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Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Copyright © 2005 by Truth Publishing International, Ltd. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. CAT 212490 For information regarding this and other Truth Publishing ebooks, please contact Truth Publishing International, Ltd: 1-520-232-9300 or [email protected]. DISCLAIMER: THIS BOOK IS OFFERED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS PROTECTED UNDER FREEDOM OF SPEECH. IT IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE NOR SHOULD IT BE CONSTRUED AS SUCH. NOTHING IN THIS BOOK IS INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE OR TREAT ANY DISEASE. ALWAYS WORK WITH A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL BEFORE MAKING ANY CHANGES TO YOUR DIET, PRESCRIPTION DRUG USE, LIFESTYLE OR EXERCISE ACTIVITIES. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS, AND THE READER ASSUMES ALL RISKS FROM THE USE, NON-USE OR MISUSE OF THIS INFORMATION. THE INFORMATION IN THIS BOOK IS NOT SUPPORTED BY CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE OR MOST PHYSICIANS. IT IS, HOWEVER, THE TRUTH. 2 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Table of Contents The Most Exciting Nutritional Discovery on Planet Earth Page 6 Why I’m So Inspired to Write About Chlorella & Spirulina Page 7 Where Do Chlorella & Spirulina Come From? Page 8 Are Chlorella & Spirulina the Answers to Global Malnutrition? Page 10 The Astounding Health Benefits of Chlorella & Spirulina Page 11 The Treasure Inside: Chlorella & Spirulina Page 13 The Vitamin & Mineral Content of Chlorella & Spirulina Page 14 The Essential Fatty Acids Found in Chlorella & Spirulina Page 16 The Astounding Chlorophyll Content of Chlorella & Spirulina Page 17 Chlorella vs. Spirulina Page 18 Chlorella & Spirulina for People on Any Low-Carb Diet Page 19 Chlorella & Spirulina for Weight Loss & Dieting Page 20 Chlorella & Spirulina for Vitality & Intestinal Health Page 21 Chlorella & Spirulina for Nervous System Disorders Page 22 3 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Chlorella & Spirulina for Appetite Suppression & Reducing Cravings Page 23 Chlorella & Spirulina for Enhancing Brain Function Page 24 Chlorella & Spirulina for Proper pH Balance Page 25 Chlorella & Spirulina for Preventing & Reversing Cancer Page 26 More Studies Showing How Chlorella Prevents & Reverses Cancer Page 27 Yet More Clinical Evidence That Chlorella Fights Cancer Page 28 How Chlorella & Spirulina Boost Immune System Function Page 30 The Magic of Polysaccharides Found in the Cell Wall of Chlorella Page 32 Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) Page 32 Chlorella & Spirulina for Cardiovascular Health & Heart Disease Page 34 Chlorella & Spirulina for Heavy Metals Detoxification Page 34 Chlorella & Spirulina for Hypoglycemia & Diabetes Page 35 Chlorella & Spirulina for Cleansing & Detoxification Page 36 Why Chlorella & Spirulina are Better Than Bulk Vitamins & Minerals Page 37 How to Take Chlorella & Spirulina Page 38 The Cost of Chlorella & Spirulina Page 39 4 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Taking Chlorella & Spirulina For Life Page 39 Frequently Asked Questions About Chlorella & Spirulina Page 40 My Top Recommended Sources for Chlorella & Spirulina Page 41 Learn More at TruthPublishing.com Page 42 Subscribe to the NewsTarget Insider Page 42 Copyright Page 42 Disclaimer Page 42 5 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams The Most Exciting Nutritional Discovery on Planet Earth Chlorella and spirulina are truly the most astounding food sources on planet Earth. In this special report, you’ll learn about the astonishing health benefits and nutritional achievements of these two foods, and you’ll see why you need to get these into your diet immediately. Most people have heard of chlorella and spirulina, but they don’t really know the details of why these are truly the best food sources on the planet. For example, did you know that, ounce per ounce, spirulina contains twelve times the digestible protein of beef? It’s a far better protein than beef, and it contains a much healthier mineral balance (such as magnesium) that just isn’t found in beef. Did you know that a phytochemical found in chlorella can actually rebuild nerve damage in the brain and nervous system? That’s why chlorella is being used in the recovery of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Were you aware that both chlorella and spirulina can actually reverse cancer in the human body? Both of these superfoods have been clinically shown to demonstrate stunning preventive and curative properties when it comes to all sorts of cancers. And finally, did you know that these superfoods also contain a high content of essential fatty acids such as GLA that are routinely missing from the diets of most Americans and yet are critical for healthy brain function? That’s just a taste of what these superfoods really have to offer. These foods are so packed with healing properties that if pharmaceutical companies could patent them and sell them as drugs, they would cost $100 a gram and be front page news all over the world. Their ability to halt cancers would be heralded as a “medical breakthrough” and doctors everywhere would be urged to prescribe these substances to every one of their patients. It would be nothing less than a blockbuster, multi billion dollar pharmaceutical achievement. But it isn’t a drug, it isn’t manufactured in a drug lab, and it doesn’t cost $100 a gram. In fact, it costs around 11 cents a gram from the sources I mention in this report, and nature makes it for free. Keep reading, and you’ll learn all about it. And just so you know where this information is coming from, my name is Mike Adams, and I’m a holistic health investigative journalist. I research and report on topics that help improve the lives of people everywhere. Don’t get me wrong: I’m a low-carb dieter myself, so I’m not slamming these diets. I’m working to educate people on how to make them healthier and more effective so they lose weight more quickly without exposing themselves to dangerous ingredients that I call metabolic disruptors. 6 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Why I’m So Inspired to Write About Chlorella & Spirulina I’m also the editor of a variety of health websites, including MadCowNews.org (which covers mad cow disease, of course), FitnessHeadlines.com (fitness & strength training news) and HealthFactor.info (a site covering a wide variety of health topics). I’ve studied hundreds of books on health and nutrition, and I’ve invested over 4,000 hours in researching the links between foods and health. I’ve also applied this information in my own life: I lost 50 pounds of body fat, took up strength training, shifted to a diet of 100% healthy, natural foods, and basically transformed my own health. So I’m not just a nutrition geek who writes about foods but doesn’t have the experience it takes to really master the subject. I live this stuff. Finally, I consume both chlorella and spirulina every day. I eat them as foods, not as vitamins, which means I actually “eat” this stuff. And my health has never been better. I use spirulina as my primary source of protein, since I rarely eat animal products, and I use chlorella for its astounding disease prevention and health enhancing properties, many of which I will share with you in this report. Both chlorella and spirulina are foods that I believe in and that I strongly recommend to friends, family members, and anyone who wants to get healthier. Since I use so much of these superfoods, I’ve also ordered them from a long list of suppliers. I’ve tried every popular brand on the market. I’ve even examined them under a microscope to see what kind of quality they present up close. I know where to get the best prices, who has the fastest shipping, and which brands are inexcusably over-hyped (I’ll help you steer clear of those). In other words, I’m a well-informed consumer because I buy and eat these products in large quantities. On the credibility side, by the way, I don’t sell any of these products. You won’t find me pitching chlorella. I don’t have any affiliate relationships with any of the suppliers I recommend here. I accept no advertising dollars from anyone. So this information is entirely unbiased. I give it to you straight, exactly as I see it. With that out of the way, let’s get down to business and take a closer look at these amazing superfoods. One of the first things people ask me about chlorella and spirulina is, “What are they made of anyway?” 7 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Where Do Chlorella & Spirulina Come From? Both chlorella and spirulina are microscopic plants that grow in fresh water. They’re actually called micro-algae, since they are microscopic forms of algae. (For those sticklers out there, I’m using the term “algae” to mean both “alga” and “algae” throughout this report, ignoring the proper conventions for this term.) And they’ve been around for quite some time: a few billion years, actually. These are some of the earliest and simplest life forms on the planet, appearing way before animals roamed these lands. These micro-algae contain an astounding array of nutritional elements: vitamins, macrominerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), chlorophyll, and a vast spectrum of phytochemicals. They are thought to contain every nutrient required by the human body. Yes, you could literally live off these micro-algae. You wouldn’t need to eat much, either, since they are so nutritionally dense. The “micro” part of their name is no joke: these superfoods range in size from 2 to 8 microns, which is about the same size as a human blood cell. They appear green due to their chlorophyll content. Harvesting them requires special centrifuge equipment, which is one reason why individuals don’t grow their own micro-algae for consumption. You have to get it from commercial processors who grow these superfoods in vast water farms located in regions of the world where the climate permits (the closer to the equator, the better, since there’s more sunlight). If chlorella and spirulina were sold with “Nutrition Facts” labels, those labels would be impressive indeed: zero refined carbohydrates, high in digestible protein, high in essential fatty acids, no “bad” fats, high in chlorophyll, and so on. I’ll list some of the known properties below. But it’s also important to recognize that much of the healing phytochemical content in these superfoods is simply unknown. Scientists haven’t isolated and named all the nutrients found in these plants. So it doesn’t render a complete picture to just list all the vitamins and minerals found in powdered chlorella, for example. The vitamins and minerals that we know of are not the only ones that matter. For example, in the early 1900’s, doctors thought there were only four vitamins needed by the human body. Now we know of over a hundred vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances that are necessary for optimum health. In the years ahead, we’ll certainly find even more. And when we do, chances will be that they are already found in micro-algae. 8 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Of the nutritive substances we know about, however, here’s what you find in chlorella and spirulina: • High-quality complete protein that is more dense and more digestible than any animal- derived protein. (Chlorella is 58% protein.) • All the known B vitamins, including vitamin B12 which is almost never found in plants. • Vitamin C • Vitamin E • Macrominerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and many more • Trace minerals • Omega-3 fatty acids including GLA • Mucopolysaccharides • Beta-carotene • Nucleic acids (RNA & DNA) • Chlorophyll Looking at the nutrients it provides, a well-informed nutritionist can only stare in awe: these are many of the nutrients needed by every human body, in near-perfect ratios! It’s almost as if Mother Nature herself reached down from the heavens and said, “Here’s the perfect food for all human beings...” and gave us micro-algae. They’re that impressive. The only thing that’s not impressive about these superfoods is their publicity: thanks to the fact that pharmaceutical companies can’t profit from them, the true healing benefits of these superfoods are virtually unknown by Western medical professionals. As you’ll see in the sections that follow, this is an extremely unfortunate situation, since the use of chlorella and spirulina in patients can not only prevent millions of cases of serious disease each year, it can actually reverse conditions like cancer. It can even be used as an adjunct “complementary” therapy to help those who choose the Western medicine route and allow themselves to be subjected to chemotherapy, for example. But before we get into the medicinal uses, let’s take a look at how it is being used around the world right now. 9 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks. Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams Are Chlorella & Spirulina the Answers to Global Malnutrition? The micro-algae have been a relatively new source of nutrition in the mainstream of industrial civilization during the last thirty years, although they have been used by certain traditional peoples in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere for millennia. They will become increasingly important throughout the planet if other food supplies dwindle. Already spirulina cultivation projects are underway in various parts of the world, particularly where there is malnutrition. - Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford Spirulina is more than just a superfood to help people prevent and reverse disease: it’s an answer to global malnutrition and food shortages. It can be grown in hot, sunny climates, which is exactly where much of the current malnutrition exists. It reportedly produces twenty times as much protein as soybeans when grown on equal-sized areas. And since soybeans already produce ten times as much protein as cows on a patch of land, it’s easy to do the math and conclude that spirulina produces two hundred times as much usable protein as cattle ranching, acre per acre. That’s a profound comparison, especially when considering the continued rise in the global population and vanishing land resources. If we want to feed ourselves and our neighbors in the coming years, spirulina may be one of the most viable ways to do it. Most people in developed countries like the United States are also malnourished, although you wouldn’t know it from looking solely at the rising rates of obesity. Although we tend to have far too much body fat, we also suffer from alarming nutritional deficiencies. Nearly all Americans are deficient in magnesium, zinc, calcium, the B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Worse yet, few people in developed countries intake adequate daily levels of phytochemicals (like chlorophyll) that demonstrate remarkable healing abilities such as destroying cancer tumors, rebuilding damaged nerve tissue, enhancing brain function, and so on. In this way, most Americans are, themselves, quite malnourished, even as they suffer from being overweight. That weight has come primarily from consuming massive quantities of refined carbohydrates that lack any notable nutritional content. That’s how this seeming contradiction exists: we are overfed, but undernourished. That’s why getting chlorella and spirulina into the diet can have such astonishing health benefits! It’s like delivering a windfall of nutrition that the body has been craving for years. Let’s take a closer look at how chlorella and spirulina actually transform your health. 10 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks.

Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina by Mike Adams 3 Check www.TruthPublishing.com for free updates to this report and other health-related ebooks.
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