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ATHANASIUS ^ST. INCARNATION iE TRANSLATED BY REV -08ERTSON FRQN THE LIBT^R^T OF COLLEGE TRJ^JTY TORQNJO 7 , UAAA SOU4*4* ^J. C.M.CLARKE. H W. 121- .-iV^., ! ALf CALUAUi. 1 HIV. J * t^,,. ; ATHANASIUS ST. THE INCARNATION. ATHANASIUS DE INCARNATIONS. ATHANASIUS ST. THE INCARNATION. TRANSLATED IIY ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON, ELLOWOFTRIHNAITTFYIECLODLLSEGHEA,LLO,XFDOURRDHA;MP.RINCIPALOF BISHOP SK(<)\n KDITIOX, HHY LONDON: D. NUTT, 270-271 STRAND. 1891. UNIFORM WITH THE PRESENT WORK. ST. ATHANASIUS ox THE INCARNATION EMtcJ> for tbc tlsc of Stuocnte, witb Sntro^ction ant> Hotcg. BY THE REV. A. ROBERTSON. 8vo. 1882.(nil 89pp.) Cloih,3*. APR 3 1999 PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. THE following pages are an attempt to discharge a debt incurred by the Translator, in the opinion of many kind friends, by the publication of an edition oftheGreektextin1882. Thetranslation,originally made for a class attending lectures [1879-1882] on the Incarnation, has now been carefully re-written. It is offered to the public under a strong sense of serious imperfections, but stillinthehopethatitmay prove a fairly accurate reproduction of the sense of theoriginal. Itaimsprimarilyathelpingthetheologicalstudent who is workingat the Greek text but it may also ; prove welcome, it is hoped, to those who wish to read the work without having recoursetotheGreek. Tothe latterclass some apology is due for what is felt to be an awkward and not always very readable style. The writerhas preferredto adhere as closely as possible even to the redundancies and harsh turns of the text, to producing a smoother result at the cost ofliteral fidelity. vi Preface. ThetranslationsofNewTestamentcitationsfollow the revised English version, except where once or twice cogent reasons have appeared for departing from it. Translations ofpassagesfrom the OldTes tament are literal renderingsof the LXX. asquoted by Athanasius. The LXX. orthography of proper names has been followed, though not without some misgiving in less familiarcases. In some cases,asin thefrequentrecurrenceofparticleslikeXonrbv, TTU\IV, &c., close adherence to the Greek has not always beenthoughtnecessary; norhasthe Translatorbeen ableto do justice to the parauomasia of Ao-yoc and \oyiKog in an important passage. Itis needless for him to add that he will thank fully accept any criticisms or corrections. With regard to the matter of the book, it has seemed undesirable to repeat what was said in the short in troduction to the Greek text. But for the sake of readers who have notthat introduction before them, a chronological table ofthe main eventsofthelifeof Athanasius has been given, as well as avery concise synopsis ofthe matterofthe work. It remains forthe Translatorto express his grati tude tothe Rev. Walter Lock, Fellow of Magdalen and Sub-Warden of Keble College,Oxford,formany very kind and useful suggestions at different times, and for his help in revisingthe sheets ofthe present translation. HATFIELD HALL, DURHAM, September1884.

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