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BERND MAGNUS AND KATHLEEN M. HIGGINS Introduction to The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche The importance to the humanities and to our culture of the nineteenth-century German philosopher and writer Friedrich Nietz- sche may require little motivation or discussion. He was quite simply one of the most influential modern European thinkers. His attempts to unmask the root motives which underlie traditional Western philosophy, morality, and religion have deeply affected sub- sequent generations of philosophers, theologians, psychologists, po- ets, novelists and playwrights. Indeed, one contemporary English- speaking philosopher, Richard Rorty, has characterized the entire present age as "post-Nietzschean." That is because Nietzsche was able to think through the consequences of the triumph of the En- lightenment's secularism - captured in his observation that "God is dead" - in a way that determined the agenda for many of Eu- rope's most celebrated intellectuals after his death in 1900. An ardent foe of nationalism, anti-Semitism, and power politics, his name was later invoked by Fascists and Nazis to advance the very things he loathed. It might also be useful to recall that, according to Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche is the consummation of the Western philo- sophical tradition, the thinker who brings metaphysics to its end; that Michel Foucault frequently regarded Nietzsche as the progenitor of his own genealogical method and its stress on discursive practices,- that Jacques Derrida considers Nietzsche the deconstructive thinker par excellence. All this serves as eloquent testimony to Nietzsche's claim, voiced in The Antichrist and elsewhere, that some persons are born posthumously,- for that observation certainly applies to his own case. It is no accident, therefore, that the last published edition of the International Nietzsche Bibliography, edited by Herbert Reichert I CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 2 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE and Karl Schlechta in 1968 - long before the recent explosion of inter- est in Nietzsche- lists more than 4,500 titles in 27 languages de- voted to Nietzsche. And it must not be forgotten that Nietzsche's importance has not been confined to philosophy or even to humanis- tic study. One much discussed recent critic, Allan Bloom, argued the controversial thesis that America's very cultural life - the mis- education of its citizens as well as its misguided public philosophy - is to be traced to a superficial version of (what the author considered) Nietzsche's virulently infectious nihilism.1 Indeed, without endors- ing Allan Bloom's diagnosis or thesis about Nietzsche's etiological role in the "closing" of the American mind, it is no exaggeration to say that Nietzsche's influence has become unavoidable in our cul- ture. Whether one reads G. Gordon Liddy's misappropriations, goes to a movie, or merely turns on the television, Nietzsche seems al- ways to be already there. For example, Eddie Murphy quotes from Nietzsche at length in a climactic moment in the movie "Coming to America"; a rock music group names itself "The Will to Power"; and even the teen-age "Dr. Howser" of the wretched (and now mercifully canceled) "Doogie Howser, M.D." television show can be heard say- ing, "As Nietzsche said: 'Whatever doesn't destroy me makes me stronger.' " Could one cite illustrations of Nietzsche's "appropria- tion" more banal, more crude and pervasive, than these? Nietzsche's name and epigrams are invoked everywhere nowadays, indiscrimi- nately selling ideas as well as products. From the mid-1890s until today, a century later, Nietzsche's name has been invoked and enlisted repeatedly in the service of every conceivable political and cultural movement and agenda - from early-twentieth-century emancipatory feminism to later fascism and Nazism, from a Faustian modernism to recent versions of post- modernism. Nor is it the case any longer that Nietzsche's pervasive influence is confined primarily to continental European philoso- phers and politics, intellectuals, and American popular culture. Rather, his critique of traditional morality has become a force in the reflections of some leading Anglophone philosophers, such as Ber- nard Williams,2 Richard Rorty,3 Martha Nussbaum/ Alasdair Macln- tyre,5 and Philippa Foot.6 Given this ubiquity, it is not surprising that Nietzsche commenta- tors disagree about most aspects of his thinking, especially about what an Ubermensch [superhuman being] is supposed to be, what CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 Introduction 3 eternal recurrence asserts, whether he had developed or had in- tended to formulate a full-blown theory of the will to power, as well as what his perspectivism may be said to assert. These are disagree- ments concerning the substance, goal, and success of Nietzsche's attempted trans valuation of all values. On the other hand, there is considerably less disagreement about identifying the deconstructive aspect of his work, the sense in which he sought to disentangle Western metaphysics, Christianity, and morality in order to display what he took to be their reactive decadence. Put crudely and mislead- ingly, there is considerably less disagreement concerning the nega- tive, deconstructive side of Nietzsche's thinking than there is about the positive, reconstructive side. These, then, appear to be the two faces of Nietzsche that are recognized by virtually all critics. One face looks at our past and vivisects our common cultural heritage at its roots,- the other seems to be turned toward the future, suggesting visions of possible new forms of Western life. The negative, deconstructive, backward- glancing Nietzsche is the face which seems to be more easily recog- nized by his commentators and his critics. But when one tries to examine in detail Nietzsche's positive, reconstructive face, one is beset by an immediate difficulty. For this other, future-directed face turns out to be not one profile but at least two possible ones. One sketch of Nietzsche's positive profile portrays his remarks about truth, knowledge, superhumanity, eternal recurrence, and will to power as his answers to perennial, textbook philosophical problems: his theory of knowledge, his moral philosophy, and his ontology. On this reading of his reconstructive side, Nietzsche seems to be shatter- ing the foundations of past theories as one demolishes false idols, in order to erect his own, better phoenix from their ashes. In admit- tedly quite different ways, this seems to be an orientation common to the work of Danto,? Wilcox,8 Clark, 9 and Schacht;10 or perhaps it is a framework toward which their work points. The alternative profile of this reconstructive side of Nietzsche re- jects the positive/negative dichotomy itself and depicts him instead as attempting to liberate us precisely from the felt need to provide theories of knowledge, or moral theories, or ontologies. Despite ad- mitted differences, enormous ones, this seems to be a useful way of capturing an orientation suggested by the work of Alderman,11 Der- rida,12 Nehamas,1^ Deleuze,1* Strong,1* Shapiro,16 and Rorty,1? for ex- CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 4 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE ample. The first version of his reconstructive portrait assimilates Nietzsche's project to the great tradition of "the metaphysics of presence" - to the tradition epitomized by Plato, Descartes, and Kant. The alternative portrait sees the negative, deconstructive side of Nietzsche as already constructive, in the therapeutic manner of the later Wittgenstein, late Heidegger, Derrida, Rorty, and Foucault.18 What is at the bottom of these conflicting portraits, perhaps, is an unarticulated difference scarcely recognized among Nietzsche schol- ars, not to say philosophers generally. It is the difference between those who believe that one is paying him a compliment by reading Nietzsche as "a philosopher" who gives Kantian style answers to textbook questions, and those who view that characterization as depreciating his more broadly "therapeutic" achievement. A nice illustration of this bifurcated state of affairs is what seems to be occurring in discussions of Nietzsche's perspectivism. What seems to be occurring among Nietzsche scholars is not only a difference of detail - a difference about how to construe Nietzsche's remarks about "knowledge," "truth," "correspondence," and "per- spective" - but a metaphilosophical split about the point of Nietz- sche's perspectivism. For many commentators, Nietzsche's per- spectivism is, roughly, his theory of knowledge. It wants to assert four distinguishable claims: (i) no accurate representation of the world as it is in itself is possible,- (2) there is nothing to which our theories stand in the required correspondence relation to enable us to say that they are true or false; (3) no method of understanding our world - the sciences, logic, or moral theory - enjoys a privi- leged epistemic status; (4) human needs always help to "consti- tute" the world for us. Nietzsche tends to run (i)-(4) together; often he confuses them. But the most serious difficulty for Nietz- sche's perspectivism lies elsewhere: the self-reference problem. Are we to understand his many naturalistic and historical theses as accurate representations of the world as it is in itself, as corre- sponding to any facts of the matter, as privileged perspectives, ones which are conditioned by no need whatsoever? If we are, then Nietzsche's perspectivism is self-contradictory in all four versions mentioned. But that is just to say either that the theories Nietz- sche offered are not to be taken perspectivally - in which case his perspectivism must be abandoned - or that they are only perspec- tives, in which case they may not be true and may be superseded. CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 Introduction 5 To say that they may not be true, however, is just to say that what he maintains may be "false." But how can he then maintain that there is nothing to which our theories stand in the required corre- spondence relation to enable us to determine whether they are true or false? Further, in saying that there is no truth did Nietz- sche mean to say something true? If he told the truth, then what he said was false, for there had to be a truth to be told for him to say, truly, that there is no truth. If what he said is false, on the other hand, then it is false to assert that there is no truth. But then at least something is true in an unmitigated sense. Similarly, if every great philosophy is really only "the personal confession of its author and a kind of involuntary and unconscious memoir" (BGE 6), then what is Nietzsche himself confessing? What is his involuntary and unconscious memoir really about? Perhaps the best way to understand his perspectivism, then, is to construe it in a neo-Kantian way, as providing a transcendental standpoint in which putative "facts" about human needs and human neurophys- iology play a role not unlike that of Kant's categories and forms of intuition. However, there is another, second, and quite different way to construe Nietzsche's perspectivism remarks: Nietzsche's "perspec- tivism" is not a theory of anything, and it is most certainly not a theory of knowledge. To say that there are only interpretations (or perspectives) is to rename all the old facts "interpretation." The point of the renaming is to help us set aside the vocabulary of accurate representation which still holds us in its Platonic thrall. Similarly, to say that "truth" is "error" is not to offer a theory of truth so much as it is to rename it. So Nietzsche's tropes concerning "truth" and "error," "fact" and "interpretation" are best understood as rhetorical devices to help the reader to understand and confront the widely shared intu- ition that there must be something like a final truth about reality as such which it is the goal of philosophy to disclose. The reader's own penchant for the God's-eye view is surfaced and called into question. Indeed, a theory of knowledge is not something Nietzsche has,- the yearning for its possession is what his tropes parody. Knowledge is the sort of thing about which one ought to have a theory primarily when the Platonically inspired God's-eye view has seduced us, primarily when we construe knowledge on the analogy of vision - the mind's eye seeing the way things really are - primarily when we see philoso- CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 6 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE phy as culture's referee, allowing or barring moves made elsewhere in culture which claim to be items of knowledge. Yet this is precisely the picture of philosophy and inquiry Nietzsche urges ought to be set aside. Put oversimply, "knowledge" and "truth" are compliments paid to successful discourse, as Rorty and others have suggested. To give an account of such success is always to say why this specific item is "true" or "known" - for example, the superiority of the heliocen- tric over the geocentric account of planetary motion. There can be explanations and illustrations of successful discourse on a case by case basis, illustrations and explanations of the relative attractions of various competing concrete proposals; but there is no way to slide an unwobbling pivot between "theory" and "reality" which will register an unmediated fit between word and world. There can only be a misconceived "theory of" successful discourse, on this view. But how are we to choose between such conflicting interpreta- tions of Nietzsche's remarks about perspectivism, not to mention the large array of alternative interpretations not easily captured by this oversimplification? The case of the "will to power" is equally messy, but for different reasons. These are primarily textual and conceptual. Even if there exists a doctrine, one that can be unpacked "analytically" as a psy- chological principle, is it to be grasped ontologically, as discarded notes from the Nachlass [his literary estate] seem to suggest? How is the will to power to be understood as an assertion of the way things are, rather than as a figure for the self in quest of self, a self in transformation? In the end, the will to power may well reduce to the view that if one must do metaphysics - and perhaps Nietzsche's final recommendation is that this comfort is better given up - then one buys the picture of language as accurate representation, of theory as correspondence to facts,- one buys the ultimate and decid- able purchase of mapping metaphors along with the correspondence theory of truth. To mitigate the force of that picture, think of Nietz- sche's remarks concerning will to power as recommending that we think instead of "things" as events and as families of events. On such a view, the paradox is that a world of only wills, only events, is necessarily formless and formed at the same time. Formless, because wills conceived as events are form-giving while possessed of no fixed or inherent structure of their own, apart from their contextual articu- lation, apart from what Nietzsche called their "interpretation." CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 Introduction 7 Formed, because wills conceived as families of events are always acting upon one another, are always imposing form upon one an- other. The paradox is intractable. If we are no longer to think of "wills" as "things/' we can form no clear mental image of them. They elude representational thinking. Insofar as we do form a clear mental image, a representation, the formless antecedent eludes us. We invariably picture an entity which has already been formed, structured. We grasp only an "interpretation." Consequently, will to power is the general characterization of this action of will upon will, in which form is imposed by will upon will, that is, by event upon event, in which there is visible only the articulation which we call "the world." Grasping things as events simpliciter is counterintuitive, to be sure, for it requires that we abandon the notion that events consist of items, that they are constituted by the interaction 0/things. Indeed, prepositional language fails us here, for we are asked to grasp the world as a family of events constituted by and consisting of no-thing in particular, a "world" of relations without relata. This difficulty in stating Nietzsche's position is not restricted to his discussion of the will to power. It is a recurring problem in making Nietzsche's argu- ment plain, that in order to state his position or argument one must frequently resort to a vocabulary whose use often depends upon the very contrasts he sought to displace or set aside. This specific feature of Nietzsche's central themes has been char- acterized elsewhere as the "self-consuming" character of his con- cepts, categories, and tropes.^ A self-consuming concept is one which requires as a condition of its intelligibility (or even its possi- bility) the very contrast it wishes to set aside or would have us set aside. The notion of will to power as relation)s) without relata appears to be self-consuming in the sense specified, as may be the notion of invoking the analogy between seeing and knowing, which Nietzsche's perspectivism explicitly does, in order to set aside the dominating visual metaphorics of traditional epistemology. The no- tions of eternal recurrence and the ideal life may also be usefully viewed - as a preliminary approximation - as self-consuming con- cepts. The usefulness of viewing some of Nietzsche's most dis- cussed themes as self-consuming is that, so regarded, they resist reification, resist reduction to substantive, traditional philosophi- cal doctrines. Moreover, so regarded, their fluidity is not merely an CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 8 THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE accidental feature but a typical feature. Like the literary figure catachresis, Nietzsche's major themes seem necessarily both to so- licit and to reject literal interpretation at the same time. The noun phrase "table leg/' for example, is a literal expression. There is no other literal expression for which "table leg" is a metaphorical substitute, place-holder, or stand-in. Yet, at the same time, "table leg" is itself a metaphor, since tables can be said to have "legs" only in a metaphorical sense, the sense in which a good glass of cabernet sauvignon may be said to have "legs." The catachresis "table legs" is both literal and metaphorical or is neither literal nor metaphorical at the same time. And Nietzsche's central themes seem to exemplify a similar paradoxical quality. Nietzsche's presentation of eternal recurrence is central to his philosophic project. It is the generating thought of his Zarathustra, the thought which most divides commentators.20 It is unarguably the subject of two of Zarathustra's speeches - "On the Vision and the Riddle" and "The Convalescent" - and is fully rehearsed in The Gay Science under the heading "Das Grosste Schwergewicht" [The Greatest Stress]. That entry (#341) concludes by asking its interlocu- tors two questions framed as one: If this thought [of eternal recurrence] were to gain possession of you, it would transform you, as you are, or perhaps crush you. The question in each and every thing, "Do you want this once more and innumerable times more?" would weigh upon your actions as the greatest stress. Or how well disposed would you have to become to life and to yourself to crave nothing more fervently [um nach nichts mehr zu verlangen] than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal? In Nietzsche's various published writings in which we are invited to think through the notion of eternal recurrence, we are asked the question "How well disposed would one have to become to oneself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than the infinite repeti- tion, without alteration, of each and every moment?" Nietzsche invites his reader to imagine a finite number of possible states of the universe, each destined to recur eternally, and asks his reader's reac- tion to this imagined state of affairs. Presumably most persons should find such a thought shattering because they would always find it possible to prefer the eternal repetition of their lives in an edited version rather than to crave nothing more fervently than the CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 Introduction 9 recurrence of each of its horrors. Only a superhuman being (an Ubermensch) could accept recurrence without emendation, evasion, or self-deception, a being whose distance from conventional human- ity is greater than the distance between man and beast, Zarathustra tells us in the Prologue to Thus Spoke Zarathustra. But what sort of creature would desire the unaltered repetition of its exact life, would prefer each and every moment of its life just as it is, and would prefer this to any alternative possibility it could imag- ine? What sort of attitude is suggested by a person, a quester, who could regard his or her life as Leibniz's God regarded the world: the best of all possible worlds? If the notion of a self-consuming concept is to be of use in under- standing Nietzsche's remarks concerning the will to power, eternal recurrence, the ascetic ideal, and the Ubermensch, then it should also be of use in motivating the sense in which these central themes in Nietzsche generate one version of an old question: Is Nietzsche playing the same philosophical game with different rules or is it now a different game? Is Nietzsche offering new critiques of the tradition, followed by substantive epistemic, moral, and ontological theories on which the critiques depend, or is he suggesting that we cease to speak in this way? Perhaps Nietzsche's critiques just are the new game, as they are for Foucault. As in psychotherapy, the negative act of being deprived of something - say, a cherished neurosis - just is the gift-giving virtue. Because of the conflict of interpretations still with us today, this anthology is designed for the use of those reading Nietzsche for the first time as well as those already more familiar with his work. Our opening essay, "Nietzsche's Works and Their Themes," provides an introduction to each of Nietzsche's philosophical writings and an overview of the basic concerns and concepts they are thought to involve. Chronologically organized, this lead essay should be of par- ticular value to those with limited previous experience reading Nietzsche. Those who have done more substantial and sustained reading of Nietzsche might elect to skip this essay - although we do not recommend this - and move directly to the essays which are more concerned with interpretation and analysis. The first trio of essays which follows our overview concerns Nietz- sche's life as well as the appropriation and misappropriation of his writings. CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066 IO THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO NIETZSCHE R. J. Hollingdale's "The Hero as Outsider" considers the discrep- ancy between the facts of Nietzsche's life and the popular, con- structed image of Nietzsche as the solitary, suffering, lunatic-genius. Hollingdale argues that Nietzsche has become the object, perhaps the victim, of a legend that has developed a life of its own. Ironically or perhaps deliberately, Nietzsche himself helped create the tradi- tion of legendary freelance philosophers, for he endorsed a view of Schopenhauer as a legendary figure in his Schopenhauer as Educator. While Nietzsche was not overly concerned with realism in his por- traits of his heroes, it is likely that he would be deeply disturbed by what Hollingdale regards as one of the consequences of his own legend - the fact that many enamored of the Nietzsche legend sel- dom pay much attention to his books. Jorg Salaquarda, in "Nietzsche and the Judaeo-Christian Tradi- tion," offers a religious biography of Nietzsche. Nietzsche was steeped in the Christian tradition, was influenced by it, and was profoundly knowledgeable about it. Indeed, his initial rejection of Christianity grew out of the theological studies that he pursued during his early university years. Educated in the historical mode of Biblical criticism that was popular at the time, Nietzsche became convinced that Christianity's claims to authority and absolute truth were no longer credible. Although Nietzsche did not develop a sys- tematic and fully coherent case against Christianity in any tradi- tional sense, and despite shifts in the extremity of his opposition, Salaquarda contends that Nietzsche's discussions of Christianity re- veal more continuities than discontinuities. Even the genealogical method, which Nietzsche employs in Toward the Genealogy of Mor- als21 to undercut belief in Christianity and the philosophical, moral, and intellectual habits that he considers linked to it, stem fundamen- tally from the same historical orientation that originally initiated his loss of faith. Nietzsche's tendency to become more strident in his polemics against Christianity in his later writings stems not from a change of conviction but from his growing disturbance over the inertia of his contemporaries, who seemed unwilling to draw the conclusions that their own intellectual and religious convictions entailed. In "Nietzsche's Political Misappropriation," Tracy B. Strong sets out to explain the peculiar fact that Nietzsche has been declared an ally by political advocates across the political spectrum: progres- CCaammbbrriiddggee CCoommppaanniioonnss OOnnlliinnee ©© CCaammbbrriiddggee UUnniivveerrssiittyy PPrreessss,, 22000066

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