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CLASSICAL REVIEW NEW SERIES VOLUME 56 2006 EDITORS R. GIBSON N. HOPKINSON CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED FOR THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, United Kingdom 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 1003-2473, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcon 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa © Classical Association 2006 CLASSICAL REVIEW NEW SERIES 2006 VOL S6 CONTENTS NUMBER 1 Reviews AMELING (W.) (ed.) Inscriptiones Fudaicae Orientis. Band II. Kleinasien. ES. GRUEN ANDO (C.) Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire. H. SIDEBOTTOM ANDORLINI (I.) (ed.) Testi medici su papiro. Atti del Seminario di Studio (Firenze, 3-4 giugno 2002). E.M. CRAIK ANDREAU (J.), FRANCE (J.), PITTIA (S.) (edd.) Mentalités et choix économiques des romains. D.P. KEHOE AUSTIN (C.), OLSON (S.D.) Aristophanes: Thesmophoriazusae. Edited with Introduction and Commentary. J. HENDERSON AZOULAY (V.) Xénophon et les graces du pouvoir. De la charis au charisme. V. GRAY BAKEWELL (G.W.), SICKINGER (J.P.) (edd.) Gestures. Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Alan L. Boegehold on the Occasion of his Retirement and his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. R. BALOT BALTES (M.), LAKMANN (M.-L.), DILLON (J.M.), DONINI (P.), HAFNER (R.), KARFIKOVA (L.) Apuleius: De deo Socratis. Uber den Gott des Sokrates. Eingeleitet, iibersetzt und mit interpretierenden Essays versehen. S.J. HARRISON BELL (A.) Spectacular Power in the Greek and Roman City. R. SEAGER BERNABE (A.) (ed.) Poetae epici Graeci: testimonia et fragmenta. Pars IT. Orphicorum et Orphicts similium testimonia et fragmenta. Fasciculus I. M.L. WEST BETEGH (G.) The Derveni Papyrus. Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation. L. BRISSON BLONDELL (R.) The Play of Character in Plato’s Dialogues. A. HOBBS BOTERMANN (B.) Wie aus Galliern Romer wurden. Leben im romischen Reich. R. GORDON BOWDEN (W.) Epirus Vetus. The Archaeology of a Late Antique Province. B. WARD-PERKINS BRAUND (S.M.) (ed., trans.) Fuvenal and Persius. C. KEANE Buys (M.) Clause Combining in Ancient Greek Narrative Discourse. The Distribution of Subclauses and Participial Clauses in Xenophon’s Hellenica and Anabasis. RJ.E. THOMPSON CAMPBELL (B.) Greek and Roman Military Writers. Selected Readings. N. SEKUNDA CHAMPION (C.B.) Cultural Politics in Polybius’s Histories. D. HOYOS CHRISTIE (N.) (ed.) Landscapes of Change. Rural Evolutions in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. S. RIPPON CRIVELLI (P.) Aristotle on Truth. J.-B. GOURINAT CsaPo (E.) Theories of Mythology. L. EDMUNDS DE BLOIs (L.), BONS (J.), KESSELS (T.), SCHENKEVELD (D.M.) (edd.) The Statesman in Plutarch’s Works. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society, Nijmegen/Castle Hernen, May 1-5, 2002. Volume I: Plutarch’s Statesman and his Aftermath: Political, Philosophical, and Literary Aspects. A.V. ZADOROJNYI DE FOUCAULT (J.), FOULON (E.), MOLIN (M.) (edd.) Polybe: Histoires. Tome III. Livre IIT. Nouvelle édition. C.B. CHAMPION DE HAAS (F.), MANSFELD (J.) (edd.) Aristotle’s On Generation and Corruption, Book I. D.W. GRAHAM DEJONG (I.), NUNLIST (R.), BOWIE (A.) (edd.) Narrators, Narratees, and Narratives in Ancient Greek Literature. Studies in Ancient Greek Narrative, Volume One. J. MARINCOLA DETEL (W.) Foucault and Classical Antiquity. Power, Ethics and Knowledge. Translated by D. Wigg-Wolf. S. GOLDHILL DEVILLERS (O.) Tacite et les sources des Annales. Enguétes sur la méthode historique. R.H. MARTIN DI BRAZZANO (S.) (ed.) Laus Pisonis. Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e commento. EJ. KENNEY DILLON (J.), GERSON (L.P.) Neoplatonic Philosophy. Introductory Readings. M. VORWERK DIMUNDO (R.) Ovidio. Lezioni d’amore. Saggio di commento al I Libro dell’Ars amatoria. J. INGLEHEART DUGAN (J.) Making a New Man. Ciceronian Self-Fashioning in the Rhetorical Works. A. CORBEILL ELLIS (L.), KIDNER (EL.) (edd.) Travel, Communication and Geography in Late Antiquity: Sacred and Profane. E.D. HUNT Espos!To (P.), ARIEMMA (E.M.) (edd.) Lucano e la tradizione dell’epica latina. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Fisctano—Salerno, 19-20 ottobre 2001. WJ. DOMINIK FANTHAM (E.) The Roman World of Cicero’s De Oratore. W. GORLER FIGUEIRA (TJ.) (ed.) Spartan Society. M. WHITBY FLACH (D.) Das Zwolftafelgesetz. Leges XII Tabularum. Herausgegeben, tibersetzt und kommentiert in Zusammenarbeit mit A. Flach. E.A. MEYER FORTSON IV (B.W.) Indo-European Language and Culture.A n Introduction. J. CLACKSON GALE (M.) (ed.) Latin Epic and Didactic Poetry. Genre, Tradition and Individuality. E. FANTHAM GEORGE (C.H.) Expressions of Agency in Ancient Greek. P. PROBERT GEORGE (M.) (ed.) The Roman Family in the Empire. Rome, Italy, and Beyond. B.D. SHAW GERSON (L.P.) Aristotle and Other Platonists. G. BOYS-STONES GOFF (B.) Citizen Bacchae. Women’s Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece. S. GUETTEL COLE GONIS (N.), OBBINK (D.), PARSONS (PJ.) (edd.) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Volume LXVIII. M.W. HASLAM GRAZIOSI (B.), HAUBOLD (J.) Homer: the Resonance of Epic. B. HEIDEN GREGORY (T-E.) A History of Byzantium. S. TOUGHER GrRIG (L.) Making Martyrs in Late Antiquity. M. STUART WILLIAMS HABINEK (T.) Ancient Rhetoric and Oratory. D. H. BERRY HALL (E.), MACINTOSH (F.), WRIGLEY (A.) (edd.) Dionysus Since 69. Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium. C.W. MARSHALL HARRIS (W.V.) (ed.) Rethinking the Mediterranean. N. MORLEY HARTSWICK (K.J.) The Gardens ofS allust: aC hanging Landscape. S. HALES HAWHEE (D.) Bodily Arts. Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece. J. KONIG HINARD (F.), DUMONT J.C.) (edd.) Libitina. Pompes funébres et supplices en Campanie 4 l’époque d’Auguste. Edition, traduction et commentaire de la Lex Libitinae Puteolana. J.J. AUBERT HOLKESKAMP (K. J.) Rekonstruktionen einer Republik. Die politische Kultur des antiken Rom und die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte. V. ARENA HOLSCHER (T.) The Language of Images in Roman Art. Translated by A. Snodgrass and A. Kiinzl-Snodgrass. With a Foreword by J. Elsner. P. STEWART HUMPHREYS (S.C.) The Strangeness of Gods. Historical Perspectives on the Interpretation of Athenian Religion. R. OSBORNE IMPERIO (O.) Parabasi di Aristofane. Acarnesi, Cavalieri, Vespe, Uccelli. A.H. SOMMERSTEIN JENSSON (G.) The Recollections of Encolpius. The Satyrica of Petronius as Milesian Fiction. FE JONES JOHANSEN (T:K.) Plato’s Natural Philosophy. A Study of the Timaeus—Critias. J.G. LENNOX JOUAN (FE), VAN Looy (H.) (edd.) Eurtpide: Tragédies. Tome VIII, 4° partie. Fragments de drames non identifiés. M. FANTUZZI KESWANI (P.) Mortuary Ritual and Soctety in Bronze Age Cyprus. D. BOLGER KHANOUSSI (M.), RUGGERI (P.), VISMARA (C.) LAfrica romana. Ai confini dell’Impero: contatti, scambi, conflitti. Atti del XV convegno di studio, Tozeur, 11-15 dicembre 2002. D. CHERRY KOLB (EF) (ed.) Chora und Polis. Unter Mitarbeit von E. Miiller-Luckner. B. FORSEN KOUROU (N.) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Greece, Athens, National Museum. Fasc. 5, Attic and Atticizing Amphorae of the Protogeometric and Geometric Periods. K.A. SHEEDY LACHENAUD (G.) Promettre et écrire. Essais sur Vhistoriographie des anciens. L.V. PITCHER LANE Fox (R.) (ed.) The Long March. Xenophon and the Ten Thousand. N. HUMBLE LEACH (E.W.) The Social Life of Painting in Ancient Rome and on the Bay of Naples. R. LING LEE (M.-K.) Epistemology after Protagoras: Responses to Relativism in Plato, Aristotle, and Democritus. J. WARREN LENFANT (D.) (ed.) Ctésias de Cnide: La Perse. L’Inde. Autres fragments. J.ROMM LLOYD (G.E.R.) Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections. R.A.H. KING MARONITIS (D.N.) Homeric Megathemes. War-Homilia— Homecoming. Translated by D. Connolly. M. WILLCOCK MARTINDALE (C.) Latin Poetry and the fudgement of Taste. An Essay in Aesthetics. R. JENKYNS MCGINN (T:A,J.) The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World. A Study of Social History and the Brothel. S.R. JOSHEL McHarpy (FE), MARSHALL (E.) (edd.) Women’s Influence on Classical Civilization. A. RICHLIN MORALES (H.) Vision and Narrative in Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon. K. CHEW Moussy (C.) (ed.) La Composition et la préverbation en latin. }.T. KATZ MURGATROYD (P.) Mythical and Legendary Narrative in Ovid’s Fasti. SJ. GREEN NADDAF (G.) The Greek Concept of Nature. M. SCHOFIELD NAUTA (R.R.), HARDER (A.) (edd.) Catullus’ Poem on Attis. Text and Contexts. N. HOLZBERG NEGRI (M.) Pindaro ad Alessandria. Le edizioni e gli editori. D.E. GERBER NIGHTINGALE (A.W.) Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy. Theoria in its Cultural Context. R. WOOLF NISBET (R.G.M.), RUDD (N.) A Commentary on Horace: Odes Book IIT. J. HENDERSON Noy (D.), BLOEDHORN (H.) (edd.) Inscriptiones Fudaicae Orientis. Volume IIT. Syria and Cyprus. E.S. GRUEN Noy (D.), PANAYOTOV (A.), BLOEDHORN (H.) (edd.) Inscriptiones Fudaicae Orientis. Volume I. Eastern Europe. E.S. GRUEN NUTTON (V.) Ancient Medicine. J.ROCCA NuvZZOo (G.) (ed.) Gaio Valerio Catullo: Epithalamium Thetidis et Pelei (c. LXIV). R. ARMSTRONG OSBORNE (R.) Greek History. N. PAPAZARKADAS POMEROY (S.B.), BURSTEIN (S.M.), DONLAN (W)., ROBERTS J.T.) A Brief History of Ancient Greece. Politics, Society, and Culture. N. PAPAZARKADAS POULAKOS (T.), DEPEW (D.) (edd.) Isocrates and Civic Education. S. HALLIWELL POWELL (J.), PATERSON (J.) (edd.) Cicero the Advocate. J.M. MAY RADEMAKER (A.) Sophrosyne and the Rhetoric of Self-Restraint. Polysemy & Persuasive Use of an Ancient Greek Value Term. D. KONSTAN RODGERS (R.H.) Frontinus. De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Edited with Introduction and Commentary. M. FORMISANO ROHR VIO (EF) Le voc del dissenso. Ottaviano Augusto e 1 suot oppositori. A.E. COOLEY Roop (T.) The Sea! The Sea! The Shout of the Ten Thousand in the Modern Imagination. P. CARTLEDGE RUGGIERO (F) (ed.) Sulpicio Severo: Vita di Martino. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento. R. CHIAPPINIELLO SCHOFFEL (C.) Martial, Buch 8. Einleitung, Text, Ubersetzung, Kommentar. C. WILLIAMS SCOLNICOV (S.), BRISSON (L.) (edd.) Plato’s Laws: From Theory into Practice. Proceedings of the VI Symposium Platonicum. Selected Papers. G. NADDAF SEDLEY (D.) (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy. K.R. SANDERS SELLARS (J.) The Art of Living. The Stoics on the Nature and Function of Philosophy. A.A. LONG SHAW (P.-J.) Discrepancies in Olympiad Dating and Chronological Problems of Archaic Peloponnesian History. G.L. HUXLEY SIMON (B.) (ed.) Nonnos de Panopolis: Les Dionysiaques. Tome XVI. Chants XLIV-XLVI. S. JOHNSON SMITH (A.) (ed.) The Philosopher and Society in Late Antiquity. Essays in Honour of Peter Brown. L.P. GERSON SOLIN (H.), LEIwo (M.), HALLA-AHO (H.) (edd.) Latin vulgaire — latin tardif VI. Actes du VF colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif, Helsinki, 29 aotit—2 septembre 2000. H. PINKSTER STEWART (A.) Attalos, Athens, and the Akropolis. The Pergamene ‘Little Barbariansa’nd their Roman and Renaissance Legacy. With an Essay on the Pedestals and the Akropolis South Wall by M. Korres. M. MARVIN STEWART (P.) Statues in Roman Society. Representation and Response. D.E.E. KLEINER STODDARD (K.) The Narrative Voice in the Theogony of Hesiod. L.E. DOHERTY STOREY (I.C.), ALLAN (A.) A Guide to Ancient Greek Drama. I. TORRANCE STUART-SMITH (J.) Phonetics and Philology. Sound Change in Ttalic. J. CLACKSON SYED (Y.) Vergil’s Aeneid and the Roman Self. Subject and Nation in Literary Discourse. M.R. GALE TODD (R.B.) (ed.) The Dictionary ofB ritish Classicists. Volume 1, A-FE Volume 2, G—-N. Volume 3, O-Z. J. DIGGLE Toa (E.) La Métamorphose poétique chez Ovide: Tristes et Pontiques. J.-M. CLAASSEN TOMEI (M.A.) Scavi francest sul Palatino. Le indagini di Pietro Rosa per Napoleone III. A.E. COOLEY ‘TOUGHER (S.) (ed.) Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond. A.P. ALWIS TREPANIER (S.) Empedocles. An Interpretation. M. SCHOFIELD TRUNDLE (M.) Greek Mercenaries. From the Late Archaic Period to Alexander. N. SEKUNDA TUILIER (A.), BADY (G.), BERNARDI (J.) (edd.) Sainte Grégoire de Nazianze, Qiuvres poétiques. Tome I. 1" partie. Poemes personnels J/, J, 1-11. J. NIMMO SMITH VAGNONE (G.) Dione di Prusa: Troiano Or. XI. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento. H.-G. NESSELRATH VAN WEES (H.) Greek Warfare. Myths and Realities. M. TRUNDLE WARREN (J.) Facing Death. Epicurus and his Critics. J. MARTIN FISCHER WEILER (I.) Die Beendigung des Sklavenstatus im Altertum. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Sozialgeschichte. T. URBAINCZYK WHITEHEAD (D.), BLYTH (P.H.) Athenaeus Mechanicus, On Machines (JTepi wnyavnudatwv). Translated with Introduction and Commentary. N.P. MILNER WIE (A.) Sklave der Stadt. Untersuchungen zur offentlichen Sklaverei in den Stadten des rémischen Reiches. T. URBAINCZYK WISEMAN (T.P.) The Myths of Rome. PM.W. TENNANT WOODMAN (A,J.) Tacitus: The Annals. Translated, with Introduction and Notes. A.J. POMEROY WORMAN (N.) The Cast of Character. Style in Greek Literature. R.B. RUTHERFORD WRIGHT (M.) Euripides’ Escape- Tragedies. A Study of Helen, Andromeda and Iphigenia among the ‘Taurians. M. LLOYD ZIMMERMAN (M.), VAN DER PAARDT (R.) (edd.) Metamorphic Reflections. Essays presented to Ben Hijmans at his 75th Birthday. R. MAY ZIMMERMAN (M.), PANAYOTAKIS (S.), HUNINK (V.C.), KEULEN (W.H.), HARRISON (S.J.), MCCREIGHT (T.D.), WESSELING (B.), VAN MAL-MAEDER (D.) Apuleius Madaurensis: Metamorphoses. Books IV.2 8-35, V and VI. 1-24. The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Text, Introduction and Commentary. P. MURGATROYD ZIOLKOWSKI (T.) Ovid and the Moderns. S. ANNES BROWN Notices CALDER III (W. M.) Theatrokratia. Collected Papers on the Politics and Staging of Greco-Roman Tragedy. Edited by R. S. Smith. PJ. FINGLASS COLVIN (S.) (ed.) The Greco-Roman East. Politics, Culture, Society. S. MITCHELL JACKSON (S.) Mainly Apollonius: Collected Studies. C. KAESSER JANKA (M.) Dialog der Tragiker. Liebe, Wahn und Erkenntnis in Sophokles’ Trachiniai und Euripides’ Hippolytos. W.M. CALDER III KNOEPELER (D.), PIERART (M.) (edd.) Editer, traduire, commenter Pausanias en I’a n 2000. J. ROY MARINONE (N.) Cronologia Ciceroniana. Seconda edizione aggiornata e corretta con nuova versione interattiva in cd-rom. A cura di E. Malaspina. C.E.W. STEEL NAGLE (B.R.) The Silvae of Statius. Translated with Notes and Introduction. WJ. DOMINIK PINOTTI (P.) Primus ingredior. Studi su Properzio. J.L. BUTRICA RIZAKIS (A.D.) (ed.) Paysages d’Achaie IT: Dymé et son territotre. Actes du colloque international Dymaia et Bouprasia, Katé Achaia, 6-8 October 1995. J. ROY SEAGER (R.) Tiberius. SJ.V. MALLOCH SHAPIRO (A.), BURIAN (P.) (trans.) Aeschylus: The Oresteia. S. IRELAND SOSOWER (M.L.) Signa officinarum chartariarum in codicibus graecis saeculo sexto decimo fabricatis in bibliothecis Hispaniae. B. CROSTINI WILKINSON (S.) Caligula. SJ.V. MALLOCH Books Received NUMBER 2 Reviews AMHERDT (D.) Ausone et Paulin de Nole: correspondance. Introduction, texte latin, traduction et notes. S. MCGILL AMIECH (C.) Les Phéniciennes d’Euripide. Commentaire et traduction. L. BATTEZZATO ANSON (E.M.) Eumenes of Cardia. A Greek among Macedonians. A.B. BOSWORTH ARNAOUTOGLOU (I.N.) Thusias heneka kai sunoustas. Private Religious Associations in Hellenistic Athens. PJ. RHODES AuBRY (G.) Plotin: Traité 53. I, 1. Introduction, traduction, commentaire et notes. R. VAN DEN BERG AYGON (J.-P.) Pictor in fabula. Lecphrasis — descriptio dans les tragédies de Sénéque. G. MADER BAGORDO (A.) Reminiszenzen friiher Lyrik bei den attischen Tragikern. Beitrage zur Anspielungstechnik und poetischen Tradition. A.D. MORRISON BALDARELLI (B.) Accius und die vortrojanische Pelopidensage. E. FANTHAM BARCHIESI (A.), RUPKE (J.),; STEPHENS (S.) (edd.) Rituals in Ink. A Conference on Religion and Literary Production in Ancient Rome held at Stanford University in February 2002. SJ. GREEN BERGER (F_) Die Textgeschichte der Historia Animalium des Aristoteles. P. BEULLENS BOWDEN (H.) Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle: Divination and Democracy. J.D. MIKALSON BOWMAN (A.K.), BRADY (M.) (edd.) Images and Artefacts of the Ancient World. M. BRADLEY BRIANT (P.) Darius dans l’ombre d’Alexandre. R. STONEMAN BRISSON (L.) (ed.) Porphyre: Sentences. Etudes d’introduction, texte grec et traduction frangaise, commentaire. L.P. GERSON BUELL (D.K.) Why This New Race: Ethnic Reasoning in Early Christianity. P. OAKES BURNETT (A.P.) Pindar’s Songs for Young Athletes of Aigina. A.D. MORRISON BUSINE (A.) Paroles d’Apollon. Pratiques et traditions oraculaires dans l’antiquité tardive (II-VI siécles). J.L. LIGHTFOOT CADILI (L.), DAINTREE (D.), GEYMONAT (M.) (edd.) Scholia Bernensia in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica. Vol. IT Fasc. 1. M.D. REEVE CARRIE (J.-M.), L1zz1 TESTA (R.) (edd.) ‘Humana Sapit? Etudes @Antiquité Tardive offertes a Lellia Cracco Ruggint. C. KELLY CASEVITZ (M.), AUBERGER (J.) (edd.) Pausanias: Description de la Gréce. Tome IV;L ivre IV. La Messénie. M. PRETZLER CAWKWELL (G.) The Greek Wars: the Failure of Persia. P. CARTLEDGE CHANIOTIS (A.) War in the Hellenistic World. A Social and Cultural History. J.MA CHAUMARTIN (E-R.) (ed.) Sénéque: De la clémence. S. BRAUND CHITWOOD (A.) Death by Philosophy. The Biographical Tradition in the Life and Death of the Archaic Philosophers Empedocles, Heraclitus, and Democritus. S. TREPANIER COLE (S.G.) Landscapes, Gender, and Ritual Space: the Ancient Greek Experience. R. SEAFORD COOK (B.E) Relief Sculpture of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. S. DILLON COOLEY (A.E.) (ed.) Becoming Roman, Writing Latin? Literacy and Epigraphy in the Roman West. J.A. RICHMOND COOPER (S.A.) Marius Victorinus’ Commentary on Galatians. J. LOSSL CORRIGAN (K.), GLAZOV-CORRIGAN (E.) Plato’s Dialectic at Play. Argument, Structure, and Myth in the Symposium. A. LONG CRACOLICI (V.) J sostegni di fornace dal kerameikos di Metaponto. D. RIDGWAY CUCCHIARELLI (A.) La satira e il poeta. Orazio tra Epodi e Sermones. me A.D. MORRISON CULASSO GASTALDI (E.) Le prossenie ateniesi del IV secolo a.C. Gili onorati astatici. I. KRALLI CUSSINI (E.) (ed.) A Journey to Palmyra. Collected Essays to Remember Delbert R. Hillers. T. KAIZER DEMANDT (A.), GOLTZ (A.), SCHLANGE-SCHONINGEN (H.) (edd.) Diokletian und die Tetrachie. Aspekte einer Zeitenwende. R. REES DEPEW (M.), OBBINK (D.) (edd.) Matrices of Genre. Authors, Canons, and Society. B. GIBSON DEs BOUVRIE (S.) (ed.) Myth and Symbol I. Symbolic Phenomena in Ancient Greek Culture. E. ANAGNOSTOU-LAOUTIDES DE STE. CROIX (G.E.M.) Athenian Democratic Origins and Other Essays. M.H. HANSEN DIGGLE JJ.) Theophrastus: Characters. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. R. PARKER FELLMANN (B.) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Deutschland. Miinchen, Antikensammlungen, ehemals Museum Antiker Kleinkunst. Band 13. Attisch-schwarzfigurige Augenschalen. E.A. MACKAY

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