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Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 http://zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:68D12ECB-9602-4F42-B0CC- 3617BC735E4B STONEFLIES (INSECTA: PLECOPTERA) IN THE BOREAL HIGHLANDS OF CAPE BRETON, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA, WITH NOTES ON NEW SPECIES RECORDS Jeffrey B. Ogden1, Donna J. Giberson2, & Ronald B. Aiken3 1 70 Arthur St. Truro, NS B2N 1X6,Canada E-mail: [email protected] 2 Biology Department, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3, Canada E-mail: [email protected] 3 Biology Department, Mount Allison University, Sackville New Brunswick, Canada E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Adult and larval stoneflies were surveyed from 12 headwater streams in the boreal highland area of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, between May 2005 and November 2006, to determine diversity and life history patterns. Approximately 3,400 stonefly specimens were collected, with eight of the nine Nearctic families represented. Thirty-one taxa were identified from the study streams, with five taxa reported in Nova Scotia for the first time: Leuctra truncata Claassen, 1923, Amphinemura palmeni (Koponen, 1917), Isoperla dicala Frison, 1942, Cultus spp., and Malirekus iroquois Stark & Szczytko, 1988. Keywords: Plecoptera, new records, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada INTRODUCTION landscape, originating from cool springs or draining Cape Breton Island is a large (10,311 km2) island acidic, sphagnum bogs (Webb & Marshall 1999, in northern Nova Scotia, located in eastern Canada. Neily et al. 2003). The forest is dominated by even- The boreal highlands of Cape Breton reach aged balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L., 1753)), elevations of 300 to 500 m and represent true boreal representing the only area in Nova Scotia with forest habitat, which is rare in Nova Scotia (Neily et balsam fir as climax forest (Webb & Marshall 1999). al. 2003). The climate of the region is influenced by The boreal highland region has been historically the higher elevations, strong ocean winds and subject to repeated insect infestations and has been heavy blankets of dense fog that occur during extensively managed for timber and wood fiber spring and summer. The headwater streams of the since the early 1900s, resulting in a large network of highland regions flow over a primarily ancient roads through many areas of the highland metamorphic and granitic dominated geologic landscape. Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 162 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 Stoneflies (Plecoptera) are a major component of and 2006, using Hobo® water temperature-Pro data the biodiversity and aquatic communities of most recorders. pH and conductivity were measured in stream ecosystems. Stonefly larvae and adults mid-August 2006, using a Hanna multi-parameter provide a direct food source for many predatory meter. Channel characteristics were measured in organisms and play an important role in the mid-August 2006, providing information on stream nutrient and dissolved mineral cycles within the width, summer and bank full flow, and substrate stream ecosystem (Stewart & Stark 2002). particle size composition. Watershed area was Detritivorous stoneflies are particularly important determined by delineating watershed boundaries in small headwater streams that are well shaded by on 1:50,000 topographical maps, and calculating the streamside vegetation and have food webs that are area upstream of the sample site using MapInfo® dominated by leaf litter detritus (Stewart & Stark v.7 (MapInfo Canada, 26 Wellington St. E., Ste. 500, 2008). Little is known about the stonefly fauna of Toronto, ON). Ogden (2011) provides a detailed Cape Breton Island. Previous insect studies within description of sites including stream physical the highland ecosystem on Cape Breton have characteristics and images of each stream. focused on forest pests or on general surveys Stonefly sampling. Adult and larval stoneflies conducted mainly in lower elevations and not in the were sampled during the snow-free months of boreal region. Works that include Plecoptera 2005 and 2006, resulting in 10 sampling times distribution information for Atlantic Canada (e.g., between May 2005 and November 2006. Adults Ricker 1948, 1964, Harper & Hynes 1971a, 1971b, were collected using a combination of suspended 1971c, 1971d, Peterson & van Eeckhaute 1992, cone-shaped emergence traps (Chmielewski & Kondratieff & Baumann 1994, Giberson & Garnett Hall 1993, Giberson & Garnett 1996), light traps, 1996) have focused on lower elevation streams and stream-side pan traps and vegetation sweeps not in the Nova Scotia boreal zone. Prior to this (Giberson & Garnett 1996). Emergence traps were study, 51 stonefly taxa were reported as valid set in the spring and emptied three to four times records in the faunal list for Nova Scotia in DeWalt each season. During 2005, stream-side light traps et al. (2018), a small proportion of the 120 reported (modified CDC mosquito light traps) and in northeastern North America. terrestrial sweep sampling (7-10 min. streamside The objective of this study was to describe the sweeps) were also used to obtain adults. All species richness, abundance and flight periods of specimens were preserved in 70% ethanol. the stonefly assemblage of headwater streams of the Stonefly larvae were collected each year in mid- Cape Breton highland region. Of particular interest June, late-July, and early October by means of a was the identification of new species additions to standardized 60-second kick sample, using a 200 the known fauna of Nova Scotia. µm mesh D-shaped kick net (Hornig & Pollard 1978, Lenat & Crawford 1994, Willacker et al. 2009). MATERIALS AND METHODS Habitats within the 15-20 m study reaches included Study area. Twelve low order streams of similar riffles, pools, undercuts, and snags. The entire size, vegetative cover and habitat type were chosen contents of the kick net were placed directly into using a combination of topographical maps (1: 80% ethanol for later sorting. 50,000 scale) and site visits. All streams were located Plecoptera were sorted from the debris using a on Hunters Mountain (46° 26.3ʹN, 60° 47.2ʹW) in the dissecting microscope, and were identified using central portion of northwest Cape Breton Island, keys found in Ricker (1952), Harper & Hynes (1971 Nova Scotia covering a total land area of a, b, c, d), Hitchcock (1974) and Stewart & Stark approximately 350 km² (Fig. 1). (2002). Voucher specimens were confirmed by Dr. Each stream site included a riffle zone and a B.C. Kondratieff (Colorado State University, Fort slower water zone within a 15-20 m reach. Water Collins, Colorado, USA), the late Dr. S.W. Szczytko temperature was monitored continuously in each (University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Wisconsin, stream between mid-May and early November 2005 Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 163 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 Fig. 1. Location of study sites sampled during 2005 and 2006, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. USA) or Dr. R.W. Baumann (Brigham Young RESULTS University, Provo, Utah, USA). All specimens were All but one of the twelve stream sites were identified to the lowest possible taxon. In some heavily shaded and generally cool, most averaging instances, early instar larvae could only be below 12°C during the summer months (Table 1). identified to family and adult females of some Alternatively, site 7 was warmer than the others, genera (e.g. Leuctra and Isoperla) could only be averaging 14.1°C. Streams were generally small identified to genus due to lack of taxonomic keys for (approximately 2-4.5 m wide), with median particle these groups. Voucher specimens are housed in the sizes between 3.3 and 12.3 cm and of moderate Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, the Nova Scotia gradient. Again, site 7 was different, being slight Department of Natural Resources Insect Reference wider at 5.3 m wide, higher gradient, and Collection, Shubenacadie and in the personal dominated by larger particle sizes than most other collection of the author. streams (Table 1). Most streams had exceedingly low conductivity and were slightly acid in pH (6.3- Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 164 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 6.8), though site 10 showed a pH of 5.8, and sites 9 total specimens collected (Table 2). The shredders and 11 were circumneutral (Table 1). also provided the highest species richness of any of A total of 3,401 Plecoptera specimens (2,773 the functional feeding groups: Leuctra (5 spp.) and larvae and 628 adults) were collected over the two Amphinemura (3 spp.). Although predators made up sampling seasons. Thirty-one taxa were identified, less than 20% of the total abundance, they with eight of the nine Nearctic families represented contributed up to 47% of the total species richness (number of species in parentheses): Capniidae (1), (Table 2). Site 7, in contrast to the small streams, was Leuctridae (6), Nemouridae (7), Taeniopterygidae dominated by predator species and supported (1), Chloroperlidae (3), Perlidae (3), Perlodidae (9) relatively few shredder species (Table 2). and Pteronarcyidae (1) (Table 2). Only the Adult flight periods could only be assessed for Peltoperlidae was not recorded. the 21 species whose adults were present during our Species richness ranged from eight to 12 stonefly sampling (Table 2). Three stoneflies, Leuctra taxa in each site (Table 1). Abundance ranged from ferruginea (Walker, 1852), L. tenella Provancher, 1878, a low of 88 specimens at site 7 (the largest and and Amphinemura nigritta (Provancher, 1876) warmest site) to > 500 individuals in the smaller, showed long emergence periods, with adults cooler streams (Table 1). Overlap of taxa in small captured throughout most of the season, whereas streams ranged from 60% to 80% most other taxa had emergence over only one or two Shredders dominated the stonefly abundance for of the sampling periods (Table 2). all streams, often making up more than 80% of the Table 1: Physical and summer chemical characteristics, stonefly species richness, and combined larval and adult abundance from 12 study streams of the highland region of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada sampled during 2005-2006. See Fig. 1 for site locations. Site Width Mean July Reach Median pH Conductivity Mean Taxa Total number (m) Discharge Gradient Substrate (µS/cm) Summer Richness collected (m³/s) (%) Particle Temperature (larvae + adults) size (cm) (⁰C) 2 2.8 0.08 1 6.0 6.4 20 8.7 10 401 3 3.6 0.22 0.4 6.3 6.8 30 9.3 12 264 4 2.0 0.08 0.6 5.7 6.4 20 11.5 8 380 6 3.4 0.10 3.5 8.7 6.5 30 10.5 9 327 7 5.3 0.24 3.5 60.0 6.3 30 14.1 12 88 8 2.5 0.07 2.1 10.3 6.3 30 11.9 12 225 9 4.3 0.07 1.3 5.3 7.2 30 7.7 12 530 10 3.9 0.16 1.7 3.3 5.8 30 8.3 9 192 11 2.4 0.24 1.4 8.3 7.2 40 9.2 9 192 13 4.5 0.11 0.3 6.3 6.5 20 11 8 210 14 3.8 0.18 0.7 9.3 6.5 20 11.3 10 290 15 3.1 0.07 1.6 12.3 6.6 20 10.2 9 302 Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 165 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 Table 2. Flight periods and numbers collected by stage for stoneflies from 12 Cape Breton highlands streams, May-October 2005-2006. The grey bars indicate periods when adults were captured. "*" Denotes a new Nova Scotia record. Taxon V VI VII VIII IX X Capniidae Allocapnia spp. (437L) Leuctridae Leuctra spp. (1,031 L, 112 A) Leuctra duplicata Claassen (3A) Leuctra ferruginea (Walker) (240A) Leuctra tenella Provancher (28A) Leuctra tenuis (Pictet) (3A) *Leuctra truncata Claassen (2A) Paraleuctra sara (Claassen) (1A) Nemouridae Amphinemura spp. (437L, 2A) *Amphinemura palmeni (Koponen) (9L) Amphinemura nigritta (Provancher) (15L, 129A) Amphinemura wui (Claassen) (11L, 29A) Nemoura spp. (111L) Nemoura arctica Esben-Petersen, 1910 (15A) Ostrocerca spp. (10 L) Podmosta macdunnoughi (Ricker) (1A) Zapada katahdin Baumann & Mingo (17L) Taeniopterygidae Taeniopteryx spp. (133L) Chloroperlidae Alloperla spp. (1A) Alloperla atlantica Baumann (7A) Sweltsa spp. (355L) Sweltsa naica (Provancher) (6A) Sweltsa onkos (Ricker) (11A) Perlidae Acroneuria spp. (1L) Agnetina capitata (Pictet) (19L, 5A) Paragnetina media (Walker) (8L, 4A) Perlodidae Isoperla spp. (155L, 2A) *Isoperla dicala Frison (4A) Isoperla frisoni Illies (4A) Isoperla holochlora Klapálek (10A) Isoperla orata Frison (2A) Isoperla signata (Banks) (1A) Isoperla transmarina (Newman) (3L, 4A) *Cultus spp. (2A) Isogenoides spp. (4L) *Malirekus iroquois Stark & Szczytko (7L) Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcys biloba Newman (10L) Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 166 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 DISCUSSION synonym of N. arctica (Grubbs et al. 2018). We also Species patterns by family reported larvae of Ostrocerca, but they were too Capniidae (Snowflies). Capniidae were well immature for species identification. One species is represented as larvae in the study streams, but were reported for the first time in Nova Scotia from this not collected as adults, since they generally emerged study (Amphinemura palmeni (Koponen, 1917)). in late winter or early spring, outside of our Taeniopterygidae (Willowflies). Members of this sampling period (Stewart & Stark 2002, Harper & family also emerge during winter and late spring. Hines 1971b). Lack of access to the sample sites in Nine species in five genera are reported from winter due to heavy snow made it impossible to northeastern North America, but only Taenionema obtain the mature nymphs or adults needed for atlanticum Ricker & Ross, 1975 has been previously species determinations. Allocapnia is the only genus reported from Nova Scotia (Stanger & Baumann reported from Nova Scotia in DeWalt et al. (2018). 1993). Ricker & Ross (1968) and Harper & Hynes Ross & Ricker (1971) report six Allocapnia species (1971c) have previously reported unidentified from the province. Allocapnia larvae were common Taeniopteryx spp. from Nova Scotia, including Cape in all sites in the Cape Breton highland streams that Breton, and small, unidentifiable larvae of were sampled, but due to their small size and lack Taeniopteryx were collected in all but one of our of adult specimens, species determination was not Cape Breton highlands study streams. possible. Harper et al. (1991) also found that Chloroperlidae (Sallflies). Chloroperlidae is a identifiable stages of capniids were rare in summer diverse family of predatory stoneflies commonly sampling in Quebec. found throughout northeastern North America, Leuctridae (Needleflies). Leuctrids are common including Nova Scotia. Chloroperlids are the most stoneflies in small to medium-size streams in diverse family of stoneflies in Nova Scotia, with Atlantic Canada (e.g., Peterson & van Eeckhaute three genera and 12 species reported (Alloperla (9), 1992, Garnett & Giberson 1996, Dobrin & Giberson Haploperla (1) and Sweltsa (2) (Surdick 2004). Only 2003, Eedy & Giberson 2007). Six species have been Sweltsa and Alloperla were collected in this study. previously reported from Nova Scotia: five Leuctra Sweltsa larvae were commonly collected at all study and one Paraleuctra (Harper & Hynes 1971a, DeWalt sites, generally as unidentifiable early instars. et al. 2018). Leuctra was the most abundant stonefly Adults of two Sweltsa species (S. naica (Provancher, in all streams sampled, with five species collected. 1876) and S. onkos (Ricker, 1936)) were collected but Leuctra truncata Claassen, 1923 was collected for the were uncommon. In contrast, Alloperla larvae were first time in Nova Scotia in this study. It is known collected only at a single small headwater stream from New Brunswick (Giberson & Garnett 1996) and were uncommon. Alloperla atlantica Baumann, and Quebec (Harper & Hynes 1971a). We collected the only species determined from adult specimens, a single adult specimen of Paraleuctra sara (Claassen, was collected between mid-June and mid-August 1937) at site 14. from the same stream. Nemouridae (Forestflies). Nemouridae is the most Perlidae (Summer stoneflies). Perlidae is a family diverse detritivorous stonefly family in the of large predatory stoneflies commonly found in northeastern region of Canada and the United northeastern North America, most often associated States, based on examination of the lists in DeWalt with mid- to high-order streams and rivers. Twelve et al. 2018). Eleven species in seven genera are listed species in seven genera are known from Atlantic for Nova Scotia in DeWalt et al. (2018). The results Canada, but only five species in four genera have of this survey showed relatively low nemourid been reported from Nova Scotia: Acroneuria lycorias diversity in the highlands of Cape Breton, with only (Newman, 1839), Agnetina capitata (Pictet, 1841), four species in four genera collected. One of these, Paragnetina media (Walker, 1852), Perlinella drymo Nemoura arctica Esben-Petersen, 1910 was originally (Newman, 1839), Neoperla occipitalis (Pictet, 1841) identified in Ogden 2011 as Nemoura trispinosa (Ricker 1964, Peterson & van Eeckhaute 1992, Stark Claassen, 1923, which is now recognised as a junior 2004). Several specimens of A. capitata and P. media Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 167 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 and a single Acroneuria larva were collected during Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick (Giberson & this study. Garnett 1996). Leuctra truncata is a late summer Perlodidae (Spring stoneflies). Perlodidae is species, and the two adults collected in this study another family of primarily predaceous stoneflies were collected in emergence traps between August commonly found throughout North America. and October. Larvae feed on a variety of small aquatic Amphinemura palmeni (Koponen, 1917) invertebrates, while some immature instars also (Nemouridae). Larvae of this species were feed on plant material (Stewart & Stark 2008). With originally identified as A. linda Ricker, 1952, now a 27 species in seven genera in northeastern North junior synonym of A. palmeni (Boumans & Baumann America (Kondratieff 2004, Szczytko & Kondratieff 2012). It has been recorded from cold water streams 2015), Perlodidae is the most diverse stonefly family in parts of central North America. The nearest in the region. It is the second-most diverse stonefly records to Nova Scotia (as A. linda) were from family in Nova Scotia, with ten species in two central Quebec (Harper & Hynes 1971d). Nine genera reported prior to this survey. Despite their larvae were collected from site 9. It is not clear why relatively low abundance (only about 6% of the total it was absent from the other streams, despite stoneflies collected), Perlodidae were the most similarities in physical and chemical characteristics. diverse stonefly family in our high elevation Cape Isoperla dicala Frison, 1942 (Perlodidae). Isoperla Breton Island streams, with nine taxa collected from dicala is broadly distributed in medium-sized four genera. Three of these had not been previously streams in most of its northeastern North American listed for Nova Scotia (Szczytko & Kondratieff 2015, range (Heimdal et al. 2004, Szczytko & Kondratieff Kondratieff 2004, Myers & Kondratieff 2009): 2015) and has been previously recorded from New Isoperla dicala Frison, 1942, Cultus spp. and Malirekus Brunswick and Maine (DeWalt et al. 2018). Isoperla iroquois Stark & Szczytko, 1988. dicala was restricted to site 7 and represented by Pteronarcyidae (Salmonflies). Pteronarcyidae only four adults swept from stream-side foliage. contains some of the largest of the North American Cultus sp. (Perlodidae). Two Cultus species have stoneflies. Pteronarcyids are most commonly been listed from northeastern North America: C. d. encountered in large, high order streams, and are decisus (Walker) and C. verticalis (Banks, 1920) the largest of all the shredding detritivorous species (DeWalt et al. 2018, Myers & Kondratieff 2009, Stark (Nelson 2000). Pteronarcys is the only genus found in et al. 1988). Cultus d. decisus (Walker, 1852) has been northeastern North America, with four species found in north-central New Brunswick (Giberson & occurring in the region and a single species (P. biloba Garnett 1996) and C. verticalis has been reported Newman, 1838) reported from Nova Scotia (Nelson from Quebec and the eastern seaboard of the USA 2000). Pteronarcys biloba was uncommon in the study (Myers & Kondratieff 2009). The larvae of C. d. streams, with only ten larvae collected from one of decisus prefer larger streams and rivers, while those the small, cool headwater streams. of C. verticalis are found more commonly in small to medium sized streams (Myers & Kondratieff 2009). New species records Two adult Cultus sp. were collected from a single This study resulted in four new species records small, headwater stream (site 3) during this survey for Nova Scotia: Leuctra truncata, Amphinemura and a Cultus sp. larva was collected from a nearby palmeni, Isoperla dicala, and Malirekus iroquois. One stream. The adults were sent to Boris Kondratieff new generic record for Cultus sp. is also presented. who recommended that they be listed as Cultus sp. Leuctra truncata Claassen, 1923 (Leuctridae). Two and that the larva be identified to Cultus/Isoperla. adult specimens of L. truncata were collected during More material is needed to provide a specific this study. It has been collected in cold water determination. streams in most of northeastern North America Malirekus iroquois Stark & Szczytko, 1988 (Harper & Hynes 1971a). This species was first (Perlodidae). This species was described by Stark & recorded from the Canadian Maritimes in Szczytko (1988) from specimens collected in the Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 168 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 northern Appalachians of the USA. Malirekus Prior to this study, 51 stonefly taxa had been iroquois has been previously recorded in Canada listed for Nova Scotia (see DeWalt et al. 2018, and from cold headwater streams of Quebec (Stark & references listed therein). An additional three taxa Szczytko 1988). It was another rarely collected previously reported in the literature for Nova Scotia stonefly species from small, cool streams in the Cape were found in our study streams: Zapada katahdin Breton Island highland region, with nine larvae Baumann & Mingo, 1987 (Grubbs et al. 2015), collected from three sites in late summer and fall. Paragnetina media (Walker, 1852) (Ricker 1964, Peterson & van Eeckhaute 1990), and Taeniopteryx Overall species patterns sp. (Ricker & Ross 1968 and Harper & Hynes 1971c) The species that were found in most of the bringing the Nova Scotia total to at least 55. We add streams of this study were typical of headwater five additional Plecoptera taxa from streams of the streams in northeastern North America. The species Cape Breton Highlands, bringing the total for the possessed similar larval growth and adult province to at least 59 species. The 31 taxa found emergence phenology to published studies (Ricker here likely underestimate the species richness for 1948, 1964, Harper & Pilon 1970, Harper & Hynes Cape Breton Highlands, since we sampled only on 1971a, 1971b, 1971c, 1971d, Harper 1989, low order, headwater streams. Had we included Kondratieff & Baumann 1994, Giberson & Garnett larger streams we predict that more of the large 1996). Species found in small, cold springs must be predatory Perlidae and Perlodidae would have been able to complete development despite cool found (Stewart & Stark 2002, Kondratieff & temperatures, limiting the species that can develop Baumann 1994). In addition, we may have missed in them (Dobrin & Giberson 2003, Danks 2007). other species due to their particular emergence These streams are generally dominated by habits if these result in them migrating out of the shredders of autumnal leaf fall (Newbold et al. 1980, riffles (to pools or streamside vegetation) to emerge Stout et al. 1993, Danehy et al. 2007), a pattern (Harper &Pilon 1970). confirmed in this study. Another factor that may have contributed to For some species, development appeared to be underestimates of diversity was the difficulty in delayed or prolonged, possibly due to the cool species identification for particular life stages in waters of the Cape Breton highland streams; a some taxa. Common shredder species in genera pattern consistent with Dobrin and Giberson (2003). such as Leuctra (Leuctridae) were easily collected These species had shorter and more defined from all sites sampled but species determination emergence periods in other nearby locations, such was not possible for immatures and adult females as Quebec (Harper &Pilon 1970), than those (Harper & Harper 1997). Our efforts completely collected in the Cape Breton streams. For example, missed the emergence of adult winter stoneflies, the S. onkos, P. media, and I. transmarina (Newman, 1838) life stage required for species level identification. all had emergence periods extended from June to Roads are often impassable during winter in the July in Quebec (Harper &Pilon 1970), while the Cape Breton Highlands due to heavy snow fall. same species were still collected well into mid- Further work is necessary to better determine the August in our study streams. This delay in species composition of stoneflies within the boreal development also seemed apparent in P. sara; it was highlands of Cape Breton and throughout Nova collected in late June 2005 at site 14 of our study, Scotia. Comprehensive examination of entire compared to March-April in other parts of the drainages, from headwaters to mouth, across the region, including mainland Nova Scotia (Harper & province is needed. Information gained from such Hines 1971a). For most species recorded however, studies, both large scale and small, would provide a emergence was similar to those collected in studies better understanding of the provincial fauna as a conducted within the Maritimes (Dobrin & whole. Giberson 2003, Giberson & Garnett 1996). Illiesia – http://illiesia.speciesfile.org Volume 14 – Number 10 – Page 169 Ogden, J.B., D.J. Giberson, & R.B. Aiken. 2018. Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the boreal highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, with notes on new species records. Illiesia, 14(10):162-172. https://doi.org/10.25031/2018/14.10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS distribution in a reach of a north temperate We would like to thank Dr. B.C. Kondratieff eastern Canadian river: Relative importance of (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, detritus, substrate and flow. Fundamental and USA), the late Dr. S.W. Szczytko (University of Applied Limnology/Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Stevens Point, 169: 101–114. Wisconsin, USA) and Dr. R.W. Baumann (Brigham https://doi.org/10.1127/1863-9135/2007/0169-0101 Young University, Provo, Utah USA) for generously Giberson D.J. & Garnett H.L. 1996. Species confirming numerous stonefly specimens collected composition, distribution, and summer during this survey. The editor and two anonymous emergence phenology of stoneflies (Insecta: reviewers provided helpful suggestions for Plecoptera) from Catamaran Brook, New improving the manuscript, and we are grateful for Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74: their efforts. The first author would particularly like 1260–1267. https://doi.org/10.1139/z96-140 thank his wife Katherine for both her assistance in Grubbs S.A., Baumann R.W., & Sheldon A.L. 2015. the field as well as her love and support. A review of eastern Nearctic Zapada (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) with a new species from the Great REFERENCES Smoky Mountains. Freshwater Science 34: 1312– Baumann R.W. & Mingo T.M. 1987. Zapada katahdin, 1323. https://doi.org/10.1086/683037 a new stonefly (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from Grubbs, S.A., R.W. Baumann, & D.K. Burton, (2018). the Northeast. Journal of the New York Nearctic Nemoura trispinosa Claassen, 1923 and Entomological Society 95: 252–257. N. rickeri Jewett, 1971 are junior synonyms of https://www.jstor.org/stable/25009606 Holarctic Nemoura species (Plecoptera: Boumans L. & Baumann R. 2012. Amphinemura Nemouridae). 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