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Star Wars Roleplaying Game - Revised Core Rulebook PDF

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Preview Star Wars Roleplaying Game - Revised Core Rulebook

«STAR. WARS. . BILL SLAVICSEK, ANDY COLLINS, JD WIKER \WITH A FOREWORD BY STEVE SANSWEET STAR. WE WARS: SIL SLAVIESEK. ANDY COLLNS, 10 WiKER BILL SLAVICSEK, ANDY COLLINS, JD WIKER (CHAS DELONE BRIAN CAMPEELL, JEFF GRUB, BEN HARPER. (CORY J HERNOON, MICHAEL MIKAELIAN, STEVE MILLER, THOMAS M, REID, CHARLES RYAN, MICHELLE VUCKOVICH WEN IKE, STEPHENS PENNY WILLIAMS ILL SLAVICSEK, CHRISTOPHER PERKINS. [BRIAN CAMPBELL, CORY J HERNOGN KIM MOHAN (CHRISTOPHER PERKINS ‘JON SCHINDEHETT? SEAN BLENN ABIGAIL FEIN, MARK GOETZ ‘TODD GAMOLE, KYLE HUNTER ANGELIKA LOKOTZ ‘EFFERSON DUNLAP, CHRIS HANIS. TOMMY LEE EDWARDS 1, ALEXANDER GREGORY, JOHN GALLAGHER, NOREW ROINSON, LUCASFIM LTD. vice neeaibair avo oieareR ar nna neo BILL SLAVICSEK MARY KIRCHOFF DAVID WISE ‘DOUGLAS STEVES: TAIN MORRIS Thro uct Won a Hana onan of Ls isi ln hes, abl ids af tcastin Lid, he ess fre West Canes edtens other fn ec, dial oe los hohe cotibaeatn he pended Saris oie, Spel hast Gene csr ange Sri Be spine DESIGNER'S PREFACE 5 PLAYER'S SECTION THE BAS CHARACTER GREATION WL ABILITIES 18 rh Sere 7 ‘yes " Tein age ily Ss 4 WHSPEDIES © 70 Grasp ae sp es i zi 7 roe a are oa ‘ws z Taka 2 ee a WHICLASSES ©: 8% enc o x Gein a Cuvee andieeh a Seas 2 feck “ WR SKILLS ord ssi ‘eee i oe Mosc INS FEATS 102) Pits evn ‘ab Fo Oe acy Sy Feats a Sm ee | ie HERIC ig) Sungei CHARALT EIS Ti MB meg cane sn Tet) ont sce WAIT EGUIPKIENT © 2B) Gewmate Chaos te ae ‘8 Ue Crt a zb|ERAG OF PLAY @ Gat COMEAT ——e 14 UerteGay cere Sapo none aN ALES g ie @ AND GPPONEN fees Ha name Soren | Gwe Shh a E Seiden hs i PAUE[ORGIDS So pn = ADeisie Seadtmaeomag mS Doan. WHE THE FORCE © 172) pean. he ete 2 marmmng sure The cs aaa Doda octet me pe Metre Datars DWH VEHICLES sesh sie Clee APPENDIX ‘ents PLAYTESTERS Nineseo DEFINITIONS oer ance HRN) STARSHIPS CHARACTER SHEET Peri Sr Stshio Combet - Strip tres BAMEMASTER'S rein eka i Dig ca eMASTERING © 238 oe ™ m2 ES 03 4 3 ic} a m o 7 re} o I 7 Z a Foreword Fort a ore elote Nigh rd or tht fel ses. ee 10 Say War 1977 wit oy my xecaions not some ote medi amo ary fbi thea moves these da ad devoured else scence con bes rie td ite Loe Angie ha pike Some earings about the fi. Thee were metons Hellwod tds rl ns nem Scene ition magazine mame ‘Starog. What realy de for me nd ht ecm theft in Bm ‘ants brochure sent o ‘veiz 28 page Bobet, aroma ni! y devotion ofthe im a Iona daactes | oon wa set Then rte wel fo te Sere peng on Way 23,97. 1 $Xtendea» pros seeenng onthe aeslot at eet Cety Fo From the amert the tr Destover ne ssone without sods Loke ‘Shyer gets up fem Ne ant nd ‘nce’ ene taken station, desperately wanting oleae iS ‘any, ben planet-and the rat ook ois we that eps. ome and ess na 95H ou ‘ers std on For Lake ree jury as 00 0b, Tas ered on my jour. {that pont, dnt know ho ether ‘as gong to end Te Hoo oumey? 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Fra erie generation str "re hasbeen 3 defing enema rament sping suse yong fer and ower Ino posi athe cee ofall ope The popu of Sr Wa roing The ongitalSar Wars enration— thes of us wo steno ith teens onthe nse Tahoe ase en a Sur Mas gee to subsequent generations. The ht pre muck, ete) can ob agit ras Is ar Solo with Hh ga, Darh ater ar bt ona lak ‘ott the ently wor lok fhe ‘oarstps. the eve poi bates thelghtber serie, Star Nore Sil Fels hip. 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Not ory dots the in Feature sere en eae ska ors, gee plates ot ether egg to tie nr coe ‘le teat lot es dss. The exert eet ty there in ges ws score eppar tort to ane the RPG ith 98h Fanfare ss we and te solectse Sar More matey raheem Ineo ete ik, an ns: Te nw nov wc were peered with 31 oper re i ke 98 These your cedtack eve gathered ee. tc fom a any peal wo bavat 2 ane the evo cen ase ul sg at data a Use Shi rece The ied tsb cen ve fenie ete lupe ‘Solton an tcomt heb Dats of: io there eon you ase the refou ion, ow'lronce tht whe the ase te redssigrod teary ° the feos. Weve ostend te sash rein ofthe gone so et seat he sm ne we orbs Ieee it apes ly lecept enced Jonepicks oh. Ah up wf ‘end hs oak, tid you tes the ple Sie Wars dito Thom ted Have a Play o m a a zs fi a u a a A a > o n NOWWOnGow.LNi Introduction The Sar Wars ne spt a8 ans gaey of range great heroes tal tee vil om he moet oe fat Sor estaper aed sows he soe, the ony of Sear recanted the wort Wh he ae, ou cok cate the story ofthe fis oral sour aes the Sue Wars nen Alou ted seme, ew Frnt nd oat magi This Is Star Wars: tes: X-uig sth peer clase woepen the Sie Wes espace fay at tse ul of actor adr, aa a seve of wonder. The heroes ger than He The vlbins te tye. Te une Fs Thed- wet-wed ok ad fe tok I's fami sty ut eer Be fold qt Ns ay before thas mye ‘eats peak to he Nea of th aus 1s epic This Is a Roleplaying Game Jeaceat st gue at offes 5 ald of ees spi epeein pe econ ean bade Sarvs lato oe tne The ty exer, Sat iNet the won tes pt oe ine rows rosa wove eth tan 8 ante > | sel In the Gamenast you ddd what yur character ‘asa dee The Gamemster the Grector a pea ets designe, deing wha he or abut and Taking othe ws fl the ote harsh, estes the sped evs sas The Ganeraster ao se eserbes wt sagen Toget,plaes ad This Is the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Combire he blo cee th Stor Mors une ‘ith he maint poner ean of ola am, tha he away ony coves near Exeyhing wo net isi bok exept the eCheck et Te Bsc sata tn poe & to get a ds of te Fondant he gm "nen ype acy Rip ugh he es fh book tf wealth of pons long Yu to pay nay Sar, hrs ea etsy ly the good gs. he bd gs Thegu in ttc you mane adda le amtgulyw methane backend ne nen cst hue inl chore hat es te fg "lors yu tyr cud Ore yrs the game the Cameras GM contol the lis ane othe people th Te te Stor Wars iene, Toh out care Tor yau md your ens fac the dangers ad expr fhe, thing posible the Star Wars Ralepaying Gant, You can hve yo hace ysgol cm "tk of soancs e088 ad the ce fal sour te aion seeds. The Bes econ as oe dah Characters Your charts ae he ts the mothe min cara: ‘ein the gone. We satin ree fo tem a Teo ot in he "ood gu” semse es, the ses ofthe na potgonss ofthe si Each crac agin es elret Your characte’ might be "toh isto. ‘Padawan ame Seng 1 gain power m the Fre ‘ba stares pl. Asoung seatr From ropeoun Atel Kg eli a ipa a he Reputie For iting wt he power offered bythe dt oie 1 Agate scot exploring the ypereaefres. 18 sor ane for war the Oster Rr. ‘een oho re comers with macynes than Wt o2te pope yy tet Hl of character you ca fre. What You Need to Play ees bot ya0 ned 0 st ayo the Star War okey Ga 1G The nk, which ts yo he 0 rae a play tol a the Fa scons oF hs book the por alr wh cet rts Fats ant sq There rhe Games pong ee winger open oa Ee alae ante, aa fon eas tr aes Die etre eth yu halo fe oe a 248: Teo egh-kide.genestng rade tw 210, Tis the scant of dora aka baat de The Three Eras of Play tampa sct nthe sine rach ds in deta Ie tb bok oan our camps in thee he Hee moies 2 son In Eps Ui vac of the Clones. Repub poe tng eet the ab ad the J Coon st Fak sy ve fen Usd he palo, Ales form aeord the we of known axe bern a son the New Reb st foes cris ote ‘he ha-nan peace hee *ysNew il rer a dex ne el Ry Bok 0 Zz at a Oo & Oo a a rz z in oD > Q 0 a The Basics sess hs ser. Tei rvs et ih th teatro le Sgr an Von fa-toshedevn he dus with Lat Malo (Caont Duck "Wt the Sar Ws Repamay Game you cn expr cence Bis epic sega ne new may, nogine your 2 {eal in inn ara Repu Sear, ave stright dint oa power Moker Wier jou an Tee pesed sar ines The Galaxy Te Sar Hrsg haye, Mow tana ilo tar $Socms ln the ioe ages at oer Soo pope rsbaag WiC eet el {nde govemren (ef Reubieor Empat yan re har olson Rohe el sided tthe cng Fee egies he ace mck ths dae Bence Re sa regres Thad, commerce a are Rey repo 5 en mth cone the Outen (QE ow yo! wis ok dso tele you an ph in ‘ou Ser cama Fin one apora a8 of Gea Str Ao cae yt sl eo anlar we isl ooh Si ye he ais te de te hate rein rhs Oe ght nde Gmemtreion cl dee nt ee ang our pa, nse if ep of crap ‘i seton oles aoe and ela the ae nd ‘Sadana the ite eas Players Fv neces hac tran in Ser scampi, The Bs epeig ens pag) hs secon gos Sr hed e mean exas ede eth coe a peta Fora on mang» hae at eel ndepter ora rmerk Oni You might er be ate Te clo st 1 ser a enol Dc Pel consarencangen the gay an on Sou ca see Sour te cl th ly shugo agaist anmi Impris oes vangu readers fom terres of sd ales are god si tod ye. Ht, The Gore Mechanic the" your chatter sucteeds Ha tsk suchas ato, the we 9 lo aii an altenp t ste your eheracter fom hn, yo do ti @ Rot aan The Gamemaster Tre OM teres soe aks the plays what tee Choaces war od eas tes tons acon ie aks oe ge. The Gisele sens, Lege he Story novi ties i he We of he oppones and tthe emt a the ats eats ena ch ShevtneF yoe he OM you Sl ead trough ‘ecdom of book; you Govt hee o mamaria but red oo ane ee hg ne Heroes youre pies go take the os of a hoo-or of ee ns) ft el Kr pe ep Species Ton hacer tlorgstoa ee seis The Slo Mere Cater Two dese thse aes dea. You can these Ho Hunan, Beta, Coven, Does, Evo, Garones, Gn, oran Kel Dy Men Clana, ise soll, Sula, Tandosa, Toi, Neokles, nik. Class ‘iis pests ay of fe enced bya char I. Seuss) ar oom hela ou dere your hem, 2 Fook ev nhih ou car hag ie Saas persona ‘8 endo ease ke es ex profeon. Yo {anu upen har pofeson a you ev imprves ore {ir arch oat mo dif ces thers hom 9 srt he shear ceo Tessa dese Clap Tie. You ay choos fon gente, earl uo ld te) Seas Level Le ess tates ance othe Snowe one ele ehtooee fer carpe Bt 5 oer ara sve orate hater yey i pay atte ad aah a tere the compl adc Ataieg #0 Nee ord wage ith arrose bperart Shas suc ss ese tack bors ie a otc ‘i theo bvnas 0Deee,ahd ay pt, Abilities ‘rsh bss sites tha pres he uate tess vith nd weakens. These sitie—Soeoay, Bae ComstutanIveigere Wm, sp Charen teres eo does. Pom ight ws hls ‘sone af 1Oer 1 nan abil cage Hie scores fie crater bows, an loner acres ae peas henye sate your carat, you" nant fo puja" tie soves i He Sis rot lst salted th aur acters. 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