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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4 by American Anti-Slavery Society This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4 Author: American Anti-Slavery Society Release Date: February 25, 2004 [EBook #11273] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER, PART 3 OF 4 *** Produced by Stan Goodman, Amy Overmyer, Shawn Wheeler and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER Part 3 of 4 By The American Anti-Slavery Society 1839 1. No. 10. American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses. 2. No. 10. Speech of Hon. Thomas Morris, of Ohio, in Reply to the Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay. 3. No. 11. The Constitution A Pro-Slavery Compact Or Selections From the Madison Papers, &c. 4. No. 11. The Constitution A Pro-Slavery Compact Or Selections From the Madison Papers, &c. Second Edition, Enlarged. No. 10 THE ANTI-SLAVERY EXAMINER. AMERICAN SLAVERY AS IT IS: TESTIMONY of A THOUSAND WITNESSES. "Behold the wicked abominations that they do!"—Ezekial, viii, 2. "The righteous considereth the cause of the poor; but the wicked regardeth not to know it."—Prov. 29, 7. "True humanity consists not in a squeamish ear, but in listening to the story of human suffering and endeavoring to relieve it."—Charles James Fox. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, OFFICE, No. 143 NASSAU STREET. 1839. This periodical contains 7 sheets—postage, under 100 miles, 10-1/2 cts; over 100 miles, 17-1/2 cents. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE READER. A majority of the facts and testimony contained in this work rests upon the authority of slaveholders, whose names and residences are given to the public, as vouchers for the truth of their statements. That they should utter falsehoods, for the sake of proclaiming their own infamy, is not probable. Their testimony is taken, mainly, from recent newspapers, published in the slave states. Most of those papers will be deposited at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 143 Nassau street, New York City. Those who think the atrocities, which they describe, incredible, are invited to call and read for themselves. We regret that all of the original papers are not in our possession. The idea of preserving them on file for the inspection of the incredulous, and the curious, did not occur to us until after the preparation of the work was in a state of forwardness, in consequence of this, some of the papers cannot be recovered. Nearly all of them, however have been preserved. In all cases the name of the paper is given, and, with very few exceptions, the place and time, (year, month, and day) of publication. Some of the extracts, however not being made with reference to this work, and before its publication was contemplated, are without date; but this class of extracts is exceedingly small, probably not a thirtieth of the whole. The statements, not derived from the papers and other periodicals, letters, books, &c., published by slaveholders, have been furnished by individuals who have resided in slave states, many of whom are natives of those states, and have been slaveholders. The names, residences, &c. of the witnesses generally are given. A number of them, however, still reside in slave states;—to publish their names would be, in most cases, to make them the victims of popular fury. New York, May 4, 1839. NOTE. The Executive Committee of the American Anti-Slavery Society, while tendering their grateful acknowledgments, in the name of American Abolitionists, and in behalf of the slave, to those who have furnished for this publication the result of their residence and travel in the slave states of this Union, announce their determination to publish, from time to time, as they may have the materials and the funds, TRACTS, containing well authenticated facts, testimony, personal narratives, &c. fully setting forth the condition of American slaves. In order that they may be furnished with the requisite materials, they invite all who have had personal knowledge of the condition of slaves in any of the states of this Union, to forward their testimony with their names and residences. To prevent imposition, it is indispensable that persons forwarding testimony, who are not personally known to any of the Executive Committee, or to the Secretaries or Editors of the American Anti-Slavery Society, should furnish references to some person or persons of respectability, with whom, if necessary, the Committee may communicate respecting the writer. Facts and testimony respecting the condition of slaves, in all respects, are desired; their food, (kinds, quality, and quantity,) clothing, lodging, dwellings, hours of labor and rest, kinds of labor, with the mode of exaction, supervision, &c.—the number and time of meals each day, treatment when sick, regulations inspecting their social intercourse, marriage and domestic ties, the system of torture to which they are subjected, with its various modes; and in detail, their intellectual and moral condition. Great care should be observed in the statement of facts. Well-weighed testimony and well-authenticated facts; with a responsible name, the Committee earnestly desire and call for. Thousands of persons in the free states have ample knowledge on this subject, derived from their own observation in the midst of slavery. Will such hold their peace? That which maketh manifest is light; he who keepeth his candle under a bushel at such a time and in such a cause as this, forges fetters for himself, as well as for the slave. Let no one withhold his testimony because others have already testified to similar facts. The value of testimony is by no means to be measured by the novelty of the horrors which it describes. Corroborative testimony,—facts, similar to those established by the testimony of others,—is highly valuable. Who that can give it and has a heart of flesh, will refuse to the slave so small a boon? Communications may be addressed to Theodore D. Weld, 143 Nassau-street, New York. New York, May, 1839. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Twenty-seven hundred thousand free born citizens of the U.S. in slavery; Tender mercies of slaveholders; Abominations of slavery; Character of the testimony. PERSONAL NARRATIVES—PART I. NARRATIVE of NEHEMIAH CAULKINS; North Carolina Slavery; Methodist preaching slavedriver, Galloway; Women at child-birth; Slaves at labor; Clothing of slaves; Allowance of provisions; Slave-fetters; Cruelties to slaves; Burying a slave alive; Licentiousness of Slave-holders; Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, with his "hands tied"; Preachers cringe to slavery; Nakedness of slaves; Slave-huts; Means of subsistence for slaves; Slaves' prayer. NARRATIVE of REV. HORACE MOULTON; Labor of the slaves; Tasks; Whipping posts; Food; Houses; Clothing; Punishments; Scenes of horror; Constables, savage and brutal; Patrols; Cruelties at night; Paddle-torturing; Cat-hauling; Branding with hot iron; Murder with impunity; Iron collars, yokes, clogs, and bells. NARRATIVE of SARAH M. GRIMKÉ; Barbarous Treatment of slaves; Converted slave; Professor of religion, near death, tortured his slave for visiting his companion; Counterpart of James Williams' description of Larrimore's wife; Head of runaway slave on a pole; Governor of North Carolina left his sick slave to perish; Cruelty to Women slaves; Christian slave a martyr for Jesus. TESTIMONY of REV. JOHN GRAHAM; Twenty-seven slaves whipped. TESTIMONY of WILLIAM POE; Harris whipped a girl to death; Captain of the U.S. Navy murdered his boy, was tried and acquitted; Overseer burnt a slave; Cruelties to slaves. PRIVATIONS OF THE SLAVES. FOOD; Suffering from hunger; Rations in the U.S. Army, &c; Prison rations; Testimony. LABOR; Slaves are overworked; Witnesses; Henry Clay; Child-bearing prevented; Dr. Channing; Sacrifice of a set of hands every seven years; Testimony; Laws of Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Virginia. CLOTHING; Witnesses; Advertisements; Testimony; Field-hands; Nudity of slaves; John Randolph's legacy to Essex and Hetty. DWELLINGS; Witnesses; Slaves are wretchedly sheltered and lodged. TREATMENT OF THE SICK. PERSONAL NARRATIVES, PART II. TESTIMONY of the REV. WILLIAM T. ALLAN; Woman delivered of a dead child, being whipped; Slaves shot by Helton; Cruelties to slaves; Whipping post; Assaults, and maimings; Murders; Puryear, "the Devil,"; Overseers always armed; Licentiousness of Overseers; "Bend your backs"; Mrs. H., a Presbyterian, desirous to cut Arthur Tappan's throat; Clothing, Huts, and Herding of slaves; Iron yokes with prongs; Marriage unknown among slaves; Presbyterian minister at Huntsville; Concubinage in Preacher's house; Slavery, the great wrong. NARRATIVE of WILLIAM LEFTWICH; Slave's life. TESTIMONY of LEMUEL SAPINGTON; Nakedness of slaves; Traffic in slaves. TESTIMONY of MRS. LOWRY; Long, a professor of religion killed three men; Salt water applied to wounds to keep them from putrefaction. TESTIMONY of WILLIAM C. GILDERSLEEVE; Acts of cruelty. TESTIMONY of HIRAM WHITE; Woman with a child chained to her neck; Amalgamation, and mulatto children. TESTIMONY of JOHN M. NELSON; Rev. Conrad Speece influenced Alexander Nelson when dying not to emancipate his slaves; George Bourne opposed Slavery in 1810. TESTIMONY of ANGELINA GRIMKÉ WELD; House-servants; Slave-driving female professors of religion at Charleston, S.C.; Whipping women and prayer in the same room; Tread-mills; Slaveholding religion; Slave-driving mistress prayed for the divine blessing upon her whipping of an aged woman; Girl killed with impunity; Jewish law; Barbarities; Medical attendance upon slaves; Young man beaten to epilepsy and insanity; Mistresses flog their slaves; Blood-bought luxuries; Borrowing of slaves; Meals of slaves; All comfort of slaves disregarded; Severance of companion lovers; Separation of parents and children; Slave espionage; Sufferings of slaves; Horrors of slavery indescribable. TESTIMONY of CRUELTY INFLICTED UPON SLAVES; Colonization Society; Emancipation Society of North Carolina; Kentucky. PUNISHMENTS; Floggings; Witnesses and Testimony. SLAVE DRIVING; Droves of slaves. CRUELTY TO SLAVES; Slaves like Stock without a shelter; "Six pound paddle." TORTURES OF SLAVES. Iron collars, chains, fetters, and hand-cuffs; Advertisements for fugitive slaves; Testimony; Iron head-frame; Chain coffles; Droves of 'human cattle'; Washington, the National slave market; Testimony of James K. Paulding, Secretary of the Navy; Literary fraud and pretended prophecy by Mr. Paulding; Brandings, Maimings, and Gun-shot wounds; Witnesses and Testimony; Mr. Sevier, senator of the U.S.; Judge Hitchcock, of Mobile; Commendable fidelity to truth in the advertisements of slaveholders; Thomas Aylethorpe cut off a slave's ear, and sent it to Lewis Tappan; Advertisements for runaway slaves with their teeth mutilated; Excessive cruelty to slaves; Slaves burned alive; Mr. Turner, a slave-butcher; Slaves roasted and flogged; Cruelties common; Fugitive slaves; Slaves forced to eat tobacco worms; Baptist Christians escaping from slavery; Christian whipped for praying; James K. Paulding's testimony; Slave driven to death; Coroner's inquest on Harney's murdered female slave; Man-stealing encouraged by law; Trial for a murdered slave; Female slave whipped to death, and during the torture delivered of a dead infant; Slaves murdered; Slave driven to death; Slaves killed with impunity; George, a slave, chopped piece-meal, and burnt by Lilburn Lewis; Retributive justice in the awful death of Lilburn Lewis; Trial of Isham Lewis, a slave murderer. PERSONAL NARRATIVES.—PART III. NARRATIVE OF REV. FRANCIS HAWLEY; Plantations; Overseers; No appeal from Overseers to Masters. CLOTHING; Nudity of slaves. WORK; Cotton-picking; Mothers of slaves; Presbyterian minister killed his slave; Methodist colored preacher hung; Licentiousness; Slave-traffic; Night in a Slaveholder's house; Twelve slaves murdered; Slave driving Baptist preachers; Hunting of runaways slaves; Amalgamation. TESTIMONY OF REUBEN C. MACY, AND RICHARD MACY. Whipping of slaves. Testimony of Eleazar Powel; Overseer of Hinds Stuart, shot a slave for opposing the torture of his female companion. TESTIMONY OF REV. WILLIAM SCALES. Three slaves murdered with impunity; Separation of lovers, parents, and children. TESTIMONY OF JOS. IDE. Mrs. T. a Presbyterian kind woman-killer; Female slave whipped to death; Food; Nakedness of slaves; Old man flogged after praying for his tyrant; Slave-huts not as comfortable as pig-sties. TESTIMONY OF REV. PHINEAS SMITH. Texas; Suit for the value of slave 'property'; Anson Jones, Ambassador from Texas; No trial or punishment for the murder of slaves; Slave-hunting in Texas; Suffering drives the slaves to despair and suicide. TESTIMONY OF PHIL'N BLISS. Ignorance of northern citizens respecting slavery; Betting upon crops; Extent and cruelty of the punishment of slaves; Slaveholders excuse their cruelties by the example of Preachers, and professors of religion, and Northern citizens; Novel torture, eulogized by a professor of religion; Whips as common as the plough; Ladies use cowhides, with shovel and tongs. TESTIMONY OF REV. WM. A. CHAPIN. Slave-labor; Starvation of slaves; Slaves lacerated, without clothing, and without food. TESTIMONY OF T.M. MACY. Cotton plantations on St. Simon's Island; Cultivation of rice; No time for relaxation; Sabbath a nominal rest; Clothing; Flogging. TESTIMONY OF F.C. MACY. Slave cabins; Food; Whipping every day; Treatment of slaves as brutes; Slave-boys fight for slaveholder's amusement; Amalgamation common. TESTIMONY OF A CLERGYMAN. Natchez; 'Lie down,' for whipping; Slave-hunting; 'Ball and chain' men; Whipping at the same time, on three plantations; Hours of Labor; Christians slave-hunting; Many runaway slaves annually shot; Slaves in the stocks; Slave branding. CONDITION OF SLAVES. Slavery is unmixed cruelty; Fear the only motive of slaves; Pain is the means, not the end of slave-driving; Characters of Slave drivers and Overseers, brutal, sensual, and violent; Ownership of human beings utterly destroys their comfort. OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED: I. Such cruelties are incredible. Slaves deemed to be working animals, or merchandize; and called 'Stock,' 'Increase,' 'Breeders,' 'Drivers,' 'Property,' 'Human cattle'; Testimony of Thomas Jefferson; Slaves worse treated than quadrupeds; Contrast between the usage of slaves and animals; Testimony; Northern incredulity discreditable to consistency; Religious persecutions; Recent 'Lynchings,' and Riots, in the United States; Many outrageous Felonies perpetrated with impunity; Large faith of the objectors who 'can't believe'; 'Doe faces,' and 'Dough faces'; Slave-drivers acknowledge their own enormities; Slave plantations in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi 'second only to hell'; Legislature of North Carolina; Incredulity discreditable to intelligence; Abuse of power in the state, and churches; Legal restraints; American slaveholders possess absolute power; Slaves deprived of the safe guards of law; Mutual aversion between the oppressor and the slave; Cruelty the product of arbitrary power; Testimony of Thomas Jefferson; Judge Tucker; Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina, and Georgia; General William H. Harrison; President Edwards; Montesquieu; Wilberforce; Whitbread; Characters. OBJECTION II.—"Slaveholders protest that they treat their slaves well." Not testimony but opinion; 'Good treatment' of slaves; Novel form of cruelty. OBJECTION III.—"Slaveholders are proverbial for their kindness, and generosity." Hospitality and benevolence contrasted; Slaveholders in Congress, respecting Texas and Hayti; 'Fictitious kindness and hospitality.' OBJECTION IV.—"Northern visitors at the south testify that the slaves are not cruelly treated." Testimony; 'Gubner poisened'; Field-hands; Parlor slaves; Chief Justice Durell. OBJECTION V.—"It is for the interest of the masters to treat their slaves well." Testimony; Rev. J.N. Maffitt; Masters interest to treat cruelly the great body of the slaves; Various classes of slaves; Hired slaves; Advertisements. OBJECTION VI.—"Slaves multiply; a proof that they are not inhumanly treated, and are in a comfortable condition." Testimony; Martin Van Buren; Foreign slave trade; 'Beware of Kidnappers'; 'Citizens sold as slaves'; Kidnapping at New Orleans; Slave breeders. OBJECTION VII.—"Public opinion is a protection to the slave." Decision of the Supreme Court of North and South Carolina; 'Protection of slaves'; Mischievous effects of 'public opinion' concerning slavery; Laws of different states; Heart of slaveholders; Reasons for enacting the laws concerning cruelties to slaves; 'Moderate correction'; Hypocrisy and malignity of slave laws; Testimony of slaves excluded; Capital crimes for slaves; 'Slaveholding brutality,' worse than that of Caligula; Public opinion destroys fundamental rights; Character of slaveholders' advertisements; Public opinion is diabolical; Brutal indecency; Murder of slaves by law; Judge Lawless; Slave-hunting; Health of slaves; Acclimation of slaves; Liberty of Slaves; Kidnapping of free citizens; Law of Louisiana; FRIENDS', memorial; Domestic slavery; Advertisements; Childhood, old age; Inhumanity; Butchering dead slaves; South Carolina Medical college; Charleston Medical Infirmary; Advertisements; Slave murders; John Randolph; Charleston slave auctions; 'Never lose a day's work'; Stocks; Slave-breeding; Lynch law; Slaves murdered; Slavery among Christians; Licentiousness encouraged by preachers; 'Fine old preacher who dealt in slaves'; Cruelty to slaves by professors of religion; Slave-breeding; Daniel O'Connell, and Andrew Stevenson; Virginia a negro raising menagerie; Legislature of Virginia; Colonization Society; Inter-state slave traffic; Battles in Congress; Duelling; Cock-fighting; Horse-racing; Ignorance of slaveholders; 'Slaveholding civilization, and morality'; Arkansas; Slave driving ruffians; Missouri; Alabama; Butcheries in Mississippi; Louisiana; Tennessee; Fatal Affray in Columbia; Presentment of the Grand Jury of Shelby County; Testimony of Bishop Smith of Kentucky. ATLANTIC SLAVEHOLDING REGION. Georgia; North Carolina; Trading with Negroes; Conclusion. INTRODUCTION. Reader, you are empannelled as a juror to try a plain case and bring in an honest verdict. The question at issue is not one of law, but of facts —"What is the actual condition of the slaves in the United States?" A plainer case never went to a jury. Look at it. TWENTY-SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND PERSONS in this country, men, women, and children, are in SLAVERY. Is slavery, as a condition for human beings, good, bad, or indifferent? We submit the question without argument. You have common sense, and conscience, and a human heart;—pronounce upon it. You have a wife, or a husband, a child, a father, a mother, a brother or a sister—make the case your own, make it theirs, and bring in your verdict. The case of Human Rights against Slavery has been adjudicated in the court of conscience times innumerable. The same verdict has always been rendered—"Guilty;" the same sentence has always been pronounced, "Let it be accursed;" and human nature, with her million echoes, has rung it round the world in every language under heaven, "Let it be accursed. Let it be accursed." His heart is false to human nature, who will not say "Amen." There is not a man on earth who does not believe that slavery is a curse. Human beings may be inconsistent, but human nature is true to herself. She has uttered her testimony against slavery with a shriek ever since the monster was begotten; and till it perishes amidst the execrations of the universe, she will traverse the world on its track, dealing her bolts upon its head, and dashing against it her condemning brand. We repeat it, every man knows that slavery is a curse. Whoever denies this, his lips libel his heart. Try him; clank the chains in his ears, and tell him they are for him; give him an hour to prepare his wife and children for a life of slavery; bid him make haste and get ready their necks for the yoke, and their wrists for the coffle chains, then look at his pale lips and trembling knees, and you have nature's testimony against slavery. Two millions seven hundred thousand persons in these States are in this condition. They were made slaves and are held each by force, and by being put in fear, and this for no crime! Reader, what have you to say of such treatment? Is it right, just, benevolent? Suppose I should seize you, rob you of your liberty, drive you into the field, and make you work without pay as long as you live, would that be justice and kindness, or monstrous injustice and cruelty? Now, every body knows that the slaveholders do these things to the slaves every day, and yet it is stoutly affirmed that they treat them well and kindly, and that their tender regard for their slaves restrains the masters from inflicting cruelties upon them. We shall go into no metaphysics to show the absurdity of this pretence. The man who robs you every day, is, forsooth, quite too tender-hearted ever to cuff or kick you! True, he can snatch your money, but he does it gently lest he should hurt you. He can empty your pockets without qualms, but if your stomach is empty, it cuts him to the quick. He can make you work a life time without pay, but loves you too well to let you go hungry. He fleeces you of your rights with a relish, but is shocked if you work bareheaded in summer, or in winter without warm stockings. He can make you go without your liberty, but never without a shirt. He can crush, in you, all hope of bettering your condition, by vowing that you shall die his slave, but though he can coolly torture your feelings, he is too compassionate to lacerate your back—he can break your heart, but he is very tender of your skin. He can strip you of all protection and thus expose you to all outrages, but if you are exposed to the weather, half clad and half sheltered, how yearn his tender bowels! What! slaveholders talk of treating men well, and yet not only rob them of all they get, and as fast as they get it, but rob them of themselves, also; their very hands and feet, all their muscles, and limbs, and senses, their bodies and minds, their time and liberty and earnings, their free speech and rights of conscience, their right to acquire knowledge, and property, and reputation;—and yet they, who plunder them of all these, would fain make us believe that their soft hearts ooze out so lovingly toward their slaves that they always keep them well housed and well clad, never push them too hard in the field, never make their dear backs smart, nor let their dear stomachs get empty. But there is no end to these absurdities. Are slaveholders dunces, or do they take all the rest of the world to be, that they think to bandage our eyes with such thin gauzes? Protesting their kind regard for those whom they hourly plunder of all they have and all they get! What! when they have seized their victims, and annihilated all their rights, still claim to be the special guardians of their happiness! Plunderers of their liberty, yet the careful suppliers of their wants? Robbers of their earnings, yet watchful sentinels round their interests, and kind providers for their comfort? Filching all their time, yet granting generous donations for rest and sleep? Stealing the use of their muscles, yet thoughtful of their ease? Putting them under drivers, yet careful that they are not hard-pushed? Too humane forsooth to stint the stomachs of their slaves, yet force their minds to starve, and brandish over them pains and penalties, if they dare to reach forth for the smallest crumb of knowledge, even a letter of the alphabet! It is no marvel that slaveholders are always talking of their kind treatment of their slaves. The only marvel is, that men of sense can be gulled by such professions. Despots always insist that they are merciful. The greatest tyrants that ever dripped with blood have assumed the titles of "most gracious," "most clement," "most merciful," &c., and have ordered their crouching vassals to accost them thus. When did not vice lay claim to those virtues which are the opposites of its habitual crimes? The guilty, according to their own showing, are always innocent, and cowards brave, and drunkards sober, and harlots chaste, and pickpockets honest to a fault. Every body understands this. When a man's tongue grows thick, and he begins to hiccough and walk cross-legged, we expect him, as a matter of course, to protest that he is not drunk; so when a man is always singing the praises of his own honesty, we instinctively watch his movements and look out for our pocket-books. Whoever is simple enough to be hoaxed by such professions, should never be trusted in the streets without somebody to take care of him. Human nature works out in slaveholders just as it does to other men, and in American slaveholders just as in English, French, Turkish, Algerine, Roman and Grecian. The Spartans boasted of their kindness to their slaves, while they whipped them to death by thousands at the altars of their gods. The Romans lauded their own mild treatment of their bondmen, while they branded their names on their flesh with hot irons, and when old, threw them into their fish ponds, or like Cato "the Just," starved them to death. It is the boast of the Turks that they treat their slaves as though they were their children, yet their common name for them is "dogs," and for the merest trifles, their feet are bastinadoed to a jelly, or their heads clipped off with the scimetar. The Portuguese pride themselves on their gentle bearing toward their slaves, yet the streets of Rio Janeiro are filled with naked men and women yoked in pairs to carts and wagons, and whipped by drivers like beasts of burden. Slaveholders, the world over, have sung the praises of their tender mercies towards their slaves. Even the wretches that plied the African slave trade, tried to rebut Clarkson's proofs of their cruelties, by speeches, affidavits, and published pamphlets, setting forth the accommodations of the "middle passage," and their kind attentions to the comfort of those whom they had stolen from their homes, and kept stowed away under hatches, during a voyage of four thousand miles. So, according to the testimony of the autocrat of the Russias, he exercises great clemency towards the Poles, though he exiles them by thousands to the snows of Siberia, and tramples them down by millions, at home. Who discredits the atrocities perpetrated by Ovando in Hispaniola, Pizarro in Peru, and Cortez in Mexico,—because they filled the ears of the Spanish Court with protestations of their benignant rule? While they were yoking the enslaved natives like beasts to the draught, working them to death by thousands in their mines, hunting them with bloodhounds, torturing them on racks, and broiling them on beds of coals, their representations to the mother country teemed with eulogies of their parental sway! The bloody atrocities of Philip II, in the expulsion of his Moorish subjects, are matters of imperishable history. Who disbelieves or doubts them? And yet his courtiers magnified his virtues and chanted his clemency and his mercy, while the wail of a million victims, smitten down by a tempest of fire and slaughter let loose at his bidding, rose above the Te Deums that thundered from all Spain's cathedrals. When Louis XIV. revoked the edict of Nantz, and proclaimed two millions of his subjects free plunder for persecution,—when from the English channel to the Pyrennees the mangled bodies of the Protestants were dragged on reeking hurdles by a shouting populace, he claimed to be "the father of his people," and wrote himself "His most Christian Majesty." But we will not anticipate topics, the full discussion of which more naturally follows than precedes the inquiry into the actual condition and treatment of slaves in the United States. As slaveholders and their apologists are volunteer witnesses in their own cause, and are flooding the world with testimony that their slaves are kindly treated; that they are well fed, well clothed, well housed, well lodged, moderately worked, and bountifully provided with all things needful for their comfort, we propose—first, to disprove their assertions by the testimony of a multitude of impartial witnesses, and then to put slaveholders themselves through a course of cross-questioning which shall draw their condemnation out of their own mouths. We will prove that the slaves in the United States are treated with barbarous inhumanity; that they are overworked, underfed, wretchedly clad and lodged, and have insufficient sleep; that they are often made to wear round their necks iron collars armed with prongs, to drag heavy chains and weights at their feet while working in the field, and to wear yokes, and bells, and iron horns; that they are often kept confined in the stocks day and night for weeks together, made to wear gags in their mouths for hours or days, have some of their front teeth torn out or broken off, that they may be easily detected when they run away; that they are frequently flogged with terrible severity, have red pepper rubbed into their lacerated flesh, and hot brine, spirits of turpentine, &c., poured over the gashes to increase the torture; that they are often stripped naked, their backs and limbs cut with knives, bruised and mangled by scores and hundreds of blows with the paddle, and terribly torn by the claws of cats, drawn over them by their tormentors; that they are often hunted with bloodhounds and shot down like beasts, or torn in pieces by dogs; that they are often suspended by the arms and whipped and beaten till they faint, and when revived by restoratives, beaten again till they faint, and sometimes till they die; that their ears are often cut off, their eyes knocked out, their bones broken, their flesh branded with red hot irons; that they are maimed, mutilated and burned to death over slow fires. All these things, and more, and worse, we shall prove. Reader, we know whereof we affirm, we have weighed it well; more and worse WE WILL PROVE. Mark these words, and read on; we will establish all these facts by the testimony of scores and hundreds of eye witnesses, by the testimony of slaveholders in all parts of the slave states, by slaveholding members of Congress and of state legislatures, by ambassadors to foreign courts, by judges, by doctors of divinity, and clergymen of all denominations, by merchants, mechanics, lawyers and physicians, by presidents and professors in colleges and professional seminaries, by planters, overseers and drivers. We shall show, not merely that such deeds are committed, but that they are frequent; not done in corners, but before the sun; not in one of the slave states, but in all of them; not perpetrated by brutal overseers and drivers merely, but by magistrates, by legislators, by professors of religion, by preachers of the gospel, by governors of states, by "gentlemen of property and standing," and by delicate females moving in the "highest circles of society." We know, full well, the outcry that will be made by multitudes, at these declarations; the multiform cavils, the flat denials, the charges of "exaggeration" and "falsehood" so often bandied, the sneers of affected contempt at the credulity that can believe such things, and the rage and imprecations against those who give them currency. We know, too, the threadbare sophistries by which slaveholders and their apologists seek to evade such testimony. If they admit that such deeds are committed, they tell us that they are exceedingly rare, and therefore furnish no grounds for judging of the general treatment of slaves; that occasionally a brutal wretch in the free states barbarously butchers his wife, but that no one thinks of inferring from that, the general treatment of wives at the North and West. They tell us, also, that the slaveholders of the South are proverbially hospitable, kind, and generous, and it is incredible that they can perpetrate such enormities upon human beings; further, that it is absurd to suppose that they would thus injure their own property, that self-interest would prompt them to treat their slaves with kindness, as none but fools and madmen wantonly destroy their own property; further, that Northern visitors at the South come back testifying to the kind treatment of the slaves, and that the slaves themselves corroborate such representations. All these pleas, and scores of others, are bruited in every corner of the free States; and who that hath eyes to see, has not sickened at the blindness that saw not, at the palsy of heart that felt not, or at the cowardice and sycophancy that dared not expose such shallow fallacies. We are not to be turned from our purpose by such vapid babblings. In their appropriate places, we propose to consider these objections and various others, and to show their emptiness and folly. The foregoing declarations touching the inflictions upon slaves, are not hap-hazard assertions, nor the exaggerations of fiction conjured up to carry a point; nor are they the rhapsodies of enthusiasm, nor crude conclusions, jumped at by hasty and imperfect investigation, nor the aimless outpourings either of sympathy or poetry; but they are proclamations of deliberate, well-weighed convictions, produced by accumulations of proof, by affirmations and affidavits, by written testimonies and statements of a cloud of witnesses who speak what they know and testify what they have seen, and all these impregnably fortified by proofs innumerable, in the relation of the slaveholder to his slave, the nature of arbitrary power, and the nature and history of man. Of the witnesses whose testimony is embodied in the following pages, a majority are slaveholders, many of the remainder have been slaveholders, but now reside in free States. Another class whose testimony will be given, consists of those who have furnished the results of their own observation during periods of residence and travel in the slave States. We will first present the reader with a few PERSONAL NARRATIVES furnished by individuals, natives of slave states and others, embodying, in the main, the results of their own observation in the midst of slavery—facts and scenes of which they were eye-witnesses. In the next place, to give the reader as clear and definite a view of the actual condition of slaves as possible, we propose to make specific points; to pass in review the various particulars in the slave's condition, simply presenting sufficient testimony under each head to settle the question in every candid mind. The examination will be conducted by stating distinct propositions, and in the following order of topics. 1. THE FOOD OF THE SLAVES, THE KINDS, QUALITY AND QUANTITY, ALSO, THE NUMBER AND TIME OF MEALS EACH DAY, &c. 2. THEIR HOURS OF LABOR AND REST. 3. THEIR CLOTHING. 4. THEIR DWELLINGS. 5. THEIR PRIVATIONS AND INFLICTIONS. 6. In conclusion, a variety of OBJECTIONS and ARGUMENTS will be considered which are used by the advocates of slavery to set aside the force of testimony, and to show that the slaves are kindly treated. Between the larger divisions of the work, brief personal narratives will be inserted, containing a mass of facts and testimony, both general and specific. PERSONAL NARRATIVES. MR. NEHEMIAH CAULKINS, of Waterford, New London Co., Connecticut, has furnished the Executive Committee of the American Anti- Slavery Society, with the following statements relative to the condition and treatment of slaves, in the south eastern part of North Carolina. Most of the facts related by Mr. Caulkins fell under his personal observation. The air of candor and honesty that pervades the narrative, the manner in which Mr. C. has drawn it up, the good sense, just views, conscience and heart which it exhibits, are sufficient of themselves to commend it to all who have ears to hear. The Committee have no personal acquaintance with Mr. Caulkins, but they have ample testimonials from the most respectable sources, all of which represent him to be a man whose long established character for sterling integrity, sound moral principle and piety, have secured for him the uniform respect and confidence of those who know him. Without further preface the following testimonials are submitted to the reader. This may certify, that we the subscribers have lived for a number of years past in the neighborhood with Mr. Nehemiah Caulkins, and have no hesitation in stating that we consider him a man of high respectability and that his character for truth and veracity is unimpeachable. PETER COMSTOCK. A.F. PERKINS, M.D. ISAAC BEEBE. LODOWICK BEEBE. D.G. OTIS. PHILIP MORGAN. JAMES ROGERS, M.D Waterford, Ct., Jan. 16th, 1839. Mr. Comstock is a Justice of the Peace. Mr. L. Beebe is the Town Clerk of Waterford. Mr. J. Beebe is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Otis is a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Morgan is a Justice of the Peace, and Messrs. Perkins and Rogers are designated by their titles. All those gentlemen are citizens of Waterford, Connecticut. To whom it may concern. This may certify that Mr. Nehemiah Caulkins, of Waterford, in New London County, is a near neighbor to the subscriber, and has been for many years. I do consider him a man of unquestionable veracity and certify that he is so considered by people to whom he is personally known. EDWARD R. WARREN. Jan. 15th, 1839. Mr. Warren is a Commissioner (Associate Judge) of the County Court, for New London County. This may certify that Mr. Nehemiah Caulkins, of the town of Waterford, County of New London, and State of Connecticut, is a member of the first Baptist Church in said Waterford, is in good standing, and is esteemed by us a man of truth and veracity. FRANCIS DARROW, Pastor of said Church. Waterford, Jan. 16th, 1839. This may certify that Nehemiah Caulkins, of Waterford, lives near me, and I always esteemed him, and believe him to be a man of truth and veracity. ELISHA BECKWITH. Jan. 16th, 1839. Mr. Beckwith is a Justice of the Peace, a Post Master, and a Deacon of the Baptist Church. Mr. Dwight P. Jones, a member of the Second Congregational Church in the city of New London, in a recent letter, says; "Mr. Caulkins is a member of the Baptist Church in Waterford, and in every respect a very worthy citizen. I have labored with him in the Sabbath School, and know him to be a man of active piety. The most entire confidence may be placed in the truth of his statements. Where he is known, no one will call them in question." We close these testimonials with an extract, of a letter from William Bolles, Esq., a well known and respected citizen of New London, Ct. "Mr. Nehemiah Caulkins resides in the town of Waterford, about six miles from this City. His opportunities to acquire exact knowledge in relation to Slavery, in that section of our country, to which his narrative is confined, have been very great. He is a carpenter, and was employed principally on the plantations, working at his trade, being thus almost constantly in the company of the slaves as well as of their masters. His full heart readily responded to the call, [for information relative to slavery,] for, as he expressed it, he had long desired that others might know what he had seen, being confident that a general knowledge of facts as they exist, would greatly promote the overthrow of the system. He is a man of undoubted character; and where known, his statements need no corroboration. Yours, &c. WILLIAM BOLLES." NARRATIVE OF MR. CAULKINS. I feel it my duty to tell some things that I know about slavery, in order, if possible, to awaken more feeling at the North in behalf of the slave. The treatment of the slaves on the plantations where I had the greatest opportunity of getting knowledge, was not so bad as that on some neighboring estates, where the owners were noted for their cruelty. There were, however, other estates in the vicinity, where the treatment was better; the slaves were better clothed and fed, were not worked so hard, and more attention was paid to their quarters. The scenes that I have witnessed are enough to harrow up the soul; but could the slave be permitted to tell the story of his sufferings, which no white man, not linked with slavery, is allowed to know, the land would vomit out the horrible system, slaveholders and all, if they would not unclinch their grasp upon their defenceless victims. I spent eleven winters, between the years 1824 and 1835, in the state of North Carolina, mostly in the vicinity of Wilmington; and four out of the eleven on the estate of Mr. John Swan, five or six miles from that place. There were on his plantation about seventy slaves, male and female: some were married, and others lived together as man and wife, without even a mock ceremony. With their owners generally, it is a matter of indifference; the marriage of slaves not being recognized by the slave code. The slaves, however, think much of being married by a clergyman. The cabins or huts of the slaves were small, and were built principally by the slaves themselves, as they could find time on Sundays and moonlight nights; they went into the swamps, cut the logs, backed or hauled them to the quarters, and put up their cabins. When I first knew Mr. Swan's plantation, his overseer was a man who had been a Methodist minister. He treated the slaves with great cruelty. His reason for leaving the ministry and becoming an overseer, as I was informed, was this: his wife died, at which providence he was so enraged, that he swore he would not preach for the Lord another day. This man continued on the plantation about three years; at the close of which, on settlement of accounts, Mr. Swan owed him about $400, for which he turned him out a negro woman, and about twenty acres of land. He built a log hut, and took the woman to live with him; since which, I have been at his hut, and seen four or five mulatto children. He has been appointed justice of the peace, and his place as overseer was afterwards occupied by a Mr. Galloway. It is customary in that part of the country, to let the hogs run in the woods. On one occasion a slave caught a pig about two months old, which he carried to his quarters. The overseer, getting information of the fact, went to the field where he was at work, and ordered him to come to him. The slave at once suspected it was something about the pig, and fearing punishment, dropped his hoe and ran for the woods. He had got but a few rods, when the overseer raised his gun, loaded with duck shot, and brought him down. It is a common practice for overseers to go into the field armed with a gun or pistols, and sometimes both. He was taken up by the slaves and carried to the plantation hospital, and the physician sent for. A physician was employed by the year to take care of the sick or wounded slaves. In about six weeks this slave got better, and was able to come out of the hospital. He came to the mill where I was at work, and asked me to examine his body, which I did, and counted twenty-six duck shot still remaining in his flesh, though the doctor had removed a number while he was laid up. There was a slave on Mr. Swan's plantation, by the name of Harry, who, during the absence of his master, ran away and secreted himself is the woods. This the slaves sometimes do, when the master is absent for several weeks, to escape the cruel treatment of the overseer. It is common for them to make preparations, by secreting a mortar, a hatchet, some cooking utensils, and whatever things they can get that will enable them to live while they are in the woods or swamps. Harry staid about three months, and lived by robbing the rice grounds, and by such other means as came in his way. The slaves generally know where the runaway is secreted, and visit him at night and on Sundays. On the return of his master, some of the slaves were sent for Harry. When he came home, he was seized and confined in the stocks. The stocks were built in the barn, and consisted of two heavy pieces of timber, ten or more feet in length, and about seven inches wide; the lower one, on the floor, has a number of holes or places cut in it, for the ancles; the upper piece, being of the same dimensions, is fastened at one end by a hinge, and is brought down after the ancles are placed in the holes, and secured by a clasp and padlock at the other end. In this manner the person is left to sit on the floor. Barry was kept in the stocks day and night for a week, and flogged every morning. After this, he was taken out one morning, a log chain fastened around his neck, the two ends dragging on the ground, and he sent to the field, to do his task with the other slaves. At night he was again put in the stocks, in the morning he was sent to the field in the same manner, and thus dragged out another week. The overseer was a very miserly fellow, and restricted his wife in what are considered the comforts of life—such as tea, sugar, &c. To make up for this, she set her wits to work, and, by the help of a slave, named Joe, used to take from the plantation whatever she could conveniently, and watch her opportunity during her husband's absence, and send Joe to sell them and buy for her such things as she directed. Once when her husband was away, she told Joe to kill and dress one of the pigs, sell it, and get her some tea, sugar, &c. Joe did as he was bid, and she gave him the offal for his services. When Galloway returned, not suspecting his wife, he asked her if she knew what had become of his pig. She told him she suspected one of the slaves, naming him, had stolen it, for she had heard a pig squeal the evening before. The overseer called the slave up, and charged him with the theft. He denied it, and said he knew nothing about it. The overseer still charged him with it, and told him he would give him one week to think of it, and if he did not confess the theft, or find out who did steal the pig, he would flog every negro on the plantation; before the week was up it was ascertained that Joe had killed the pig. He was called up and questioned, and admitted that he had done so, and told the overseer that he did it by the order of Mrs. Galloway, and that she directed him to buy some sugar, &c. with the money. Mrs. Galloway gave Joe the lie; and he was terribly flogged. Joe told me he had been several times to the smoke-house with Mrs. G, and taken hams and sold them, which her husband told me he supposed were stolen by the negroes on a neighboring plantation. Mr. Swan, hearing of the circumstance, told me he believed Joe's story, but that his statement would not be taken as proof; and if every slave on the plantation told the same story it could not be received as evidence against a white person. To show the manner in which old and worn-out slaves are sometimes treated, I will state a fact. Galloway owned a man about seventy years of age. The old man was sick and went to his hut; laid himself down on some straw with his feet to the fire, covered by a piece of an old blanket, and there lay four or five days, groaning in great distress, without any attention being paid him by his master, until death ended his miseries; he was then taken out and buried with as little ceremony and respect as would be paid to a brute. There is a practice prevalent among the planters, of letting a negro off from severe and long-continued punishment on account of the intercession of some white person, who pleads in his behalf, that he believes the negro will behave better, that he promises well, and he believes he will keep his promise, &c. The planters sometimes get tired of punishing a negro, and, wanting his services in the field, they get some white person to come, and, in the presence of the slave, intercede for him. At one time a negro, named Charles, was confined in the stocks in the building where I was at work, and had been severely whipped several times. He begged me to intercede for him and try to get him released. I told him I would; and when his master came in to whip him again, I went up to him and told him I had been talking with Charles, and he had promised to behave better, &c., and requested him not to punish him any more, but to let him go. He then said to Charles, "As Mr. Caulkins has been pleading for you, I will let you go on his account;" and accordingly released him. Women are generally shown some little indulgence for three or four weeks previous to childbirth; they are at such times not often punished if they do not finish the task assigned them; it is, in some cases, passed over with a severe reprimand, and sometimes without any notice being taken of it. They are generally allowed four weeks after the birth of a child, before they are compelled to go into the field, they then take the child with them, attended sometimes by a little girl or boy, from the age of four to six, to take care of it while the mother is at work. When there is no child that can be spared, or not young enough for this service, the mother, after nursing, lays it under a tree, or by the side of a fence, and goes to her task, returning at stated intervals to nurse it. While I was on this plantation, a little negro girl, six years of age, destroyed the life of a chil...

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