CONSTKIJCTICH AND N. TES'i ST1;AA AIR- EJECTOR V. A. KHS^K TAYLOR fv. A. K il'lST 8 -} 1 621.64 K46 lUiaoisiasdtote of Tecliaology UNIVERS)'TyLIBRARIES AT 491 Kerr, V. A. Design, construction and test of a steam air-ejector Digitized by tine InternetArcliive in 2009 witli funding from CARLI: Consortium ofAcademic and Researcli Libraries in Illinois Construction and Design, Test of a Steam air Ejector A THESIS PRESENTEDBY KERR AND TAYLOR V. A. K. A. TOTHE president and faculty OF ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FORTHEDEGREEOF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MAY 29, 1918 APPROVED: ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OFTECHNOLOGY ^c^^— ^-^^^^ J??^:^^//.*^.,.^/- PAUL V. GALVIN LIBRARY ^,.fM.d»„i»iB<«u>.«», 35WEST 33RD STREET U^^^yR^^. CHICAGO. IL 60616 ^<- ^'iww^rin.s^ii- DcAtiofCtlcurmlScudiM TABLE OP CONTENTS Pages 1. Introduction and Summary of Machines already on the Market 1-15 2. Design of Theoretical Nozzle 15-20 3. Design of Working Nozzle 20-26 4. Method of Construction 26-29 5. Testing and Operating 29-48 6. The Proposed New Design of Steam Air-Ejector 48-52 28097