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Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata (L.), first Virginia record and new North American host of an adventive lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) PDF

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Preview Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata (L.), first Virginia record and new North American host of an adventive lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

22 BANISTERIA NO. 2,1993 Acknowledgments King, B. L. 1977. The flavonoids of the deciduous Rhododendron of North America (Ericaceae). American I thank R. E. White for insect identification and the Journal of Botany. 64: 350-360. Walter William Craigie Teaching Endowment and Randolph-Macon College for financial support I also King, B. L. 1980. The systematic implications of flavo¬ thank Barry Knisley for helpful comments on the noids in Rhododendron subgenus Pentanthera. pp. 163- manuscript 185, In: J. L. Luteyn and M. E. O’Brien (eds.), Contribu¬ tions Toward a Classification of Rhododendron. The New Literature Cited York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. Galle, F. C. 1967. Native and some introduced azaleas Li, H. 1957. Chromosome studies in the azaleas of for southern gardens. American Horticultural Magazine eastern North America. American Journal of Botany 44: 46: 13-23. 8-14. Johnson, W. T. & H. H. Lyon. 1988. Insects That Feed Wilcox, J. A. 1979. Leaf Beetle Host Plants In Northeast¬ on Trees and Shrubs. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, ern North America. Flora and Fauna Publications, New York. 556 pp. Gainesville, Florida. 30 pp. Banisteria, Number 2, 1993 © 1993 by the Virginia Natural History Society Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata (L.), First Virginia Record and New North American Host of an Adventive Lady Beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) A. G. Wheeler, Jr. Bureau of Plant Industry Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata (L.) belongs to Tanasijevic, 1958; Richards et al., 1976; Ali, 1979; the phytophagous subfamily Epilachninae of a mainly Wheeler & Henry, 1981; Baldwin, 1988). predacious family, the Coccinellidae or lady beetles. It is This common Palearctic coccinellid was first collected widely distributed in the Old World, ranging throughout in North America in Pennsylvania in 1972 and New Britain and continental Europe and occurring in parts of Jersey in 1973 (USDA, 1974). Known unofficially in the northern Africa, Asia Minor, and the former USSR. The United States as the European alfalfa beetle, it has since broad host range includes more than 70 plant species, been recorded from Maryland, Missouri, New York, Ohio, but Caryophyllaceae and Fabaceae are favored; this lady and West Virginia. Populations have been found mainly beetle is a pest of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Europe on bouncing bet (Saponaria officinalis L., Caryophyl¬ (USDA, 1974; Richards et al., 1976; Ali, 1979). Adults laceae) along railroad rights-of-way, and rail traffic is and larvae feed from the abaxial surface of host foliage, believed to have helped disperse the beetle following its cleaning out the lower epidermis and palisade cells. apparent accidental introduction with commerce. Larval Injured leaves, which have the upper epidermis intact, development has been limited to caryophyllaceous plants: show a characteristic lacework of transparent, parallel white campion (Silene latifolia Poiret = Lychnis alba) strips. Univoltine in Britain, populations on the Europe¬ and wild pink (S. caroliniana var. pensylvanica (Michx.) an continent are generally bivoltine; the adults overwin¬ Fern.), in addition to Saponaria officinalis. Adult feeding ter in protected sites near host plants (Marriner, 1927; has been observed on tall oatgrass (Arrhenatherum WHEELER: ADVENTIVE LADY BEETLE 23 elatius (L.) J.& C. Presl., Poaceae). Nearctic populations Pulaski, and Roanoke counties. are chiefly univoltine (Wheeler & Henry, 1981; Gordon, I later collected the European alfalfa beetle in west- 1985). central Virginia (Nelson Co.). On 28 May 1993, larvae Joint state-federal surveys for this potentially economic were found on fire pink along the Blue Ridge Parkway insect were discontinued after the mid-1970s when it near milepost 1 southeast of Waynesboro. Injury was became apparent that this coccinellid posed no immedi¬ apparent on about 10 plants on a dry bank at the edge ate threat to alfalfa. It is desirable, however, to document of woods. Voucher specimens of larvae have been the habits and further spread of all unintentionally deposited in the insect collections at Cornell University, introduced insects, regardless of their applied signifi¬ Ithaca, New York. cance. Such information, even when accumulated during unsystematic surveys, helps in analyzing pathways of Discussion introduction and subsequent dispersal of nonindigenous organisms; and it could become crucial if a particular The record for Montgomery County, Virginia, extends species eventually assumes economic importance. Herein the range of the European alfalfa beetle about 241 km I report Virginia as a new state record for the European (150 miles) south of Grafton, West Virginia (see Gordon, alfalfa beetle and fire pink (Silene virginica L.) as a new 1976 for previous records), and becomes the southern¬ host most U.S. locality known for this adventive species. Populations in the state may be quite limited, occurring Collection Data and Observations mainly along railroads, but extensive surveys are needed to delimit the extent of its current range. If evidence for On 7 May 1993, I discovered S. vigintiquatuorpunc- the beetle’s recent arrival with European commerce were tata on S. virginica growing on a shaly roadcut bank not clear-cut, its collection in relatively natural areas- and in dry woods along Seneca Hollow Road (Rt 821), along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Nelson Co. and in 2.9 km southwest of Ironto, Montgomery County. One Maryland’s Green Ridge State Forest in Allegany Co. (23 adult (probably an overwintered individual) was collected May 1993)-would suggest an indigenous status in our (deposited in the Virginia Museum of Natural History at fauna. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg), and larvae were observed Silene virginica is only the second native plant known damaging the foliage and stems of several plants. Other to serve as one of the beetle’s hosts in the New World. plant species characteristic of the habitat were fragrant The coccinellid could be considered a beneficial introduc¬ sumac (Rhus aromatica Ait, Anacardiaceae) and New tion when it damages colonies of the naturalized weed Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus, Rhamnaceae). Saponaria officinalis, but undesirable when it attacks an During 15-16 May 1993,1 returned to the Montgom¬ attractive wild flower such as fire pink. ery Co. site for further observations and attempted to In North America, the European alfalfa beetle is not make additional collections of the beetle in nearby areas known to have used alfalfa or other legumes as larval of southwestern Virginia. Larvae were still present on hosts (Wheeler & Henry, 1981), but a change in food fire pink along Seneca Hollow Road, and they had habits remains possible. Although the coccinellid is severely damaged the basal leaves of several plants; no polyphagous, using hosts in 12 families (USDA, 1974), adults were seen. The characteristic larval injury, which European populations often show extreme host specifici¬ can be considered almost diagnostic for this insect, was ty. The possibility of a sibling species complex or subspe- observed on fire pink on a shaly slope along Flatwoods ciation has been suggested, or the beetle could be poly¬ Road (RL 713) northeast of Ironto, and nearby on white morphic in host preference as well as in elytral color campion growing along the railroad on North Fork Road pattern (Tanasijevic, 1958; Richards et al., 1976; Wheel¬ (Rt 603). Possible adult feeding was observed in the er & Henry, 1981). The European alfalfa beetle's contin¬ Ironto area on a few leaves of the legumes yellow sweet ued spread in North America should be monitored, but clover (Melilotus officinalis [L.] Pallas) and red clover resolution of some fundamental questions regarding its (Trifolium pratense L.). No beetles or their injury were taxonomic status and ecology is also needed. found on fire pink on Brush Mountain in Montgomery C aunty or on Bald Knob in Franklin County. Surveys for Acknowledgments the coccinellid on potential leguminous and caryophylla- ceous hosts were likewise negative along railroads and I thank T. J. Rawinski (Virginia Division of Natural roadsides at about 10 other sites in Giles, Montgomery, Heritage, Department of Conservation & Recreation, 24 BANISTERIA NO. 2,1993 Richmond) for accompanying me in the field, E. R. Marriner, T. F. 1927. Observations on the life history of Hoebeke (Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Subcoccinella 24-punctata. Entomologist’s Monthly Ithaca, NY) for helpful comments on the manuscript, and Magazine 63: 118-122. R. L. Hoffman (Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville) and T. F. Wieboldt (Massey Herbarium, VPI Richards, A. M., R. D. Pope, & V. F. Eastop. 1976. Obser¬ & SU, Blacksburg) for helping me locate colonies of fire vations on the biology of Subcoccinella vigintiquatuor- pink. punctata (L.) in southern England. Ecological Entomolo¬ gy 1: 201-207. Literature Cited Tanasijevic, N. 1958. Zur Morphologie und Biologie des Luzernemarienkafers Subcoccinella vigintiquatuor- punctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Beitrage zur Ali, M. 1979. Ecological and Physiological Studies on the Entomologie 8: 23-78. Alfalfa Ladybird. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 200 pp. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1974. European alfalfa Baldwin, A. J. 1988. Biological observations on Subcoc- beetle in the U. S. - 1974. Cooperative Economic Insect cinella vigintiquattuorpunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae). Report 24 (36): 731-734. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 124: 57-61. Wheeler, A. G., Jr., & T. J. Henry. 1981. Seasonal history Gordon, R. D. 1985. The Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of and habits of the European alfalfa beetle, Subcoccinella America north of Mexico. Journal of the New York vigintiquatuorpunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Entomological Society 93: 1-912. Coleopterists Bulletin 35: 197-203. Banisteria, Number 2, 1993 © 1993 by the Virginia Natural History Society Virginia Record for an Introduced Palearctic Stilt Bug, Berytinus minor (Heteroptera: Berytidae) Richard L. Hoffman Virginia Museum of Natural History Martinsville, Virginia 24112 During the six-week trapping interval of 31 March - found at many places in New York, New England, and 11 May, 1992, a drift fence unit operated by VMNH ob¬ eastern Canada. Wheeler (1970) provided a spot map of tained the first known Virginia specimen of the stilt bug the capture sites known to him, indicating southward Berytinus minor (Herrich-Schaffer). This installation was spread into northern parts of Ohio and New Jersey. located at 1190 m ASL on “The Priest”, 6.4 km south¬ Evidence at the time suggested that dispersal was being east of Montebello in western Nelson County. accomplished by both “natural” and anthropochoric Berytinus minor is a common and widespread insect means. in much of western Europe. The history of its establish¬ In his supplementary note about this species, Wheeler ment and subsequent spread in North America has been (1979) recorded his capture of specimens at the Cranber¬ carefully chronicled by A. G. Wheeler (1970, 1979), who ry Glades, Pocahontas Co., West Virginia, extending vhe suspected that the bug was brought to this continent by known range some 320 km further southward. This passive transport in plant material. The earliest docu¬ region is well-known as a disjunct postglacial refugium mented specimen was taken in Ontario in 1929, and for many kinds of plants and animals, so the discovery after a lag period of two decades the species was being of minor there might suggest natural occurrence except

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