Description:Verity Stob is the comedienne of the programming world. She has been writing satirical chronicles of techie life since 1988. Her column first appeared in the legendary (but defunct since 1994) .EXE Magazine, and now appears in Dr. Dobbs Journal and The Register. For the first time, the very best of Stob’s columns have been collected into one essential book. Discover why Mrs. Bill Gates calls in a programmer to fix her plumbing; find out about the Google computer that suffers from Tourette's syndrome; discover the shameful secret of the CEO who types his correspondence in CAPITAL LETTERS, and much much more! This book will appeal to anyone who works in the IT industry; from Windows to Linux, and from C++ to Java to Delphi to Visual Basic, Stob’s witty writing covers the entire spectrum. While the humor has a technical ring, it will be appreciated by anyone who understands the industry.