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SILICON AND BORON NUTRITION OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN WET LAND SOILS OF NORTHERN KERALA SAINATH NAGULA (2012 - 11 - 186) DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE PADANNAKKAD, KASARAGOD – 671314 KERALA, INDIA 2014 SILICON AND BORON NUTRITION OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN WET LAND SOILS OF NORTHERN KERALA by SAINATH NAGULA (2012 - 11 - 186) THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Faculty of Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University DEPARTMENT OF SOIL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE PADANNAKKAD, KASARAGOD – 671314 KERALA, INDIA 2014 i DECLARATION I, hereby declare that this thesis entitled “SILICON AND BORON NUTRITION OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN WET LAND SOILS OF NORTHERN KERALA” is a bonafide record of research work done by me during the course of research and the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award to me of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar title, of any other University or Society. Padannakkad, SAINATH NAGULA Date: -08-14 (2012-11-186) ii CERTIFICATE Certified that this thesis entitled “SILICON AND BORON NUTRITION OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN WET LAND SOILS OF NORTHERN KERALA” is a record of research work done independently by Mr. Sainath Nagula (2012-11-186) under my guidance and supervision and that it has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or associateship to him. Padannakkad, Dr. Biju Joseph Date: -08-14 (Major Advisor, Advisory Committee) Assistant Professor Instructional Farm College of Agriculture Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram. iii CERTIFICATE We, the undersigned members of the advisory committee of Mr. Sainath Nagula (2012-11-186), a candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture with major in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, agree that the thesis entitled “SILICON AND BORON NUTRITION OF RICE (Oryza sativa L.) IN WET LAND SOILS OF NORTHERN KERALA” may be submitted by Mr. Sainath Nagula, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree. Dr. Biju Joseph Dr. P.R. Suresh (Chairman, Advisory Committee) (Member, Advisory Committee) Assistant Professor Professor and Head Instructional Farm Department of SS&AC College of Agriculture College of Agriculture Vellayani-695522 Padannakkad-671314 Dr. M. Govindan Dr. R. Gladis (Member, Advisory Committee) (Member, Advisory Committee) Associate Dean Assistant Professor College of Agriculture Department of SS&AC Padannakkad-671314 College of Agriculture Vellayani-695522 iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is with great respect I express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to Dr. Biju Joseph, Assistant Professor College of Agriculture Padannakkad and Chairman of my Advisory committee for his expert advice, valuable suggestions, inspiring guidance, enthusiastic approach, constructive criticisms, thought provoking discussions, unreserved help and kind concern during the conduct of this research work and preparation of thesis. I value his knowledge and wisdom which nurtured this research in right direction without which fulfillment of this endeavor would not have been possible, He has been a support to me during each step of this venture and my obligation to him lasts forever, I really consider it my greatest fortune in having his guidance for my research work. It is with immense pleasure, I express my whole hearted gratitude and never ending indebtedness to Dr. P.R. Suresh, Professor and Head, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry and member of my Advisory Committee for his expert guidance, patient hearing, constructive criticisms, valuable suggestions and above all his support and encouragement throughout the course of study. I think it is my privilege to express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. R. Gladis, Assistant Professor College of Agriculture Padannakkad and member of my Advisory Committee for her critical evaluation of manuscript, constant encouragement, sincere help and support in times of need especially in the preparation of this thesis. I thankfully acknowledge Dr. M. Govindan, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad and member of my Advisory Committee for his esteemed advice timely help, and valuable suggestions throughout this programme. My heartfelt thanks to Dr. A. S. Anilkumar, (Professor & Head, Department of Agronomy) and Dr. C.V. Sudarsana Rao (Department of Plant v Physiology) for their esteemed advice, timely help, and valuable suggestions throughout this programme. I extend my sincere respect and gratitude to Dr.Jose Joseph, Dr.Latha Bastiene, Dr.Ushakumari, Dr.K.M.Sreekumar, Dr.B.Ramesha, Dr. T. Vanaja, Dr.R.Sujatha, Dr.P.K.Raji Namboodiri who have always given encouragement and support and for their ever willing help rendered at various phases of my study. I express sincere gratitude and respect to Dr.K.P.Chandran, Senior Scientist, CPCRI, Kasaragod Department of Agricultural Statistics for his critical suggestions, timely help throughout the research work and course of study. The suggestions and help given by Mrs. Udaya, SRF, Agricultural Statistics, during the statistical analysis of data is acknowledged. I wish to acknowledge with gratitude Sri.Shivaji Thorat, Vedant agrotech, Pune who supplied calcium silicate and potassium silicate for my research work. I owe my special thanks to Anitha chechi, Ramya chechi, Sowmya, Rajitha and Manjunath chettan who were of great help during the hours of need. I express gratitude to my friends, colleagues, juniors and all well wishers who extended all the help during hours of need. I wish to thank Farm manager, Farm officers and all labourers of the Instructional Farm, for their timely help. I wish to acknowledge with gratitude the award of fellowship by the Kerala Agricultural University during the tenure of the M. Sc. (Ag.) programme. I am forever behold to my loving Mother and Father without whose support, prayers, blessings and sacrifices I would not have completed this work. vi No words can express my sincere gratitude towards my Sister, Brother and family and all my relatives for their love, personal sacrifices, incessant inspiration and constant prayers which helped me to complete this venture successfully. God Almighty for all the bountiful blessings showered on me at each and every moment without which this study would never have seen light. Sainath Nagula vii CONTENTS CHAPTER NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1. INTRODUCTION 1-4 2. REVIEW OF LITERATUR E 5-30 3. MATERIALS AND METHOD S 31-48 4. RESULTS 49-94 5. DISCUSSION 95-116 6. SUMMARY 117-120 7. REFERENCES 121-139 ABSTRACT 140-141 APPENDICES viii LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. No. 1 Analytical methods followed in soil analysis 32-33 2 Physico-chemical properties of the soil 33-34 3 Analytical methods followed for plant analysis 38 4 Effect of silicon and boron on availability of primary nutrients in soil 50 5 Effect of silicon and boron on availability of secondary nutrients in soil 51 6 Effect of silicon and boron on availability of zinc and copper in soil 52 7 Effect of silicon and boron on content of Fe, Mn and Al in soil 53 8 Effect of silicon and boron on silicon content in soil at different stages of 54 rice 9 Effect of silicon and boron on boron content in soil at different stages of 55 rice 10 Effect of silicon and boron on the nitrogen content in straw, grain and 56 total uptake of by plant 11 Effect of silicon and boron on the phosphorus content in straw, grain and 57 total uptake of by plant 12 Effect of silicon and boron on the potassium content in straw, grain and 58 total uptake of by plant 13 Effect of silicon and boron on the calcium content in straw, grain and 60 total uptake of by plant 14 Effect of silicon and boron on the magnesium content in straw, grain and 60 total uptake of by plant 15 Effect of silicon and boron on the sulphur content in straw, grain and 62 total uptake of by plant 16 Effect of silicon and boron on the iron content in straw, grain and total 63 uptake of by plant 17 Effect of silicon and boron on the manganese content in straw, grain and 64 total uptake of by plant

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