iii A BRIEF OUTLINE This is a brief outline of the work showing how each chapter adds information to the chapter above, not unlike building a pyramid starting by starting at the top with the one brick, then two, then three until all the chapters are set in place to make a base to support the work. Part 1 This is the largest chapter and deals with Angels and Archangels in religion, myth, legend, folklore. It takes in many subjects associated with the angels, Christian, Roman, Greek, Islam, Biblical, Apocryphal, Fallen Angels, Dragons and Serpents, the Guph, the Shekinah, the Bat, Manna the Bread of the Angels, Melchizedek, some Enochian Angels, the Bad Angels, the Orders of the Angels and many words and themes associated with this study. This chapter is divided into sixty–six subtitles. Part 2 The Planet and their Angels. This chapter adds the information of the angels and the planets they rule, what the planets rule and how to use this. Your Personal and Guardian Angels. This chapter adds information for finding your Guardian Angels, your Auxiliary Angels and the Angel of the Ascendant or Benben Angel, the Six o’clock Angel. The Pentagrams of the Angels. This chapter adds information of how to make a Pentagram of the Angels a general pentagram for you, your home and those living there. The Personal Pentagram of the Angels is a pentagram that is personal to the one who makes it because it is made up from information personal to that individual. Your Letters or Invocation. This chapter adds information of how to make the Letters of Invocation, what to use, how to write them and how these are used using the Angelic Signatures, Seals, etc. Pyramid of Personal Power. This chapter adds information to the above for this is the ‘motor’ of the work, that which ‘drives’ it. Jacob’s Ladder. This chapter adds information and discusses the ‘what,’ the ‘why’ and ‘that’ which started the writing. The Kameas in Angelic Use. This chapter adds information and discusses the use of the kameas in Angelic Magic, how they are used. The Seals, Spirits and Intelligences; the Olympic Spirits etc. the use of the Hebrew Alphabet. The Magical Scripts. This chapter adds information, discusses the use of Magical Scripts and gives sufficient reliable scripts, enough to undertake the work given in the work. The Tables of Planetary and Angelic Hours. This chapter adds information and discusses how to find the correct hours and days for doing your work and these Tables can be used for many other things. The Tables are easy to use and are supplied at the back of the work. Closing the Work. These are some observations on the work given here, stressing a few of the more important points, some final suggestions to the reader and my leave–taking. Diagrams and Tables. These are mentioned of throughout the work — I did say the outline would be very brief! iv CONTENTS: PART ONE: ‘The Angels . . .’ A Brief Outline of the Work. FIRST THINGS FIRST. 1 Subtitles: Paganism . . . 7 Analogy, Symbol and Sign . . . 11 The Middle Ground . . . 12 The ‘Large Upper Room’ . . . ‘there make ready’ . . . 13 The Analogy of the Magnetic Field . . . 15 Some Classical Spirits . . . 16 The Unknown God or Gods . . . 22 The word – The Angel 22 Old Testament . . . 32 Some Angels and the Cabbala . . . 33 Angel Metatron . . . 40 Angel Sandalphon . . . 44 Archangel Michael . . . 45 Archangel Gabriel . . . 48 Archangel Raphael . . . 53 Archangel Uriel . . . 57 Angel Raziel . . . 63 The Recording Angel . . . 73 The Cabbalistic Lord’s Prayer . . . 75 A Caution . . . 76 Salt and Holy Water . . . 78 St. George and the Archangel Michael . . . 82 Angelic and Phantom Armies — Arthur Machin and the Angel of Mons . . . 85 Dragons and Serpents . . . 85 Lilith . . . 89 The Mating of the Sons of God . . . 92 Manna or the ‘Bread of Angels’ . . . 98 Teraphim . . . 101 Tetragrammaton . . . 104 The Shekinah . . . 108 The Bat Qol . . . 112 The Guph . . . 114 The Merkabah Mysteries . . . 115 Satan/the Devil/ the Angel Sammael . . . 118 Lucifer . . . 135 v Mammon . . . 138 Sheol . . . 141 Abbadon or Apollyon . . . 144 New Testament . . . 145 A little Gnosticism . . . 149 The Theophany . . . 150 St. Thomas Aquinas . . . 151 St. Albert the Great — Albertus Magnus . . . 153 Angels — views from other sources — for and against . . . 158 Apocrypha . . . 165 Some comments on the Decalogue, Torah and the Ark — briefly! 170 The Angels of the Elements of Nature and the Zodiac . . . 171 The Four Fixed Signs of the Zodiac . . . 174 Some general observations . . . 176 Cry Heresy! 183 More information gathered about the Angels . . . 185 Melchizedek . . . 194 Some bad Angels . . . 197 Characteristics of the Angels . . . 200 Some more about the Angels . . . 202 Enochia, Enochian Angels and Enochian Magic . . . 206 The Orders of the Angels . . . 213 Seraphim . . . 218 Cherubim . . . 219 Dominions . . . 223 Thrones . . . 223 Principalities . . . 224 Powers and Potentates . . . 224 Virtues . . . 225 Archangels . . . 225 Angels . . . 226 vi PART TWO: ‘ . . . and their Magic.’ THE PLANETS AND THEIR ANGELS . . . 232 YOUR PERSONAL GUARDIAN ANGELS . . . 259 YOUR PERSONAL PENTAGRAM OF THE ANGELS . . . 285 YOUR LETTER OR INVOCATION TO THE ANGELS . . . 294 YOUR PERSONAL PYRAMID OF ANGELIC POWER . . . 348 THE LINK OR ‘JACOB’S LADDER’ . . . 361 THE KAMEA’S IN ANGELIC USE (ETC) . . . 375 THE MAGICAL SCRIPTS . . . 395 THE TABLES OF ANGELIC AND PLANETARY HOURS . . . 404 SOME THOUGHT CLOSING THE WORK . . . 410 DIAGRAMS: CONTAINS THE DIAGRAMS AND TABLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHAPTERS . . . 413 vii PART ONE: THE Angels viii ‘Call. Is there one to answer thee? To which of the holy ones (i.e. the angels) wilt thou turn?’ Job 5:1. PART ONE: THE ANGELS . . . FIRST THINGS FIRST (NB. Some parts of this chapter, because of its length, have been given sub–headings if it deals with a specific subject, information or angel(s) at any length. This has been done to make it possible for the reader to go to a particular theme or information quickly if they want to but the heading must not be taken to mean that this is a main entry or the only place where such information can be found.) This work is in two separate parts. The first part is largely concerned with the information that we will use in the second. Therefore, it will aid understanding considerably if Part One is familiar to the reader. Part One of the work could be regarded as ‘the theory’ of the subject matter in hand, which is ‘The Angels . . . ’ of the sub–title. Part Two is ‘the practice’ that deals with ‘ . . . and their Magic’ of the sub–title. This is why it was said that time spent studying the material of Part One will be useful and valuable to the reader later when they reach Part Two — because we can always deal more successfully with things that we understand or know. When we start writing about angels we have to decide what are the ‘first things’ to be considered ‘first?’ At this early stage, if we begin to ponder the extent and complexity of the journey we are about to undertake, we may never start because we may feel that the task could possibly overwhelm us for the subject is vast and it is not exhausted here. Where do we start in our study of these magnificent creations that have fascinated countless millions of people from so many countries and religions through equally countless centuries — by whatever name they are found called. The subject is a vast one without doubt and somewhat daunting in its scope so, as I have said, perhaps it would be better not to think about it but plunge straight in and become caught up in the tide and follow where it takes us. Knowing this would be a long chapter I pondered how it would be best to set it all down, not all of the first attempts were thought acceptable so I resorted to an old practise of taking wine before retiring and consider how best to do the task just as I was falling asleep. I awoke during the night and wrote down in a notepad my nocturnal ramblings, which is one way that I sometimes work. In the morning, I read the notes and can only hope I have done them some justice but if I have not, the fault is mine, what follows are the notes as written down. Of course, throughout the work for any lapsus calami found I accept full responsibility, it came out as: ‘Regard the first part of the work as the well–spring of a stream that will eventually grow into a large river. The river will grow and finally end at the harbour that divides Parts One and Two of the work. The area between the two parts is the dock where all the goods and cargo (= information gathered on the journey down Part One) are stored, sorted and inspected before starting out on the second part of the journey, which is Part Two. These goods are the various sections that have been discussed, the explanations or information additional to the main angelic theme and insert these at strategic points in the river as it flows on. 1 ‘Do not regard these ‘strategic points’ in the journey as a dam that blocks the flow of the river. See them more as an ‘island’ or ‘group of islands’ where the reader can pause in their travels down to the river’s end and its ‘harbour.’ A rest before they embark out on the open sea, to try to find new lands and unexplored territories that lie unmapped in Part Two. These pauses should not be thought of as breaks in the journey but resting places where the river flows on all sides of the island and the journey can be picked up again once the information the islands give is set out for the reader’s use by picking up what ‘stores’ are needed. Call these ‘islands’ — Shekinah, Merkabah Mysteries, Melchizedek, Bat Qol, Lilith, Mammon, Cabbalistic Angels, Heresy, Enochia and its Angels, Guph and include the traditions, legends and folklore concerning the subjects of the ‘angelic islands.’ These ‘islands’ should be regarded as supply depots for what will be needed for the journey ahead or give additional information that may help. In this way, the long journey will be taken with some breathing space on dry land to pick up extra supplies and these breaks should give additional understanding of the subject.’ This is what I have attempted to do according to the notes but whether I have been successful or not, only time will tell. The words of the sub–title have a purpose and are deliberately composed and divided to show this purpose. The first part is ‘The Angels . . . ’ and this makes up Part One of the work, the section you are reading now. The second part of the sub–title ‘ . . . and their Magic’ makes up Part Two of the work, the part we will be studying next. These two sections when put together (as they are on the front page) give us the purpose of the work in one sentence — The Angels . . . and their Magic. To those brought up in the West, despite the rapid movement of populations and the even swifter changing fashions in so many areas of life, which seem to come and go with every passing wind today, this has to be the Bible. This is because it is the ‘the Book’ of the writer, his family, the country where he was born and book from which he was originally taught. However, the angels or ‘celestial messengers’ are obviously not confined only to the Bible or the Christian faith. All religions and religious philosophies have such ‘other–world’ beings in their pantheon and many have been dealing with them long before Christianity arrived. This all–important ‘middle ground’ stands between a nation, a people or an individual at one end and their God or Supreme Being at the other. It is here there could be a chance of contact because this area is intermediate and between the two, common ground where a ‘meeting’ might be possible because of the desire to ‘meet halfway.’ What occupies the middle ground and how can it be used to advantage? This is an important area that we must try to become familiar with so that we do not get lost on our journey. It is like the area of land that lies between a large country — the vast celestial — and a small one — us! In the religions of Ancient Greece, Rome, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other the other peoples, the angels act as intermediaries and Divine Messengers, often sent to give instruction, information, to advise, warn, give comfort, rescue, to give commands or chastise the human race or an individual in some way. An angel can act as a protective guardian, a teacher or a divine warrior. Angels can come on behalf of the Power or Source that they serve and they can bring with them the fiat of their Creator to give, bless, advise, protect, punish, rebuke, destroy and to even bring death, natural or otherwise. The Angel of Death is one of the most constant and ever-present of angels in all religions, whatever title is found. We must not regard angels only as the fluffy artistic creations of the annual Christmas or other religious cards and writings of those who make use of them with similar license. This does not 2