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5 Sheffield TIMES Community News for Sheffield & Ashley Falls, MA SECOND GENERATION Special Supplement, April 2007 THIS ISSUE IS A COMMUNITY SERVICE FROM THE SHEFFIELD TIMES Every year the Sheffield Association, publishers ofthe Sheffield Times, mails this special issue to all town residents. In it, you'll find: • The complete text ofthe Annual Town Meeting Warrant and accompanying letter from the Board ofSelectmen and Finance Committee, to be voted on by Sheffield voters at the Town Meeting, Mon., May 7, at 7pm at Mt. Everett Regional High School. All Sheffield residents are welcome at the meeting, but only registered voters can vote. • News about the school budget, in the article that begins below. • Profiles of the candidates running for election (page 6). The election will be May 14, 9am-7pm, at Town Hall. Look for the regular May/June issue, coming soon at local stores, Library, Town Hall, Senior Center and Transfer Station. SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSES BUDGET INCREASE OF 6% The proposed budget ofthe Southern Berkshire Regional School District for Fiscal Year 2008 totals $14-37 million, up by 6 per- cent over FY 2007. It was approved by the district's School Committee on March 15 and will be presented to Sheffield's voters for their approval at the town meeting scheduled for Monday, May 7. Ifapproved as proposed by the school district, Sheffield's share ofthe school operating budget would increase by 9.6 percent, to $5.08 million. According to Town Administrator Bob Weitz, that would be by far the largest increase in this assessment since the early 1990s. The size ofthe increase, he says, would force the Board ofSelectmen to ask the voters to approve a $216,000 "override" of Sheffield's "levy limit" under Proposition 2lA. cont'd on page Annual Town Meeting Warrant Town of Sheffield Commonwealth of Massachusetts Berkshire, ss TotheConstables oftheTown ofSheffieldinsaidCountyofBerkshire, Visiting NurseAssociation $2,976 Council on Aging $48,750 Greeting: Veterans Benefits $1,000 In the name ofthe Commonwealth ofMassachusetts, you are hereby Library $143,824 directed to notify and warn the Inhabitants ofthe Town ofSheffield, Historical Commission $100 qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet in the auditorium ofthe Mt. Memorial Day $750 Everett Regional High School on Berkshire School Road in Sheffield American Legion $500 on Monday, May 7, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. for the followingpurposes: Care ofSoldiers' Craves $1,320 ARTICLE 1: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, Ashley Falls Historic District Commission $150 Agricultural Commission $500 and/or transfer from available funds, such sums of money as listed below, and as may be amended, necessary to defray the expenses ofthe Interest on Loans $1 Town for FiscalYear 2008, or take any other action relative thereto. Berkshire County Retirement $147,344 Worker's Compensation $15,000 Moderator $200 Unemployment Compensation Fund $1 Selectmen's Office $142,813 Group Health (32B) Insurance $250,000 Board ofAssessors $100,691 Employer Medicare $15,000 Treasurer/Collector $128,868 Financial Audit $12,000 Town Clerk $51,850 Insurances Bonding $67,000 Elections & Registration $1 7,700 Conservation Commission $5,425 ARTICLE 2: To see ifthe Town will vote to fix the compensation Planning Board $6,000 of the following elected officers of the Town for Fiscal Year 2008, Industrial Development Comm $100 as required by Chapter 41, Section 108 of the General Laws: Zoning Board ofAppeals $2,000 Moderator $200; Selectman, Chairman $2,100; Selectmen, two Town Buildings and Properties $93,670 members at $1,800 each, or take any other action relative thereto. Town Report & Communications $5,500 Legal Services $15,000 ARTICLE 3: To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate Dispatch Services $7,096 and/or transfer from available funds, a sum of money for the Police Department $394,512 disposal and management of solid waste, or take any other action Fire Department $38,91 relative thereto. Inspectional Services $56,680 ARTICLE 4: To see ifthe Town will vote to raise and appropriate Fire Hydrants $7,942 $3,465,191 to pay the Town's minimum local contribution for the Dog Officer $7,500 Southern Berkshire Regional School District Operating Budget for Highway Department $539,328 Fiscal Year 2008. Streetlights $10,000 cont'd on page 2 Board of Health $14,334 1 Town Meeting Warrant ARTICLE 5: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate ARTICLE 9: To see iftheTown willvote to raise and appropriate or $1,295,769 to pay the Town's portion of the proposed operating transfer from available funds, $800 to pay the stipend for Sheffield's budget of the Southern Berkshire Regional School District for fiscal committee members of the Southern Berkshire Regional School year 2008 as apportioned under the statutory formula enumerated in District for Fiscal Year 2008, or take any other action relative thereto. Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71 §16B. ARTICLE 10: Tosee iftheTown willvote to raiseandappropriate ARTICLE 6: To see if the Town will vote to approve the use of an ortransferfromavailablefunds,$33,602topayforvocationaleducation alternative apportionment formula, said formula being an optional tuition in FiscalYear 2008, or take any other action relative thereto. alternative to the statutory formula enumerated in Massachusetts ARTICLE 11: To see iftheTown will vote to authorize the Board General Laws Chapter 71 §16B requiring the annual approval of all member communities in a Regional School District. of Health to employ any of its members, including members who also serve on the Board ofSelectmen, as Title 5 Witnesses for Septic ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Systems Evaluation Tests and Inspections at a rate of $35.00 per an additional $320,989 to fund the Southern Berkshire Regional inspection, and/or Sanitation (Title 5) Inspector at an annual salary School District operating budget apportioned under the alternate of$500 for FiscalYear 2008, or take any other action relative thereto. apportionment formula, said additional funding shall be contingent upon the approval ofa Proposition 2 1/2 override. An appropriation ARTICLE 12: ToseeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriate, transfer from Overlay Surplus, and/or transfer from available funds, under this Article and the use of the alternative apportionment $54,000 to provide for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures formulawillnotprovideadditionalfundingforthe Southern Berkshire under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 6 of the General Laws, Regional School District Operating Budget. known as the Reserve Fund, or take any other action relative thereto. ARTICLE 8: To see ifthe Town will vote to approve the Southern ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Berkshire Regional School District Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2008 and vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available Treasurer/Collector to sell, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, any parcel or parcels ofreal estate which have been or may funds, $216,918 to pay theTown's assessed share ofthat budget. be acquiredthroughtheforeclosureoftaxtitle,ortakeanyotheraction relative thereto. LETTER FROM BOARD OF SELECTMEN AND FINANCE COMMITTEE New regulations of the Massachusetts Sheffield. New Marlborough has as of now School Budget. Sheffield, as calculated Department of Education, adopted been more than fully compensated. The by the Department of Education, will January 23, 2007, and the accompanying Selectmen and Finance Committee believe still carry the majority of the financial guidance letter, issued March 2, 2007, the Town of Sheffield should no longer burden of the Southern Berkshire make it clear that any apportionment approve of a formula that subsidizes other Regional School District. of a regional school district assessment district towns. The School Budget will not Listed below is the FY'07 tax that does not conform to the statutory be effected. The Southern Berkshire rate for each of the five Towns in the formula must be approved by each Regional School District will still receive District, along with the average tax bill town meeting in the district every year the $9,301,750 assessment it has for each Town. (for a detailed explanation see http:/ proposed. The change will only alter the If the voters at the Annual Town financel.doe.mass.edu/Regional/reg_ amounts assessed to each Town. The chart Meeting do not vote to approve the use guidance.pdf). The interim agreement below shows the assessments under the of the alternate assessment formula, method used by the Southern Berkshire statutory formula. Sheffield will be below its tax levy Regional School District does not As one can see the assessments to limit. conform to the statutory formula. Sheffield and Alford decrease, while the Sheffield Board of Selectmen: The interim agreement method was assessments to the other three Towns David D. Macy, Chairman, Julie M. adopted by the towns in the district increase. The interim agreement was Hannum, James T. Collingwood, Sr. seven years ago to compensate the never intended to also benefit Egremont Sheffield Finance Committee: Town of New Marlborough for prior and Monterey, but that is the way the David J. Steindler, Chairman, Mark years' overpayments by reducing its numbers worked out. The Selectmen and E. Bachetti, John A. James, Judith G. assessment. It turned out that the the Finance Committee believe there is Schnurr, David A. Smith, Jr. bulk of the financial burden of this no reason for Sheffield taxpayers to pay compensation fell to the Town of $320,989 more than their fair share of the "Alternate" or Interim "Statutory" AssessmentFormula FY'08 Assessment: Assessment Formula $9,301,570 Enrollment FY'08 Min. Local Additional FY'08 Differencefrom Percentaqe Assessment Contribution Assessment Assessment "Alternate" Alford 5.360% $498,608 $342,161 $127,133 $469,294 - $29,315 Eqremont 12.767% $1,187,506 $997,761 $302,784 $1,300,545 + $113,039 Monterey 8.696% $808,853 $673,071 $206,237 $879,308 + $70,455 New Marlborouqh 18.542% $1,724,654 $1,451,720 $439,743 $1,891,463 + $166,809 Sheffield 54.635% $5,081,949 $3,465,191 $1,295,769 $4,760,960 ' - $320,989 TOTAL 100% $9,301,570 $6,929,904 $2,371,666 $9,301,570 ARTICLE 14: Tosee iftheTownwillvoteto raiseandappropriate of this parcel; N-69-05-32-E a distance of 61.08 feet to an iron rod and/or transfer from available funds, $31,053 to pay principal and to be set; N-69-05-32-E a distance of47 +/- feet to the edge of the intereston the bondedindebtedness authorizedbyTown Meetingvote river, said point being the southeast corner ofthis property; Running ofJanuary 30, 1995, or take any other action relative thereto. thence northerly along the edge of the river to the southerly sideline AofcAorRrDtItrTI\hae(nis_cHfnc-LercrbeifclrDr5\ceo:pmaravtamtil-elionalbtsile,eeofci-rfurn.t*tdLhjaisek,etl$tao3inw2lyn,no0wnt0jihln0l-ielirtvooatJpc*etuiirtoconhlraraseileisaet.aaivcneadjstcauhapejdrpeertosop.yrsi-taetme ropsfraeiferdtCceelotlivo;neeaRrnouefrdniCnrBooirnvnieg°drrg°oet.ed.hdeRt„Bnoorc.a.bied«ed,tg°,sheseeatrR;i.f_odoS-a£lp--dlo7:«ioi3w-n^Si-t«-n5«%bg79-e.3>-ti.-w4nm5,obg49«-tc-,Wh„o4e.ua4.rni-sdio,eWir.rsstathaaedlniai.ocssnettgaocntfrochre.e1n3~oes8f*orr.^u~23rot56*-fhert+frhe/lie/-yst ARTICLE 16: To see if the Town will vote to transfer $100,000 to thepoint ofbeginning, said parcel ofland containing0.42 +/- acres from available funds into the Fire Truck Stabilization Fund, or take ofland. any other action relative thereto. Being a portion of the premises as were conveyed to the Donors by ARTICLE 17: ToseeiftheTownwillvote to raiseandappropriate deed of Erik Schutz, and Edythe Schutz Gerard, f/k/a Edythe M. or transfer from available funds, $750 to the Emergency Response Schutz, dated November 16, 1979, and recorded in the Berkshire Fund, or take any other action relative thereto. Southern District Registry of Deeds in Book 470, Page 253. Being c_tAoarorRunit-.ItsrrrIeaTardrnC«es-aL-fTcniebdcrnjlmofcioorrob:oiismeillnelavrtjtlaa.hiodjelsi-iaoe-bulerluoienfwic.tfcn.tusuha-nendj2odstji.0,n„to0omw$<1ta3n2u1iptwjo,ihlc5liroi:i0l\ircc0vei\.oz-tcte.roetu-.tihlpsoeuetrrrIa,ciohusowaernsae>tnAaaddjaljkmeainpnaepinrwsyo•tp.proroatijlthIali-oetcrree tahGhar2ese0asb0tae7emBneahrehrp_rlirideen^dmgfsitwusoire.nvt,sehtyfsothh.bbeoy'ewTrKnoeelwcal„osny'r,PdCaGelrrdecareinklng.A6esra,io'dnPRaaergprs&ilosatnnrsyo/.&-fAlAa*sncsdoorpcp/iyra.eotpfecassr,aeid,Idnfcrp.rloaomnfc action relative thereto. ARTICLE 25: ARTICLE 19: To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the To see if the Town wil1 vote to amend the Zoning By- Stabilization Fund and from available funds, a sum ofmoney, not to Laws as Allows, or take any other action relative thereto: exceed $600,000, to be used to construct a new Senior Center on l) Delete in its entirety "Section"; 2) Amend Section land deeded to the Town by Sheffield Post Home, Inc on Cook Road to read: "AnY driveway or access road which will service more than behind the American Legion Hall, or take any other action relative one lot wiU be designated a common driveway and shall be designed ano constructed in accordance with the requirements ofthe Rules and thereto - MA Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Sheffield, as ARTICLE 20: To seeiftheTownwillvotetoraiseandappropriate m0st recently amended"; 3) Amend the definition of Public utility or transfer from available funds, $5,000 for commercial personal facility in Section 10 to read: "Public utility facility (not including property tax appraisal consultant services for the Board ofAssessors, generating units and personal wireless service facilities, repeaters and or take any other action relative thereto. towersasdefinedin Section7.1),includingnewutilityrights-of-way,or ARTICLE 21: ToseeiftheTownwillvoteto raiseandappropriate oil gasMoGrLpropane storage tanks in excess of5000 gallons, as provided or transfer from available funds, $28,000 for the purchase ofa four- under ' c ' 40A" §3* wheel drive pickup truck for the Highway Department, or take any ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to amend the other action relative thereto. Zoning By-Laws as follows, or take any other action relative thereto: ArnF11Aea08RtDri1t_roTef1ArTAesC/Cr,a^hLtTltaLnhcipe2otii.2erciro:isspti3o^2tu-oBsatleaoosrfceatstiune.rhedeeriei,id:'GffetJehpJtneeLheine.rrdajstellpinoottL,wusasnwewshwtoirowlilhdjiuaei-rvpceoeuhtneednwjeri.tnlo.1ollt1ilisrea,ejdcqocuri•einpert-li\Me-i/ergbc,tdiieuhbjiical-—cett.jaiffraool^ennrl Aio3fn.df1i.dtc5eh.ste3,h.ebVIuifnsloilltnalphgeoeeswsiCeC~nsoefgmnonmtreeerwrrectsaDiuiialbs-ltesrseDitcicatstbtilroaiinncsthdt,omeCSsneohtcomstprmiopreofirnnm„cg°3oi.ra.c1ele.n5ttD*(heiCrassontrmoi5m.cr0et,)rc»'0:co0im„0apS_*lsle^qceUutxsaieroosenfc coverage thereunder at no cost to a retiree, tihei•r spouse or djependjents., feet &gross noor area rper lot are not rpermitted, be required to enroll in a medicare health benefits supplement plan ARTICLE 27: (SubmittedbyPetition)ToseeiftheTownwillvote offered by theTown. to revise the Town ofSheffield Personnel Policy Manual as follows ARTICLE 23: To seeiftheTownwillvotetoamendtheTown By- Section D - Grievance Procedure Laws by addingthe followingsection to Chapter 52 (Town Meetings), M1. General Policy or take any other action relative thereto: Full,time ^a Regular Part-time employees shall have a right to §52-3. The Moderator shall decide all votes at Town Meeting. If a havg grievances ^d concerns regarding their employment heard two-thirds, four-fifths, or nine-tenths vote is required, the Moderator fa ^ equkable ^d timelv manner. All Full-time and Regular Part- may declare and record the vote as meetingthe requirement,providing tim£ employees shaU be entitled to a prompt written response. When however, that ifa vote so declared is immediately questioned by seven a grievance or concem is found justined, the employee can expect (7) or more voters, the Moderator shall take a counted vote of the necessary actions to be taken to resolve tne grievance. The employee meeting. shall not be penalized in any way for filing a grievance, regardless of ARTICLE 24: To see iftheTown will vote to accept a gift ofland the outcome. from Jeane K. Weinstein and Sydney L. Weinstein, doing business A grjevance is an express violation ofthese Personnel Rules only and acsonTtaaminairnigdagpeprRoexailmtayteCloym.p4a2naycre(s"Dtoontohres"T)o,wancoefrtSahienffipealrdcetloobfe kleapntd a^g^rienvoatncbeetshuabtjedcotetsontohte gcroinecvearnnceapnreoxcperdeusrse,provision ofthese rules and usedexclusively for the purposes ofapublic park in perpetuity for the publicgood. Said parcel is bounded and described as follows: Section h - Discharge Beginning at an iron rod to be set in the southerly sideline ofCovered 2- Dismissal. Dismissals are involuntary discharges or separations Bridge Road, said point being the northwest corner ofthis parcel and from Town service- A11 F"U'»me and Regular Part-time employees thenortheastcornerofremaininglandofTamaridge Realty Company; of the Town shaH be ^rnished with a written notice specifying the Running thence the following three courses along other land of reason for dismissal, and shall have the right to appeal as provided in Tamaridge Realty Company: S-23-58-14-E a distance of 152.86 the grievance section ofthis manual, as well as other rights as detailed feet to an iron rod to be set; said proint bein°g the southwest corner throughout this manual. conta on page 4 SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET Cont'd from page iThat state law limits property tax increases to 2.5 per- than ''choicing in." Each choice out results in a loss ofabout cent per year.) ^Without an override, the town's revenue can - r TOO a year. only increase between 3.5 percent and 4—.5 percent at most," The district's revenues from external sources (mainly says Weitz. "Increase—s of this magnitude more than double state aid) are projected to be $3.95 million, an increase of 5.7 We the rate of inflation are simply unmanageable. can't percent. keep up." To supplement these revenues, the district proposes to The Massachusetts Department of Education, however, contnbute $244,406 to the FY 2005 budget from its "excess may have saved Sheffield from much ofthe increase by and deficiency" reserve account. This contribution is down amending a regulation governing assessments effective Feb. from 5;52.22C last year and will reduce the balance in the 9. *As interpreted by Sheffield's Board of Selectmen, Finance account to a projected $300,000. Committee and town counsel, the new rule says that a differ- ent method ofallocating regional school district assessments How much will Sheffield pay? can be used than that used by the district in the past, one In the proposed budget, total capital and operating that would save Sheffield $321,000 and forestall the need to expenses exceed total revenues by $10.12 million. Sheffield override the levy limit. The school district, however, may and the other four towns in the school district are assessed an be disputing the interpretation. *The Board of Selectmen amount equal to the difference. and Finance Committee spell out their reasoning in a letter The allocation for the capital budget ($821,000) is fairly included on p. 2 with information to be handed out at Town straightforward and not in dispute. The towns' shares are pro- Meeting. portionate to their respective property tax valuations (subject As in other years, Sheffield's share of school costs is by to some minor adjustments). Sheffield's share for FY 2008 is far the largest item in Sheffield's own budget. As proposed by almost $217,002. the school district, it will repres—ent over 70 percent of the FY What's under dispute is the allocation ofthe $9.3 mil- 2008 $7.7 million town budget one ofthe highest ratios in lion operating budget assessment. The district believes Massachusetts. that it should be determined as it has been since 2001, in accordance with what's called the "Alternative Method." Budget proposed by School Committee Sheffield's officials think that the allocation should be made The table on the next page gives an overview of the in accordance with what's called the "Statutory Method." district's proposed budget. Items that are increasing include The difference between the two methods is significant. salaries (4 percent); employee benefits, including health in- The Alternative Method divides the assessment up propor- surance (11 percent); and school bussing (almost 20 percent). tionately in accordance with a 10-year rolling average of For the first time, the district expects t—o pay more under the the number oistudents contributed by the respective towns. school choice program than it receives at least $350,000 This method may have made some sense a decade ago when more. This is a disappointing development given that as the five towns were demographically and economically more recently as P." 2226 this program contributed $260,000 to alike than they are today, but today Sheffield now sends a reven—ues. It reflects a net loss ofstudents to other school dis- much larger number ofstudents to the district's schools, and tricts more children have been "choicing out" ofthe district unlike the method for allocating the capital budget assess- ANNUAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT, Cont'd from page 3 You are also directedto notifyandwarn the inhabitants oftheTown of HereofFail not, and make return ofthis Warrant to the Town Clerk, Sheffield, qualified tovotein Town elections, to meetin theTown Hall wirh your doings thereon, at or before the time ofsaid meeting. AM on Depot Street in Sheffield on Monday, May 14, 2007 at 9:00 then and there to bring in their votes for the election ofthe following Given under our hands and the Seal of the Town of Sheffield this Town twenty-third day ofApril in the year ofour LordTwo Thousand and Officers: Seven. One Moderator for one year One Selectman for three years BOARD OF SELECTMEN": One Library Trustee for three years Two Planning Board members for three years David D. Macv Julie M. Hannum James T. Collingwood, Sr. And to decide on the following question: Shall the Town ofSheffield be allowed to assess an additional S216,911 in real estate and personal In obedience to the within Warrant. I have notified and property taxes for the purposes of funding the Southern Berkshire warned the inhabitants ofthe Town ofSheffield qualified Regional School District Operating Budget allocation utilizing the to vote in Town or State Elections and Primaries by posting alternate assessment method for the fiscal year beginningjuly 1, 2007: seven attested copies ofsaid warrant in seven public places No Yes at least seven days prior to said election. .All ofsaid officers to be voted for on the official ballots furnishedatthe AM polls. The polls will be opened at 9:00 and closed at 7:00 PM. You are directed to serve this \\arrant by posting an attested copy in Attest seven public places in the Town, not less than seven days before the date ofsaid meeting. Town Clerk Constable Date School Budget Article, cont'dfrom page 4. merit, the method takes no account of the towns' and its tax The $321,000 reduction in Sheffield's share of the assess- payers relative ability to pay. Sheffield, which contributes al- ments would have to be made up by Egremont, Monterey and most 55 percent ofthe students, would pay almost 55 percent New Marlborough, none of which would be forced to a Propo- of the operating budget assessment. Sheffield's property tax sition 2 Vi override, as far as Town Administrator Weitz can base is only 27 percent of the total property tax base for all tell. Some in the school district say that there is not enough five towns, and both its tax rate and average tax bill are much time for the other towns to revise their own municipal bud- higher than those of the other four towns. The table appear- gets before their town meetings. Sheffield's officials point out ing on the next page gives the details. that the district was aware of the amendment of the regula- The Statutory Method is more "progressive" in that it tions long before the towns—heard about it and should h—ave takes into account factors that reflect the towns' relative abil- realized its implications for and sought guidance from the ity to pay. Sheffield's share of the operating budget assessment five towns before it finalized and delivered the budget on determined in accordance with the Statutory Method would March 15. be $321,000 less than what it would be under the Alterna- However these arguments are resolved, the schedule for tive Method, and Sheffield's share of the assessment would finalizing the school budget may well be delayed for several increase by 5.2 percent instead of9.6 percent. weeks. The Department of Education's deadline for submit- According to Sheffield's officials and town counsel, the ting the budget is July 1. Department of Education's amended regulations require that In a fact sheet distributed by the school district, the voters in all five towns approve at town meeting the use of district notes that the Boards of Selectmen for the five towns the Alternative Method every year it is to be used. Under have discussed plans to begin talks over the method ofassess- this interpretation, if Sheffield's (or any other town's) town ment to be used in the future. meeting fails to approve the use of the Alternative Method, the Statutory Method has to be used in that year even ifthe Action by voters other towns give their approval. In other words, the Statutory According to town officials, it is up to the voters of Shef- Method is the default formula. field to decide whether the Statutory Method should be used The school district's position seems to be that, under instead ofthe Alternative Method. Voters at the town meet- the regional agreement signed by the five towns in 2001, the ing on May 7 will be asked to vote on these questions: School Committee is authorized to determine which alloca- • Should the district's budget and allocation of the as- tion method is to be used and that the committee voted to sessment using the Alternative Method as proposed—by the use the Alternative Method for FY 2008. The district ap- School Committe—e be approved? If this proposition Article parently believes that the regional agreement overrides the 7 on the warrant is approved, the voters participating in the amended regulations. town election on May 14 will be asked to approve a Proposi- Obviously, changing over to the Statutory Method would tion 2 Vz override in the amount ofabout $221,000. (If the be a good thing for Sheffield and its taxpayers. It would override proposition is defeated, the approval of the budget at significantly reduce the town's share of the FY 2008 operat- the town meeting would be nullified.) ing budget assessment. The town would be about $100,000 • If the first proposition is defeated, should the same under its levy limit, avoiding the difficulties associated with a budget be approved but with Sheffield's assessment for the Proposition 2 Vi override. The relieffor an average Sheffield operating budget reduced to the amount determined using the taxpayer, according to the Town Administrator's would be Stat—utory Formula? This is Article 5 on the warrant. around $170. Peter Rowntree SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS COMPARED Enrollment, tax rates and assessments for the five towns in the SBRSD Student Assessment Assessment Value of Tax rate per Average tax enrollment under under Statutory tax base (in $1000 ('07) bill ('07) percentage Alternative Method millions) Method Alford 5.4% $498,608 $469,294 $194.3 $5.00 $2,632 Egremont 12.8 1,187,506 1,300,545 404.8 6.30 2,640 Monterey 8.7 808,853 879,308 429.6 5.40 2,437 New Marlborough 18.5 1,724,654 1,891,463 508.5 5.68 2,374 Sheffield 54.6 5,081,949 4,760,960 558.0 11.47 3,376 Sources: SBRSD, Sheffield Finance Committee SBRSD Proposed budget FOR THE 2007-2008 SCHOOL YEAR (from the SBRSD FY08 budget fact sheet) General Operating (existing) $ 10,990,888 4.7 percent increase School Choice Tuition (new cost) 350,000 Transportation 887,237 19.5 percent Increase TOTAL OPERATING: $12,228,125 8.8 percent increase Capital Expense $2,142,945 (7.4 percent decrease) TOTAL BUDGET: $ 14,371,070 6.04 percent Increase The Operating budget includes $281,880 additional for salaries, an increase of4.3 percent, and an increase for health insurance of $231,710, up 10.8 percent. In previous years, Sheffield received revenue from School Choice Tuition, when more students "choiced in" than "choiced out." The 19.5 percent increase in Transportation costs reflects a new school bus contract and higher gasoline prices. % Candidates -at- a -Glance Board of Selectmen As a public service, the Sheffield Times provides brief profiles of Term: Three Years—; each of the candidates running for town boards or offices. Candidates: One David Macy; Profiles are in alphabetical order by office, with candidates Seats open: One listed alphabetically.All positions are included regardless of whether the position contested. David Macy is David (Dave) Macy run- is ning unop- Library Trustee — posed for Term: Threeyears; Candidates: One Susan Young; Seats open: One re-election for the Board of Susan Young Midi Selectmen. immensely popular happening each He has served Susan Young is January. We have a growing Southern on the running unop- Berkshire Regional School District Board since 1997. He told the posed for re-elec- Half-Day Program, where the library Times: "I started my Town service in tion as trustee staffprovides activities for District 1977 when I joined the Fire Depart- oi the Bushnell- children while their teachers are hav- ment. The reason I joined is that I felt Sage Library, ing an in-service training session. An- compelled to help people in need. I where she has other key event is our Local Authors' was also raised to believe that there served for 13 Day celebration on the first Saturday are no free rides and you need to pay years. ofNovember each year." back for the freedom we enjoy. Af- Susan has a BA from Vassar and a She noted that there has been "ex- ter serving for 20 years, I retired and Masters of Information Science from traordinary support for the library from was appointed to the Zoning Study SUNY Albany. She and her husband, town officials, the Town Meeting, the Committee, where I served as chair- Tom, have lived in Sheffield since Friends of the Bushnell-Sage Library, man. When the Zoning By-Law was 1968, and their sons attended Shef- and from individual Sheffield residents. passed, I ran for a seat on the Planning field Center School. "As a family, Just look at our increased collection, Board. After a successful campaign we have benefited from living in this circulation and on-line resources and I was voted chairman of the Board community," she says. at the variety ofprograms the library and served as such until I decided to Susan is proud of the way the director has been able to provide, not run for a vacant seat on the Board of library has flourished since she's been to mention the upgrading/renova- Selectmen. I was appointed to fill the a trustee. "In those 13 years, the tion of the landscaping in front of temporary seat until the next election. Bushnell-Sage Library has become the the library. That project was planned At that time I was elected to a three- cultural centerpiece of the Town o{ and completed by "green" businesses year term. Sheffield. It's also the leader among in town and is named "Millie's Gar- "I feel I have the knowledge of the small libraries in South Berkshire den" in honor of Millie Smith, one of town operations and town govern- in gathering trustees and librarians Sheffield's treasures." ment to do an excellent job as a together to search for ways to help She concluded, "To be a trustee Selectman and feel there are many each other, to discuss common library of the Bushnell-Sage Library and to projects I want to see completed in my problems, and to seek ways to stretch help that library grow into an impres- next term, and I will do this with the all ofour budgets. Our Martin Luther sive and active place is an opportunity support of the voters of the Town of King, Jr. Day event, co-sponsored with to make my own contribution to this Sheffield." the Sheffield Historical Society, is an lovely town." . TOWN MEETING—MAY 2007 7, 7PM, HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, MT. EVERETT REGIONAL SCHOOL TOWN ELECTIONS—MAY 14,2007 VOTE 9AM-7PM THE CARLTON FRENCH ROOM.TOWN HALL IN Planning Board Town Moderator — Term: Threeyears; Candidates: Two Dave Smith and Margaret Martin; Term: Oneyear; — Seats open: Two Candidates: One Bruce Person; Seats open: One Margaret Martin Margaret (Mag- housing for the workforce. She is enthu- Bruce Person gie) Martin is siastic about helping to develop"a balance running unop- between providing opportunities for Bruce Person posed for the young people to live and work in Shef- has served as Planning Board. field and protecting the environmental Town Sheffield's She has been beauty," a balance she believes will ensure Moderator for a member of "a healthy thriving community, attractive the last 15 years. the Master Plan for all generations." Born in Me- Implementation riden, CT, Bruce Advisory Committee's Housing Sub- .-^ graduated from D committee since September 2006. She David Smith the University of has also been an active volunteer at the Connecticut at Storrs in 1965 and Tufts Sheffield Senior Center, where she helps David Smith is University School ofDental Medicine in with activities and events. Last year Mag- running unop- 1969. He came to Sheffield in 1971 after gie developed a database for the Senior posed for the serving in the Air Force for two years and Center that is used to track volunteer Planning Board. has lived here ever since. He practiced time and contributions, important infor- Since his dentistry in Great Barrington for 32 mation for obtaining grants. semi-retirement, years and is now retired. He has two Born in South Bend, IN, and growing David has be- adult sons and three grandchildren. up in New Canaan, CT, Maggie gradu- come increasingly He is a registered Republican. Bruce ated from New Canaan High School in involved in town is also Town Constable, a former chair- 1972 and attended St. Mary's ofNotre organizations. For the past five years man ofthe Southern Berkshire Regional Dame and University ofColorado in he has been active in the Kiwanis Club, School District School Committee and Boulder, majoring in sociology. Before where he is in charge ofthe food trailer. Trustee ofBerkshire School. He is also moving to Sheffield, she lived in Stam- Through the Club, he cooks at Break- very involved with the Great Barrington ford, CT, where she raised two daughters ing Bread, a food kitchen in Great Rotary Club and was chairman oftheir and a son, now in their 20s and living Barrington, every seven or eight weeks. Scholarship Assistance Fund. independently. She and her husband, For the past four years he has served as Bruce looks forward to the Town's Peter, bought their home on County co-chair ofSheffield in Celebration. He is Annual Meeting. He attempts to moder- Rd. in 1998,just one week after their secretary ofthe new Agricultural Com- ate it"in a non-confrontational way," first visit to Sheffield. InJuly 2005, they mission, a state-supported committee respecting all opinions. "It is my aim," he moved here full time with their two dogs, that helps local farmers. He served on the said,"that everyone goes home friends." Molly and Cody. Since then, Maggie has Economic Development Subcommittee been studying database development at for the Master Plan. As secretary ofthe Berkshire Community College. She has Senior Center Building Committee, he finished the intermediate level and plans recently presented their plan and budget David Smith, Sr.profile, cont'd. to take classes at the advanced level. to the town finance committee. Maggie currendy works in sales at David was born in New Milford, Roy Funeral Home and helping Dolby's Cypress Apparel in Great Barrington. NJ. He graduated from Lakemont Acad- Florists with deliveries during holiday Past business experience includes owner- emy in New York State in 1954 and then seasons. ship oftwo restaurants in Long Island, attended Agricultural School at Cornell Because he is semi-retired, David NY, partnership at a Connecticut-based for 1 V2 years. For 40 years he worked in feels he now has time to give back to the executive search firm, and proprietor- management in the graphic arts industry. community. He says,"Ifyou want to see ship ofher own executive search firm. In 1966 he moved to Great Barrington things changed, you have to get involved." Maggie's hobbies include gardening, and in 1970 he married Diane West from He feels his background and skills will photography, swimming, yoga and read- Sheffield. They lived in a number ofdif- benefit the Planning Board, and he is ing. Maggie enjoys people and she likes ferent places until they returned to settle looking forward to working with the to learn new things. permanently in Sheffield in 1996, to live other members. David wants"to make "IfI am elected to the Planning near Diane's family. David have five adult Sheffield a destination instead ofa pass- Board, I will be learning as I go," she says. children and 10 grandchildren. through"and he feels"the town is ready She is eager to study the zoning by-laws From 1996 to 2003 David owned to make some changes." In particular, he and laws related to the protection ofthe Wildflowers, a florist shop in Great Bar- would like to see more sidewalks, public environment and to learn from the expe- rington. After selling that business, he restrooms, a small visitors' center and riences ofsurrounding towns. She wants worked part time for two years at Sears more restaurants. Without changing the to help young people stay in Sheffield, for his son, David Smith,Jr. David now character ofthe town, he would like to and she is concerned about affordable works part time parking cars at Birches- see more help to local businesses. 7 TOWN MEETING—MAY Nonprofit org. 7,2007 U.S. Postage 7PM, HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, MT. EVERETT REGIONAL SCHOOL PAID MA Sheffield, TOWN ELECTIONS—MAY Permit Number 2 14,2007 VOTE 9AM-7PM IN THE CARLTON FRENCH ROOM,TOWN HALL & MA Community Newsletter for Sheffield Ashley Falls, Issue Editors: Kathy Orlando &. Andrea Scott; Library Editor: Peter Rowntree; Sheffield & TIMES Advertising Sales: Tara White; Distribution: Inez Flinn. Staff: Sandy Dale Alden, & Rae Eastman, Fred Gordon, Gillian Hettinger, Ellen Peter Rowntree, Judy Schumer, Ellen Weiss, Barbara West, John Wightman MA Published by: The SheffieldAssociation, P.O. Box 1339, Sheffield, 01257 PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHEFFIELD TIMES! / want to support the SheffieldTimes! Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation of ., made payable to the Sheffield Association, PO Box 1339, Sheffield, MA 01257 Name: (as you would like it to appear in acknowledgments) Address: (where you would like the SheffieldTimes sent) [J I'd like my contribution to remain anonymous LI I'd like to get more involved with the SheffieldTimes D I am particularly interested in or have experience with The Sheffield Times is provided free ofcharge at public distribution sites throughout Sheffield and Ashley Falls. Everyone who makes a donation will receive a copy by mail, so please note on this form ifyou do not want it sent to you and we won't add to your recycling pile! Donations are tax-deductible through a partnership with BerkshireTaconic Community Foundation. This special supplement has been mailed to all addresses—in Town by the Sheffield Association please excuse duplications. Sheffield TIMES POSTAL PATRON Community Newsletter for & MA Sheffield Ashley Falls, P.O. Box 1339 MA Sheffield, 01257 [email protected]

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