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Systematic Design of Antireflection Coating for Semi-infinite One-dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Bloch Wave Expansion PDF

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Preview Systematic Design of Antireflection Coating for Semi-infinite One-dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Bloch Wave Expansion

Systematic Design of Antireflection Coating for Semi-infinite One-dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Bloch Wave Expansion Jun Ushida, Masatoshi Tokushima, Masayuki Shirane, and Hirohito Yamada Fundamental Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, 34 Miyukigaoka, Tsukuba, 305-8501, JAPAN 3 0 We present a systematic method for designing a perfect antireflection coating (ARC) for a semi-infinite 0 one-dimensional(1D)photoniccrystal(PC)withanarbitraryunitcell. WeuseBlochwaveexpansionand 2 time reversal symmetry, which leads exactly to analytic formulas of structural parameters for the ARC n andrenormalizedFresnelcoefficientsofthePC.Surfaceimmittance(admittanceandimpedance)matching a playsanessentialroleindesigningtheARCsof1DPCs,whichisshowntogetherwithapracticalexample. J 5 Revision:4.16 Date:2003−01−0608:54:04+09 ] i c Photonic crystals (PCs) have unique energy disper- s (a) (b) sion due to coupling between periodic materials and l- electromagnetic (EM) waves.1,2,3,4 In particular, the z n(z) z r t strong energy dispersion of the propagation modes of Λ m PCs has attracted much interest because it enables ap- t t at. ppleynisnagtoPrsC,spotloaraizdadt/iodnrofipltmerus,ltaipnldeximeras,gedpisrpoecressisoonrsc.5o,m6,7- Region 3 n3 O R(1eDgi oPnC 3) O m x x These transmission-type applications require a negligi- Region 2 (ARC) d n2 Region 2 (ARC) d n2 - bly small reflection loss at the PC interface.8 There- -d -d d n fore,applyingeffectiveantireflectioninterfacestructures, Region 1 n1 Region 1 n1 o or antireflection coatings (ARCs) to the input and out- 1 r 1 r c put interfaces of the PCs is important.8,9,10,11 Several FIG. 1. Antireflection coating (region 2) with thickness d [ ARCs designed for the PCs have been reported on. The and refractive index n2 for (a) a semi-infinite homogeneous 4 structural ideas of these ARCs were based on the con- medium with refractive index n3 and for (b) a semi-infinite v cepts of adiabatic interconnection8,9,10 or wave vector 1D PC with lattice constant Λ and periodic refractive index 5 matching (k matching)10,11 for two-dimensional PCs. function n(z)(=n(z+Λ)). 0 The reflectance at the interface of one-dimensional (1D) 4 PCs has so far been calculated by plane-wave expan- 0 sion and multiplication of the transfer matrix for a unit 1 cell.12,13,14,15,16 However, these approaches do not tell where k2 is the normal component of the wave vector 2 in the ARC, and r is the reflection coefficient of the directly the optimal ARC parameters, so the numerical i,j 0 light propagating from region i to j.12,13 The reflection / calculation needs to be iterated until these parameters t coefficient in Eq. (1) equals zero for normal incidence a are optimized. In this letter, we derive analytic formulas m of the structural parameters of an ARC that is applied light when d=λ0/4n2 and n2 =√n1n3, where λ0 is the wavelength in vacuum.17 - to a 1D PC.We dealwith 1D systems for simplicity, but d the derivedformulaswouldbe applicable to multidimen- As in Fig. 1 (b), we replace the semi-infinite homoge- n neous medium (region 3) in Fig. 1 (a) by a semi-infinite sional PCs under appropriate approximation. o 1D PC with lattice constant Λ and periodic refractive The structural parameters of a conventional ARC c index function n(z). The function n(z) has an arbitrary : placed between two homogeneous media can be calcu- v spatialmodulation in the unit cell. To determine the re- lated easily if the refractive indices of the two media are Xi known.12,13,14 In Fig. 1 (a), the ARC (region2) with re- flectioncoefficientforthiscase,weexpandtheEMwaves forthesemi-infinitePCbyalltheeigenmodesoftheinfi- fractive index n and thickness d is placed between two r 2 nite PC.18 These eigenmodes, which are extended into a a semi-infinite homogeneous media with refractive indices complex k space (i.e., including the decaying waves), in n (region 1) and n (region 3). These three regions are 1 3 the infinite 1D PC can be obtained as the eigenvectors divided by two boundaries at z =0 and d, where the z − of a transfer matrix15,16,18,19 with a periodic boundary axisisdefinedasperpendiculartothesurfaceoftheARC. condition for a unit cell under a given frequency ω, a Eachregionconsistsoflinearandlosslessdielectrics. The parallel component of a wave vector k , and a polariza- reflection coefficient at z = d is then given by k − tion of light σ. The reflection coefficient r of the electric r +r exp(2ik d) field at the interface (z = d) is determined by the con- r = 1,2 2,3 2 , (1) − tinuityofthetangentialcomponentsofEMwavesattwo 1+r r exp(2ik d) 1,2 2,3 2 1 boundaries (z = 0, d). The expression of the derived − (a) (b) reflection coefficient is formally the same as Eq. (1), ex- 1 0 cept for r2,3. The reflection coefficient r2,3 for normal n=1 n1=2 incidence light is modified into 1 −β2 n)10.5 n)1−0.1 r2,3(ω)= nn22+−NN((ωω)) , (2) αf ( , 0 f = 0 f > −β2 αf ( , −0.2 n=∞ f ≤ −β2 −β2 1 where N(ω) equals Y(±)(ω)/ǫ c, which is a normal- n1=∞ f ≤ −β2 ± k,k 0 −0.5 −0.3 ized surface admittance of the Bloch waves. Note that 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 in Y(±)(ω), the “+”(“ ”)sign applies to Y(+) (Y(−)). α α ± k,k − k,k k,k FIG.2. (a) Illustration of sufficient conditions in Eq. (6). ThesurfaceadmittancesY(±) forthetwoorthogonalpo- Theshadedareasindicatetheregionsatisfyingtheconditions larizations are defined as k,k with −β2 =−0.08 (dotted line) as an example. (b) Magnifi- cation of region 0 < α < 1 and −0.3 ≤ f ≤ 0 of Fig. 2(a). Yk(,+k) =Hk,y/Ek,x, Yk(,−k) =Hk,x/Ek,y, at z =+0, (3) Function f with n1 =2 is also plotted. where k is the Bloch wave vector, and Ek,ξ(Hk,ξ) with ξ = x or y stands for the tangential component of the to obtain a positive real number for n , so the explicit electric(magnetic) field of the propagating Bloch waves 2 form of n 1 with Eq.(5) is classified by using positive with a positive group velocity or the decaying Bloch 2 ≥ α Re(N)/n : waves in the positive z direction. These Bloch waves 1 ≡ can be calculated from the forementioned transfer ma- (A) f > β2 for 1<α< trix, hence N(ω) in Eq. (2) is obtained directly. In the − ∞ n 1 (B) f = β2 for α=1 , (6) derivationofEqs. (2) and(3)we usedthe factthat time 2 ≥ ⇔(C) f −β2 for 0<α<1 reversal symmetry20 inhibits the simultaneous appear-  ≤− ance of the propagating and the decaying modes in the same direction for a given set ω, kk and σ in a semi- where f(α,n1)≡(α−1)(α−1/n21), and β ≡Im(N)/n1. { } These sufficient conditions in the rhs of Eq. (6) are infinite 1D PC. Note that the function N(ω) in Eq. (2) illustrated in Fig. 2 (a). As n changes from 1 to , is generally complex due to the phase difference between 1 ∞ the curve for f as a function of α varies from a solid one Ek,ξ and Hk,η (ξ,η = x or y) of the Bloch waves at the to a broken one continuously. The shaded area indicates interface, however the imaginary part of N(ω) is zero if the region satisfying the conditions of Eq. (6). When thesurfaceofthesemi-infinitePCsisamirrorplaneinan 1 < α < , f > β2 always holds because f > 0. The infinite form of the PCs. Note also that multiple reflec- ∞ − case α=1 leads to β =0 due to f =0. A magnification tions in the semi-infinite 1D PCs, which are represented of region 0 <α<1 in Fig. 2 (a) is shown in Fig. 2 (b), as plane waves, are renormalized into a single Fresnel where a curve for function f with n = 2 is added. The coefficientinEq. (2)byusingtheBlochwaveexpansion. 1 thick solid line shows the values of f and α that satisfy The pair values of refractive index n and thickness 2 the third condition in the rhs of Eq. (6) for n = 2 and d of the ARC for semi-infinite 1D PCs that eliminate 1 a given β2. This curve connects two crossing points reflectanceare determinedas follows. The extremalcon- − dition of the reflectance13 R(= r2) with respect to d, (filled circles) of f and −β2 through the minimum point | | (opencircle)off. Thesethree pointsareusedtorewrite i.e., ∂R/∂d=0, is written as the inequality f β2 for 0 < α < 1 in Eq. (6), which ≤ − d 1 r∗ leads to two conditions: (1) the minimum point of f is 2,3 D = ln +m , m=0,1, . (4) less than or equal to β2, and (2) α is located between ≡ λ0/4n2 2πi (cid:20)r2,3(cid:21) ··· the two crossing point−s. WecallD the “normalizedthickness”. Bysubstitutingd Byapplyingtheprevious,wecanobtainthefinalform derivedfrom Eq. (4) into Eq. (1), we obtaina refractive of the three sufficient conditions for n2 1 in Eq. (6): ≥ index n that eliminates the reflectance: 2 (A) 1<α< , (7) ∞ n N 2/Re(N) (B) α=1 and β =0 , (8) 1 n = n Re(N) −| | . (5) 2 1 s n1 Re(N) (C) 0<α<1 , 0 g and − ≤ p √g 1+1/n2 2α √g . (9) The necessary and sufficient condition for the perfect − ≤ 1− ≤ A(N4R)(ωCa)n,fdoarn(ds5e)ωm,.ia-nindfin∂i2tRe/1∂Dd2PC>s0isuDnd≥er0a, ng2iv≥en1ni1n≥Eq1s,. wdihtieorne(gC(β),innc1l)u≡des(cid:0)1n−1 6=1/1n21im(cid:1)2p−lic4itβly2.. CNoontdeitthioantst(hAe)-c(oCn)- dependonn andN(ω)only,sothen neededtoachieve Next, we investigate the physical conditions encapsu- 1 2 ARCs for semi-infinite 1D PCs can be directly obtained lated in Eq. (5). The condition Re(N) > 0 is necessary 2 signing method would to a large extent be applicable (a) (b) (c) to multidimensionalPCsthat havea position-dependent 2 1 n]2 Λ] surface-immittance across the surface. λ/401.5 B1 of c/ 0.8 B5 The authors thank Professor K. Cho for fruitful dis- Thickness d [Units of 0.0151B5 B22BB43 3 4 Frequency [Units 000...0246 0.1 00 BBBB2341 0.50 0.5 1 cfOPAsToiuorhjhrsioneitkssfasiiepo,,wksnuasaKosob,nrr.lKkadicHnS.waKdu.Htazi.IsfiousorNnshkoru,isiah,psekYha,paaro.AomnawrMd.,utiGeTnriYydag.oa.imIuamnkWnsyaopdowttaah,otarJe,Rat,.inOr.TbSayK.w.obnHSuSeoepruriifkregbofaciora(inir,syaofeTalrt,esuCh.PhRieoMtiri,foerouifrMfn.lsdeuas1.idnmsp8Sioaps)airct,oibiutrKoHeostn--..., Refractive Index n Im[k] Re[k] Reflectance 2 [] [Units of 2π/Λ] Funds for Promoting Science and Technology. J. Ushida FIG.3. (a)Pairsof{n2 andd}neededtoachieveARCfor dedicates this work to Professor and Mrs. Cho in honor asemi-infinite1DPC. (b)Dispersion relation ofpropagating of their 60th birthdays. and decaying modes. (c) Reflectance with (solid line) and without (broken line) ARC. by using Eqs. (7)-(9) and (5). Accordingly, thickness d is also determined by Eq. (4) and ∂2R/∂d2 >0. To give a practical example of ARCs for semi-infinite 1E. Yablonovitch,Phys. Rev.Lett. 58, 2059 (1987). 2J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade, and J. N. Winn, Pho- 1D PCs, in Fig. 3(a) we plot the refractive index and tonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light (Princeton Uni- the thickness neededto formthe ARC fora semi-infinite versity Press, Princeton, NJ, 1995). 1D PC. We assume that n =1, that the unit cell of the 1 3K.Ohtaka,Phys. Rev.B 19, 5057 (1979). PC consists of Si (n = 3.5) and SiO (n =1.5) with the 2 4K. Sakoda, Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals same thickness Λ/2, and that the Si layer is the bound- (Springer,Berlin, 2001). ary layer between the semi-infinite PC and the ARC. In 5H. Kosaka, T. Kawashima, A. Tomita, M. 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In conclusion, we have presented a systematic method 16J.M.BendicksonandJ.P.Dowling,Phys.Rev.E53,4107 for designing a perfect ARC for a semi-infinite 1D PC. (1996). We derived exact formulas of structural parameters of 17ThisconditionwasfirstderivedbyS.D.Poissonaccording the ARC and Fresnel coefficient of the PC. The concept to Ref. [14], p. 2. See also, Z. Knittl, Opt. Acta, 25, 167 of k matching10,11 was not used for our derivations, and (1978) (in French). the Bloch wave vector in the infinite PC is not included 18T.Minami,H.Ajiki,andK.Cho,PhysicaE(Amsterdam) explicitly in Eqs. (2) and (3). The surface immittance 13, 432 (2002). (admittanceandimpedance)ofthePCplaysanessential 19J. B. Pendry,J. Mod. Opt.41, 209 (1994). role in the formulas. The adiabatic interconnection8,9,10 20In Ref. [2], p.36 and Ref. [4], p. 21. can be interpreted to be gradual immittance-matching structures. Under appropriate approximation, the de- 3

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