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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Telling Fortunes by Cards, by Mohammed Ali This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Telling Fortunes by Cards A Symposium of the Several Ancient and Modern Methods as Praciced by Arab Seers and Sibyls and the Romany Gypsies Author: Mohammed Ali Editor: Carleton B. Case Release Date: February 4, 2013 [EBook #42008] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK TELLING FORTUNES BY CARDS *** Produced by Chris Curnow and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) TELLING FORTUNES BY CARDS A SYMPOSIUM OF THE SEVERAL ANCIENT AND MODERN METHODS AS PRACTICED BY ARAB SEERS AND SIBYLS AND THE ROMANY GYPSIES, WITH PLAIN EXAMPLES AND SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS TO ENABLE ANYONE TO ACQUIRE THE ART WITH EASE Gathered From Authentic Sources By MOHAMMED ALI (EDITED BY CARLETON B. CASE) NEW YORK SHREWESBURY PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY CHARLES SHREWESBURY CONTENTS [Pg 3] PAGE The Story of Josephine 5 Researching Gypsy Lore 7 How to Acquire the Art 9 Cards to be Used 9 The Consultant Card 10 The Ancient Oracle 12 Method A 17 Modern Use of Fifty-two Cards 20 Method B 28 Method C 28 Method D 30 Method E 31 Method F, the Star 32 Method G, a Shorter Star 32 Method H 33 Method I 33 Method J 34 Method K 35 Method L 37 Method M 38 The Preferred Oracle, with Thirty-two Cards 40 Dictionary of Primary Definitions 42 Dictionary of Secondary Definitions 49 Groups of Cards 93 Combinations of Two Cards 96 A Word of Advice 101 Special Note 101 Dealing the Cards by Threes 102 Dealing the Cards by Fives 109 Dealing the Cards by Sevens 111 Dealing by Fifteens 113 The Twenty-one Card Method 117 The Way to Tell a Fortune 122 The Italian Method 126 The Florence Mode 131 Past, Present and Future 133 The Matrimonial Oracle 136 The Star Method 140 Shorter Star Method 142 Wishes 143 Wish No. I. 143 Wish No. II. 144 Wish No. III. 146 Wish No. IV. 146 Wish No. V. 147 Wish No. VI. 150 Curious Games with Cards 154 Lovers' Hearts 154 Love's Lottery 154 Matrimony 155 Cupid's Pastime 155 Wedding Bells 157 Marriage Questions 158 TELLING FORTUNES BY CARDS [Pg 4] [Pg 5] The art of telling fortunes by cards, known professionally as Cartomancy, has been practiced for centuries. In our day and generation divination by cards is chiefly employed for amusement and pastime, for the entertainment of one's self or one's company, or at church fairs, charity bazars, and the like; but in the days of the ancients it was practiced by prophets and sibyls as a serious business, and so accepted by all, from king to peasant. Certainly there were some remarkable coincidences, to call them by no other name, in the fulfillment of many cartomantic divinations, of which history maintains a record. To cite but one: THE STORY OF JOSEPHINE, EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH. Josephine Tascher de la Pagerie, while in her native land of Martinique, had been approached by an aged negress, who astonished her through declaring to her: "You will ascend upon the loftiest throne in the world." Always treasuring the memory of this prediction, Josephine, when the widow of Gen. Beauharnais, during the bitter days of the Reign of Terror, was induced to consult a distinguished seeress of the Faubourg St. Germain, who relied upon cartomancy as a means for elucidating the mysteries of the past, present, and future. Although her visitor was disguised as a waiting woman, the seeress, through a simple resort to her pack of cards, read most correctly the entire past existence of her consultant. Then, by the same means, she laid bare the gloomy picture of Josephine's present situation; how the prison doors of the Luxembourg stood ready to receive her; how the guillotine thirsted for her life's blood; how, nevertheless, she would be saved from all these impending dangers through intercession of a young soldier, to her at the time personally a stranger. Subsequently, by a fresh appeal to her cards, the seeress threw aside the veil obscuring Josephine's future destiny, predicting her marriage, the onward march of her husband towards fame and power, until finally, after a studious observation of the cards, the cartomancian announced to her skeptical consultant that on a given day, within the cathedral church of Notre Dame, the unknown man she was destined to marry would place upon her head an imperial diadem, and furthermore that she would be hailed, in the presence of the highest ecclesiastical potentate on earth, as "Empress of the French," and as such would be respected until her death. The remarkably rapid and literal fulfillment of the predictions made by a professional seeress to an unknown lady, to whom she promised the most exalted of mortal positions, not only astonished the crowd of courtiers, wonder-stricken at realization of this indisputable and well-authenticated augury of miraculous events; but elicited the attention of men of intellect and of science, hundreds of whom visited the remarkable prophetess, and in every instance testified to the accuracy of her predictions, although at a loss to comprehend the source from whence she attained apparently super- human knowledge. It appeared wonderful to these men of science that the mere combination of a series of cards, which they had been accustomed to look upon as a mere species of diversion, could be employed as well to read the past as to penetrate the mysteries of the future; still they were compelled, in an elaborate report made to the Emperor, whose comprehensive mind yearned after explanation of all secrets, mental as well as physical, to state that, while unable to account for the cause for this prophetic knowledge, there could be no rational doubt of its existence. RESEARCHING GYPSY LORE. This present treatise on the subject of divination by cards is a gathering together in handy form of the best authenticated methods of its ancient practice as handed down from the Romany gypsies and the seeresses that antedate them. As different nations and different times had their varying interpretations of the values of the cards and separate and distinct methods of laying the cards for readings, as well as fundamental differences in their interpretations of the many possible combinations of the various cards, we have decided to lay before you in this work a complete symposium of each, that the reader and student of the art may see before him all the approved methods of the past and choose intelligently that which best pleases or suits his convenience. All the old and many of the recent authors that have been consulted in the preparation of this book have been found to insist that divination through playing-cards is to be relied upon as a truthful exposition of the past and future and a veritable portent of the future. They desire to be taken seriously. The present editor has no desire to detract from this position if it be a fact, nor does he know that it is not a fact. His part in this work is that of editor, and there ends. Here he presents you with the results of centuries of effort on the part of those who profess to believe sincerely in what they practice and teach, and leaves the reader to place as much or as little credence in the truthfulness of their divinations as he chooses. Certainly there is a wonderful fascination in the mastering of Cartomancy, in the being able to tell fortunes by the chance falling of the cards into this or that position, and in knowing what each card and grouping is believed to signify in their relations to the person consulting. HOW TO ACQUIRE THE ART. The would-be adept is advised to study in detail every word in this book, as he would any other lesson he desired to master. Learn the various methods of dealing and of reading the layout; consult the several interpretations of the meanings and learn to apply them, first in reading your own fortune and later that of friends,—this only after you have memorized many of the meanings and acquired a degree of fluency in elaborating the "talk" or "patter" that goes with a successful "reading." [Pg 6] [Pg 7] [Pg 8] [Pg 9] No prophet or seer ever professed that divination by cards is a natural gift. It is universally recognized as being solely the result of study and practice, and can be mastered by anyone who has this book and gives the subject a little thought and sufficient experimental, practical test to acquire proficiency. CARDS TO BE USED IN TELLING FORTUNES. While any ordinary pack of playing cards sold in the usual stores can be used, it is best to secure, if possible, a pack whose face cards have only a single head, inasmuch as when, in dealing, cards come out reversed they bear a different signification in some cases, than when upright. When, however, the usual double-headed cards are used it is only necessary to make a distinctive mark on the top end of the faces of certain ones to secure the same result as though the special fortune-telling pack were employed. This mark may be a simple dot or cross with pencil or pen, and should be made at one end of the card only, which will then become the top of the card in all cases, and cards coming out in the deal with this mark at their tops will be considered as upright, and with the marked end down, as reversed. The only cards that need to be thus distinguished are: The face cards of each suit; the ace, eight, nine and ten of diamonds. (The spot cards below the seven in any suit are, in most cases, not used. Where they are employed, their reversal has no significance.) The top of the seven of diamonds, and the other suits, is considered to be the end that has the extra central pip. Spot cards of the three suits other than diamonds usually require no mark to determine their top or bottom. The "handles" of all spades and clubs, and the sharp points of all hearts, point downward when those cards are upright; hence when they point upward the cards are considered as reversed. If, however, any other cards than those here mentioned are so printed as to make it difficult to distinguish the top from the base, you should mark them at the top. THE ONE SPECIAL CARD—THE CONSULTANT. In some of the methods of fortune-telling by cards it is essential to have a special card as the representative of the party seeking the response of the oracle. This is commonly called the "Consultant." If there is a joker in your pack, or an extra blank card, as is the case in many packs, use one of them as the Consultant, marking this card to show which is its top, as its reversal has its own signification. If there is neither joker nor blank card, use the discarded deuce of either suit in the pack, with a mark at its top end. THE ANCIENT ORACLE Various meanings have been ascribed to the individual cards in different countries and times, several lists of which, and they the known standards of the art, are given throughout this book. The first list of interpretations that we present is from a very ancient work, first published in 1600 or a little later. This, it will be noticed, defines the entire fifty-two cards of the pack and has no separate signification for any card being upright or reversed; in either position the cards' meanings are the same. Suit values are as follows: Clubs lead and mostly portend happiness and good business arrangements, and no matter how numerous or how accompanied by cards of other suits are seldom considered as bearers of other than the very best augury. Next comes hearts, which are usually taken to signify love-making, invitations, and good friends; diamonds, money; and spades, annoyances, sickness or worry, sometimes loss of money. Clubs. Ace—Great wealth, much prosperity, and tranquillity of mind. King—A man who is humane, upright and affectionate; faithful in all his undertakings. He will be happy himself, and make every one around him so. Queen—A tender, mild and rather susceptible woman, who will be very attractive to the opposite sex. Jack—An open, sincere and good friend, who will exert himself warmly in your welfare. Ten—Speedy wealth. Nine—Obstinacy and disagreeables connected therewith. Eight—A covetous person, extremely fond of money; that he will obtain it but not make a proper use of it. Seven—The most brilliant fortune and the most exquisite bliss this world can afford, but beware of the opposite sex, from these alone can misfortune be experienced. Six—A lucrative partnership. Five—Marriage to a person who will improve your circumstances. Four—Inconstancy and change. Trey—Three wealthy marriages. [Pg 10] [Pg 11] [Pg 12] [Pg 13] Deuce—Opposition or disappointment. Diamonds. Ace—A letter. King—A man of fiery temper, continued anger, seeking revenge, and obstinate in his resolutions. Queen—A coquette, and fond of company. Jack—However nearly related, will look more to his own interest than yours, will be tenacious in his own opinions, and fly off if contradicted. Ten—A country husband (or wife), with wealth, and many children; also a purse of gold. Nine—A surprise about money. Eight—Unhappy marriage late in life. Seven—Waste of goods, and losses. Six—An early marriage and widowhood, but a second marriage would probably be worse. Five—Success in enterprises; if married, good children. Four—Vexation and annoyance. Trey—Quarrels, lawsuits, and domestic disagreements, your partner for life will be a vixen, bad tempered, and make you unhappy. Deuce—Your heart will be engaged in love at an early period, but you will meet with great opposition. Hearts. Ace—Feasting and pleasure, and is also the house. If attended with spades it is quarreling; if by hearts, friendship and affection; if by diamonds, you will hear of an absent friend; if by clubs, merry-making and rejoicing. King—A man of good natured disposition, hot and hasty, rash in his undertakings, and very amorous. Queen—A woman of fair complexion, faithful and affectionate. Jack—A person of no particular sex, but always the dearest friend or nearest relation of the consulting party. It is said that you must pay great attention to the cards that stand next to the jack, as from them alone you are supposed to judge whether the person it represents will be favorable to your inclinations or not. Ten—A good heart, it is supposed to correct the bad tidings of the cards that stand next it; if its neighboring cards are of good report, it is supposed to confirm their value. Nine—Wealth, grandeur, and high esteem; if cards that are unfavorable stand near it, disappointments and the reverse. If favorable cards follow these last at a small distance, you will retrieve your losses, whether of peace or goods. Eight—Drinking and feasting. Seven—A fickle and unfaithful person. Six—A generous, open and credulous disposition, easily imposed on, but the friend of the distressed. Five—A wavering and unsettled disposition. Four—The person will not be married till quite late in life, which will proceed from too great a delicacy in making a choice. Trey—Your own imprudence will greatly contribute to your experiencing much ill will from others. Deuce—Extraordinary good future and success; though if unfavorable cards attend this will be a long time delayed. Spades. Ace—Has to do with love affairs generally. Death when the card is upside down. King—A man ambitious and successful at court, or with a great man who will befriend him, but let him beware of a reverse. Queen—A woman who will be corrupted by the rich of both sexes. Also a widow. Jack—A person, who, although he has your interest at heart, will be too indolent to pursue it. Ten—Is supposed to be a card of bad import, and in a great measure to counteract the good effects of the cards near it. Nine—Is professed to be the worst card of the pack; dangerous sickness, total loss of fortune and calamities; also endless discussion in your family. [Pg 14] [Pg 15] [Pg 16] Eight—Opposition from your friends. If this card comes out close to you, leave your plan and follow another. Seven—Loss of a valuable friend, whose death will plunge you in very great distress. Six—Very little interpretation of your success. Five—Good luck in the choice of your companion for life, who will be fond of you. Bad temper and interference. Four—Sickness. Trey—Good fortune in marriage, an inconstant partner, and that you will be made unhappy thereby. Deuce—A death or disagreeable removal. METHOD A. Using 52 Cards and the Foregoing Interpretations. Take a pack of fifty-two cards and shuffle them three times well over, and making the significator whichever queen you please (if a lady performs the operation for herself; or king, if a gentleman), then proceed to lay them on the table, nine in a row, and wherever the operator finds himself placed, count nine cards every way, not forgetting the said significator, then it will be seen what card the significator comes in company with, and read from that. When several diamonds come together, the interpretation is that some money will soon be received; several hearts, love; several clubs, drink and noisy troublesome company; several spades, trouble and vexation. If two red tens come next to the significator marriage or prosperity, the ace of hearts is the house, the ace of clubs a letter, the ace of spades death, spite, or quarreling (for this is supposed to be the worst card in the pack), the ten of diamonds a journey, the three of hearts a salute, the three of spades tears, the ten of spades sickness, the nine of spades sad disappointment or trouble, to the nine of clubs is ascribed a jovial entertainment or reveling, the nine of hearts feasting, the ten of clubs traveling by water, the ten of hearts some place of amusement, the five of hearts a present, the five of clubs a bundle, the six of spades a child, the seven of spades a removal, the three of clubs fighting, the eight of clubs confusion, the eight of spades a roadway, the four of clubs a strange bed, the nine of diamonds business, the five of spades a surprise, the two red eights new clothes, the three of diamonds speaking with a friend, the four of spades a sick bed, the seven of clubs a prison, the two of spades a false friend, the four of hearts the marriage bed. If a married lady doth lay the cards, she must then make her husband the king of the same suit she is queen of; but if a single lady, she must make her lover what king she may think proper. The jacks of the same suits are supposed to be men's thoughts, so that they may know what they are thinking of, counting nine cards from where they are placed, and it is said if any lady should wish to know whether she shall obtain her desires in any particular subject, matter, or thing whatsoever, let her shuffle the cards well, most seriously and earnestly wishing all the time for one thing; she must then cut them once, particularly observing at the same time what card that is which she cuts, then shuffle them and deal them out in three parcels, and if that said particular card which she has cut doth come next herself, or next the ace of hearts, it is taken that she will have her wish, but if the nine of spades is next to her she judges the contrary, as that is supposed to be a disappointment; however, she may try it three times, taking the major number of testimonies as a ground whereon to place her judgment. This method of using the cards is both innocent and will afford amusement. MODERN USE OF 52 CARDS Here we present the more modern adaptation of the entire pack of 52 cards to the fortune-teller's use. As the meanings differ materially from the ancient list just given, another complete list and several combinations are presented. In the modern usage, Diamonds take precedence and are considered to mean money, riches and success. Hearts next, love affairs, friendship, amusement and pleasure. Clubs, business matters, whether investments, appointments or settlements. Spades, losses or grief, trouble and anxiety, sometimes sickness and death. The various combinations are supposed to either accelerate or mitigate the several meanings. For instance—the ace of diamonds coming with the ace of spades, a railway journey—the nine of spades, usually taken to be a bad card, but coming with diamonds, speedy good luck, etc. Diamonds. Ace—An offer or a ring. King—A fair man, a military man, or a diplomatist. Queen—A fair woman, fond of pleasure and amusement. Jack—The thoughts of either king or queen. [Pg 17] [Pg 18] [Pg 19] [Pg 20] [Pg 21] Ten—A legacy or property. Nine—A good surprise about money. Eight—Meetings about money matters. Seven—A check or paper money; sometimes scandal. Six—An offer of some kind, generally to do with money matters. Five (supposed to be the best card in the pack)—Health, wealth and happiness. Four—A short journey. Three—Time, within three to four weeks. Two—A secret or something unexpected. Hearts. Ace—The house. King—A rather fair man in society; sometimes a sailor. Queen—A fair woman in society, but kind and good natured. Jack—Thoughts of either king or queen. Ten—An entertainment or festivity. Nine—Great happiness and the wish card. Eight—Love making or friendship. Seven—A puzzle or indecision, doubt. Six—Love affairs, sometimes an offer. Five—Marriage, sometimes a new admirer. Four—A small invitation, such as a dinner or evening party. Three—Time, within a week. Two—Kisses or trifling present. Clubs. Ace—A letter. King—A clever dark man, often a professional man, or in business. Queen—A clever, amusing woman, sometimes a little satirical. Jack—Thoughts of king or queen. Ten—A new appointment, investment or settlement. Nine—Relates to documents, papers, often a will. Eight—A journey by road or vehicle. Seven—A warning or unprofitable business. Six—A very poor business offer or else money borrowed. Five—News, either from the country or some one coming therefrom. Four—A journey by land on business. Three—Time, three to four months. Two—A good friend, in some cases a slight disappointment. Spades. Ace—Spite, death, or worry; sometimes a large town. King—A lawyer, widower or old man; a very dark man. Queen—A very dark woman, a widow; a spiteful, malicious woman. Jack—Thoughts of king or queen. Ten—At night-time, imprisonment. Nine (supposed to be a very bad card)—Grief, suffering, malice, and, with other black cards, death. Eight—Across water, sometimes treachery. Seven—Poverty, anxiety and annoyance. Six—Delay, or a bad character. Five—Temper, anger and quarrels. Four—Sickness, sometimes a journey caused through sickness. [Pg 22] [Pg 23] Three—By the water, or a very short journey across water. Two—Tears and vexation, sometimes a removal. The following is a résumé of most of the cards and some curious combinations: Four Aces—Honors, dignities, rise in society, or money, friendship with the great; but if all four are reversed, the contrary—debt, bankruptcy, ruin and even disgrace, therefore it is to be noticed particularly how they lie before reading the cards. Four Kings—Great good luck, unexpected advancement, good and unlooked-for fortune. Four Queens—Society, pleasure, amusements. Four Jacks—Thoughts of either king or queen of each suit, friendly gathering. Four Tens—Great gain, legacies, happiness. Four Nines—Unexpected and sudden news; if two blacks together, not pleasant; if two reds, excellent. Four Eights—New appointments, sometimes new associations; two black eights together, mourning; two reds, wedding garments. Four Sevens—Intrigues, scandal, opposition and variance. Four Sixes—A great surprise or change; two black ones together, vexations; two red ones, good. Four Fives—A long and beneficial voyage, money, happiness and health; if two blacks are near, vexation first. Four Fours—A birth; two blacks together, a male; two reds, a female. Four Threes—Period of time from six to twelve months; sometimes gain or money returned. Four Twos—Visitors; two blacks together, disagreeable; two reds, pleasant, and sometimes love- making. Three Aces—Great good luck. Three Kings—A new friend or acquaintance who will advance you in life. Three Queens—Quarrels, disputes, backbiting. Three Jacks—A lawsuit or treachery. Three Tens—A rise in social life, but not necessarily happiness with it. Three Nines—A good removal, unless accompanied by very bad cards. Three Eights—Love dreams, and longing for the unattainable, but often wishes or desires postponed; in some cases fresh engagements, but a little worry in obtaining them. Three Sevens—Losses of friendship or property; reversed, you will never recover your goods. Three Sixes—A very large and brilliant entertainment; if the two black ones come together, disgrace or scandal. Three Fives—A delightful and happy meeting with absent friends. Three Fours—Strangers or visitors coming to the house from a journey. Three Threes—Slight annoyances or vexation caused by malicious tongues. Three Twos—A good and staunch friend, but one who will grieve you by a queer temper. Two Aces—Strange news quick and speedy, often good luck; two blacks, a telegram; two reds, a pleasant invitation. Two Kings—A partnership or friendship. Two Queens—A good female friend. Two Jacks—Unpleasantness, sometimes only thoughts of people. Two Tens—Change of residence or profession. Two Nines—A good removal, sometimes business projects or documents, in many cases relating to a will. Two Eights—An extraordinary occurrence. Two Sevens—Sometimes sudden and unexpected; two blacks, great treachery, especially if reversed. Two Sixes—A good friend; two blacks, a nasty, deceitful person, or a great danger, possibly an accident. Two Black Fives—Danger from falls, or possibly by water. Two Red Fives—Joyful and unexpected news. Two Black Fours—Separation or unfriendly meetings. Two Red Fours—Good appointments, or good luck. Two Red Threes—Pleasant and profitable visitors and friends. Two Black Threes—Disappointment and tears. Two Black Twos—A departure. [Pg 24] [Pg 25] [Pg 26] Two Red Twos—An arrival. The Ace, Nine, Ten and Seven of Spades—Divorce. Seven and Nine of Spades—Separation. Eight of Spades and Seven of Clubs—Prison, or confinement. Six and Four of Spades—Sickness and danger. Eight and Five of Spades—Malignity, caused by jealousy. Six and Seven of Spades—Treachery, scandal, vexation. Seven and Two of Spades—Tears caused by unfounded reports—often a false friend. Nine and Six of Spades—A bitter and implacable enemy; if good cards follow, you will overcome, but if bad ones, he or she will triumph. Three and Two of Spades—A short and not agreeable journey. Seven of Hearts and Three of Spades—A journey and a strange adventure thereon. Seven, Six and Five of Spades—Thieves, or danger of robbery. Queen and Jack of Spades—Widowhood. Nine and Ten of Spades—Danger by fire. Six and Seven of Spades reversed—A fall or injury. Eight and Ten of Spades—News at night, but not very pleasant. Ten, Eight and Five of Spades—Broken engagement, or unfulfilled promise. Six and Eight of Spades—Delay, postponement. Nine, Seven, Six and Five of Spades—Bankruptcy. Ace of Diamonds and Ten of Hearts—A marriage engagement. Ace of Diamonds and Nine of Hearts—Hopes fulfilled. Ten of Hearts and Four of Hearts—Marriage. Three Tens and Five of Hearts—Happy love returned. Eight of Hearts and Seven of Hearts—Doubt and indecision about an offer. Seven of Hearts reversed—A nice and good present. Three of Diamonds and Three of Hearts—In nine days. Nine of Hearts and Nine of Diamonds—A delightful surprise about money. Nine of Hearts and Nine of Clubs—Something to do about a will, in which the consultor is generally successful. Eight of Hearts and Nine of Hearts—Great good luck through love. Ace, Nine, Seven and Four of Spades—Death. METHOD B. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three; the first ten are taken out, then three are missed; another nine are taken out, then two are missed; another seven out, five missed; seven out, three missed; three out, one missed; and the last of the pack is taken. They are now laid out in rows of eight each, eight having been counted every way, beginning from the significator. When all are finished, the two extremities are taken, paired and read; they are then gathered together, shuffled, and cut in four parcels; the first one of each parcel is taken off and put on one side. The packet that comes first is the one that should be read. METHOD C. What is Supposed to Happen Within a Month to Two Months. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut in three, each meaning being read as it turns up. The cards are then turned up one by one till a spade is found, which is not withdrawn, but the following card, which lay face uppermost on the table. If three spades are found in succession the first is missed, but the two next are taken out, as well as the following card, whether diamonds, clubs or hearts; this is continued to the end of the pack, then re- commenced without shuffling or cutting. Should the final card have been a spade, on beginning the pack afresh the first card should be taken out. The same operation is gone through twice more, in all three times. This having been done, they are laid in the form of a horseshoe in front of the dealer in the order in which they came, being careful to note that the significator is amongst them. Should it not appear naturally, it must be taken out and placed at the end. Seven are now counted from the one that represents the person consulting the oracle. When they have been read, and the relative meanings ascribed to them explained, one is taken from each end and paired, their various significations being interpreted as they turn up. These prognostications are supposed to come to pass within two months. A shorter way can be done by taking out thirty-two selected cards, viz:—ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit; they are read in precisely the same way. This is taken to allow a shorter period to elapse, from ten days to a fortnight, [Pg 27] [Pg 28] [Pg 29] but the former is supposed to be the better method. METHOD D. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, and after being well shuffled they are turned up one by one, counting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king (here the ace counts as one). If any card should fall on the number counted—thus, supposing a five comes when five is counted, or a king when that card turns up, it must be taken out and placed on the table, face uppermost, before the dealer. After counting to a king the counting is re- commenced at one. Should two cards follow, such as three and four, eight and nine, etc., these must be abstracted, also three of a kind, such as three tens, three kings, etc., they must also be taken out; but if three of the same suit they may be passed by. When the pack has been carefully gone through, shuffled and cut, the process is gone through twice more, in all three times. They are now all laid out in rows of four and read. When this is done they are gathered together and laid two by two, thus:— NORTH. WEST. EAST. SOUTH. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and so on till the pack is exhausted. Those at the top are the North, those at the bottom are the South, those at the right hand the East, those at the left hand the West. The North is to be read first, as that is supposed to happen first; the South next, the East next, and the West last. METHOD E. The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three, the meanings of the cut being read first. Then the significator is taken out. The cards are spread on the table, face downwards before the dealer, and seven are drawn out at random. The topmost card of the seven is taken off and put on one side. The cards are again shuffled and cut in three, the cut again read as before; they are laid on the table, seven cards being taken off, the topmost being withdrawn. This is to be repeated the third time, still taking off the topmost card. The cards are again shuffled and cut, this time nine each time being drawn out and the topmost two removed. This maneuver has to be repeated three times, each time taking two of the topmost cards. In the first deal, where the first seven cards were removed, there will be eighteen cards; the second time there will be twenty-one remaining after having removed the two of each cut, thus:—The thirty- nine cards are spread out in five rows of seven, and four remaining underneath. The significator is now put in the center, and counting every way from it, these cards are taken to signify the past and present. The nine cards that have been taken from each sevens and nines are to be shuffled and looked at. These are supposed to refer entirely to the future. The three cards that are left out are useless. METHOD F—THE STAR. The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, and cut in three, the cut being explained as it is shown. The card representing the significator should be taken out and put in the middle. Three cards are now placed above the head, three at the feet, three to the left, and three to the right, three at the four corners, and three across the significator. They are interpreted as follows:—First, above the head, then at the feet, then to the right hand, and next to the left; each corner to be taken top and bottom opposite. When these are all explained (those across the significator last), they are then paired, beginning with the topmost cards and the bottom cards, from end to end. METHOD G—A SHORTER STAR. This is a much shorter way, and instead of placing the cards as they come, they must be first well shuffled by the person consulting, then laid face downwards on the table and nine cards withdrawn (the significator must be in the center). In this method the cards are placed round the card representing the consultor in the order in which they come, the first card drawn being put at the head of the significator, and the others in rotation. The nine cards are first explained as they lie, eight round and one over the significator. Then the consultor is desired to again draw nine, and these are put over the first nine; this is to be repeated a third time, combining all the cards as they lay one over the other, three deep, every way. METHOD H. The whole pack is taken, shuffled well, but not cut, every fifth card is picked out and laid by, the pack is gone through and every seventh card picked out, every third card must be taken, each fifth, seventh and third cards to be laid aside in separate packets; then each packet is carefully examined, whether the significator is amongst those withdrawn. If not, he or she must be abstracted and placed at the extreme end. Now the third pack is laid out in a row, the second [Pg 30] [Pg 31] [Pg 32] [Pg 33] next, and the first last, and all that is hidden is said to be shown you, counting three, seven and five from each row, beginning with the significator. Now two are taken from end to end and read till twelve are obtained; they are put on one side; then the rest are gone on with from end to end until all are exhausted. Then they are all taken up, including the twelve that were put aside, shuffled, the two first and last are taken off. These three form "the surprise"; then parcels of four are dealt, beginning with the first; they are all read in rotation and the small "surprise" last. METHOD I. The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled, cut in three, and the meanings ascribed to the cut are explained. Then they are laid in rows of five till the whole pack is exhausted, except the two last, which are useless. The first row is to represent "the person for whom you are acting"; the second, "the house"; the third, "your wish"; the fourth, "the surprise," and the fifth, "what is supposed to come true." The first ten are now read lengthwise, the others in the same manner till the fifth row has been explained; then they are taken from end to end, each pair being interpreted as arrived at. In this case there is no significator, as the first row is supposed to stand for what will happen immediately to the consultant. They are all gathered together, shuffled and cut, and laid in packets of three. The consultor is desired to choose one of the three parcels, and that is laid out first and explained; then follow each of the other two, which must be also read in the same manner. METHOD J. The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut by the person consulting. They are cut in three and the meanings interpreted. Then they are laid out in rows of sevens, leaving the three last, which are not to be used. Then nine are counted every way, from the significator backwards and forwards, from left to right, and from right to left, up and down, always returning to the significator, then crossways from end to end. Then they are paired from corner to corner, each card being explained as it is arrived at, noticing if there should be any pairs, triplets, etc., amongst them. Then they are gathered up and shuffled well, then they are dealt in two packets, the consultant being desired to choose one. The one taken is supposed to represent the past and present, the other the future. They are laid out and read pretty much as before. METHOD K. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut, and divided thus:—Every seven, nine and five are to be removed and put on one side. The six of clubs, the eight and ten of diamonds are to be withdrawn and put in a place by themselves. Then the rest are shuffled and five cards laid out face upwards till the pack is exhausted. It will now be found there are seven rows of five cards each, and two remaining; these two are placed with the nines, sevens and fives, to be used later. These cards are read, counting seven every way from the significator, then gathered together, shuffled and cut, the first group (seven in number) being first of all withdrawn, which must be added to the nines, sevens and fives already withdrawn. There will now be four groups of seven cards each. The first must be read, the second put aside, the third explained, and the fourth laid by. The second and fourth are left out entirely and not used. The nines, sevens and fives and the first group you have withdrawn are shuffled, cut in two packets, and laid out on the table before the dealer. If two red nines appear close together, it is taken to show honor, dignity and joy; if two red sevens and two red fives side by side, great and unexpected good luck, a legacy or money that you don't anticipate; if two red fives and the nine of hearts are near each other, a marriage of affection; if with the seven of diamonds, a moneyed marriage, but of love; if two red fives and two black sevens, a marriage for money which will turn out unhappily; if two red sevens and two red fives, and the nine of hearts appear, it is supposed to be the greatest and happiest prognostic you can have, whether married or single—luck, pleasure, money; if two black sevens and two black fives appear, it is considered very evil, and if accompanied by the nine of spades, unhappiness in marriage, divorce, scandal and sometimes violence caused through drink; if the eight of spades should be amongst those withdrawn and turn up with the aforesaid cards, violent death by murder or accident. It is taken to be the worst combination in the pack. These cards (viz: the nines, sevens and fives, and those which have been withdrawn from the group of fives) are laid in rows of sevens, counting seven every way from the significator; then the extreme ends are taken and paired, being read as they turn up. Next the whole is shuffled, including the six of clubs and the eight and ten of diamonds. These three cards are the index. Wherever they appear they are supposed to show good luck, happiness and prosperity; if they should happen between exceptionally bad cards, the luck is over, or marred through malignity; but as a rule they are taken to import great joy. The evil combination is thus: If the six of clubs is surrounded with spades, or the eight or ten of diamonds are between two black fives and the two black sevens are near, then the best laid scheme will come to nought; but if they are surrounded by the nine of hearts and nine of diamonds, then it is a very good omen. The eight and ten of diamonds are supposed to be extremely good if there are three or four nines to follow them, for then the nine of spades loses its evil significance, and should the seven of diamonds and seven of hearts follow, a good marriage and happiness; or, if the person is married, new prosperity or riches for the husband or sometimes the birth of an heir. METHOD L. [Pg 34] [Pg 35] [Pg 36] [Pg 37] The pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled and cut, and divided into two equal heaps. One of these is chosen by the consultant. Having decided this, the other heap is left alone; it is not to be used. The person consulting is now desired to shuffle the twenty-six cards remaining, cutting in three, the meanings being read as they turn up. They are now dealt in three packs, which are laid out in rows of eight, the last card to be left out, as that forms "the surprise." Four cards are now counted from the significator, which, should it not be in the pack chosen, must be abstracted and put at the end. When these have been fully explained, the same maneuver is repeated twice, in all three times, one card being always taken out for "the surprise." "The surprise" is turned up when those cards before the dealer have been examined and explained. Then they are all gathered together, and, after being shuffled and cut, they are turned up by fours. If a sequence should come up, such as six and seven, or six, seven and eight of any suit, they are taken out. If four of a suit, the lowest is taken out. This is only to be done once. These are now laid out in a row before the dealer and read from left to right, always taking note that the significator is amongst them, and counting four as above described. Then the two cards are taken from each extremity and each couple explained till all are exhausted. METHOD M. A pack of fifty-two cards is taken, shuffled well and cut. Then it is divided into three equal parcels of seventeen cards each, and one over for "the surprise," which is to be laid aside. The first three cards of each packet is taken, and each three is put apart. That will leave fourteen in each group. The first and third packets of fourteen are taken up, the middle one being put aside. These are now laid out in four rows of seven, being sure that the significator is amongst them; or else the card which is supposed to represent the thoughts of the person consulting you, viz: the jack, may be counted from. Six are now counted, beginning from the next card to the significator; and after every sixth card, that card is not counted as one, but the following one. When these have been explained, which must be done till the significator is returned to, they are paired from end to end, and read as arrived at; then they are gathered together, shuffled and cut, and divided again into two groups of fourteen. These are not laid out again, but two being merely extracted from each of these, not forgetting the middle one, and adding them to the three packets of three placed on one side. The middle one is now taken up, shuffled well, and four cards taken from it, two from the top and two from the bottom, and added to the one put aside to form "the surprise." There are now four packs of five cards each:—One for the "consultant" and one for the "house," one for "what is sure to come true," and one for "the surprise." These are laid out in front of the dealer and read from left to right in rotation. THE PREFERRED ORACLE—WITH 32 CARDS We now come to the most important and approved method of telling fortunes by cards, the method preferred and practiced in nearly all countries. This widely accepted method requires but 32 cards of the 52 found in the pack, consisting of eight cards of each suit, as follows: Ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven only. To these may be added, in some cases, the Consultant card, concerning which we have spoken earlier in this work. To enable this oracle to be read with an intelligent and proper understanding it is important that one be fully informed as to all the possible values or interpretations of the cards, singly and in combination. Hence we shall devote a number of pages to these definitions in very complete form before proceeding to elucidate for you the various methods of dealing, laying and reading the cards. We give first the simple and primary meanings, followed in detail by their secondary or synonymical meanings, the whole constituting a valuable work of reference for all who practice the art, enabling them to give a full, fair and wise reading of every possible "fall" of the cards. The primary meanings, while sufficient for the amateur, will soon be seen by the student to be lacking in that completeness and flexibility demanded by the adept. Their natural amplification into their secondary and more extended definitions gives the interpreter the fullest scope to exercise his powers of reading any possible layout of the cards intelligently, and with satisfaction both to himself and to the person consulting the oracle. DICTIONARY OF PRIMARY DEFINITIONS Used in Interpreting the 32-Card Method of Telling Fortunes. Diamonds. KING Upright—Marriage. A military man. A man of fidelity. A dignitary of the state. A very fair person. A man of tact and cunning. Reversed—A country gentleman. A difficulty concerning marriage or business. Threatened danger, caused through the machination of a man in position or office. [Pg 38] [Pg 39] [Pg 40] [Pg 41] [Pg 42] QUEEN Upright—A blonde female. A lady resident in the country. A woman given to gossiping and scandal. Reversed—A country gentlewoman. A malignant female, who seeks to foment disadvantage to the consultant, and who is to be greatly feared. JACK Upright—A country man. A young man of light complexion, of a lower grade in society. A messenger. Postman. A tale-bearing servant, or unfaithful friend. Reversed—A servant. An intermeddler, who will be the cause of mischief. A messenger bearing ill- news. ACE Upright—The ace of diamonds, whether upright or reversed, signifies a letter, a petition, a note, a paper, a document. Reversed—The ace of diamonds, reversed or upright, designates a letter to be shortly received, a petition, a note, a paper, or a document. TEN Upright—The ten of diamonds, either upright or reversed, represents coin, gold, water, the sea, a foreign city, and change of locality. Reversed—The ten of diamonds, whether reversed or upright, designates bullion, coin, gold, water, the ocean, a foreign city, a journey and change in locality. NINE Upright—Enterprise. Separation. Advantage. Reversed—Delay. Annoyance. Poverty. A family feud, or a quarrel among intimate friends. EIGHT Upright—The country. Riches. Love-making overtures. Reversed—Sorrow. Motion. Wealth. Satire. Mockery, and foolish scandal. SEVEN Upright—Present intentions. Good news. Reversed—Birth. Contrariness. Vexation. In a great measure. Hearts. KING Upright—A blonde man. A lawyer. A man of repute, and remarkable for superior qualities. A person of generosity. Reversed—A very fair man. A tutor. A man in anger. Great disappointment. QUEEN Upright—A blonde female. A faithful friend. A mild, amiable lady. Reversed—A very fair female. Impediment to marriage. Obstacle to success in business and general affairs. A woman crossed in love. JACK Upright—A blonde young man. A young soldier or sailor. A traveler. A gay young bachelor, dreaming chiefly of his pleasures. Reversed—A very fair young man. A dissipated bachelor. A discontented military man. A politician out of office. ACE Upright—The house. A repast. Festivity. A love letter. Agreeable intelligence. Reversed—A friend's visit. Forced or constrained enjoyment. TEN Upright—The city. Envious people. Reversed—An inheritance. A surprise. NINE [Pg 43] [Pg 44] [Pg 45] Upright—Victory. Happiness. Triumph. Union. Harmony. Work. Trade. A present. Reversed—Weariness. Ennui. A passing trouble. Curiosity. Encumbrance. EIGHT Upright—The affection of a fair young lady. Success in your hopes. Nourishment. Food. Board. Reversed—A very fair maiden. Excessive joy. A young woman's indifference to love advances. SEVEN Upright—The thoughts. A weapon. A jewel. Reversed—Desire. A parcel. Spades. KING Upright—A dark complexioned man. A gentleman of some learned profession. A judge. Advocate. Surgeon. Physician. A literary man. Reversed—A widower. A man in wrath or with a malignant disposition. An envious man. Dishonest lawyer. A quack. An enemy. A general failure in all your anticipations. QUEEN Upright—A dark complexioned woman. A widow. A lady of some learned profession. Reversed—A widow seeking to marry again. A dangerous and malicious woman. A fast female. Difficulty. Derangement as to marriage. JACK Upright—A dark complexioned bachelor. An envoy. An ill-bred fellow. A messenger. Reversed—An inquisitive, impertinent interloper. A man plotting mischief. A spy. Pursuit. Treason in love affairs. ACE Upright—Abandonment. A document. Reversed—Pregnancy. Abandonment. Grief. Distressing intelligence. TEN...

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