ELS ana D. Stinks Charles Darwin's 'd collection and during the voyage of H.M.S. “Beagte” Shunt, This fast anaes Charles Darwin's Wid fnlisetnn ara Bue cinihslngeal knee Wes dorm Ja it dering the vuyaee of LMS. “Meagl™. Dar sir onlscca 168 hr shins Hh stash ats of ths Tes rhea, ats tye neste ard gpa af Ie dines ea, fs wel ay Uf whole tds ard 4 parts of birds ect ie pst lin apt, Fis lable hee spoeieses 9h Amwker tan, ernsesfervig the vbr tn Polzbovk ealrs. Punly tecatse of ey batted ur tholngeal Knvsloge ard part Toeamse Ts Sas ear fore at rime wah entele Laker Tire, Darin vs ollem cauble Lu apply the wutzeck wezerc dee Fafons ard pase Fis Seth Ami sar apemens English ard Syan'sh nace trney Proan.se-ard ths Joc longs, ab well the scents gensrc rames ol Bhinpear lids, Rack heme, toa deh Cok ths Ibaminent Genthckep a at the Zeakpical Sasists of Lona, wiv mode seme uP Dervin's collstion, ‘anne his navy ahr sane ahessencats ent eh “srete'eg ths Gali jap Poches asa pion sf cles relited bers, Danser’ bird cullen did ol reese meh atten in ths lade part af the 19th cenoa Most of ths spexinene had es avinal lace removed nd replaced by ures of fy ctslodar. rs ftir. Tatas, ceigiral Trursir spstinars essai Jura the “eagle” vosage are Lo be Lourd im at lest AUbL diferent srstteuns, BuL akmost ballot Ube bied ED saan Sh Reinerneern ornithological knowledge , 1831-1836 syesinrs Daler sellested the "Tagle” senaps arse acemerta for. Ths apperdis to his paper Tat. le Uke Uns tame oi ie bids hick Dui, culleted Aving the vigaie: Danw'n’s famins Inst On Drain of ag have ens Agen ang sania cacapls Trust bis voyege onthe “eagle”. Never felse, Darain sented sm.sh a con't atege, lc snlketisn soraincd 40 nai peat ard ake tees, manly deserted by Gould aad some beds fins populares nse tating art Leake “vas af Sit gon feM serannia, publshad in dhe sete ut dke Zociegs of the berage of IMLS. Lease uasat tn fis, AKeyrords isd vullsun - Charles Devin DiFidalogs *Vavags at eho "Beagle Ttvodietion Charles Dass (1809 1963) i nen ase as an spe acel urrttulogst mith um expert kruledge ut tds i partion, Tia dissnotry ef a asonp. af ‘inches (Panis Poesy cn Me. Galapagne:Telants Seplenber and Ouioter 1855, now cuzmonly rammed ‘Tarai fake" sensed Vie ropa 49 le orrtholugst pur salons (er aba Leberer LB ERE Lack 198], pp. 9-10: Duclow 16% p. Bel (eotnanc ty de Best 1963, p. 183; Menucheaa 1965, yp 196 205; Grell 1974, pp, 260 251; Sclam-t 183, BP. 5e 60: Webuer and Gebrre 100, p. 593; Cry BM, igeeaate Cac lif tea Dacha a . 54. Suloiay 82D, pp. § Ube related im Fassages ch asthe fllairg by Task (1961, p-¥ che bent in the [eft to Brreoes Four in TRS, Caunles Darvin vollvled some dulblovkeng Exskss va the Calagazea Tangs. Thag pies th hea nee 30m Sf idcard, tngethst ih the gant totes and hs Galapagos orimal, Uey slitiel «om uf Ubvughl Siveh enluiratein dhs Op nat Spiess, ard shack Smid” Menwshsad (1960, po sR aad. tae ths umber of diferent Species uf rsh. md the easy of thir teak har se atazea Dann “Ths gansta po stil ese Bid 8 Does in ue lo tvolution, edsoovenes iz sauietsn gulleome Sfcsigval “forhes ticm ‘Davies ensernr sls Teadlne ness Ii ate ahr ths seas (anor 1a; Closer Pb: Lid 2005, wile Duesdars oa Galipagcs fotos were he Ppaee vir amlancar at A este tent ng tian (1995 MNP) ca ths sath Tuyen ol dacovery As L9), Hiooiesl, trae Keats (1978 ana Sylkoway (1978, Lossy, 198d ees eat Toanain aad hs Poe ae boom skowm Ly be jus Ul, We rw kw Lea x Ue FAM Danwn did nat approve ths Seas ela snship Tesese teifesare spose nf fochescn ths Galipagee Irs. tm lot, be tus beloved fe bad vullecied sjscimars of tye difsient Came) famvien Reshes, beaks, Avsioar Maskhs, swrsrs ard. war bles allvugt bedid wot rule oct teat Ub tthe a Teaat ight Is slncely flatts Dari nat sens feancon frie sen ths Caligages Teint, ra (Ul he subsecueally use Gatipagus Euches' in His book, {Darsen TESBY An he Osseo Se (Rod PR, StWovay 197% Labs. DS2be Futuna 1M Man 14 QQuastmen 197: Larson 2001: Kesmes 2002 2005}. Te Wy fhe he semaine eon it late ssate wurdiiingeistable ust exc vlber =x. tabils” (Leda srucld otal ISL. 2 “Tovsfne, dhs shestnr ath shat Darsir acoal Axes abot td coriebeled to, vrrdlbulogy sees lo be Jed (ef Hours 1292), Morouver bow such did Taran aemale avy en ev th slog fina eha"Baaghe™ voyage m develope His Ubzors ot veo! ‘Wile erderalit 1 dlabuse project fur tke Nalual Histny Vier, TardnesTring, the autho Fad ths opporlimey Iv unestble daly on Darwin's elie asia ‘olin. Hee safursiatm wach ls Brough to Eght Sh theta insoles, ovabinel et Tharsis sth logical rules Wario 1953; Keynes 2000, pemlled totuegh evaluative of Larsen omaibologeat knoe ego duvtg ths voaae of IMS" "Beagle" 'h 18ST T8!8, More ar ll ol Danvers bind spocmens ere lesced desire the reearck: dats for adciomal beds Sisie ada ftom crane, sie all of Danas on Talagical nc Favs abd ac 81. "Taek we ar tout Darvon kept up [| sollte Uocehout bs He It he Tad nat anlsetsi ant saved pexsune, nen, nee, ets an aneatatel Rens rar Standing uf bs He und stutvatiors would Be ose lw II Paves TORS, 57D Danwiaud aruitolagy before the vayege So Durvinian bird cullen uf any end ic pre fates th varags of the “Toazl™ has ante Ta all Fhe drs nest ens ab scexsegt fa afar paral ethapensils, Que can only sure hut omlboluzsal Krista: anetn onl Favs assnite dvring hs ee snnfsikssnnentsmiiesF Brit Ie kicking a} ene fad collctons cuude deee i curly sluges ot tbe Spagna ica avtnlenatayieal snes (Raskhe SSR Rusk ate ara Sn 198s, 9RW4. Daren sare solleting nalerul blory objec. seeding binds ex fea ang, bow (Stennis and Siciretse 1987 B00) He apravsrets seal ent Whee (RS IRatnad Meare end enviguir of Seemme and wondered Suhy say gentlamar kd Pat boca ab cinitslng st asks 1988, po). sing He ete, Ts sere sllected plants bees, toss und gzolugeal objets UUaaker O11, cee, from el ak Fs attra Can Bras or fsstse ana plants (Port BRS}. Hewas aha skeen Rurler wn kept rssord buok of sal he kad feorand shoe icin Toe and Stotne0mM 1987, pp 3 a. ‘Dursin rnd bow wo prepare bad specmers a tbe sear i Favre (Dssmend and’ Mente 1995, pp. 42, Sh, lle teochor Ukere vs Uke loner Uavel Sean ol Chari Waterlor (1382 Te0%, « famous eA calbeine, arn thakeyet and taxidermist Danwin spect some tine sludeerg the bird gules OL the Lluburg?, Cumbedee tr Lordon seca. le ule renssapeaisly tar sala cad Wd bons Fant lhe criverily Henory vl Luirburgt during tbe perod (Slerméler and Sieimmiller 8%, p48) While ak Finish Uivstsigg sh TESS 189%, ave ante lectures iver by lob Jastes Latorest Audubon 11735 TSA ur the bubils of Nurih Aes bods (Keyres 1992, poaety Ors sak thastine assume Mat Pasin tad all he Wools asded ie Bald bu orbs ‘fais, vst spertanly bing able wiv a ied Naf piers its akin, Hoses, Darwin wat Taught rot evem by His great mertor Pf. Job Stevens Lsrstowe L396 INely an Cambedge. wal daly seucld heenstel dawn can ba spacinsh Takek. T's fk 9s Liter wo prove a peublen. iy tbe Lame of tot dspartece« tow wel suet of Bis Med thdas, Dats’ wenn pinkably hace keawn vil common Leis ard sue exote bids, le tad ‘bol, however, aur tired borough idenicaor sels fur MV'Biicsh Mids, ror wont Ts hast enemnesie all Brush spades. repecully those rt commonly shot ua Thats ard afteod at mvrlsts ach a8 roon.rnal Wee And tale jassa'hss. Rew sarap, alk van rable ta derty a shorbated oe Case Resnisus) when eur fined ith staan on Bast Falkland Klara En Ponise srs Dats i aint sil fees erst Dhesages ol sesbods and wadsrs, wish be sometinse Aur ntol tn the wong, gem. He id rat Reave ths Ecisoitie naase ofall Bets Rds an ha spot Inowledge of the seers ames uf exulic spec Taker te venta posate nf taining he aM ae eel asin nfranse sellin’ Gaueruly. ore om say Ut durre bi yurth ard snort sas Daswine raat seca wate mite sone tenth he a the toh se ef Themed ara [Moore 1995), Neverlbelss Ae wat ek eqcipped lo rest caver darts ths natin nthe npn to Te vicina Auving the Sovaps of LMS. "Beagle Alera comstented sx lelier ly Reverend George Derocek (ITBL ISS) chat Dhrair is rot a fried Nanwalst, Yor as ape malted for calerna, observing, mole anstbing ue tu be ruled. Nala Phang (harks 1962, Ay. Oh as Poser 98S, O77 aca te Charles Dans wat a pats ihe aaluralst ol Uke “Usagle” a any vurlempunary ‘.ristesite pra ancem hays ber." Data, Pass Trad rac futhot ava riage fra Wann cngare bs Jd been or anid voller vl any kind oP object, amd bie Task of apelin “ware ta Peas Fon rain windy egestas ace gle ans. Sn ‘Dursoa bad lerued Spanish as ealbestusm to tollo™ Alssands1 var Fhmbakics (1365 1889) sample ara explore ‘Leneni® (Stemmilley aad stesapillet 1%). ‘rus be was probably able 10 caderstad at Jest pats tbs eves th ts: Min Ve Wale "t South Aisa regarding Ube rate berd Lf. allkucgh bs egeverse lw nlempreiers durng tke vosage Warlow 1953. p. 30h Siggetsthat Ms Span'ah sag rat bast hen patil good ‘Wher Daren accepted place on LLM. “eagle” sscrs aca enparine [of the Cayeare thar acre wulletor” Barlow 167, p. 30. ue revertisles bry Giembled and qayuered the books, tle and swale fn espararn WW) ha else Fs ight et fo eh Jong jutracy (Keynes 2002), While Cuplar. Robert Totexuy (1808 1885) seght tare sewed Danser more a ths ascampar ng aentiemar, bis Former Cav lps Drolesors wire hsen lo sess “ibe “ssportace ot Bi uli [foster 1983p. 978), The skys Mezary Envturd a ase sce sf ht net nkelenn leave gcides acd patuzal istry buoks of he ime.‘ Tllowieg tparlls) ormttologsal works would. Ease Tan teat eel fer Moeeeng his Me 131d Gea Just Burkiurdt and waco Wp. $53 see suse bouks were subseeuenily ser et ly he “eugle™ den the vrvapey lene ct al USM! RarshaMl (19, 1834 Coser 1817, 1804): Gata a. 1823): ors (rsp King 1827, MS io Keng ot al, 18397 Latah. Taber: 1799 18M Tessie UOR\ocen Wied-Na. ve ASM Qeoy ora Guard ANE; Sui Viowert el a fs22' S31 aad pix aad Mlsces M824), Darwex abu Trad ase Mostra N09 nt hats Boulet atl SSzcih C1988, sine thee ure serene 0 the Murk a Wa dankagy” rots Ballo 196%) Kayes nM Taormraais, tho Hlvaey Taokst the hook nf Avata US02 ISU}, which wucld fase beem ot saved Kelp for Mbretrirg some Pride af The Ris Plate sain [of Darvin IRM, Silay IR Tren tae aan Fmissre ousted ional pubscatons om the uellarma of Sith cia sneha Tisha C1@S3), Viste UBIE) and Wagner C1827, Ir ahs imphoacar fe Bala frribology would have beer tll Dansin'samvtholagy during the voyage ofHMS. "Benge Ta penning Soptembe ie Paagsria sae Santst ay T havi in Frsla MDacvdn iz Bartow 1955, p. MU} LMS, “Leal st of uk 27 Decamber 188 ans cea torte ear ak nr? ner I a Tiaenp ehatad he enact ef Soon Ambra ards Sumnrigaled Ute globe, Darvin srlees a bade fivirg he sggs wae ryinal re 953. 8 to ‘srs mca Beam Drain Boa UN Tih on 23 May 1655 reveals allude Lovins firthcinge, Fak se alt Orr akg my intone ava ray tiple Ths ang har tu shout & sin bd im mones Ea oly takst ve Ww w¥ hae nh “Pease ms bo Uhnitiande and Sth 1985, pe 316, Sus fe Bohirs TWO). Ibe fied Dai wan efeeng ab tbe Le esteripe. Tiosncny, rwmsain oe Bani 96 str Baume 18694 Whe hha roti Fin Xe lasieu on Jone 82, Daven voulez day ol ths foal harass Fn eshte doe a tts mara, at mes sactganots erase (between funene mamma I sovm lourd ths very Ete. fagan tauren poser pa (are Uo oye hr pistol mts ht Wd tes colton. and Ieee vs tut purr of 4 UID TParuin Hai atc: iW avahegragty (Sal ep. eats lve for weang amasted er fist tarssttlsporres mndtetopar nnieard or atk in cense he ge fe sear Sym Cae gion nish in ths 3 ating eee ore (S16 ISS: aL Arauteure 1092, p. 135, Lae Tessa that sbnvting wll aks thes amskat e auenticr swag fr “nsacpating The posing at ths ucrids vinled, Whale Dureen concentated om ge: Sogecresntsbnncs ana plas, Coetpien sllestsl col Srrtiatss, Cnvirgtonie lis we sree“ Da sins speedier fala walboet any dadieaom as Uy wy Ue onal ecbeta was. Tei pinball that fem mal Mss TRE snare Se Coie ger shat cata ths Bis Dunvin’s Zooleg’ eres (publisked by Keynes 2000) shove rs sae ae, We smusk spans ation tn ‘initcingg in i's fist Rosette nes ee ally dunag Bis stay ic Ceuguay ard Arvericea Let Fetcheal sete syoak mst" inne ame Sars sites Te sneha envile,steagsan’s and deses, Musieeer, Danvers tial Jove, despite his mole. fal Tack sion, seas poclngy. "sap Re nvsichiats finale 9 hee mig eh alee of aie hema ths Sole suyage” orl 1367, p, $4 ol, Dare TSS], Tq, 190NT, Bae TR87, he ce fat losin ar # half tes a8 ay pages a pssleg Al Os et yout a Bulogicl rats Purley THEE p. Me Tarvin ard Covington sella 42? dry pein ainly tral ar thecnbeald janiray Such Aisa felony ssl ooo Ly tee sucker. bp between 1832 fii ‘Miy. 1891 (Cape Vands Tends 3 iad spec St, Pan! Rocke. 3s Brave §, Unmauag. 1155, Avpsrtna 115: Heeea del cepa: 49: wed Falkland Inlet 28, bel “orp 16 apes hs esc al af A ji Tura lene 1834 to 1838 (Chile: 92 bid specciers: Pec 44 Galipages Blends 65; Nev Zsular 1 Couns Isr: Ty Atsuneton Tang: tp ara Cape Voids Tandy no ullceag sas ted specsens lev auch Labor at Tofil itere the “Utagle" slupped for UL dat Acs tala, share it mehvst 98 dagen Supt anf Tt Age aU SU Gzorwe’s Surnd, ‘Lusmaria. whare tke “Beagle” row staged 15 days, Maurtes (10 days. ad SL Lie na 3 dat. Appancnly, Darsin hans had he stanes lu get on shore =r some plas (Danie ted 2 arlow 196, p14 “tu our passage atuss tke Pasiick [ee acne rsh at Tabi Soe Pealants aes These plies, ur wl set bod 1 much vppurlurily ol working,” "Neverbelss, wusapursuae ul Daren Sage notes Gk entaalogy [ard he aatas sAfShe An sumsulogy) sbuw teat as segatds 2oulogs. Lucia, as puscbly even Jurser vt buds Ulan uf Lx bells auvsallysaganist ae hs favo tea” (Regs, 1097 B.A) Darven's nemerclature Tana’ dasat ane pa Wie Yon i tc dirs ways, Me ied their correct Lagtat gererslcly “a etion of nds rast when be knew Uke or weld lear Uist fom thers eas ach peel enveumare, ak, sacar finan ie Sisk, sunnah eae casas: Passe Daren algs uted fe Luval Spomsbs ramos. st a saipintn fav sncapeskte of Me pars Dadri py in avsenaisy tia ton ths kee thse (Dien emer). Ducvn somstizes mazd up the races of ‘Anelka vented sens sgh, Hs rads hat ars veal ent, Wbalirg the hens eswesa fummari nyfie sub the wee Lor ls tel, week ‘ait, mean’, Hie hens Min vm eernreahhen Das anys! sent» feces) maces, Keyres (2002, p. 147) semcuarices tbe ible ineeheat hehe apronaah ay fell Tn Sone ease the waa To at els arose) bn fn Inglued ad ia Patugora bul for sauny ol tbe pastes [oo thors oat no @roeniy somialent Seah ‘Mostar fang, althengh thers Sars many. pee oat ab oe [Lureda) nas careful to port out, wierpied avvoscingieal_qehe ste allan ty fnse nF i Fusnpean sans” One ay alt thar sont sth spots which Darwin. enovenlered were mol krvir {Bistoe ae he te Tandin ants aks aby vs af the Totamne: sw board the “eagle” im ederigeng ve leamang sire snt Wels, Hat he ars any Fs sam has fr Cher (181, 99), Gott otal. Hy, Potts (P King 1823, MS u Kg et ol, 1839) ord Lessor 1838) fet esti Tessin CIRSAY int st si Tae Danes cun'thalegical nts, “h scarset ar seth chs sumecl name Jur hinocenw ratietorae Lscbacboll TRSD (Ravin 1964p. 711), when Thansin, ene dnined Tessa? ne on the eng chaste blick slamsisr Avratone nize (Lanne 1953, p, 225. sehen ising tm ths nase nf Furosry ewan CRSghes ODD. p. 155. when oar about the dllrea spss ‘pengeias a the regon (Uarlow 1983, p. 3 Keyes En 219) and pacino cation ith hs ames Of eds, pecally ub the datk-belled excludes Cone bike patagonicurWarlow 1988, pp. 252.365) luvever. i Chis ansin vsfsir fesonently te Meira (0 wich Snereaied bs urilbolugial mnderetinding cuiederubl Tansin vast dhs Fllaw’ng rates ie Ws Zoedber Notee an Speciwen Liste fom UMS, saz ( Bslow Wei Kernes “O00 The umes uid secueae fall: Pots st al 1954 19871. THs tim Sn exis has beer dled berever wm vbvvus msideatcaur. i Praeal A cusstursiek smdaley al a crs Fefersrse betssen Danan ronc anda svat tascam atone oirck, Smuthie visa lor Mea sre [ets potas, avsetna poss es Paps set. ton deal usec foe Preven. favre Sensis [es Pera i emore | parle Fraseoes (nt Répnoiey, NbiSeyeeata, Heokars sta A dic PP ccalarta ayo o2S cla tuessos [ee Lap, cucbranisuus] or Maorenseter for Ltimarue, Srcclinin Paine (0 rel fe Proueticrs sna pte nt Pai. epeenerriee. Talanidronar Ct Oost peLacanou ost: pele or Petearcite, suse mage penan'n [fal Solano) Resromepriek. flak wator prt, pecks (for Reon Sigs es male giebe. Padcepe llr Pedicer Faeaetuae figats Pd df Page! wnat seta Preeti frat acnsornacmes! scrmterant die Phsbuadscs’ suas buy ler Sul sopepes hear, cde (fat eda Pitair at Renna, Wont) Tantea G#AUMIDAE! 1s ue Plaga, Theericar, tresncrrten a. Fang fe Pinan, Pataca tht Chars for Fite fot colete sometenes Task, Fe Ihab, carasata fn sorbed few Butr aucun: caer tk tar Phacereemins SHinange, avlies fix stor, Cogn shaman Faun, [= Phatashoonat Prisgocas toe Aten a’ tale lor Petysors; hawk [or ve lus alec, wes}-enndat Ios eveoes| inv Ci SNe pes dck (fn, rma Tyre SAUL: lr al for Kat, “bid tom sum ot Feaien av antatain nf sacar Ce Pg Aanueeeuns Clmaigae leet Coma naratii| somalia [ pi Fratepemss! Fanihs fot Bebanptene CSaeatens flor Ftusias, Creephedis, Charanrinse sroraria [9 savers] flor Charaaract” plover (for Oreophatirs Ten fin cers fer Zoaah sseivescinas Samvenias, ew dur Susentang Scoispar. gud [1 Fraga ler Linceai; Svoiea (ut Toniig Heures, Teangien, Maa fo sto Charade [in amore, Wor acnaniay Seelepas, spe flor Capcity Tvinea Psdsna surat rata rerrreneemimast Honsavnous, Tf CBicitiun Fax rere lor Eikuartepi. Tanscoenas: plea [ir avere, pariidge lit roe] or lay Setepat Pred [yu Pres savers, PevavieSeatepax lees Perdis, 1 avers] UY ‘aiuais, ‘Theokoms fe, Leokeceta” for ie lise gull, Lana oe Lars: Lam for anions, Sronia thor Gricoteoy tem (lor Seana arcurs eal (oe a Stsacauiat: Mbreore [ee emor a Barlo 1 ‘Vor Darven's notes lawn nol iz Kermes 2000, Uhr Ramo | Tas Lime tiv ever, an svete P pa? evuLMeioat: palustba [e: palo, paloma ~ Cleh sah FapyFspe diss] (fon Cobain, esses, osha ds (Fat Celdhs, Zonaiben, Coban Nesepsia, Sentepsiay pigeon (fur Cehnea darrasrite Putin or pews, Mane. Prerepas, “taal fats, sry nny starting, tea dur Guia} srersaman! nl (fa) Ps Tres. sal ch § etme vanes Copiague Gor Capri Sepriers avalon fs sper nscrerians Trovtur (er Corin, Pata Sspuaneidest; rummng bird (ior Parazen SVEpNeDAE Aland IML Chap CRbroeeste, Wa eal Ming her Hoot fas? St i Bain 163, p. 219 or Darwirs woes, fur Coie Temas! ancaljecker [th Fld Clean Rape fo it ign Rasy dat Cobgi sacdyese, saupinern [hear Lap. ~ warpentes lr Denavacopes marries, Fursiaar (forges psc Exrnhian, Poet, Personas!) lnegelilel exe flor Gpaesragy: oven tied, easly [ie Lap. UU Iota rath saates = hvac fr Gani al Tansy IRADS) Tests sake (or Fanci Uvervevg, fur Liver phraetra (2 Phzcoryree, mers Sraiomin Sinaliy, air. Pi eles aps fe eraea Foe genta 4 nee Pyparrichary, Rumarie-Crhia io dnl Ierpetalat siespar for Teptaydansent ethical Scr Ain eu Sheaps ee Ayana awtoadey Tartar veer Goria Fensrcunman: Tou [nsec fo" Thamar Sar Saunocawerio: Mveniera 'hnoy [Cele bsp. — Tercal lor Proreprcches mepapadinds wed-stid [te yp. besthuel"” bankas bied! for Peoptechae ranifl Aversa, lopacola [ne: Lepactlu flor Per Pear hen A natca fears, 2338, Fs Usp, chucao fur Sertercitay eaider fsa, bird Gur Steerpeay [eidertiled isd. ren [mn aera, Gur Srostnont, Myatiens [ow rendre cheney! ba Fst Sturi| foe 2p Tieantone: lumdentled) bird Gor Suir Asie Se ot cea eens sraietes, Techs; ng-tailed Ul [5 avers] Gur i Museteapar [av sore) (lor Petrie Hamennge, Todas, Noo ‘Muccicriceiay Metals [ie svvere] hur Test seavlet-Bleasted Toran (fl Poeerag Sb vasinie nen): Zoranme lor Pyreceptaie, Cet Dural, sotant tall fr Tprooaae onan Tomb fos oe] 184 Yabissy grates diewesens Unt a un}; yellos-brewsted Lpramue (or Mvtarche Saspacesini Sven ee? Manes “aks teeanblirg av felAfalse™ (et “ke the Metcher ed || sectles « burke [11 Pisa Litat dhe" or ian Rape Tsesem, 93h da Panay ts bit sith teat” (ar Reset, (ar vin’ rime rol based fur Hatori reesrenere Rest, Plyscone ac GN Ph AbsJouae: [uridentifed) biel flor Shepton, trnsereriae axalloe (ka Taskyarts, Progr ‘Notiechetian Hina ilo Pregre) reeterure gon Avs ee SHEE ils FA roe] ot rau detaies: Sion erore, “bad Lves neu Uke Beast fr Mates, arse Ginw Traber) tarias. Foun, aren [Rap allandin fi Pap alum flor bur uberca xp. lor Nesom rrimneras. hia, Fido (kee Tails) Ravserrie. Ros [sere (fer tu onemichic, ca, Povepicn Sema, Gonseern, Pamactonay, TReangen spare Pon Ascisat apalimet (far Zenoisadon Bhs ypartene Sots fens enor ln oupavnioteak Stel Trae frverroe (fat Growpety ateabeak fa favors fur ! Cavsavkoreney Spva [in erore, em [nsnvere Que Cernuidea, [aera mcaes ul teazed fav tomers, Denso, Spo or ad Presa fa [ov srera flor Derarica, Gece “ancvsuones Lani (or Cian sciamans: anthems lor Karchopray leer (for ee el eee “hod on bun CGurases, Alors Ua, Hib [gust Mtns 1803, Clear Lap tle thor dzelairy. Storms mizer 9 rors) at Pests vatiets ft Startle sabes — smbivramphue helerecuy dnthus (a sree] (fr ‘Dotihonyy: [om detled| egg Wor egg ul Meter}. Fanerriras, Bangs a fem Mona 181, Pap Jlgueto| for Carasea PLUCADAE: spastor flor Pare) dert:fsation problems ower clase an observe 4 matuas may bes ‘nol posible fur Him tu havo mesh of spades oD ‘Seip perhaps ars aren indidhala The sans of stop ede eros the papas. Ludsur. 18704, abut arv Watore paced dha Magase ctallargs oe Danwin’s iret ation sla Hes sssnsifel, far Seale, ths Summon Lerasors drenaria ityprer as plover uP tbe sine Chorsdean, and Soewta. Dansin lacked feat sogsieae ir wafers, and baicle mentions! Tht teburowy, bubsal or gzoEtapk:cal emge, Ancordrely ins chaytiva cn esse nt Charade ames ths Zac Denali Posmer a BOER, Resyte oon sta RIL ate cule poor and vorlsin wry Alle dla beyuad Ube soles, aalit irisinrsy Darwin ad ‘ivesras pun in applsig aay sersible urns lo gpeses of xd comiced to Ssria,atdh aa Pramas? Fhivanidac, Tea las nt Rina ‘\ aylebuok: enley feast the Palagurian vous rut Satta Chan Apel 188 rascals fhe nla Danain fase when "sriting abst neared hed pes. {Maciow 1963, p.24P "|Nu] 3011 Cationa-see sep Nav (1316128. Cro «TN SAI? Fons ae ls 2 a1) Tnth sn vast Sit rhs intrinn ples sha fnsevts Nery guckly fall Isiug, fall semring~ do [S Cot PNAS 34 Zon. tale fale Hale de [8 Cao" XC. faded akc Tater ir avainel IRE (One ofthese birds is brownish seu mite wi I sare inthe lefty Gavi salle on ths Fasten slopes af aiditers ae CH The nthe sf fess, nt an sh A B Desre of St Jubtrs, is trons. all over 3 eth oar fie Wena] RI ke ars eta, cha Did Iourd wlio i CH ot far North as Cuplapd am ay Sted that :t commonly ell sueng tirds.” Li uss ssice Dalvie vac iefer'rp to 1a ths Patapavian muckergbird Afdme patoporieu. desenbed by Lal fesse and dOebeny om 1837. The olker te are Thikecerants dyetann neon: onsen (Can, 15) tnd Agree crops meropevr (COU, 18) bull Sescibed by Gould ur ite bast ot Durvda’s materia. ind the specie that Hille sein boda 9 gran’ te (hide HGH, 1885) fe, Danvar , Gucld aad Dura Tein: Se Aricent sume. Dowie eed Ube saline nams Tomo ein aL ce SRE! Fd the wisketyrart, Labeling uP spsctsens ‘Tinet nmthing we Me etwas, tht Abs mss bovemes «fhe guards wher ure mereaing abyoct ievsnaecded Tyeanotar sell nie. wean, tarsi 1995, 1 Rs, Dankin tesaniol the “apertartnfarnatnn eaab ing each spocsnen, sth a losebily, dale amd habla ia isncacheo ney ent Thess label, Pa aa Dies oe spacey a Dada plete tcp Lap low sesige be sl vonsiered Is Ue ros asuble ietuod of sceneing Sala (Daxvin 1839, po. 39 D0 Peat Ecmen ses nnn aa ere| wide a cord ce dhe foot or nec t die bu, deus flsebet gor ¢ wstl tag: Figs. = 23. These Ui, elaine nol sce Coa weber seiping Forn 13S (22007 il io aooloa cv itera ware uaa fa the Duce sequsassi, etoss-sevting tb indicval speci: qilhecermmaptaibiy brtshenk alive Dae Eel spurite nulebwols fee geolozcal (f.Hesbent 980) sd Bislogisalspseimans. plants anc. enirale:| Zon sea, Keynes 0°) the Liles sunubered io O90 ci Tee- ft sequsnors for drs a wel collections Loren 189, p Ory; at Darwin 6). During “he lame rronths of the soja separate bite of Ube aesuieal, bites," insects stelle plau. neples fu. asphibims custacs. ad fiehae, wae snp sat Parvin an Csr gna or the tenet el the apewitsLe wlona they wane le be go tor lisiieaton. Dung ie procedune, Dawa mmarkse cash arisinal “sir: enuy vith # sapital 6 FChaacelor ou al, 98, Sence oxiinal bid sui ‘hog, were aise eat 26 that one hae te cousule the ttl Zones ater oe ess AB) va a Ts iat tela (ec. Talos 1980) sehen Sopa dnmactant, The nuurbste on ths aia laele Note susily perl ies eats nel tote ieee eS Ta Ghyll ns throes roth te Tt balnnge te a Spach sparrese sie MINI" ISL 3.2.25. alec ‘Ra suas Sola apna. fon the Cape Vee Isles, collection nansber 189. a Peale “Toe S Jago" fu prus vollce al Prat EVES, 22 296 ae neo Sp Hag Tats oho Coule (HOH 1583. whe worked on tess spe ‘now, somctance adc a epoca uoae (tb otisual baba! AIT arvensis enh es care Ihe abe ouainaly. bac late ener of de bie colzctisn a woe Dpeecsiat: the ampovtabe> ef hess retersace uuicbets, Sepeae Dara bbls ell pager teria laa flr the sale of the Zcolesictl Sects Museus: by SEs! Trae, most nf Danse cata wasnesa omens, jth vstiug ofthe soos of the deciery of the Porat fests, deagie hich coals sal bios Toule 16 Prrsin 648, Tha, -Sab, TAIe: Gente 3t al“). ‘Meal abveyteat masuna aes net quele me tla wolltinglealils wad rae ake=elerce te Dari htc nes. Vinrorematty, fea sd erga Iss have surved Sullonals Wea stew only ue vee Appediat The uunioens ol 499 bi ileus were eulste, inte the. soichooke of Darwin pmbiehae Fy Watlo (69631 ind Keres (200%), buy eerapirsaoe ri Ue text ct Goul ous, Darwr (2806, 1838a, 39. 289% foal Clon al sk (IPT) have noes roms lal Siu, peg Sees sates jaehi bes Sa Iesred Tea acteboce ruses ae Phase by tee and, epee, thnae Team aap while Ihe bisa Ee on eer amid fies seins fm Rio c> lansie cApHi to Iy TH32) a hag Facog Snes Miah eed a donot) cone, ae itty a gee ak gable ee {oie in Soc Fra tn ed Tags Gel im S8/1095 or “851i, Buouss Altes (Decale 18H ud et Flea Toland Mara 51 182 Dura use # method for econling Wit known te psolegises and palacanislegiss. Iie ale to tie > fast toa ston, anc sting a omer the spocim sy steseleaing Ll ils ea uelebook salt i Us only DPitersahls toimien, Hewrr, aves hire snlisaior Seoul me amy ipo tate ier mation directly sn the seca libels. eoledus cccitioual cal iule 9 net insek any if spaca wars ther. Da sins enmmpnrats ie tinbann Aatiorer fcRicIR>, alfrae Res) ‘Wallce (1825 9:31 an bad Rupe (2294 1864 fname nit a few. meee rimts pear lahat Stal ye, iy tdi Saif tal ox wil felecence anmben Cae so ei en 1 ap rot ob ehae over tenella ewe ements the Senet A laereee Reser a ean Ie fins sonsokonenat nf breathing 1 a tosign eins bhare ahs ciellzad ran han IAG oer Te Tari 359. p Si, epithe insgng archon af the vio thal Drv ‘yasagootiield onnitusogist kedidimakezamecxseleat otnithologssd observations suc ested ov innowsti ‘sperrisnie, noting shen: serge abl i eeanch Tis vont hapa nse fm fe 34 sure fand accitonal sagae Darwin: “sl trongth nts that Inenovar tao anghing for gana and vis awar> that dillice be or ther scisuele nichl bave mur ers in stain ehacreatins, Marvin ot as0 ane arackne eh Fight questions, svang’ nf whish he sea then are nbz dung the weyage rough his oe file: lucie "Tales tor exare ple his inesigaions ina the eiacte abies oF the Andsan sone Pt gree which doa seen tgene, by acopert by Aca lal uae fan svel (oar in Gam dane Varin 88%, pe ff aro oi pp. 221 2 eg [1 the (ellowing experi Lue evans ‘were Gel ech bys rope in tlougio% ot Ibe bellow: ‘ofa wall, Having thitea pees ot era in sis peer,» wae buckseds sad forware, cntviag it vay tans al the citanoe ef ubown nee yds out Ahan Ine na notice nate) wae takan ef then tne a te pons ain sar ot aA ook Died; Us Lead JL lee a musmeat th sLewben. bat thin fasarees it re mora. With a sick ) pear ie lines cdots, sala bt be sical bill bis Deals the paper was theo inctauty cain off with Far, fei Paluge epee carl ey ea ese pe Fa slogan ame apg ew Vans ars sietmatausee. RwouM have been gaits restbintiacbarcse What Lavin, ubserved bes in ul knot abuct teas Vids eae hs eas pe sti hy Buavtn basta sipeil afar senses ene rs PFA thei toud optsall Lluusior 194, Tarr alin save a svi acorn of ths Isa haa Props pros (RENEE MA, pe RIAD “Then: 4 anes Patios aot a sen gperse of Ra, web 2 very rarely vend Sof the R. Beano [Patt for. MU Martora [Carrad. Martens IS1 1879, Bs cael artat or Boaedl shor are at Patt Dass phish loukg sb gb aitpronora.ad io be «young href ehsenamsn seve tani appeansa hs9! Gn Sos afdhs comma ons Tain a some Tos neo Us susie sue, bul ently fongol ke Petes. hase Skee sland the Hoa, To9s & sta feat ‘The sealss ar legs ars af a UFeseat haps, touted below tke kners, the aSivCrls Lut their ing sak th Beate in Fp paps Fs eit 2 feanhsrsd oaths alas. eis a iedoshigh ts Re Negi (Gach ba only seen nce or Unie a er Ast. [eo Whatssce Saealces ag sap, T calls ene Sinead fines st eatin ae Tnlane Gone ba thers ate two specs ol Rtsa 7 5. Aimed. Darwin was cores. Ivo specs ut rhea rbabs South Anaisa, This pants st soar difersre ena hn Ser ate dso perlet compute specter, rue eraidered lit fur Uke sina af the Zealcpical Scoery af Taran (Ris 19601 Intra hs snvatnr of ts Soo'ens ne, described Dueeia's ur, a is called today, the eset Hsu a8 Ries sacv ain 1BA (Gnd TE. Ths te stuts Leerck teivellsr Akzde Desiodines UUztingy (1802 1857) however, gor tbe sedi fur Lv discovery fan naming sf the lv, stish he aso ae Row DPemmota :z Ib34, Ibe sate yet sx witch Darwen, ule ihe above tole. asiy rom visor ad oul cl fn tun wih eh lente scavonnity (ef, Herb 198, p07 110 ‘Dureit sot eels im bi vbeervtiurs when faing: te sams iM Et aesnnre af channe, ta cumple, feds Uke 4 hurtme marust Doss not lve ir cosies [pl ot covey ~ dock uf par lnsdges, bel generally i pus, remy sure 8 Yoes wat Tics eioss ac tc Erglsh Portidoes rata ship] sHirp ur hile Wher rng thyough tbe courts? reat ruses, generally im push ay Be een a Sivan ata shat Aleanes thay tals an pasta sce Ubscelies. es are ily birds: 4 ma ur. borse-back, ty reling in 4 cacle or calber ia spire rourd & Fiance sneer sea, ao bens es By leat it styy be krucked um the bead, of rouied by turning Krol, athe smd ol a lung dicks wk Use posatet sae Flst cnet acne whit, she SSouksd more wo Um ot PEsoberl, bul rule dry & vocrles ar 1983, p 31% ‘Duneie gave gas tots Ub tere he rsboated tbe ses nie, Ho al Fe sss all sfesetim, le dd mo belive thal ters could ays be {esat nr che cw pvsape sbarassis, UST wasn smn iaatse acnrg che tanveafst of ths days Tr ha fie Suen ol tbe dUleret solver morphs iad sues of "trata Siacarn Pitoony say catr Fey ths Palle lads, Darsirsboekecl for ths tn ee 2hsirg he suyage Ube eprudistive urgars (Maewie ‘a Gutld ora Daren HSE (. 18). Tr unekear ia soma interest Daria, ard aikeemesrek. Cosdstnr, 10 ‘Mop sleeral sexu os 4 ruesul pruceduse wen pee [Paring bind ava, Soha dc bre heat Dain ‘as tinaht eho fers 'n fhe stmval erga ee rif he Tuer ut bow esse dlr in opptarance Som feats Hine (ef naieg i arian ik Areratng, 1963). Pica Massh IR8T nny thngh, Dansin atl Covington zonsstenlly dsseced bids tu gx Ue ia rsarseal avg for beds enlseel ans Vala sa (Chile Darsir satel ir Barkene 1965, pp. 354 “ihe lolloning birds vere sbol at Valpieuisy, dering rte cf aha Sept [F880 = The se Aacnanhed ie 8 Cartepton Ves apsring thot hoe, ‘s judging sHiely from tke erumeluted stale of tbe Daun. te beg #2 Spring [oF the Searls hes tail lenbable die misars's enesceansin, an flour vrrilkvlogl, would rol have bd Ue neces Kensielgstsssotlael phages, ard thst had 18 Aes ‘Cars rssatgnlions were made iro Ihe geograph ical vange of sah spores and its gorsial Talstae Pur fsners, Daw aa vies instar he binds leecusllsdisectire tbe sous uP bids rd reporting fiat enrasrts, Mest of his fhovoygh Wo atsen Alas sith a passage con ths hits cale and song Wars Daresm was able tu gather :lompaton on breeding, information has ale Rech ale Ths talline posal name af a detalsd ntsc St Tn] 199 Renny fies entimnn et Beare ‘soieworic ewricuara (Wiel, 1816} es bord bat a cursidersble dsiebulio, Om Ue east coll, hess fsa SiG potaga ir this & wang what Snses oie birds, stich feeuent ples, ede. Stuch Letter to tbe Nuit, to tbs extreie lnm ot tbe great sential plans) te MT nes sa speach Rt Sock thor ss, Ou uke west cous it oocuns from CConceprm (where oper courlyy cusumerce 37.) ftv Cat eats 48 Tanah (OT sentans Pane le diel pltin pacts sy Sst buss best. Sud ‘dens, neue Ibe sto caoit alurd a very heeucdle Fst, At Maldcoads (ttn. auay" eat Rabie Blarsa [Balagonio| its very wbundanl it ery Late, soak erlaollary Ll being disturbed Orly fs ta Ship shove istanss, Teaseae sale ts minivings & late & the evenrEs (ike Rub is Lond ot desting ituel"m asoud: malls, bel carol cur very quiskly ia ewach sll Colenptara [loess stake Cara dots siecls. AL certim Estes il fequealy cers peceliae sbr:M, but gels tickly erated ory Gu Frablyretvancl as esa ars mags Th iis respect resmblsy tke Oven bird [ernarve ri, ve as wie ive te ones, fic fat ats Weide Ir faite ies ean at the ines of 4 arte sylmdvisal bol, whee stad Ww extend bortvatlly teensatls ag fest let, Seta omnes mn, tA ms facubar oes thay haa angraptal tig out ts ‘ests bul Lom thes deput fd weuly alas Lae. “The bind cheer ary ine Wile bank of fre sand 4a he the sie nf 4 rad ar stan, Care 19, pp. 21? 218 Watvul the penionsl grsviols. tks spoces escrito eg fon Te Tear bang iva meen Tartine 53, Ridgely and Todor 1964, ph. 36 27) ‘Moat entsul tor the tims, bel exirestly belpte, were Tanwn's irate nr the pedal Inasation af Fo Vel est chatagnistie fr sts ai dgemui Lls very uller noted down sf bd bupped, Balled ce ian on the pround. Been the pera Tange cf the species ie aor ars nt Ise ore? ‘wicch is asluristore when ons Les a court a (i Sunni ara rie Far te chock tv tbs Ein all fhe plase hy ist, Darwin as rept he Jalign eer oatieled by Ibe Ades and, probably tngarde ths apd of ths snaps, camp Tota Tae a Wee Seni'tg sn bork ea of the amustan sane Reh 38 1995, p. 488) Sr rss, honk, wa ested ps, Ska (19RPa, IRIE bas alent ssotel ths aceite lu tke Galapagos fiabes. Nu allertor sas Raed Ww vel Mant stishspseaqn. sats fees, Ding hs Gaipagos viel uele Lravan showed au grea sleresL ths grovp uf birds. wor tu ary other bard feu Ue Falipasce Tsar, poihape se hs saespesn nF ths muckrebrds (Keres 20031 be sume is apparerly Ueus lors sl to ly de Chau 1/lbion aad Asisly 16. ‘Metter trom Darwen \y George Kubert Gray welllen zie seminar ol 193) iBurkiedt rod Smal 19, vo 5p bey witessss the nee feel Ry ths ashes who worked om Durven's vollciur wer comfruried Srl Darwin» seanly rules “Wak reapoot to Ibe Talk Vata Radhta, Tan ae Tite acestarae 1915, 10 1923 Lemale “Shot a sume lange satlered Fuck ur tbe [EUS] cu L920 fe 1923 $1899" teak mute curamonly Sesh ak the Hains’ T ue ask af? tn 1938 wh Usreatspeiesor rol de anolber pal ol my calulgce say Usa 10do a 1047 tugethesl | My spectaers were Sharir Marsh, coviesponting to Ssyestiber, beh al te very tile ctonmlavon| I car tel gue Gray Ga Gocld orsd Darwen 18%, Gould al. 41) raver thalass maragod to entire Aetify ce pimp fee fe Uke bhick-lbzouled lick elmer melanesera ig, ned deserved Ut olkee loom ae 4 species the else rst Ard Darwin's conttbiton to ornitiniogy Thal ste [uo he fee Face, whieh Tas Ten srabled io collect together ard thes. aul 220, oa Ab lesa tard tn scat ny fats) agar. (Dales [efacs af Gn aval Dan 38, “Thats #4 rs onsen dha of all Dates snl, Vie oltk.on thevry bs bad tbe tegest impact on ora: falngs (ot Stiseenann 1981), Hssean Toassin a0 Lepl hops poles ad cullsted « sll arms ot sete ngpifurl birds, among Uta birds raw to seems iis uns nr fico nssvadags soteot pmyalatine’ Tas bow sapuetint were Darvon’ td collotion and ules Wes orriolugy ot the cocalees Ee zie? Fesreally, ane'rs ba sletion arty cams errittologealy esgifernl Ueruegh Ibe svubestert Uther people, Leckly, acknowedgng eal Re as Zu Ssteitin ainithclnag, Dane'n Anratel a calleine ta ts Serco eperis iu Ub eld 0 the aratuzevally fpletesed “Ihuss Camptell Lston (1909 1880). ws Gocaps Robart Shay (18th 1807) ara ks Tche Gena Fgh Suter 198). ler belly wert sbucl deserting area's new tied spac in lecuses gee tbe Lue Iogisal Seeery af Tendon letacan Tamate USS ara Jaruary 1825 (Gould 155%, 185%. Le! Te ISIN. 187 TSE, 838), sole Daren added wone wazuments der ing ts nose asatings (Darwin 189%a, TRAIL Fon “utmpled the cuaucaicl appends fr Ls Zeescey ef te Fevage of JAE. sags (Gould ot 1841), bel abo iol sts data parksiea Te Danan “Ys Spang the nates tLslon 1862, pp. 29, 1 2h Joba Guukd Laer semacied tee omailbolueat benglatas wtish haa been asensn nel Te Danan secre bs jocraey x. part 3 hed) ot tke Zoolor gfe Vesage of LAS. Beagle (Gould ord Denver. 1538 TE809, AOL, 1AAbeg Gand sta IFA, a hk a sicaed by the guveraaett fLurds Cusussioners of er Bajsty’s reaseeys eh: Dare-nia Oven mad Darvin 1th ge TPT). Gente a tates hs amor pt arc lbs idkogepts uf Lizbeth Gycld 1304 184th wath (Dace when bend ew ll fu ei wr expescon tm antraia nn 16 Mag 1ES8, Sens mts emai ls Tegard lw vote birds ard their ono. 50 Dancin enrattod Gvrgs Raat Gray fo avis. Cla sas ashes en anil ave Goons aman abl he appareils double cfavked eich rume a ‘sues 3 5 heh ad eneste sr oid st ok 3p Rkbaraane Sem LOR sn. 2, s8b1- Tesh Gays Ine 10 liek ssue ol Darvon ws onced louse ox LAL Tne send ps Phen] by Kindly Posh ths oman