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The Condor 96:1128-1137 © The Cooper Ornithological Society 1994 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 A mass of wild Canvasback and Redhead duck- Able, Kenneth P., A review of Bird Migration, by Tho- lings, 909-915 mas Alerstam, 246 Australia, 211-214 Abundance, 684-691 Avocet, American, see Recurvirostra americana Accipiter striatus, 455-467 Aythya americana, 909-915 Acclimatization, 638-646 valisineria, 909-915 Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis, 1084-1088 Activity budgets, 178-189 Adams, Jane S., Richard L. Knight, Lowell C. Mc- Ewen, and T. Luke George, Survival and growth Baptista, Luis F., and Sandra L. L. Gaunt, Advances of nestling Vesper Sparrows exposed to exper- in studies of avian sound communication, 817- imental food reductions, 739-748 830 Adaptation, 1103-1106 Barlow, Jon C., see Murray, Brent W. Aegolius funereus, 555-559 Beech, Robin N., see Murray, Brent W. Aerial display, 1088-1091 Behavior, 559-565, 672-683 Age, 809-812 Belthoff, James R., Alfred M. Dufty, Jr., and Sidney determination, 203-207, 555-559, 959-972 A. Gauthreaux, Jr., Plumage variation, plasma -dimorphism, 433-446 steroids and social dominance in male House effects, 987-993 Finches, 614-625 -related survival, 600-605 Bird, David M., see Negro, Juan J. -specific reproductive success, 935-948 Birkhead, T. R., see Sheldon, B. C. -specific survival, 503-511 Biswell, Brian L., see Sovern, Stan G. Agelaius phoeniceus, 1115-1116, 1117-1118 Blackbird, Red-winged, see Agelaius phoeniceus Aggression, 590-599 Yellow-headed, see Xanthocephalus xanthoce- Akepa, see Loxops coccineus phalus Akiapolaau, see Hemignathus munroi Blake, John G., Joann M. Hanowski, Gerald J. Niemi, Alaska, 46-51 and Patrick T. Collins, Annual variation in bird Albatross, Black-footed, see Diomedea nigripes populations of mixed conifer-northern hard- Laysan, see Diomedea immutabilis wood forests, 381-399 Alisauskas, Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney, Costs and Blake, John G., see Loiselle, Bette A. rates of egg formation in Ruddy Ducks, 11-18 Bleier, William J., see Twedt, Daniel J. Alisauskas, Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney, Nutrition Blood, 119-126 of breeding female Ruddy Ducks: the role of Boag, Peter T., see Otter, Ken nutrient reserves, 878-897 Body mass, 909-915 Alkalinity, 411-421 Body size, 805-809 Amakihi, Common, see Hemignathus virens Boe, Janet S., Nest site selection by Eared Grebes in Anas acuta, 422-432 Minnesota, 19-35 bahamensis, 400-410 Boersma, P. Dee, see Yorio, Pablo platyrhynchos, 36-45, 295-299, 411-421 Boettcher, Ruth, Susan M. Haig, and William C. Bridg- rubripes, 411-421 es, Jr., Behavioral patterns and nearest neighbor Andersson, Staffan, Costs of sexual advertising in the distances among nonbreeding American Avo- lekking Jackson’s Widowbird, 1-10 cets, 973-986 Ankney, C. Davison, see Alisauskas, Ray T. Boobie, Masked, see Sula dactylatra see Merendino, M. Todd Boobies, 331-340 Annett, Cynthia, see Pierotti, Raymond Books in ornithology, 250-752, 573, 840-841, 1123 Annual cycle, 257-279 Brawn, Jeffrey D., A review of Biogeography and Ecol- variation, 368-380, 381-399 ogy of Forest Bird Communities, edited by A. Apapane, see Himatione sanguinea Keast, 1121-1122 Arcese, Peter, see Smith, James N. M. Brazil, 559-565 Archilochus alexandri, 141-150, 1064-1075, 1088- Breeding, 151-161, 503-511, 1030-1036 1091 age, 468-484 Arctic, 257-279, 898-908 bird populations, 381-399 Area-restricted searching, 812-816 density, 812-816 Argentina, 994-1002, 1084-1088 success, 468-484 Arid habitats, 354-367 synchrony, 722-733 Arizona, 141-150, 845-862 Breitwisch, Randall, see Filliater, Tamatha S. Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin, see Steadman, David W. Bridges, Jr., William C., see Boettcher, Ruth Aspen forest, 455-467 Brigham, R. Mark, and Paul Trayhurn, Brown fat in Austin, Jane E., and Jerome R. Serie, Variation in body Birds? A test for the mammalian bat-specific [1128] The Condor 96:1128-1137 © The Cooper Ornithological Society 1994 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 A mass of wild Canvasback and Redhead duck- Able, Kenneth P., A review of Bird Migration, by Tho- lings, 909-915 mas Alerstam, 246 Australia, 211-214 Abundance, 684-691 Avocet, American, see Recurvirostra americana Accipiter striatus, 455-467 Aythya americana, 909-915 Acclimatization, 638-646 valisineria, 909-915 Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis, 1084-1088 Activity budgets, 178-189 Adams, Jane S., Richard L. Knight, Lowell C. Mc- Ewen, and T. Luke George, Survival and growth Baptista, Luis F., and Sandra L. L. Gaunt, Advances of nestling Vesper Sparrows exposed to exper- in studies of avian sound communication, 817- imental food reductions, 739-748 830 Adaptation, 1103-1106 Barlow, Jon C., see Murray, Brent W. Aegolius funereus, 555-559 Beech, Robin N., see Murray, Brent W. Aerial display, 1088-1091 Behavior, 559-565, 672-683 Age, 809-812 Belthoff, James R., Alfred M. Dufty, Jr., and Sidney determination, 203-207, 555-559, 959-972 A. Gauthreaux, Jr., Plumage variation, plasma -dimorphism, 433-446 steroids and social dominance in male House effects, 987-993 Finches, 614-625 -related survival, 600-605 Bird, David M., see Negro, Juan J. -specific reproductive success, 935-948 Birkhead, T. R., see Sheldon, B. C. -specific survival, 503-511 Biswell, Brian L., see Sovern, Stan G. Agelaius phoeniceus, 1115-1116, 1117-1118 Blackbird, Red-winged, see Agelaius phoeniceus Aggression, 590-599 Yellow-headed, see Xanthocephalus xanthoce- Akepa, see Loxops coccineus phalus Akiapolaau, see Hemignathus munroi Blake, John G., Joann M. Hanowski, Gerald J. Niemi, Alaska, 46-51 and Patrick T. Collins, Annual variation in bird Albatross, Black-footed, see Diomedea nigripes populations of mixed conifer-northern hard- Laysan, see Diomedea immutabilis wood forests, 381-399 Alisauskas, Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney, Costs and Blake, John G., see Loiselle, Bette A. rates of egg formation in Ruddy Ducks, 11-18 Bleier, William J., see Twedt, Daniel J. Alisauskas, Ray T., and C. Davison Ankney, Nutrition Blood, 119-126 of breeding female Ruddy Ducks: the role of Boag, Peter T., see Otter, Ken nutrient reserves, 878-897 Body mass, 909-915 Alkalinity, 411-421 Body size, 805-809 Amakihi, Common, see Hemignathus virens Boe, Janet S., Nest site selection by Eared Grebes in Anas acuta, 422-432 Minnesota, 19-35 bahamensis, 400-410 Boersma, P. Dee, see Yorio, Pablo platyrhynchos, 36-45, 295-299, 411-421 Boettcher, Ruth, Susan M. Haig, and William C. Bridg- rubripes, 411-421 es, Jr., Behavioral patterns and nearest neighbor Andersson, Staffan, Costs of sexual advertising in the distances among nonbreeding American Avo- lekking Jackson’s Widowbird, 1-10 cets, 973-986 Ankney, C. Davison, see Alisauskas, Ray T. Boobie, Masked, see Sula dactylatra see Merendino, M. Todd Boobies, 331-340 Annett, Cynthia, see Pierotti, Raymond Books in ornithology, 250-752, 573, 840-841, 1123 Annual cycle, 257-279 Brawn, Jeffrey D., A review of Biogeography and Ecol- variation, 368-380, 381-399 ogy of Forest Bird Communities, edited by A. Apapane, see Himatione sanguinea Keast, 1121-1122 Arcese, Peter, see Smith, James N. M. Brazil, 559-565 Archilochus alexandri, 141-150, 1064-1075, 1088- Breeding, 151-161, 503-511, 1030-1036 1091 age, 468-484 Arctic, 257-279, 898-908 bird populations, 381-399 Area-restricted searching, 812-816 density, 812-816 Argentina, 994-1002, 1084-1088 success, 468-484 Arid habitats, 354-367 synchrony, 722-733 Arizona, 141-150, 845-862 Breitwisch, Randall, see Filliater, Tamatha S. Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin, see Steadman, David W. Bridges, Jr., William C., see Boettcher, Ruth Aspen forest, 455-467 Brigham, R. Mark, and Paul Trayhurn, Brown fat in Austin, Jane E., and Jerome R. Serie, Variation in body Birds? A test for the mammalian bat-specific [1128] INDEX TO VOLUME 96 1129 mitochondrial uncoupling protein in Common Christie, Miguel I., see Yom-Tov, Yoram Poorwills, 208-211 Clamator glandarius, 802-805 Brood, 909-915 Clemmons, Janine R., Multiple cases of polygyny in Brood parasitism, 162-169, 654-671, 716-721, 794— the Black-capped Chickadee: a possible advan- 798, 802-805, 916-934, 799-801, 1115-1116, tage to the primary female, 1113-1114 1117-1118 Climate, 257-279, 341-353 Brooke, M. De L., see Vickery, J. A. Climbing adaptations, 1103-1106 Broughton, Jack M., Size of the bursa of Fabricius in Clutch formation, 422-432 relation to gonad size and age in Laysan and size, 170-177, 422-432, 878-897 Black-footed Albatrosses, 203-207 Cold tolerance, 638-646 Brown adipose tissue, 208-211 -induced thermogenesis, 280-294 Brown, Jerram L., Historical patterns in the study of Collins, Patrick T., see Blake, John G. avian social behavior, 232-243 Colombia, 1091-1094 Buckland, S. T., see Harris, M. P. Colonial nesting, 722-733, 794-798 Bunting, Orange-breasted, see Passerina leclancherii Colorado, 455-467 Burnell, Kris, and Stephen I. Rothstein, Variation in Competition, 52-57 the structure of female Brown-headed Cowbird Condor, The, 831-832 vocalizations and its relation to vocal function Conifer forest, 455-467 and development, 703-715 Conley, Timothy M., see Powers, Donald R. Bursa of Fabricius, 203-207 Conservation, 228-231, 692-702 Buteo jamaicensis, 52-57 Conway, Courtney J., William R. Eddleman, and Ken- swainsoni, 52-57 neth L. Simpson, Evaluation of lipid indices of the Wood Thrush, 783-790 Cc Conway, Courtney J., William R. Eddleman, and Ken- Calcium, 411-421 neth L. Simpson, Seasonal changes in fatty acid Calidris canutus, 257-279 composition of Wood Thrush, 791-794 fuscicollis, 949-958 Coody, Chris, see Marzluff, John M. pusilla, 949-958 Cooke, Fred, A review of Genetics and Evolution of California, 36-45, 178-189, 197-200 the Domestic Fowl, by Lewis Stevens, 246-247 Calls, 70-82 Cooper Ornithological Society, 831-832 Campylorhynchus nuchalis, 654-671 Cooper, Sheldon J., and David L. Swanson, Seasonal Canada, 935-948 acclimatization of thermoregulation in the Black- Canvasback, see Aythya valisineria capped Chickadee, 638-646 Caprimulgus anthonyi, 224-228 Cooperative breeding, 654-671 Caracaras, 127-140 Coot, American, see Fulica americana Carbaryl, 739-748 Copulation, 654-671 Cardiff, Steven W., see Robbins, Mark B. Corticosterone, 614-625 Cardinal, Northern, see Cardinalis cardinalis Corvus corax, 545-551 Cardinalis cardinalis, 761-768, 769-782, 1055-1063 Costa Rica, 341-353, 368-380, 722-733, 863-877 Carlsson, B.-G., and B. Hérnfeldt, Determination of Courtship, 654-671, 1088-1091 nestling age and laying date in Tengmalm’s Owl: Cowbird, Brown-headed, see Molothrus ater use of wing length and body mass, 555-559 Giant, see Scaphidura oryzivora Carpodacus mexicanus, 614-625 Shiny, see Molothrus bonariensis Catoptrophorus semipalmatus, 734-738 Crane, Sandhill, see Grus canadensis Ceballos, Olga, see Donazar, José A. Creeper, Hawaii, see Oreomystis mana Cézilly, Frank, Christophe Tourenq, and Alan John- Cuckoo, Great Spotted, see Clamator glandarius son, Variation in parental care with offspring Curlew, Bristle-thighed, see Numenius tahitiensis age in the Greater Flamingo, 809-812 Cyclarhis, 1037-1054 Chaffinch, see Fringilla coelebs Cypseloides niger, 1091-1094 Chan, K., Migratory fattening in an Australian intra- Cytochrome b, 1037-1054 continental migrant, 211-214 Charadriidae, 1109-1110 D Charadrius alexandrinus, 1106-1109 Chase duration, 331-340 Dahlsten, D. L., see Kleintjes, P. K. Chastin, Alain, see Negro, Juan J. Daily energy expenditure, 331-340 Chat, Yellow-breasted, see Icteria virens Dawson, William R., see Mathiu, P. Mbaabu Chavez-Ramirez, Felipe, Dale E. Gawlik, Felipe G. de Forest, Leah N., see Gaston, Anthony J. Prieto, and R. Douglas Slack, Effects of habitat Delayed plumage maturation, 606-613, 626-630 structure on patch use by Loggerhead Shrikes Demography, 503-511, 935-948 wintering in a natural grassland, 228-231 Dendrocolaptinae, 1103-1106 Chen caerulescens, 898-908 Dendroica chrysoparia, 684-691 canagica, 46-51 Density, 503-511 Chickadee, Black-capped, see Parus atricapillus Desrochers, André, see Lindholm, Anna Chestnut-backed, see Parus rufescens Determinate layer, 1109-1110 Mexican, see Parus sclateri Development of homeothermy, 280-294 1130 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 Dialect, 190-196, 1084-1088 F Diet, 98-104, 354-367, 368-380, 455-467, 647-653 Falco mexicanus, 447-454 Diomedea immutabilis, 203-207 sparverius, 749-760 nigripes, 203-207 Falcon, Prairie, see Falco mexicanus Dispersal, 197-200, 545-551 Falconidae, 127-140 Displays, 222-224, 1088-1091 Fancy, Steven G., see Ralph, C. John Distraction displays, 222-224 Fat, 783-790, 791-794, 878-897 Distribution, 83-97, 1091-1094 brown, 208-211 Diving depth, 1111-1113 scoring, 783-790 DNA fingerprinting, 1055-1063 Fattening, migratory, 211-214 Donaldson, Garry, see Gaston, Anthony J. Fatty acid composition, 791-794 Donazar, José A., Olga Ceballos, Alejandro Travaini, Feather, 214-217 Alejandro Rodriguez, Martin Funes, and Fer- wear, 959-972 nando Hiraldo, Breeding performance in rela- Fecundity, 878-897 tion to nest-site substratum in a Buff-necked Ibis Feeding behavior, 1111-1113 (Theristicus caudatus) population in Patagonia, ecology, 455-467 994-1002 guilds, 58-69 Doubly labeled water, 141-150 Female choice, 1113-1114 Drepanidinae, 151-161 condition, 1076-1083 du Plessis, Morné A., Wesley W. Weathers, and Walter Female-defense polygyny, 722-733 D. Koenig, Energetic benefits of communal Fertility, 411-421 roosting by Acorn Woodpeckers during the non- Ficken, Millicent Sigler, Elizabeth D. Hailman, and breeding season, 631-637 Jack P. Hailman, The chick-a-dee call system Duck, Black, see Anas rubripes of the Mexican Chickadee, 70-82 Pekin, see Anas platyrhynchos Ficken, Millicent Sigler, see Pytte, Carolyn Ruddy, see Oxyura jamaicensis Field metabolic rate, 141-150 Duckling, 909-915 Filliater, Tamatha S., Randall Breitwisch, and Paul M. Dufour, Kevin W., see Yezerinac, Stephen M. Nealen, Predation on Northern Cardinal nests: Dufty, Jr., Alfred M., Rejection of foreign eggs by Yel- does choice of nest site matter?, 761-768 low-headed Blackbirds, 799-801 Finch, House, see Carpodacus mexicanus Dufty, Jr., Alfred M., see Belthoff, James R. Finck, Elmer J., see Stapanian, Martin A. Duncan, Charles D., see Vidal, Rosa Maria Fiske, Peder, see Sether, Stein Are Flamingo, Greater, see Phoenicopterus ruber Flight range, 211-214, 316-330, 949-958 E Flocking, 70-82, 257-279, 545-551 Flycatcher, Ochre-bellied, see Mionectes oleagineus Eagle, White-tailed Sea, see Haliaeetus albicilla Follicle history, 214-217 Eddleman, William R., see Conway, Courtney J. Food consumption, 141-150 Egg composition, 11-18 habits, 455-467 formation, 11-18 reduction, 739-748 rejection, 799-801 resource limitation, 1064-1075 Elanus caeruleus, 197-200 supply, 555-559 Emetic, 354-367 Foraging, 46-51, 200-202, 447-454, 493-502, 684— Endangered species, 512-544, 684-691, 845-862 691, 734-738 Endocrinology, 614-625, 626-630 behavior, 433-446, 647-653 Energetics, 11-18, 141-150, 257-279, 331-340, 631- ecology, 863-877 637, 638-646, 1064-1075 Forest, tropical deciduous, 105-118 Epiphytes, 863-877 Forsman, Eric D., see Sovern, Stan G. Erythropoiesis, 119-126 Fregata minor, 331-340, 987-993 Esler, Daniel, and James B. Grand, The role of nutrient Frigatebird, Great, see Fregata minor reserves for clutch formation by Northern Pin- Fringilla coelebs, 1099-1103 tails in Alaska, 422-432 Frith, Clifford B., Adaptive significance of tracheal Euplectes jacksoni, 1-10 elongation in manucodes (Paradisaeidae), 552- Evans, Thomas J., and Stanley W. Harris, Status and 555 habitat use by American Avocets wintering at Frugivory, 368-380, 494-502 Humboldt Bay, California, 178-189 Fruit, 494-502 Evaporative cooling, 280-294 Fulica americana, 805-809 Ewert, David N., and Donald E. Kroodsma, Song shar- Funes, Martin, see Donazar, José A. ing and repertoires among migratory and resi- Furnariidae, 559-565 dent Rufous-sided Towhees, 190-196 Extinct species, 577-589 G Extirpation causes, 845-862 Extra-pair copulation, 218-222, 400-410 Gallinago media, 959-972 fertilization, 218-222, 400-410, 1055-1063 Gaston, Anthony J., Leah N. de Forest, Garry Don- paternity, 218-222 aldson, and David G. Noble, Population param- INDEX TO VOLUME 96 1131 eters of Thick-billed Murres at Coats Island, Harris, Stanley W., see Evans, Thomas J. Northwest Territories, Canada, 935-948 Hatch date, 898-908 Gaunt, Sandra L. L., see Baptista, Luis F. Hatchlings, 280-294 Gauthreaux, Jr., Sidney A., see Belthoff, James R. Hawaii, 151-161, 503-511 Gavia pacifica, 300-315 Hawk, Red-tailed, see Buteo jamaicensis Gawlik, Dale E., see Chavez-Ramirez, Felipe Hawk, Sharp-shinned, see Accipiter striatus Geographic variation, 1030-1036 Swainson’s, see Buteo swainsoni George, T. Luke, see Adams, Jane S. Hayes, Floyd E., Paul A. Scharf, and Robert S. Ridgely, Gilardi, James D., Great Frigatebird kleptoparasitism: Austral bird migrants in Paraguay, 83-97 sex-specific host choice and age-related profi- Heath, Melanie F., see Long, Adrian J. ciency, 987-993 Heinrich, Bernd, Delia Kaye, Ted Knight, and Kristin Gill, Frank B., A review of Handbook of the Birds of Schaumburg, Dispersal and association among the World, Volume 1 (Ostrich to Ducks), edited Common Ravens, 545-551 by J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal, 566- Helping behavior, 1095-1099 567 Hematocrit, 119-126 Gonad size, 203-207 Hematology, 119-126, 909-915 Goose, Emperor, see Chen canagica Hemignathus munroi, 151-161 Snow, see Chen caerulescens virens, 151-161 Grand, James B., see Esler, Daniel Henderson Island, 331-340 Grasshoppers, 739-748 Heterochrony, 433-446 Great Salt Lake, 1106-1109 Hierarchical habitat analysis, 1009-1019 Grebe, Eared, see Podiceps nigricollis High altitude, 119-126 Gregariousness, 545-551 Hill, Geoffrey E., Testis mass and subadult plumage Griffiths, Carole S., Syringeal morphology and the phy- in Black-headed Grosbeaks, 626-630 logeny of the Falconidae, 127-140 Himatione sanguinea, 151-161 Grosbeak, Black-headed, see Pheucticus melanoce- Hindlimb muscles, 1 103-1106 phalus Hiraldo, Fernando, see Donazar, José A. Ground nests, 1009-1019 Historical biogeography, 577-589 Growth rate, 739-748, 749-760, 805-809, 898-908 perspectives, 232-243, 817-830, 831-832 Grubb, Jr., Thomas C., and Vladimir V. Pravosudov, status, 178-189 Ptilochronology: follicle history fails to influ- Hoffman, Richard W., see Joy, Suzanne M. ence growth of an induced feather, 214-217 Home range, 447-454 Grus canadensis, 222-224 Homeothermy, 280-294 Grzybowski, Joseph A., David J. Tazik, and Gary D. Hormones, 614-625, 626-630 Schnell, Regional analysis of Black-capped Vir- H6rnfeldt, B., see Carlsson, B.-G. eo breeding habitats, 512-544 Host-brood parasite interactions, 916-934 Gauthier, Gilles, see Lindholm, Anna Hughes, Maryanne R., and Lethika Raveendran, Ion Guilds, 58-69 and luminal marker concentrations in the gut Gull, Western, see Larus occidentalis of saline-acclimated ducks, 295-299 Gut ion concentration, 295-299 Huin, N., Diving depths of White-chinned Petrels, Gut luminal marker, 295-299 1111-1113 Guzman, A. Fabiola, see Steadman, David W. Humboldt Bay, 178-189 Gyalophylax, 559-565 Hummingbird, Black-chinned, see Archilochus alex- andri Blue-throated, see Lampornis clemenciae H Hummingbirds, 141-150, 1088-1091 Habitat monitoring, 214-217 Humphrey-Parkes System, 769-782 selection, 19-35, 52-57, 368-380, 512-544 Hutto, Richard L., The composition and social orga- structure, 228-231 nization of mixed-species flocks in a tropical use, 178-189, 228-231, 257-279 deciduous forest in western Mexico, 105-118 Hahn, Thomas P., A review of Evolutionary Differ- Hylocichla mustelina, 783-790, 791-794 entiation in Morphology, Vocalizations, and Al- lozymes Among Nomadic Sibling Species in the I North American Red Crossbill (Loxia curvios- tra) Complex, by J. G. Groth, 835-837 Ibis, Buff-necked, see Theristicus caudatus Haig, Susan M., see Boettcher, Ruth Icteria virens, 769-782 Hailman, Elizabeth D., see Ficken, Millicent Sigler Idaho, 447-454 Hailman, Jack P., see Ficken, Millicent Sigler Iglesias, Gustavo J., see Yom-Tov, Yoram Haliaeetus albicilla, 1003-1008 liwi, see Vestiara coccinea Hamilton-Orians Hypothesis, 1115-1116, 1117-1118 Incubation, 1076-1083 Hanowski, Joann M., see Blake, John G. Inter-specific territoriality, 52-57 Harris, M. P., S. T. Buckland, S. M. Russell, and S. Intertidal habitats, 46-51, 178-189 Wanless, Year- and age-related variation in the Intestine, 295-299 survival of adult European Shags over a 24-year Irruptive dispersal, 197-200 period, 600-605 Islands, 197-200 1132 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 J Lindholm, Anna, Gilles Gauthier, and André Des- rochers, Effect of hatch date and food supply on Janes, Stewart W., Partial loss of Red-tailed Hawk ter- ritories to Swainson’s Hawks: relations to hab- gosling growth in arctic-nesting Greater Snow itat, 52-57 Geese, 898-908 Japan, 1003-1008 Linz, George M., see Twedt, Daniel J. Lipid, 211-214, 783-790, 791-794, 949-958 Jehl, Joseph R., Jr., and Ned K. Johnson, A review of The Birds of North America: Life Histories for Logistic model, 749-760 the 21st Century, edited by A. Poole, P. Stet- Loiselle, Bette A., and John G. Blake, Annual variation tenheim, and F. Gill, Volume 1, Nos. 1-40, 833- in birds and plants of a tropical second-growth woodland, 368-380 835 Johnson, Alan, see Cézilly, Frank Long, Adrian J., and Melanie F. Heath, Nesting ecol- ogy and helping behavior in the Azure-rumped Johnson, Eileen, see Steadman, David W. Johnson, Kristine, A review of Sperm Competition in Tanager in Mexico, 1095-1099 Birds, Evolutionary Causes and Consequences, Loon, Pacific, see Gavia pacifica by T. R. Birkhead and A. P. Moller, 244-246 Loxops coccineus, 151-161 Johnson, Ned K.., see Jehi, Joseph R.., Jr. Lyon, Bruce E., A technique for measuring precocial chicks from photographs, 805-809 Johnson, Terry B., see Snyder, Noel F. R. Joy, Suzanne M., Richard T. Reynolds, Richard L. M Knight, and Richard W. Hoffman, Feeding ecol- ogy of Sharp-shinned Hawks nesting in decid- Macias-Caballero, Claudia, see Vidal, Rosa Maria uous and coniferous forests in Colorado, 455- Magpie, Black-billed, see Pica pica 467 Maintenance activities, 973-986 metabolism, 257-279 K Mallard, see Anas platyrhynchos Manakin, Tepui, see Lepidothrix suavissima K4las, John Atle, see Sether, Stein Are White-fronted, see Lepidothrix serena Kansas, 58-69 Mangroves, 354-367 Kaye, Delia, see Heinrich, Bernd Manucodes, see Manucodia Kestrel, American, see Falco sparverius Manucodia, 552-555 Kite, Black-shouldered, see Elanus caeruleus Marks, Jeffrey S., and Roland L. Redmond, Migration Klatt, Paul H., and Gary Ritchison, The effect of mate of Bristle-thighed Curlews on Laysan Island: removal on the vocal behavior and movement timing, behavior and estimated flight range, 316- patterns of male and female Eastern Screech- 330 Owls, 485-493 Marshbird, Brown-and-Yellow, see Pseudoleistes vi- Klatt, Paul H., see Ritchison, Gary rescens Kleintjes, P. K., and D. L. Dahisten, Foraging behavior Marti, Carl D., Barn Owl reproduction: patterns and and nestling diet of Chestnut-backed Chicka- variation near the limit of the species’ distri- dees in Monterey pine, 647-653 bution, 468-484 Kleptoparasitism, 331-340, 987-993 Martinez, Juan Gabriel, see Soler, Manuel Knight, Richard L., see Adams, Jane S. Marzluff, John M., Mark S. Vekasy, and Chris Coody, Knight, Richard L., see Joy, Suzanne M. Comparative accuracy of aerial and ground te- Knight, Ted, see Heinrich, Bernd lemetry locations of foraging raptors, 447-454 Knopf, Fritz L., see Skagen, Susan K. Mass loss, 1-10 Knot, Red, see Calidris canutus Mate choice, 606-613 Koenig, Susan E., see Snyder, Noel F. R. guarding, 1055-1063 Koenig, Walter D., see du Plessis, Morné A. removal, 485-493 Koschmann, James, see Snyder, Noel F. R. Mathiu, P. Mbaabu, William R. Dawson, and G. Cau- Kroodsma, Donald E., see Ewert, David N. sey Whittow, Thermal responses of late embry- os and hatchlings of the Sooty Tern, 280-294 L Maximal thermogenic capacity, 638-646 Lampornis clemer ciae, 141-150, 1064-1075 McCallum, D. Archibald, A review of The Black-cap- Lanius ludovicianus, 228-231 ped Chickadee. Behavioral Ecology and Natural Larus occidentalis, 590-599 History, by Susan M. Smith, 247-249 Lawton, Marcy F., A review of The Pinyon Jay, by J. McDonald, Mara A., and Michael H. Smith, Behav- M. Marzluff and R. P. Balda, 838-839 ioral and morphological correlates of hetero- Laying date, 555-559 chrony in Hispaniolan Palm-Tanagers, 433-446 rates, 11-18 McEwen, Lowell C., see Adams, Jane S. Laysan Island, 316-330 McGillivray, W. Bruce, see Murray, Brent W. Lefebvre, Gaétan, see Poulin, Brigitte McKee, Todd, see Powers, Donald R. Lehman, Paul E., see Russell, Robert W. McLandress, M. Robert, see Yarris, Gregory S. Lek, 1-10, 672-683, 959-972 McNeil, Raymond, see Poulin, Brigitte Lepidothrix serena, 692-702 McNeil, Raymond, see Rompré, Ghislain Lepidothrix suavissima, 692-702 Megaxenops, 559-565 Leu, Matthias, see Thompson, Christopher W. Melanerpes formicivorus, 631-637 Life history, 626-630, 769-782 Melospiza melodia, 916-934 Lindera benzoin, 791-794 Merendino, M. Todd, and C. Davison Ankney, Habitat INDEX TO VOLUME 96 1133 use by Mallards and American Black Ducks -site selection, 19-35, 761-768, 994-1002, 1003- breeding in central Ontario, 411-421 1008, 1009-1019 Mermoz, Myriam E., and Juan C. Reboreda, Brood Nesting ecology, 1095-1099 parasitism of the Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus success, 716-721, 761-768 bonariensis, on the Brown-and-Yellow Marsh- synchrony, 19-35 bird, Pseudoleistes virescens, 716-721 Nestling, 555-559 Metabolic rate, 257-279, 638-646 Nestling provisioning, 606-613 Metabolism, maintenance, 257-279 Neudorf, Diane L., and Spencer G. Sealy, Sunrise nest Mexico, 105-118, 577-589, 684-691, 1095-1099 attentiveness in cowbird hosts, 162-169 Microhabitat, 257-279 Nidifugous chicks, 805-809 Migrants, 381-399, 684-691 Niemi, Gerald J., see Blake, John G. Migration, 36-45, 46-51, 83-97, 105-118, 119-126, Nightjar, Anthony’s, see Caprimulgus anthonyi 190-196, 197-200, 257-279, 300-315, 316-330, Noble, David G., see Gaston, Anthony J. 791-794, 949-958, 1020-1029, 1091-1094 Nocturnal foraging, 734-738 austral, 83-97 Nonshivering thermogenesis, 208-211 autumnal, 1020-1029 Northern Great Plains, 1030-1036 departure, 1020-1029 Nuclear species, 105-118 molt, 36-45 Numenius tahitiensis, 316-330 Neotropical, 105-118 Nutrient reserves, 422-432, 878-897 transoceanic, 316-330 Nutrition, 46-51, 422-432, 878-897 Migratory fattening, 211-214 Mionectes oleagineus, 672-683 Mitochondrial DNA, 1037-1054 O Mixed reproductive strategy, 400-410 Oklahoma, 512-544 Mixed-species flock, 105-118, 684-691 Omao, see Myadestes obscurus Mobbing, 70-82 Omland, Kevin E., and Thomas W. Sherry, Parental Molothrus ater, 162-169, 703-715, 799-801, 916-934 care at nests of two age classes of male American bonariensis, 716-721 Redstart: implications for female mate choice, Molt, 36-45, 119-126, 151-161, 769-782, 959-972 606-613 migration, 36-45 Ontario, 411-421 Monterey pine, 647-653 Operative temperature, 257-279 Morphology, 127-140, 433-446, 959-972, 1030-1036 Oregon, 36-45 Morphology, syringeal, 692-702 Oreomystis mana, 151-161 Morton, Martin L., Hematrocrits in montane sparrows Oropendola, Montezuma, see Psarocolius montezuma in relation to reproductive schedule, 119-126 Otter, Ken, Laurene Ratcliffe, and Peter T. Boag, Extra- Morton, Martin L., and Maria E. Pereyra, Autumnal pair paternity in the Black-capped Chickadee, migration departure schedules in Mountain 218-222 White-crowned Sparrows, 1020-1029 Otus asio, 485-493 Movement patterns, 485-493 Ovarian follicles, 11-18 Murray, Brent W., W. Bruce McGillivray, Jon C. Bar- Oviposition, 11-18, 119-126, 162-169, 555-559, low, Robin N. Beech, and Curtis Strobeck, The 1109-1110 use of cytochrome b sequence variation in es- Ovulation, 11-18 timation of phylogeny in the Vireonidae, 1037- Owl, Barn, see Tyto alba 1054 Spotted, see Strix occidentalis Murre, Thick-billed, see Uria lomvia Tengmalm’s, see Aegolius funereus Mutualism, 794-798 Owls, 485-493 Myadestes obscurus, 503-511 Oxygen consumption, 280-294 Oxyura jamaicensis, 11-18, 878-897 N Nealen, Paul M., see Filliater, Tamatha S. ¥ Nearest-neighbor distance, 973-986 Negret, Alvaro J., see Stiles, F. Gary Pacheco, José Fernando, see Whitney, Bret M. Negro, Juan J., Alain Chastin and David M. Bird, Ef- Pacific Ocean, 331-340 fects of short-term food deprivation on growth Paedomorphosis, 433-446 of hand-reared American Kestrels, 749-760 Painton Award, 831-832 Neotropical migrant, 105-118 Painton, Harry R., 831-832 Neotropics, 341-353, 692-702, 863-877 Palm-Tanager, Hispaniolan, see Phaenicophilus pal- Nest attentiveness, 162-169 marum desertion, 1076-1083 Palomino, José Javier, see Soler, Manuel guarding, 162-169 Paradisaeidae, 552-555 height, 812-816 Paraguay, 83-97 initiation, 422-432 Parasitism, 162-169 microhabitat, 1009-1019 Parental care, 606-613, 802-805, 809-812 predation, 341-353, 761-768, 812-816, 1009- Parrot, Thick-billed, see Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha 1019 Parus atricapillus, 218-222, 638-646, 1113-1114 1134 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 rufescens, 647-653 food availability on time and energy expendi- sclateri, 70-82 tures of territorial and non-territorial hum- Passer domesticus, 214-217 mingbirds, 1064-1075 Passeriformes, 170-177 Pravosudov, Vladimir V., see Grubb, Jr., Thomas C. Passerina, 769-782 Pre-dawn laying, 162-169 Passerina leclancherii, 769-782 Predation, 200-202 Patch use, 228-231 Premigratory fattening, 1020-1029 Paternity, 1055-1063 Prey availability, 341-353 Paton, Peter W. C., Survival estimates for Snowy Plov- Prieto, Felipe G., see Chavez-Ramirez, Felipe ers breeding at Great Salt Lake, Utah, 1106- Primary feather wear, 959-972 1109 Procellaria aequinoctialis, 1111-1113 Penguin, Magellanic, see Spheniscus magellanicus Progenesis, 433-446 Pereyra, Maria E., see Morton, Martin L. Protein, 878-897 Perkins, Alison E. H., see Yarris, Gregory S. Prum, Richard O., Species status of the White-fronted Peru, 224-228 Manakin, Lepidothrix serena (Pipridae), with Petrel, White-chinned, see Procellaria aequinoctialis comments on conservation biology, 692-702 Phainopepla nitens, 769-782 Psarocolius montezuma, 722-733, 794-798 Phalacrocorax aristotelis, 600-605 Psarocolius wagleri, 794-798 Phalaenoptilus nuttallii, 208-211 Pseudoleistes virescens, 716-721 Pheucticus melanocephalus, 626-630 Ptilochronology, 214-217 Phoenicopterus ruber roseus, 809-812 Pytte, Carolyn, and Millicent Sigler Ficken, Aerial dis- Photography, 805-809 play sounds of the Black-chinned Humming- Phylogeny, 127-140, 1037-1054 bird, 1088-1091 Physiological costs, 1-10 Pica pica, 802-805 Pierotti, Raymond, and Cynthia Annett, Patterns of R aggression in gulls: asymmetries and tactics in different social categories, 590-599 Radio-telemetry, 447-454 Piersma, Theunis, see Wiersma, Popko Raikow, Robert J., Climbing adaptations in the hind- Pintail, Northern, see Anas acuta limb musculature of the woodcreepers (Den- White-cheeked, see Anas bahamensis drocolaptinae), 1103-1106 Piper, Walter H., Courtship, copulation, nesting be- Ralph, C. John, and Steven G. Fancy, Demography havior and brood parasitism in the Venezuelan and movements of the Omao (Myadestes ob- Stripe-backed Wren, 654-671 scurus), 503-511 Pipilo erythrophtalmus, 190-196 Ralph, C. John, and Steven G. Fancy, Timing of breed- Pipping, 280-294 ing and molting in six species of Hawaiian hon- Pipridae, 692-702 eycreepers, 151-161 Pleistocene avifaunas, 577-589 Raptors, 447-454, 749-760 Plover, Snowy, see Charadrius alexandrinus Rasmussen, Pamela C., A review of Cormorants, Dart- Spur-winged, see Vanellus spinosus ers, and Pelicans of the World, by Paul A. Johns- Plumage, 769-782 gard, 567-569 color, 614-625, 626-630 Ratcliffe, Laurene, see Otter, Ken Podiceps nigricollis, 19-35 Raveendran, Lethika, see Hughes, Maryanne R. Podicipediformes, 19-35 Raven, Common, see Corvus corax Polyandry, 218-222 Reboreda, Juan C., see Mermoz, Myriam E. Polygyny, 722-733, 1113-1114 Recruitment, 935-948 Pooecetes gramineus, 739-748 Recurvirostra americana, 178-189, 973-986 Poorwill, Common, see Phalaenoptilus nuttallii Redhead, see Aythya americana Population declines, 381-399 Redmond, Roland L., see Marks, Jeffrey S. demography, 916-934 Redstart, American, see Setophaga ruticilla variability, 58-69 Regurgitation, 98-104 Populations, 381-399 Repertoire, 190-196 Post-breeding, 36-45 Reproduction, 468-484, 739-748, 878-897, 916-934 Post-fledging dependence, 802-805 Reproductive anatomy, 1099-1103 Poulin, Brigitte, Gaétan Lefebvre, and Raymond biology, 119-126 McNeil, Diets of land birds from northeastern success, 994-1002 Venezuela, 354-367 tactics, 400-410 Poulin, Brigitte, Gaétan Lefebvre, and Raymond Reynolds, Richard T., see Joy, Suzanne M. McNeil, Effect and Efficiency of tartar emetic in Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha, 845-862 determining the diet of tropical land birds, 98- Ridgely, Robert S., see Robbins, Mark B. 104 see Hayes, Floyd E. Powers, Donald R., and Timothy M. Conley, Field Ritchison, Gary, Paul H. Klatt, and David F. Westneat, metabolic rate and food consumption of two Mate guarding and extra-pair paternity in sympatric hummingbird species in southeastern Northern Cardinals, 1055-1063 Arizona, 141-150 Ritchison, Gary, see Klatt, Paul H. Powers, Donald R., and Todd McKee, The effect of Robbins, Mark B., Robert S. Ridgely, and Steven W. INDEX TO VOLUME 96 1135 Cardiff, Voice, plumage and natural history of chi Penisula and Wrangel Island, Volume 2, by Anthony’s Nightjar (Caprimulgus anthonyi), L. A. Portenko, 569-570 224-228 Siegel-Causey, Douglas, A review of Tetraonidae and Robin, American, see Turdus migratorius Phasianidae of the USSR: Ecology and Mor- Rodriguez, Alejandro, see Donazar, José A. phology, by M. A. Kuz’mina, 570-571 Rolph, David N., see Sovern, Stan G. Sillett, T. Scott, Foraging ecology of Epiphyte-search- Rompré, Ghislain, and Raymond McNeil, Seasonal ing insectivorous birds in Costa Rica, 863-877 changes in day and night foraging of Willets in Silvereye, see Zosterops lateralis northeastern Venezuela, 734-738 Simpson, Kenneth L., see Conway, Courtney J. Roosting, 162-169, 257-279, 545-551 Skagen, Susan K., and Fritz L. Knopf, Residency pat- communal, 631-637 terns of migrating sandpipers at a midcontinen- Rothstein, Stephen I., Brood parasitism and the Ham- tal stopover, 949-958 ilton-Orians Hypothesis revisited, 1117-1118 Slack, R. Douglas, see Chavez-Ramirez, Felipe Rothstein, Stephen I., see Burnell, Kris Smith, Christopher C., see Stapanian, Martin A. Russell, Robert W., and Paul E. Lehman, Spring mi- Smith, James N. M., see Westcott, David A. gration of Pacific Loons through the Southern Smith, James N. M., and Peter Arcese, Brown-headed California Bight: nearshore flights, seasonal tim- Cowbirds and an island population of Song ing and distribution at sea, 300-315 Sparrows: a 16-year study, 916-934 Russell, S. M., see Harris, M. P. Smith, Michael H., see McDonald, Mara A. Snipe, Great, see Gallinago media Snyder, Helen A., see Snyder, Noel F. R. S Snyder, Noel F. R., Susan E. Koenig, James Kosch- Sether, Stein Are, John Atle Kalas, and Peder Fiske, mann, Helen A. Snyder, and Terry B. Johnson, Age determination of breeding shorebirds: Thick-billed Parrot releases in Arizona, 845- quantification of feather wear in the lekking Great 862 Snipe, 959-972 Social behavior, 232-243 Saline acclimation, 295-299 dominance, 614-625 Sandpiper, Semipalmated, see Calidris pusilla organization, 672-683 White-rumped, see Calidris fuscicollis Soler, Juan José, see Soler, Manuel Sauer, John R., A review of Marked Individuals in the Soler, Manuel, José Javier Palomino, Juan Gabriel Study of Bird Population, edited by J.-D. Le- Martinez and Juan José Soler, Activity, surviv- breton and Ph. M. North, 571-572 al, independence and migration of fledgling Great Sawfly larvae, 647-653 Spotted Cuckoos, 802-805 Scaphidura oryzivora, 794-798 Solvent extraction, 783-790, 791-794 Scharf, Paul A., see Hayes, Floyd E. Song, 190-196, 817-830, 1084-1088 Schaumburg, Kristin, see Heinrich, Bernd learning, 817-830 Schmutz, Joel A., Age, habitat and tide effects on feed- Sorenson, Lisa Guminski, Forced extra-pair copula- ing activity of Emperor Geese during autumn tion in the White-cheeked Pintail: male tactics migration, 46-51 and female responses, 400-410 Schnell, Gary D., see Grzybowski, Joseph A. South America, 83-97, 170-177 Scott, J. Michael, Harry R. Painton Award: thirty-two Southern California Bight, 300-315 years of excellence, 1961-1993, 831-832 Sovern, Stan G., Eric D. Forsman, Brian L. Biswell, Scott, Thomas A.., Irruptive dispersal of Black-shoul- David N. Rolph, and Margaret Taylor, Diurnal dered Kites to a coastal island, 197-200 behavior of the Spotted Owl in Washington, 200- Screech-Owl, Eastern, see Otus asio 202 Seabirds, 300-315 Sparrow, House, see Passer domesticus Sealy, Spencer G., see Neudorf, Diane L. Rufous-collared, see Zonotrichia capensis Segura, Enrique T., see Tubaro, Pablo L. Song, see Melospiza melodia Semi-precocial, 280-294 Vesper, see Pooecetes gramineus Serie, Jerome R., see Austin, Jane E. White-crowned, see Zonotrichia leucophrys Setophaga ruticilla, 606-613 Spatial association, 105-118 Sex ratio, 684-691 scale, 381-399 Sexual advertising, 1-10 Species limits, 692-702 differences, 222-224, 987-993 Sperm competition, 400-410, 1099-1103 dimorphism, 987-993 storage, 1099-1103 selection, 1-10 Spheniscus magellanicus, 1076-1083 Shag, European, see Phalacrocorax aristotelis Spicebush, 791-794 Sheldon, B. C., and T. R. Birkhead, Reproductive anat- Stapanian, Martin A., Christopher C. Smith, and Elmer omy of the Chaffinch in relation to sperm com- J. Finck, Population variabilities of bird guilds petition, 1099-1103 in Kansas during fall and winter: weekly cen- Sherry, Thomas W., see Omland, Kevin E. suses versus Christmas bird counts, 58-69 Shiraki, Saiko, Characteristics of White-tailed Sea Ea- Starvation, 749-760 gle nest sites in Hokkaido, Japan, 1003-1008 Steadman, David W., Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales, Eileen Shortgrass prairie, 1009-1019 Johnson and A. Fabiola Guzman, New infor- Shrike, Loggerhead, see Lanius ludovicianus mation on the Late Pleistocene birds from San Siegel-Causey, Douglas, A review of Birds of the Chuk- Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 577-589 1136 INDEX TO VOLUME 96 Sterna fuscata, 280-294 Tropical birds, 368-380 Stiles, F. Gary, and Alvaro J. Negret, The nonbreeding Tropical deciduous forest, 105-118 distribution of the Black Swift: a clue from Co- Tubaro, Pablo L., and Enrique T. Segura, Dialect dif- lombia and unsolved problems, 1091-1094 ferences in the song of Zonotrichia capensis in Stopovers, 300-315, 949-958 the Southern Pampas: a test of the Acoustic Ad- Streptopelia orientalis, 812-816 aptation Hypothesis, 1084-1088 Strix occidentalis, 200-202 Turdus migratorius, 494-502 Strobeck, Curtis, see Murray, Brent W. Turtle-Dove, Rufous, see Streptopelia orientalis Sub-populations, 1030-1036 Twedt, Daniel J., William J. Bleier, and George M. Subspecific variation, 703-715 Linz, Geographic variation in Yellow-headed Succession, 368-380 Blackbirds from the northern Great Plains, 1030— Sula dactylatra, 331-340 1036 Survival, 503-511, 600-605, 898-908, 935-948, 1106- Tyrannidae, 672-683 1109 Tyto alba, 468-484 adult, 600-605 U Survivorship, 631-637 Swanson, David L., see Cooper, Sheldon J. Uria lomvia, 935-948 Swift, Black, see Cypseloides niger Urine refluxing, 295-299 Syrinx, 127-140, 692-702 Utah, 468-484 Systematics, 127-140 Vv Vanellus spinosus, 1109-1110 T Vekasy, Mark S., see Marzluff, John M. Tanager, Azure-rumped, see Tangara cabanisi Venezuela, 98-104, 354-367, 734-738 Tangara cabanisi, 1095-1099 Vestiaria coccinea, 151-161 Tartar emetic, 98-104 Vickery, J. A., and M. De L. Brooke, The kleptopar- Taylor, Margaret, see Sovern, Stan G. asitic interactions between Great Frigatebirds Tazik, David J., see Grzybowski, Joseph A. and Masked Boobies on Henderson Island, South Telemetry, 36-45, 447-454 Pacific, 331-340 Temperate/tropical transition, 577-589 Vidal, Rosa Maria, Claudia Macias-Caballero, and Temperature, body, 280-294 Charles D. Duncan, The occurrence and ecology Temple, Stanley A., A review of Ecology and Conser- of the Golden-cheeked Warbler in the High- vation of Neotropical Migrant Land Birds, edited lands of Northern Chiapas, Mexico, 684-691 by John M. Hagen III and David W. Johnston, Vireo, 1037-1054 837-838 atricapillus, 512-544 Tern, Sooty, see Sterna fuscata Vireo, Black-capped, see Vireo atricapillus Territoriality, 52-57, 141-150, 590-599, 1064-1075 Vireolanius, 1037-1054 Testes, 1099-1103 Vocal acquisitions, 817-830 Testis mass, 626-630 behavior, 485-493 Testosterone, 614-625 function, 703-715 Texas, 512-544 learning, 190-196 Theristicus caudatus, 994-1002 Vocalization, 70-82, 190-196, 224-228, 485-493, 552- Thermogenesis, cold-induced, 280-294 555, 559-565, 692-702, 703-715, 817-830, nonshivering, 208-211 1088-1091 Thermoregulation, 208-211, 280-294, 638-646 female, 703-715 Thompson, Christopher W., and Matthias Leu, De- termining homology of molts and plumages to Ww address evolutionary questions: a rejoinder re- Wada, Takeshi, Effects of height of neighboring nests garding emberizid finches, 769-782 on nest predation in the Rufous Turtle-Dove Thrush, Hawaiian, see Phaeornis obscurus (Streptopelia orientalis), 812-816 Wood, see Hylocichla mustelina Walsberg, Glenn E., The use of wild birds in research, Timing of breeding, 341-353, 503-511, 878-897, 898- 1119-1120 908 Wanless, S., see Harris, M. P. molting, 503-511 Warbler, Golden-cheeked, see Dendroica chrysoparia TOBEC, 783-790 Washington, 200-202 Torpor, 208-211 Water turnover, 141-150 Total body electrical conductivity, 783-790 Weather effects, 468-484 Tourenq, Christophe, see Cézilly, Frank Weathers, Wesley W., see du Plessis, Morné A. Towhee, Rufous-sided, see Pipilo erythrophthalmus Webster, Michael S., The spatial and temporal distri- Trachea, 552-555 bution of breeding female Montezuma Oropen- Transoceanic migration, 316-330 dolas: effects on male mating strategies, 722- Travaini, Alejandro, see Donazar, José A. 733 Trayhurn, Paul, see Brigham, R. Mark Webster, Michael S., Interspecific brood parasitism of Trochilidae, 141-150, 1064-1075, 1088-1091 Montezuma Oropendolas by Giant Cowbirds: Troglodytes aedon, 341-353 parasitism or mutualism?, 794-798

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