i m THE ANCESTORS ¦3s * OF THE BAYLES TAHILY r INTHE UNITED STATES ...16r7-i900... t Arranged by ELIZA-M.BAYLES ST. JOHN — • -^ ROCK"F"ORD. NX .trf**?-LIMB, V*7«*CIAI.PKINTER 23Z,b<3> %o^ \?/ 2 \ r- • t I 1 i «T". :£?:& 1- ¦il V [Ll'; \ ] ?; it ?}? !»' % & % <v Iki Hi 4-H. hw/T:< I I } I i 1! I | ! ,1: v- ! i ¦i I •Vs, I J! i £ IH- /Mud & »3 S ; y\l \ ...INTRODUCTION... THIS littlevolume, containing the familyhistory,as faras Ihave been able tolearn, of John Bayles, borninEngland, although insignificant in size, has occupied much of the writer's time for several years. That thisrecord isincomplete, and perhaps inplaces inaccurate, Irealize. Ithas been difficulttoobtain access torecords, and inmany instances, Iam sorry to say, members of the family have failed to take sufficient interest in the enterprise toanswer questions whichIhave asked of them. Crude as itis ithas seemed to me that the importance of placing what Ihave been able to gather inapermanent form warrants the step whichIhave taken. To the relatives and friends who have assisted me, with sug- gestions and information Itake this opportunity of returning my thanks. Ifaperusal of thisbooklet willinspire any of the members of the familytoamore thorough searching out oftheramifications and thehistory of our family,Ishall feel more than repaid for^fche ,| hours spent upon thepages whichfollow. \ n/. Iam, fraternally yours, ELIZAM.BAYLESST. JOHN. ti- fiA Rockford, 111., C\> November 3,1900. ¦-J '4:4H •A ) / / / THE ANCESTORS OP THE BAYLES FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES. (Spblled Uaylbb, Bayluc, Bayley, Baylw ani> Baylies). JOHN BATLIE (Baylea, Bayley), boru iv1617, inEngland, em- barked In the "True Love of London" lor the Bermudas in 1635 when eighteen years of age, and was examined by the minister at Gravesend as toConformity (See Hotton's Early Emi- grants.) s InApril,1654, he was inNew Haven, came to Southold, Long Island,in1658,and was the owner ofland adjoining Joseph Young. Sept. 22d,1661, he sold his house and lot to John Tuthill,as per deed recorded inSuffolkCounty. Afterthat date his name does not appear on the records of Southold. (William Wells,also of South- old,came asapassenger inthe same shipwithJohn Bayliein1635.) The English settlers of LongIsland came across the sound from , Connecticut about 1650-55. Among the number wasEliasBayley, whose name appears among the first settlers ofSetauket as Elias BayUs. (See Thompson's History of LongIsland.) In1655 he wasinNewton, and was an officer ofthe townfrom that date until 1660. He may have been, and probably was,abrother of John Baylie, ofSouthold (afterwards ofJamaica), as John had a son named Elias, and both seemed to have more orless business rela- tions withthe Denton family. Elias was Mr.Denton's attorney in Stamford inclosinguphis business there, and John was associated withhissons inthepurchase fromthe Indians ofland inNewJersey. The Rev. Richard Denton and his three sons were among the earliest settlers of Hempstead and Jamaica. Itis supposed that 5