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The Antonius Situation [xena fanfic erotic] PDF

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Preview The Antonius Situation [xena fanfic erotic]

THE ANTONIUS SITUATION © 2000 by CJ Wells Disclaimers: Xena, Gabrielle, Argo, Palaemon, Darphus, and Petracles belong to those rather fortunate individuals affectionately known as The Powers That Be at Studios USA, Ren Pics and whatnots. The only thing I’m gaining from using them here is the personal satisfaction of toying with the characters in my own image. This series started with my two-part inaugural fan fiction pieces, The Embrace & Freedom, which were inspired by the characterizations in Chattel & Thrall by Dark Angel and Remuneration by Day. Marcus Antonius, a.k.a. Mark Anthony (83 B.C.- 30 B.C.), Gaius Octavius a.k.a. Augustus (63 B.C.-14 A.D.) and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (90 B.C.-13 B.C.) and, of course Gaius Julius Caesar (100 B.C.- 44 B.C.) were all real Ancient Roman guys. All other characters named are mine. Credits: Because this is a continuing saga, it is highly recommended that you read The Embrace & Freedom first, as this will make virtually no sense otherwise. Also, I’ll be tickled pink if you do. This story chronicles events from both women’s points of view in a (hopefully) cohesive chain. And, this goes without saying; I’m taking great liberties with ancient history here. But doesn’t the Michigan Mafia do it all the time? Character Warning: The Xena and Gabrielle depicted in this story are not the subtext-challenged Warrior Princess and former Amazon Queen we see on the show. Being that Xena is the Conqueror, she tends to eviscerate now and ask questions later. The newly emancipated Gabrielle, on the other hand, is making friends and doing the bard thing. In addition to being the despicable toad we friends and doing the bard thing. In addition to being the despicable toad we know and hate from The Gauntlet, the Darphus of this story is a foul-mouthed pig and a racist. Women in Love & Lots of Lesbian Sex Warning: What can I say? They can’t get enough of each other. If you have a problem with that, or if you haven’t received your draft card yet, I hear the Beverly Hillbillies are back on Nick-At- Nite. Violence Warning: Yes. Xena’s off to war. You know what that means. There is nothing too graphic and there is no sexual violence, however. Dirty Mouth Warning: Terrance and Phillip would endorse this story. To all of my wonderful beta readers, commentators and third eyes: Sue, Mary, Viv, Jamie, Xenabat & Critter and a belated salute to my Embrace/Freedom beta-queen IseQween; Thank You All! Comments & Feedback: Please! I. THE CONQUEROR’S LOG A new era of the Realm began the morning I freed Gabrielle. That morning began with me waking and finding myself alone in my bed. I quickly threw on a tunic and headed for Gabrielle’s bedchamber. I knew she’d be either there or in the Imperial library. I tried the bedchamber first because, frankly, with the fragrance of our wonderful night of lovemaking still emanating from her body, I imagined she’d want to wash first before being in the presence of my elderly librarian and her close friend, Demitrius. I found Gabrielle in her chamber writing in one of her many scrolls. After watching my Gabrielle write for a few moments, quietly, like a wild cat slowly moving, as it would be going for its prey, I walked up behind her. I suspect she sensed the heat from my body as her first sign that I was in the room. She quickly jumped up from her seat and faced me. Her face was beet red and her hands were behind her back. I suspected that she was gripping the table for dear life. She looked terrified. "My Lady," Gabrielle started. "I’m sorry for dismissing myself from your service without permission. I have no excuse." Despite her submission, she didn’t bow her head and her eyes never left mine. Gabrielle didn’t realize it, but I was far more terrified in what I was about to do. My heart pounded in my chest and my palms sweat so badly that I began frantically rubbing them on the sides of my tunic. I wanted to take her hands in mine, but I was afraid she’d notice just how moist they were. "Gabrielle," I began. "I want to talk to you." I took in a large breath of air and continued. "I… I have come to a decision. I… I have decided…" I stopped for a moment. My heart was beating too fast and I was afraid I was going to hyperventilate. Gabrielle’s terrified look had relaxed somewhat to that going to hyperventilate. Gabrielle’s terrified look had relaxed somewhat to that of utter confusion. "Gabrielle," I began again. "Um… You’re free." She had no reaction. That wasn’t unexpected. Emancipation is almost unheard of in my Realm. I’ve never personally freed anyone before. Never had a reason to. Now here I was making the most important decision of my life and I feared I was going to pass out from it. I took in another deep breath. "I’m freeing you. I will have Demitrius make the appropriate annotations in the official scrolls. I… I can’t have you as my body slave anymore. I don’t want you as my body slave anymore." That came out too harshly. Much to my surprise, Gabrielle’s expression seemed to take on one of disappointment. I needed to explain myself. "Gabrielle, if you ever again allow me the pleasure of making love with you, I want it to happen because you want it to, not because you are required to. Understand?" By the gods, that felt good to say. I watched in amazement as that beautiful face went from concern to joy. Gabrielle smiled and reached out her hands and took mine away from their safe nesting places crumpling the sides of my tunic. But when she drew both my hands to her mouth and planted a light kiss on each hand, my legs gave out on me and I dropped to my knees at her feet. I pulled my hands away from hers and threw my arms around her waist. Then I buried my face in the crook between her soft breasts and started wailing. "Oh gods, Gabrielle, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!" My apologies went on almost incoherently. "Please… please forgive me!" incoherently. "Please… please forgive me!" As I babbled on like a lunatic, my mind was sharp with the thoughts that frightened me about this decision. I was granting Gabrielle freedom. She could now choose to stay at the palace as a paid servant, if a position was available to her, or she could choose to leave the palace and go wherever she pleased. Of course, my single biggest fear was that she would elect to leave Corinth and return to her birthplace, the tiny village of Poteidaia, which is an almost two-day ride from here. Even if she chooses to stay here in Corinth, I told myself, she’s not going to stay with me after all I’ve done to her. Holding her and thinking as I did, the Conqueror in me wanted to force her to make the decision to stay with me. Even with her freedom, Gabrielle still belongs to me, I reasoned. I’m not letting her go anywhere. I fought hard to dismiss those possessive thoughts as I cried on. Of all the thoughts that sailed through my mind, the one that never occurred to me was the thought that she’d actually want to stay with me. I looked up at Gabrielle. I’ve never cried in front of her before. I must have appeared frightening to her with my tear-stained face and bloodshot eyes. I’m sure she found seeing the Destroyer of Nations crying like a baby amusing. She wiped away the wetness under my eyes with her thumbs and cupped my cheeks in her palms. Then I heard a low rumble under my chin. "I’m hungry, Xena," she said. "Are you hungry?" Count on my dear Gabrielle to find the most intense and emotional time to think about her stomach. "I could eat something." I whispered. I rose to my feet and now looked down at the most beautiful woman in the known world. "Have you any ideas about what you’re going to do with your newfound freedom?" I was petrified at what the answer might be. "May I walk the streets of Corinth, Majesty?" she asked. "I’ve always wanted to talk to the street vendors and roam in and out of the shops." "You’re free, Gabrielle." I said, sighing deeply with relief. "You can do whatever you want." I thought for a moment, and then asked, "Will you be staying on here in the palace?" Gabrielle smiled at me. "Yes, Majesty, if I may." "I would like that, Gabrielle." Gabrielle and I ate a hearty meal of fresh baked bread, boiled fowl and a vegetable tray. Then we bathed together where we spent as much time kissing as we did washing. Kissing is still a very new exploration for us. And I do love kissing Gabrielle. I wanted nothing more than to spend the day kissing her, talking to her, holding her and making passionate love with her, but I had important battle matters waiting. After our bath, I headed for the Imperial library. I told Demitrius to prepare the official emancipation annotations for library. I told Demitrius to prepare the official emancipation annotations for Gabrielle. For a moment, I thought he was going to faint. I also told him not to make the proclamation public knowledge, not yet. With my impending departure, I felt it safer for people to continue in the assumption that Gabrielle was my slave. It is quite simple. In my Empire, if one does damage to my property, one dies. I did instruct Demitrius to make sure that all of the palace guards were informed that Gabrielle was to be allowed unrestricted passage through the various palace exits. I then retreated to the war council chamber in the palace. My two Corinthian commanders were present and waiting for me. Commander Palaemon is the head of my Imperial Guard. Commander Petracles heads my Corinthian Army. Petracles is a former lover. He’s brash and arrogant, like Palaemon, but older and not nearly as sharp and insightful. My Corinthian Army is a much larger force than my Imperial Guard. Petracles’ forces are the military presence for the entire Peloponnese, excluding Athens and the surrounding region of Attica, which has its own separate Army. And although Petracles commands my Corinthian Army with precision and possesses keen tactical and maritime skills, I would never trust him with the uniquely trained elite of my Imperial Guard. The Guard is the main enforcement of my law upon Corinth and the special Army to the Palace. It is essentially everything that represents Xena the Conqueror. While my various Armies serve to protect my various lands and city- states, the Imperial Guard serves to protect my inner world and me. These are men and women I must trust with my life. Thus, when I go into battle, certain battalions of the Guard always accompany me. "Commanders," I started. "I trust you’ve been briefed on our situation in Rome." "We have, my Liege," Palaemon responded. "Our forces in the Apennines say Marcus Antonius and a still yet unidentified Greek traitor are building legions in the territories surrounding the mountains." "Commanders," I queried. "As of now, do our Roman forces and the Sabine and "Commanders," I queried. "As of now, do our Roman forces and the Sabine and Etruscan allies outnumber the Antonius legions?" "Our intelligence sources say ‘yes’ for now, Conqueror," Petracles chimed in. "But I don’t think we should be liberal about the number of troops we choose to send." "I’m never liberal, Commander Petracles." "Of course not, Conqueror," he said with that familiar smirk on his face. I chose then to ask myself what was it that I ever saw in the man. "Who is his greatest enemy next to me, if you know, Commander?" Petracles couldn’t answer, but Palaemon knew, as did I. "Gaius Octavius, my Liege. Caesar’s adopted son and Governor of Rome," he said. A plan immediately began brewing in my head. "If I may so inquire, Conqueror," Petracles started. "You look absolutely radiant." "Where in Tartarus is this coming from?" I asked. "I’m just wondering," he responded ever so smugly. "Is there a new ‘friction’ stroking that royal button of yours, Majesty?" "Lay off, Petracles," Palaemon stepped in. "It’s more than that, much more." "Shut up, Palaemon." The last thing I needed was Palaemon, a male subordinate, feeling the need to protect my honor against another male subordinate. I also wasn’t in any hurry for my entire military leadership to learn that I was hopelessly in love. "Oooohh, more," Petracles ranted on. "So is it you, my man? You been slipping her your ‘Imperial Guard.’" Palaemon laughed. "Absolutely not. I don’t even come close." All of a sudden, Petracles forgot I was in the room. "Who is the lucky guy then? One of your captains? One of those brazen young bucks on your surveillance detail? Or is Xena the Conqueror chasing hydras again? I’d thought she’d given up harlots after that fine piece of Amazon ass in Thessaly. You know, the one that commands the two battalions near Pharsalus. What was her name?" "No, it’s no Amazon and Gabrielle’s no ‘harlot!’" Palaemon shouted. "Shut up Palaemon!" I repeated loudly. "By the gods! That little irritating blond body slave! I’m sure she’s a very "By the gods! That little irritating blond body slave! I’m sure she’s a very qualified lay but I can’t believe…" He couldn’t finish his sentence because he lost consciousness after I kicked him in his chest, which caused him to sail to the far wall, smash into it and then land on his face. "I don’t need for the Commander of my Corinthian Army to spend this entire mission in the ship infirmary, Commander," I said to a not-so stunned Palaemon. "I need him alive and kicking, at least for now. So make sure he keeps his fucking mouth shut." "Yes, my Liege." "Have him carried to the ships and have someone look at his chest. I felt a crunch in his ribs when I kicked him." "Yes, my Liege." I continued in my barking orders. "I also want you to immediately notify my Athenian Army Commanders that for the duration of this campaign, they are to join with the remaining Corinthian forces by expanding their military protection to include Corinth and the surrounding regions." "Yes, my Liege." "And Commander Palaemon," I added, "When I tell you to shut up, you shut up."

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