.......................................................15 2.2.3. Domestic Architecture..............................................17 Traditional Type of Houses Constructed with New Architectural Elements..............17 New Housing Types...................................18 3. THE HOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD IN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE: BEFORE AND AFTER MODERNIZATION................23 3.1. District and Family...............................................................23 3.2. Plan and Spatial Components...............................................26 3.3. The Daily Life of Women.....................................................30 ix 3.4. The Change in the Family, House and Daily Life................34 3.4.1. Status of Women......................................................37 3.4.2. Leisure and Consumption.........................................39 3.4.3. Pera as the Initiator of Change.................................46 4. MULTI-STORY APARTMENTS IN NINETEENTH CENTURY İSTANBUL..................................................................51 4.1. An Overview of the Apartment Blocks................................54 4.2. General Characteristics of the Sample Apartment Buildings in Galata-Pera Region..........................................57 4.2.1. Substantial Rooms....................................................61 4.2.2. Transition and Service Spaces..................................62 4.2.3. Wet Spaces...............................................................65 4.3. Space and Daily Life in the Apartment Flats........................66 4.4. The Nineteenth Century Context: The Ottoman and the French Apartment.................................................................70 4.4.1. From the Early Hôtel to the Nineteenth Century Apartment in Paris....................................................74 4.4.2. A Comparative Look to the General Features of the Ottoman and Parisian Apartments ......................80 5. CONCLUSION................................................................................84 FIGURES.....................................................................................................92 REFERENCES.............................................................................................200 APPENDICES A. GOAD, PERVITITICH AND NİRVEN MAPS THAT SHOW THE SAMPLE APARTMENT BUILDINGS.........210 B. NAMES OF THE SAMPLE APARTMENTS IN DIFFERENT SOURCES.....................................................211 x

Some spectacular buildings in Topkapı Palace were called as köşks (chalets) such as Bağdat Köşkü and named as chalets. However in the nineteenth century chalet was used to denote the two-three . Şehremaneti began to serve for the municipality works (Ortaylı, 1985a: 135). İstanbul was div
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