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Systematic study on the ant genus Pyramica Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of China. PDF

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Preview Systematic study on the ant genus Pyramica Roger (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of China.

(Jl. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 29 (3): 440-450 (July, 2004) ISSN 1000-0739 SYSTEMATIC STUDY ON THE ANT GENUS FYRAMICA ROGER HY- ( MENOPTERA, FORMICIDAE) OF CHINA XU Zheng-Hui^ ZHOU Xing-Guo^ , i.TheCollegeLibrary, SouthwestForestryCollege, Kunmingy Yunnan 650224, Chinai [email protected] 2.FacultyofConservation Biology, South-west ForestryCollege, Kunming, Yunnan 650224, China Abstract Twenty-six species ofthe ant genus Pyramica Roger are recorded in China. Three new species are described and one new combination, Pyramica dayui (Xu) is proposed. Geographic distribution is provided for each species. ,\ key is prepared for 25 species based on worker caste. P. formosa (Terayama, Lin & Wu) is known only from queen caste. The 26 known Chinese species are: P. doherti (Emery), P. hirashimai (Ogata), P. lachesis Jiohon, P. enieswangi Bolton, P. membram- fera (Emery), P. takasago (Terayama, Lin & Wu), P. nongba sp. nov. , P. wihoni Wang, P. japonica (Ito), P. for- mosim.onticola (Terayama, Lin & Wu), P. benten (Terayama, Lin & Wu), P. leptothrix (Wheeler), P. elegantula (Ter- ayama & Kubota), P. ailaoshana sp. nov. , P. mazu (Terayama, Lin&Wu), P. kichijo (Terayama, Lin&Wu), P. yan- gi sp. nov., P. sinensis Wang, P. hexamera (Brown), P. tisiphone Bolton, P. dayui (Xu), P. canina (Brown & Boisvert), P. sauteri (Forel), P. mitis Brown, P. mutica (Brown), P. formosa (Terayama, Lin& Wu). Keywords Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Pyramica., systematics, China. The ant genus Pyramica was erected by Roger in mosa is known only from queen, the other 25 species 1862. Roger (1863), Brown & Wilson (1959), Brown are known from worker caste. » (1960) and Bolton (1995) all considered Pyramica as Standard measurements and indices follow Bolton ajunior synonym of Strumigenys In 1999, Bolton re- (2000): TL-Total length, HL-Head length, HW- . vived Pyramica from synonym as a valid genus and Head width, Cl-Cephallc index = HW X 100 / HL, treated 24 small genera including Epitritus Tri- ML-Mandible length, MI-Mandibular index = MLX , choscapa Pentastruma Smithistruma Weheristruma 100 / HL, SL-Scape length, Sl-Scape index = SL X , , , and Kyidris as junior synonyms of Pyramica After 100 / HW, PW-Pronotal width, AL-Alitrunk length. . such a large scale revision, the contemporary Pyramica All measurements are given in millimeters. is a worldwide distributed large genus with 324 The type specimens are deposited in the Insect species. Collection, Faculty of Conservation Biology, South- In China, no complete systematic study on the west Forestry College, Kunming, Yunnan, China. genus Pyramica has been carried out except for sepa- Pyramica Roger rate descriptions of new species. Forel (1912) and Pyramica Roger, 1862: 251. Type-species: Pyramica gutldlachi Roger, Wheeler (1929) described the first two species from 1862: 253, by monotypy. Taiwan. Terayama & Kubota (1989) and Terayama, Epitritus Emery, 1869: 136. Type-species: Epitritus argiolus Emery, Lin & Wu (1995, 1996) reported the Taiwanese 1869: 136, by monotypy. [Synonymy with Pyramica by Bolton, 1999: 1667] species. Tang et al . (1995) recorded 1 species from Tricfioscapa Emery, 1869: 24 (as subgenus of Strumigenys). Type- Zhejiang and Hunan Provinces. Recently, Bolton species: Strumigenys ( Trichoscapa ) memhratiifera Emery, 1869: (2000) and Wang (Bolton, 2000) recorded majority 24, by monotypy. [Synonymy with Pyramica by Bolton, 1999: of the Chinese species of the genus. Xu (2000) de- 1667] scribed a new species from Southwestern China. Zhou Pentastruma Forel, 1912: 50. Type-species: Peyitastruma.wuteri Forel, 1912: 51, by monotypy. [Synonymy with Pyramica by Bolton, (2001) reported 3 species of the genus from Guangxi. 1999: 1667] In this study, 3 new species are described from China, Smitllistruma Brown, 1948: 104. Type-species: Cephaloxys capitata i. e. , P. nongba sp. nov. , P. ailaoshana sp. nov. Smith, 1865: 77. [Synonymy with Pyramica by Bolton, 1999: and P. yangi sp. nov. Up to date, 26 species of 1668] Pyramica are known in China, among them, P. for- Weheristruma Brown, 1948: 106 (as subgenus ofS»»(/i;.«(rumn) Type- species: Strumigenys {Cepiialoxys) leptotltrix Wheeler, 1929: 55, Thisstudywassupported bythe National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (30260016) and Natural Science Foundation ofYunnan Province (2001C0042M). Received 10 Feb. 2004, accepted 15 Apr. 2004. 440 July, 2004 miE#^: 'pmm&.m^.m^i-mm^ mms, »n) 441 byoriginal designation. [Raised to genus by Brown, 1949: 7. Syn- Fully closed mandibles in full-face view with crowded series ofsmall onymy with Smithistruma by Brown, 1973: 35. Synonymy witll teeth on the distal halves ofthe masticatory margins, but the proximal Pymmica by Bolton, 1999: 1668] halves are edentate and concave, and enclose a broad subovate gap in Kyidris Brown, 1949: 3. Type-species: Kyidris mutico Brown, 1949: front ofthe anterior clypeal margin 7 3, by original designation. [Synonymy with Pymmica by Bolton, 7. Metanotal groove deeply impressed. Propodeum with a pair of acute 1999: 1668] teeth Petiolar node relatively low. (Figs.5-6) (China: Taiwan Province) P. takasago (Terayama, Lin&Wu) Key toknownChinese species ofPymmica based on worker Metanotal grooveshallowly impressed. Propodeum without teeth. Peti- caste olar node relatively high (Figs.7-8) (China; Yunnan Province) (I'ollowed the key ofBolton, 2000. Thespecies P. formosa (Terayama, P. nongba sp. nov. Lin& Wu, 1995) (Figs.37-38) which is known only from queens is 8. Petiolar node inprofile longand low; eitheranterior faceofnodemuch not included) shorter than the longdorsum, or the anterior faceshallowlysloped and 1. With head in rull-face view the leadingedge ofthe scape with a rowof grading evenly into the peduncle so that the entire segment is sub- conspicuous projecting curved hairs, of which one or more, distal to clavate. Petiolar node in dorsal view longand narrow, sometimes with the subbasal bend, distinctly curves toward the base of the scape. a posterior peduncle, always much longer than broad and generally at These hairs may be spatulate, remiform, spoon-shaped or broadly least equal in length to the disc ofthe postpetiole 9 clavate apically; basal stem ofeach hair (which may beshort) erector Petiolarnode in profileshort and relatively high; eitheranterior faceof suberect with respect to the long axisofthe scape 2 nodeat least subequal in length to the dorsum, or the anterior face With head in full-face view the leading edge ofthe scape lacking pro- steeply sloped and meeting the peduncle through an obtuse but marked jecting hairs that curve toward the base ofthe scape. Scape edge may angle, orboth. Petiolarnode indorsal viewshortand broad, usuallyat haveelongate simple straight projecting hairs present, or entirely api- leastasbroadas longand generallyshorterthan thediscofthepostpeti- callydirected short hairsthat maybesimple, narrowlytobroadlyspat- ole 15 ulate, or spoon-shaped; in some species the leading edge may be hair- 9. Mandibleselongate and narrow in full-face view; masticatory margin less 8 engageonly in the apical third or less oftheir length at full closure; 2. With head in full-face view the dorsolateral margin with a distinctly proximally with a large gapbetween the mandibles, and between them isolated, very conspicuous, laterally projecting apicoscrobal hair; api- and the anterior clypeal inargin; labral lobes visible through the gap; coscrobal hair conspicuously differentiated from other pilosity on the MI > 25. Fully closed mandibles edentate from base to about the mi- margin, may be simple, clavate or llagellate. (Bolton, 2000, figs. dlength in full-face view (Bolton, 2000, figs. 277, 298) (China: 248, 282) (China: Guangxi Region; Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Zhejiang Province) P- wilsoni Wang Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia) P. dohertyi (Emery) Mandibles stoutly triangular in full-face view; masticatory marginsen- With head in full-face view thedorsolateral margin withoutadistinctly gage throughout their length at full closure; proximally without a gap isolated apicoscrobal hairthatisconspicuouslydifferentiated fromother between the mandibles nor between them and theanteriorclypeal mar- pilosityonthemargin; either hairabsentorduplicated byotherson the gin; labral lobesnot visible; MI < 25. Fully closed mandiblesdentate margui from anterior clypeal margin to apex in full-face view 10 3. Mandibleselongate and narrow, linear; in full-face view and at full 10. Dorsal (outer) surface ofhind tibia without suberect to erect straight closure only theirextremeapicesengage. Leadingedgeofscape with a simple projectinghairs; any hairspresentaredecumbent tocloselyap- large, strongly prominent subbasal lobe 4 pressed 11 Mandibles subtriangulartotriangular, not linear; in full-faceviewand Dorsal (outer) surface of hind tibia with suberect to erect straight at full closure they engage for half or more of their exposed length. simple projecting hairs 13 Leading edgeofscapewith agradual subbasal curveorsubbasal angle, 11. Lateral spongiform lobeofpetiole in profile merely asmall flapat the without a large, strongly prominent subbasal lobe 5 posterolateral angleofthe node. With head in full-face view sides of 4. Dorsal surface ofmandible without longitudinal rows ofanteriorly di- occipital lobes without freely projectingsimple hairs. Dorsum ofhead rected spoon-shapedorscale-like hairs. Thetwopairsofhairsclosestto from highest point of vertex to occipital margin without erect to the midline on the anterior clypeal margin short, narrowly spoon- suberect straight simple hairs. ( Figs.9-10 ) ( China: Taiwan shaped and curved or inclined toward the midline. Orbicular hairs on Province; Korea, Japan) P. japonica (Ito) clypeus all ofapproximately thesamesize (Figs.1-2) (China: Taiwan Lateral spongiform lobe ofpetiole in profile elongate, extending for- Province; Japan) P. /lirasfcjmoj (Ogata) ward almosttothe leveloftheanterior faceofthe node. With head in Dorsal surfaceofmandible with two longitudinal rowsofanteriorly di- full-face view side of each occipital lobe with 4-5 freely projecting rected spoon-shapedorscale-likehairs. The twopairsofhairsclosestto short hairs. Dorsum ofhead from highest point ofvertex to occipital the midlineon theanterior clypeal margin longand strap-like, directed margin with distinct erect tosuberect straight simple hairs 12 anteriorly and curved slightly away from the midline. Orbicular hairs 12. Pronotal dorsum with numerouslongerectsimple hairs. (Figs.11-12) on clypeus much smaller centrally than near lateral and posterior mar- (China: Taiwan Province) gin. (China: Guangdong Province) P. fac/iesjs Bolton P. formosimonticola (Terayama, Lin&Wu) 5. Pronotal humeral hairpresent; may besimple, flagellate, remiform or Pronotal dorsum without long erect simple hairs. (Figs.13-14) subclavate. (China: Fujian Province) P. emesivangi Bolton (China: Taiwan Province; Japan) Pronotal humeral hair absent 6 P. benten (Terayama, Lin&Wu) 6. Fully closed mandibles in full-face view with teeth extending from apex 13. With head in full-face view the upper scrobe margin with straight or ofmasticatorymargin tothepoint wherethemarginintersectstheante- curved elongate simple hairs that freely project laterally or dorsolat- rior clypeal margin. (Figs.3-4) (China: Fujian Province, Taiwan erally beyond the margins; similar or even longer hairs project from Province, Macao; Cosmopolitan tramp species) the occipital lobes. (Figs.15-16) (China: Taiwan Province;Japan) P. membranifera (Emery) P. leptothrix (Wheeler) ; 442 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ^^j^t Vol. 29 No. 3 With head in full-faceviewtheupperscrobe margin withacontinuous usually projects beyond the outer margin ofthe opposite mandible row ofshort anteriorly directed decumbent to appressed hairs ordy, 20 without elongate simple hairs that freely project beyond the margin 20. .Apical halfofmandible with twopreapical teeth, the proximal slight- one or two freely projecting simple hairs may occuron the lateral oc- ly longer than the distal. With alitrunk in profile posterior surface of cipital lobes well behind the level ofthe eyes 14 mesonotum narrowly convex and weakly bulging, overhanging the 14. In profile view dorsum of mesonotum distinctly convex. Dorsum of metanotal groove. Posterodorsal corner ofpropodeum dentate. Head petiolar node almoststraight, anterodorsal cornerprominent. Dorsum broader than long, CI 106-108. (Figs.27-28) (China: Taiwan ofalitrunk microreticulate. Lateral sides ofpropodeum microreticu- Province; Korea; Japan; USA) P. hexamera (Brown) late. (Figs.17-18) (China: Taiwan Province, Guangdong Province, .Apical halfof mandible with or without a single small inconspicuous Hong Kong; Thailand) preapical tooth, ifpresent which located very close to the spiniform P. elegantula (Terayama&Kubota) apicodorsal tooth. With alitrunk in profile mesonotum meets In profde viewdorsumofmesonotum onlyslightlyconvex. Dorsumof propodeum at the metanotal groove, the former not narrowly convex petiolar noderoundlyconvex, withoutprominentanterodorsal corner. nor bulging posteriorly, not overhanging the metanotal groove. Pos- Dorsum ofalitrunk finely longitudinally striate and finely reticulate. terodorsal corner of propodeum rounded. Head slightly longer than Lateral sides of propodeum smooth, sparsely striate. (Figs.19-20) broad, CI<100 21 (China: Yunnan Province) P. ailaoshana sp. nov. 21. Apical half of mandible with a single small inconspicuous preapical 15. Dorsal (outer) .s-urfaces of middle and hind tibiae with one or more tooth, located very close to the spiniform apicodorsal tooth. Dorsal conspicuous freely laterallyprojectinglonghairsthatareataright-an- surface of mandible with 3 longitudinal rows ofscale-like to spoon- gle ornearright-angletothelongaxisofthesegment; these hairs may shaped hairs. Body smaller, with TL 2.0 mm, HI, 0.50 mm, HW be straight, curved or fiagellate; oneor moresimilar hairs present on 0.48 mm (China: Guangdong Province) ••• P. tisiphone Bolton basitarsi 16 Apical halfofmandible withoutany preapical tooth. Dorsal surfaceof Dorsal (outer) surfaces of middle and hind tibiae and basitarsi with mandible with 2 longitudinal rowsofscale-like tosptjon-shaped hairs. small simple to spatulate decumbent or appressed hairs, t)r with Body larger, with TL 2.6 mm, HI. 0.63 mm, HW 0.60 min. minute appressed pubescence only; lacking freely laterally projecting (Figs.29-30) (China: Yunnan Province) P. dayui (Xu) long hairs that are ata right-angleornearright-angle tothe longaxis 22. With head in full-face view the outer margins of the fully closed ofthesegment 17 mandibles intersect the anterior clypeal margin mesad ofthe anterola- 16. Cuticleonsideofhead within thescrobesmooth andshining. Anterior teral clypeal angles, so that there is a section ofthe anterior clypeal clypeal margin transverse toshallowlyconcave in full-face view. Dor- margin that projects laterally beyond the outer line ofthe mandible sal alitrunk smooth and shining. Eye of a single ommatidium. 23 (Figs.21-22) (China: Taiwan Province, Hong Kong; Japan) With head in full-face view the outer margins of the fully closed P. mazu (Terayama, Lin&Wu) mandibles intersect the anterior clypeal margin at the anterolateral Cuticleon sideofhead within thescrobe reticulate-punctate. Anterior clypeal angles, so that there is no section ofthe anterior clypeal mar- clypeal margin evenly convex in full-face view. Dorsal alitrunksculp- gin that projects laterally beyond the outer line ofthe mandible tured, at least in part. F^yeofmorethanoneommatidium. (Figs.23- 24 24) (China: Fujian Province, Taiwan Province; Bhutan; Thailand; 23. Anterior clypeal margin broadly shallowly transversely concave across Japan) P. Ajcfttj'o (Terayama, Lin&Wu) itsentire width. Mandible with 14 teeth distal of a long low basal 17. With thehead in full-faceviewand the mandibles fullyclosed thedor- lamella. Counting from the basal lamella teeth 1,3,5, 7 and 9 are sal surfaceofeach massively triangular mandible has, near itsbase, a relatively large; the fifth tooth from the lamella is easily the longest very distinct sharp transverse rim that extends across thewidth ofthe on the margin. (Figs.31-32) (China: Zhejiang Province, Hunan mandible (Figs.25-26) (China: Yunnan Province) Province, Guangxi Region, Hong Kong; Japan) P. yangi sp. nov. P. canina (Brown&Boisvert) With thehead in full-faceviewand the mandibles fullyclosed thedor- Anterior clypeal margin with a deep semicircular median impression, sal surfaceofeach mandible, near itsbase, withoutasharptransverse the aiUerolateral anglesbroadlyconvexoneachsideofthe impression. rim that extends across the width of the mandible; if dorsum of Mandible with 12 teeth distal ofa triangular rounded basal lamella. mandibleslightlydepressed basally then mandible is linear, not trian- Counting from the basal lamella teeth 1-5 are relatively large; the gular 18 third tooth from the lamella is the longest on the margin. (Figs.33- 18. With the head in full-faceviewtheentiredorsum clothed with ground- 34) (China: Taiwan Province, Fujian Province, Guangxi Region, pilosityofvery conspicuous palespoon-shaped t(j orbicular hairs •• Hong Kong; Thailand; Japan) P. sauteri (Forel) 19 24. With head in full-face view the fully closed mandibles triangular, With the head in full-fare view the dorsum either without hairs or with teeth present alongentire length ofexposed inner margin; proxi- with ground-pilosity ofshort hairs that are simple to narrowly spatu- mal half of inner margin dentate, without a long diastema between late and usually inconspicuous 22 basal tooth and basal lamella; without a large space basally through 19. ,'\picodorsal toothofmandibleshort, notspiniform, at mostonly frac- which the apices ofthe labral lobes are visible. (Bolton, 2000, figs. tionally longer than the apicoventral tooth; at full closure apicodorsal 257, 290) (China: Guangdong Piovince, Hong Kong; Thailand, tooth partially overlaps but does not completely cross over the tooth Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Papua New from theopposite mandible, and neverprojects beyond theoutermar- Guinea) p. mitis Brown gin ofthe opposite mandible (China: Fujian Province) With head in full-face view the fullyclosed mandiblesnarroworelon- P. sinensis Wang gate-triangular, with teeth present only on distal half of exposed Apicodorsal tooth of mandible spiniform and extremely long, enor- length of inner margin; proximal halfofinner margin edentate and mouslylonger than the apicoventral tooth; at full closure apicodorsal forming a long diastema between basal tooth and basal lamella; a tooth completelycrossesoverthetooth fromtheoppositemandibleand large space present basally between the opposed mandibles through July, 2004 #iE#^: ^mm^m^^mj^mm^ mms, m4) 443 whicli the apices of tlie labral lobes are visible. ( Figs.35-36) AL 0.48. Head triangular, longer than broad and nar- (China: Taiwan Province, Yunnan Province, Guang.si Region; Ko- rowed forward. In full-face view, occipital margin rea;Japan; Malaysia; Singapore; Indonesia) P. mutica (Brown) weakly roundly concave in the middle, occipital cor- ners rounded. Lateral sides weakly concave. Mandible Descriptions of new species and discussion of a elongate triangular, basal corner angled, basal half of new combination species masticatory margin without teeth, apical half with 1 Pyramica nongba sp. nov. (Figs.7-8) about 10 slender spine-like teeth. Clypeus nearly trian- Holotype worker. TL1.8, HL0.48, HW0.40, gular, anterior margin roundly convex. Antennal CI 84, ML 0.11, MI 24, SL0.28, SI 69, PW0.28, scrobe distinctly depressed. Antenna with 6 segments. Figs.1-8. Pyramica workers. 1-2. P. hirashimai (Ogata). 3-4. P. membranifera (Emery) (pilosity omitted in 4). 5-6. P. takasago (Terayama, Lin&Wu). 7-8. P. nongba sp. nov. 1,3,5, 7. Head in full-face view. 2, 4, 6, 8. Body in proHle view. 1-2. AfterOgata (1990). 3. AfterTerayama& Kubota (1989). 4. AfterOga- ta& Onoyama (1992). 5-6. After Terayama ef a/. (1995). 444 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ^S'^^^^JS Vol. 29 No. 3 antennal club 2-segmented, apex of scape reached to spongiform appendage bluntly angled. Petiole without 3/4 of the distance from antennal socket to occipital spongiform appendages, ventral face with a narrow corner. Eye small, with 6 ommatidia. In profile view, longitudinal ridge, dorsum of petiolar node roundly vertex roundly prominent. Pronotum roundly convex, convex. Postpetiolar node roundly convex, posterior promesonotal suture indistinct. Dorsum of mesonotum border with a narrow spongiform appendage, lateral straight, metanotal groove shallowly depressed. Dor- sides each with a triangular spongiform appendage. sum of propodeum convex anteriorly, slope down Mandibles smooth and shining. Head, petiole and backward and rounded into declivity. Declivity weakly postpetiole densely finely punctuate and opaque. concave, lateral sides with narrow vertical ridge-like Alitrunk densely micro-reticulate and less shining. spongiform appendages, posterodorsal corner of the Gaster smooth and shining. Head, antennae and legs 10 Figs.9-16. Pyramica workers. 9-10. P. japonica (Ito). 11-12. P. formosimonticola (Terayama, Lin&Wu). 13-14. P. benten (Terayama, Lin&Wu). 15-16. P. teptothrix (Wheeler) (pilosity omitted in 16). 9, 11, 13, 15. Head in full-face view. 10, 12, 14, 16. Body in profile view. 9-14. After Terayama et al. (1996). 15. After Terayama& Kubota (1989). 16. After Wheeler (1929). July, 2004 ^iEi;^: <pmm&.m^M^mm^ cmms, m^) 445 with abundant depressed pubescences. Alitrunk, peti- with posterior margin deeply concave. In profile view ole, postpetiole and gaster witii sparse depressed petiole with large longitudinal curtain-like subpetiolar pubescences. Body surface witii sparse piiosity. Lea- spongiform lobe, petiolar node long and low, with ding edge of antennal scape with a row of spatulate dorsum roundly convex, lateral sides with wing-like hairs, five of them curved apically, three of them spongiform lobes. Postpetiole with large semicircular curved basally. Vertex, mesonotum, petiole and post- subpostpetiolar spongiform lobe, dorsum of postpetio- petiole each with a pair ofclavate hairs. Gaster with 2 lar node weakly convex, lateral sides with wing-like pairs of clavate hairs on first tergite, 1 pair similar spongiform lobes. In dorsal view petiolar node rectan- hairs on tergites 2-3 separately. Body color yellow, gular, distinctly longer than broad. Postpetiolar node mandibles brownish yellow, eyes black. nearly square, slightly broader than long. Paratype workers. TL 1.9-2.0, HL 0.50, HW Mandibles punctuate. Head finely reticulate, oc- 0.41-0.43, CI 83-85, ML 0.13, MI 25, SL0.28, SI ciput finely longitudinally striate. Antennal scrobes 65-67, PW 0.29-0.30, AL 0.49-0.51 (3 individuals densely finely punctuate, interface appears as mi- measured). As holotype. croreticulations. Dorsum of alitrunk finely longitudi- Holotype: worker. No. A95-236, 200 m, 1 nally striate and finely reticulate. Lateral sides of Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Leiliang Village, Nong- pronotum and propodeum smooth, sparsely striate. ba Town, Longchuan County, Yunnan Province, 29 Lateral sides of mesothorax and metathorax sparsely Dec. 1995, collected by Mr. XU Zheng-Hui. striate and densely finely punctuate, interface appears Paratypes: 3 workers, with same data as holotype. as reticulations. Petiole finely reticulate, dorsum of Etymology. The new species is named after the type petiolar node sparsely transversely striate. Postpetiolar locality Nongba Town . node smooth and shining. Gaster smooth and shining, This new species is close to P. takasago (Teraya- with longitudinal basal costulae. Head with dense de- ma, Lin & Wu) but head relatively broader, metano- , pressed pubescences, occipital margin with a pair of tal groove only shallowly depressed, propodeum with- erect hairs in the middle, ventral face with a pair of out spines. erect hair at the concaved position. In full-face view 2 Pyramica ailaoshana sp. nov. (Figs. 19-20) lateral side of occipital lobe with 4 decumbent hairs. Holotype worker. TL2.6, HL0.70, HW0.50, Alitrunk, petiole and postpetiole with sparse depressed CI 71, ML 0.10, MI 14, SL0.33, SI 65, PW0.29, pubescences. Dorsum of pronotum without erect hairs, AL0.68. Head elongate triangular, distinctly longer but humeral corners each with a laterally pointed long than broad and narrowed forward. Occipital margin hair. Mesonotum, propodeum, petiole and postpetiole widely and deeply concave. Occipital corners promi- with sparse erect to decumbent hairs, 2 pairs on nent and triangular. Lateral sides of head prominent mesonotum, 3 pairs on propodeum, 3 pairs on petiole, and bluntly angled at posterior 1/4. Mandible triangu- and 2 pairs on postpetiole. Gaster with abundant erect lar and down curved at apex, masticatory margin with hairs, hairs on the basal dorsum anterodorsally point- about 10 spine-like slender teeth. Clypeus rhombic, ed, pubescences almost absent. Scapes with dense de- anterior margin roundly prominent in the middle. An- pressed pubescences. Femora and tibiae with abundant tennal scrobe distinct. Antenna with 6 segments, an- decumbent longer hairs. Body color brown, eyes and tennal club 2-segmented, apex of scape reached to 5/8 lateral margins ofalitrunk black. of the distance from antennal socket to occipital cor- Paratype workers. TL 2.5-2.7, HL 0.68-0.73, ner Eye with 4-5 ommatidia along the maximum HW 0.48-0.53, CI 68-74, ML 0.09-0.10, MI 13- diam.eter. Lateral sides of alitrunk dorsum distinctly 15, SL 0.30-0.33, SI 60-68, PW 0.25-0.30, AL marginate. In profile view ventral face of head deeply 0.63-0.70 (7 individuals measured). As holotype. concave. Pronotum flat, promesonotal suture indis- Paratype queen. TL 3. 1 , HL0.73, HW0.55, tinct. Mesonotum slightly convex. Metanotal groove CI 76, MLO.IO, MI 14, SL0.35, SI 64, PW0.48, absent. Dorsum ofpropodeum weakly convex and slope AL 0.85 (1 individual measured). Similar to the holo- down backward. Propodeal spines long and acute, type worker, but body much larger, head with 3 ocel- with apex slightly curved upward. Lateral sides of de- li, eyes large. Thorax quite developed, with tegulae. clivity with developed curtain-like spongiform lamel- Metanotum large with longitudinal dorsal ridge. lae, the upper margin connecting the propodeal spine. Pronotum and anterior part ofmesonotum coarsely and 446 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica i^^jif^^i Vol. 29 No. 3 Figs.17-24. Pyromico. workers. 17-18. P. etegantula (Terayama& Kubota). 19-20. P. ailaoshana sp. nov. 21-22. P. wazu (Terayama, Lin&Wu). 23-24. P. kichijo (Terayama, Lin&Wu). 17, 19, 21, 23. Head in full-face view. 18, 20, 22, 24. Body in profile view. 17-18, After Terayama & Kubota (1989). 21-24. After Terayama ?( c/. (1996). transversely striate. Mesothorax and metathorax holotype; 2 workers, with same data as holotype but densely and finely punctuate. Petiolar node transverse- No. A1042; 1 worker, with same data as holotype but ly striate, anterodorsal corner roundly prominent. No. A1071. Holotype. worker, No. A1037, 1 250 m, Etymology. The new species is named after the Ailaoshan Mountain, Jinping Town, Jingdong County, mountain Ailaoshan where the type specimens collect- Yunnan Province, 14 Apr. 2002, collected by Miss ed. CHAI Zheng-Qun in the Pirius kesiya forest. This new species is close to P. elegantula (Te- Paratypes: 7 workers and 1 queen, with same data as rayama & Kubota) but pronotum finely longitudinally , . July, 2004 ^lE^^: '^mm»m^.m^mm^ mms, m^) 447 striate and Tinely densely reticulate. In proTile view AL0.50. Head violin-like, longer than broad, poste- dorsum of mesonotum only slightly convex. Dorsum of rior portion distinctly broader than anterior portion. In petiolar node roundly convex, anterodorsal corner not full face view, occipital margin deeply and roundly prominent. concave, occipital corners roundly prominent. Lateral 3 Pyramica yangi sp. nov. (Figs.25-26) sides of posterior 2/3 roundly convex, lateral sides of anterior 1/3 straight and slightly widened forward, Holotype worker. TL1.8, HL0.45, HW0.40, and angularly notched just behind the antennal soc- CI 89, ML0.13, MI 28, SL0.23, SI 56, PW0.24, kets. Mandible triangular, dorsum depressed, with a figs.25-32. Pyramica workers. 25-26. P. yatigi sp. nov.. 27-28. P. hexamera (Brown) (pilosity omitted in 28). 29-30. P. dayui (Xu). 31-32. P. caiihia (Brown & Boisvert). 25, 27, 29, 31. Head in full-face view. 26, 28, 30, 32. Body in proHle view. 27. .After Terayama & Kubota (1989). 28. After Ogata & Oiioyama (1992). 29-30. .\fter Xu (2000). 31-32. .Vfter Brown & Boisveit (1978) 448 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 5ft#1^^^^ Vol. 29 No. 3 transverse basal rim and an oblique dorsolateral ridge spongiform lobes, posterodorsal corner of the lobe along the depressed dorsal surface, masticatory margin bluntly angled. In dorsal view, pronotum weakly de- with about 10 small acute teeth. Dorsum ofclypeus de- pressed in central area and with blunt lateral margins. pressed, anterior margin weakly convex. Antennal In profile view, petiole with rectangular ventral scrobe distinctly depressed. Antenna with 6 segments, spongiform appendage, petiolar node roundly promi- antennal club 2-segmented, basal corner of scape nent, posterior border with narrow spongiform ap- prominent and bluntly angled, apex of scape reached pendage. Postpetiolar node roundly convex, lateral to 2/3 of the distance from antennal socket to occipital sides and posterior border with large triangular spongi- corner. Eye indistinct and with only 1 ommatidium. In form appendages. profile view, vertex strongly prominent and formed Mandibles and clypeus with micro-punctures and nearly a right angle, dorsal face and posterior face relatively shining. Head densely coarsely punctured straight. Dorsum of pronotum nearly straight, dorsum and opaque. Dorsum of alitrunk with micro-punctures of mesonotum roundly convex, promesonotal suture and relatively shining. Lateral sides ofalitrunk smooth and metanotal groove weakly impressed. Dorsum of and shining. Petiolar node with micro-punctures and propodeum nearly straight and slope down backward, relatively shining. Postpetiolar node and gaster smooth posterodorsal corner rounded. Declivity roundly and and shining, first tergite of gaster with longitudinal deeply concave, lateral sides with narrow vertical basal costulae. Body surface with sparse pubescences, Figs.33-38. Pyramica workers and queens. 33-34. P. sauteri (Forel) (pilosity omitted). 35-36. P. muticu (Brown). 37-38. P. formosa (Terayama, Lin & Wu). 33, 35, 37. Head in full-face view. 34. Head and alitrunk in dorsal view. 36, 38. Body in profile view. 33-34. After Terayama & Kubota (1989). 37-38. After Terayama et al. (1995) . . July, 2004 ^iE#^: ^mm^m^^mi^mm^ mms, k») 449 pilosity rare. Antennae and legs with abundant of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, pubescences. Leading edge of scape with a row oT Tokyo), Mr. Kazuo Ogata (Entomological Laborato- rightly curved and apically directed spatulate hairs. ry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Head, alitrunk, petiole and postpetiole without stan- Fukuoka) and Mr. ZHOU Shan-Yi (College of Life ding hairs. First tergite of gaster with 2 pairs of Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin) for of- clavate erect hairs, tergites 2-4 each with 1 pair ofapi- fering their valuable papers. cally blunt hairs. Body color yellow, the spongiform REFERENCES appendages light yellow. Bolton, B. 1995. \new general cataloj^neof"theantsofthe world. Har- Holotype worker, No. A98-1001 700 m, , vard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, Kng- Manyangguang Village, Menglun Town, Mengla iand. 504 pp. County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Bolton, B. 1999. Ant genera of the tribe Dacetonini (Hymenoptera: Province, 15 Mar. 1998, collected by Mr. YANG Formicidae). Jourval ofNatural Histoiy. 33 (11): 1639-1689. Xiao-Dong. Bolton, B. 2000. Tlie ant tribe Dacetini. Parti. MemoirsoftheAmeri- can Knto/nological Institute, 65 (1): 1-491. Etymology. The new species is named after the Bolton, B. 2000. Tlie ant tribe Dacetini. Pari 2. MemoirsoftheAmeri- type specimen collector Mr. YANG Xiao-Dong. faii Entomological Institute, 65 (2): 492-1 028. This new species is close to P. carinognatha Brown, W. L. Jr. 1948. A preliminary generic revision of the higher Bolton, but vertex without a pair of erect hairs, scape Dacetini. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 74: 101-129. with a row of spatulate hairs on the leading edge, first Brown, W. L. Jr. 1949. Revision oftheant tribe Dacetini. 1. Faunaol" tergite of gaster with only 2 pairs of clavate hairs. Japan, China and Taiwan. Mushi 20: 1-25. , 4 Pyramica dayui (Xu), new comb. ( Figs.29- Brown, W. L. Jr. 1958. AnewJapanesespeciesofthedacetineantgenus Epitritus. Mushi, 3!: 69-72. 30) Brown, W. L, , Jr. and Boisvert, R. G. 1978. The dacetine ant genus Epitritusdayui Xu, 2000: 299, (Igs. 9-12. Holotype worker, China. Pentastruma. Psyche, 85 (1978): 201-207. Kpitritusdayui Xu; Xu, 2002: 40, llgs. 85-88. Emery, C. 1897. l-ormicidarum species novae vei minus cognitae in col- Discussion. Xu described and published as a new lectionc Musaei Nalionalis Hungarici, quas in Nova Guinea, colonia species in 2000, Bolton (personal communication) germanica, collegit I.. Biro. Termeszetrajzi Euzetek, 20: 571-599. Forel, A. 1912. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Formicidae. Entomolo- considered the names Epitritus dayui Xu (published on gischeMitteilungen, 1: 45-81 31 Dec. 2000) and Pyramica tisiphone Bolton (pub- Ilo, T. 1914. FormicidarumJaponicumspeciesnovae vcl minuscognitae. lished on 28 Dec. 2000) represent the same species. Annales de la Soriete EntomologiquedeBelgique, 58: 40-45. After a careful comparison between the description of Japanese Ant Database Group, 2003. Ants ofjapan. Gakken. 224 pp. P tisiphone and the holotype worker of E dayui we Myrmecological Society olJapan, 1992. AGuide for the Identillcation of" not.iced that mandible ofthe latter without.any prea,pi- J(aHpyamneenseopAtnetrsa:( IFDor)m.icMiydarem)i.ciTnhaeeMaynrdmescuoplpolgeimceanltSotcoieLteyptoalnJialplianna.e cal tooth or denticle, dorsal surface of mandible with 94 pp. only 2 longitudinal rows of scale-like to spoon-shaped Ogata, K, 1990. A new species of the ant genus Epitritus Fmery fVom hairs, and the measurements are distinctly larger than Japan (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Esakia, Special Issue No. I: 197-199. in the former. And therefore we considered as a valid Ogata, K. and Onoyama, K. 1998. A revision of" the ant genus species which closely related to P. tisiphone. Smithistruma Brown ofJapan, with descriptions offour new species Distribution in China: Yunnan Province (Mengla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomological Science, I (2): 277- County: Nangongshan Mountain) 287. Acknowledgements We thank Miss CHAI Zheng-Qun Tang,CliJi,na.Li,FasSc,. H4u7,angH,ymeEncjetptaelra.,19F9o5r.micEicdoaneom(i1c).InSseccitencFeauPnraesso,f" (Student of Forest Protection Class 98, Faculty of Beijing. 134 pp. Conservation Biology, Southwest Forestry College, Terayama, M. and Kubota, S. 1989. The ant tribe Dacetini Kunming) and Mr. YANG Xiao-Dong (Kunming (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Taiwan, with descriptions of" three Branch, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Teraynaemwa,speMci.es. LJianp,anCesaendJouWruti,alVoVf1E9n9t5o.moTlhoegya,nt5g7ene(r4a):Ep7i7t8r-i7tu9s2.and Kunming) for collecting the type specimens. We also Kyidris fro,m Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of thank the late Mr. Willian L. BrownJr. (Department theJapanese Society ofSystematic'/.oology, 53: 85-89. of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New Terayama, M. , Lin, G and Wu, W 1996. TheTaiwanesespeciesoTlhe York), Mr. Barry Bolton (Department of Entomolo- ant genus Smithistruma ( Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Japanese Journal ofEntomology 64 (2); 327-339. gy, The Natural History Museum, London), Mr. Wang, M2000. P. wilsoni, Wangsp. n. . P. .svmcn.wV Wangsp. n. hi: Mamoru Terayama (Department of Biology, College Bolton, B. 2000. The ant tribe Dacetini. Part I. Memoirs of the

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