SPC Education Ministry Sr. Merceditas Ang, SPC SPCEM Proposed Curriculum Model for Grades 11 & 12 ! Aligned with the K to 12 Curriculum Guides SPC Education ! Byproduct of articulation of academic programs, institutional Ministry resources, facilities and capabilities ! Responsive to and matched with the manpower demands of the labor market, national and global ! Curriculum design is geared towards the holistic development of the person, animation of the Church, and transformation of the nation. ! Based on the aptitude and career interests of the students ! Career Pathway Prototypes provide knowledge and skills tracked as pre- baccalaureate, ladderized courses, and equip students with employable competencies and entrepreneurial life-skills. Curriculum Design Senior High School (Grades 11 & 12) SPC Education " Core Subjects Ministry - K to 12 Curriculum Guide of DepEd " Career Track - Specialization subjects - Inputs/topics that are relevant to the apprenticeship program/ on-the-job training " Enrichment - Paulinian Spirituality, Advocacy, Life, and Mission (PSALM) - Stewardship, Service, and Sustainability (SSS) Career Pathway Prototype • Course Description SPC Education Ministry • Course Objectives • Course Outline - Topics to be taught to the students - Nature of field work/on-the-job training • Schedule of lecture and field exposure - Number of hours for lecture - Number of hours for OJT • Networking with local industries and companies for the OJT - List of possible industries and companies where the students can work as apprentice - MOA/MOU • Competencies expected of the students • Performance evaluation tool - to assess the learning (knowledge and skills) of the students GRADE 11 GRADE 12 Total SUBJECT Ist Sem 2nd Sem Ist Sem 2nd Sem LEARNING AREA Language English 54 54 108 Filipino 54 54 108 Literature 21st Century Regional Philippine Literature 54 54 21st Century World Literature 54 54 Communication Media and Information Literacy 54 54 Mathematics Mathematics 54 54 108 Philosophy Philosophy of the Human Person 54 54 Natural Sciences Life/Physical Sciences - Lecture 54 54 108 - Laboratory 54 54 108 Social Sciences Contemporary Issues 54 54 108 Paulinian Spirituality, Advocacy, Life, and Mission (PSALM) - integrated in Religion 54 54 54 162 Stewardship, Service, & Sustainability (SSS) 54 54 - integrated in Religion ! Technical- Vocational- STRANDS 108 108 270 270 Livelihood ! Sports and Arts ! Academic Total Hours Hours/Day sample schedule SPC Education Ministry Music Dance Theater SPC Education Ministry Career Track Performing Arts: Music Education Course Description This is designed for students in the Grades 11 and 12 who have or have not undergone any formal music training. It provides a wide array of opportunities for the students to discover their potentials in music, both in theory and performance. This course aims to provide musical skills necessary for a future professional study in music. This course offers training in musical performance, vocal and instrumental as well as theoretical study of music. It also exposes the students to possible careers in music, can be music performance or music teaching. SPC Education Ministry Performing Arts: Music Education r" Course Objectives 1 Gain functional 4 Gain opportunities performance abilities in to perform in public keyboard and strings 5 Participate in musical 2 Gain theoretical organizations in the school or and historical community as a choir knowledge of music organizer, conductor, choir or instrumental ensemble member 3 6 Develop the ability Gain exposure to to sight- read musical the music teaching notations profession Grade 11 Ist Semester Core Subject No. of " Hours Performing Arts English 54 Filipino 54 MUSIC EDUCATION Mathematics 54 Life/Physical Science - Lec 54 - Lab 54 Specialized Subject No. of Hrs. Contemporary Issues 54 Solfege 1 a 36 Music History 1 18 Paulinian Spirituality, 54 Rudiments of Music 36 Advocacy, Life, & Mission Rondalla Class 36 Participation in the Rondalla 90 Performances Total No. of Hours 216