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PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 TAX RELIEF AND HEALTH CARE ACT OF 2006 CMS Library C2-07-13 7500 Security Blvd. Saitlmore, Maiy^n6 21244 ; 120 STAT. 2922 PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 Public Law 109-432 109th Congress An Act Dec. 20, 2006 ToamendtheInternalRevenueCodeof1986toextendexpiringprovisions,and [H.R. 6111] forotherpurposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of TaxReliefand the UnitedStatesofAmerica in Congressassembled, Hofea2l00t6h.CareAct SECTION1.SHORTTITLE,ETC. | 26use 1note. (a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the "Tax Rehef | andHealth CareActof2006". I i (b) Table of Contents.—The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Shorttitle, etc. DIVISIONA—EXTENSIONAND EXPANSIONOFCERTAINTAXRELIEF j PROVISIONS,AND OTHERTAXPROVISIONS Sec. 100. Reference. TITLE I—EXTENSIONANDMODIFICATIONOFCERTAINPROVISIONS Sec. 101. Deductionforquahfiedtuitionandrelatedexpenses. Sec. 102. Extensionandmodificationofnewmarketstaxcredit. Sec. 103. ElectiontodeductState andlocalgeneral salestaxes. Sec. 104. Extensionandmodificationofresearchcredit. Sec. 105. Workopportunitytaxcreditandwelfare-to-workcredit. Sec. 106. Election to include combat pay as earned income for purposes ofearned incomecredit. Sec. 107. Extensionandmodificationofqualifiedzone academybonds. Sec. 108. Above-the-hne deduction for certain expenses of elementary and sec- ondaryschoolteachers. Sec. 109. Extension and expansion of expensing ofbrownfields remediation costs. Sec. 110. TaxincentivesforinvestmentintheDistrictofColimibia. Sec. 111. Indianemploymentt£ixcredit. Sec. 112. AccelerateddepreciationforbusinesspropertyonIndianreservations. Sec. 113. Fifteen-year straight-line cost recovery for qualified leasehold improve- ments andqualifiedrestaurantproperty. Sec. 114. Coveroveroftaxondistilledspirits. Sec. 115. Parityinapplicationofcertainlimitstomentalhealthbenefits. Sec. 116. Corporate donations of scientific property used for research and ofcom- putertechnologyandequipment. Sec. 117. Availabilityofmedical savings accounts. Sec. 118. Taxable income limit on percentage depletion for oil and natural gas pro- ducedfi'ommarginalproperties. Sec. 119. AmericanSamoaeconomicdevelopmentcredit. Sec. 120. Extension of bonus depreciation for certain qualified Gulf Opportunity Zone property. Sec. 121. Authorityforundercoveroperations. Sec. 122. Disclosures ofcertaintaxreturninformation. Sec. 123. Specialruleforelectionsunderexpiredprovisions. TITLE II—ENERGYTAXPROVISIONS Sec. 201. Creditforelectricityproducedfromcertainrenewableresources. Sec. 202. Credittoholdersofcleanrenewableenergybonds. Sec. 203. Performance standards for sulfur dioxide removal in advanced coal-based generationtechnologyimits designedtouse subbitimiinouscoal. ]i PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 120 STAT. 2923 'llSec. 204. Deductionforenergyefficientcommercialbuildings. Sec. 205. Creditfornewenergyefficienthomes. iSec. 206. Creditforresidential energyefficientproperty. ,Sec. 207. Energycredit. Sec. 208. Specialruleforqualifiedmethanolorethanolfuel. : Sec. 209. Special depreciation allowance for cellulosic biomass ethanol plant prop- erty. Sec. 210. Expenditures permitted from the Leaking Underground Storage Tank 1 TrustFund. Sec. 211. Treatmentofcoke andcoke gas. 1 TITLE III—HEALTH SAVINGSACCOUNTS i , SSeecc.. 330012.. FShSoArtatnidtleH.RAterminationstofundHSAs. : Sec. 303. Repeal ofannual deductiblelimitationonHSAcontributions. j Sec. 304. Modificationofcost-of-livingadjustment. ! Sec. 305. Contributionlimitationnotreducedforpart-yearcoverage. , Sec. 306. Exception to requirement for employers to make comparable health sav- ings accountcontributions. Sec. 307. One-time distributionfrom individualretirementplanstofundHSAs. TITLE IV—OTHERPROVISIONS foc>ec. 401. Deduction allowable with respect to income attributable to domestic pro- duction activitiesinPuertoRico. Sec. 402. Credit for prior year minimum tax liability made refundable after period ofyears. Sec. 403. Returns requiredinconnectionwithcertainoptions. Sec. 404. Partial expensingforadvancedmine safetyequipment. Sec. 405. Minerescueteamtrainingtax credit. Sec. 406. Whistleblowerreforms. Sec. 407. Frivolous tax submissions. Sec. 408. Addition of meningococcal and human papillomavirus vaccines to list of taxablevaccines. Sec. 409. Clarificationoftaxationofcertain settlementfunds made permanent. Sec. 410. Modification ofactive business definition under section 355 made perma- nent. Sec. 411. RevisionofStateveteranslimitmade permanent. bee. 412. Capital gains treatment for certain self-created musical works made per- manent. Sec. 413. Reduction in minimum vessel tonnage which qualifies for tonnage tax made permanent. Sec. 414. Modification ofspecial arbitrage rule for certain funds made permanent. Sec. 415. Great Lakes domestic shipping to not disqualify vessel from tonnage tax. bee. 416. Use ofqualified mortgage Donds to finance residences for veterans with- outregardtofirst-timehomebuyerrequirement. Sec. 417. Exclusion ofgain from sale ofa principal residence by certain employees ofthe intelligence community. Sec. 418. Sale ofpropertybyjudicial officers. Sec. 419. Premiumsformortgageinsurance. Sec. 420. Modificationofrefundsforkeroseneusedin aviation. Sec. 421. Regional income tax agencies treated as States for purposes ofconfiden- tialityanddisclosurerequirements. Sec. 422. Designationofwinesbysemi-genericnames. Sec. 423. Modificationofrailroadtrackmaintenance credit. Sec. 424. Modification ofexcise tax on unrelated business taxable income ofchari- tableremaindertrusts. Sec. 425. Loanstoqualifiedcontinuingcarefacilitiesmade permanent. Sec. 426. Technicalcorrections. DIVISIONB—MEDICAREAND OTHERHEALTHPROVISIONS 1. Shorttitle ofdivision. TITLE I—MEDICARE IMPROVED QUALITYANDPROVIDERPAYMENTS 101. Physicianpa5Tiientandqualityimprovement. 102. ExtensionofflooronMedicareworkgeographic adjustment. 103. Update to the composite rate component ofthe basic case-mix adjusted prospectivepaymentsystemfordialysis services. 2. 104. Extension of treatment of certain physician pathology services under Medicare. z. 105. ExtensionofMedicarereasonable costspaymentsforcertain clinical diag- nostic laboratory tests furnished to hospital patients in certain rural areas. 120 STAT. 2924 PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 Sec. 106. HospitalMedicarereports andclarifications. Sec. 107. Pa5anentforbrachytnerapy. Sec. 108. Paymentprocessunderthe competitive acquisitionprogram(CAP). Sec. 109. Qualityreportingforhospital outpatient services andambiilatory surgical centerservices. Sec. 110. Reporting of anemia quality indicators for Medicare part B cancer anti- anemiadrugs. Sec. 111. Clarificationofhospice satellite designation. TITLE II—MEDICARE BENEFICIARYPROTECTIONS Sec. 201. Extensionofexceptionsprocess forMedicaretherapycaps. Sec. 202. Pa5anentforadministrationofpartDvaccines. Sec. 203. OIGstudyofneverevents. Sec. 204. Medicaremedicalhome demonstrationproject. Sec. 205. MedicareDRAtechnicalcorrections. Sec. 206. Limited continuous open enrollment of original medicare fee-for-service enrolleesintoMedicareAdvantage non-prescription drugplans. TITLE III—MEDICARE PROGRAMINTEGRITYEFFORTS Sec. 301. OffsettingadjustmentinMedicareAdvantage StabilizationFund. Sec. 302. Extension and expansion ofrecovery audit contractor program under the MedicareIntegrityProgram. Sec. 303. FundingfortheHealthCareFraud andAbuse ControlAccount. Sec. 304. Implementationfunding. TITLE IV—MEDICAIDAND OTHERHEALTHPROVISIONS Sec. 401. Extension ofTransitional Medical Assistance (TMA) and abstinence edu- cationprogram. Sec. 402. Grantsforresearchonvaccine againstValleyFever. Sec. 403. Change in threshold for Medicaid indirect hold harmless provision of broad-basedhealthcare taxes. Sec. 404. DSH allotmentsforfiscalyear2007forTennessee andHawaii. Sec. 405. CertainMedicaidDRAtechnical corrections. DIVISIONC—OTHERPROVISIONS TITLE I—GULFOFMEXICO ENERGYSECURITY Sec. 101. Shorttitle. Sec. 102. Definitions. Sec. 103. Offshore oil and gas leasing in 181 Area and 181 south Area of Gulfof Mexico. Sec. 104. Moratoriumonoil andgasleasingincertainareas ofGulfofMexico. Sec. 105. Disposition ofqualified outer Continental Shelfrevenues fi'om 181 Area, 181 southArea, and2002-2007planningareas ofGulfofMexico. TITLE II—SURFACE MININGCONTROLANDRECLAMATIONACT AMENDMENTS OF2006 Sec. 200. Shorttitle. — SubtitleA ^MiningControl andReclamation Sec. 201. AbandonedMine ReclamationFund andpurposes. Sec. 202. Reclamationfee. Sec. 203. Objectives ofFund. Sec. 204. Reclamationofruralland. Sec. 205. Liens. Sec. 206. Certification. Sec. 207. Reminingincentives. Sec. 208. Extension of limitation on application of prohibition on issuance of per- mit. Sec, 209. Tribalregulationofsurfacecoalminingandreclamationoperations. — Subtitle B Coal IndustryRetiree HealthBenefitAct Sec. 211. Certain related persons and successors in interest relieved ofliability if premiums prepaid. Sec. 212. Transfers tofunds; premiumrelief. Sec. 213. Otherprovisions. TITLE III—WHITE PINE COUNTYCONSERVATION, RECREATION,AND DEVELOPMENT Sec. 301. Authorization ofappropriations. PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 120 STAT. 2925 Sec. 302. Shorttitle. Sec. 303. Definitions. SubtitleA—LandDisposal Sec. 311. ConveyanceofWhitePine County, Nevada, land. Sec. 312. Dispositionofproceeds. — Subtitle B WildernessAreas Sec. 321. Shorttitle. Sec. 322. Findings. Sec. 323. AdditionstoNationalWildernessPreservation System. Sec. 324. Administration. Sec. 325. Adjacentmanagement. Sec. 326. Militaryoverflights. Sec. 327. NativeAmericancultural andreligioususes. Sec. 328. Release ofwilderness studyareas. Sec. 329. Wildlifemanagement. Sec. 330. Wildfire, insect, anddisease management. Sec. 331. Climatological datacollection. — Subtitle C Transfers ofAdministrativeJurisdiction Sec. 341. TransfertotheUnited StatesFish andWildlife Service. Sec. 342. Transfertothe BureauofLandManagement. Sec. 343. Transfertothe ForestService. Sec. 344. Availabilityofmap andlegal descriptions. — Subtitle D Public Conveyances Sec. 351. Conveyancetothe State ofNevada. Sec. 352. Conveyance toWhite Pine County, Nevada. E— Subtitle SilverState Off-HighwayVehicle Trail Sec. 355. SilverState off-highwayvehicletrail. SubtitleF—TransferofLandtoBe HeldinTrustforthe Ely Shoshone Tribe. Sec. 361. Transferoflandtobeheldintrustforthe ElyShoshoneTribe. — Subtitle G EasternNevada Landscape RestorationProject. Sec. 371. Findings; purposes. Sec. 372. Definitions. Sec. 373. Restorationproject. SubtitleH—^Amendments tothe SouthernNevadaPublicLandManagementActof 1998 Sec. 381. Findings. Sec. 382. Availabilityofspecial account. — Subtitle I ^Amendmentstothe LincolnCountyConservation, Recreation, and DevelopmentActof2004 Sec. 391. Dispositionofproceeds. — SubtitleJ ^AllAmericanCanalProjects Sec. 395. AllAmericanCanalLiningProject. Sec. 396. Regulated storagewaterfacility. Sec. 397. Applicationoflaw. TITLE IV—OTHERPROVISIONS Sec. 401. Tobaccopersonaluse quantityexceptiontonotapplyto deliverysales. Sec. 402. EthanolTariffSchedule. Sec. 403. Withdrawal ofcertain Federal land and interests in certain Federal land from location, entry, and patent under the mining laws and disposition underthemineral andgeothermalleasinglaws. Sec. 404. Continuing eligibility for certain students under District of Columbia School ChoiceProgram. Sec. 405. StudyonEstablishingUniformNationalDatabase onElderAbuse. Sec. 406. Temporarydutyreductionsforcertaincottonshirtingfabric. Sec. 407. CottonTrustFund. — 120 STAT. 2926 PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 Sec. 408. Tax court review ofrequests for equitable relieffromjoint and several li- ability. DIVISIOND—TEMPORARILYMODIFY CERTAINRATES OF DUTYAND MAKE OTHER TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS TO THE TRADE LAWS, EXTEND CER- TAINTRADE PREFERENCE PROGRAMS,AND OTHERPURPOSES Sec. 1. Table ofcontents. TITLE I—TARIFFPROVISIONS Sec. 1001. Reference; expiredprovisions. — SubtitleA ^NewDutySuspensions andReductions Chapter 1 NewDutySuspensions Sec. 1111. Diethyl sulfate. Sec. 1112. Sorafenib. Sec. 1113. Prohexadionecalcium. Sec. 1114. Methylmethoxyacetate. Sec. 1115. Methoxyacetic acid. Sec. 1116. N-Methylpiperidine. Sec. 1117. Quincloractechnical. Sec. 1118. Pyridaben. Sec. 1119. Certainrubberorplasticfootwear. Sec. 1120. Sodiumortho-phenylphenol. Sec. 1121. Certainchemical. Sec. 1122. Baypure CX. Sec. 1123. Isoeicosane. Sec. 1124. Isododecane. Sec. 1125. Isohexadecane. Sec. 1126. Aminoguanidinebicarbonate. Sec. 1127. o-Chlorotoluene. Sec. 1128. BaydermbottomDLV-N. Sec. 1129. 2,3-Dichloronitrobenzene. Sec. 1130. l-Methoxy-2-propanol. Sec. 1131. BasicRed 1 dye. Sec. 1132. BasicRed 1:1 dye. Sec. 1133. BasicViolet 11 dye. Sec. 1134. BasicViolet 11:1 dye. Sec. 1135. N-Cyclohexylthiophthalimide. Sec. 1136. 4,4'-Dithiodimorpholine. Sec. 1137. Tetraethylthiuramdisulfide. Sec. 1138. Certaintetramethylthiuram disulfide. Sec. 1139. Certain aerosolvalves. Sec. 1140. 4-Methyl-5-n-propoxy-2,4-dihydro-l,2,4-triazol-3-one. Sec. 1141. Ethoxyquin. Sec. 1142. Tricholorobenzene. Sec. 1143. Benzoic acid, 3,4,5-trihydroxy-, propyl ester. Sec. 1144. 2-Cyanopyridine. Sec. 1145. Mixedxylidines. Sec. 1146. Certain reception apparatus not containing a clock or clocktimer, incor- AM poratingonly radio. Sec. 1147. PigmentYellow219. Sec. 1148. PigmentBlue 80. Sec. 1149. l-Oxa-3, 20-diazadispiro-[ heneicosan-21-one 2,2,4,4- tetramethyl-,hydrochloride, reaction products with epichloro-hydrin, hydrolyzedandpolymerized. Sec. 1150. Isobutylparahydroxybenzoic acid andits sodiimi salt. Sec. 1151. Phosphinic acid, diethyl-, aluminum salt. Sec. 1152. ExolitOP 1312. Sec. 1153. Sodiumh3T)ophosphite. Sec. 1154. Cyanuricchloride. Sec. 1155. Certainleatherfootwearforpersons otherthanmenorwomen. Sec. 1156. Certain otherworkfootwear. Sec. 1157. Certainturn orturnedfootwear. Sec. 1158. Certain workfootwearwithouter soles ofleather. Sec. 1159. Certain footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics and with open toes orheels. Sec. 1160. Certain athleticfootwear. Sec. 1161. Certainworkfootwear. Sec. 1162. Certain footwear. Sec. 1163. 1-Naphthyl methylcarbamate. . PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 120 STAT. 2927 Sec. 1164. Certain 16-mchvariable speedscroll sawmachines. Sec. 1165. 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyae. Sec. 1166. 2-Aminothiophenol. Sec. 1167. SolventRed 227. Sec. 1168. Mixturesofformaldehyde polymerandtoluene. Sec. 1169. l,2-Bis(3-aminopropyl)ethylenediamine, polymer with N-butyl-2,2,6,6- tetramethyl-4-piperidinamine and 2,4,6-trlchloro-l,3,5-triazine. Sec. 1170. Mixture of barium carbonate, strontium carbonate, calcium carbonate, methoxy-2-propananolacetate-l, for use as emitter suspension cathode coating. Sec. 1171. Resincement. Sec. 1172. Phosphoryox, yttriumoxidephosphor, activatedbyeuropium. Sec. 1173. Phosphor-bag-bariummagnesium aluminate phosphor. Sec. 1174. Yttriumvanadate phosphor. Sec. 1175. Phosphorscap strontium chloroapatite-europium. Sec. 1176. Phosphorzinc silicate. Sec. 1177. Strontiummagnesiumphosphate-tin doped. Sec. 1178. Phosphor-yof flu pdr yox; yttrium oxide phosphor, activated by euro- pium. Sec. 1179. Calciumchloridephosphate phosphor. Sec. 1180. Ceramicfritpowder. Sec. 1181. Phosphorlitewhite andphosphorbluehalo. Sec. 1182. Phosphor-sca, strontiumhalophosphate dopedwitheuropium. Sec. 1183. Phosphor-cool white small particle calciumhalophosphate phosphor acti- vatedbymanganese and antimony. Sec. 1184. Phosphor lap lanthanum phosphate phosphor, activated by cerium and terbium. Sec. 1185. Kashmir. Sec. 1186. Certain articles ofplatinum. Sec. 1187. Nickel alloywire. Sec. 1188. Titaniummononitride. Sec. 1189. High accuracy, metal, marine sextants, used for navigating by celestial bodies. Sec. 1190. Electricallyoperatedpencil sharpeners. Sec. 1191. Valve assemblies (vacuumrelief). Sec. 1192. Seals, aerodynamic, fireproof. Sec. 1193. Wingilluminationlights. Sec. 1194. Exterioremergencylights. Sec. 1195. Magnesiumperoxide. Sec. 1196. Certainfootwearotherthanformen. Sec. 1197. Grass shearswithrotatingblade. Sec. 1198. Cerium sulfidepigments. Sec. 1199. Kresoximmethyl. Sec. 1200. 4-pieceor5-piecefireplacetools ofironorsteel. Sec. 1201. RSD 1235. Sec. 1202. MCPB acidandMCPB sodiumsalt. Sec. 1203. GibberelHcacid. Sec. 1204. Triphenyltinhydroxide. Sec. 1205. BromoxjTiiloctonoate. Sec. 1206. Methyl3-(trifluoromethyl)benzoate. Sec. 1207. 4-(Trifluoromethoxy)phenylisocyanate. Sec. 1208. 4-Methylbenzonitrile. Sec. 1209. Diaminodecane. Sec. 1210. Certaincompoundsoflanthanumphosphates. Sec. 1211. Certaincompoundsofyttriumeuropiumoxide coprecipitates. Sec. 1212. Certaincompounds oflanthanum, cerium, andterbiumphosphates. Sec. 1213. Certaincompounds of3rttriumceriumphosphates. Sec. 1214. Canned,boiledoysters,notsmoked. Sec. 1215. Boots. Sec. 1216. Vinylidene chloride-methylmethacrylate-acrylonitrile copolymer. Sec. 1217. 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-, oxidized, polymerized, reduced hydrolyzed. Sec. 1218. l-Propene,l,l,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-oxidized, polymerized. Sec. 1219. 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-, telomer with chlorotrifluoroethene, oxidized, reduced, ethyl ester, hydrolyzed. Sec. 1220. Infiraredabsorbingdye. Sec. 1221. 1,1,2-2-Tetrafluoroethene, oxidized, pol5rmerized. Sec. 1222. Methoxycarbonyl-terminated perfluorinated polyoxymethylene- polyoxyethylene Sec. 1223. Ethene, tetrafluoro, oxidized, polymerized, reduced, decarboxylated. Sec. 1224. Ethene, tetrafluoro, oxidized, polymerized reduced, methyl esters, re- duced, ethoxylated. 120 STAT. 2928 PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 Sec. 1225. Oxiranemethanol, polymers with reduced methyl esters of reduced po- lymerizedoxidizedtetrafluoroethylene. Sec. 1226. Ethene, tetrafluoro, oxidized, polymerized reduced, methyl esters, re- duced. Sec. 1227. Certainlight-absorbingphotodyes. Sec. 1228. Certain specialtymonomers. Sec. 1229. SuspensionofdutyonexoflexFBX7011. Sec. 1230. Triphenylphosphine. Sec. 1231. Certaingolfbagbodies. Sec. 1232. Dichlorprop-p acid, dichlorprop-p dimethylamine salt, and dichlorprop-p 2-ethylhexylester. Sec. 1233. 2,4-db acidand2,4-db dimethylamine salt. Sec. 1234. Filamentfibertowofrayon. Sec. 1235. Parts for use in the manufacture of certain high-performance loud- speakers. Sec. 1236. Certainplasticlamp-holderhousings containingsockets. Sec. 1237. Certainporcelainlamp-holderhousings containingsockets. Sec. 1238. Certain aluminumlamp-holderhousings containingsockets. Sec. 1239. Certainbrass lamp-holderhousings containingsockets. Sec. 1240. Staplefibers ofviscoserayon, notcarded. Sec. 1241. Staplefibers ofrayon, carded, combed, orotherwiseprocessed. Sec. 1242. MiniDVDcamcorderwith680Kpixel CCD. Sec. 1243. MiniDVD camcorderwith20GHDD. Sec. 1244. Metalhalidelamp. Sec. 1245. Hand-heldelectroniccanopeners. Sec. 1246. Electricknives. Sec. 1247. Toaster ovens with single-slottraditional toaster openingontop ofoven. Sec. 1248. Ice shavers. Sec. 1249. Dual-press sandwichmakers withfloatingupperlidandlock. Sec. 1250. Electricjuice extractors greater than 300 watts but less than 400 watts. Sec. 1251. Electricjuice extractorsnotlessthan800watts. Sec. 1252. Open-top electricindoorgrills. Sec. 1253. Automatic dripcoffeemakers otherthanthose withclocks. ^ Sec. 1254. Automatic drip coffeemakerswithelectronicclocks. Sec. 1255. Electricunder-the-cabinetmountingcanopeners. Sec. 1256. Dimethylmalonate. Sec. 1257. Lightweightdigitalcameralenses. Sec. 1258. Digitalzoomcameralenses. Sec. 1259. Colorflatpanel screenmonitors. Sec. 1260. Colormonitorswithavideo displaydiagonalof35.56 cmorgreater. Sec. 1261. Colormonitors. Sec. 1262. Blackandwhite monitors. Sec. 1263. 6Vlead-acid storagebatteries. Sec. 1264. Zirconylchloride. Sec. 1265. NaphtholAS-CA. Sec. 1266. NaphtholAS-KB. Sec. 1267. BasicViolet 1. Sec. 1268. BasicBlue 7. Sec. 1269. 3-Amino-4-methylbenzamide. Sec. 1270. Acetoacetyl-2,5-dimethoxy-4-chloroanilide. Sec. 1271. Phenyl salicylate (benzoicacid, 2-hydroxy-, phenylester). Sec. 1272. Syntheticindigopowder. Sec. 1273. l,3,5-Triazine-2,4-diamine, 6-[2-(2-methyl-lH-imidazol-l-yl)ethyl]-. Sec. 1274. 50/50 Mixture of l,3,5-triazine-2,4,6(lH,3H,5H)-trione, l,3,5-tris[(2r)- oxiranylmethyl]- and l,3,5,-triazine-2,4,6(lH,3H,5H)-trione, 1,3,5- tris[(2s)-oxiranylmethyl]-. Sec. 1275. 9H-Thioxanthene-2-carboxaldehyde, 9-oxo-, 2-(o-acetyloxime). Sec. 1276. IH-Imidazole, 2-ethyl-4-methyl-. Sec. 1277. lH-Imidazole-4-methanol, 5-methyl-2-phenyl-. Sec. 1278. 4-Cyclohexene-l,2-dicarboxylic acid, compd. With l,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-tri- amine (1:1). Sec. 1279. l,3,5,-Triazine-2,4-diamine,6-[2-(2-undecyl-lH-imidazol-l-yl)ethyl]-. Sec. 1280. Certain footwearvalued over $20 a pairwithcoated orlaminated textile fabrics. Sec. 1281. Certainwomen'sfootwearwithcoatedorlaminatedtextile fabrics. Sec. 1282. Certainmen's footwearwith coated orlaminatedtextile fabrics. Sec. 1283. Certain men's footwear valued over $20 a pair with coated or laminated textilefabrics. Sec. 1284. Certain women's footwear valued over $20 a pair with coated or lami- natedtextile fabrics. Sec. 1285. Certain other footwear valued over $20 a pair with coated or laminated textilefabrics. PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 120 STAT. 2929 Sec. 1286. Certainfootwearwith coatedorlaminatedtextilefabrics. Sec. 1287. Certain other footwear covering the £inkle with coated or laminated tex- tilefabrics. Sec. 1288. Certain women's footwear covering the ankle with coated or laminated textilefabrics. Sec. 1289. Certain women's footwear not covering the ankle with coated or lami- natedtextilefabrics. Sec. 1290. Felt-bottomboots foruseinfishingwaders. Sec. 1291. Lugbottomboots foruseinfishingwaders. Sec. 1292. Certainparts andaccessoriesformeasuringorcheckinginstruments. Sec. 1293. Certainprintedcircuit assemblies. Sec. 1294. Certain subassemblies for measuringequipmentfortelecommunications. Sec. 1295. Chloroneb. Sec. 1296. p-Nitrobenzoic acid(PNBA). Sec. 1297. Allylpentaerythritol (APE). Sec. 1298. Butyl ethylpropanediol(BEP). Sec. 1299. BEPD70L. Sec. 1300. Boltom-1 (bolt-1). Sec. 1301. Boltom-2 (bolt-2). Sec. 1302. CyclicTMPformal (CTF). Sec. 1303. DITMP. Sec. 1304. PolyolDPP(DPP). Sec. 1305. HydroxypivaHc acid(HPA). Sec. 1306. TMPDE. Sec. 1307. TMPME. Sec. 1308. TMPoxetane (TMPC). Sec. 1309. TMPO ethoxylate(TMPOE). Sec. 1310. Amyl-anthraquinone. Sec. 1311. T-butyl acrylate. Sec. 1312. 3-Cyclohexene-l-carboxylic acid, 6-[(di-2-propenylamino)carbonyl]-, rel- (1R,6R)-, reaction products with pentafluoroiodoethane-tetrafluoro- ethylenetelomer, ammoniimi salt. Sec. 1313. Mixtures of phosphate ammonium salt derivatives of a fluorochemical. Sec. 1314. l-(3H)-isobenzofuranone, 3,3-bis(2-methyl-l-octyl-lH-indol-3-yl)-. Sec. 1315. Mixture of poly[[6-[(l,l,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)amino]-l,3,5-triazine-2,4- diyl] [2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)imino]-l,6-hexanediyl[(2,2,6,6- tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)imino]]) and bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4- piperidyl) sebacate. Sec. 1316. Certainbitumen-coatedpolyethylene sleeves specifically designedto pro- tectin-groundwoodposts. Sec. 1317. Nylonwoolpacksusedtopackagewool. Sec. 1318. Magnesiumzinc aluminumhydroxidecarbonatehydrate. Sec. 1319. C12-18 alkenes. Sec. 1320. AcrypetUTIOO. Sec. 1321. 5-Amino-l-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(lR,S)- (trifluoromethyl)-sulfinyl]-lH-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile (Fipronil). Sec. 1322. 2,3-Pyridinedicarboxylic acid. Sec. 1323. Mixtures of2-amino-2,3-dimethylbutylnitrile andtoluene. Sec. 1324. 2,3-Quinolinedicarboxylic acid. Sec. 1325. 3,5-Difluoroanihne. Sec. 1326. Clomazone. Sec. 1327. Chloropivaloylchloride. Sec. 1328. N,N'-Hexane-l,6-diylbis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- hydrox5rphenylpropionamide)). Sec. 1329. ReactiveRed268. Sec. 1330. ReactiveRed270. Sec. 1331. Certainglassthermobulbs. Sec. 1332. Pyriproxyfen. Sec. 1333. Uniconazole-P. Sec. 1334. Bisp5aibac-sodium. Sec. 1335. Dinotefuran. Sec. 1336. Etoxazole. Sec. 1337. Bioallethrin. Sec. 1338. S-Bioallethrin. Sec. 1339. Tetramethrin. Sec. 1340. Tralomethrin. Sec. 1341. Flumiclorac-pentyl. Sec. 1342. l-Propene-2-methylhomopol3rmer. Sec. 1343. Acronal-S-600. Sec. 1344. LucirinTPO. Sec. 1345. SokalanPGIME. Sec. 1346. Lycopene 10percent. 120 STAT. 2930 PUBLIC LAW 109-432—DEC. 20, 2006 Sec. 1347. Mixtures ofCASNos. 181274-15-7 and208465-21-8. Sec. 1348. 2-Methyl-l-[4-(methylthio)phenyl]-2-(4-morpholinyl)-l-propanone. Sec. 1349. 1,6-Hexanediamine, N,N- bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4- piperidinyl)-, poly- mer with 2,4,6-trichloro-l,3,5-triazine, reaction products with n-butyl-1- butanamine andN-butyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinamine. Sec. 1350. VatBlack25. Sec. 1351. AcidOrange 162. Sec. 1352. Methyl sahcylate. Sec. 1353. 1,2-Octanediol. Sec. 1354. Menthoneglycerinacetal. Sec. 1355. Pontamine Green2b. Sec. 1356. Baydermbottom 10UD. Sec. 1357. BaydermfinishDLH. Sec. 1358. LevagardDMPP. Sec. 1359. BaydermbottomDLV. Sec. 1360. Certainethylene-vinylacetate copolymers. Sec. 1361. Cyazofamid. Sec. 1362. Flonicamid. Sec. 1363. Zeta-C5rpermethrin. Sec. 1364. 2-Ethylhexyl4-methoxycinnamate. Sec. 1365. Certainflameretardantplasticizers. Sec. 1366. Baypure DS. Sec. 1367. BayowetC4. Sec. 1368. Certainbicycleparts. Sec. 1369. Othercycles. Sec. 1370. Certainbicycleparts. Sec. 1371. Certainbicycleparts. Sec. 1372. (2-Chloroethyl)phosphonic acid(Ethephon). Sec. 1373. Preparations containing, 2-(l-(((3-chIoro-2-propenyl)oxy)imino)propyl)-5- (2-(ethylthio)propyl)-3-hydroxy-2-cyclohexene-l-one(Clethodim). Sec. 1374. Urea,polymerwithformaldehyde (pergopak). Sec. 1375. Orthonitroaniline. Sec. 1376. 2,2 -(2,5-thiophenediyl)bis(5-(l,l-dimethylethyl)benzoxazole). Sec. 1377. Certainchemicals andchemicalmixtures. Sec. 1378. AcidRed414. Sec. 1379. SolventYellow 163. Sec. 1380. 4-Amino-3,6-bis[r5-[[4-chloro-6-[methyl[2-(methylamino)-2- oxoethyl]amino]-l,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-2-sulfophenyl]azo]-5-hydroxy- 2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, lithiumpotassium sodium salt. Sec. 1381. ReactiveRed 123. Sec. 1382. Reactive Blue250. Sec. 1383. ReactiveBlack5. Sec. 1384. 5-[(2-Cyano-4-nitrophenyl)azol-2-[[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl]amino]-4- methyl-6-(phenylamino)-3-pyridinecarbonitrile. Sec. 1385. Cyano[3-[(6-methoxy-2-benzothiazolyl)amino]-lH-isoindol-l-ylidene]-ace- tic acid, pentylester. Sec. 1386. [(9,10-Dihydro-9,10-dioxo-l,4-anthracenediyl)bis[imino[3-(2- methylpropyl)-3,l-propanediyl]]]bisbenzenesulfonic acid, disodium salt. Sec. 1387. [4-(2,6-Dihydro-2,6-dioxo-7-phenylbenzo[l,2-b:4,5-b']difuran-3- yDphenoxyl-acetic acid, 2-ethoxyethylester. Sec. 1388. 3-Phenyl-7-(4-propoxyphenyl)-benzo[l,2-b:4,5-b']difuran-2,6-dione. Sec. 1389. 2-[[[2, 5-Dichloro-4-[(2-methyl-lH-indol-3-yl)azo]phenyl]sulfonyl]amino]- ethanesulfonic acid, monosodium salt. Sec. 1390. 2,7-Naphthalenedisidfonic acid, 5-[[4-chloro-6-[(3-sulfophenyl)amino]- l,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino]-4-hydroxy-3-[[4-[[2- (sulfoxy)ethyl]sulfonyl]phenyl]azo]-, sodium salt. Sec. 1391. 7-[[2-[(Aminocarbonyl)amino]-4-[[4-[4-[2-[[4-[[3-[(aminocarbonyl) amino]- 4-[(3,6,8-trisulfo-2-naphthalenyl)azo]phenyl]amino]-6-chloro-l,3,5- triazin-2-yl]amino]ethyl]- l-piperazinyl]-6-chloro-l,3,5-triazin-2- yl]amino]phenyl]azo]-l,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid, lithium potas- siumsodivun salt. Sec. 1392. 4-[[3-(Acetylamino)phenyl]amino]-l-amino-9,10-dihydro-9,10-dioxo-2- anthracenesulfonic acid, monosodium salt. Sec. 1393. [4-[2,6-Dihydro-2,6-dioxo-7-(4-propoxyphenyl)benzo[l,2-b:4,5-b ]difuran-3- yl]phenoxy]-acetic acid, 2-ethoxyethylester. Sec. 1394. BasicYellow40chloridebased. Sec. 1395. DirectYellow 119. Sec. 1396. Naugard412s. Sec. 1397. Triacetonamine. Sec. 1398. Ipconazole. Sec. 1399. Omitetech. Sec. 1400. Panteratechnical.

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