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Présentation du corpus Le projet de numérisation et de valorisation des collections anciennes, présenté par la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nancy et porté par l’Université de Lorraine, concerne un programme de numérisation en Arts, Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Ce projet, piloté par la Direction de la Documentation et de l’Edition de l’Université de Lorraine, présente un ensemble d’ouvrages édités aux XIXème et XXème siècles, en relation avec l’histoire, la littérature et les sciences humaines. Plus qu’un simple catalogue d’ouvrages anciens et intéressants à plus d’un titre, c’est une véritable démarche scientifique que la Bibliothèque Universitaire de Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nancy met en œuvre. L’Université de Lorraine prend ainsi pleinement part à un vaste projet national de constitution d’une bibliothèque numérique patrimoniale et encyclopédique. ttbe $cottiab $ociet\? ~eJ:t The Buik of Alexander Buik of Alexander OR TH]~ BUIK OF THE MOST NOBLE AND VALlANT CONQUEROUR ALEXANDER THE GRIT BY JOHN liARBOUR ARCHDEACON OF ABERDEEN ElllTED, IN FOUR VOLUMES, FROM THE UNIgUE PlUNTED COPY IN THE POSSESSION OF THE EARL OF DALHOUSIE, WITH INTRODUCTIONS, NOTES AND GLOSSARY, TOGETHER WITH THE FRENCH ORIGINALS (LI FUERRES DE GADRES AND LES VŒUX DU PAON) COLLATED WITH NUMEROUS MSS. ,,\./ By R L. GRtEME RITCHIE, D.LITT. PROFESSOR OF FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM VOLUME III. CON'rAINING PART Ill. OF . THE BUIK OF ALEXANDER (NAMELY PP. 248-352) ,~ND PART II. (1) OF LES VŒUX DU PAON, NOW EDITED FOR THE FIRST TIME FROM MS. FR. 12565 OF THE BIBLIOTHÈgUE NATIONALE, AND COLLATED WITH NUMEROUS MSS. llltinttb fot tbe ,sodtt~ b~ WILLIAM BLACKWO OD & SONS LTD. EDINBURGH AND LONDON MCMXXVII PREFACE. WE would express here our grateful thanks to friends who have helped us in the three parts into which the present volume falls-Scots text, French text, and Classi fication of the French MSS.: to our colleague, Miss L Maitland Smith, who has read the Scots text in proo!, and suggested several ingenious and convincing emenda tions; to our former student, Miss Aileen A. Calderwood, who has coUated our copy once again with Manuscript 12565, revised the proof of the present Introduction on an the Paris MSS., and removed the few errors which either contained,' and has also settled many queries for us at the Bibliothèque Nationale; and to our former student and present colleague, Dr. F. T. H. Fletcher, who has read the Introduction in proof. On what may to some readers appear the excessive number of pages devoted here and in Volume II. to the classificaTion of the French MSS. we would make only one remark. But it is of gold. If there had been only ten MSS. of 'Les Vœux du Paon,' and if, following illustrious examples, we had collated only ten lines selected from the beginning and (or) the end, we should have reached quite definite conclusions which would pmbably have satisfied every one. But they would have been quite eXToneous. R. L. Go R. UNIVERSITY O:l' BIRMINGHAM, 'June 1926. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 11:iiTRODUCTION TO VOLUME III.- PAGE 1. THE MSS. OF ' LES VŒUX DU PAON' • II. LIST OF ALPHABETICAL DESIGNATIONS OF THE MANUSCRIPTS USED IN VOLUMES III. AND IV. xxxix III. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FRENCH MSS. (con- cIuded from Volume II.) • xl IV. EXTRACT III. AND ApPARATUS CRITICUS OF LINES 38r2-88 lxviii V. EXTRACT IV. AND ApPARATUS CRITICUS OF LINES 748I-7579 . lxxviii VI. EXTRACTS V. (r) AND V. (2) xciii VII. THE ENGLISH FRAGMENT ci VIII. ARGUMENT OF 'LES VŒUX DU PAON,' PART II. (r) . cil TExT OF 'THE BUIR OF ALEXANDER' (PART III.) Right-hand pages 248-35r TEXT OF 'LES VŒUX DU PAON: PART II. (I). Left-hand pages 248-35I F ACSIMILES. MS. I2565, f. 99 • Page 248 MS. Bodl. 264, f.. I38v • Ta fac~ page 277 MS. Bodl. 264, 1'. I46v . " 330 MS. Bodl. 264, f. I64v . " 35I INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME III. L THE MSS. OF 'LES VŒUX DU PAON.' THE MSS. utilised in the present volume and in Vol. IV. aJre those described in Vol. IL, pp. xix-xlviii, and, in addition, p4 and the fragments n2, pl, and p2, which do not concern the text of Vol. II. The description which follows is thus merely supplementary. For convenience' sake, MSS. are arranged in the order of their alphabetical designations. [l\II] BIBLIOTHÈQUE NATIONALE. Fr. 24365. (anc. S. Victor 420.) Descr. VoL IL, pp. xliii-iv. There is no miniature on po. r60 to mark the beginning of Part II. of V.JP. at l. 38r2, but a large capital, and the first two linesare written as four. The verso of thelast Fo. of this MS., which 1S otherwlsein an excellent state of preserva tion, has been smeared, apparently of set intent, because the margin is not affected. The text has thus partially perished (see infra, § 69). On the same page, ' Explicit ' and , Hic liber est Sancti Vietoris Parisiensis lnveniens quis ei reddat amore Dei.' VOL. III. b

C ontreuaI le praiel saloient espandant. D euant la sale auoit .i. lorrier uerdoiant. :',85I. S2 Ens. Na chenbre; PP6P'S' cambre; pa chanbre. Q venuz. III.] THE AVOWIS OF ALEXANDER. Quod Cassamus, " fare cousine,. Thow hes great ressoun, sen amour. 5520. The leares to leif in that labour! ".
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